Little Investment, BIG Gains... 💰 (Secret To Entrepreneurship)
Published: Jun 22, 2023
Duration: 00:07:14
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Trending searches: rob rabbit pitts
so many good ideas get left behind oh you can't make no money doing that because I would do it in the sound what's going on guys and welcome to rabbit's used cars you know it's crazy it's a nasty rainy day here we actually had a really cool shot playing our shoot planned but the weather had other ideas so we had to improvise you know but I had a good story I wanted to share and I've been wanting to tell this one for a minute and uh so now's a good time to do it while we got a little rain delay in shooting uh we have so many entrepreneurs and and Hustlers on this channel and I love it I love hearing all you guys hustles I love new and creative hustles I mean so many neat things a lot of you guys are doing I mean I was talking to a guy just the other night he shot me a message on Instagram he sells used four-wheelers uh you know I was talking to another guy hell he's selling like Lawn Equipment stuff and then there's another guy that's doing landscaping and all kinds of service jobs just all kinds of crazy stuff man then I love it but I know a lot of people get discouraged when you're trying to set out on this entrepreneurial path um and that being said I got a little story that's going to help some of you guys with this keep in mind this was many years ago but I think the message still pretty much Remains the Same uh we had a guy used to come in the truck shop all the time he had this rag down ass Chevrolet truck that had a camper on the back of it it was full of coolers and like these Hot Box things he made basically to keep food warm in the back it's like an old long bed Chevrolet truck I want a food truck or anything like that this thing was Beat to Death and on the front it had one of those tags and everybody's saying them you know other ones like you see at any tourist trap hot spot you know like these airbrushed tags and they had it was like I remember it's like a like an orange Sunset and had like the palm trees like a damn dolphin jumping out of the ocean but on this tag it had two dollar painted on it and you know it's like it's kind of odd just two dollars t-w-o-d-o-l-a-r and the guy that drove the truck you know I didn't really know what he did but he was you know I mean it wasn't necessarily a bad little guy a rough run Edge or anything but he was just a normal guy and he would bring this truck in and we were constantly working on this thing I mean it was just wore Slap Ass out and we'd put another Band-Aid on the gas just every time he'd come in every few months something wrong with it that being said you know he brought his truck in one time and and you know we got to talk and shoot a bull and I said so hey what are you doing it's actually his name was Bill and Bill's passed away a few years back but anyway so two dollar is built that's bill so what do you do for a living what's the deal with all this stuff in this truck he goes well what I do is is I go to restaurants and at the time Burger King this shows you how long ago this was but Burger King you could buy a Whopper for a dollar and every once in a while they'd have a promotion like two Whoppers for two dollars or something like that and they said that's how I got my nickname is I would go to Burger King and buy 100 200 Whoppers at a time and I would take them and put them in those boxes to keep them warm and I would drive around to job sites all over and sell them for two dollars double my money on every one of them and he said you know I don't do it with just that he said you know I'll go to a biscuit place and get biscuits you know and you know basically I think about it you know there was two sausage biscuits for a dollar and he would sell those things for two dollars a pop everything was two dollars that's how you got that nickname and he had like you know drinks in the coolers and stuff so everything was two dollars two dollars and that's how he got that nickname a bad little hustle I guess well and then he said hey my son's got a truck and he's got a problem with this so he brought his son struck his son was doing the exact same thing he was doing I'm like man you know it's kind of interesting but I didn't think that much of it a little later down the road he called me up no truck died in his yard and he goes hey Rob I need to get you guys to come out and see if you can get this old Chevrolet going so back then we couldn't even Google it we had to like or Google Maps it was like MapQuest we print out directions to his house he lived about 30 minutes away and we drove out there and you know we got to his house and I mean I don't really know what I was expecting but I was shot gorgeous home couple new cars and this is the only job this guy had his wife didn't work and you know I'm like man I mean that's just it's so interesting to me that something that starts out so little I mean you got to think about it he's providing a service I mean obviously he's selling the sandwiches but he's not making the sandwiches he's not you know got a wild rat truck or anything like that he's just I mean very low Buck operation but the thing you got to think about is he supports this lifestyle he lives I mean we're like a big major but it was a nice home I mean he had nice things and it was just kind of like man you gotta think about making it two dollars at a time so let me stop that story to kind of tell you something that's going to bring all this together and back to all my little entrepreneurs and Hustlers out there you know when you're sitting there and you're thinking that next big hustle that next big move and everybody wants to make big money you know you're you're aiming high and I love it but sometimes you got to focus on some of those smaller hustles you know and and things like that you know you you got to think so many good ideas get left behind oh you can't make no money doing that I mean this dude is literally selling sandwiches and doubling his money on them I mean how simple could it I mean couldn't get any simpler than this and he's making a good living doing it works really wants to work works for herself in every sense of the word business owner no matter how big or small still the same thing so much in life we focus on those home runs and those big success stories we all love them I love them you know it's like back in sales like you know me selling cars everybody wants to hear about all those big stories you know oh or you made the most money off of this or you sold eight cars in one day or you did this yeah and those are fun but those home runs don't pay the bills because they're far and few keep in mind these stories that you hear about this stuff this is over years of doing them so that way we've acquired a few over the years but what keeps the lights on is those base hits that consistent money coming in whether it's two dollars at a time two hundred dollars at a time two thousand dollars at a time it's that consistent money coming in consistency is key in anything and especially in business guys we'll catch you next time at rabbit's used cars [Music] foreign [Music]