Christchurch United FC v Selwyn United FC | Southern League 2024

Published: Aug 16, 2024 Duration: 02:06:12 Category: Sports

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for spe spe spe good afternoon and welcome on a bit of a cold day here United Sports Center for our coverage of round 16 of the Souther leag season as Crush United in the blue host s United in the white crushing Net's team there's one change to last week's team against Coastal Spirits with midfielder Tio pulling out with a knee injury Zack benett replaces him starting lineup number one Steven Van djk number four Caleb the gr green number five Travis Graham six Riley Grover nine Matthew braer 11 David U 12 Zack Bennett 15 Joel Stevens 19 Joel Peterson 20 Daniel M and 23 Jackson Cole on the bench we've got number 13 Conor kwell number two Rico praan number 17 Brendan coplin 21 Tyler Hornsby and 22 Alden sui soit is 11 number one brima number two gai number three jerkovich number four allot number 10 eday number 11 Van Wick number 12 grosen number 13 Lang number 16 Luke mcki and number 17 Scott mcki substitutes number eight Jamie caradus number nine cotton number 14 Stewart 15 Wilson 18 Meyers and number 20 Watson teams in their huddles now getting their final words in for a big game for both teams Crush United currently level on points with Coastal Spirit but a hit on goal scored level on goal difference as well s United currently one point ahead of University of Canterbury will feel a point or a win here would be very valuable to keep this spot in eighth currently a little bit far off from den and City Royals so it looks unlikely that they can catch them at this point about to kick off here CR United playing from right to left s United from left to right referee is going to get started here and we're off here at United Sports Center Jason Cole wins it looks play to main it's cut out Ed fighting for the ball throw into s United fasty start here K deals with it Travis grah back to Steven Van djk takes his time finds Caleb the grp green David U comes and collects it very versatile player David U started off the season as a right winger and is since played as number eight and a number six in the Midfield scoring plenty of goals there Crush United second top scorer in the southern League behind Joel Stevens here is Joel sens Captain back to Cale the gr green looking the play out here Travis Graham good play here from Crush United here's Zack Bennis decent ball through to Matt braer bit of a tussle here it will be a foul committed by soit Defender P to grp green back to vany are looking to play out from the back as per usual lovely ball there from vanik out to Jackson Cole had a very impressive performance at coting Spirits Crush noted one one nil away from home a massive game that's put them now level one points as they fight for that National League qualification although both teams are still in with a chance of winning the league if cashmere technical do mess up in the next two matches before Crush United do face Casmir technical on the final day of the season it's back to Van djk un will take their time in the build up go looks for the long ball Joel Pon makes the run but it's blocked out well by the captain braer he found Daniel M back from Joe Peterson keeps it well oh a bit of a risky pass Ry gr can he mop it up he can't it's Lang here with the ball Lang drops it off to it ball in C the good green takes a touch plays it back to Van djk there really Keen to play out from the back even in really risky areas just like that M tries to keep it in but will be a throw s United good strong start from s United who definitely are The Underdogs coming into this game currently eighth place crushed in second good composure there from Travis Graham he plays it back to De gr green brings it forward and plays it out to Zack Bennett not a natural left back Zack Bennett but he has shown his versatility since coming back from injury this season struggled with injury ball through from Cale de gr green into David u in a familiar wide position and that's cleared far away out for a throw in Zack Bennett takes the throw and as I said he's very versatile player usually holding midfielder during his youth football but this season for the first team has mostly played as a fullback since he's come back in the last month or so from injury right back and left back for the first time today here is Zack Bennett back to the group Green who's had a lot of so far Grover play out to David U stayed out wide he's played through Joel Stevens here Stevens puts it across it's well kept by [Applause] Bima first time press have really gotten forward and made a chance but oh here's a a chance they press them here it's David Yu oh he hits it over the bars a really good chance well pressed by David U and met braer bit sloppy from s United in the backline a big chance missed there from David udes rare to see a bit of a lack of composure from him there potentially starting to feel a little bit of the pressure on the team in second place keep's going to kick it along at the goal kick G to come to Zack Bennett takes it down well finds Joel Stevens back to Bennett just about keeps it in but gives it right back to S Zack does well here's Travis Graham oh very composed from Travis GR in there braer unreal Play here's David U over to Jackson Cole bit of a dodgy touch he chips it in though he does very well unlucky Trevor scam going to have a oh has some strike from Travis gr yet to score since he moved to Christ Church United from South Africa just a few months ago in the transfer window very very talented player played in the South African professional leagues his composure so far has been very good and very well struck there from Travis Graham unlucky not to see that hit the back of the net very short this time so when United from the goal kick he will go long straight away from there Yu with a good touch looks to find Jo Stevens intercepted there by gai Travis game wins it back he's going to keep it in out on the left hand side he's going to find Joel Stevens David making the Run behind here he's got braer in the middle Matt braer couldn't find Stevens working to win it back here the counter press from Crush very effective Zack Bennett staying tight here to his Winger well done from braer WS it back really hard working there strong counter press so many of crush players must be almost nine players on the left hand side there trying to win the ball back very impressive counter press all committed to it not giving s United any space or time to make a [Music] pass Graham gr green Under Pressure finds van dijke [Music] the good green making the move from Crusher from Den City Royals last season it's been a main stay in the team when he has been fit has been fit for most of the [Music] season one by Benn [Music] grah gets it back in here a chance for CR to get forward David finds Joel Stevens G getting back to defend him Stevens runs at him comes inside has it go is a away with attempt there by Joel Stevens but good play overall from chis United looking more and more threatening as the game goes on Joel Stevens of course the former all wise and when Phoenix WID man has 15 goals to his name captain at CR United it's only three goals off of cashmere technicals Garin Coughlin at 18 goals as I said before s United sing in eighth place crash unit in second because K United are facing a better on go difference as Coastal Spirit they may fancy today as a chance to put up the goal difference not just a win of course the win is vital and important they may feel like it's a time and a chance to knock up that goal difference against a team who has struggled defensively this season here is Graham Under Pressure but he finds braer who's dropped inside Daniel man's got a bit of space finds Cole Cole finds braer has a shot and Cole has a it as well it's wide again but once again crer getting a shot off every few minutes now it seems they're getting those chances it's just a matter a time it seems that one might go in the back of the net but at the moment some United will be happy the previous picture of course was a 5-1 win to crush United a game where Crush United had someone sent off fairly early the game Daniel M after they had already gone two up Crush still stayed on top for most of the game and rer with a very very good Crossfield pass to Joel Stevens he cuts inside again finds D pulls it back for Stevens oh went through a few players there keep did well to hold on to it big kick from The Keeper peton deals at the well finds Daniel man who's got a bit of space and time to take it down finds Graham to gr green back to Graham find Steven with a good ball David you and Jo Stevens really causing some problems on this left hand side for S United it's a lovely ball here's braer couldn't keep it inside the Box he's managed to keep it in just about he's got Stevens with him he's went very wide Zack Bennett pushes forward David U trying a little bit of trickery there but couldn't get it past s United here is Zack Bennett well won back again from croch United here is David U running at the defense who's found Joel Stevens Stevens oh off the post good save at the front post from The Keeper the pressure is really ping on here for S United crash United really putting the pressure on shots on target head it over to gr green but comfortably taken by Van dijk van dijk has played in every Southern League match this season in a crucial part of their team [Music] the Dutch goalkeeper has played in the low leagues in the Netherlands also the period in Iceland it's a lovely ball and braia first CR at un outed ahead lovely ball from Joel Stevens crash shag Take the Lead they've been putting the pressure on and Matt braer who scored a brace against them in the reverse fure scores the opener here be very pleased with that one after the last time VI didn't manage to score in the the big win against N20 11 n he feel he redeemed himself there with a very nice strikker finish at the near post one k United the flares have gone off in the pic supporting stand from Cross United lovely atmosphere at United Sports Center one nil [Music] now just over 11 minutes on the clock United put a lot of pressure on in these early moments you feel that they keep up this pressure they're Destin for a few [Music] more kado of course winning one- nil away at Coastal spirit with a goal from Brendan copin who's on the bench today despite not scoring in that game Matthew braer came away with the game a very high high performance holding the ball up very well play for the team very well the keepers struggled to clear that came right to Joel Stevens he's going to look for David U but the keeper has redeemed himself fallen on the ball there well done well keeping s United two top scorers both on four goals compared to Joel Stevens for Crush unit with 15 haven't been a high scoring team this season so United Jamie kedis and Liam colan both on four Liam colan not in the squad today David U takes it off C the group Green in the backline he's going to look for braia looked offside and he is offside he made the run just a bit too early lovely finish it won't count unfortunately for [Music] him just under 14 minutes gone here I think Ryan Edwards the coach for GR will be very happy with his team performance so far despite uh slightly shaky first couple minutes with s United put a little bit of pressure on Crash have sent been Dom Stevens that's all turn and S away he's got Bennett with him will be a throw despite complaints from someone United to K United Z Ben to take rer with a battle there with the center half Bennett nice idea from Bennett off the outside of the foot pass but just a bit too much on it for David U to get on to he Bennett does well there to find Joel Peterson under pressure he's going to give it back to Van di can get back into a wide position from right back Grover who's another player who has shown his real versatility this season settled off the season as a number six in defensive Midfield but the last month or so he's played a lot of games right across the backline center back right back and then left back against Coastal Spirit today he's in the right side of Center half position young lad and still a pretty important fixture in the team that won the Triple last season wouldn't really realize how he is [Music] but does well there and so9 do get forward launch a ball into the box and Stevens launches up to Matt braer to fight for well headed away B to clear it up we HD It Away by Scott Mai here is y he's got some space now he's got Joel Stevens ahead of him and thatt braer making a run on the inside goes for Stevens and G gets a bit of a block on it Graham finds Daniel man who's got a bit of space it's a foul there from groser man does well free kick for chis United imagine Joel Stevens will be on this one who did hit the woodwork against Coastal Spirit from a free kick around this area we fancy his chances has scored three kicks this season one in the chadam cup round against Nomads and another believe against UC at home Stevens and you just discussing what they're going to do here does look like Stevens is going to be the man who's going to take it the captain this Stevens hits the wall and keep takes it comfortably he's going to look to launch it long straight away put some pressure on the crush United backline Pearson going for it against Lang and it will be a go kick PE does well under the pression from Lang get started quickly here across United David [Music] [Music] chance here for David U Got It from braer David U on his left foot well stopped by [Music] Burman Crush N teite only scoring one so far do really seem to be honest to of the link up play they may feel at this point though that they should be more than one up considering the pressure they have put on the S United [Music] backline go back to a foul here for S9 a free kick player falling into head coach Ryan Edwards causing a bit of a bit of a scle [Music] [Music] free kick will have to be taken again before he hadn't blown speci yet for the free kick [Music] I think some United's coach despite the pressure may feel that one nil at this point in the game isn't too bad of a score line considering the pressure that cross United have put them under 1 nil is a score line that they can still definitely they're still in the game absolutely so I think their coach will be fairly happy how things are going so far free kick doesn't get anywhere near so player goes right out for a goal kick for vanik to take Sim as I said has played every game this season haven't exactly had an ideal backup as fren Watts who was the goalkeeper here made his move to cashmir technical in the transfer window and currently their backup goalkeeper is Conor Coswell who is the goalkeeping coach is a very good goalkeeper in his own right cross does not make it into the box goes right over out for a goal kick the grp green will bring it out find Stevens out to Breer he's got Zack Bennett with him in an inside back position here Stevens stens looks for the ball it's a lovely ball across to Jackson Cole couldn't take it down well he's got Joel Peterson on the down the left run he take his time though he's found Daniel M David [Music] U well Marshal there from s United David U again Jackson Cole couldn't find David U again they go for the counter press Cale the G to Stevens again Daniel M under a bit of pressure finds Jackson Cole Jackson Cole just puts it wide he found a bit of space did very well to get the shot off it's Put It Wide of the left corner some loud support here from the crashes n supporters Club as s Defender gets up suffered a bit of a blow there I think defending Jackson Cole's shot will take the goal kick going long again up towards zck Bennett C the gr green will head it away bit of a bounce around the grou green couldn't take the touch but Grover will knock it away main will battle for it so Will Cole here's David U finds Bennett in a bit of space chance for him to drive here he's got braer on his right Stevens on his left just got caught two mines there [Music] Bennett both players other side of them in good positions couldn't decide on either one was a lovely skill from braia back to Daniel M who SK it Over the Bar M scored twice in their last home picture against fc20 three goals the southern League season he feel that was a good chance for him to put it away and despite the three goals of season not a terrible Telly for a midfielder at all he has a real neck of getting into the right position to score he may feel at times of season that he could have had a bigger goal Telly United still looking dangerous though lovely link up play there from Matt braer I think it's a bit of an underrated part of his game he's often talked about his goal scoring and his physicality but someone of his size to have the link up play that he does is very impressive now here's David U can he put it across goal oh very well defended Alice with the block to put it out for a [Music] corner Stevens will take the gr green and Grover come up for the corner Peterson and Zack Bennett will stay behind St puts it in low Ra was running onto it GRE green keeps it up and there's Travis Graham oh with an spectacular overhead attempt just couldn't get the right connection on it well blocked the ball's been kicked up quickly Joel Peterson has done enough to put pressure on Edie for S United back to Van djk who also out to the good green a dangerous ball there from Stevens at the front post braer initially going for it and bounced around a little bit got to cab to gr green who is a real threat in the Box he scored three goals this season from Center back two in the southern League one in the English cup quarterfinal against fa me Bay at English Park the Voli attempt was very impressive finish that day shown an attitude to get in the box and score goals always valuable in a team fighting at the top of the table to have a Defender who can contribute two goals C green has proven to be of value in that regard for CR United Charles Graham here winning it back that's Grover here is David U Down the left hand side again David constantly making those runs from Midfield when Joel Steven takes a touch taking that lift inside slot Jo Stevens comes inside here lovely little play from David U and Joe Stevens David U finds braer Well defended from Scott Mai keeper CES the goal kick but it will be another [Music] Corner get out to keep three players back instead of two Riley Grover will come forward will be Peterson and Zack benett again to defend the one man up top for S United Stevens is going to put this in to the near post again drops to David U puts it on his chest couldn't control it brings it back to Peterson play by Peterson is's going to find Daniel man and space got David you with him you on to his left foot look for the pass to braer blocked off braer has it now finds Stevens oneon-one with grath Stevens oh keeper just about got it away couldn't catch it maybe he feels like he should have kept that in his grasp but he couldn't do it back out to to Peterson gr Jackson Cole gets it back from the grp green the ball for braer and Defender stays tight to him didn't give him the space cleared up again Zack Bennett misses the header 27 minutes gone almost Sports Center still one nil T will feel that need to score a few more goals here with Coastal Spirit of course they level on go difference with Coastal spis [Music] and they do have a chance to face fc2 before the season ends and fc2 have struggled defensively this season as said previously crashes not have been them 11 nil in their last home match so this is really Crush potentially their last time to really focus on adding goals to their gold Defence heli they Face Nelson suburbs away next Sunday and of course that massive game against Casmir technical the league leaders currently on September 1st here is braer dropping very deep something he it's a bit of a trait of his met braer often comes deep for the ball [Music] wants to get on the ball get some touches generally quite unusual for for a big Striker like himself but he he is very capable with his link up play for a big lad here is Stevens finds you again they have a telepathic connection here and the braia almost very similar goal to the first one this time is blocked by S United another corner from this left hand side for Jo Stevens to weapon really be looking to get it past that first man still been dangerous crosses from Joel Stevens but he'll feel just want to get ahead of those two players ding up the front post Jason Cole standing on the keeper there giving him a little bit of trouble Daniel May I'm in Graham brazer K the good green and Jackson Cole all Runners into the box David U at the back post referee's just been speaking to the linesman about something will be the corner taken now Stevens to whip it in bit deeper this time onto the grp green and Main was there swung at it but just couldn't get the connection the group Green as we' seen previously for crash out of being a real threat there not enough power to get it past and Maine had a really good chance to smack it in from close range but just miss this fire to best and there's a good chance here for to didn't look like Jo st's going to deal with it for a second but go goalkeeper Steven vanik did deal with it in the end as it bounced back into the box you sens couldn't sh that down with his chest there will be a s United throw gra cros back to B and the goal kick missfire completely after a throw in Jo Stevens takes it quickly here's Graham on the left hand side Stevens finds David U braer next to him he's not in the Box because braer has came out wide gr will take it down here he got John Peterson to his right we find Graham Grant has proven to be a real asset since he assigned over a few months ago despite being injured quite early on was time here it's a good ball from Jackson Cole David U drops it down for Stevens oh he hits the bar what a strike that was very unlucky to hit the woodwork once again it's now three times he's hit the woodwork in the last two matches we feel like that goal is coming been such a thorn in that s United backline today really struggling to deal with him can see the quality he has you can see why he was a former allh former Phoenix player playing in other top leagues in Europe here is David U running at the defense they're backing off but they do win it off him maybe a bit too much there from you main to Stevens pulled back for a moment grosman trying to stick to him it's a fantastic ball and it will squeeze it and David you with the header Stevens proving to be a real problem on that left hand side and David U with a really strong header at the back post keeper almost kept it out bar will feel hard done by there that he hasn't managed to keep it out be a bit frustrated but was a really good header from David U low down very hard to stop when the header bounces before going towards the goal and you after a very strong middle of the season for for goal scoring hasn't scored for a while is back on the score sheet he's been a real problem for S as well Joel Stevens and David U that link up has been almost telepathic so far you know do get a deserved goal put a lot of pressure on that backline and Travis Graham has plenty of space to run into he's got Cole on the inside he plays it just a bit too far Bara will clear there too much space here currently for crash n's Midfield Travis Graham turning from his own half and no one with him had the freedom of the pitch to play through Jackson Cole we feel a little bit frustrated that he didn't make that chance worthwhile but need to get a bit closer to him even though it's very difficult Travis Graham is very elusive gets away from his midfielders but get tigh to him here is s United playing out from the back gra looking for grer has found its way to Luke McKai he will find his Center half who knocks it forward for Lang to fight for see V will be out of his box since that first period of the game s have really struggled to really threaten Crush n's defense been fairly comfortable for Grover D green van dijk and net looking for that chip ball over to braer Van dijk braer almost keeps it up it's well well HED by Scott Mai here is Luke Mai out on the right hand side to Ed Ed turns away from Graham does very well the good green put a challenge in it's a shot for it's comfortably into the hands of endyke shot on target though believe that is their first shot on target so far still United cover brings it Forward braer drops deep again give him a push but here is David U Jackson Cole trying to keep on side did look like he may have straight off but it's not going a matter we go out for a goal kick Travis game has been so strong today played at Center back against Coastal spis is back in Midfield after Tio who also had a very good game in central Midfield is out again with a knee injury really struggled for Fitness this season and he just came back few weeks ago here is braer Daniel Maine M gets a shot off b t in the end a lot of players around [Music] [Music] him as I said Travis Graham has played in the South African leagues made his move to crush halfway through the season it's been a real asset to Ryan Edward Side Up Grover takes a touch knocks It Forward looks like he has managed to keep it in bra is going to fight for it and almost found Daniel main but was intercepted well by allet Dav you putting the pressure on here keeper going to be forc to clear ball up for Joel Peterson who hits it back for Alice Mai Stevens Peterson with a high challenge there but referee carries play on and well challenged by Grover on the Van Wick bur it forward for a moment P maai Jackson Cole for braer on the right flank and is found almost found cold again and challenge in from M on Graham Graham will play it out to Zack Bennett he's going to look back for K green not a natural LIF for Zack B playing out of position today I said previously maybe not a run he fence he's making too often on his left foot on the overlap Travis Graham getting forward and a unusual position for him there's a bit of freedom for this Midfield today the dominance they're showing here's David U finds Stevens in a bit of space coming up against gra Stevens has on his left Joel Peterson for Jackson Cole David us there for the cut back he's going to go on his own it's well stopped by BMA Lang couldn't get past Z Bennett Jack some cole there [Music] [Music] David U lovely play oh Big Challenge in there David U goes down not many complaints from K sharded Carry [Music] On David U see with strapping to his knee here as had injury midseason which requires that strapping he's carrying on he's a very key player in this team braer back to Stevens braer David you in front of him and bit of away with pass and prer it will go out for a goal kick for S United there's a cold day here at United Sports Center under 20s for crash United play H United first team just before this 51 defeat for them United will the under 20s will really just be focusing on staying in the league rather than fighting for it that's a clear foul on Joel Stevens who is running in on goal and it's certain yellow card complaints from gra were limited very intentional pullback as Joel Stevens probably wasn't going to get there but clear intent in that foul definite yellow car the referee shows him at there David U standing over the free kick looks like he will take it short but ball in for braia Zack Bennett finding himself in the box back to Stevens Daniel M finds braer good chance for him drops it back to David Yu cut back back for Maine he smashes it over the bar really didn't need to power that had so much time clearly Keen to knock his fourth goal of sou League season but another chance remain another chance for United despite being Tun Up here they'll feel they should have scored more re blocks it off and John Stevens can bring It Forward he's got Cole sprinting ahead of him Scott Makai back to [Music] BMA out four thr in Travis Graham will take it David U Back to Graham and the pressure from Van Wick there Graham and Stevens has found Jackson cole looks to pull it back was that a handall no will be a corner though despite complaints from s United David you to take this one on his left foot devilish left foot David uh has used his head for that goal to make it 2-n scored an absolutely incredible team goal ended in a volley from David U to make it 51 at s United in the previous reverse fixture he's going to whip it in here to the near post is H it away Riley gr keeps it in there braer to group Green on the end of it again here it goes for S United here has a chance for Lang Ed just couldn't control it there Zack benis we'll take it to grp Green sck close to him and defended him well Stevens often drops into the left back slot which allows usually David U to come into that position CR play such a fluid game currently the right back is Joel Ste Joel Peterson is the right back and he's came out the left wing here and have a player downal staer coming on the pitch it looks like may have taken a hit here just a few minutes away from halim here's Ed down s unit's number 10 crush United here taking a chance to have a bit of a talk Hur up Jo Stevens the captain talking David comes comes in here I feel the talk the conversation likely be very positive they're playing very well here cross United I just feel like just that final pass that final shot just needs to be a little bit more clinical as I said today they'll feel like there is a chance to increase that goal difference and they fight for a national league position with with C Spirit m we'll take it short here here's Travis Graham David you on the left for now and this seem to be okay here is you he's got bra on his right Stevens on his left braer looks for benis David U Zack Bennis Daniel M has a good shot again another shot from Main this time fairly comfortable for the keeper I said he just SE to find those positions Daniel m to get shot off wouldn't be surprised if the stats man would tell us that he's had the most shots of the Season he always finds himself in the right position to take a shot on Daniel M you the keny product here at crushit United United have had 10 players playing in the southern League from their Youth Academy this season very impressive number almost all of them under 20 years of age currently on the pit Zack Bennet Daniel M Jackson Cole all players they have come through the academy system here at United to dodgy clearance back to Burma who's going to have to hit it away not convincingly Lang he's got it back to gra Travis Graham with a fantastic Challenge and he finds Joel Stevens he's got a bit of space to have a shot is that the the one once again couldn't get us either side of him not convincing defending at all there from s United Bria considering the situation did okay to get it away once again the crush United counter race is so quick so fast so organized here is main finds Cole got a bit of time to find a ball into the box he's going to fight David U again it's well headed away from grave Stevens's up cleared away but not very far out to braia Zack Bennett goes over him good battle with Lang well one back by Zack Bennett who's going to bring it down the line then well back by Lang really good battle there between Bennett and Lang on that left hand side and back to Joel Stevens good turn from youu he's got braer with him he's gonna have a shot well blocked just taking a while to get this shot off here Kash getting him to the position maybe taking just a little a little bit too long St tried to find braer Travis Graham bouncing around there cleared Away by Mai Gren here is Stevens roll it out to the good green who hasn't touched much of the ball Ste Steven vanik hasn't touched much of the ball the last 5 10 minutes Bennett Grover Peterson comes inside from right back and here is youu stev calls for the board he's got a lot of space out here on the left hand side he's got B behind him and to cut inside once again he's found David U with a lovely reverse pass is well defended five that link up again from Joel Stevens and David U proving dangerous for the boys in blue pass the 45 minute minute 45 minute Mark now any minute free w blows whistle maybe a final chance to get the ball in veryy low and it's hit for David U Got It Over the Bar cever little F piece there from Joel Stevens once again linking up with David U it's been something that United have tried few times this season that low ball from Joel Stevens across to the 18 y box and has yet to bit too effective but they may have scored from a similar situation G UCC at home but memory might be failing me here is Joel Stevens trying to get behind didn't have the pace to get to that ball has Gra just about keeps it in tries to go past braer does win a throw in looks like yes from s United referee checks what the last Co was benett close to him be a throw in here for CHR Church United the good green braer Stevens to you Jo Stevens under pressure from maai takes his time to make his decision finds Graham to [Applause] braer chance for to get the forward no won't be it is halim here at unit Sport Center CR un run back to the chaining rooms it's currently two new to the home side catch you for the second half soon e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for all right we're coming back here to the second half Crush United players slowly walking out game that Crush United really dominated may feel that 2-n doesn't really reflect the score line they will feel that today has a chance to boost up the goal telly what United two kick off the second half so United players make their way out a little bit later than some of the crush United players but only half of the home side are out so far bra to the start for CR United as Graham Grover and Cole make it out to the left hand side of the pitch PR to kick off refere checking the keepers are all ready Steven Van djk and Burma for SN United bra kicked us off back to Graham and straight to David u s United will be I think fairly happy with the low score line so far considering the pressure United and blue have put under here's Peters back to Riley Grover back to Peterson right back to the keeper Steven Van djk P's a lovely ball down the left hand side for Joel Stevens right at the start of this first half to put some pressure on back to David youu here is Maine with another effort probably as closest yet didn't hit it with much venom but with accuracy to the bottom left bottom right hand corner BMA take it fairly comfortably in the end was didn't look like an easy save but did manage to get down there on time due to the weak strike really from Main there's Peterson momentarily at Center back as Grover moves out to a right back position high up the pitch no other changes so far and the starting 11 from United doesn't look like any changes from United [Music] either here's main back to J Stevens one back by Maine here is Jackson Cole look to flick it on and braia has a chance in behind here Matthew braer on his right foot oh a lovely save but can Grover get there he can [Applause] Riley Grover placing it in Matt braia almost scoring himself lovely save from BMA but it is Riley Grover who was there on his toes to tap home to make it 3-0 great start to the second half from CH United Ry gr with a rare goal from right back there seems to have switch positions with Joe Peterson at halim maybe momentarily we'll see very soon but did very well to be honest toes there and finished very well on his we of first does look like gr has moved back into Center half but he did have a chance there to momentarily move forward and took his chance very well to make it 3-0 early on in that second half it's not the ideal start from sard here for the second 45 and the pressure straight away from Jackson Cole there on the kickoff Joe Peterson heads it up to Daniel main a strong challenge elbow up there from Daniel M but referee will stop it there don't think the referee really saw that challenge but back and forth there from the fans and S United play it will be a drop ball now will be crushing n's ball as they did have the ball and the play was stopped Kover finds to go green not the best of touches but David U cleans up the mess Zack Bennett back to the group Green under pressure again will go back to Van dijk Jackson Cole in a lot of space and Van djk almost caught in possession there just about get it away CH United Travis Graham looks for braia and with the pressure that United had put on there was some space there for K to attack Jackson Cole just couldn't control it the pass just a little bit behind him from braer well contested from Tris Graham one off goer green had a bit of a shaky start there to the second half but has a bit of space now to find Zack Ben's left up from bik playing around with it there not the best to touches from maai and Joel Stevens can look for Jackson Cole who's in behind oh what a strike and the keeper just about kept it out lovely strike from Jackson Cole on the bounce BMA looked like it may have just gotten past him despite the stop but managed to get back get it back in his hands clear it away two no one unfortunately for them back to the group Green who's had a lot of the ball in this match David U with a a little bit of skill to get away from his man Crossfield pass that look like it was intended for Jackson Cole but just a bit too far for the 18-year old Winger one of the Youth Academy graduates playing in the starting 11 today for Kit United on the bench Rico praan another kenry graduate was away a few weeks ago with the New Zealand under 19s winning the ofc Nations Cup Final great moment for him and for the Youth System in New Zealand play a lot of games and played a lot of minutes this season Rico praon potentially unexpectedly due to bit of an injury crisis at the back line especially at the start of the season one of crush signings Adam huskic International signing has been out all season with a knee injury Rico praan really took his chance when he was given the start at the start of the Season against noad and here is Joel Stevens who maned to get away from a few players here is mat braer to Daniel M just stretching to get get there looking to find that ball through to Cole who found his way into the middle of the pitch U putting on the pressure there and Burma with an unconvincing clearance it goes straight to sa Stevens you grah to U strong here under pressure from goser looks for the nutmeg and goer does well to keep his leg shut there here's Bennett to you leaves it for Stevens to Daniel M find some space for a shot maybe now finds benett out on the left grahe to U looking for that flick on to Maine and cleared Away by goer second half started very similar to how the second half the first half ended with Crush United very much dominant soit struggling to get out of their half oh lovely little bit of play there m braer was taken down after a lovely ball from David U and it will be a penalty Matthew braer very good play burst of pace there looks like Joel Stevens the captain will be taking it of course Matt braer did miss a penalty against fc20 which was then retaken just moving off his line and Joel Stevens converted that one braia missed a second chance at the spot in that match as well Joel Stevens has scored all of his penalties so far this season he been confident from the spot Captain juty here up against barer Stevens clinically puts it home in the bottom right corner 4-0 a really strong start to the second half coard real intent to push up that go t i they fight for that national league position with Coastal Spirit his game has been postponed today set to play den City Royals the other Rivals for the National League qualification and Southern League title cashmir technical tun0 up at halim against nads no Med United who did cause some problems for CH United knocking them out in the F the the chadam cup third round 3-2 win with Flynn holdom scoring two and suddenly fixture at tet Park crash got their revenge in a two1 Victory Jackson Cole and Brendan Copan with the goals Brendan Copan of course the match winner against Coastal Spirits a lovely finish the American Ford is strug off a game time this season but when he has had his moments his chances he has came up with some very crucial goals as I said that game against Nomad some very crucial goal and then lovely finish at lynfield Park last Sunday Joel Peterson bit of time to find a ball for Jackson Cole but swings wide out for a throw in R forward good little bit of Play here's Lang well Challenge from Joel Joel Peterson Stevens looks for cole looks to play it inside the defender but intercepted by S United and cleared away well done by Zack B on his left foot there Joel Stevens coming inside once again Graham to you vnis takes it up the left hand side and finds braer you left it dummy that he's tried a few times in this match some have worked some haven't in that time Wass the ler didn't really pick up on it until two days chance for BMA to take some pressure off the 7 defense and clear it with this go kick it's been a real on slau in this second half from Crushers United not really letting up at all it's been a bit of a team talk from Ryan Edwards at halime really pushing them to give it the RO and push that goal tally up in a game where it feels very vital for them to do that with Co spr still to set set to play final placed FC 2011 as I said before struggle defensively this season and let in a lot of goals be a very good chance for Coastal Spirit to push up their goal scored one of the top scorers in the league Stein washer be licking his lips and that fixture fan his chances to back a few Grove's got a bit of time here to pick out a pass and he's played the Cross Field B Zack Bennett who takes it down with his chest couldn't keep it close enough and G has just about done enough to stop him but it will be a crashing out of throw it's been very good good battle down that left hand side at times with Zack Bennett and gra sometimes in the first half it was Lang causing some problems here is David newes in again for his second lovely play again frasia dropping it off for him David U with his second and David U goes to grab the ball and bring it back to the starting position and they are eager for some more goals real show of intent there and the United supporters Club are showing their voice here three goals in just under 15 minutes after the break really strong second half and they're eager for more fakes to start off the second half and eventually plays it trying to catch you and braer off guard done there from V Under Pressure there's go it's David us it's another brace to him showed real form against so out the season as I said with a lovely volley in the previous fixture and now two today Des spite playing in Midfield shows a real Knack of scoring goals believe he has scored more playing in that Midfield three than he did when he was on the right hand side it seems to be a more fitting position for him to have an impact on the buildup and then push forward for those late runs into the box seen there really lovely Hold Up play from braer who had really solid last two games Coastal breaden now against s United really strong all around game braer I just feel like despite his all around game he may feel he could knock a few more goals in he was Central League's top scorer last year for Baton FC under coach Ryan Edwards scored more goals needed play games Matthew braer did last season here is Jackson Cole getting down the right hand side can he keep it in he can he's got Joel Peterson behind him as well as David U to Peterson on his left foot and oh very good save from United keeper who had a deal with deflection there off Mai really well done good keeping s United and Pon almost with a chance to KN ear a goal for himself he scored a few this season very versatile player Peterson he's played a lot of games up front and on the wing and it's a dangerous ball from Stevens no one could really get a touching it from United cleared away from s to Riley Grover who's dropped back from the corner helping the build up and here is fin B of time to find a pass main with a lovely little dummy and here is braer to David U Maine you looking for main again and Alice clears away Daniel man be so eager for a goal with the chances he's had in this game he really feel like he should be on the score sheet will be a goal kick for S United [Music] mentioned previously it is a rear start at left back for Zack Bennett I believe that is his first time playing there this season at least from the start came back from injury in a big game against UC and was n in the 90th minute Zack B scored the winner from a corner huge goal celebration to match it been a lovely moment for him he struggled very much with Fitness this season came back against UC and scored a big goal and he playing a vital role at the end of the season here for the first team here is Graham in a rare position on the left wing David U Graham for you again but Graham does manage to keep a hold of it just about then is well held from s United and they have a chance to break forward here and there to ble a goal kick four crashes added well play there from Jamie Caris though he's some joint top scorer with Liam Coleman finds himself out of the squad today off the bench now try and make an impact and here is Jackson Cole with braer it back to Cole he's got a lot of space in the mid field he's got Stevens and David UT was he found U Stevens to Zack Bennett in a rare goal scoring position he decided to try and go for the cross to braer may have F chances to go himself there crosses just a little bit too far ahead of braer David U does well to battle against Van Wick and he's caus a lot of problems there Van Wick couldn't deal with them he's fallen to the ground and it will be a corner again Joel Stevens having his cross [Music] blocked another chance for Stevens to whop the ball on he's taking plenty of Corners today he'll feel that all these Corners will be disappointed if none of them end up resulting in a goal braer makes the run early Stevens couldn't get above that front man once again clearly a plan to try and just get over the near post it's a tactic that many of the top teams and Europe and England use very difficult to defend against here is David U Joe Peterson plays it across oh very dangerous ball no one there tap it in really well done from Peterson be a bit disappointed there that no one was in there to tap it home he did very well the right back turn Striker this season as I was saying previously has played up front and on the right wing and right back this season Joel Joel Peterson zett not convincing there with his pass back to Ry over but Travis comes back to clean such a useful asset for CH Travis Graham's braer looks to flick it on gra heads it back to his defender back to the keeper who looks to play it out but wasn't convincing found David EU but he couldn't control it either Daniel man will look to get this under control as it bounces up couldn't do so and it's a ball through he looked like s unit player was off side there but it's not been called by the linesman Joel Peterson does very well to cover look offside there from s United but the ref didn't call it neither did the linesman a lovely ball over the top for Jackson Cole got a bit of space he's got Alec with him Jackson Cole inside outside Alice does well to defend him Cole be a little bit disappointed that he didn't cause a little bit more problems there for Alan good chance there for CH once again it's 5 n now they have done to get the T up but the threat they're still causing s they P themselves for a few more very good result for CR United it say like this regardless but with Co to play sc20 though Phil they still need to score a few more David U with some lovely skill and smashes it against the CIT Defender some lovely play there again from CH United to work the space for you and Bennett just a little bit sloppy there will be some substitutions here for CR United Brendan coplin and Tyler Hornsby wait for the chance to come on looks like Zack Bennett will come off after that pass just managing his Fitness there Zack Bennett and Ryan Edwards gives him the handshake as he comes off and looks like David U will also be coming off Brandon coplin will be joining Matt braer up top they're really going for the goals two Strikers up top now for chit United BR cman looks like he playing slightly deeper of the two scored some very crucial goals this season in tight games for K Brendon [Music] coplin bit of a different situation he's coming into today but more goals from him would still be crucial on their fight for National League qualification in here is cin Well w [Music] back nice St It Crush wi it back Joe Stevens he's got Tyler HBY overlapping Brenda coplin that's ball to braer braer has a chance on his weaker foot he's getting into very good positions there Matt braer Bron cin already making an impact just put it over the bar early kick from The Keeper was very wayward seems like a very Rush decision bit unnecessary there from Baran there is Dani M pressure from Brandon copin on the keeper another unconvincing kick from The Keeper braer gets down copin putting the pressure on and gra clears looks like a bit of a foul there on met braer despite not having the ball and it's a free kick to they'll play quickly it went to but couldn't do so will be s number 10 Ed coming [Music] off set up for their free [Music] kick will be number 15 for S United Wilson comes onto the pitch in a wide position to try and help his side cause some problems for crash's M's defense it will be a blue throw does look like young Winger Alvin Sur might be getting prepared to come on himself young Winger and the son of beckam Siri former Orland Kings player in the a league bit of an icon in the Solon islands and a lot of hype around alen Siri making a move to crush United from the Solomon Island fans showing their love on social media for the young lad he got a lot of potential is played in the youth teams for Solomon Islands has a good chance of making the Solomon Islands International side with a bit more Gam time struggled for Fitness this year previously had a stint up Tony last year with ch with Ry part of [Music] me connection there is bottom here two Canter and well battled by Brendan copin but it will be a foul bit too much shoving from the American too much for the referee's liking be and leaves it to Mai they back to the keeper and so we now just trying to build a little bit momentum them here now bad kick from Baran but well dealt with Tyler Hornsby and Matt braer look to fight for that but just a little bit too far for him back to the keeper who will once again play out long to S United right flank and uh battle there between the gr green and Jamie caradus blocked from Ry Grover as maai to play through Wilson freshly Off the Bench and one back there by Maki one back again by Grover reallyy good show of strength there from the center half here is Peterson brings it back in as Daniel May takes his place out wide Peterson takes that place in Midfield for now very fluid system R Edwards play you see your Midfield is going out wide full backs coming into Midfield Matt braer here the number nine in Midfield as well as Brandon copin take the number nine R for now very fluid makes it very difficult to mark a player when they all switch in different positions suddenly looks like it has confused s United at times today 5 nil just past 70 minute Mark now Jon Cole bit of space to run forward he's got Joel Stevens to his right will find Joel Stevens Cole carries on his run but he looks for Brendon coplin and the keeper managed to intercept it coplin was hunting for his own goal there cleared up once again Tyler hsby has to deal with the aerial may just be able to leave it out for a throw in he will Tyler hsby as well generally a right back but is playing left back at the moment of course crash had a very strong left back there will be sub that everyone has been waiting for alen sui making his debut for crushes United today from the Solomon Islands the young lad on the wing wearing number 18 today good chance for him to prove himself out on Siri son of Beckham sui on the left wing now there's Jackson Cole that comes off and Joel Stevens has moved to the right just a bit of a wait here from the referee as looks like there may be bit of a communication error and does blow the whistle now there's braer from what we've been told about ER alen Sur is a very quick wide player and it's been sent through straight away here from mat braer can he keep it in he can here is sui oh and the linman has called it out there Sur pH feel like may not be the right call but he does run back great showing of his electric speed there out in Siri well played through by Matt braia could be a real threat of Off the Bench from these last few games of the season for CH United as I was saying Tyler Hornsby playing left back at the moment they weren't able to find a replacement for Michael Hornsby who was one of K's best players in the first half of the season made the move to the npl who Port Melbourne in the transfer window bit of a shock good move for him and K have adapted fairly well Michael Hy had scored four goals from left back beforehand very attacking minded fullback be not a natural left forther he's done very well since he came on here is alen Siri count by maai Tyler Hornsby braer to Siri plays it back to Horns he look for braer but little bit Wayward here is sui going to make his impact nice A little bit of skill there some nice moments so far from alen Siri H his debut [Music] his father beckam Sur also played down in the south island with caner United and fairy Bay for stints in the latter part of his career be a nice moment for him to be playing in the southern league for CH United and a competition his dad would have played inough reformatted to the southern League he would have played in the top leagues down here with very Bay and can United of course there's Joel Peterson coplin well drop back to Daniel Maine there a chance to hit it on his left first and it's another wayward shot from Main really searching for that goal man he'll be hungry for us as had a lot of chances he hasn't put away today I think some League track expected goals but feel that today Daniel M has heavily unperformed underperformed in that rank had a lot of chances and a few very good ones not been able to C them away so far here is Alam sui up against gra fullback who's had a very difficult time to play against former all Jo Stevens now Fresh Off the Bench alen sui a lot of pace lot of skill and C Group Green Shields the ball there for a goal kick well defended by the former D Defender 75 minutes gone now here at United Sports Center 5- nil still Kash still hunting for more goals to add to that gold Defence tally here is Siri got Tyler Hornsby on the underlap braer looks for Joel Stevens who has stayed on side here chance for Stevens to bury one and he makes it 60 another very good goal from Crush United and Joel Stevens adds to his Telly 16 goals for him this season now 17 after his penalty creeping up on gin coplin for that Goen boost so gin copin may have scored today against D United Joel Stevens with two could have had a hat-trick really hit the W work twice today one at the near post early in the first half and at the end of the second half smashed it against the crossbar still at least 15 minutes to play really here for CR definitely a chance for them to score more goals and to add to that Telly one there by Joel Peterson and unit not going to stop trying to go for more smell blood they're going to try and take advantage of a weak set R in our defense today the attack has really been on fire for crash M today but doesn't happen without a really strong base on the backline and the Midfield has been really strong as well the Keeper's very far out of his goal here he's Pace it right to Joel Stevens who has a chance to smash it from the halfway line oh my word what a goal incredible finish from Joel Stevens a goal of the Season Contender to seal his hattick what an incredible goal from the captain a lovely goal from Joel Stevens absolutely audacious keeper out of his goal and what a finish that is from Joel Stevens absolutely world class showing his experience and talent there the cheek of it to shoot from that position it's stood in the air for such a long time what a lovely goal that was from Stevens the captain seals his hatrick what a fantastic goal and P United now heads down hard to motivate themselves s0 down with 10 minutes to go just want to be back in the changing rooms really but got to keep going show that fight they have made a substitution new right winger has come on absolutely incredible finish that was from Joel Stevens I'm still lost for words can't believe what I've just seen what a lovely lovely goal be one for the goal reel very remember one for Joel Stevens in his pretty long career now he 29 years of age I'm not sure he would scored many goals better than that well here's a chance Joe hson just holding him off was a bit of aake there from Green caught out of position but Peterson did well to clean it up here is the hatrick scorer it's sric second hatrick of the campaign he scored three against 20 as well two hatrick and two of his last home fixtures it's a great record for him so he six goals in his yeah last two home matches such a fantastic Talent Joel Stevens the last stage of his career playing at Cross Tado but you feel that despite qu at this level he could be playing even higher level course a hand ball from C to good green his hand did look like it was by his side and complain from Jamie Paris earns him a yellow card k k Green's hands did seem like they were by his side bit of frustration kicking in there from Sony equal top scorer the referee not taking any nonsense from any complaints from s United refere there see mik has a chance to knock it Forward here will he play it short looks like he is setting up to go long does have option short go on to his right looks like he may go short now look the referee is g into position and they will play short to Grover looks unlikely that they will M the T against sc20 now with only 10 minutes left K but 70 10 minutes too was a very convincing score line and may just send a bit of a shiver down the necks of coastal Spirit who have a massive game to play in the chadam cup against wenton Olympic the central League 2024 winners after winning the National League last year and here is cand to braia he's got Stevens to his right already got a got a hatrick part of me [Music] braia has only scored one today but he been absolute treat to watch turn of his link up play from number nine assisted a few today and his passing is just so good for someone of his size he's got so much quality outside of finishing his strength is quite rare for a number nine of his statue Charles Stevens taken down beautifully there but all defended by allot Stevens looks to throw B to brenon copton who's been very tidy since he's came on so far and here is braer they're just finding so much space here CR braer will keep it in he's going to find Stevens takes a touch with the left foot and collides with maai in the backline Travis Graham strong hitter Daniel May looking for space it looks like it will be a free kick here and the card looks like it will be coming out as well maybe not did look like for a moment the referee was going to keep a booking here maybe he just did realize that it was the man who just received the yellow have been a slightly harshed sending off for him to go off there so given a little bit of a warning can't imagine survive another challenge though player who only just came on in the second half Jamie caradus sh Steven it's a very nice position for him to be taking the free kick he'll fancy himself for another goal to make it four for him and eight for CR United would have scored half the goals and tell you what Joel Stevens will he go over the wall he has tried a lot of chances might just go for the bottom right he's tried that a lot of times this season and he's hit the post he did go for the bottom right like he has many times this season too great a effect he saved onto the post I believe it looked like there was a stop from bman Joel Stevens just so much quality it's going to fall here to alen sui for a debut goal for alen sui it's 8 n the celebrations don't last long but alen sui has scored on his debut here for CR United an awesome moment for him it is 8 n now does look like there may be a decision to make though the linan is talking to the referee will it count maybe a shame here it looks like it's not going to count unfortunately for alen Siri it's not going to be a debut go it will be offside it is 70 now frustrating for alen sur thought he'd got his debut goal there stay 70 does feel like he keep into those positions alen Sur he will have his chance lot of space for these boys to attack seems like s United are getting very tired there's so much eagerness for crash United to get more goals to the t s don't have lots to play for really at this point Seventh Place the City Royals have eight points ahead of them with games hand and decent amount of points ahead of F20 who are yet to put a point on the table really just playing out the rest of the season here whereas quite still have so much to play for understandable to see a bit of a difference in the score line Jamie Caris is just given no space by K they press them off the ball and win the throw as Brandon copin Travis Graham to Tyler Hornsby under a bit of pressure D green will go back to the keeper play it round van dijk to Grover piering in space on the right hand side but he looks to Alam Sur on the left who takes it down on his chest could have been a touch off his arm but R Let It Go bik Under Pressure shows a bit of composure there could have went long but short of D green Hornsby looks for that long ball for Stevens who's made another Runner behind he's out on the left at the moment clearance not great again from the keeper Travis Graham finds Joel Peterson he's got a few players ahead of him copin making the Run Peterson's going to go on his own for a moment M controls it it's one back by Wilson looks like he may have thought the referee was in his team there Wilson he played it right to him referee quickly got out of the way it play to him Stevens got Peterson on the over left good run from him got copin in the Box it's a lovely ball and cop's off the bar and here is M who finally gets his goal himself cin so close to scoring a third this season and Maine all the chances he's had today couldn't have missed that one finally puts one away and it is8 now thought they'd scored the eighth just a few minutes ago through alen sui Daniel Maine finally gets his goal today be a white off his chest after a few shots went T bit easy for the keeper and he he couldn't have miss that one such an effective player Daniel m in the crusher not Midfield never stops running was a lovely cross from Joel Peterson who say the same about doesn't stop Brendon coplin be a bit frustrated he didn't get a goal himself but his his unfortunate moment was spared by Daniel man who does place it home it's 8 n with a few minutes to go can United get another can some get there himself a goal here is a chance and a shot a bit Wayward there from kadus bit too excited there in front of goal it's been a r sight for someone United today and maybe just took it a bit quickly pick out towards Siri and Brendon copin heads it down towards him Siri couldn't keep it in just bounced ah head of his right foot Siri pulling up his socks there but how will change their thrower and it's been a real really impressive second half performance from Crash only two up at half time scored six in the second half really show statement of intent here is Travis Graham Stevens Graham's made that run on the underlap has dropped it back for braer Main's hunting braer again blocked Daniel M does well to to protect it there Stevens bit of space to working across and cop there braer takes it down drops it off to main again on the [Music] volley could put it away only a minute left of normal time Fenty it may be a few minutes stoage time here with few stoppages in play so far three or four minutes you'd think there's a foul on Daniel man didn't look like much but fre calls it CR United eager to get going again Riley go is going to look for that ball over the top for Joel Stevens with an early free kick Al gets close to him Stevens beats him fairly easily but well recovered from Al for another Corner the grp green and Graham Serge up from the back line to look to attack this ball Stevens will take this one on the right hand side it has was David U when he was on the pitch but will be the outswinger from the hatrick score so very good ball in here's braer with the hitter 9 n a second for braer a braer brace like in the reverse fixture two goals for Matt braer another assist for Joel Stevens R is seventh sudden League goal now this season four goals against s United s proves to be Thorn on their side lovely ball that time from Jo who at times on these Corners has really struggled to get over that first man braer the real classic number n's hiter to make it N 9 N has PA the 90 minute Mark now you think there'll still be a few minutes added on looks like it may have touched the hand of alen sui there it's clear foul you think there'll be a yellow card yeah it's a a clear block no R intent to get the ball there from Stewart good bit of skill again from alen Sur showing it a bit of his quality nice little Cameo so far from Solomon Islands youth International I'm sure he got a lot of Proud family and friends watching at home stoppage here and Graham will play it to Grover doesn't look like they'll get 11 nil but they've gone very close to it here CR united 90 it's a very very good score line a score line that surely Coastal spirit will see and be slightly worried will mean when they face the D20 they'll really have to put the goals past them to stick with Kasher shad's go telly real statement of intent today from the team in second place and of course the reigning champions from last season treble winners really coming into their R in the second half of the campaign after a few difficult results against Noz and FY Bay and C technical away as well the end of the first round of games Crash kind of really responded greatly to that adversity the additions of Travis Graham Matt braer B from injury very valuable to United had a lot of injury problems to deal with this season coming up against cashmir technical with a very strong experience side same as Coastal Spirit very experienced team very young side that Crasher United have after big change around in the squad after Paul Eiffel left the club and many players followed suit after a very successful Southern League season may feel like they were looking for a new challenge it's very much a new Squad here for CR United in second half of the Season they've been very strong heres Razer Brendon copin looks to make some space for himself well Marshall Hornsby still yet to score his first goal in crush out blue same as Travis Graham braer back to Stevens got Peterson with him going to drop it back to him look for Stevens again can he keep it in he just about keeps it in linesman was Maring that line there and it will be another Corner another good chance been very close to the end of the game now Jo can add something similar into the box here looks like he might go short for braer right now braer returns to the Box a good chance for Crush to make it double digits in this potentially final kick of the game another lovely ball Braes up just flicks on and couldn't get the right connection with it played away from gra here is Tyler Hornsby knocks it over towards Daniel May and alen Siri it looks like it will go out for another corner he's cleared it away into the car park there so our Defender and a bit of frustration potentially maybe trying to kick it out for thr but couldn't do so Stevens with another chance to wh it in right at the end of the game braer copin Graham and G green all lining up for this one it's another very good ball from Stevens The Keeper reaches out to ad manag to get a touch but's happened here referee looks to be having a word with someone goalkeeper potentially will be another Corner keeper couldn't keep it out keeper seems to disagree with that decision Stevens runs over to take this seems to be a good amount out of time here Stevens to whip one in another delicious ball from Stevens may fall to Siri and then Peterson referee still yet to blow his whistle Siri Canen he makes some space for himself no well defended Hornsby he going to drop it back here to Riley gy [Music] well Peterson finds braer who's dropped inside few players ahead of Travis gra foul they will play on coplin lovely little touch to Daniel m couldn't get the ball away from maai here is Hornsby braer lovely ball out to Stevens who is on side [Music] no must be coming close to the end of the game now Stevens offside 990 to ch ch United top second half performance from them seven goals two goals in the first half from met Razer and David U seven in the second half David U getting himself another Joel Stevens scoring a hattrick one penalty one absolutely extraordinary strike from the halfway and L to secure as third it's been absolutely superb Joel Stevens as he plays through Joel Peterson is going to keep it in but they can't avoid another corner here s United so many corners for United de we have to tell me I think this may be the most Corners in one game this season in the Seven League almost all of them taken by Joel Stevens have scored from one there alen Sur is up a tall man but he's had a going Travis Graham searching for his first goal as well looks like someone is down for C United but that will be as it's full time here at United Sports C a very convincing win from chist United ends 90 over s United City C about mayor good have a good weekend a e [Music] hey [Music]

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