Published: Aug 26, 2024
Duration: 00:37:31
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: martin shkreli
which of those should I look at I think i' I want to look at Zoom so Zoom is a weird weird software company I kind of consider them to be an Enterprise company [Music] um 58 bucks a share by the way all these models are available on my GitHub uh terminal value depends on the company right so like I want to for a certain company like a drug company they have very rough terminal value it just sort of ends for a software company depending on the kind of software the terminal value can be pretty good um like Google's you know going to be around a long time no matter what happens yeah I I don't know the meeting space that well um obviously like everyone else I use the product but that's not in of itself enough to have an opinion this is like one of my first times ever looking at Zoom okay it looks like 18 billion market cap pretty big market cap not a small company this Zoom do you remember in Co when the stock just went crazy that was wild right chat oh they have a ton of cash holy [ __ ] I need that ton of cash wow no d so it's really like a 1010 billion company is this real chat can you believe that 18 billion market cap with 8 billion in cash what that's crazy I can't believe that that means when I buy the stock half of it I'm getting is cash I know wow it's like great downside protection but you also don't get that much beta if that makes sense okay here's the revenue pretty slow growing [Applause] company we'll look at a cash flow stock base comp all that stuff in a second I don't know what calendar quarter this is I'm just going to do put it over [Applause] [Applause] here I can't type today at all I had a beautiful woman over last night I that's probably the first time in I don't know I work too hard weeks months um and I even got some champagne not cap it's not cap at all don't don't do that to me McNugget don't do that not capping it wasn't AOC come on beautiful women can't resist the nerd you got to see me all swaave with a deep voice what up baby big scr yeah um yeah no petruse this time but we had a nice bottle of champagne and I'm still feeling it a little bit I don't drink much these days um be a lovely young woman you know I answer all kinds of questions like Skelly why are you so great well baby girl you know I'm just that guy I'm him I'm himothy um it's not that important though um let's talk about I'm just telling you why I can't type today you don't need to know about my personal life that's my personal time bro please give me some space bro I'm just a little slower than I normally am alcohol does that to you I think imagine if was Kamala Nancy see let's go I'm getting those stock picks I do whatever you want for those stock picks girl tell me what you [Applause] long Okay so Zoom a billion and a quarter looks like 200 in reeven in earnings cash flow could be wrong but just off the cuff oh could be cheap I like this I like it it's a sleeper stock it's beat up down depressed nobody cares about Zoom just a [ __ ] dog [Applause] oh man I love the godell the god delians this guy asked me to look ATS two days ago and you know it's not my day job to look at stocks I just do it for you guys uh my day job is writing software like um give you an example um um yeah here I'm just writing software all night um this is a program I've been working on for a long time and um that's what I do for living that's my day job and I helped create godell of course with my amazing team of Engineers but you know looking at stocks isn't my thing so anyway the story is this guy is like hey look at this stocks and I'm like okay okay and I'm working working I finally I have to go to work I have to rest I have to do something else I can't look at stocks like 10 hours a day anymore cuz I'm not a professional investor anymore and he says look ATS and that was the last one that I just missed and it's up [ __ ] 45% today I was like oh I never heard of this company looks interesting so the godell chat is on fire the other guy recommended Chipotle which made a lot of sense I wish I made that trade because the CEO of Chipotle left to become the CEO of Starbucks which is a major upgrade and it almost so so Chipotle stock went down but it's actually bullish for Chipotle that they had such a damn good CEO that Starbucks wanted him it means like their operations have to be really great and it's not going to like fall off a cliff because he leaves um It's actually kind of to me at at worst neutral but it's actually kind of bullish because you never want great talent to leave but it's still like Stripes cool um yeah I don't know the numbers on but you can definitely buy the stock um it's out there um there's accredited platforms uh what am I I'm a part of one of them called Hive um let me see if I can get the price on hive I forget which of my accounts I'm logged into here but like I'll find it real quick but I like Hive again none of these companies pay me for promotion not that they would but okay yeah I use this one for Hive so you can actually buy androll you know all the really cool companies with Hive yeah I buil codell with my my colleagues [Applause] um I can't log in for some reason but they're actually a broker dealer too which is interesting someone said I should write a Pharma investing book I wish I had the time I don't have any time to write books yeah I don't know if I have the right Hive thing I want to see if stripe stripe should be on there stripe will go public too at some point okay yeah I can't log in but you should be able to create um a hive account I think you might need to be accredited but I'm not sure so let's keep looking at Zoom um day trading is really difficult I don't know that I would uh um do that I write a lot of software brother don't test me don't ever make me mad that's the number one thing you should never ever do we have like every data vendor that you would expect direct uh exchange relationships Etc I thought lxrx looked really interesting actually yeah explain higher order functions stop like explain everything don't [ __ ] with me I'm talk about functional programming first class functions talk about recursion complexity come on by the way not everyone's a computer scientist monads monads I know monads from math and computer science you guys sleep on scr bro don't want ever sleep on [Applause] scr I was writing lisp in jail and I could tell you how to hustle on the Block yeah the accredited investor thing is kind of [ __ ] you can par ad be sure we do it godell does it Nan's old lady she's going to be attracted to different types of [ __ ] you know you got to you got to end with Nancy Pelosi you got to be real sharp how you [Applause] approach link lists a uh B trees uh there's tries you know if you know the try data structure this is one of my favorites I've been doing some Quantum Computing data structures those are really interesting hadamar Gates torch you have all these interesting operations Ein Einstein matrix multiplication at the end of the day a lot of this stuff doesn't matter I mean if you're writing react like literally like the core the core Library it matters but if [Applause] you you know it doesn't really matter if you're creating some kind of front end or something you know and you know look I mean a lot of the advantage in technology is just quick product iteration not so much um yeah uh B I don't know who you are but you know you don't come into my chat room testing me I was one of the first react users I heard Facebook react dudes I can you know when they when they changed the Dom they ask me first they asked me first right get element ID get element by ID I made that I made that they asked me I'm just joking around obviously Brendan Ike that's my homie Kanye West that's my homie web RTC one of the first users kubernetes one of the first users Docker we made Docker before Docker they copied us you getting me all [ __ ] up right now you turning me back to the old scy man turn me back to that [Applause] uh I invest a little bit but I mostly focus on my own company Bridge capital or Bridger capital I think Bridger capital is closed now I'm not sure though okay so cash flow for 3 months ended with 600 obviously that's not annualize um or Zoom would be the cheapest stock on the face of the Earth but maybe it is we'll have to keep looking [Applause] [Applause] okay okay so they called this that's August 21st that's next week they call this first quarter fiscal 25 that [Applause] pretty amazing margins this could be a huge long I'm loving it and it's not even McDonald's I'm hungry this is really cool yeah this is a press release Big O notation little O notation Quantum complexity is what I'm interested in all that [ __ ] is [ __ ] Quantum Zoo this is Scott Aronson's well this is a different guy Stephen Jordan but these are you want to do some real mine [Applause] [ __ ] here's is this Scott Aronson one of these is Scott arenson you want to talk about real crazy complex here he is Zookeeper Scott arenson all right wrong one although this one looks interesting too counterfeit coins suppose we are given n coins of which are counterfeit the real coins are all of equal weight and the counterfeit ones are all of some other weight we have a pan balance and can compare the weight of any subsets of the coins any pair of subsets of the coins classically we need Omega K log n over K weightings to identify all the counterfeit coins we can induce introduce an oracle Oracle such as the given a pair of subsets of equal cardinality it outputs one bit indicating balance or unbalance building on prior work they have shown that on a quantum computer one can identify all the counterfeit coins using Big O K to the one4 one over four which is the quad quad rout I guess uh the core techniques behind the speed up are amplitude amplification and The Bernstein vasani algorithm so in Quantum Computing there's a very important thing called amplitude uh which I won't bother talking about but lots of cool things that change in quantum Computing now Quantum Computing is still largely theoretical but uh still amazingly mindbending to study if you haven't read this book um I was actually talking to the chick about it last night uh Quantum Computing since democratus um probably one of the best books I've ever read really Advanced took me years to read um I think Scott is one of the smartest guys in the world um there's some wild stuff in here about like like I said time travel and stuff like that but no I don't want to retire um I should have this book on my here it is I've got it on my desktop sorry Scott love you man Scott Scott is in open AI now which if that's not interesting enough I don't know what it is there's some interesting problems here I'll walk you through a few of [Music] them all these like complexity classes like P space um time travel is funny okay here's the puzzle Dr eil is on his moon base and he is a very powerful laser pointed at Earth of course he's planning to obliterate the Earth being evil and all at the last minute Austin Powers hatches a plan and sends Dr Evil the following message back in my lab here on Earth I've created a replica of your moon base down to the Last Detail the replica even contains an exact copy of you everything is the same all the atoms all the momenta all everything given that you actually don't know if you're in your real moon base or in my copy here on Earth so if you obliterate the Earth there's a 50% chance you'll be killing yourself the puzzle is what should Dr Evil do should he fire the laser or not interesting right so there's lots of little anthropic principle ideas around this here's another Paradox Yum's Paradox suppose that a super intelligent predictor shows you two boxes the first box has $1,000 the second box has either a million dollars or nothing well in classical reality this is an easy choice right you don't know which is the case but the predictor has already made the choice and either put the money in or left the second box empty you the Chooser have two choices you can either take the second box only or both boxes your goal of course is money and not understanding the universe here's the thing what's the trick the predictor made a prediction about your choice before the game started if the predictor predicted you'll take only the second box then he put a million bucks in it if he predicted you'll take both boxes then he left the second box empty the predictor has played this game thousands of times before thousands of people and he's never been wrong once every single time someone picked the second box they found a million dollars in it every single time they picked both boxes they found the second box was empty what is why is it obvious that you should take both boxes well whatever is in the second box you'll always get $1,000 more the decision of what to put in the second box is already been made you're taking both boxes can't possibly affect it well why is it obvious you should always take just the second box well because the predictor's never been wrong again and again the one box Pickers get a million bucks and the two box Pickers get a th000 bucks so which why should this be any different and so this is Robert nosik who's a very famous intellectual also recommend reading his work um to almost everyone it is perfectly clear and obvious what should be done the difficulty is that the people seem to be divided almost evenly on the problem with large numbers thinking that the opposing half is just silly there's a third position the V wienstein position it's my father's favorite philosopher which says that the problem is just incoherent if the predictor existed then you wouldn't have the freedom to make the choice in the first place in other words there a fact that you're debating which choice to makes implies the predictor can exist one student says can't you get out of the Paradox by flipping a coin and anyway the point of this book is that it goes through not just um complexity but also a little like Basics and math and things that you might want to know about like poo um axioms and things like that Z Frankle and a whole lot of complexity so if you studied undergraduate complexity with classical Computing this would be very interesting for you to read a little a little bit more um there's a bunch of stuff um again dealing in you know Quant of physics a lot of dck notation and stuff like that there's some some of that the no cloning theorem you know a lot a lot of real great interesting theoretical physics but from a computational kind of perspective so vidin Stein witk wienstein what's up font Quantum Computing since demarus that's the book um and complexity Zoo the website look at all these complexity classes oh my God can you imagine knowing all of these what's some of the famous ones everyone knows p and NP but how about uh like BPP or pspace where is ppace so what it heck is ppace ppace is polinomial space so all this decisions all decision Problems solvable by turning machine and polinomial time so is it equal to NP space assuming the existence of one-way functions which maybe cannot assume this this is like the frontier of knowledge Frontier of thinking there's a reason I guess our our compan is named godell or a product is named godell um BPP is another one so bounded error probabilistic polinomial time the class of decision Problem solvable by an NP machine such that if the answer is yes then at least two-thirds of the computational paths are correct and if it's no at most onethird is so you have a bound and there's a lot of people that debate and argue these bounds so with Quantum Computing you have like some other really interesting classes like QP space I'm sorry not QP space let me get you a better Quantum class than that trying to think like bppq I want to say well I haven't studied this too carefully bounded error Quantum ppace probabilistic ppace so anyway that's if you really want be smart learn that stuff I'm not smart enough for that stuff I'm just look at financial statements and try to make make a good investment monkey make good investment anyway that guy now works at open Ai and he knows nothing about AI or didn't and now he knows a lot about AI but he's just a great thinker so I really like Scotty arenson even though he probably doesn't know I exist I'm cool with that he doesn't use social media either which is awesome can you imagine not using social media can you imagine no I like Lambda because it's got the lowest prices Steve's cool too but I mean we have other compute providers other than Lambda and some of them we we regret but another really good one is um shade form so again these guys don't pay us or anything but I highly recommend shade form if you want gpus they are kind of like a um oh wow 72 for a 180 gig I might want that um so they use every other Cloud if you can see here there's they use Lambda this is really cool actually they're doing a great job Lambda is not slow and not expensive the opposite Lambda is like one click deploys yeah we use r pod sometimes ronod is not Enterprise ready yeah we are hiring go to DL do software um hiring full stack talented full stack Engineers so couple jobs here oh I this site changed I think I have to redo this actually um yeah let me redo that but yeah any full stack Talent basically uh and machine learning talent and you get to work with me all day you yelling in your ear [Applause] I should have back to the office as a matter of fact right now I want to head back to bed so tired from last night's champagne binge all right so cash flow from this first quarter or no fourth technically calendar fourth quarter oh my God this is not not this is long like you just got to buy this Zoom ZM go out and buy it today this is a this is a how is it this cheap how do you see this chat do you see this there's got to be something wrong with it a lawsuit something yeah the the site isn't so great um Liam sorry about that [Applause] is this real I don't know if this is real chat because I I haven't seen a stock this cheap in a long time I keep typing the Discord thing for you it's literally on my it's on my Twitter handle and everything zoom zoom I don't know man this is incredible these numbers are incredible I would think at this valuation to more Bravo or someone would buy it out this a no-brainer competitive Advantage competitive advantage playoffs you got four billion in Revenue a billion in cash flow a billion and a half in cash flow a year that's a competitive Advantage [ __ ] [ __ ] what you talking about that getting that that bread got more cash than most companies they can buy any company they want look at this 1.6 billion in cash flow from operations they don't really have cacks I thought it was an anomaly quarter but no they they're pumping that cash out every quarter you telling me I can buy $1.6 billion of cash flow right that's six times earnings bro what the [ __ ] yo buy this [ __ ] right now B get my get my broker on the man buy this [ __ ] right now man what the [ __ ] what these people smoking bro yeah CO's over that's fine I don't give a [ __ ] about Co [ __ ] Co easy double easy double telling you right now take that to the bank man I never say that easy dou thank you who who gave me this gem somebody's making me Rich who gave me the zoom [Applause] Google is no longer my friend Zoom is now my best friend 58 bucks we will see 100 that's all I got to say um something's wrong with my streamlabs I tried to stream to X it just didn't work so yeah Zoom looks good liquid I don't really I mean it tripled it's that's that