Donald Trump LIVE | Trump Stops Mid-Speech in North Carolina, Asks For "A Doctor, Please" | N18L

cop me but it's a sad thing to have to say but they copy me the Resolute desk he never mentioned that he doesn't even know what the hell the Resolute desk is exactly three years ago this month the weakness and incompetence of Camala Harris and crooked Joe Biden delivered the most humiliating event in the history of our country and one of the biggest military disasters in the history of the world as far as I'm concerned no one will ever forget the horrifying images of their catastrophic Retreat from Afghanistan desperate Afghans fell to their deaths from the wheels of us cargo planes that were 3,000 ft up in the air bloodthirsty terrorists poured out of the prisons after Biden and Harris surrendered bogram one of the largest air military bases anywhere in the world we spent billions and billions of dollars building it many years ago and you know it was important to keep but I was never leaving that I would have been out faster than them I said that's up we there for 20 almost 21 years and I said what are we doing what are we doing here and we had no soldiers killed for 18 months while I was there because they knew don't play around with our soldiers they were they were killing him they were killing him under Obama did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always would say sure please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they're getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy sir you must stick to policy you'll win It On the Border you'll win it with inflation you'll win it with your great military that you built that they gave away $85 billion worth of it in Afghanistan sir you're going to win it on crime the crime is running through the streets like never before you're going to win it on all of these things and maybe especially I think two things the economy inflation because I view them together what they've done to inflation and they closed it with energy what they did with energy is so stupid if we were there our energy we would be so dominant all over the world right now we were already energy independent I made you energy independent but we would be energy dominant we' be paying back debt we'd be reducing your taxes still further we gave you the largest tax cuts ever and uh a lot of good things were going to happen but now we're just going to have to sort of call it a delay of four years but these people don't have any idea what they're doing you had 13 heroic US service members were tragically and needlessly killed I got to know a lot of the relatives friends and mothers and fathers of those 13 people 45 others were horrifically wounded and 85 billion dollars worth of the best military equipment anywhere in the world was handed over to to these people in fact Afghanistan is now one of the largest arms Merchants anywhere in the world did you know that they're selling our equipment at tremendous prices they're selling are beautiful we had 70,000 armored trucks many of them armored armored trucks and vehicles think of this we had 700,000 rifles and guns seven I actually say what the hell did they need so many for 700,000 rifles and guns we had goggles brand new right out of the box you know they didn't fight at night because they never had goggles right good Fighters they never had goggles now they have brand new goggles all left by the by the Biden Harris Administration gave them billions and billions of dollars just gave it to them and now they sell that equipment cuz they don't need 700,000 rifles they need 20,000 little difference they don't need 70,000 Vehicles they need 500 Vehicles you have to ask yourself who bought all that stuff in the first place who bought it all how disgusted were all when we see all of us are when we see 3 days ago when we viewed their parade our military equipment running down the middle of their Main Avenue brand new beautiful armor plated trucks tanks and vehicles running down the middle and they're all celebrating because we have stupid people running our government and she'll be worse than Biden because he wasn't really a Believer but she's a radical left believer she ruined San Francisco she ruined California and if if she gets in our country doesn't have a chance This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will be comrade because I think that's the most accurate name you know I've been looking for a name people were saying sir don't do it you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I really didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called her crooked Hillary I call people names I call crazy Nancy Pelosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts you know Biden is really angry you know he's very angry he was so angry the other night he's like seething I you ever see a guy make a speech is such anger and so uncomfortable just shouting but he's terrible he's just terrible should have never been there we all know that should have never been there what they've done to this country is incredible but she bragged that she would be the last person in the room and she was she was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan and by the way pulling them out was absolutely right I was going to do it I'm the one that got the soldiers down to 5,000 people I was going to do it but we were going to get out last you don't pull the soldiers out first you let the soldiers stay last and the head of the Taliban respected me Abdul I had conversations with him after my conversations not one soldier in 18 months was killed but you pull the soldiers out last Millie and these guys you know we have great generals but Millie and Mattis and these guys they didn't know what the I call them television generals the television generals are no good but the generals that defeated Isis for me were great we have great we have a great military but she had the final vote she had the final say and she was all for it you take the soldiers out if I took that young person right there about five or 6 years old beautiful young person and if I said I gave little details like about 30 seconds worth of details would you take the military out first or last sir I'd take the military out last but they took it out first and then we left hostages we left all of the equipment we left everything and we left bogram and now China is occupying Bam Bam being one hour away from where China makes its nle nuclear weapons wouldn't it been nice to have our big fat beautiful base it was probably built there for that reason but China 1 hour away and now China is occupying that massive big base some of the biggest runways in the world they could hold heavier loads than any runways in the world under my leadership we were getting out of Afghanistan but we were going to get out with dignity pride and with strength when I left office we had not lost a single sing Le service member in the combat in Afghanistan in more than 18 months and then we had that horrible day where we lost so many and so many were so badly hurt arms legs gone face just obliterated we lost so many great people that day nobody talks about the people that was so badly injured they never mentioned them I always mention them all over the world our adversaries knew that America was not to be trifled with when I was your commanderin-chief but and you know it's very interesting uh if you look at Hungary very strong country very strong leader Victor Orban he said the only thing that's going to save the whole world is Trump has to be president again we had no problems we had no problems he said we had no problems I don't use the ter but he did he said China was afraid of him Russia was afraid of him they were said oh I was so friendly to Russia I'm the one that stopped the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 nobody ever the biggest development they ever had to feed oil all over Europe I stopped it and then Biden comes in and he gives them everything he gave him the pipeline they built the pipeline but I stopped it Putin said that's the worst thing that's ever happened to us I said I'm sorry I have to do it and he approves it right away and then they say Trump was not strong on Russia I think they were they got it wrong Putin actually said if you weren't strong I'd like to find out how bad would you be if you were strong because you were brutal but you know I got along with him it's good to get along with these countries I got along with China that wouldn't have happened what's happening right now they're planning an attack on Taiwan there's no question about that that wouldn't have happened wasn't going to happen they knew that you weren't allowed to do that Putin would have never gone into Ukraine Israel would have never been attacked it's a sad sad situation so many people are dead so many people have gone so many cities you look at Ukraine those cities are just wiped off the face of the Earth they're outside of Kiev and a couple of others that basically just flattened far more people dead than they let you know it's like your numbers that were released fraudulently today far more people dead in that war than anybody would know when those big buildings come tumbling down hit with rocks it's so ridiculous there's nothing left it's so ridiculous but since the Afghanistan catastrophe it's been open season on America and our allies I really believe that the Afghan disaster what happened the stupidity and the way we pulled out and the bedum and all of that it would have been very smooth we were going to get out with strength and dignity but when Putin saw that he said wow those people don't know what they're doing they're overrated and he went in and same thing happened with Iran Iran was not going to play with us and now Iran is a rich Nation they were they have $300 billion they had no money and in three and a half years they made three and they made 300 billion $300 billion they have right now they made it all in three and a half years they had none when I left and we would have made a fair deal with them they can't have a nuclear weapon very simple you can't have a nuclear weapon other than that we want you to have great lives but uh I do here they're after me but you know that's the way it is look I'm here for you and I'm here even for the world we want to stop world wars because the equipment is so devastating now a world war is obliteration we can't have a World War every dictator Tyrant and Terrorist on the planet knows that they can get away with murder under Camala and crooked Joe kidnappers are getting millions and millions of dollars but now they're getting billions they're getting billions what did you get for the four people that we released sir they got $6 billion what is 6 billion does anyone know what that means 6 B they got $6 billion people get kidnapped and you know they ask for like how about $1,000 how about 500 they got $6 billion from these idiots and you know what happens when that happens a lot of people are going to get kidnapped because they say we're dealing with stupid people a lot of people we got we had 59 people that were hostage some in North Korea that's about as tough as it gets we got people out without paying for anything we never gave money we didn't want to give money if we gave money all they do is they go around kidnapping everybody these people give not only do they give six billion they got the prince of death out he's the number one arms Merchant in the world Russia got him as part of one of the deals the number one arms Merchant in the world we got a couple of people but you know why were they there and why did they do what they did but they got some of the most criminal the toughest meanest criminals anywhere in the world on top of that we paid them billions and billions of dollars we're run by very stupid people I'd like to use a different word I'd like to use a much more sophisticated word but there's no word I can think of incompetent how about incompetence as a result peace in Europe has been Shattered by the largest European land War since the fall of Nazi Germany this is the largest War there's been and this war is going to escalate and escalate when if but when I have to always say if you know because they cheat I would say when if they didn't cheat but they cheat that's the one thing they're great at cheating in elections if we win I'll get that thing settled before I take the office I'll get it settled as President elect I'll get that war stopped with Russia yeah we'll get that stopped Ukraine and Russia were going to get it stopped and quickly it'll be done before I get to office it would not have happened if I was President it wasn't going to happen in the Middle East the Jewish people have suffered the worst atrocities and deadliest attacks since the Holocaust there's no question about that the United States has been forced to abandon more embassies under comrade Kamala than at any time in our history we're just and we're running out it's not like we're leaving we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build you got to see these embassies in the middle of nowhere in a country you've never even heard of they spent 900 million to build an embassy the whole thing is crazy the world is on fire and kamla and Biden have mared marched us to the brink of World War II that's what we're in I think General you would probably agree you're one of the experts I would think right I don't even talk you about that lately it's so out of control I don't even have to bother I just say look take a look but one of the great experts and uh we're on the brink that's why this November Americans are going to tell kamla Harris kamla that we've had enough we can't take it anymore you're doing a terrible job up comrade Harris you're fired get out of here you're fired you're no good you're fired get him out of here all you have to do is take a look at San Francisco look at the job she did she had one policy if you steal less than $1,000 basically 950 to be exact I want to be accurate for purposes of reporters the fake news media they want accuracy they don't have to be accurate but we have to be accurate but if you steal less than $950 they basically leave you alone so I have guys going in robbing stores with a calculator let's see this is $100 did you notice this not going to happen in North Carolina I don't think is it let's see that's 100 that's $59 bing bing bing bing stop stop stop we don't want to go over 95 they walk out with it nobody does a thing thing starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the oath of office I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace we're going to return the world to peace and mostly I can do it with a telephone call you know we don't have to send troops I can do it with a telephone call you go to war with another country that's friendly to us or even not friendly to us you're not going to do business in the United States and we're going to charge you 100% tariffs and all of a sudden the president or prime minister or dictator or whoever the hell is running the country says to me sir we won't go to war I I talked I talked this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls I don't have to send in the troops one of my most urgent priorities will be to quickly rebuild the Readiness and spirit of the United States armed forces and we had it built we rebuilt it we rebuilt the whole military but it was decimated under this group of stupid people you know we had so much when I came in we had no ammunition did you know that remember I used to talk about it and I said if it's true which it was why would you say that we had people on television well the United States has no ammunition you know some things you just keep to yourself right do you remember I used to from North Carolina do you remember I used to talk about that all the time those are my best Witnesses those ladies there's about 40 of them they're all over the place and they're always perfectly quaffed and perfectly dressed they're beautiful and they're great but no I used to talk all the time if you have no bullets I can ask this group of leaders you don't talk about it but you get the bullets really fast right so within a year I had so much that our warehouses were stocked to the gills we never had so much I bought so much missiles everything I rebuilt our military but that's been all dissipated now again because we give it away to everybody and for nothing I mean they don't do anything for us we don't get anything we don't even get a pledge that we'll pay you back someday if we have the money how about that pay you back someday if we have the money you know uh I spons onor athletes sometimes if I see somebody that I like in sports I sponsor some golfers usually doesn't typically work out I don't know if you know it's like a 5,000 to one shot but I'm good at that stuff and I can see talent and I'll give them a few thousand I'll give them $50,000 I'll say you know you're really good you could make it why don't you why aren't you trying out for the tour sir I have no money I have to give lessons I have no money said you're too good to to give lessons you can be a tour player I sir I don't have any money I say here's $50,000 and here's the deal if you do well you pay me back with no interest just good luck if you don't do well which you probably won't because it's very hard they say the worst is a boxer if you sponsor a boxer they're all great they're winning all their fights and then they turn professional and they go in and this goes with UFC run by Dana White one of the greats of all time which is really taken over for boxing but it's the same thing and people sponsor people and they get what they get but the worst is that what's wrong oh a doctor please it is very hot here I noticed it's very hot and a lot of the people waited for days to get here so I understand it take your time doctor take your time thank you [Applause] yeah take your time please [Music] [Applause] [Applause] than [Applause] we [Applause] [Music] thank you very much you know they come two days three days early and it's a lot it's a lot of stress we lose them the only ones we don't lose are front row Joe's I don't know what they have going they they have something going here Governor thank you very much thanks doctor but America is blessed with the greatest military in the world but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical left politicians and some generals and at the top they woke they woke we don't want woke generals we want generals that know how to win and we have them we proved that when we wiped out Isis didn't we proved it sir it'll take five years we did it in three three weeks I think we did it in three weeks we have the greatest military in the world but you need the great leaders otherwise your military will can never be great everywhere I go soldiers and veterans tell me how angry they are that not one person has been held accountable for the Afghanistan catastrophe he never fired anybody you know I fire a lot of people when they don't do a good job then they come back and write books you know they hate you but that's okay when you don't fire people they never write books you know but I fired a lot of people I wasn't happy with their service I wasn't happy with the job they did and I fire them I let him go I mean I'm I'm working for you I'm not doing this for myself but when you fire them they always come back with something and now nobody's ever been in the position where you know they get offered all sorts of money from the fake news and everything else and fame we're going to make you famous all you have to do is make up some stories about Trump but uh people don't seem to care it's phony stuff phony horrible they're lightweights they're terrible people you know when I came don't forget I didn't know anybody in Washington I'm president of the United States I'm going down Pennsylvania having you with that biggest load of military and police and motorcycles and everything you've ever seen and I didn't know anybody I said to my wife I don't know a lot of people but the people I know I got recommendations from a lot of good people well-meaning people some were good most were great but we had some bad ones too but now I know them all in Washington I know the good ones the weak ones guys like this I know the weak ones and the bad ones General we know the we know the dumb ones and the Smart Ones don't we we know them all but the voters will hold kamla and Joe accountable for this November when I take office and they're going to be held accountable for what they've done to this country right thank you I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster I want their resignations immediately and I want them on the desk in the Oval Office the Resolute desk I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day everybody involved with that disaster when you have a disaster so stupid as that that causes us such problem you don't know what that's done to the reputation of our country the Afghanistan disaster this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world and America Military and everybody else they want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence and it's just not acceptable that something like that could happen these are Fighters they fight with broken old obsolete weapons and knives we have f-16s we have f35s f-32 and we were knocking the hell out of them just knocking the hell out of them it was easy but I said what the hell are we doing this for let's get the hell out of there we were getting out with such strength they were so happy they couldn't believe it and then these people came in and it's it's horrible to even think about what happened and countries all over the world lost respect for us because of Afghanistan we demand success and we demand Victory we want Victory from our soldiers and from everybody else under comrade kamla Harris and I call her that because there never been she's a Marxist okay I was saying do you think she's a Marxist or a communist the people that really study this stuff they weren't able to tell me they said it could be all the way could be communist but she's damn close they said it was definitely one or the other but they couldn't actually tell me was it communist or Marxist sir one or the other were not sure we'll figure it out but under comrade comma our military has been abused for radical social experiments on day one I will get critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our us Armed Forces we're taking it out our Warriors should be focused on defeating America's enemies not figuring out their genders by that time hopefully they know their genders Marxist ideologies have no place in combat think of it they go in and they decide oh it's they going to change my gender no no we we want them to know their gender when they go in you have no idea the disruption that that has caused and the fake news refuses to report it you know when I did a ban I went to a lot of good generals I said I'm not going to tell you names just tell me is is it the right thing or the wrong thing the wrong thing sir it's the wrong thing and I had unanimous support and then we did it I didn't do it other people did it they reversed me as soon as they got in like almost the first day I didn't do it but uh they allowed things to happen to our military that just not right if you want to have a sex change or a social justice seminar then you can do it somewhere else but you're not going to do it in the Army Navy Coast Guard Air Force Space force or the United States Marines sorry you're not going to do it there the military brass that led these absurd and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed and they will no longer be in command they're going to be gone gone so fast command crooked Joe purged 8,000 service members from our military for refusing their covid vaccine mandate they refused to do it we didn't want a mandate the Mandate you can't you just can't do that I will rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and with back pay they will get their back pay and an apology from our government hopefully they have great jobs right now and they're making a lot of money but if they want to come back in they get an apology and we sign them up and they get their back pay should have never happened the Mandate stuff should have never happened thanks to comrade kamla and Joe Biden morale in our military is now so low that almost every single branch is suffering a major Recruitment and Retention crisis you know that upon taking office I will begin the largest peacetime recruitment Drive in the history of the Armed Forces we have to fill our Armed Forces with great people but they don't have Spirit now there's no Spirit used to bring other soldiers would bring their friends in now that doesn't happen almost never happens the sense of spirit pride and Prestige will soon come roaring back and reach levels never seen before we're going to make it so hot that I'm going to want to resign and join the military I don't know what rank I would start at I guess I started private I don't know what rank would I have to start at General I have to start pretty low he said you'll start at the top all right then I'll stay here that's very good you'll start at the top he knows what they say America's military must always be unrivaled and unbeatable I mean I see reports coming out where they do studies and they said under these circumstances we'll lose a war to China number one if it's true why are we saying it and number two it shouldn't be true should it huh it shouldn't be true not going to happen why would they release a report like that for China to read we're vulnerable here she said they're idiots that's a good word too who's the woman that said that stand please who said that that's very good no it's true they're she says they're idiots no they released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas we need more this we need more that we're weak here we're weak there I don't know who does this report why would you release a report like that so after years that's like saying we have no ammunition ladies and gentlemen we have no ammunition at the time with the United States of America you know why we gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places we gave them everything empty our warehouses of all of our ammunition let's give it to people free of charge free of charge cost billions free of charge everything's always free of charge so after years of horrific depletion with the comrade sending our missiles and airplanes ammunition other countries I will make a historic investment in rebuilding the US Armed Forces I did that once before but I have to do it again because they've depleted it just like they've depleted the Strategic oil reserves you know we have the Strategic in all du respect is not for filling up your car so that you have 4 cents a gallon less and that you vote for crooked Joe it's not meant for that it's meant for war it's meant for tragedy it's meant for real stuff it's at the lowest point today in its history we almost have nothing left and we had it at a level that was such a beautiful thing to see we will increase funding but at the same time the days of blank checks for the weapon systems over the past are over I tell you what we will build though we're going to build a great Iron Dome over our country so that we don't have to get hit we give it to other countries we help Israel and other countries and Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago as you know but it didn't we didn't really have the technology then he was right but we didn't have the right Tech today we have unbel aable technology and you know we have other countries that have it this country should have it and we're going to make it right here and we're going to make it in other of our great places but a lot of it's going to come right out of your state it's time to create the Arsenal of the 21st century we need that that means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on The Cutting Edge investing heavily in drones and Robotics and artificial intelligence and hypersonics do you know hypersonics these are missiles that go seven times faster than a fast ordinary missile seven times FAS is so fast that for the most part you can't shut them down and you can't shoot them down they going at levels of speed that nobody thought was possible do you know that was our technology that was stolen by Russia and Russia has them and I started them very quickly but somebody gave Russia years ago before me all of our plans and specs for Hypersonic missiles and they built them and we didn't he said built L it could be might have been in nor fness might have been a little after Bill Linton I used to like Bill Linton can you believe it it it could have been Barack Hussein Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know my advisers are fired [Applause] no we'd rather keep it on policy but sometimes it's hard when you're attacked from all ends I mean they want to put you in jail for nothing for nothing for cases that the legal Scholars all over the country have said there is no case and they want to put you in jail and I could have done that to Hillary Clinton I could have put her in jail she turned away subpoenas and she damaged stuff and she wouldn't give things after a subpoena was sent after from the United States Congress I said to myself we want to bring the country together wouldn't it be terrible to put the wife of the president of the United States in jail wouldn't it be terrible and then I come out and they do it to me and there's no feeling as wouldn't it be terrible but we won the big case in Florida that was totally won and Biden didn't you know Biden documents I had the president presidential records act I had I had the right to do whatever I wanted to do that was passed in like 1978 but Biden didn't have a right to do it because he wasn't president and he was there for 50 years he took stuff and the ruling was basically he's guilty as hell but he's got no memory he's a nice man with no memory actually they're wrong he's not a nice man and he has no memory he's not a nice man at all because he start Ed weaponization and weaponization is a double prong that can come back to haunt them too it's a terrible thing for our country I can tell you a terrible thing for our country we need a dramatic increase in research we need a very dramatic increase in development and in so doing we will create countless American jobs including jobs right here in a place called North Carolina do we love North Carolina Laura Trump is from North Carolina she named her daughter Carolina the wife of Eric I now say that he's the husband of Laura which he's great he's great and it's a great couple but she loves this place she just loves it she's here all the time and you know she comes and she uh we love her too she's just said she's amazing she's got a great talent CH along with Michael Watley are running the Republican National Committee and doing a great job you know a lot of times when you do that they'll say oh family let me say this is not a job that somebody this is a tough job and our primary focus is not to get out the vote it's to make sure they don't cheat because we have all the votes you need you can see it every house along the way has signs Trump trump Trump trump Vance Trump Vance and by the way Vance is doing a great job Vance is doing a great job look at that beautiful red Vance now but these signs are all over the place I see it everywhere no matter where in Florida they're all over because people want to see common sense you know we're the party of common sense it's not conservative liberal they don't want to be called liberal in where they want to use Progressive we're Progressive Progressive I I think liberal is more appropriate Progressive such a beautiful word right you know Progressive Progressive means go forward they don't go forward they go backward as we rapidly rebuild American deterrence we will quickly restore peace and stability in our country but all over the world will make our country a much safer place we're in grave danger of a war a Third World War I tell you before I even arrive at the Oval Office and as I said we're going to do things that are going to be shocking to people but what I'm going to do more than anything else I'm going to get things in line and we're going to prevent that World War three and if you look at what's going on with Ukraine and Russia if you look at on now there's an incursion into Russia then there'll be another incursion the other way then there'll be and then all of a sudden bad things will start to happen they're already starting by contrast if comrade Cala wins this November World War II is virtually guaranteed to happen everything she touches she destroys everything that she's touched you look at her life she was district attorney and San Francisco the place went to hell it's the best city in the world probably 15 18 years ago 20 years ago maybe in the whole world it was one of the best cities in the world then she becomes the Attorney General of the State of California that place went to hell it was helped by Gavin nsam it was helped nsam helped but uh she did a she was terrible and it's crime ridden and it's I mean you can't walk down the sidewalk anywhere any that's just unbelievable able what's happened to that state so sad best weather beautiful ocean everything is good but they've they've just let it go to hell and she was and she's going to do the same thing to the United States and when she says I'll let you Frack her whole career she said no fracking Pennsylvania in particular no because they get tremendous wealth from fracking uh they're going to be stopped 100% they're going to be stopped she just changed your view a few months ago you got to see you know she ran against Biden there were 22 people running she was the first to leave she quit because she went down like that and she was the first one out she never made it to the first state in the primary she never made it to Iowa never made it to Iowa she didn't get one vote and she still hasn't gotten one vote and she won't have one vote think of it Biden I'm not a fan of Biden I think he was terrible a terrible president what he did to our country you look at him with the planes and the stairs and the falling all over the place and he had no idea what the hell was happening he couldn't find his way off the stage a stair here stare there St I got stairs all over the place he'd finish his speech and look around where am I his speech has lasted the nice part it was good in the hot sun cuz they lasted for about 2 minutes and you could go home but nobody would come anyway but we can't let her she's much worse much worse than him actually cuz she's actually more radical he never believed it he just did it for votes I don't know why You' get votes by having open borders you know she wants open borders if she became president in four years you'd have 60 to 70 million people from all over the world and it's not just South America and remember they're releasing them from their jails and their prisons they're coming out of jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums then we have hundreds and probably thousands of terrorist that have come into our country we probably have a few here welcome welcome but we probably have a few here and she's all for it and now she's saying and you see what she's saying well the wall was largely built we were adding space onto the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall I actually took it because Congress gave us a hard time and the Democrats were brutal we had 11 lawsuits and we won all 11 but I took it out of the military I called it an invasion of our country it was an invasion and we built hundreds of miles of wall and then I was going to do 200 extra we ordered it it was there and we had that rotten horrible election that horrible election where we did much better than we did the first time and bad things happened and all of a sudden I hear that they want to have open borders and I thought they were kidding who the hell wants open borders and then they said we'll give you health care you know now they're saying all about how they're getting tough in the borders and how they were tough except they have a couple of problems do you know that we flew in a million people airplanes over the top of the Border beautiful airplanes they're flying them in if you want to stop people you're not flying them in on airplanes and many other things no they want at open borders and we have a country that's loaded up with many many criminals right now of the worst they emptied their jails they emptied their jails and prisons they emptied their mental institutions into our country largely now they're continuing to do it but if you look at many of these countries that we're talking about frankly who can blame them they're dropping their prisoners into the United States of America they're dropping all of these people into the United States including their institution people any terrorist they have they're dropping them into the United States we're taking hundreds of thousands of people that were in jail for murder you take a look at Venezuela their jails are half and I'm surprised half because frankly I would have worked faster than that if I were running it I would have had all of them out of there by now they go to Caracus they take all their gang members all of their Killers their murderers their drug dealers they take them and they're putting them into the United States and their crime is down 72% in fact next time what we'll do instead of North Carolina we'll have our next little gathering in Venezuela because it will be much safer than being in our country if these people win you're not going to have any meetings you're not going to have anything there'll be chaos in our country and we just can't let it happen we can't let it happen we can't let it happen remember when Biden sent Cala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine she met with Putin and then 3 days later he attacked how did she do you think she did a good job she met with Putin to tell him don't do it and three days later he attacked that's when the attack started did you know that General should have sent you but over a half a million they say are dead or wounded but it's a much higher number than that and everything lies in ruined look we are going to fight like hell to win this election they are going to cheat like hell to win the election because they have no bounds they have no bounds I've said to some Republicans once in a place called Philadelphia which I love I went to school in Philadelphia but it's suffering tremendously like Chicago like every Democrat run city is suffering but I said like why do we allow them to do it do Republicans do what they do with the stuffing the boxes with all of the different things they do sir where proud Americans and that's really the right thing to say but they have no bounds we have to win this election if we don't win this election we're in such trouble as a country we're in trouble right now but you have the right guy to straighten it out I'll get it straightened out I'll get it straightened out fast we're going to have peace through strength all over the world like we had just a short while ago and I just want to say closing is it's an honor to have served for four years I wish we didn't have this break the only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get because we've never had a country that's been in shape like this country is in right now we have squalor in our streets our vets are disregard started Living on sidewalks in freezing cold and unbelievably hot cities all over the country and yet we have people coming in to our country that are living in luxury hotels this is what we have we're going to straighten out our country through Common Sense we're going to straighten out our country with the United States of America with the greatest country in the world we're not going to let this continue to go we're going to straighten it out we're going to make it bigger better stronger than ever before we're going to bring in business we're going to use tariffs to take advantage of our great strength and to frankly hurt countries that are hurting us and have been hurting us on trade for many many years right now China is building massive Auto plants in Mexico and they think that those plants are going to make cars and they're going to sell them across the line for no tax no anything destroy what's left in Detroit which frankly compared to years ago is very little and South Carolina and many other places we're not going to let it happen we will charge them 150 or 200% tariff and all of that investment that they made is now worthless we're not going to let them do that we're not going to let them destroy our automobile industry the United Auto Workers has a grossly incompetent man at the head they want to make all electric cars and Elon Musk is a friend of mine you saw he endorsed me for very strongly and he understands that I'm right and I love electric cars and they have an incredible purpose they have an incredible purpose they're unbelievable what they can do and he makes a great product but I told him I said you know before you endorse you have to understand we have to have gasoline propelled cars again we have more Liquid Gold than anybody anywhere in the world more than Saudi Arabia more than Russia we have more than anybody we're going to quadruple that business we're going to be much bigger than both of them put together we're going to pay down debt we're going to reduce your taxes I gave you the largest tax cut in history the largest regulatory cut in history that created all of the jobs and when Biden talks about jobs by the way because they lie so much the jobs he created almost all of them almost 100% people say more than 100% went to illegal aliens the other remember this the numbers sound good because they're called bounceback jobs we had a pandemic people were laid off and then as soon and this is common for ages when a pandemic goes you have bounced back the businesses and we had we not done what we did with money probably some of you benefited but we we would have been in a 1929 style depression we did it just right the problem is they came in they no longer needed money we gave them a country that was fixed and more people died during Biden think of that than died during us from covid many more people died during them but think of this we gave them a country and they blew it because they took so much they took trillions and trillions of money they kept feeding it and that's what caused along with their bad energy policies that's what caused this tremendous inflation which is destroying the people of our country and frankly it's contagious it's all over the world but we're the ones that started it with their bad Poli policy so we're going to work very hard we've got to win we've got to win this state this state is a very very big state to win we've won it twice and we're going to win it again I said to a couple of the people I said so let me ask you how are we doing compared to four years ago and eight years ago they said sir you're much hotter you're more popular I hope that's true but we won it twice and all I can do is pledge to you that we're going to do a great job for North Carolina we're going to do a great job for the United States of America we put America First and we're going to make America great again thank you all very much thank you thank you very much everybody thank you very much everybody it's great to be here what a place did you like the fly over that was pretty good we were going low and fast we were that was moving along I was pretty low uh just wanted to thank JD is doing a fantastic job and I want to thank North Carolina I love North Carolina I love them 76 days from now we're going to win this state and we're going to win the White House that beautiful beautiful building that beautiful building I want to thank Senator tedb who's doing such a great job Senator tedb thank you thank you great job Ted Mark Robinson he's out there he's fighting he's fighting he's a great one and I think we have a lot of our sheriffs here don't we have where are they will this stage hold them I'd love to bring them up come on Sheriff get up here Mark come on we got I don't know if the stage is going to hold him but if it doesn't we've had bigger risks than this right come on sheriffs if you weigh more than 200 lb don't come up I'm only kidding come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] know app you I don't know if this thing going to but it we're not going to get [Music] just so you know these are great people but I want to get them the hell off the stage CU I guarantee they didn't have this in mind when they built this thank goodness Mark lost a lot of weight over the last couple of months I'm very you did actually well I want to thank you all very much you are the reason we're able to be here and that you have a safe state and a great state thank you all very much thank you that's some group that's some group of people for endorsements too every group virtually in the country law enforcements endorsed us thank you very much thanks Mark good luck Mark will win got to win he's got to win got to win he's a good man thank you oh I feel much better I feel very much better that they got off the stage I had no idea what was going to happen happened but it's not that far down you know it's I had no idea what was I'm a big structural guy but I want to thank also members of Congress Richard Hudson and Byron Donald's two Warriors two great people two unbelievable where's Byron thank you very much thank you very much to where's Byron look at him over there he knows how to get attention look at that guy he's been my friend for a long time thank you for everything Baron and you have thank you very much Congressional candidate Mark Harris Mark hi Mark good going Mark good numbers good numbers Brad not and Addison McDow they're all going to be winners very soon young good-looking people thank you very much great the State House speaker Tim Moore Tim where is Tim oh he's nice and safe back there oh hello Tim I appreciate it Tim and Neil Jackson State Rep Neil Jackson thank you very much thank you Neil RNC chairman Michael Watley what a job he's doing what a job he's doing and North Carolina GOP chairman Jason Simmons who's been a friend of ours for a long time where's Jason nice tall character right here here thank you very much Jason and somebody that's been with me from day one a real he's a real general you know we have the real generals and we have the fake woke generals that did so poorly in Afghanistan should have all been fired but this is a real General Keith Kellogg right Keith and this is a great group it's good to see you Keith he's been with me from before day one right he said that guy should run we got to get him to run I like those guys they were here before IR ran you know there's quite a few of them too we have the front row Joe's you know that and very importantly we have the most magnificent women first time you know we have they travel all over the country to be with us for rallies or at close to a couple of hundred rallies I don't know what their husbands are doing about this this is a little crazy look how beautiful and they're from North Carolina and and for a change they don't have to travel so far right how far are you from here two hours two hours is nothing it's a pretty big state actually thank you very much as always you are special special people great women they love our country before we begin I want to address the massive Scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning a little while ago just before I came up I got to see them and it really isn't a revision it's a total lie total lie there's never been any revision like this they wanted it to come out after the election but somehow it got leaked it got leaked government leaks to the Harris Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America the new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the administration ped the numbers with an extra listen to this one 818 th000 jobs that don't exist so they said they existed and they never did exist they built them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing no we've never had numbers like this they don't exist they thought they could do it sometime after you know we have an election coming up very quickly but they wanted this to come out after November 5th it wouldn't have meant so much but it came out a little early so there's a patriot in there someplace right the real numbers are much worse than that and comrade Cala you know she's comrade the most most radical left person ever to run for a high political office in our country gets another four years millions of jobs and it'll vanish overnight she gets four more years you're going to see jobs vanish millions and millions will vanish and inflation will completely destroy our country we'll have inflation worse than they've given us you know when I gave it to them I had virtually no inflation and now their number is up to 22 23% but their real number is probably 40 to 50% because a lot of the things in their numbers aren't included I saw another one where the FBI releases crime statistics and they weren't that bad and then they left out little things like New York Chicago they left out various areas and that wasn't so good your life savings will be totally wiped out and uh if you put somebody like that in there with him how about him how about him she'll destroy our country just like she destroyed San Francisco just like she destroyed California with the Trump Victory we will once again have the greatest economy in history we're going to do things that are going to make us so great so fast we're going to bring it back we're going to make America strong again we're going to make America great again going to be fantastic it's going to be fantastic so I just want to thank you very much for your support because I've always had I've always had fantastic support from you thank you thank you very much us we have a job to do you know we have a job to do we had some very good polls this morning despite their charade I call it the party the Democrats party do you know five people in Chicago were killed in the last little while since the that charade that they have going on they mentioned my name I think 271 times they mentioned the economy like 12 times they mentioned the Border maybe none they don't talk about the Border our great borders are doesn't talk about the Border but they mentioned me more than any other category I'm now a category they had me down today as a category that's all they talk about Trump we've driven them crazy they have Trump derangement syndrome we've driven them crazy and they should be driven crazy they've done a terrible job for our country in every single way there's not a thing they've done well except cheat and lie they lie about stats no they lied about the crime number the crime numbers didn't look bad then they found out that many of the worst places weren't included in the numbers and that was done by the FBI which is said four years ago our country was strong and respected like never before our allies admired us our enemies feared us because everyone knew that as an American president I was all about putting America first that's true under my leadership we rebuilt the United States military created space force and we made our allies pay their fair share and their Fair dues you know we went to Nato we say you're not paying you got to pay if you remember President Bush would go and he'd make a speech Obama would go he'd make a speech they all made speeches this one didn't even make a speech it's last one but I went I said uh nobody's paying you got to pay and they did paid hundreds of billions of dollars they said well does that mean you won't support us if we don't pay I said that's what it means I had to say that every I got a lot of heat for that people the the fake news oh that's a lot of fake news W that's a lot of fake news no the fake news gave me a hard time for that the fake news was saying uh what a terrible thing to say to our allies our allies weren't paying and I said you got to pay we were paying for everybody so they take advantage of us on trade and then we also pay for their military that somehow doesn't work so they had to pay they paid hundreds of billions of dollars but I said to him no that means I will not protect you I will not protect you they said sir if we're attacked by Russia will you protect us used to be Soviet Union now Russia will you protect us they said are you paid no let's assume we're not paid then you're delinquent right well yes that's an old real estate term you're delinquent yes no we will not protect you the the Press went crazy that I said and you know what if I would have said the other way they would have never paid hundreds of billions were sent in to Nato but we defeated Isis we killed the world's top terrorists we secured our borders we achieved energy Independence we stood up to China we protected Israel we made peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and more more more we did things like nobody ever heard of and we brought our troops mostly back home we didn't start any wars for 79 years it was before we didn't start wars 79 80 years everybody said oh he's going to start wars with his attitude no my attitude kept us out of Wars I stop Wars with phone calls Russia should have never happened with Ukraine would have never happened if I were president would have never happened NOP there was no talk of that would have never ever happened with Putin would have never happened and Israel October 7th would have never happened Iran would have never done that they had very little money at that point now they're rich as hell but Biden allowed that to happen and Camala where's Biden what happened to Biden where is he he's on a beach he's on a beach you know he's got somebody that thinks he looks great in a bathing suit he likes to go to a beach how do you hell how do you leave here and go on a beach you can't do it there are things you just don't do people don't want to see you in a bathing suit walks badly it's hard to walk in the sand you know he has a hard time lifting his feet through the sand and then he grabs he grabs a chair the chair is meant for old people to lift and young kids to lift like you know four-year-old kids right and he can't lift it he needs a little help the whole thing is crazy how we ever got that is crazy and what happened to our country with inflation and with disrespect from all over the world and all these wars are starting all over the place and we're very close to a third world war and don't kid yourself because they are laughing but they're not laughing too much you're a little worried about a certain person winning the election we had some very good polls today and if that happens you're not going to have any third world wars every American was safer under President Trump in fact the entire world was safer when I sat behind that beautiful Resolute desk in the Oval Office you know I heard the other day for the first time I heard Biden say the beautiful Resolute does he never said that before they copy me when I say We're a nation in Decline guys are copying me they then they say they shouldn't say that but they thought the words were beautiful but they copy me all the time in that case it was Republicans that were copying me because they happen to be right so I don't mind if a republican copies me any of you guys want to copy me but it's a sad thing to have to say but they copy me the Resolute desk he never mentioned that he doesn't even know what the hell the Resolute desk is exactly 3 years ago this month the weakness and incompetence of of Camala Harris and crooked Joe Biden delivered the most humiliating event in the history of our country and one of the biggest military disasters in the history of the world as far as I'm concerned no one will ever forget the horrifying images of their catastrophic Retreat from Afghanistan desperate Afghans fell to their deaths from the wheels of us cargo planes that were 3,000 ft up in the air bloodthirsty terrorists p B out of the prisons after Biden and Harris surrendered bam one of the largest air military bases anywhere in the world we spent billions and billions of dollars building it many years ago and you know it was important to keep it I was never leaving that I would have been out faster than them I said that's up we're there for 20 almost 21 years and I said what are we doing what are we doing here and we had no soldiers killed for 18 months while I was there because they knew don't play around with our soldiers they were they were killing them they were killing them under Obama did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always say sir please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they're getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy sir you must stick to policy you'll win It On the Border you'll win it with inflation you'll win it with your great military that you built that they gave away $85 billion worth of it Afghanistan sir you're going to win it on crime the crime is running through the streets like never before you're going to win it on all of these things and maybe especially I think two things the economy inflation because I view them together what they've done to inflation and they closed it with energy what they did with energy so stupid if we were there our energy we would be so dominant all over the world right now we were already energy independent I made you energy independent but we would be energy dominant we'd be paying back debt we'd be reducing your taxes still further we gave you the largest tax cuts ever and uh a lot of good things were going to happen but now we're just going to have to sort of call it a delay of four years but these people don't have any idea what they're doing you had 13 heroic US service members were tragically and needlessly K I got to know a lot of the relatives friends and mothers and fathers of those 13 people 45 others were horrifically wounded and $85 billion worth of the best military equipment anywhere in the world was handed over to these people in fact Afghanistan is now one of the largest arms Merchants anywhere in the world did you know that they're selling our equipment at tremendous prices they're selling are beautiful we had 70,000 arm armored trucks many of them armored armored trucks and vehicles think of this we had 700,000 rifles and guns seven I actually say what the hell did they need so many for 700,000 rifles and guns we had goggles brand new right out of the box you know they didn't fight at night because they never had goggles right good Fighters they never had goggles now they have brand new goggles all left by the by the Biden Harris Administration gave them billions and billions of dollars just gave it to them and now they sell that equipment because they don't need 700,000 rifles they need 20,000 little difference they don't need 70,000 Vehicles they need 500 Vehicles you have to ask yourself who bought all that stuff in the first place who bought it all how disgusted we're all when we see all of us are when we see three days ago when we viewed their parade our military equipment running down the middle of their Main Avenue brand new beautiful armor plated trucks tanks and vehicles running down the middle and they're all celebrating because we have stupid people running our government and she'll be worse than Biden because he wasn't really a Believer but she's a radical left believe her she ruined San Francisco she ruined California and if if she gets in our country doesn't have a chance This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will be comrade because I think that's the most accurate name you know I've been looking for a name people were saying sir don't do it you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I really didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called her crooked Hillary I call people names I call crazy Nancy Pelosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts you know Biden is really angry you know he's very angry he was so angry the other night he's like seething I you ever see a guy make a speech is such anger and so uncomfortable was just shouting but he's terrible he's just terrible should have never been there we all know that should have never been there what they've done to this country is incredible but she bragged that she would be the last person in the room and she was she was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan and by the way pulling them out was absolutely right I was going to do it I'm the one that got the soldiers down to 5,000 people I was going to do it but we were going to get out last you don't pull the soldiers out first you let the soldiers stay last and the head of the Taliban respected me Abdul I had conversations with him after my conversations not one soldier in 18 months was killed but you pull the soldiers out last Millie and these guys you know we have great generals but Millie and Mattis and these guys they didn't know what the I call them tell television generals the television generals are no good but the generals that defeated Isis for me were great we have great we have a great military but she had the final vote she had the final say and she was all for it you take the soldiers out if I took that young person right there about five or six years old beautiful young person and if I said I gave it little details like about 30 seconds worth of details would you take the military out first or last sir I'd take the military out last but they took it out first and then we left hostages we left all of the equipment we left everything and we left bogram and now China is occupying bogram bogram being one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons wouldn't it been nice to have our big fat beautiful base it was probably built there for that reason but China one hour away and now China is occupying that massive big base some of the biggest runways in the world they could hold heavier loads than any runways in the world under my leadership we were getting out of Afghanistan but we were going to get out with dignity pride and with strength when I left office we had not lost a single service member in the combat in Afghanistan in more than 18 months and then we had that horrible day where we lost so many and so many were so badly hurt arms legs gone face just obliterated we lost so many great people that day nobody talks about the people that were so badly injured they never mention them I always mention them all over the world our adversaries knew that America was not to be trifled with when I was your commanderin-chief but and you know it's very interesting uh if you look at Hungary very strong country very strong leader Victor Orban he said the only thing that's going to save the whole world is Trump has to be president again we had no problems we had no problems he said we had no problems I don't use the term but he did he said China was afraid of him Russia was afraid of him they were said oh I was so friendly to Russia I'm the one that stopped the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 nobody ever the biggest development they ever had to feed oil all over Europe I stopped it and then Biden comes in and he gives them everything he gave him the pipeline they built the pipeline but I stopped it Putin said that's the worst thing that's ever happened to us I said I'm sorry I have to do it and he approves it right away and then they say Trump was not strong on Russia I think they were they got it wrong Putin actually said if you weren't strong I'd like to find out how bad would you be if you were strong because you were brutal but you know I got along with him it's good to get along with these countries I got along with China that wouldn't have happened what's happening right now they're planning an attack on Taiwan there's no question about that that wouldn't have happened wasn't going to happen they knew that you weren't allowed to do that Putin would have never gone into Ukraine Israel would have never been attacked it's a sad sad situation so many people are dead so many people have gone so many cities you look at Ukraine those cities are just wiped off the face of the Earth they're outside of Kiev and a couple of others that basically just flattened far more people dead than they let you know it's like your numbers that were released fraudulently today far more people dead in that war than anybody would know when those big buildings come tumbling down hit with rockets so ridiculous there's nothing left it's so ridiculous but since the Afghanistan catastrophe it's been open season on America and our allies I really believe that the Afghan disaster what happened the stupidity and the way we pulled out and the bedum and all of that it would have been very smooth we were going to get out with strength and dignity but when Putin saw that he said wow those people don't know what they're doing they're overrated and he went in and same thing happened with Iran Iran was not going to play with us and now Iran is a rich Nation they were they have 300 billion they had no money and in three and A2 years they made three and they made 300 B billion $300 billion they have right now they made it all in three and a half years they had none when I left and we would have made a fair deal with them they can't have a nuclear weapon very simple you can't have a nuclear weapon other than that we want you to have great lives but uh I do hear they're after me but you know that's the way it is look I'm here for you and I'm here even for the world we want to stop world wars because the equipment is so devastating now a world war is obliteration we can't have a World War every dictator Tyrant and Terrorist on the planet knows that they can get away with murder under Kamala and crooked Joe kidnappers are getting millions and millions of dollars but now they're getting billions they're getting billions what did you get for the four people that we released sir they got $6 billion what is 6 billion does anyone know what that means 6 bil they got $6 billion people get kidnapped and you know they ask for like how about about $1,000 how about 500 they got $6 billion from these idiots and you know what happens when that happens a lot of people are going to get kidnapped because they say we're dealing with stupid people a lot of people we got we had 59 people that were hostage some in North Korea that's about as tough as it gets we got people out without paying for anything we never gave money we didn't want to give money if we gave money all they do is they go around kidnapping everybody these people give not only do they give six billion they got the prince of death out he's the number one arms Merchant in the world Russia got him as part of one of the deals the number one arms Merchant in the world we got a couple of people but you know why were they there and why did they do what they did but they got some of the most criminal the toughest meanest Criminal anywhere in the world on top of that we paid them billions and billions of dollars we're run by very stupid people I'd like to use a different word I'd like to use a much more sophisticated word but there's no word I can think of incompetent how about incompetent as a result peace in Europe has been Shattered by the largest European land War since the fall of Nazi Germany this is the largest War there's been and this war is going to to escalate and escalate when if but when I have to always say if you know because they cheat I would say when if they didn't cheat but they cheat that's the one thing they're great at cheating in elections if we win I'll get that thing settled before I take the office I'll get it settled as President elect I'll get that war stopped with Russia yeah we'll get that stopped Ukraine and Russia we're going to get it stopped and quickly it'll be done before I get to office it would not have happened if I was President it wasn't going to happen in the Middle East the Jewish people have suffered the worst atrocities and deadliest attacks since the Holocaust there's no question about that the United States has been forced to abandon more embassies under comrade Kamala than at any time in our history we just and we're running out it's not like we're leaving we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build you got to see these embassies in the middle of nowhere in a country you've never even heard of they spent 900 million to build an embassy the whole thing is crazy the world is on fire and kamla and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War III that's what we're in I think General you would probably agree you're one of the experts I would think right I don't even talk you about that lately it's so out of control I don't even have to bother I just say look take a look but one of the great experts and uh we're on the brink that's why this November Americans are going to tell kamla Harris Kamala that we've had enough we can't take it anymore you're doing a terrible job comrade Harris you're fired get out of here you're fired you're no good you're fired get them out out of here all you have to do is take a look at San Francisco look at the job she did she had one policy if you steal less than $1,000 basically 950 to be exact I want to be accurate for purposes of reporters the fake news media they want accuracy they don't have to be accurate but we have to be accurate but if you steal less than $950 they basically leave you alone so I have guys going in robbing stores with calculator let's see this is $100 did you notice this not going to happen in North Carolina I don't think is it let's see that's A1 that's $59 bing bing bing bing stop stop stop we don't want to go over 95 they walk out with it nobody does a thing starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the oath of office I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace we're going to return the world to peace and mostly I can do it with the telephone call you know we don't have to send troops I can do it with a telephone call you go to war with another country that's friendly to us or even not friendly to us you're not going to do business in the United States and we're going to charge you 100% tariffs and all of a sudden the president or prime minister or dictator or whoever the hell is running the country says to me sir we won't go to war I I talked I talked this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls I don't have to send in the troops one of my most urgent priorities will be to quickly rebuild the Readiness and spirit of the United States armed forces and we had it built we rebuilt it we rebuilt the whole military but it was decimated under this group of stupid people you know we had so much when I came in we had no ammunition did you know that remember I used to talk about it and I said if it's true which it was why would you say that we had people on television well the United States has no ammunition you know some things you just keep to yourself right do you remember I used to from North Carolina do you remember I used to talk about that all the time those are my best Witnesses those ladies there's about 40 of them they're all over the place and they're always perfectly quaffed and perfectly dressed they're beautiful and they're great but no I used to talk all the time if you have no bullets I can ask this group of leaders you don't talk about it but you get the bullets really fast right so within a year I had so much that our warehouses were stocked to the gills we never had so much I bought so much missiles everything I rebuilt our military but that's been all dissipated now again because we give it away to everybody and for nothing I mean they don't do anything for us we don't get anything we don't even get a pledge that we'll pay you back someday if we have the money how about that pay you back someday if we have the money you know uh I sponsor athletes sometimes if I see somebody that I like in sports I sponsor some golfers usually doesn't typically work out I don't know if you know it's like a 5,000 to one shot but I'm good at that stuff and I can see talent and I'll give them a few th000 I'll give them $50,000 I'll say you know you're really good you could make it why don't you why aren't you trying out for the tour sir I have no money I have to give lessons I have no money he said you're too good to give lessons you can be a tour player I sir I don't have any money I say here's $50,000 and here's the deal if you do well you pay me back with no interest just good luck if you don't do well which you probably won't cuz it's very hard they say the worst is a boxer if you sponsor a boxer they're all great they're winning all their fights and then they turn professional and they go in and this goes with UFC run by Dana White one of the greats of all time which is really taken over for boxing but it's the same thing and people sponsor people and they get what they get but the worst is that what's wrong oh a doctor please it is very hot here I noticed it's very hot and a lot of the people waited for days to get here so I understand it take your time doctor take your time thank you [Applause] yeah take your time please [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] thank you very much you know they come two days three days early and it's a long it's a lot of stress we lose them the only ones we don't lose are front row Joe's I don't know what they have going they they have something going here Governor thank you very much thanks doctor but America is blessed with the greatest military in the world but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical left politicians and some generals and at the top they woke they woke we don't want woke generals we want generals that know how to win and we have them we proved that when we wiped out Isis didn't we proved it sir it'll take 5 years we did it in three 3 weeks I think we did it in 3 weeks we have the greatest military in the world but you need the great leaders otherwise your military will can never be great everywhere I go soldiers and Veterans tell me how angry they are that not one person has been held accountable for the Afghanistan catastrophe he never fired anybody you know I fire a lot of people when they don't do a good job then they come back and write books you know they hate you but that's okay when you don't fire people they never write books you know but I fired a lot of people I wasn't happy with their service I wasn't happy with the job they did and I fire them I let them go I mean I'm I'm working for you I'm not doing this for myself but when you fire them they always come back with something and now nobody's ever been in the position where you know they get offered all sorts of money from the fake news and everything else and fame we're going to make you famous all you have to do is make up some stories about Trump but uh people don't seem to care it's phony stuff phony horrible they're lightweights they're terrible people you know when I came don't forget I didn't know anybody in Washington I'm president of the United States I'm going down Pennsylvania having you with that biggest load of military and police and motorcycles and everything you've ever seen and I didn't know anybody I said to my wife I don't know a lot of people but the people I know I got recommendations from a lot of good people well-meaning people some were good most were great but we had some bad ones too but now I know them all in Washington I know the good ones the weak ones guys like this I know the weak ones and the bad ones General we know the we know the dumb ones and the Smart Ones don't we we know them all but the voters will hold kamla and Joe accountable for this November when I take office and they're going to be held account accountable for what they've done to this country right thank you I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster I want their resignations immediately and I want them on the desk in the Oval Office the Resolute desk I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day everybody involved with that disaster when you have a disaster so stupid as that that causes a such problem you don't know what that's done to the reputation of our country the Afghanistan disaster this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world and America Military and everybody else they want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence and it's just not acceptable that something like that could happen these are Fighters they fight with broken old obsolete weapons and knives we have f-16s we have f35s f-302s and we were knocking the hell out of them just knocking the hell out of them it was easy but I said what the hell are we doing this for let's get the hell out of there we were getting out with such strength they were so happy they couldn't believe it and then these people came in and it's it's horrible to even think about what happened and countries all over the world lost respect for us because of Afghanistan we demand success and we demand Victory we want Victory from our soldiers and from everybody else under comrade kamla Harris and I call her that because there never been she's a Marxist okay I was saying do you think she's a Marxist or a communist to people that really study this stuff they weren't able to tell me they said it could be all the way it could be communist but she's damn close they said it was definitely one or the other but they couldn't actually tell me was it communist or Marxist sir one or the other we're not sure we'll figure it out but under comrade kamla our military has been abused for radical social experiments on day one I will get critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our us Armed Forces we're taking it out our Warriors should be focused on defeating America's enemies not figuring out their genders by that time hopefully they know their genders Marxist ideologies have no place in combat think of it they go in and they decide oh it's they going to change my gender no no we we want them to know their gend gender when they go in you have no idea the disruption that that has caused and the fake news refuses to report it you know when I did a ban I went to a lot of good generals I said I'm not going to tell you names just tell me is it the right thing or the wrong thing the wrong thing sir it's the wrong thing and I had unanimous support and then we did it I didn't do it other people did it they reversed me as soon as they got in like almost the first day I didn't do it but uh they allowed things to happen to our military that just not right if you want to have a sex change or a social justice seminar then you can do it somewhere else but you're not going to do it in the Army Navy Coast Guard Air Force Space force or the United States Marines sorry you're not going to do it there the military brass that led these absurd and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed and they will no longer be in command they're going to be gone gone so fast command crooked Joe purged 8,000 service members from our military for refusing their covid vaccine mandate they refused to do it we didn't want a mandate the Mandate you can't for you just can't do that I will rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and with back pay will get their back pay and an apology from our government hopefully they have great jobs right now and they're making a lot of money but if they want to come back in they get an apology and we sign them up and they get their back pay should have never happened the Mandate stuff should have never happened thanks to comrade kamla and Joe Biden morale in our military is now so low that almost every single branch is suffering a major Recruitment and ret attention crisis you know that upon taking office I will begin the largest peacetime recruitment Drive in the history of the Armed Forces we have to fill our Armed Forces with great people but they don't have Spirit now there's no Spirit used to bring other soldiers would bring their friends in now that doesn't happen almost never happens the sense of spirit pride and Prestige will soon come roaring back and reach levels never seen before we're going to make it so hot that I'm going to want to resign and join the military I don't know what rank I would start at I guess I start at private I don't know what rank would I have to start at General I have to start pretty low he said you'll start at the top all right then I'll stay here that's very good you'll start at the top he knows what this say America's military must always be unrivaled and unbeatable I mean I see reports coming out where they do studies and they said under these circumstances we'll lose a war to China number one if it's true why are we saying it and number two it shouldn't be true should it huh shouldn't be true not going to happen why would they release a report like that for China to read we're vulnerable here she said they're idiots that's a good word too who's the woman that said that stand please who said that that's very good no it's true they she say they're idiots now they released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas we need more this we need more that we're weak here we're weak there I don't know who does this report why would you release a report like that so after years that's like saying we have no ammunition ladies and gentlemen we have no ammunition at the time with the United States of America you know why we gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places we gave them everything empty our warehouses of all of our ammunition let's give it to people free of charge free of charge course billions free of charge everything's always free of charge so after years of horrific depletion with the comrade sending our missiles and airplanes ammunition to other countries I will make a historic investment in rebuilding the US Armed Forces I did that once before but I have to do it again because they've depleted it just like they've depleted the Strategic oil reserves you know we have the Strategic in all due respect is not for filling up your car so that you have 4 cents a gallon less and that you vote for crooked Joe it's not meant for that it's meant for war it's meant for tragedy it's meant for real stuff it's at the lowest point today in its history we almost have nothing left and we had it at a level that was such a beautiful thing to see we will increase funding but at the same time the days of blank checks for the weapon systems over the past are over I tell you what we will build though we're going to build a great Iron Dome over our country country so that we don't have to get hit we give it to other countries we help Israel and other countries and Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago as you know but it didn't we didn't really have the technology then he was right but we didn't have the right techn today we have unbelievable technology and you know we have other countries that have it this country should have it and we're going to make it right here and we're going to make it in other of our great places but a lot of it's going to come right out of your state it's time to create the Arsenal of the 21st century we need that that means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on The Cutting Edge investing heavily in drones and Robotics and artificial intelligence and hypersonics do you know hypersonics these are missiles that go seven times faster than a fast ordinary missile seven times fast is so fast that for the most part you can't shut them down and you can't shoot them down they going at levels of speed that nobody thought was possible do you know that was our technology that was stolen by Russia and Russia has them and I started them very quickly but somebody gave Russia years ago before me all of our plans and specs for Hypersonic missiles and they built them and we didn't he said built Linton it could be might have been in offer and it's might have been a little after Bill Clinton I used to like Bill Clinton can you believe it it it could have been Barack Hussein Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know my advisers are fired no we'd rather keep it on policy but sometimes it's hard when you're attacked from all ends I mean they want to put you in jail for nothing for nothing for cases that the legal Scholars all over the country have said there is no case and they want to put you in jail and I could have done that to Hillary Clinton I could have put her in jail she turned away subpoenas and she damaged stuff and she wouldn't give things after a subpoena was sent after from the United States Congress I said to myself we want to bring the country together wouldn't it be terrible to put the wife of the president of the United States in jail wouldn't it be terrible and then I come out and and they do it to me and there's no feeling as wouldn't it be terrible but we won the big case in Florida that was totally one and Biden didn't you know Biden documents I had the presidential records act I had I had the right to do whatever I wanted to do that was passed in like 1978 but Biden didn't have a right to do it because he wasn't president and he was there for 50 years he took stuff and the ruling was basically he's guilty as hell but he's got no memory he's a nice man with no memory actually they're wrong he's not a nice man and he has no memory he's not a nice man at all because he started weaponization and weaponization is a double prong that can come back to haunt them too it's a terrible thing for our country I can tell you a terrible thing for our country we need a dramatic increase in research we need a very dramatic increase in development and in so doing we will create countless American jobs including jobs right here in a place called North Carolina do we love North Carolina Laura Trump is from North Carolina she named her daughter Carolina the wife of Eric I now say that he's the husband husband of Laura we Chang it he's great he's great and it's a great couple but she loves this place she just loves it she's here all the time and you know she comes and she uh we love her too she's she said she's amazing she's got a great talent and she along with Michael Watley are running the Republican National Committee and doing a great job you know a lot of times when you do that they'll say oh family let me say this is not a job that somebody this is a tough job and our primary focus is not to get out the vote it's to make sure they don't cheat CU we have all the votes you need you can see it every house along the way has signs Trump trump Trump trump Vance Trump Vance and by the way Vance is doing a great job Vance is doing a great job look at that beautiful red Vance no but these signs are all over the place I see it everywhere no matter where in Florida they're all over because people want to see common sense you know we the party of common sense it's not conservative liberal they don't want to be called liberal in where they want to use Progressive we're Progressive Progressive I I think liberal is more appropriate Progressive is such a beautiful word right you know Progressive Progressive means go forward they don't go forward they go backward as we rapidly rebuild American deterrence we will quickly restore peace and stability in our country but all over the world will make our country a much safer place we're engraved danger of a war a Third World War I tell you before I even arrive at the Oval Office and as I said we're going to do things that are going to be shocking to people but what I'm going to do more than anything else I'm going to get things in line and we're going to prevent that world war three and if you look at what's going on with Ukraine and Russia if you look at on now there's an incursion into Russia then there'll be another incursion the other way then there'll be and then all of a sudden bad things will start to happen they're already starting by contrast if comrade Camala wins this November World War III is virtually guaranteed to happen everything she touches she destroys everything that she's touched you look at her life she was district attorney and San Francisco the place went to hell it's the best city in the world probably 15 18 years ago 20 years ago maybe in the whole world it was one of the best cities in the world then she becomes the Attorney General of the State of California that place went to hell it was helped by Gavin nusum it was helped nusum helped but she did a she was terrible and it's crimer ridden and it's I mean you can't walk down the sidewalk anywhere any it's just unbelievable what's happened to that state so sad best weather beautiful ocean Beau everything is good but they've they've just let it go to hell and she was and she's going to do the same thing to the United States and when she said says I'll let you Frack her whole career she said no frack in Pennsylvania in particular no CU they get tremendous wealth from fracking uh they're going to be stopped 100% they're going to be stopped she just changed her view a few months ago you got to see you know she ran against Biden there were 22 people running she was the first to leave she quit because she went down like that and she was the first one out she never made it to the first state in the primary she never made it to Iowa never made it to Iowa she didn't get one vote and she still hasn't gotten one vote and she won't have one vote think of it Biden I'm not a fan of Biden I think he was terrible a terrible president what he did to our country you look at him with the planes and the stairs and the falling all over the place and he had no idea what the hell was happening he couldn't find his way off his stage a stare here stare there stare I got stairs all over the place he'd finish his speech and look around where am I his speeches lasted the nice part it was good in the hot sun because they lasted for about 2 minutes and you could go home but nobody would come anyway but we can't let her she's much worse much worse than him actually CU she's actually more radical he never believed it he just did it for votes I don't know why you'd get votes by having open borders you know she wants open borders if she became became president in four years you'd have 60 to 70 million people from all over the world and it's not just South America and remember they're releasing them from their jails and their prisons they're coming out of jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums then we have hundreds and probably thousands of terrorists that have come into our country we probably have a few here welcome welcome but we probably have have a few here and she's all for it and now she's saying and you see what she's saying well the wall was largely built we were adding space onto the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall I actually took it cuz Congress gave us a hard time and the Democrats were brutal we had 11 lawsuits and we won all 11 but I took it out of the military I called it an invasion of our country it was an invasion and we built hundreds of miles of wall and then I was going to do 200 extra we ordered it it was there and we had that rotten horrible election that horrible election where we did much better than we did the first time and bad things happened and all of a sudden I hear that they want to have open borders and I thought they were kidding who the hell wants open borders and then they said we'll give you health care you know now they're saying all about how they're getting tough in the borders and how they were tough except they have a couple of problems do you know that we flew in a million people airplanes over the top of the Border beautiful airplanes they're flying them in if you want to stop people you're not flying them in on airanes and many other things no they wanted open borders and we have a country that's loaded up with many many criminals right now of the worst they emptied their jails they emptied their jails and prisons they emptied their mental institutions into our country largely now they're continuing to do it but if you look at many of these countries that we're talking about frankly who can blame them they're dropping their prisoners into the United States of America they're dropping all of these people into the United States including their mental institution people any terrorist they have they're dropping them into the United States we're taking hundreds of thousands of people that were in jail for murder you take a look at Venezuela they jail are half and I'm surprised half because frankly I would have worked faster than that if I were running it I would have had all of them out of there by now they go to Caracus they take all their gang members all of their Killers their murderers their drug dealers they take them and they're putting them into the United States and their crime is down 72% in fact next time what we'll do instead of North Carolina we'll have our next little gathering in Venezuela because it will be much safer than being in our country if these people wi you're not going to have any meetings you're not going to have anything there'll be chaos in our country and we just can't let it happen we can't let it happen we can't let it happen remember when Biden sent Cala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine she met with Putin and then three days later he attacked how did she do you think she did a good job she met with Putin to tell him don't do it and 3 days later he attacked that's when the attack started did you know that General should have sent you but over a half a million they say are dead or wounded but it's a much higher number than that and everything lies in ruined look we are going to fight like hell to win this election they are going to cheat like hell to win the election because they have no bound they have no bounds I've said to some Republicans once in a place called Philadelphia which I love I went to school in Philadelphia but it's suffering tremendously like Chicago like every Democrat run city is suffering but I said like why do we allow them to do it do Republicans do what they do with the stuffing the boxes with all of the different things they do sir we proud Americans and that's really the right thing to say but they have no bounds we have to win this election if we don't win this election we are in such trouble as a country we're in trouble right now but you have the right guy to straighten it out I'll get it straightened out I'll get it straightened out first we're going to have peace through strength all over the world like we had just a short while ago and I just want to say closing is it's an honor to have served for four years I wish we didn't have this break the only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get because we've never had a country that's been in shape like this country is in right now we have squalor in our streets our vets are disregarded living on sidewalks and freezing cold and unbelievably hot cities all over the country and yet we have people coming in to our country that are living in luxury hotels this is what we have we're going to straighten out our country through Common Sense we're going to straighten out our country with the United States of America with the greatest country in the world we're not going to let this continue to go we're going to straighten it out we're going to make it bigger better stronger than ever before we're going to bring in business we're going to use tariffs to take advantage of our great strength and to frankly hurt countries that are hurting us and have been hurting us on TR trade for many many years right now China is building massive Auto plants in Mexico and they think that those plants are going to make cars and they're going to sell them across the line for no tax no anything destroy what's left in Detroit which frankly compared to years ago is very little and South Carolina and many other places we're not going to let it happen we will charge them 150 or 200% tariff and all of that investment that they made is now worthless we're not going to let them do that we're not going to let them destroy our automobile industry the United Auto Workers has a grossly incompetent man at the head they want to make all electric cars and Elon Musk is a friend of mine you saw he endorsed me very strongly and he understands that I'm right and I love electric cars and they have an incredible purpose they have an incredible purpose they're unbelievable what they can do and he makes a great product but I told him I said you know before you endorse you have to understand we have to have gasoline propelled cars again we have more Liquid Gold than anybody anywhere in the world more than sodi Arabia more than Russia we have more than anybody we're going to quadruple that business we're going to be much bigger than both of them put together we're going to pay down debt we're going to reduce your taxes I gave you the largest tax cut in history the largest regulatory cut in history that created all of the jobs and when Biden talks about jobs by the way because they love buy so much the jobs he created almost all of them almost 100% people say more than 100% went to illegal aliens the other remember this the numbers sound good because they called bounceback jobs we had a pandemic people were laid off and then as soon and this is common for ages when a pandemic goes you have bounced back the businesses and we had we not done what we did with money probably some of you benefited but we we would have been in a 1929 style depression we did it just right the problem is they came in they no longer needed money we gave them a country that was fixed and more people died during Biden think of that than died during us from covid many more people died during them but think of this we gave them a country and they blew it because they took so much they took trillions and trillions of money they kept feeding it and that's what caused along with their bad energy policies that's what caused this tremendous inflation which is destroying the people of our country and frankly it's contagious it's all over the world but we're the ones that started it with their bad policy so we're going to work very hard we've got to win we've got to win this state this state is a very very big state to win we've won it twice and we're going to win it again I said to a couple of the people I said so let me ask you how are we doing compared to four years ago and eight years ago they said sir you're much hotter you're more popular I hope that's true but we won it twice and all I can do is pledge to you that we're going to do a great job for North Carolina we're going to do a great job for the United States of America we put America First and we're going to make America great again thank you all very much thank you thank you very much everybody body thank you very much everybody it's great to be here what a place did you like the fly over that was pretty good we were going low and fast we were that was moving along that was pretty low uh just want to thank JD is doing a fantastic job and I want to thank North Carolina I love North Carolina I love them 76 days from now we're going to win this state and we're going to win the White House that beautiful beautiful building that beautiful building I want to thank Senator Ted Bud who's doing such a great job Senator Ted but thank you thank you great job Ted Mark Robinson he's out there he's fighting he's fighting he's a great one and I think we have a lot of our sheriffs here don't we have where are they will this stage hold them I I'd love to bring them up come on Sheriff's get up here Mark come on we got I don't know if the stage is going to hold them but if it doesn't we've had bigger risks than this right come on sheriffs if you weigh more than 200 lb don't come up I'm only kidding come on [Applause] [Music] on [Applause] I don't know I [Music] [Applause] don't don't know hold it [Music] [Applause] just so you know these are great people but I want to get them the hell off the stage cuz I guarantee they didn't have this in mind when they built this thank goodness Mark lost a lot of weight over the last couple of months I'm very you did actually well I want to thank you all very much you are the reason we're able to be here and that you have a safe State and a great state thank you all very much thank you that's some group that's some group of people for endorsements too every group virtually in the country law enforcements endorsed us thank you very much thanks Mark good luck Mark win got to win he's got to win got to win he's a good man thank you oh I feel much better I feel very much better that they got off the stage I had no idea what was going to happen but it's not that far down you know it's I had no idea what was I'm a big structural guy but I want to thank also members of Congress Richard Hudson and Byron Donald's two Warriors two great people too unbelievable where's Byron thank you very much thank you very much to where's Byron oh look at him over there he knows how to get attention look at that guy he's been my friend for a long time thank you for everything Byron and you have thank you very much Congressional candidate Mark Harris Mark hi Mark good going Mark good numbers good numbers Brad KN and Addison McDow they're all going to be winners very soon young good looking people thank you very much great the State House speaker Tim Moore Tim where is Tim oh he's nice and safe back there oh hello Tim I appreciate it Tim and Neil Jackson State Rep Neil Jackson thank you very much thank you Neil RNC chairman Michael Watley what a job he's doing what a job he's doing and North Carolina GOP chairman Jason Simmons who's been a friend of ours for a long time where's Jason nice tall character right here thank you very much Jason and somebody that's been with me from day one a real he's a real general you know we have the real generals and we have the fake woke generals that did so poorly in Afghanistan should have all been fired but this is a real General Keith Kellogg right Keith and this is a great group it's good to see you Keith he's been with me from before day one right he said that guy should run we got to get him to run I like those guys they were here before I ran you know there quite a few of them too we have the front row Joe's you know that and very importantly we have the most magnificent women first time you know we have they travel all over the country to be with us for rallies they're at close to a couple of hundred rallies I don't know what their husbands are doing about this this is a little crazy look how beautiful and they're from North Carolina and and for a change they don't have to travel so far right how far are you from here two hours two hours is nothing it's a pretty big state actually thank you very much as always you are special special people great women they love our country before before we begin I want to address the massive Scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning a little while ago just before I came up I got to see him and it really isn't a revision it's a total lie total lie there's never been any revision like this they wanted it to come out after the election but somehow it got leaked it got leaked government leaks to the Harris Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America the new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the administration padded the numbers with an extra listen to this one 88,000 jobs that don't exist so they said they existed and they never did exist they built buil them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing no we've never had numbers like this they don't exist they thought they could do it sometime after you know we have an election coming up very quickly but they wanted this to come out after November 5th when it wouldn't have meant so much but it came out a little early so there's a patriot in there someplace right the real numbers are much worse than that and comrade Camala you know she's comrade to most most radical left person ever to run for a high political office in our country gets another four years millions of jobs and it'll vanish overnight she gets four more years you're going to see jobs vanish millions and millions will vanish and inflation will completely destroy our country we'll have inflation worse than they've given us you know when I gave it to them I had virtually no inflation and now their number is up to 22 23% but their real number is probably 40 to 50% because a lot of the things in their numbers aren't included I saw another one where the FBI releases crime statistics and they weren't that bad and then they left out little things like New York Chicago they left out various areas and that wasn't so good your life savings will be totally wiped out and uh if you put somebody like that in there with him how about him how about him she'll destroy our country just like she destroyed San Francisco just like she destroyed California with the Trump Victory we will once again have the greatest economy in history we're going to do things that are going to make us so great so fast we're going to bring it back we're going to make America strong again we're going to make America great again going to be fantastic it's going to be fantastic so I just want to thank you very much for your support cuz I've always had I've always had fantastic support from you thank you thank you very much we have a job to do you know we have a job to do we had some very good polls this morning despite their charade I call it the party the Democrats party do you know five people in Chicago were killed in the last little while since the that charade that they have going on they mentioned my name I think 271 times they mentioned the economy like 12 times they mentioned the Border maybe none they don't talk about the Border our great borders are doesn't talk about the Border but they mentioned me more than any other category I'm now a category they had me down today as a category that's all they talk about Trump we've driven him crazy they have Trump derangement syndrome we've driven them crazy and they should be driven crazy they've done a terrible job for our country in every single way there's not a thing they've done well except cheat and lie they lie about stats no they lied about the crime numbers the crime numbers didn't look bad then they found out that many of the worst places weren't included in the numbers and that was done by the FBI which is said four years ago our country was strong and respected like never before our allies admired us our enemies feared us because everyone knew that as an American president I was all about putting America first that's true under my leadership we rebuilt the United States military created space force and we made our allies pay their fair share and their Fair dues you know we went to Nato we say you're not paying you got to pay if you remember President Bush would go and he'd make a speech Obama would go he'd make a speech they all made speeches this one didn't even make a speech this last one but I went I said uh nobody's paying you got to pay and they did paid hundreds of billions of dollars they said well does that mean you won't support us if we don't pay I said that's what it means I had to say that every I got a lot of heat for that people the the fake news oh that's a lot of fake news oh that's a lot of fake news no the fake news gave me a hard time for that the fake news was saying uh what a terrible thing to say to our allies our allies weren't paying and I said you got to pay we were paying for everybody so they take advantage of us on trade and then we also pay for the military that somehow doesn't work so they had to pay they paid hundreds of billions of dollars but I said to them no that means I will not protect you I will not protect you they said sir if we're attacked by Russia will you protect us used to be Soviet Union now Russia will you protect us they said are you paid no let's assume we're not paid then you're delinquent right well yes that's an old real estate term you're delinquent yes no we will not protect you the the Press went crazy that I said and you know what if I would have said the other way they would have never paid hundreds of billions were sent in to Nato but we defeated Isis we killed the world's top terrorists we secured our borders we achieved energy Independence we stood up to China we protected Israel we made peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and more more more we did things like nobody ever heard of and we brought our troops mostly back home we didn't start any wars for 79 years it was before we didn't start wars 79 80 years everybody said oh he's going to start wars with his attitude no my attitude kept us out of Wars I stop Wars with phone calls Russia should have never happened with Ukraine would have never happened if I were president would have never happened no there was no talk of that would have never ever happened with Putin would have never happened and Israel October 7th would have never happened Iran would have never done that they had very little money at that point now they're rich as hell but Biden allowed that to happen and Cala where's Biden what happened to Biden where is he he's on a beach he's on a beach you know he's got somebody that thinks he looks great in a bathing suit he likes to go to a beach how do you hell how do you leave here and go on a beach you can't do it there are things you just don't do people don't want to see you in a bathing suit walks badly it's hard to walk in the sand you know he has a hard time lifting his feet through the sand and then he grabs he grabs a chair the chair is meant for old people to lift and young kids to lift like you know four-year-old kids right and he can't lift it he needs a little help the whole thing is crazy how we ever got that is crazy czy and what happened to our country with inflation and with disrespect from all over the world and all these wars are starting all over the place and we're very close to a third world war and don't kid yourself because they are laughing but they're not laughing too much you're a little worried about a certain person winning the election we had some very good polls today and if that happens you're not going to have any third world wars every American was safer under President Trump in fact the entire world was safer when I sat behind that beautiful Resolute desk in the Oval Office you know I heard the other day for the first time I heard Biden say the beautiful Resolute does he never said that before they copy me when I say We're a nation in Decline guys are copying me they then they say they shouldn't say that but they thought the words were beautiful but they copy me all the time in that case it was Republicans that were copying me because they happen to be right so I don't mind ever Republican copies me any of you guys want to copy me but it's a sad thing to have to say but they copy me the Resolute desk he never mentioned that he doesn't even know what the hell the Resolute desk is exactly three years ago this month the weakness and incompetence of Camala Harris and crooked Joe Biden delivered the most humiliating event in the history of our country and one of the biggest military disasters in the history of the world as far as I'm concerned no one will ever forget the horrifying images of their catastrophic Retreat from Afghanistan desperate Afghans fell to their deaths from the wheels of us cargo planes that were 3,000 ft up in the air bloodthirsty terrorist poured out of the prisons after Biden and Harris surrendered bogram one of the largest air military bases anywhere in the world we spent billions and billions of dollars building it many years ago and you know it was important to keep it I was never leaving that I would have been out faster than them I said that's up we're there for 20 almost 21 years and I said what are we doing what are we doing here and we had no soldiers killed for 18 months while I was there because they knew don't play around with our soldiers they were they were killing them they were killing them under Obama did you see Barack Husain Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always say sir please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy sir you must stick to policy you'll win It On the Border you'll win it with inflation you'll win it with your great military that you built that they gave away $85 billion worth of it Afghanistan sir you're going to win it on crime the crime is running through the streets like never before you're going to win it on all of these things and maybe especially I think two things the economy inflation because I view them together what they've done to inflation and they closed it with energy what they did with energy is so stupid if we were there our energy we would be so dominant all over the world right now we were already energy independent I made you energy independent but we would be energy dominant we' be paying back debt we'd be reducing your taxes still further we gave you the largest tax cuts ever and uh a lot of good things were going to happen but now we're just going to have to sort of call it a delay of four years but these people don't have any idea what they're doing you had 13 heroic US service members were tragically and needlessly killed I got to know a lot of the relatives friends and mothers and fathers of those 13 people 45 others were horrifically wounded and $85 billion worth of the best military equipment anywhere in the world was handed over to these people in fact Afghanistan is now one of the largest arms Merchants anywhere in the world did you know that they're selling our equipment at tremendous prices they're selling our beautiful we had 70,000 armored trucks many of them armored armored trucks and vehicles think of this we had 7,000 rifles and guns seven I actually say what the hell did they need so many before 700,000 rifles and guns we had goggles brand new right out of the box you know they didn't fight at night because they never had goggles right good Fighters they never had goggles now they have brand new goggles all left by the by the Biden Harris Administration gave them billions and billions of dollars just gave it to them and now they sell that equipment cuz they don't need 700,000 right rles they need 20,000 little difference they don't need 70,000 Vehicles they need 500 Vehicles you have to ask yourself who bought all that stuff in the first place who bought it all how disgusted we're all when we see all of us are when we see three days ago when we viewed their parade our military equipment running down the middle of their Main Avenue brand new beautiful armor plated trucks tanks and vehicles running down the middle and they're all celebrating because we have stupid people running our government and she'll be worse than Biden because he wasn't really a Believer but she's a radical left to believer she ruined San Francisco she ruined California and if if she gets in our country doesn't have a chance This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will be comrad because I think that's the most accurate name you know I've been looking for name people were saying sir don't do it you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I really didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called her crooked Hillary I call people names I called crazy Nancy Pelosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts you know Biden is really angry you know he's very angry he was so angry the other night he's like seething I you ever see a guy make a speech is such anger and so uncomfortable just shouting but he's terrible he's just terrible should have never been there we all know that should have never been there what they've done to this country is incredible but she bragged that she would be the last person in the room and she was she was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan and by the way pulling them out was absolutely right I was going to do it I'm the one that got the soldiers down to 5,000 people I was going to do it but we were going to get out last you don't pull the soldiers out first you let the soldiers stay last and the head of the Taliban respected me Abdul I had conversations with him them after my conversations not one soldier in 18 months was killed but you pull the soldiers out last Millie and these guys you know we have great generals but Millie and Mattis and these guys they didn't know what the I call them television generals the television generals are no good but the generals that defeated Isis for me were great we have great we have a great military but she had the final vote she had the final say and she was was all for it you take the soldiers out if I took that young person right there about five or six years old beautiful young person and if I said I gave little details like about 30 seconds worth of details would you take the military out first or last sir I'd take the military out last but they took it out first and then we left hostages we left all of the equipment we left everything and we left bam and now China is occupying barram barram being 1 hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons wouldn't it been nice to have our big fat beautiful base it was probably built there for that reason but China one hour away and now China is occupying that massive big base some of the biggest runways in the world they could hold heavier loads than any runways in the world under my leadership we were getting out of Afghanistan but we were going to get out with dignity pride and with strength when when I left office we had not lost a single service member in the combat in Afghanistan in more than 18 months and then we had that horrible day where we lost so many and so many were so badly hurt arms legs gone face just obliterated we lost so many great people that day nobody talks about the people that were so badly injured they never mention them I always mention them all over the world our adversaries knew knew that America was not to be trifled with when I was your commanderin-chief but and you know it's very interesting uh if you look at Hungary very strong country very strong leader Victor Orban he said the only thing that's going to save the whole world is Trump has to be president again we had no problems we had no problems we he said we had no problems I don't use the term but he did he said China was afraid of him Russia was afraid of him they were said oh I was so friendly to Russia I'm the one that stopped the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 nobody ever here the biggest development they ever had to feed oil all over Europe I stopped it and then Biden comes in and he gives them everything he gave him the pipeline they built the pipeline but I stopped it Putin said that's the worst thing that's ever happened to us I said I'm sorry I have to do it and he approves it right away and then they say Trump was not strong on Russia I think they were they got it wrong Putin actually said if you weren't strong I'd like to find out how bad would you be if you were strong because you were brutal but you know I got along with him it's good to get along with these countries I got along with China that wouldn't have happened what's happening right now they're planning an attack on Taiwan there's no question about that that wouldn't have happened wasn't going to happen they knew that you weren't allowed to do that Putin would have never gone into Ukraine Israel would have never been attacked it's a sad sad situation so many people are dead so many people are gone so many cities you look at Ukraine those cities are just wiped off the face of the Earth they're outside of Kiev and a couple of others have basically just flattened far more people dead than they let you know it's like your numbers that were released fraudulently today far more people dead in that war than anybody would know when those big buildings come tumbling down hit with rockets so ridiculous there's nothing left it's so ridiculous but since the Afghanistan catastrophe it's been open season on America and our allies I really believe that the Afghan disaster what happened the stupidity and the way we pulled out and the bedum and all of that it would have been very smooth we were going to get out with strength and dignity but when Putin saw that he said wow those people don't know what they're doing they're overrated and he went in and same thing happened with Iran Iran was not going to play with us and now Iran is a rich Nation they were they have $300 billion they had no money and in three and a half years they made three and they made 300 billion $300 billion doll they have right now they made it all in three and a half years they had none when I left and we would have made a fair deal with them they can't have a nuclear weapon very simple you can't have a nuclear weapon other than that we want you to have great Liv but uh I do hear they're after me but you know that's the way it is look I'm here for you and I'm here even for the world we want to stop world wars because the equipment is so devastating now a world war is obliteration we can't have a World War every dictator Tyrant and Terrorist on the planet knows that they can get away with murder under Cala and crooked Joe kidnappers are getting millions and millions of dollars but now they're getting billions they're getting billions what did you get for the four people that we released sir they got $6 billion what is six billion does anyone know what that means Six B they got $6 billion do people get kidnapped and you know they ask for like how about $1,000 how about 500 they got $6 billion from these idiots and you know what happens when that happens a lot of people are going to get kidnapped because they say we're dealing with stupid people a lot of people we got we had 59 people that were hostage some in North Korea that's about as tough as it gets we got people out without paying for anything we never gave money we didn't want to give money if we gave money all they do is they go around kidnapping everybody these people give not only do they give six billion they got the prince of death out he's the number one arms Merchant in the world Russia got him as part of one of the deals the number one arms Merchant in the world we got a couple of people but you know why were they there and why did they do what they did but they got some of the most criminal the toughest meanest criminals anywhere in the world on top of that we paid them billions and billions of dollars we're run by very stupid people I'd like to use a different word I'd like to use a much more sophisticated word but there's no word I can think of incompetent how about incompetent as a result peace in Europe has been Shattered by the largest European land War since the fall of Nazi Germany this is the largest War there's been and this war is going to escalate and escalate when if but when I have to always say if you know because they cheat I would say win if they didn't cheat but they cheat that's the one thing they're great at cheating in elections if we win I'll get that thing settled before I take the office I'll get it settled as President elect I'll get that war stopped with Russia yeah we'll get that stopped Ukraine and Russia we going to get it stopped in quickly it'll be done before I get to office it would not have happened if I was President it wasn't going to happen in the Middle East the Jewish people have suffered the worst atrocities and deadliest attacks since the Holocaust there's no question about that the United States has been forced to abandon more embassies under comrade Kamala than at any time in our history we're just and we're running out it's not like we're leaving we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build you got to see these embassies in the middle of nowhere in a country you've never even heard of they spent 900 million to build an embassy the whole thing is crazy the world is on fire and kamla and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War II that's what we're in I think General you would probably agree you're one of the experts I would think right I don't even talk you about that lately it's so out of control I don't even have to bother I just say look take a look but one of the great experts and uh we're on the brink that's why this November Americans are going to tell kamla Harris kamla that we've had enough we can't take it any anymore you're doing a terrible job comrade Harris you're fired get out of here you're fired you're no good you're fired get him out of here all you have to do is take a look at San Francisco look at the job she did she had one policy if you steal less than $1,000 basically 950 to be exact I want to be accurate for purposes of reporters the fake news media they want accuracy they don't have to be accurate but we have to be accurate but if you steal less than $950 they basically leave you alone so have guys going in robbing stores with a calculator let's see this is $100 did you notice this is not going to happen in North Carolina I don't think is it let's see that's $1 that's $59 bing bing bing bing stop stop stop we don't want to go over 950 they walk out with it nobody does a thing starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the oath of office I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace we're going to return the world to peace and mostly I can do it with the telephone call you know we don't have to send troops I can do it with a telephone call you go to war with another country that's friendly to us or even not friendly to us you're not going to do business in the United States and we're going to charge you 100% tariffs and all of a sudden the president or prime minister or dictator or whoever the hell is running the country says to me sir we won't go to war I I talked I talked this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls I don't have to send in the troops one of my most urgent prior prorities will be to quickly rebuild the Readiness and spirit of the United States armed forces and we had it built we rebuilt it we rebuilt the whole military but it was decimated under this group of stupid people you know we had so much when I came in we had no ammunition did you know that remember I used to talk about it and I said if it's true which it was why would you say that we had people on television well the United States has no ammunition you know some things you just keep to yourself right do you remember I used to from North Carolina do you remember I used to talk about that all the time those of my best Witnesses those ladies there's about 40 of them they're all over the place and they're always perfectly quaffed and perfectly dressed they're beautiful and they're great but no I used to talk all the time if you have no bullets I can ask this group of leaders you don't talk about it but you get the bullets really fast right So within a year I had so much that our warehouses were stocked to the gills we never had so much I bought so much missiles everything I rebuilt our military but that's been all dissipated now again because we give it away to everybody and for nothing I mean they don't do anything for us we don't get anything we don't even get a pledge that we'll pay you back someday if we have the money how about that pay you back someday if we have the money you know uh I sponsor athletes sometimes if I see somebody that I like in sports I sponsor some golfers usually doesn't typically work out I don't know if you know it's like a 5,000 to one shot but I'm good at that stuff and I can see talent and I'll give them a few thousand I'll give them $50,000 I'll say you know you're really good you could make it why don't you why aren't you trying out for the tour sir I have no money I have to give lessons have no money he said you're too good to give lessons you can be a tour player I sir I don't have any money I said here's $50,000 and here's the deal if you do well you pay me back with no interest just good luck if you don't do well which you probably won't because it's very hard they say the worst is a boxer if you sponsor a boxer they're all great they're winning all their fights and then they turn professional and they go in and this goes with UFC run by Dana White one of the greats of all time which is really taken over for boxing but it's the same thing and people sponsor people and they get what they get but the worst is that what's wrong oh a doctor please it is very hot here I noticed it's very hot and a lot of the people waited for days to get here so I understand it take your time doctor take your time thank you [Applause] yeah take your time please oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we [Applause] [Music] thank you very much you know they come two days three days early and it's a lot it's a lot of stress we lose them the only ones we don't lose are front row Joe's I don't know what they have going they they have something going here Governor thank you very much thanks doctor but America is blessed with the greatest military in the the world but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical left politicians and some generals and at the top they woke they woke we don't want woke generals we want generals that know how to win and we have them we proved that when we wiped out Isis didn't we proved it sir it'll take five years we did it in three three weeks I think we did it in three weeks we have the greatest military in the world but you need the great leaders otherwise your military will can never be great everywhere I go soldiers and Veterans tell me how angry they are that not one person has been held accountable for the Afghanistan catastrophe he never fired anybody you know I fire a lot of people when they don't do a good job then they come back and write books you know they hate you but that's okay when you don't fire people they never write books you know but I fired a lot of people I wasn't happy with their service I wasn't happy with the job they did I fire them I let them go I mean I'm I'm working for you I'm not doing this for myself but when you fire them they always come back with something and now nobody's ever been in the position where you know they get offered all sorts of money from the fake news and everything else and fame we're going to make you famous all you have to do is make up some stories about Trump but uh people don't seem to care it's phony stuff phony horrible they're lightweights they're terrible people you know when I came don't forget I I didn't know anybody in Washington I'm president of the United States I'm going down Pennsylvania having you with that biggest load of military and police and motorcycles and everything you've ever seen and I didn't know anybody I said to my wife I don't know a lot of people but the people I know I got recommendations from a lot of good people well-meaning people some were good most were great but we had some bad ones too but now I know them all in Washington I know the good ones the weak ones guys like this I know the weak ones and the bad ones General we know the we know the dumb ones and the Smart Ones don't we we know them all but the voters will hold kamla and Joe accountable for this November when I take office and they're going to be held accountable for what they've done to this country right thank you I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster I want their resignations immediately and I want them on the desk in the Oval Office the Resolute desk I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day everybody involved with that disaster when you have a disaster so stupid as that that caused a such problem you don't know what that's done to the reputation of our country the Afghanistan disaster this this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world and America Military and everybody else they want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence and it's just not acceptable that something like that could happen these are Fighters they fight with broken old obsolete weapons and knives we have f-16s we have f-35s F32 and we were knocking the hell out of them just knocking the hell out of them it was easy but I said what the hell are we doing this for let's get the hell out of there we were getting out with such strength they were so happy they couldn't believe it and then these people came in and it's it's horrible to even think about what happened and countries all over the world lost respect for us because of Afghanistan we demand success and we demand Victory we want Victory from our soldiers and from everybody else under comrade kamla Harris and I call her that because there never been she's a Marxist okay I was saying do you think she's a Marxist or a communist the people that really study this stuff they weren't able to tell me they said it could be all the way it could be communist but she's damn close they said it was definitely one or the other but they couldn't actually tell me was it communist the Marxist search one or the other we're not sure we'll figure it out but under comrade kamla our military has been abused for radical social experiments on day one I will get critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our us Armed Forces we're taking it out our Warriors should be focused on defeating America's enemies not figuring out their genders by that time hopefully they know their genders Marxist ideologies have no place in combat think of it they go in and they decide oh it's they going to change my gender no no we we want them to know their agender when they go in you have no idea the disruption that that has caused and the fake news refuses to report it you know when I did a ban I went to a lot of good generals I said I'm not going to tell you names just tell me is it the right thing or the wrong thing the wrong thing sir it's the wrong thing and I had unanimous support and then we did it I didn't do it other people did it they reversed me as soon as they got in like almost the first day I didn't do it but uh they allowed things to happen to our military that just not right if you want to have a sex change or a social justice seminar then you can do it somewhere else but you're not going to do it in the Army Navy Coast Guard Air Force Space force or the United States Marines sorry you're not going to do it there the military brass that led these absurd and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed and they will no longer be in command they're going to be gone gone so fast klin crooked Joe purged 8,000 service members from our military for refusing their Co vaccine mandate they refused to do it we didn't want a mandate the Mandate you can't you just can't do that I will rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and with back pay they will get their back pay and an apology from our government hopefully they have great jobs right now and they're making a lot of money but if they want to come back in they get an apology and we sign them up and they get their back pay should have never happened the Mandate stuff should have never happened thanks to comrade KLA Joe Biden morale in our military is now so low that almost every single branch is suffering a major Recruitment and Retention crisis you know that upon taking office I will begin the largest peacetime recruitment Drive in the history of the Armed Forces we have to fill our Armed Forces with great people but they don't have Spirit now there's no Spirit used to bring other soldiers would bring their friends in now that doesn't happen almost never happens the sense of spirit pride and Prestige will soon come roaring back and reach levels never seen before we're going to make it so hot that I'm going to want to resign and join the military I don't know what rank I would start at I guess I start at private I don't know what rank would I have to start at General I have to start pretty low he said you'll start at the top all right then I'll stay here that's very good you'll start at the top he knows what they say America's military must always be unrivaled and unbeatable I mean I see reports coming out where they do studies and they said under these circumstances we'll lose a war to China number one if it's true why are we saying it and number two it shouldn't be true should it huh it shouldn't be true not going to happen why would they release a report like that for China to read where vulnerable here she said they're idiots that's a good word too who's the woman that said that stand please who said that that's very good no it's true they're she says they're idiots no they released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas we need more this we need more that we're weak here we're weak there I don't know who does this report why would you release a report like that so after years that's like saying we have no ammunition ladies and gentlemen we have no ammunition at the time with the United States of America you know why we gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places we gave them everything empty our warehouses of all of our ammunition let's give it to people free of charge free of charge cost billions free of charge everything's always free of charge so after years of horrific depletion with the comrade sending our missiles and airplanes ammunition to other countries I will make a historic investment in rebuilding the Armed Forces I did that once before but I have to do it again because they've depleted it just like they've depleted the Strategic oil reserves you know we have the Strategic in all due respect is not for filling up your car so that you have 4 cents a gallon less and that you vote for crooked Joe it's not meant for that it's meant for war it's meant for tragedy it's meant for real stuff it's at the lowest point today in its history we almost have nothing left and we had it at a level that was such a beautiful thing to see we will increase funding but at the same time the days of blank checks for the weapon systems over the past are over I tell you what we will build though we're going to build a great Iron Dome over our country so that we don't have to get hit we give it to other countries we help Israel and other countries and Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago as you know but it didn't we didn't really have the technology then he was right but we didn't have the right Tech today we have unbelievable technology and you know we have other countries that have it this country should have it and we're going to make it right here and we're going to make it in other of our great places but a lot of it's going to come right out of your state it's time to create the Arsenal of the 21st century we need that that means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on The Cutting Edge investing heavily in drones and Robotics and artificial IAL intelligence and hypersonics do you know hypersonics these are missiles that go seven times faster than a fast ordinary missile seven times faster so fast that for the most part you can't shut them down and you can't shoot them down they going at levels of speed that nobody thought was possible do you know that was our technology that was stolen by Russia and Russia has them and I started them very quickly but somebody gave Russia years ago before me all of our plans and specs for Hypersonic missiles and they built them and we didn't he said built Linton it could be might have been in norer it's might have been a little after B Linton I used to like BT Linton can you believe it it it could have been Barack Hussein Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know my advisers are fired [Applause] no we'd rather keep it on policy but sometimes it's hard when you're attacked from all ends I mean they want to put you in jail for nothing for nothing for cases that the legal Scholars all over the country have said there is no case and they want to put you in jail and I could have done that to Hillary Clinton I could have put her in jail she turned away subpoenas and she damaged stuff and she wouldn't give things after subpoena was sent after from the United States Congress I said to myself we want to bring the country together wouldn't it be terrible to put the wife of the president of the United States in jail wouldn't it be terrible and then I come out and they do it to me and there's no feeling as wouldn't it be terrible but we won the big case in Florida that was totally one and Biden didn't you know Biden documents I had the presidential records act I had I had the right to do whatever I wanted to do that was passed in like 1978 but Biden didn't have a right to do because he wasn't president and he was there for 50 years he took stuff and the ruling was basically he's guilty as hell but he's got no memory he's a nice man with no memory actually they're wrong he's not a nice man and he has no memory is not a nice man at all because he started weaponization and weaponization is a double prong that can come back to haunt them too it's a terrible thing for our country I can tell you a terrible thing for our country we need a dramatic increase in research we need a very dramatic increase in development and in so doing we will create countless American jobs including jobs right here in a place called North Carolina do we love North Carolina Laura Trump is from North Carolina she named her daughter Carolina the wife of Eric I now say that he's the husband of Laura we Chang he's great he's great and it's a great couple but she loves this place she just loves it she's here all the time and you know she comes and she uh we love her too she she said she's amazing she's got a great talent and she along with Michael Watley are running the Republican National Committee and doing a great job you know a lot of times when you do that they'll say oh family let me say this is not a job that somebody this is a tough job and our primary focus is not to get out the vote it's to make sure they don't cheat because we have all the votes you need you can see it every house along the way has signs Trump trump Trump trump fans Trump fans and by the the way Vance is doing a great job Vance is doing a great job look at that beautiful red Vance no but these signs are all over the place I see it everywhere no matter where in Florida they're all over because people want to see common sense you know we're the party of common sense it's not conservative liberal they don't want to be called liberal in where they want to use Progressive we're Progressive Progressive I I think liberal is more appropriate Progressive such a beautiful word right you know progress Rive Progressive means go forward they don't go forward they go backward as we rapidly rebuild American deterrence we will quickly restore peace and stability in our country but all over the world will make our country a much safer place we're engrave danger of a war a Third World War I tell you before I even arrive at the Oval Office and as I said we're going to do things that are going to be shocking to people but what I'm going to do more than anything else I'm going to get things in line and we're going to prevent that World War II and if you look at what's going on with Ukraine and Russia if you look at on now there's an incursion into Russia then there'll be another incursion the other way then there'll be and then all of a sudden bad things will start to happen they're already starting by contrast if comrade Cala wins this November World War III is virtually guaranteed to happen everything she touches she destroys everything that she's touched you look at her life she was district attorney in San Francisco the place went to hell it's the best city in the world probably 15 18 years ago 20 years ago maybe in the whole world it was one of the best cities in the world then she becomes the Attorney General of the State of California that place went to hell it was helped by Gavin nsam it was helped nsam helped but uh she did a she was terrible and it's crime ridden and it's I mean you can't walk down the sidewalk anywhere any that's just unbelievable what's happened to that state so sad best weather beautiful ocean beauti everything is good but they've they've just let it go to hell and she was and she's going to do the same thing to the United States and when she says I'll let you Frack her whole career she said no frack in Pennsylvania in particular no because they get tremendous wealth from fracking uh they're going to be stopped 100% they're going to be stopped she just changed her view a few months ago go you got to see you know she ran against Biden there were 22 people running she was the first to leave she quit because she went down like that and she was the first one out she never made it to the first state in the primary she never made it to Iowa never made it to Iowa she didn't get one vote and she still hasn't gotten one vote and she won't have one vote think of it Biden I'm not a fan of Biden I think he was terrible a terrible president what he did to our country you look at him with the planes and the stairs and the falling all over the place and he had no idea what the hell was happening he couldn't find his way off the stage a stare here stare there stair I got stairs all over the place he'd finish his speech and look around where am I his speeches lasted the nice part it was good in the hot sun cuz they lasted for about 2 minutes and you could go home but nobody would come anyway but we can't let her she's much worse much worse than him actually cuz she's actually more radical he never believed it he just did it for votes I don't know why You' get votes by having open borders you know she wants open borders if she became president in four years you'd have 60 to 70 million people from all over the world and it's not just South America and remember they're releasing them from their jails and their prisons they're coming out of jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums then we have hundreds and probably thousands of terrorists that have come into our country we probably have a few here welcome welcome but we probably have a few here and she's all for it and now she's saying and you see what she's saying well the wall was largely built we were adding space onto the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall I actually took it because Congress gave us a hard time and the Democrats were brutal we had 11 lawsuits and we won all 11 but I took it out of the military I called it an invasion of our country it was an invasion and we built hundreds of miles of wall and then I was going to do 200 extra we ordered it it was there and we had that rotten horrible election that horrible election where we did much better than we did the first time and bad things happened and all of a sudden I hear that they want to have open borders and I thought they were kidding who the hell wants open borders and then they said we'll give you health care you know now they're saying all about how they're getting tough in the borders and how they were tough except they have a couple of problems do you know that we flew in a million people airplanes over the top of the Border beautiful airplanes they're flying them in if you want to stop people you're not flying them in on a airplanes and many other things no they wanted open borders and we have a country that's loaded up with many many criminals right now of the worst they emptied their jails they emptied their jails and prisons they emptied their mental institutions into our country largely now they're continuing to do it but if you look at many of these countries that we're talking about frankly who can blame them they're dropping their prisoners into the United States of America they're dropping all of these people into the United States including their mental institution people any terrorist they have they're dropping them into the United States we're taking hundreds of thousands of people that were in jail for murder you take a look at Venezuela their jails are half and I'm surprised half because frankly I would have worked faster than that if I were running it I would have had all of them out of there by now they go to Caracus they take all their gang members all of their killers murderers they're drug dealers they take them and they're putting them into the United States and their crime is down 72% in fact next time what we'll do instead of North Carolina we'll have our next little gathering in Venezuela because it will be much safer than being in our country if these people win you're not going to have any meetings you're not going to have anything there'll be chaos in our country and we just can't let it happen we can't let it happen we can't let it happen remember when Biden sent Cala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine she met with Putin and then 3 days later he attacked how did she do you think she did a good job she met with Putin to tell him don't do it and three days later he attack that's when the attack started did you know that General should have sent you but over a half a million they say are dead or wounded but it's a much higher number than that and everything lies in ruined look we are going to fight like hell to win this election they are going to cheat like hell to win the election because they have no bounds they have no bounds I've said to some Republicans once in a place called Philadelphia which I love I went to school in Philadelphia but it's suffering tremendously like Chicago like every Democrat run city of in but I said like why do we allow them to do it do Republicans do what they do with the stuffing the boxes with all of the different things they do sir we're proud Americans and that's really the right thing to say but they have no bounds we have to win this election if we don't win this election we are in such trouble as a country we're in trouble right now but you have the right guy to straighten it out I'll get it straightened out I'll get it straightened out first we're going to have peace through strength all over the world like we had just a short while ago and I just want to say closing is it's an honor to have served for four years I wish we didn't have this break the only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get because we've never had a country that's been in shape like this country is in right now we have squalor in our streets our vets are disregarded living on sidewalks and freezing cold and unbelievably hot cities all over the country and yet we have people coming in to our country that are living in luxury hotels this is what we have we're going to straighten out our country through Common Sense we're going to straighten out our country with the United States of America with the greatest country in the world we're not going to let this continue to go we're going to straighten it out we're going to make it bigger better stronger than ever before we're going to bring in business we're going to use tariffs to take advantage of our great strength and to frankly hurt countries that are hurting us and have been hurting us on trade for many many years right now China is building massive Auto plants in Mexico and they think that those plants are going to make cars and they're going to sell them across the line for no tax no anything destroy what's left in Detroit which frankly compared to years ago is very little and South Carolina and many other places we're not going to let it happen we will charge them 150 or 200% tariff and all of that investment that they made is now worthless we're not going to let them do that we're not going to let them destroy our automobile industry the United Auto Workers has a grossly incompetent man at the head they want to make all electric cars and Elon Musk is a friend of mine you saw he endorsed me very strongly and he understands that I'm right and I love electric cars and they have an incredible purpose they have an incredible purpose they're unbelievable what they can do and he makes a great product but I told him I said you know before you endorse you have to understand we have to have gasoline propelled cars again we have more Liquid Gold than anybody anywhere in the world more than Saudi Arabia more than Russia we have more than anybody we're going to quadruple that business we're going to be much bigger than both of them put together we're going to pay down debt we're going to reduce your taxes I gave you the largest tax cut in history the largest regulatory cut in history that created all of the jobs and when Biden talks about jobs by the way because they lie so much the jobs he created almost all of them almost 100% people say more than 100% went to illegal aliens the other remember this the numbers sound good because they're called bounceback jobs we had a pandemic people were laid off and then as soon and this is common for ages when a pandemic goes you have bounced back the businesses and we had we not done what we did with money probably some of you benefited but we we would have been in a 1929 style depression we did it just right the problem is they came in they no longer needed money we gave them a country that was fixed and more people died during Biden think of that than died during us from Co many more people died during them but think of this we gave them a country and they blew it because they took so much they took trillions and trillions of money they kept feeding it and that's what caused along with their bad energy policies that's what caused this tremendous inflation which is destroying the people of our country and frankly it's contagious it's all over the world but we're the ones that started it with their bad policy so we're going to work very hard we've got to win we've got to win this state this state is a very very big state to win we've won it twice and we're going to win it again I said to a couple of the people I said so let me ask you how are we doing compared to four years ago and eight years ago they said sir you're much hotter you're more popular I hope that's true but we won it twice and all I can do is pledge to you that we're going to do a great job for North Carolina we're going to do a great job for the United States of America we put America First and we're going to make America great again thank you all very much thank you thank you very much everybody thank you very much everybody it's great to be here what a place did you like the fly over that was pretty good we were going low and fast we were that was moving along as was pretty low uh just want to thank JD is doing a fantastic job and I want to thank North Carolina I love North Carolina I love them 76 days from now we're going to win this state and we're going to win the White House that beautiful beautiful building that beautiful building I want to thank Senator Ted Bud who's doing such a great job Senator Ted but thank you thank you great job Ted Mark Robinson he's out there he's fighting he's fighting he's a great one and I think we have a lot of our sheriffs here don't we have where are they will this stage hold them I'd love to bring them up come on Sheriff's get up here Mark come on we got I don't know if the stage is going to hold them but if it doesn't we've had bigger risks than this right come on sheriffs if you weigh more than 200 lb don't come up I'm only kidding come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know I don't know [Music] [Applause] I don't know if this going to but it we not get [Music] just so you know these are great people but I want to get them the hell off the stage CU I guarantee they didn't have this in mind when they built [Applause] this thank goodness Mark lost a lot of weight over the last couple of months I'm very you did actually well I want to thank you all very much you are the reason we're able to be here and that you have a safe State and a great state thank you all very much thank you that's some group that's some group of people for endorsements too every group virtually in the country law enforcements endorsed us thank you very much thanks Mark good luck Mark win got to win he's got a win got to win he's a good man thank you oh I feel much better I feel very much better that they got off the St AG I had no idea what was going to happen but it's not that far down you know it's I had no idea what was I'm a big structural guy but I want to thank also members of Congress Richard Hudson and Byron Donald's two Warriors two great people to unbelievable where's Byron thank you very much thank you very much to where's Byron oh look at him over there he knows how to get attention look at that guy he's been my friend for a long time thank you for everything byon and you have thank you very much Congressional candidate Mark Harris Mark hi Mark good going Mark good numbers good numbers Brad KN and Addison McDow they're all going to be winners very soon young goodlook people thank you very much great the State House speaker Tim Moore Tim where is Tim oh he's nice and safe back there oh hello Tim I appreciate it Tim and Neil Jackson State Rep Neil Jackson thank you very much thank you Neil RNC chairman Michael Watley what a job he's doing what a job he's doing and North Carolina GOP chairman Jason Simmons who's been a friend of ours for a long time where's Jason nice tall character right here thank you very much Jason and somebody that's been with me from day one a real he's a real general you know we have the real generals and we have the fake woke generals that did so poorly in Afghanistan should have all been fired but this is a real General Keith Kellog right Keith and this is a great group it's good to see you Keith he's been with me from before day one right he said that guy should run we got to get him to run I like those guys they were here before I ran you know there quite a few of them too we have the front row Joe's you know that and very importantly we have the most magnificent women first time you know we have they travel all over the country to be with us for rallies they at close to a couple of hundred rallies I don't know what their husbands are doing about this this is a little crazy look how beautiful and they're from North Carolina and and for a change they don't have to travel so far right how far are you from here 2 hours 2 hours is nothing it's a pretty big state actually thank you very much as always you are special special people great women they love our country before we begin I want to address the massive Scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning a little while ago just before I came up I got to see him and it really isn't a revision it's a total lie total lie there's never been any revision like this they wanted it to come out after the election but somehow it got leaked it got leaked government leaks too the Harris Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America the new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show shows that the administration padded the numbers with an extra listen to this one 818 th000 jobs that don't exist so they said they existed and they never did exist they built them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing no we've never had numbers like this they don't exist they thought they could do it sometime after you know we have an election coming up very quickly but they wanted this to come out after November 5th when it wouldn't have meant so much but it came out a little early so there's a patriot in there someplace right the real numbers are much worse than that and comrade Camala you know she's comrade the most most radical left person ever to run for a high political office in our country gets another four years millions of jobs and it'll vanish overnight she gets four more years you're going to see jobs vanish millions and millions will vanish and inflation will completely destroy our country we'll have inflation worse than they've given us you know when I gave it to them I had virtually no inflation and now their number is up to 22 23% but their real number is probably 40 to 50% because a lot of the things in their numbers aren't included I saw another one where the FBI releases crime statistics and they weren't that bad and then they left out little things like New York Chicago they left out various areas and that wasn't so good your life savings will be totally wiped out and uh if you put somebody like that in there with him how about him how about him she'll destroy our country just like she destroyed San Francisco just like she destroyed California with the Trump Victory we will once again have the greatest economy in history we're going to do things that are going to make us so great so fast we're going to bring it back we're going to make America strong again we're going to make America great again going to be fantastic it's going to be fantastic so I just want to thank you very much for your support because I've always had I've always had fantastic support from you thank you thank you very much we have a job to do you know we have a job to do we had some very good polls this morning despite their charade I call it the party the Democrats party do you know five people in Chicago were killed in the last little while since the that charade that they have going on they mentioned my name I think 271 times they mentioned the economy like 12 times they mentioned the Border Maybe maybe none they don't talk about the Border our great borders are doesn't talk about the Border but they mentioned me more than any other category I'm now a category they had me down today as a category that's all they talk about Trump we've driven them crazy they have Trump derangement syndrome we've driven them crazy and they should be driven crazy they've done a terrible job for our country in every single way there's not a thing they've done well except cheat and lie they lie about stats no they lied about the crime numbers the crime numbers didn't look bad then they found out that many of the worst places weren't included in the numbers and that was done by the FBI which is sad four years ago our country was strong and respected like never before our allies admired us our enemies feared us because everyone knew that as an American president I was all about putting America first that's true under my leadership we rebuilt the United States military he created space force and we made our allies pay their fair share and their Fair dues you know we went to Nato we say you're not paying you got to pay if you remember President Bush would go and he'd make a speech Obama would go he'd make a speech they all made speeches this one didn't even make a speech this last one but I went I said uh nobody's paying you got to pay and they did paid hundreds of billions of dollars they said well does that mean you won't support us if we don't pay I said that's what what it means I had to say that every I got a lot of heat for that people the the fake news oh that's a lot of fake news wow that's a lot of fake news no the fake news gave me a hard time for that the fake news was saying uh what a terrible thing to say to our allies our allies weren't paying and I said you got to pay we were paying for everybody so they take advantage of us on trade and then we also pay for their military that somehow does doesn't work so they had to pay they paid hundreds of billions of dollars but I said to them no that means I will not protect you I will not protect you they said sir if we're attacked by Russia will you protect us used to be Soviet Union now Russia will you protect us they said are you paid no let's assume we're not paid then you're delinquent right well yes that's an old real estate term you're delinquent yes no we will not protect you the the Press went crazy that I said and you know what if I would have said the other way they would have never paid hundreds of billions were sent in to Nato but we defeated Isis we killed the world's top terrorists we secured our borders we achieved energy Independence we stood up to China we protected Israel we made peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and more more more we did things like nobody ever heard of and we brought our troops mostly back home we didn't start any wars for 79 years it was before we didn't start Wars 79 80 years everybody said oh he's going to start wars with his attitude no my attitude kept us out of Wars I stop Wars with phone calls Russia should have never happened with Ukraine would have never happened if I were president would have never happened no there was no talk of that would have never ever happened with Putin would have never happened and Israel October 7th would have never happened Iran would have never done that they had very little money at that point now they're rich as hell but Biden allowed that to happen and Camala where's Biden what happened to Biden where is he he's on a beach he's on a beach you know he's got somebody that thinks he looks great in a bathing suit he likes to go to a beach how do you hell how do you leave here and go on a beach you can't do it there are things you just don't do people don't want to see you in a bathing suit walks badly it's hard to walk in the sand you know he has a hard time lifting his feet through the sand and then he grabs he grabs a chair the chair is meant for old people to lift and young kids to lift like you know four-year-old kids right and he can't lift it he needs a little help the whole thing is crazy how we ever got that is crazy and what happened to our country with inflation and with disrespect from all over the world and all these wars are starting all over the place and we're very close to a third world war and don't kid yourself because they are laughing but they're not laugh laughing too much you're a little worried about a certain person winning the election we had some very good polls today and if that happens you're not going to have any third world wars every American was safer under President Trump in fact the entire world was safer when I sat behind that beautiful Resolute desk in the Oval Office you know I heard the other day for the first time I heard Biden say the beautiful Resolute does he never said that before they copy me when I say We're a nation in Decline guys are copying me they then they say they shouldn't say that but they thought the words were beautiful but they copy me all the time in that case it was Republicans that were copying me because they happen to be right so autom Mind of a republican copies me any of you guys want to copy me but it's a sad thing to have to say but they copy me the Resolute desk he never mentioned that he doesn't even know what the hell the Resolute desk is exactly 3 years ago this month the weakness and incompetence of Camala Harris and crooked Joe Biden delivered the most humiliating event in the history of our country and one of the biggest military disasters in the history of the world as far as I'm concerned no one will ever forget the horrifying images of their catastrophic Retreat from Afghanistan desperate Afghans fell to their deaths from the wheels of us cargo planes that were 3,000 ft up in the air bloodthirsty terrorists poured out of the prisons after Biden and Harris surrendered bogram one of the largest air military bases anywhere in the world we spent billions and billions of dollars building it many years ago and you know it was important to keep it I was never leaving that I would have been out faster than them I said that's up we're there for 20 almost 21 years and I said what are we doing what are we doing here and we had no soldiers killed for 18 months while I was there because they knew don't play around with our soldiers they were they were killing them they were killing them under Obama did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always say sir please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they're getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy sir you must stick to policy you'll win It On the Border you'll win it with inflation you'll win it with your great military that you built that they gave away $85 billion worth of it in Afghanistan sir you're going to win it on crime the crime is running through the streets like never before you're going to win it on all of these things and maybe especially I think two things the economy inflation because I view them together what they've done to inflation and they closed it with energy what they did with energy is so stupid if we were there our energy we would be so dominant all over the world right now we were already energy independent I made you energy independent but we would be energy dominant we'd be paying back debt we'd be reducing your taxes still further we gave you the largest tax cuts ever and uh a lot of good things were going to happen but now we're just going to have to sort of call it a delay of four years but these people don't have any idea what they're doing you had 13 heroic US service members were tragically and needlessly killed I got to know a lot of the relatives friends and mothers and fathers of those 13 people 45 others were horrifically wounded and $85 billion worth of the best military equipment anywhere in the world was handed over to these people in fact Afghanistan is now one of the largest arms Merchants anywhere in the world did you know that they're selling our equipment at tremendous prices they're selling all beautiful we had 70,000 armored trucks many of them armored armored trucks and vehicles think of this we had 700,000 rifles and guns seven I actually say what the hell did they need so many for 700,000 rifles and guns we had goggles brand new right out of the box you know they didn't fight at night because they never had goggles right good Fighters they never had goggles now they have brand new goggles all left by the by the Biden Harris Administration gave them billions and billions of dollars just gave it to them and now they sell that equipment because they don't need 700,000 rifles they need 20,000 little difference they don't need 70,000 Vehicles they need 500 Vehicles you have to ask yourself who bought all that stuff in the first place who bought it all how disgusted we're all when we see all of us are when we see three days ago when we viewed their parade our military equipment running down the middle of their Main Avenue brand new beautiful armor plated trucks tanks and vehicles running down the middle and they're all celebrating because we have stupid people running our government and she'll be worse than Biden because he wasn't really a believer but she's a radical left believer she ruined San Francisco she ruined California and if if she gets in our country doesn't have a chance This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will be comrade because I think that's the most accurate name you I've been looking for name people were saying sir don't do it you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I really didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called her crooked Hillary I call people names I call crazy Nancy Pelosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts you know Biden is really angry you know he's very angry he was so angry the other night he's like seething I you ever see a guy make a speech is such anger and so uncomfortable just shouting but he's terrible he's just terrible should have never been there we all know that should have never been there what they've done to this country is incredible but she bragged that she would be the last person in the room and she was she was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan and by the way pulling them out was absolutely right I was going to do it I'm the one that got the soldiers down to 5,000 people I was going to do it but we were going to get out last you don't pull the soldiers out first you let the soldiers stay last and the head of the Taliban respected me Abdul I had conversations with him after my conversations not one soldier in 18 months was killed but you pull the soldiers out last Millie and these guys you know we have great generals but Millie and Mattis and these guys they didn't know what the I call them television generals the television generals are no good but the generals that defeated Isis for me were great we have great we have a great military but she had the final vote she had the final say and she was all for it you take the soldiers out if I took that young person right there about five or six years old beautiful young person and if I said I gave little details like about 30 seconds worth of details would you take the military out first or last sir I'd take the military out last but they took it out first and then we left hostages we left all of the equipment we left everything and we left barram and now China is occupying barram bam being one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons wouldn't it been nice to have our big fat beautiful base it was probably built there for that reason but China one hour away and now China is occupying that massive big base some of the biggest runways in the world they could hold heavier loads than any runways in the world under my leadership we were getting out of Afghanistan but we were going to get out with dignity pride and with strength when I left office we had not lost a single service member in the combat in Afghanistan in more than 18 months and then we had that horrible day where we lost so many and so many were so badly hurt arms legs gone face just obliterated we lost so many great people that day nobody talks about the people that were so badly injured they never mention them I always mention them all over the world our adversaries knew that America was not to be trifled with when I was your commanderin-chief but and you know it's very interesting uh if you look at Hungary very strong country country very strong leader Victor Orban he said the only thing that's going to save the whole world is Trump has to be president again we had no problems we had no problems he said we had no problems I don't use the term but he did he said China was afraid of him Russia was afraid of him there were said oh I was so friendly to Russia I'm the one that stopped the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 nobody ever here biggest development they ever had to feed oil all over Europe I stopped it and then Biden comes in and he gives them everything he gave him the pipeline they built the pipeline but I stopped it Putin said that's the worst thing that's ever happened to us I said I'm sorry I have to do it and he approves it right away and then they say Trump was not strong on Russia I think they were they got it wrong Putin actually said if you weren't strong I'd like to find out how bad would you be if you were strong CU you were brutal but you know I got along with him it's good to get along with these countries I got along with China that wouldn't have happen what's happening right now they're planning an attack on Taiwan there's no question about that that wouldn't have happened was it going to happen they knew that you weren't allowed to do that Putin would have never gone into Ukraine Israel would have never been attacked it's a sad sad situation so many people are dead so many people are gone so many cities you look at Ukraine those cities are just wiped off the face of the Earth they're outside of Kiev and a couple of others that basically just flattened far more people dead than they let you know it's like your numbers that were released fraudulently today far more people dead in that war than anybody would know when those big buildings come tumbling down hit with rockets so ridiculous there's nothing left it's so ridiculous but since the Afghanistan catastrophe it's been open season on America and I alliz I really believe that the Afghan disaster what happened the stupidity and the way we pulled out and the bedum and all of that it would have been very smooth we were going to get out with strength and dignity but when Putin saw that he said wow those people don't know what they're doing they're overrated and he went in and same thing happened with Iran Iran was not going to play with us and now Iran is a rich Nation they were they have $300 billion they had no money and in three and A2 years they made three and they made 300 billion $300 billion dollar they have right now they made it all in three and A2 years they had none when I left and we would have made a fair deal with them they can't have a nuclear weapon very simple you can't have a nuclear weapon other than that we want you to have great lives but uh I do hear they're after me but you know that's the way it is look I'm here for you and I'm here even for the world we want to stop world wars because the equipment is so devastating now a world war is obliteration we can't have a World War every dictator Tyrant and Terrorist on the planet knows that they can get away with murder under Camala and crooked Joe kidnappers are getting millions and millions of dollars but now they're getting billions they're getting billions what did you get for the four people that we released sir they got $6 billion what is 6 billion does anyone know what that means 6 B they got $6 billion people get kidnapped and you know they asked for like how about $1,000 how about 500 they got $6 billion from these idiots and you know what happens when that happens a lot of people are going to get kidnapped because they say we're dealing with stupid people a lot of people we got we had 59 people that were hostage some in North Korea that's about as tough as it gets we got people out without paying for anything we never gave money we didn't want to get give money if we gave money all they do is they go around kidnapping everybody these people give not only do they give 6 billion they got the prince of death out he's the number one arms Merchant in the world Russia got him as part of one of the deals the number one arms Merchant in the world we got a couple of people but you know why were they there and why did they do what they did but they got some of the most Criminal the toughest meanest criminals anywhere in the world on top of that we paid them billions and billions of dollars we're run by very stupid people I'd like to use a different word I'd like to use a much more sophisticated word but there's no word I can think of incompetent how about incompetent as a result peace in Europe has been Shattered by the largest European land War since the fall of Nazi Germany this is the largest War there's been and this war is going to escalate and escalate when if but when I have to always say if you know because they cheat I would say when if they didn't cheat but they cheat that's the one thing they're great at cheating in elections if we win I'll get that thing settled before I take the office I'll get it settled as President elect I'll get that war stopped with Russia yeah we'll get that stopped you Ukraine and Russia were going to get it stoped quickly it'll be done before I get to office it would not have happened if I was President it wasn't going to happen in the Middle East the Jewish people have suffered the worst atrocities and deadliest attacks since the Holocaust there's no question about that the United States has been forced to abandon more embassies under comrade Kamala than at any time in our history we're just and we're running out it's not like we're leaving we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build you got to see these embassies in the middle of nowhere in a country you've never even heard of they spent 900 million to build an embassy the whole thing is crazy the world is on fire and kamla and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War III that's what we're in I think General you would probably agree you're one of the experts I would think right I don't even talk you about that lately it's so out of control I don't even have to bother I just say look take a look but one of the great experts and uh we're on the brink that's why this November Americans are going to tell kamla Harris Kamala that we've had enough we can't take it anymore you're doing a terrible job comrade Harris you're fired get out of here you're fired you're no good you're fired get them out of here all you have to do is take a look at San Francisco look at a job she did she had one policy if you steal less than $1,000 basically 950 to be exact I want to be accurate for purposes of reporters the fake news media they want accuracy they don't have to be accurate but we have to be accurate but if you steal less than $950 they basically leave you alone so I have guys going in robbing stores with a calculator let's see this is $100 did you notice this is not going to happen in North Carolina I don't think is it let's see that's A1 that's $59 bing bing bing bing stop stop stop we don't want to go over 95th they walk out with it nobody does a thing starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the oath of office I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace we're going to return the world to peace and mostly I can do it with a telephone call you know we don't have to send troops I can do it with a telephone call you go to war with another country that's friendly to us or even not friendly to us you're not going to do business in the United States and we're going to charge you 100% tariffs and all of a sudden the president or prime minister or dictator or whoever the hell is running the country says to me sir we won't go to war I I talked I talked this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls I don't have to send in the troops one of my most urgent priorities will be to quickly rebuild the Readiness and spirit of the United States armed forces and we had it built we rebuilt it we rebuilt the whole military but it was decimated under this group of St stupid people you know we had so much when I came in we had no ammunition did you know that remember I used to talk about it and I said if it's true which it was why would you say that we had people on television well the United States has no ammunition you know some things you just keep to yourself right do you remember I used to from North Carolina do you remember I used to talk about that all the time those are my best Witnesses those ladies there's about 40 of them they're all over the place and they're always perfectly quaffed and perfectly dressed they're beautiful and they're great but no I used to talk all the time if you have no bullets I can ask this group of leaders you don't talk about it but you get the bullets really fast right so within a year I had so much that our warehouses were stocked to the gills we never had so much I bought so much missiles everything I rebuilt our military but that's been all dissipated now again because we give it away to everybody and for nothing I mean they don't do anything for us we don't get anything we don't even get a pledge that we'll pay you back someday if we have the money how about that pay you back someday if we have the money you know uh I sponsor athletes sometimes if I see somebody that I like in sports I sponsor some golfers usually doesn't typically work out I don't know if you know it's like a 5,000 to one shot but I'm good at that stuff and I can see talent and I'll give them a few thousand I'll give them $50,000 I'll say you know you're really good you could make it why don't you why aren't you trying out for the tour sir I have no money I have to give lessons I have no money he said you're too good to give lessons you can be a tour player I sir I don't have any money I said here's $50,000 and here's the deal if you do well you pay me back with no interest just good luck if you don't do well which you probably won't because it's very hard they say the worst is a boxer if you sponsor a boxer they're all great they're winning all their fights and then they turn professional and they go in and this goes with UFC run by Dana White one of the greats of all time which is really taken over for boxing but it's the same thing and people sponsor people and they get what they get but the worst is that what's wrong oh a doctor please it is very hot here I noticed it's very hot and a lot of the people people waited for days to get here so I understand it take your time doctor take your time thank you [Applause] yeah take your time please [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] thank you very much you know they come two days three days early and it's a long it's a lot of stress we lose them the only ones we don't lose are front row Joe's I don't know what they have going they they have something going here Governor thank you very much thanks doctor but America's blessed with the greatest military in the world but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical left politicians and some generals and at the top they woke they woke we don't want woke generals we want generals that know how to win and we have them we prove proved that when we wiped out Isis didn't we proved it sir it'll take 5 years we did it in three 3 weeks I think we did it in three weeks we have the greatest military in the world but you need the great leaders otherwise your military will can never be great everywhere I go soldiers and Veterans tell me how angry they are that not one person has been held accountable for the Afghanistan catastrophe he never fired anybody you know I fire a lot lot of people when they don't do a good job then they come back and write books you know they hate you but that's okay when you don't fire people they never write books you know but I fired a lot of people I wasn't happy with their service I wasn't happy with the job they did and I fire them I let them go I mean I'm I'm working for you I'm not doing this for myself but when you fire them they always come back with something and now nobody's ever been in the position where you know they get offered all sorts of money from the fake news and everything everything else and fame we're going to make you famous all you have to do is make up some stories about Trump but uh people don't seem to care it's phony stuff phony horrible they're lightweights they're terrible people you know when I came don't forget I didn't know anybody in Washington I'm president of the United States I'm going down Pennsylvania Avenue with that biggest load of military and police and motorcycles and everything you've ever seen and I didn't know anybody I said to my my wife I don't know a lot of people but the people I know I got recommendations from a lot of good people well-meaning people some were good most were great but we had some bad ones too but now I know them all in Washington I know the good ones the weak ones guys like this I know the weak ones and the bad ones General we know the we know the dumb ones and the Smart Ones don't we we know them all but the voters will hold kamla and Joe accountable for this November when I take office and they're going to be held accountable for what they've done to this country right thank you I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster I want their resignations immediately and I want him on the desk in the Oval Office the Resolute desk I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day everybody involved with that disaster when you have a disaster so stupid as that that caused us such problem you don't know what that's done to the reputation of our country the Afghanistan disaster this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world and America Military and everybody else they want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence and it's just not acceptable that something like that could happen these are Fighters they fight with broken old obsolete weapons and knives we have f-16s we have f35s F32 and we were knocking the hell out of them just knocking the hell out of them it was easy but I said what the hell are we doing this for let's get the hell out of there we were getting out with such strength they were so happy they couldn't believe it and then these people came in and it's it's horrible to even think about what happened and countries all over the world lost respect for us because of Afghanistan we demand success and we demand Victory we want Victory from our soldiers and from everybody else under comrade kamla Harris and I call her that because there never been she's a Marxist okay I was saying do you think she's a Marxist or a communist to people that really study this stuff they weren't able to tell me they said it could be all the way it could be communist but she's damn close they said it was definitely one or the other but they couldn't actually tell me was it communist or Marxist SE one or the other we're not sure we'll figure it out but under comrade kamla our military has been abused for radical social experiments on day one I will get critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our us Armed Forces we're taking it out our Warriors should be focused on defeating America's enemies not figuring out their genders by that time hopefully they know their genders Marxist ideologies have no place in combat think of it they go in and they decide oh it's they going to change my gender no no we we want them to know their gender when they go in you have no idea the disruption that that has caused and the fake news refuses to report it you know when I did a ban I went to a lot of good generals I said I'm not going to tell you names just tell me is it the right thing or the wrong thing the wrong thing sir it's the wrong thing and I had unanimous support and then we did it I didn't do it other people did it they reversed me as soon as they got in like almost the first day I didn't do it but uh they allowed things to happen to our military that just not right if you want to have a sex change or a social justice seminar then you can do it somewhere else but you're not going to do it in the Army Navy Coast Guard Air Force Space force or the United States Marines sorry you're not going to do it there the military brass that led these obser and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed and they will no longer be in command they're going to be gone gone so fast command crooked Joe purged 8,000 service members from our military for refusing their covid vaccine mandate they refused to do it we didn't want a mandate the Mandate you can't you just can't do that I will rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with with an apology and with back pay they will get their back pay and an apology from our government hopefully they have great jobs right now and they're making a lot of money but if they want to come back in they get an apology and we sign them up and they get their back pay should have never happened the Mandate stuff should have never happened thanks to comrade comman Joe Biden morale in our military is now so low that almost every single branch has suffer suffering a major Recruitment and Retention crisis you know that upon taking office I will begin the largest peacetime recruitment Drive in the history of the Armed Forces we have to fill our Armed Forces with great people but they don't have Spirit now there's no Spirit used to bring other soldiers would bring their friends in now that doesn't happen almost never happens the sense of spirit pride and Prestige will soon come roaring back and reach levels never seen before we're going to make it so hot that I'm going to want to resign and join the military I don't know what rank I would start at I guess I start at private I don't know what rank would I have to start at General I have to start pretty low he said you'll start at the top all right then I'll stay here that's very good you'll start at the top he knows what this said America's military must always be unrival and unbeatable I mean I see reports coming out where they do studies and they said under the circumstances we'll lose a war to China number one if it's true why are we saying it and number two it shouldn't be true should it huh it shouldn't be true not going to happen why would they release a report like that for China to read we're vulnerable here she said they're idiots that's a good word too who's the woman that said that stand please he said that that's very good no it's true they she says they're idiots now they released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas we need more this we need more that we're weak here we're weak there I don't know who does this report why would you release a report like that so after years that's like saying we have no ammunition ladies and gentlemen we have no ammunition at the time with the United States of America you know why we gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places we gave them everything empty our warehouses of all of our ammunition let's give it to people free of charge free of charge course billions free of charge everything's always free of charge so after years of horrific depletion with the comrade sending our missiles and airplanes ammunition to other countries I will make a historic investment in rebuilding the US Armed Forces I did that once before but I have to do it again because they've depleted it just like they've depleted the Strategic oil reserves you know we have the Strategic in all due respect is not for filling up your car so that you have 4 cents a gallon less and that you vote for crooked Joe it's not meant for that it's meant for war it's meant for tragedy it's meant for real stuff it's at the lowest point today in its history we almost have nothing left and we had it at a level that was such a beautiful thing to see we will increase funding but at the same time the days of blank checks for the weapon systems over the past or over I tell you what we will build though we're going to build a great Iron Dome over our country so that we don't have to get hit we give it to other countries we help Israel and other countries and Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago as you know but it didn't we didn't really have the technology then he was right but we didn't have the right techn today we have unbelievable technology and you know we have other countries that have it this country should have it and we're going to make it right here and we're going to make it in other of our great places but a lot of of it's going to come right out of your state it's time to create the Arsenal of the 21st century we need that that means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on The Cutting Edge investing heavily in drones and Robotics and artificial intelligence and hypersonics do you know hypersonics these are missiles that go seven times faster than a fast ordinary missile seven times faster so fast that for the most part you can't shut them down and you can't shoot them down they're going at levels of speed that nobody thought was possible do you know that was our technology that was stolen by Russia and Russia has them and I started them very quickly but somebody gave Russia years ago before me all of our plans and specs for Hypersonic missiles and they built them and we didn't he said Bill Clinton he could be might have been in off fairness might have been a little after Bill Clinton I used to like Bill Clinton can you believe it it it could have been Barack Hussein Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know my advisers are fired no would' rather keep it on policy but sometimes it's hard when you're attacked from all ends I mean they want to put you in jail for nothing for nothing for cases that the legal Scholars all over the country have said there is no case and they want to put you in jail and I could have done that to Hillary Clinton I could have put her in jail she turned away subpoenas and she damaged stuff and she wouldn't give things after a subpoena was sent after from the United States Congress I said to myself we want to bring the country together wouldn't it be terrible to put the wife of the president of the United States in jail wouldn't it be terrible and then I come out and they do it to me and there's no feeling as wouldn't it be terrible but we won the big case in Florida that was totally one and Biden didn't you know Biden documents I had the presidential records act I had I had the right to do whatever I wanted to do that was passed in like 1978 but Biden didn't have a right to do because he wasn't president and he was there there for 50 years he took stuff and the ruling was basically he's guilty as hell but he's got no memory he's a nice man with no memory actually they're wrong he's not a nice man and he has no memory he's not a nice man at all because he started weaponization and weaponization is a double prong that can come back to haunt them too it's a terrible thing for our country I can tell you a terrible thing for our country we need a dramatic increase in research we need a very dramatic increase in development and in so doing we will create countless American jobs including jobs right here in a place called North Carolina do we love North Carolina Laura Trump is from North Carolina she named her daughter Carolina wife of Erica now say that he's the husband of Laura we change it he's great he's great and it's a great couple but she loves this place she just loves it she's here all the time and you know she comes and she uh we love her too she she said she's amazing she's got a great talent and she along with Michael Watley are running the Republican National Committee and doing a great job you know a lot of times when you do that they'll say oh family let me this is not a job that somebody this is a tough job and our primary focus is not to get out the vote it's to make sure they don't cheat because we have all the votes you need you can see it every house along the way has signs Trump trump Trump trump fans Trump fans and by the way Vance is doing a great job Vance is doing a great job look at that beautiful red Vance now but these signs are all over the place I see it everywhere no matter where in Florida they're all over because people want to see common sense you know we're the party of common sense it's not conservative liberal they don't want to be called liberal in where they want to use Progressive we're Progressive Progressive I I think liberal is more appropriate Progressive is such a beautiful word right you don't Progressive Progressive means go forward they don't go forward they go backward as we rapidly rebuild American deterrence we will quickly restore peace and stability in our country but all over the world we make our country a much safer place we're in grave danger of a war a Third World War I tell you before I even arrive at the Oval Office and as I said we're going to do things that are going to be shocking to people but what I'm going to do more than anything else I'm going to get things in line and we're going to prevent that World War III and if you look at what's going on with Ukraine and Russia if you look at on now there's an incursion into Russia then there'll be another incursion the other way then there'll be and then all of a sudden bad things will start to happen happen they're already starting by contrast if comrade Camala wins this November World War II is virtually guaranteed to happen everything she touches she destroys everything that she's touched you look at her life she was district attorney in San Francisco the place went to hell it's the best city in the world probably 15 18 years ago 20 years ago maybe in the whole world it was one of the best cities in the world then becomes the Attorney General of the State of California that place went to hell it was helped by Gavin nsam it was helped nusum helped but uh she did a she was terrible and it's crime ridden and it's I mean you can't walk down the sidewalk anywhere any it's just unbelievable what's happened to that state so sad best weather beautiful ocean be everything is good but they've they've just let it go to hell and she was and she's going to do the same thing to the United States and when she says I'll let you Frack her whole career she said no frack in Pennsylvania in particular no because they get tremendous wealth from fracking uh they're going to be stopped 100% they're going to be stopped she just changed her view a few months ago you got to see you know she ran against Biden there were 22 people running she was the first to leave she quit because she went down like that and she was the first one out she never made it to the first state in the primary she never made it to Iowa never made it to Iowa she didn't get one vote and she still hasn't gotten one vote and she won't have one vote think of it Biden I'm not a fan of Biden I think he was terrible a terrible president what he did to our country you look at him with the planes and the stairs and the falling all over the place and he had no idea what the hell was happening he couldn't could find his way off a stage a stair here stair there stair I got stairs all over the place he' finish his speech and look around where am I his speech has lasted the nice part it was good in the hot sun because they lasted for about two minutes and you could go home but nobody would come anyway but we can't let her she's much worse much worse than him actually cuz she's actually more radical he never believed it he just did it for votes I don't know why You' get votes by having open borders you know she wants open borders if she became president in 4 years you'd have 60 to 70 million people from all over the world and it's not just South America and remember they're releasing them from their jails and their prisons they're coming out of jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums then we have hundreds and probably thousands of terrorists that have come into our country we probably have a few here well welcome welcome but we probably have a few here and she's all for it and now she's saying and you see what she's saying well the wall was largely built we were adding space onto the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall I actually took it CU Congress gave us a hard time and the Democrats were brutal we had 11 lawsuits and we won all 11 but I took it out of the military I called it an invasion of our country it was an invasion and we built hundreds of miles of wall and then I was going to do 200 extra we ordered it it was there and we had that rotten horrible election that horrible election where we did much better than we did the first time and bad things happened and all of a sudden I hear that they want to have open borders and I thought they were kidding who the hell wants open borders and then they said we'll give you health care you know now they're saying all about how they're getting tough in the borders and how they were tough except they have a couple of problems do you know that we flew in a million people airplanes over the top of the Border beautiful airplanes they're flying them in if you want to stop people you're not flying them in on airplanes and many other things no they wanted open borders and we have a country that's loaded up with many many criminals right now of the worst they emptied their jails they emptied their jails and prisons they emptied their mental institutions into our country largely now they're continuing to do it but if you look at many of these countries that we're talking about frankly who can blame them they're dropping their prisoners into the United States of America they're dropping all of these people into the United States including their mental institution people any terrorist they have they're dropping them into the United States we're taking hundreds of thousands of people that were in jail for murder you take a look at Venezuela their jails are half and I'm surprised half because frankly I would have worked faster than that if I were running it I would have had all of them out of there by now they go to Caracus they take all their gang members all of their Killers they're murderers they're drug dealers they take them and they're putting them into the United States and their crime is down 72% in fact next time what we'll do instead of North Carolina we'll have our next little gathering in Venezuela because it will be much safer than being in our country if these people win you're not going to have any meetings you're not going to have anything there'll be chaos in our country and we just can't let it happen we can't let it happen we can't let it happen remember when Biden sent Cala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine she met with Putin and then three days later he attacked how did she do think she did a good job she met with Putin to tell him don't do it and three days later he attacked that's when the attack started did you know that General should have sent you but over a half a million they say are dead or wounded but it's a much higher number than that and everything lies in ruined look we are going to fight like hell to win this election they are going to cheat like hell to win the election because they have no bounds they have no bounds I've said to some Republicans once in a place called Philadelphia which I love I went to school in Philadelphia but it's suffering tremendously like Chicago like every Democrat run city of suffering but I said like why do we allow them to do it do Republicans do what they do with the stuffing the boxes with all of the different things they do sir we're proud Americans and that's really the right thing to say but they have no bounds we have to win this election if we don't win this election we are in such trouble as a country we're in trouble right now but you have the right guy to straighten it out I'll get it straightened out I'll get it straightened out first we're going to have peace through strength all over the world like we had just a short while ago and I just want to say closing is it's an honor to have served for four years I wish we didn't have this break the only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get because we've never had a country that's been in shape like this country is in right now we have squalor in our streets our vets are disregarded living on sidewalks and freezing cold and unbelievably hot cities all over the country and yet we have people coming in to our country that are living in luxury hotels this is what we have we're going to straighten out our country through Common Sense we're going to straighten out our country with the United States of America we're the greatest country in the world we're not going to let this continue to go we're going to straighten it out we're going to make it bigger better stronger than ever before we're going to bring in business we're going to use tariffs to take advantage of our great strength and to frankly hurt countries that are hurting us and have been hurting us on trade for many many years right now China is building massive Auto plants in Mexico and they think that those plants are going to make cars and they're going to sell them across the line for no tax no anything destroy what's left in Detroit which frankly compared to years ago is very little and South Carolina and many other places we're not going to let it happen we will charge them 150 or 200% tariff and all of that investment that they made is now worthless we're not going to let them do that we're not going to let them destroy our automobile industry the United Auto Workers has a grossly incompetent man at the head they want to make all electric cars and Elon Musk is a friend of mine you saw he endorsed me very strongly and he understands that I'm right and I love electric cars and they have an incredible purpose they have an incredible purpose they're unbelievable what they can do and he makes a great product but I told him I said you know before you endorse you have to understand we have to have gasoline propelled cars again we have more Liquid Gold than anybody anywhere in the world more than Saudi Arabia more than Russia we have more than anybody we're going to quadruple that business we're going to be much bigger than both of them put together we're going to pay down debt we're going to reduce your taxes I gave you the largest tax cut in history the largest regulatory cut in history that created all of the jobs and when Biden talks about jobs by the way because they lie so much the jobs he created almost all of them almost 100% people say more than 100% went to illegal aliens the other remember this the numbers sound good because they're called bounceback jobs we had a pandemic people were laid off and then as soon and this is common for ages when a pandemic goes you have bounced back the businesses and we had we not done what we did with money probably some of you benefited but we we would have been in a 1929 style depression we did it just right the problem is they came in they no longer needed money we gave them a country that was fixed and more people died during Biden think of that than died during us from Co many more people died during them but think of this we gave them a country and they blew it because they took so much they took trillions ions and trillions of money they kept feeding it and that's what caused along with their bad energy policies that's what caused this tremendous inflation which is destroying the people of our country and frankly it's contagious it's all over the world but we're the ones that started it with their bad policy so we're going to work very hard we've got to win we've got to win this state this state is a very very big state to win we've won it twice and we're going to win it again I said to a couple of the people I said so let me ask you how are we doing compared to four years ago and eight years ago they said sir you're much hotter you're more popular I hope that's true but we won it twice and all I can do is pledge to you that we're going to do a great job for North Carolina we're going to do a great job for the United States of America we put America First and we're going to make America great again thank you all very much thank you thank you very much everybody thank you very much everybody it's great to be here what a place did you like the fly over that was pretty good we were going low and fast we were that was moving along I was pretty low uh just want to thank JD is doing a fantastic job and I want to thank North Carolina I love North Carolina I love them 76 days from now we're going to to win this state and we're going to win the White House that beautiful beautiful building that beautiful building I want to thank Senator tedb who's doing such a great job Senator tedb thank you thank you great job Ted Mark Robinson he's out there he's fighting he's fighting he's a great one and I think we have a lot of our sheriffs here don't we have where are they will this stage hold them I'd love to bring them up come on Sheriff's get up here Mark come on we got I don't know if the stage is going to hold him but if it doesn't we've had bigger risks than this right come on sheriffs if you weigh more than 200 lb don't come up I'm only kidding come on love [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know I don't know that's a [Music] [Applause] lot don't know [Music] [Applause] just so you know these are great people but I want to get them the hell off the stage cuz because I guarantee they didn't have this in mind when they built this thank goodness Mark lost a lot of weight over the last couple of months I'm very you did actually well I want to thank you all very much you are the reason we're able to be here and that you have a safe State and a great state thank you all very much thank you that's some group that's some group of people for endorsements too every group virtually in the country law enforcements endorsed us thank you very much thanks Mark good luck Mark will win got to win he's got a win got a win he's a good man thank you oh I feel much better I feel very much better that they got off the stage I had no idea what was going to happen but it's not that far down you know it's I had no idea what was I'm a big structural guy but I want to thank also members of Congress Richard Hudson and Byron Donald's two Warriors two great people two unbelievable where's Byron thank you very much thank you very much to where's Byron oh look at him over there he knows how to get attention look at that guy he's been my friend for a long time thank you for everything Byron and you have thank you very much Congressional candidate Mark Harris Mark hi Mark good going Mark good numbers good numbers Brad knot and Addison McDow they're all going to be winners very soon young goodlook people thank you very much great the State House speaker Tim Moore Tim where is Tim oh he's nice and safe back there oh hello Tim I appreciate it Tim and Neil Jackson State Rep Neil Jackson thank you very much thank you Neil RNC chairman Michael Watley what a job he's doing what a job he's doing and North Carolina GOP chairman Jason Simmons who's been a friend of ours for a long time where's Jason nice tall character right here thank you very much Jason and somebody that's been with me from day one a real he's a real general you know we have the real generals and we have the fake woke generals that did so poorly in afgh anistan should have all been fired but this is a real General Keith Kellogg right Keith and this is a great group it's good to see you Keith he's been with me from before day one right he said that guy should run we got to get him to run I like those guys they were here before I ran you know there's quite a few of them too we have the front row Joe's you know that and very importantly we have the most magnificent women first time you know we have they travel all over the country to be with us for rallies they're at close to a couple of hundred rallies I don't know what their husbands are doing about this this is a little crazy look how beautiful and they're from North Carolina and and for a change they don't have to travel so far right how far are you from here two hour two hours is nothing it's a pretty big state actually thank you very much as always you are special special people great women they love our country before we begin I want to address the massive Scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning a little while ago just before I came up I got to see him and it really isn't a revision it's a total lie total lie there's never been any revision like this they wanted it to come out after the election but somehow it got leaked it got leaked government leaks too the Harris Biden administr ation has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America the new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the administration padded the numbers with an extra listen to this one 88,000 jobs that don't exist so they said they existed and they never did exist they built them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing no we've never had numbers like this they don't exist they thought they could do it sometime after you know we have an election coming up very quickly but they wanted this to come out after November 5th when it wouldn't have meant so much but it came out a little early so there's a patriot in there someplace right the real numbers are much worse than that and comrade Camala you know she's comrade the most most radical left person ever to run for a high political office in our country gets another four years millions of jobs and it'll vanish overnight she gets four more years you're going to see jobs vanish millions and millions will vanish and inflation will completely destroy our country we'll have inflation worse than they've given us you know when I gave it to them had virtually no inflation and now their numbers up to 22 23% but their real number is probably 40 to 50% because a lot of the things in their numbers aren't included I saw another one where the FBI releases crime statistics and they weren't that bad and then they left out little things like New York Chicago they left out various areas and that wasn't so good your life savings will be totally wiped out and uh if you put somebody like that in there with him how about him how about him she'll destroy our country just like she destroyed San Francisco just like she destroyed California with the Trump Victory we will once again have the greatest economy in history we're going to do things that are going to make us so great so fast we're going to bring it back we're going to make America strong again we're going to make America great again going to be fantastic it's going to be fantastic so I just want to thank you very much for your support because I've always had I've always had fantastic support from you thank you thank you very much we have a job to do you know we have a job to do we had some very good polls this morning despite their charade I call it the party the Democrats party do you know people in Chicago were killed in the last little while since the that charade that they have going on they mentioned my name I think 271 times they mentioned the economy like 12 times they mentioned the Border maybe none they don't talk about the Border our great borders are doesn't talk about the Border but they mentioned me more than any other category I'm now a category they had me down today as a category that's all they talk about Trump we've driven them crazy they have Trump derangement syndrome we've driven them crazy and they should be driven crazy they've done a terrible job for our country in every single way there's not a thing they've done well except cheat and lie they lie about stats no they lied about the crime numbers the crime numbers didn't look bad then they found out that many of the worst places weren't included in the numbers and that was done by the FBI which is sad four years ago our country was strong and resp expected like never before our allies admired us our enemies feared us because everyone knew that as an American president I was all about putting America first that's true under my leadership we rebuilt the United States military he created space force and we made our allies pay their fair share and their Fair dues you know we went to Nato we say you're not paying you got to pay if you remember President Bush would go and it' make a speech Obama would go and make a speech they all made speeches this one didn't even make a speech this last one but I went I said uh nobody's paying you got to pay and they did paid hundreds of billions of dollars they said well does that mean you won't support us if we don't pay I said that's what it means I had to say that every I got a lot of heat for that people the the fake news oh that's a lot of fake news W that's a lot of fake news no the fake news gave me a hard time for that the fake news was saying uh what a terrible thing to say to our allies our allies weren't paying and I said you got to pay we were paying for everybody so they take advantage of us on trade and then we also pay for their military that somehow doesn't work so they had to pay they paid hundreds of billions of dollars but I said to them no that means I will not protect you I will not protect you they said sir if we're attacked by Russia will you protect us used to be Soviet Union now Russia will you protect us they said are you paid no let's assume we're not paid then you're delinquent right well yes that's an old real estate term you're delinquent yes no we will not protect you the the Press went crazy that I said and you know what if I would have said the other way they would have never paid hundreds of billions were sent in to Nato but we defeated Isis we killed the world's top terrorists we secured our borders we achieved energy Independence we stood up to China we protected Israel we made peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and more more more we did things like nobody ever heard of and we brought our troops mostly back home we didn't start any wars for 79 years it was before we didn't start wars 79 80 years everybody said oh he's going to start wars with his attitude no my attitude kept us out of Wars I stop Wars with phone calls Russia should have never happened with Ukraine would have never happened if I were president would have never happened no there was no talk of that would have never ever happened with Putin would have never happened and Israel October 7th would have never happened Iran would have never done that they had very little money at that point now they're rich as hell but Biden allowed that to happen and Cala where's Biden what happened to Biden where is he he's on a beach he's on a beach you know he's got somebody that thinks he looks great in a bathing suit he likes to go to a beach how do you hell how do you leave here and go on a beach you can't do it there are things you just don't do people don't want to see you in a bathing suit walks badly it's hard to walk in the sand you know he has a hard time lifting his feet through the sand and then he grabs he grabs the chair the chair is meant for old people to lift and young kids to lift like you know four-year-old kids right and he can't lift it he needs a little help the whole thing is crazy crazy how we ever got that is crazy and what happened to our country with inflation and with disrespect from all over the world and all these wars are starting all over the place and we're very close to a third world war and don't kid yourself because they are laughing but they're not laughing too much you're a little worried about a certain person winning the election we had some very good polls today and if that happens you're not going to have any third world wars every American was safer under President Trump in fact the entire world was safer when I sat behind that beautiful Resolute desk in the Oval Office you know I heard the other day for the first time I heard Biden say the beautiful Resolute D he never said that before they copy me when I say We're a nation in Decline guys are copying me they then they say they shouldn't say that but they thought the words were beautiful but they copy me all the time in that case it was Republicans that were cop copying me because they happen to be right so I don't mind if a republican copies me any of you guys want to copy me but it's a sad thing to have to say but they copy me the Resolute desk he never mentioned that he doesn't even know what the hell the Resolute desk is exactly three years ago this month the weakness and incompetence of Camala Harris and crooked Joe Biden delivered the most humiliating event in the history of our country and one of the biggest military disasters in the history of the world as far far as I'm concerned no one will ever forget the horrifying images of their catastrophic Retreat from Afghanistan desperate Afghans fell to their deaths from the wheels of us cargo planes that were 3,000 ft up in the air bloodthirsty terrorists poured out of the prisons after Biden and Harris surrendered bogram one of the largest air military bases anywhere in the world we spent billions and billions of dollars building it many years ago and you know it was important to keep it I was never leaving that I would have been out faster than them I said that's up we're there for 20 almost 21 years and I said what are we doing what are we doing here and we had no soldiers killed for 18 months while I was there because they knew don't play around with our soldiers they were they were killing them they were killing them under Obama did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always say sir please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they're getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy sir you must stick to policy you'll win It On the Border you'll win it with inflation you'll win it with your great military that you built that they gave away $85 billion worth of it in Afghanistan sir you're going to win it on crime the crime is is running through the streets like never before you're going to win it on all of these things and maybe especially I think two things the economy inflation because I view them together what they've done to inflation and they closed it with energy what they did with energy is so stupid if we were there our energy we would be so dominant all over the world right now we were already energy independent I made you energy independent but we would be energy dominant we'd be paying back debt we'd be reducing your taxes still further we gave you the largest tax cuts ever and uh a lot of good things were going to happen but now we're just going to have to sort of call it a delay of four years but these people don't have any idea what they're doing you had 13 heroic US service members were tragically and needlessly killed I got to know a lot of the relatives friends and mothers and fathers of those 13 people 45 others were horrifically wounded and $85 billion worth of the best military equipment anywhere in the world was handed over to these people in fact Afghanistan is now one of the largest arms Merchants anywhere in the world did you know that they're selling our equipment at tremendous prices they're selling our beautiful we had 70,000 armored trucks many of them armored armored trucks and vehicles think of this we had 700,000 rifles and guns 7 I actually say what the hell did they need so many for 700,000 rifles and guns we had goggles brand new right out of the box you know they didn't fight at night because they never had goggles right good Fighters they never had goggles now they have brand new goggles all left by the by the Biden Harris Administration gave them billions and billions of dollars just gave it to them and now they sell that equipment cuz they don't need 700,000 rifles they need 20,000 little difference they don't need 70,000 Vehicles they need 500 Vehicles you have to ask yourself who bought all that stuff in the first place who bought it all how disgusted we're all when we see all of us are when we see three days ago when we viewed their parade our military equipment running down the middle of their Main Avenue brand new beautiful armor plated trucks tanks and vehicles running down the middle and they're all celebrating because we have stupid people running our government and she'll be worse than Biden because he wasn't really a Believer but she's a radical left believer she ruined San Francisco she ruined California and if if she gets in our country doesn't have a chance This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will be comrade because I think that's the most accurate name you I've been looking for name people are saying sir don't do it you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I really didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called The Crooked Hillary I call people names I call crazy Nancy Pelosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts you know Biden is really angry you know he's very angry he was so angry the other night he's like seething I you ever see a guy make a speech he such anger and so uncomfortable just shouting but he's terrible he's just terrible should have never been there we all know that should have never been there what they've done to this country is incredible but she bragged that she would be the last person in the room and she was she was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan and by the way pulling them out was absolutely right I was going to do it I'm the one that got the soldiers down to 5,000 people I was going to do it but we were going to get out last you don't pull the soldiers out first you let the soldiers stay last and the head of the Taliban respected Abdul I had conversations with him after my conversations not one soldier in 18 months was killed but you pull the soldiers out last Millie and these guys you know we have great generals but Millie and Mattis and these guys they didn't know what the I call them television generals the television generals are no good but the generals that defeated Isis for me were great we have great we have a great military but she had the fun final vote she had the final say and she was all for it you take the soldiers out if I took that young person right there about five or six years old beautiful young person and if I said I gave little details like about 30 seconds worth of details would you take the military out first or last sir I'd take the military out last but they took it out first and then we left hostages we left all of the equipment we left everything and we left barram and now China is occupying bogram bogram being one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons wouldn't it been nice to have our big fat beautiful base it was probably built there for that reason but China one hour away and now China is occupying that massive big base some of the biggest runways in the world they could hold heavier loads than any runways in the world under my leadership we were getting out of Afghanistan but we were going to get out with digity pride and with strength when I left office we had not lost a single service member in the combat in Afghanistan in more than 18 months and then we had that horrible day where we lost so many and so many were so badly hurt arms legs gone face just obliterated we lost so many great people that day nobody talks about the people that were so badly injured they never mention them I always mention them all over the world our adversaries knew that America was not to be trifled with when I was your commander in chief but and you know it's very interesting uh if you look at Hungary very strong country very strong leader Victor Orban he said the only thing that's going to save the whole world is Trump has to be president again we had no problems we had no problems he said we had no problems I don't use the term but he did he said China was afraid of them Russia was afraid of them they were said oh I was so friendly to Russia I'm the one that stopped the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 nobody ever here the biggest development they ever had to feed oil all over Europe I stopped it and then Biden comes in and he gives them everything he gave him the pipeline they built the pipeline but I stopped it Putin said that's the worst thing that's ever happened happened to us I said I'm sorry I have to do it and he approves it right away and then they say Trump was not strong on Russia I think they were they got it wrong Putin actually said if you weren't strong I'd like to find out how bad would you be if you were strong because you were brutal but you know I got along with him it's good to get along with these countries I got along with China that wouldn't have happened what's happening right now they're planning an attack on Taiwan there's no question about that that wouldn't have happened was was it going to happen they knew that you weren't allowed to do that Putin would have never gone into Ukraine Israel would have never been attacked it's a sad sad situation so many people are dead so many people are gone so many cities you look at Ukraine those cities are just wiped off the face of the Earth they're outside of Kiev and a couple of others that basically just flattened far more people dead then they let you know it's like your numbers that were released fraudulently today far more people dead in that war than anybody would know when those big buildings come tumbling down hit with rockets so ridiculous there's nothing left it's so ridiculous but since the Afghanistan catastrophe it's been open season on America and our allies I really believe that the Afghan disaster what happened the stupidity and the way we pulled out and the bedum and all of that it would have been very smooth we were going to get out with strength and dignity but when Putin saw that he said wow those people don't know what they're doing they're overrated and he went in and same thing happened with Iran Iran was not going to play with us and now Iran is a rich Nation they were they have $300 billion they had no money and in three and a half years they made three and they made 300 billion $300 billion dollar they have right now they made it all in three and a half years they had none when I left and we would have made a fair deal with them they can't have a nuclear weapon very simple you can't have a nuclear weapon other other than that we want you to have great lives but uh I do hear there after me but you know that's the way it is look I'm here for you and I'm here even for the world we want to stop world wars because the equipment is so devastating now a world war is obliteration we can't have a World War every dictator Tyrant and Terrorist on the planet knows that they can get away with murder under Camala and crooked Joe kidnappers are getting millions and millions of dollars but now they're getting billions they're getting billions what did you get for the four people that we released sir they got $6 billion what is six billion does anyone know what that means Six B they got $6 billion people get kidnapped and you know they ask for like how about $1,000 how about 500 they got $6 billion from these idiots and you know what happens when that happens a lot of people are going to get kidnapped because they say we're dealing with stupid people a lot of people we got we had 59 people that were hostage some in North Korea that's about as tough as it gets we got people out without paying for anything we never gave money we didn't want to give money if we gave money all they do is they go around kidnapping everybody these people give not only do they give six billion they got the prince of death out he's the number one arms Merchant in the world Russia got him him as part of one of the deals the number one arms Merchant in the world we got a couple of people but you know why were they there and why did they do what they did but they got some of the most criminal the toughest meanest criminals anywhere in the world on top of that we paid them billions and billions of dollars we're run by very stupid people I'd like to use a different word I'd like to use a much more sophisticated word but there's no word I can think of incompetent how about incompetent as a result peace in Europe has been Shattered by the largest European land War since the fall of Nazi Germany this is the largest War there's been and this war is going to escalate and escalate when if but when I have to always say if you know because they cheat I would say when if they didn't cheat but they cheat that's the one thing they're great at cheating in elections if we win I'll get that thing settled before I take the office I'll get it settled as President elect I'll get that war stopped with Russia yeah we'll get that stopped Ukraine and Russia were going to get it stoped quickly it'll be done before I get to office it would not have happened if I was President it wasn't going to happen in the Middle East the Jewish people have suffered the worst atrocities and deadliest attacks since the Holocaust there's no question about that the United States has been forced to abandon more embassies under comrade Kamala then at any time in our history we're just and we're running out it's not like we're leaving we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build you got to see these embassies in the middle of nowhere in a country you've never even heard of they spent 900 million to build an embassy the whole thing is crazy the world is on fire and kamla and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War III that's what we're in I think General you would probably agree you're one of the experts I would think right I don't even talk you about that lately it's so out of control I don't even have to bother I just say look take a look but one of the great experts and uh we're on the brink that's why this November Americans are going to tell Kamala Harris Kamala that we've bad enough we can't take it anymore you're doing a terrible job comrade Harris you're fired get out of here you're fired you're no good you're fired get him out of here all you have to do is take a look at San Francisco look at a job she did she had one policy if you steal less than $1,000 based basically 950 to be exact I want to be accurate for purposes of reporters the fake news media they want accuracy they don't have to be accurate but we have to be accurate but if you steal less than $950 they basically leave you alone so I have guys going in robbing stores with a calculator let's see this is $100 did you notice this is not going to happen in North Carolina I don't think is it let's see that's A1 that's $59 Bing Bing Bing stop stop stop we don't want to go over at 95 they walk out with it nobody does a thing starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the oath of office I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace we're going to return the world to peace and mostly I can do it with a telephone call you know we don't have to send troops I can do it with a telephone call you go to war with another country that's friendly to us or even not friendly to us you're not going to do business in the United States and we're going to charge you 100% tariffs and all of a sudden the president or prime minister or dictator or whoever the hell is running the country says to me sir we won't go to war I I talked I talked this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls I don't have to send in the troops one of my most urgent priorities will be to quickly rebuild the Readiness and spirit of the United States armed forces and we had it built we rebuilt it we rebuilt the whole military but it was decimated under this group of stupid people you know we had so much when I came in we had no ammunition did you know that remember I used to talk about it and I said if it's true which it was why would you say that we had people on tell well the United States has no ammunition you know some things you just keep to yourself right do you remember I used to from North Carolina do you remember I used to talk about that all the time those are my best Witnesses those ladies there's about 40 of them they're all over the place and they're always perfectly quaffed and perfectly dressed they're beautiful and they're great but no I used to talk all the time if you have no bullets I can ask this group of leaders you don't talk about it but you get the bullets really fast right so within a year I had so much that our warehouses were stocked to the gills we never had so much I bought so much missiles everything I rebuilt our military but that's been all dissipated now again because we give it away to everybody and for nothing I mean they don't do anything for us we don't get anything we don't even get a pledge that we'll pay you back someday if we have the money how about that pay pay you back someday if we have the money you know uh I sponsor athletes sometimes if I see somebody that I like in sports I sponsor some golfers usually doesn't typically work out I don't know if you know it's like a 5,000 to one shot but I'm good at that stuff and I can see talent and I'll give them a few thousand I'll give them $50,000 I'll say you know you're really good you could make it why don't you why aren't you trying out the tour sir I have no money I have to give lessons I have no money he said you're too good to give lessons you can be a tour player I sir I don't have any money I say here's $50,000 and here's the deal if you do well you pay me back with no interest just good luck if you don't do well which you probably won't because it's very hard they say the worst is a boxer if you sponsor a boxer they're all great they're winning all their fights and then they turn professional and they go in and this goes with UFC run by Dana White one of the greatest of all time which has really taken over for boxing but it's the same thing and people sponsor people and they get what they get but the worst is that what's wrong oh doctor please it is very hot here I noticed it's very hot and a lot of the people waited for days to get here so I understand it take your time doctor take your time thank you [Applause] yeah take your time please you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we we we we [Applause] [Music] thank you very much you know they come two days three days early and it's a long it's a lot of stress we lose the only ones we don't lose are front row Joe's I don't know what they have going they they have something going here Governor thank you very much thanks doctor you America is blessed with the greatest military in the world but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical left politicians and some generals and at the top they woke they woke we don't want woke generals we want generals that know how to win and we have them we proved that when we wiped out Isis didn't we proved it sir it'll take five years we did it in three three weeks I think we did it in three weeks we have the greatest military in the world but you need the great leaders otherwise your military will can never be great everywhere I go soldiers and Veterans tell me how angry they are that not one person has been held accountable for the Afghanistan catastrophe he never fired anybody you know I fire a lot of people when they don't do a good job then they come back and write books you know they hate you but that's okay when you don't fire people they never write books you know but I fired a lot of people I wasn't happy with their service I wasn't happy with the job they did I fired him I let him go I mean I'm I'm working for you I'm not doing this for myself but when you fire them they always come back with something and now nobody's ever been in the position where you know they get offered all sorts of money from the fake news and everything else and fame we're going to make you famous all you have to do is make up some stories about Trump but uh people don't seem to care it's phony stuff phony horrible they're lightweights they're terrible people you know when I came don't forget I didn't know anybody in Washington I'm president of the United States I'm going down Pennsylvania having you with that biggest load of military and police and motorcycles and everything you've ever seen and I didn't know anybody I said to my wife I don't know a lot of people but the people I know I got recommendations from a lot of good people well-meaning people some were good most were great but we had some bad ones too but now I know I'm All In Washington I know the good ones the weak ones guys like this I know the weak ones and the bad ones General we know the we know the dumb ones and the Smart Ones don't we we know them all but the voters will hold kamla and Joe accountable for this November when I take office and they're going to be held accountable for what they've done to this country right thank you I will ask for the res ations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster I want their resignations immediately and I want them on the desk in the Oval Office the Resolute desk I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day everybody involved with that disaster when you have a disaster so stupid as that that caused us such problem you don't know what that's done to the reputation of our country the Afghanistan disaster this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world and America Military and everybody else they want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence and it's just not acceptable that something like that could happen these are Fighters they fight with broken old obsolete weapons and knives we have f-16s we have f35s F32 and we were knocking the hell out of them just knocking the hell out of them it was easy but I said what the hell are we doing this for let's get that hell out of there we were getting out with such strength they were so happy they couldn't believe it and then these people came in and it's it's horrible to even think about what happened and countries all over the world lost respect for us because of Afghanistan we demand success and we demand Victory we want Victory from our soldiers and from everybody else under comrade kamla Harris and I call her that because has never been she's a Marxist okay I was saying do you think she's a Marxist or a communist the people that really study this stuff they weren't able to tell me they said it could be all the way it could be communist but she's damn close they said it was definitely one or the other but they couldn't actually tell me was it communist or Marxist SE one or the other we're not sure we'll figure it out but under comrade comma our military has been abused for radical social experiments on day one I will get critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our us Armed Forces we're taking it out our Warriors should be focused on defeating America's enemies not figuring out their genders by that time hopefully they know their genders Marxist ideologies have no place in combat think of it they go in and they decide oh it's they going to change my gender no no we we want them to know their gender when they go in you have no idea the disruption that that has caused and the fake news refuses to report it you know when I did a ban I went to a lot of good generals I said I'm not going to tell you names just tell me is it the right thing or the wrong thing the wrong thing sir it's a wrong thing and I had unanimous support and then we did it I didn't do it other people did it they reversed me as soon as they got in like almost the first day I didn't do it but uh they allowed things to happen to our military that just not right if you want to have a sex change or a social justice seminar then you can do it somewhere else but you're not going to do it in the Army Navy Coast Guard Air Force Space force or the United States Marines sorry you're not going to do it there the military brass that led these absurd and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed and they will no longer be in command they're going to be gone gone so fast command crooked Joe purged 8,000 service members from our military for refusing their covid vaccine mandate they refus to do it we didn't want a mandate the Mandate you can't you just can't do that I will rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and with back pay they will get their back pay and an apology from our government hopefully they have great jobs right now and they're making a lot of money but if they want to come back in they get an apology and we sign them up and they get their back pay should have never happened the Mandate stuff should have never happened thanks to comrade kamla and Joe Biden morale in our military is now so low that almost every single branch is suffering a major Recruitment and Retention crisis you know that upon taking office I will begin the largest peacetime recruitment Drive in the history of the Armed Forces we have to fill our Armed Forces with great people but they don't have Spirit now there's no Spirit used to bring other soldiers would bring their friends in now that doesn't happen almost never happens the sense of spirit pride and Prestige will soon come roaring back and reach levels never seen before we're going to make it so hot that I'm going to want to resign and join the military I don't know what rank I would start at I guess I started private I don't know what rank would I have to start at General I have to start pretty low he said you'll start at the top all right then I'll stay here that's very good you'll start at the top he knows what to say America's military must always be unrivaled and unbeatable I mean I see reports coming out where they do studies and they said under these circumstances we'll lose a war to China number one if it's true why are we saying it and number two it shouldn't be true should it huh shouldn't be true not going to happen why would they release a report like that for China to read we're vulnerable here she said they're idiots that's a good word too who's the woman that said that stand please who said that that's very good no it's true they're she says they're idiots now they released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas we need more this we need more that we're weak here we're weak there I don't know who does this report why would you release a report like that so after years that's like saying we have no ammunition ladies and gentlemen we have no ammunition at the time with the United States of America you know why we gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places we gave them everything empty our warehouses of all of our ammunition let's give it to people free of charge free of charge cost billions free of charge everything's always free of charge so after years of horrific depletion with the comrade sending our missiles and airplanes ammunition to other countries I will make a historic investment in rebuilding the US Armed Forces I did that once before but I have to do it again because they've depleted it just like they've depleted the Strategic oil reserves you know we have the Strategic in all due respect it's not for filling up your car so that you have 4 cents a gallon less and that you vote for crooked Joe it's not meant for that it's meant for war it's meant for tragedy it's meant for real stuff it's at the lowest point today in its history hist we almost have nothing left and we had it at a level that was such a beautiful thing to see we will increase funding but at the same time the days of blank checks for the weapon systems over the past are over I tell you what we will build though we're going to build a great Iron Dome over our country so that we don't have to get hit we give it to other countries we help Israel and other countries and Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago as you know but it didn't we didn't really have the techn techology then he was right but we didn't have the right techn today we have unbelievable technology and you know we have other countries that have it this country should have it and we're going to make it right here and we're going to make it in other of our great places but a lot of it's going to come right out of your state it's time to create the Arsenal of the 21st century we need that that means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on The Cutting Edge investing heavily in drones and Robotics and artificial intelligence and hypersonics do you know hypersonics these are missiles that go 7 times faster than a fast ordinary missile seven times faster so fast that for the most part you can't shut them down and you can't shoot them down they're going at levels of speed that nobody thought was possible do you know that was our technology that was stolen by Russia and Russia has them and I started them very quickly but somebody gave Russia years ago before me all of our plans and specs for Hypersonic missiles and they built them and we didn't he said Bill Clinton he could be might have been in norance might have been a little after Bill Clinton I used to like Bill Clinton can you believe it it it could have been Barack Hussein Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know my advisers are fired now would' rather keep it on policy but sometimes it's hard when you're attacked from allins I mean they want to put you in jail for nothing for nothing for cases that the legal Scholars all over the country have said there is no case and they want to put you in jail and I could have done that to Hillary Clinton I could have put her in jail she turned away subpoenas and she damaged stuff and she wouldn't give things after a subpoena was sent after from the United States Congress I said to myself we want to bring the country together wouldn't it be terrible to put the wife of the president of the United States in jail wouldn't it be terrible and then I come out and they do it to me and there's no feeling as wouldn't it be terrible but we won the big case in Florida that was totally won and Biden didn't you know Biden documents I had the presidential records act I had I had the right to do whatever I wanted to do that was passed in like 1978 but Biden didn't have a right to do because he wasn't president and he was there for 50 years he took stuff and the ruling was basically he's guilty as hell but he's got no memory he's a nice man with no memory actually they're wrong he's not a nice man and he has no memory he's not a nice man at all because he started weaponization and weaponization is a double prong that can come back to haunt them too it's a terrible thing for our country I can tell you a terrible thing for our country we need a dramatic increase in research we need a very dramatic increase in development and in so doing we will create countless American jobs including jobs right here in a place called North Carolina do we North Carolina Laura Trump is from North Carolina she named her daughter Carolina the wife of Eric I now say that he's the husband of Laura which CH he's great he's great and it's a great couple but she loves this place she just loves it she's here all the time and you know she comes and she uh we love her too she's she said she's amazing she's got a great talent and she along with Michael Watley are running the Republican National Committee and doing a great job you know a lot of times when you do that they'll say oh family let me say this is not a job that somebody this is a tough job and our primary focus is not to get out the vote it's to make sure they don't cheat CU we have all the votes you need you can see it every house along the way has signs Trump trump Trump trump Vance Trump Vance and by the way Vance is doing a great job Vance is doing a great job look at that beautiful red Vance now but these signs are all over the place I see it everywhere no matter where in Florida they're all over because people want to see common sense you know we're the party of common sense it's not conservative liberal they don't want to be called liberal in where they want to use Progressive we're Progressive Progressive I I think liberal is more appropriate Progressive such a beautiful word right you know Progressive Progressive means go forward they don't go forward they go backward as we rapidly rebuild American deterrence we will quickly restore peace and stability in our country but all over the world will make our country a much safer place we're in grave danger of a war a Third World War I tell you before I even arrive at the Oval Office and as I said we're going to do things that are going to be shocking to people but what I'm going to to do more than anything else I'm going to get things in line and we're going to prevent that World War III and if you look at what's going on with Ukraine and Russia if you look at on now there's an incursion into Russia then there'll be another incursion the other way then there'll be and then all of a sudden bad things will start to happen they're already starting by contrast if comrade Camala wins this November World War II is virtually guaranteed to happen everything she touches she destroys everything that she's t touch you look at her life she was district attorney in San Francisco the place went to hell it's the best city in the world probably 15 18 years ago 20 years ago maybe in the whole world it was one of the best cities in the world then she becomes the Attorney General of the State of California that place went to hell it was helped by Gavin nsam it was helped nusum helped but uh she did a she was terrible and it's crime ridden and it's I mean you can't walk down the sidewalk anywhere any it's just unbelievable what's happened to that state so sad best weather beautiful ocean be everything is good but they've they've just let it go to hell and she was and she's going to do the same thing to the United States and when she says I'll let you Frack her whole career she said no frack in Pennsylvania in particular no because they get tremendous wealth from fracking uh they're going to be stopped 100% they're going to be stopped she just changed her view a few months ago you got to see you know she ran against Biden there were 22 people running she was the first to leave she quit because she went down like that and she was the first one out she never made it to the first state in the primary she never made it to Iowa never made it to Iowa she didn't get one vote and she still hasn't gotten one vote and she won't have one vote think of of it Biden I'm not a fan of Biden I think he was terrible a terrible president what he did to our country you'd look at him with the planes and the stairs and the falling all over the place and he had no idea what the hell was happening he couldn't find his way off the stage a stair here stair there stair I got stairs all over the place he' finish his speech and look around where am I his speech has lasted the nice part it was good in the hot sun they lasted for about 2 minutes and you could go home but nobody would come anyway but we can't let her she's much worse much worse than him actually because she's actually more radical he never believed it he just did it for votes I don't know why you get votes by having open borders you know she wants open borders if she became president in four years you'd have 60 to 70 million people from all over the world and it's not just South America and remember they're releasing them from their jails and their prisons they're coming out of jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums and we have hundreds and probably thousands of terrorists that have come into our country we probably have a few here welcome welcome but we probably have a few here and she's all for it and now she's saying and you see what she's saying well the wall was largely built we we were adding space onto the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall I actually took it cuz Congress gave us a hard time and the Democrats were brutal we had 11 lawsuits and we won all 11 but I took it out of the military I called it an invasion of our country it was an invasion and we built hundreds of miles of wall and then I was going to do 200 extra we ordered it it was there and we had that rotten horrible election that horrible election where we did much better than we did the first time and bad things happened and all of a sudden I hear that they want to have open borders and I thought they were kidding who the hell wants open borders and then they said we'll give you health care you know now they're saying all about how they're getting tough in the borders and how they were tough except they have a couple of problems do you know that we flew in a million people airplanes over the top of the Border beautiful airplanes they're flying them in if you want to stop people you're not flying them in on airplanes and many other things no they wanted open borders and we have a country that's loaded up with many many criminals right now of the worst they emptied their jails they emptied their jails and prisons they emptied their mental institutions into our country largely now they're continuing to do it but if you look at many of these countries that we're talking about frankly who can blame them they're dropping their prisoners into the United States of America America they're dropping all of these people into the United States including their mental institution people any terrorist they have they're dropping them into the United States we're taking hundreds of thousands of people that were in jail for murder you take a look at Venezuela their jails are half and I'm surprised half because frankly I would have worked faster than that if I were running it I would have had all of them out of there by now they go to Caracus they take all their gang members all of their Killers their murderers their drug dealers they take them and they're putting them into the United States and their crime is down 72% in fact next time what we'll do instead of North Carolina we'll have our next little gathering in Venezuela because it will be much safer than being in our country if these people win you're not going to have any meetings you're not going to have anything there'll be chaos in our country and we just can't let it happen we can't let it happen we can't let it happen remember when Biden sent Camala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine she met with Putin and then three days later he attacked how did she do you think she did a good job she met with Putin to tell him don't do it and three days later he attacked that's when the attack started did you know that General should have sent you but over a half a million they say are dead or wounded but it's a much higher number than that and everything lies in ruined look we are going to fight like hell to win this election they are going to cheat like hell to win the election because they have no bounds they have no bounds I've said to some Republicans once in a place called Philadelphia which I love I went to school in Philadelphia but it's suffering tremendously like Chicago like every Democrat run city of suffering but I said like why do we allow them to do it do Republicans do what they do with the stuffing the boxes with all of the different things they do sir we're proud Americans and that's really the right thing to say but they have no bounds we have to win this election if we don't win this election we are in such trouble as a country we're in trouble right now but you have the right guy to straighten it out I'll get it straightened out I'll get it straighten out for us we're going to have peace through strength all over the world like we had just a short while ago and I just want to say closing is it's an honor to have served for four years I wish we didn't have this break the only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get because we've never had a country that's been in shape like this country is in right now we have squalor in our streets our vets are disregarded living on sidewalks and freezing cold and unbelievably hot cities all over the country and yet we have people coming in to our country that are living in luxury hotels this is what we have we're going to straighten out our country through Common Sense we're going to straighten out our country with the United States of America with the greatest country in the world we're not going to let this continue to go we're going to straighten it out we're going to make it bigger better stronger than ever before we're going to bring in business we're going to use tariffs to take advantage of our great strength and to frankly hurt countries that are hurting us and have been hurting us on trade for many many years right now China is building massive Auto plants in Mexico and they think that those plants are going to make cars and they're going to sell them across the line no tax no anything destroy what's left in Detroit which frankly compared to years ago is very little and South Carolina and many other places we're not going to let it happen we will charge them 150 or 200% tariff and all of that investment that they made is now worthless we're not going to let them do that we're not going to let them destroy our automobile industry the United Auto Workers has a grossly incompetent man at the head they want to make make all electric cars and Elon Musk is a friend of mine you saw he endorsed me very strongly and he understands that I'm right and I love electric cars and they have an incredible purpose they have an incredible purpose they're unbelievable what they can do and he makes a great product but I told him I said you know before you endorse you have to understand we have to have gasoline propelled cars again we have more Liquid Gold than anybody anywhere in the world more than Saudi Arabia more than Russia we have more than anybody we're going to quadruple that business we're going to be much bigger than both of them put together we're going to pay down debt we're going to reduce your taxes I gave you the largest tax cut in history the largest regulatory cut in history that created all of the jobs and when Biden talks about jobs by the way because they lie so much the jobs he created almost all of them almost 100% people say more than 100% went to illegal aliens the other remember this the numbers sound good because they're called bounceback jobs we had a pandemic people were laid off and then as soon and this is common for ages when a pandemic goes you have bounce back the businesses and we had we not done what we did with money probably some of you benefited but we we would have been in a 1929 style depression we did it just right the problem is they came in they no longer needed money we gave gave them a country that was fixed and more people died during Biden think of that than died during us from Co many more people died during them but think of this we gave them a country and they blew it because they took so much they took trillions and trillions of money they kept feeding it and that's what caused along with their bad energy policies that's what caused this tremendous inflation which is destroying the people of our country and frankly it's contagious it's all over the world but we're the ones that started it with their bad policy so we're going to work very hard we've got to win we've got to win this state this state is a very very big state to win we've won it twice and we're going to win it again I said to a couple of the people I said so let me ask you how are we doing compared to four years ago and eight years ago they said sir you're much hotter you're more popular I hope that's true but we won it twice and all I can do is pledge to you that we're going to do a great job for North Carolina we're going to do a great job for the United States of America we put America First and we're going to make America great again thank you all very much thank you thank you very much everybody thank you very much everybody it's great to be here what a place did you like the fly over that was pretty good we were going low and fast we that was moving along that was pretty low uh just want to thank JD he doing a fantastic job and I want to thank North Carolina I love North Carolina I love them 76 days from now we're going to win this state and we're going to win the White House that beautiful beautiful building that beautiful building I want to thank Senator tedb who's doing such a great job Senator tedb thank you thank you you great job Ted Mark Robinson he's out there he's fighting he's fighting he's a great one and I think we have a lot of our sheriffs here don't we have where are they will this stage hold them I'd love to bring them up come on Sheriff's get up here Mark come on we got I don't know if the stage is going to hold them but if it doesn't we've had bigger risks than this right come on sheriffs if you weigh more than 200 lb don't come up I'm only kidding come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know I don't know that's a lot [Music] [Applause] don't know [Music] [Applause] just so you know these are great people but I want to get them the hell off the stage cuz I guarantee they didn't have this in mind when they built this thank goodness Mark lost a lot of weight over the last couple of months I'm very you did actually well I want to thank you all very much you are the reason we're able to be here and that you have a safe State and a great state thank you all very much thank you that's some group that's some group of people for endorsements too every group virtually in the country law enforcements endorsed us thank you very much thanks Mark good luck Mark win got to win he's got to win got to win he's a good man thank you oh I feel much better I feel very much better that they got off the stage I had no idea what was going to happen but it's not that far down you know it's I had no idea what was I'm a big structural guy but I want to thank also members of Congress Richard Hudson and Byron Donald's two Warriors two great people two unbelievable where's Byron thank you very much thank you very much to whiz Byron oh look at him over there he knows how to get it attention look at that guy he's been my friend for a long time thank you for everything Baron and you have thank you very much Congressional candidate Mark Harris Mark hi Mark good going Mark good numbers good numbers Brad KN and Addison McDow they're all going to be winners very soon young goodlook people thank you very much great the State House speaker Tim Moore Tim where is Tim oh he's nice and safe back there oh hello Tim I appreciate it Tim and Neil Jackson State Rep Neil Jackson thank you very much thank you Neil RNC chairman Michael Watley what a job he's doing what a job he's doing and North Carolina GOP chairman Jason Simmons who's been a friend of ours for a long time where's Jason nice tall character right here thank you very much Jason and somebody that's been with me from day one a real he's a real general you know we have the real generals and we have the fake woke generals that did so poorly in Afghanistan should have all been fired but this is a real General Keith Kellogg right Keith and this is a great group it's good to see you Keith he's been with me from before day one right he's said that guy should run we got to get him to run I like those guys they were here before I ran you know there quite a few of them too we have the front row Joe's you know that and very importantly we have the most magnificent women first time you know we have they travel all over the country to be with us for rallies they're at close to a couple of hundred rallies I don't know what their husbands are doing about this this is a little crazy look how beautiful and they're from North Carolina and and for a change they don't have to travel so far right how far are you from here two hours is nothing it's a pretty big state actually thank you very much as always you are special special people great women they love our country before we begin I want to address the massive Scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning a little while ago just before I came up I got to see him and it really isn't a revision it's a total lie total lie there's never been any revision like this they wanted it to come out after the election but somehow it got leaked it got leaked government leaks too the Harris Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America the new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the administration padded the numbers with an extra listen to this one 88,000 jobs that don't exist so they said they existed and they never did exist they built them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing no we've never had numbers like this they don't exist they thought they could do it sometime after you know we have have an election coming up very quickly but they wanted this to come out after November 5th when it wouldn't have meant so much but it came out a little early so there's a patriot in there someplace right the real numbers are much worse than that and comrade Camala you know she's comrade the most most radical left person ever to run for a high political office in our country gets another four years millions of jobs and it'll vanish overnight she gets four more years you're going to see jobs vanish millions and millions will vanish and inflation will completely destroy our country we'll have inflation worse than they've given us you know when I gave it to them I had virtually no inflation and now their numbers up to 22 23% but their real number is probably 40 to 50% because a lot of the things in their numbers aren't included I saw another one where the FBI releases crime statistics and they weren't that bad and then they left out little things like New York Chicago they left out various areas and that wasn't so good your life savings will be totally wiped out and uh if you put somebody like that in there with him how about him how about him she'll destroy our country just like she destroyed San Francisco just like she destroyed California with the Trump Victory we will once again have the greatest economy and history we're going to do things that are going to make us so great so fast we're going to bring it back we're going to make America strong again we're going to make America great again going to be fantastic it's going to be fantastic so I just want to thank you very much for your support because I've always had I've always had fantastic support from you thank you thank you very much we have a job to do you know we have a job to do we had some very good polls this morning despite their charade I call it the party the Democrats party do you know five people in Chicago were killed in the last little while since the that charade that they have going on they mentioned my name I think 271 times they mentioned the economy like 12 times they mentioned the Border maybe none they don't talk about the Border our great borders are doesn't talk about the Border but they mentioned me more than any other category I'm now a category they had me down today as a category that's all they talk about Trump we've driven them crazy they have Trump derangement syndrome we've driven them crazy and they should be driven crazy they've done a terrible job for our country in every single way there's not a thing they've done well except cheat and lie they lie about stats no they lied about the crime numbers the crime numbers didn't look bad then they found out that many of the worst places weren't included in the numbers and that was done by the FBI which is sad four years ago our country was strong and respected like never before our allies admired us our enemies feared us because everyone knew that as an American president I was all about putting America first that's true under my leader ship we rebuilt the United States military created space force and we made our allies pay their fair share and their Fair dues you know we went to Nato we say you're not paying you got to pay if you remember President Bush would go and it'd make a speech Obama would go and make a speech they all made speeches this one didn't even make a speech this last one but I went I said uh nobody's paying you got to pay and they did paid hundreds of billions of dollars they said well does that mean you won't support us if we don't pay us it that's what it means I had to say that every I got a lot of heat for that people the the fake news oh that's a lot of fake news wow that's a lot of fake news no the fake news gave me a hard time for that the fake news was saying uh what a terrible thing to say to our allies our allies weren't paying and I said you got to pay we were paying for everybody so they take advantage of us on trade and then we we also pay for their military that somehow doesn't work so they had to pay they paid hundreds of billions of dollars but I said to them no that means I will not protect you I will not protect you they said sir if we're attacked by Russia will you protect us used to be Soviet Union now Russia will you protect us they said are you paid no let's assume we're not paid then you're delinquent right well yes that's an old real estate term your delinquent yes no we will not protect you the the Press went crazy that I said and you know what if I would have said the other way they would have never paid hundreds of billions were sent in to Nato but we defeated Isis we killed the world's top terrorists we secured our borders we achieved energy Independence we stood up to China we protected Israel we made peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and more more more we did things like nobody ever heard of and we brought our troops mostly back home we didn't start any wars for 79 years it was before we didn't start wars 79 80 years everybody said oh he's going to start wars with his attitude no my attitude kept us out of Wars I stop Wars with phone calls Russia should have never happened with Ukraine would have never happened if I were president would have never happened no there was no talk of that would have never ever happened with Putin would have never happened and Israel October 7th would have never happened Iran would have never done that they had very little money at that point now they're rich as hell but Biden allowed that to happen and Cala where's Biden what happened to Biden where is he he's on a beach he's on a beach you know he's got somebody that thinks he looks great in a bathing suit he likes to go to a beach how do you hell how do you leave here and go on a beach you can't do it there are things you just don't do people don't want to see you in a bathing suit walks badly it's hard to walk in the sand you know he has a hard time lifting his feet through the sand and then he grabs he grabs the chair the chair is meant for old people to lift and young kids to lift like you know four-year-old kids right and he can't lift it he needs a little help the whole thing is crazy how we ever got that is crazy and what happened to our country with inflation and with disrespect from all over the world and all these wars are starting all over the place and we're very close to a third world war and don't get you self because they are laughing but they're not laughing too much you're a little worried about a certain person winning the election we had some very good polls today and if that happens you're not going to have any third world wars every American was safer under President Trump in fact the entire world was safer when I sat behind that beautiful Resolute desk in the Oval Office you know I heard the other day for the first time I heard Biden say the beautiful resolute he never said that before they copy me when I say We're a nation in Decline guys are copying me they then they say they shouldn't say that but they thought the words were beautiful but they copy me all the time in that case it was Republicans that were copying me because they happen to be right so I don't mind if a republican copies me any of you guys want to copy me but it's a sad thing to have to say but they copy me the Resolute desk he never mentioned that he doesn't even know what the hell the Resolute desk is exactly three years ago this month the weakness and incompetence of Camala Harris and crooked Joe Biden delivered the most humiliating event in the history of our country and one of the biggest military disasters in the history of the world as far as I'm concerned no one will ever forget the horrifying images of their catastrophic Retreat from Afghanistan desperate Afghans fell to their deaths from the wheels of us cargo planes that were 3,000 ft up in the air bloodthirsty terrorists poured out of the prisons after Biden and Harris surrendered barram one of the largest air military bases anywhere in the world we spent billions and billions of dollars building it many years ago and you know it was important to keep it I was never leaving that I would have been out faster than them I said that's up we're there for 20 almost 21 years and I said whatat are we doing what are we doing here and we had no soldiers killed for 18 months while I was there because they knew don't play around with our soldiers they were they were killing them they were killing him under Obama did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always say sir please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they're getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy sir you must stick to policy you'll win It On the Border you'll win it with inflation you'll win it with your great military that you built that they gave away $85 billion worth of it in Afghanistan sir you're going to win it on crime the crime is running through the streets like never before you're going to win it on all of these things and maybe especially I think two things the economy inflation because I view them together what they've done to inflation and they closed it with energy what they did with energy is so stupid if we were there our energy we would be so dominant all over the world right now we were already energy independent I made you energy independent but we would be energy dominant we'd be paying back debt we'd be reducing your taxes still further we gave you the largest tax cuts ever and uh a lot of good things were going to happen but now we're just going to have to sort of call it a delay of four years but these people don't have any idea what they're doing you you had 13 heroic US service members were tragically and needlessly killed I got to know a lot of the relatives friends and mothers and fathers of those 13 people 45 others were horrifically wounded and $85 billion worth of the best military equipment anywhere in the world was handed over to these people in fact Afghanistan is now one of the largest arms Merchants anywhere in the world did you know that they're selling our equipment at tremendous price places they're selling are beautiful we had 70,000 armored trucks many of them armored armored trucks and vehicles think of this we had 700,000 rifles and guns 7even I actually say what the hell did they need so many for 700,000 rifles and guns we had goggles brand new right out of the box you know they didn't fight at night because they never had goggles right good Fighters they never had goggles now they have brand new goggles all left by the by the Biden Harris Administration gave them billions and billions of dollars just gave it to them and now they sell that equipment because they don't need 700,000 rifles they need 20,000 little difference they don't need 70,000 Vehicles they need 500 Vehicles you have to ask yourself who bought all that stuff in the first place who bought it all how disgusted we're all when we see all of us are when we see 3 days ago when we viewed their parade our military equipment running down the middle of their Main Avenue brand new beautiful armor plated trucks tanks and vehicles running down the middle and they're all celebrating because we have stupid people running our government and she'll be worse than Biden because he wasn't really a Believer but she's a radical left believer she ruined San Francisco she ruined California and if if she gets in our country doesn't have a chance This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will be comrade because I think that's the most accurate name you know I've been looking for name people were saying sir don't do it you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called her crooked Hillary I call people names I call crazy Nancy Pelosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts you know Biden is really angry you know he's very angry he was so angry the other night he's like seething I you ever see a guy make a speech is such anger and so uncomfortable just shouting but he's terrible he's just terrible should have never been there we all know that should have never been there what they've done to this country is incredible but she bragged that she would be the last person in the room and she was she was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan and by the way pulling them out was absolutely right I was going to do it I'm the one that got the soldiers down to 5,000 people I was going to do it but we were going to get out last you don't pull the soldiers out first you let the soldiers stay last and the head of the Taliban respected me Abdul I had conversations with him after my conversations not one soldier in 18 months was killed but you pull the soldiers out last Millie and these guys you know we have great generals but Millie and Mattis and these guys they didn't know what the I call them television generals the television generals are no good but the generals that defeated Isis for me were great we have great we have a great military but she had the final vote she had the final say and she was all for it you take the soldiers out if I took that young person right there about five or six years old beautiful young person and if I said I gave little details like about 30 seconds worth of the details would you take the military out first or last sir I'd take the military out last but they took it out first and then we left hostages we left all of the equipment we left everything and we left bogram and now China is occupying bam bogram being one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons wouldn't it been nice to have our big fat beautiful base it was probably built there for that reason but China 1 hour away and now China is occupying that massive big base some of the biggest runways in the world they can hold heavier loads and any runways in the world under my leadership we were getting out of Afghanistan but we were going to get out with dignity pride and with strength when I left office we had not lost a single service member in the combat in Afghanistan in more than 18 months and then we had that horrible day where we lost so many and so many were so badly hurt arms legs gone face just obliterated we lost so many great people that day nobody talks about the people that were so badly injured they never mention them I always mention them all over the world our adversaries knew that America was not to be trifled with when I was your commander-in Chief but and you know it's very interesting uh if you look at Hungary very strong country very strong leader Victor Orban he said the only thing that's going to save the whole world is Trump has to be president again we had no problems we had no problems he said we had no problems I don't use the term but he did he said China was afraid of them Russia was afraid of him they were said oh I was so friendly to Russia I'm the one that stopped the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 nobody ever the biggest development they ever had to feed oil all over Europe I stopped it and then Biden comes in and he gives them everything he gave him the pipeline they built the pipeline but I stopped it Putin said that's the worst thing that's ever happened to us I said I'm sorry I have to do it and he approves it right away and then they say Trump was not strong on Russia I think they were they got it wrong Putin actually said if you weren't strong I'd like to find out how bad would you be if you were strong because you were brutal but you know I got along with him it's good to get along with these countries I got along with China that wouldn't have happened what's happening right now they're planning an attack on Taiwan there's no question about that that wouldn't have happened was it going to happen they knew that you weren't allowed to do that Putin would have never gone into Ukraine Israel would have never been attacked it's a sad sad situation so many people are dead so many people are gone so many cities you look at Ukraine those cities are just wiped off the face of the Earth they're outside of Kiev and a couple of others that basically just flattened far more people dead than they let you know it's like your numbers that were released fraudulently today far more people dead in that war than anybody would know when those big buildings come tumbling down hit with rockets so ridiculous there's nothing left it's so ridiculous but since the Afghanistan catastrophe it's been open season on America and our allies I really believe that the Afghan disaster what happened the stupidity and the way we pulled out in the bedum and all of that it would have been very smooth we were going to get out with strength and dignity but when Putin saw that he said wow those people don't know what they're doing they're overrated and he went in and same thing happened with Iran Iran was not going to play with us and now Iran is a rich Nation they were they have $300 billion they had no money and in three and A2 years they made three and they made 300 billion $300 billion dollar they have right now they made it all in three and A2 years they had none when I left and we would have made a fair deal with them they can't have a nuclear weapon very simple you can't have a nuclear weapon other than that we want you to have great lives but uh I do hear there after me but you know that's the way it is look I'm here for you and I'm here even for the world we want to stop world wars because the equipment is so devastating now a world war is obliteration we can't have a World War every dictator Tyrant and Terrorist on the planet knows that they can get away with murder under Camala and crooked Joe kidnappers are getting millions and millions of dollars but now they're getting billions they're getting billions what did you get for the four people that we released sir they got $6 billion do what is six billion does anyone know what that means six bill they got six billion dollars people get kidnapped and you know they ask for like how about $1,000 how about 500 they got $6 billion from these idiots and you know what happens when that happens a lot of people are going to get kidnapped because they say we're dealing with stupid people a lot of people we got we had 59 people that were hostage some in North Korea that's about as tough as it gets we got people out without paying for anything we never gave money we didn't want to give money if we gave money all they do is they go around kidnapping everybody these people give not only do they give six billion they got the prince of death out he's the number one arms Merchant in the world Russia got him as part of one of the deals the number one arms Merchant in the world we got a couple of people but you know why were they there and why did they do what they did but they got some of the most criminal the toughest meanest criminals anywhere in the world on top of that we paid them billions and billions of dollars we're run by very stupid people I'd like to use a different word I'd like to use a much more sophisticated word but there's no word I can think of incompetent how about incompetent as a result peace in Europe has been Shattered by the largest European land War since the fall of Nazi Germany this is the largest War there's been and this war is going to escalate and escalate when if but when I have to always say if you know because they cheat I would say when if they didn't cheat but they cheat that's the one thing they're great at cheating in elections if we win I'll get that thing settled before I take the office I'll get it settled as President elect I'll get that war stop with Russia yeah we'll get that stopped Ukraine and Russia were going to get it stopped and quickly it'll be done before I get to office it would not have happened if I was President it wasn't going to happen in the Middle East the Jewish people have suffered the worst atrocities and deadliest attacks since the Holocaust there's no question about that the United States has been forced to abandon more embassies under comrad Kamala then at any time in our history we just and we're running out it's not like we're leaving we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build you got to see these embassies in the middle of nowhere in a country you've never even heard of they spent 900 million to build an embassy the whole thing is crazy the world is on fire and kamla and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War III that's what we're in I think General you would probably agree you're one of the experts I would think right I don't even talk to you about that lately it's so out of control I don't even have to bother I just say look take a look but one of the great experts and uh we're on the brink that's why this November Americans are going to tell Kamala Harris Kamala that we've had enough we can't take it anymore you're doing a terrible job comrade Harris you're fired get out of here you're fired you're no good you're fired get them out of here all you have to do is take a look at San Francisco look at a job she did she had one policy if you steal less than $1,000 basically 950 to be exact I want to be accurate for purposes of reporters the fake news media they want accuracy they don't have to be accurate but we have to be accurate but if you still less than 950 $50 they basically leave you alone so I have guys going in robbing stores with a calculator let's see this is $100 did you notice this not going to happen in North Carolina I don't think is it let's see that's A1 that's $59 bing bing bing stop stop stop we don't want to go over at 95 they walk out with it nobody does a thing starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the oath of office I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace we're going to return the world to peace and mostly I can do it with a telephone call you know we don't have to send troops I can do it with a telephone call you go to war with another country that's friendly to us or even not friendly to us you're not going to do business in the United States and we're going to charge you 100% tariffs and all of of a sudden the president or prime minister or dictator or whoever the hell is running the country says to me sir we won't go to war I I talked I talked this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls I don't have to send in the troops one of my most urgent priorities will be to quickly rebuild the Readiness and spirit of the United States armed forces and we had it built we rebuilt it we rebuilt the whole military but it was decimated under this group of stupid people you know we had so much when I came in we had no ammunition did you know that remember I used to talk about it and I said if it's true which it was why would you say that we had people on television well the United States has no ammunition you know some things you just keep to yourself right do you remember I used to from North Carolina do you remember I used to talk about that all the time those are my best Witnesses those ladies there's about 4 of them they're all over the place and they're always perfectly quaffed and perfectly dressed they're beautiful and they're great but no I used to talk all the time if you have no bullets I can ask this group of leaders you don't talk about it but you get the bullets really fast right so within a year I had so much that our warehouses were stocked to the gills we never had so much I bought so much missiles everything I rebuilt on military but that's been all dissipated now again because we give it away to everybody and for nothing I mean they don't do anything for us we don't get anything we don't even get a pledge that we'll pay you back someday if we have the money how about that pay you back someday if we have the money you know uh I sponsor athletes sometimes if I see somebody that I like in sports I sponsor some golfers usually doesn't typically work out I don't know if you know it's like a 5,000 to one shot but I'm good at that stuff and I can see talent and I'll give them a few thousand I'll give them $50,000 I'll say you know you're really good you could make it why don't you why aren't you trying out for the tour sir I have no money I have to give lessons I have no money he said you're too good to give lessons you can be a tour player I sir I don't have any money I say here's $50,000 and here's the deal if you do well you pay me back with no interest just good luck if you don't do well which you probably won't CU it's very hard they say the worst is a boxer if you sponsor a boxer they're all great they're winning all their fights and then they turn professional and they go in and this goes with UFC run by Dana White one of the greats of all time which has really taken over for boxing but it's the same thing and people sponsor people and they get what they get but the is that what's wrong oh a doctor please it is very hot here I noticed it's it's very hot and a lot of the people waited for days to get here so I understand it take your time doctor take your time thank you [Applause] yeah take your time please [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] thank you very much you know they come two days three days early and it's a long it's a lot of stress we lose them the only ones we don't lose are front row Joe's I don't know what they have going they they have something going here Governor thank you very much thanks doctor but America's blessed with the greatest military in the world but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical left politicians and some generals and at the top they woke they woke we don't want woke generals we want generals that don't had a win and we have them we proved that when we wiped out Isis didn't we proved it sir it'll take 5 years we did it in three three weeks I think we did it in three weeks we have the greatest military in the world but you need the great leaders otherwise your military will can never be great everywhere I go soldiers and Veterans tell me how angry they are that not one person has been held accountable for the Afghanistan catastrophe he never fired fired anybody you know I fire a lot of people when they don't do a good job then they come back and write books you know they hate you but that's okay when you don't fire people they never write books you know but I fired a lot of people I wasn't happy with their service I wasn't happy with the job they did I fire him I let him go I mean I'm I'm working for you I'm not doing this for myself but when you fire them they always come back with something and now nobody's ever been in the position where you know they get offered all sorts of money from the fake news and everything else and fame we're going to make you famous all you have to do is make up some stories about Trump but uh people don't seem to care it's phony stuff phony horrible they're lightweights they're terrible people you know when I came don't forget I didn't know anybody in Washington I'm president of the United States I'm going down Pennsylvania having you with that biggest load of military and police and motorcycles and everything you've ever seen and I didn't know anybody I said to my wife I don't know a lot of people but the people I know I got recommendations from a lot of good people well-meaning people some were good most were great but we had some bad ones too but now I know I'm all in Washington I know the good ones the weak ones guys like this I know the weak ones and the bad ones General we know the we know the dumb ones and the Smart Ones don't we we know them all but the voters will hold kamla and Joe accountable for this November when I take office and they're going to be held accountable for what they've done to this country right thank you I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster I want their resignations immediately and I want them on the desk in the over office the Resolute desk I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day everybody involved with that disaster when you have a disaster so stupid as that that causes us such problem you don't know what that's done to the reputation of our country the Afghanistan disaster this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world and America Military and everybody else they want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence and it's just not acceptable that something like that could happen these are Fighters they fight with broken old obsolete weapons and knives we have f-16s we have f35s F32 and we were knocking the hell out of them just knocking the hell out of them it was easy but I said what the hell are we doing this for let's get that hell out of there we were getting out with such strength they were so happy they couldn't believe it and then these people came in and it's it's horrible to even think about what happened and countries all over the world lost respect for us because of Afghanistan we demand success and we demand Victory we want Victory from our soldiers and from everybody else under comrade kamla Harris and I call her that because there's never been she's a Marxist okay I was saying do you think she's a Marxist or a communist the people that really study this stuff they weren't able to tell me they said it could be all the way it could be communist but she's damn close they said it was definitely one or the other but they couldn't actually tell me was it communist or Marxist sir one or the other we're not sure we'll figure it out but under comrade comma our military has been abused for radical social experiments on day one I will get critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our us Armed Forces we're taking it out our Warriors should be focused on defeating America's enemies not figuring out their genders by that time hopefully they know their genders Marxist ideologies have no place in combat think of it they go in and they decide oh it's they going to change my gender no no we we want them to know their gender when they go in you have no idea the disruption that that has caused and the fake news refuses to report it you know when I did a ban I went to a lot of good generals I said I'm not going to tell you names just tell me is it the right thing or the wrong thing the wrong thing sir it's a wrong thing and I had unanimous support and then we did it I Didn't Do It other people did it they reversed me as soon as they got in like almost the first day I didn't do it but uh they allowed things to happen to our military that just not right if you want to have a sex change or a social justice seminar then you can do it somewhere else but you're not going to do it in the Army Navy Coast Guard Air Force Space force or the United States Marines sorry you're not going to do it there the military brass that led these absurd and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed and they will no longer be in command they're going to be gone gone so fast command crooked Joe purged 8,000 service members from our military for refusing their covid vaccine mandate they refused to do it we didn't want a mandate the Mandate you can't you just can't do that I will rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and with back pay they will get their back pay and an apology from our government hopefully they have great jobs right now and they're making a lot of money but if they want to come back in they get an apology and we sign them up and they get their back pay should have never happened the Mandate stuff should have never happened thanks to comrade kamla and Joe Biden morale in our military is now so low that almost every single branch is suffering a major Recruitment and Retention crisis you know that upon taking office I will begin the largest peacetime recruitment Drive in the history of the Armed Forces we have to fill our Armed Forces with great people but they don't have Spirit now there's no Spirit used to bring other soldiers would bring their friends in now that doesn't happen almost never happens the sense of spirit pride and Prestige will soon come roaring back and reach levels never seen before we're going to make it so hot that I'm going to want to resign and join the military I don't know what rank I would start at I guess I start at private I don't know what rank would I have to start at General I have to start pretty low he said you'll start at the top all right then I'll stay here that's very good you'll start at the top he knows what this say America's military must always be unrivaled and unbeatable I mean I see reports coming out where they they do studies and they said under these circumstances we'll lose a war to China number one if it's true why are we saying it and number two it shouldn't be true should it huh it shouldn't be true not going to happen why would they release a report like that for China to read we're vulnerable here she said they're idiots that's a good word to who's the woman that said that stand please who said that that's very good no that's true they're she says they're idiots now they released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas we need more this we need more that we're weak here we're weak there I don't know who does this report why would you release a report like that so after years that's like saying we have no ammunition ladies and gentlemen we have no ammunition at the time with the United States of America you know why we gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places we gave them everything empty our warehouses of all of our ammunition let's give it to people free of charge free of charge cost billions free of charge everything's always free of charge so after years of horrific depletion with the comrade sending our missiles and airplanes ammunition to other countries I will make a historic investment in rebuilding the US Armed Forces I did that once before but I have to do it again because they've depleted it just like they've depleted the Strategic oil reserves you know we have the Strategic in all due respect it's not for filling up your car so that you have 4 cents a gallon less and that you vote for crooked Joe it's not meant for that it's meant for war it's meant for tragedy it's meant for real stuff it's at the lowest point today in its history we almost have nothing left and we had it at a level that was such a beautiful thing to see we will increase funding but at the same time the days of blank checks for the weapon systems over the past or over I tell you what we will build though we're going to build a great Iron Dome over our country so that we don't have to get hit we give it to other countries we helped Israel and other countries and Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago as you know but it didn't we didn't really have the technology then he was right but we didn't have the right techn today we have unbelievable technology and you know we have other countries that have it this country should have it and we're going to make it right here and we're going to make it in other of are great places but a lot of it's going to come right out of your state it's time to create the Arsenal of the 21st century we need that that means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on The Cutting Edge investing heavily in drones and Robotics and artificial intelligence and hypersonics do you know hypersonics these are missiles that go seven times faster than a fast ordinary missile seven times faster so fast that for the most part you can't shut them down and you can't shoot them down they're going at levels of speed that nobody thought was possible do you know that was our technology that was stolen by Russia and Russia has them and I started them very quickly but somebody gave Russia years ago before me all of our plans and specs for Hypersonic missiles and they built them and we didn't he said Bill Clinton he could be might have been in off fairness might have been a little after Bill Clinton I used to like Bill Clinton can you believe it it it could have been Barack Hussein Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know my advisers are fired no would rather keep it on policy but sometimes it's hard when you're attacked from allins I mean they want to put you in jail for nothing for nothing for cases that the legal Scholars all over the country have said there is no case and they want to put you in jail and I could have done that to Hillary Clinton I could have put her in jail she turned away subpoenas and she damaged stuff and she wouldn't give things after a subpoena was sent after from the United States Congress I said to myself we want to bring the country together wouldn't it be terrible to put the wife of the president of the uned United States in jail wouldn't it be terrible and then I come out and they do it to me and there's no feeling as wouldn't it be terrible but we won the big case in Florida that was totally won and Biden didn't you know Biden documents I had the presidential records act I had I had the right to do whatever I wanted to do that was passed in like 1978 but Biden didn't have a right to do cuz he wasn't president and he was there for 50 years he took stuff and the ruling was basically he's guilty as hell but he's got no memory he's a nice man with no memory actually they're wrong he's not a nice man and he has no memory he's not a nice man at all because he started weaponization and weaponization is a double prong that can come back to haunt them too it's a terrible thing for our country I can tell you you a terrible thing for our country we need a dramatic increase in research we need a very dramatic increase in development and in so doing we will create countless American jobs including jobs right here in a place called North Carolina do we love North Carolina Laura Trump is from North Carolina she named her daughter Carolina wife of Eric I now say that he's the husband of Laura we Chang it he's great he's great and it's a great couple but she loves this place she just loves it she's here all the time and you know she comes and she uh we love her too she's just said she's amazing she's got a great talent and she along with Michael Watley are running the Republican National Committee and doing a great job you know a lot of times when you do that they'll say oh family let me say this is not a job that somebody this is a tough job and our primary focus is not to get out the vote it's to make sure they don't cheat because we have all the votes you need you can see it every house along the way has signs Trump trump Trump trump Vance Trump Vance and by the way Vance is doing a great job Vance is doing a great job look at that beautiful red Vance no but these signs are all over the place I see it everywhere no matter where in Florida of they roll over because people want to see common sense you know we're the party of common sense it's not conservative liberal they don't want to be called liberal and where they want to use Progressive we're Progressive Progressive I I think liberal is more appropriate Progressive such a beautiful word right you know Progressive Progressive means go forward they don't go forward they go backward as we rapidly rebuild American deterrence we will quickly restore peace and stability in our country but all over the world will make our country a much safer place we're in grave danger of a war a Third World War I tell you before I even arrive at the Oval Office and as I said we're going to do things that are going to be shocking to people but what I'm going to do more than anything else I'm going to get things in line and we're going to prevent that World War III and if you look at what's going on with Ukraine and Russia if you look at on now there's an incursion into Russia then there'll be another incursion the other way then there'll be and then all of a sudden bad things will start to happen they're already starting by contrast if comrade Camala wins this November World War III is virtually guaranteed to happen everything she touches she destroys everything that she's touch you look at her life she was district attorney in San Francisco the place went to hell it's the best city in the world probably 15 18 years ago 20 years ago maybe in the whole world it was one of one of the best cities in the world then she becomes the Attorney General of the State of California that place went to hell it was helped by Gavin nsam it was helped nsam helped but uh she did a she was terrible and it's crime ridden and it's I mean you can't walk down the sidewalk anywhere any that's just unbelievable what's happened to that state so sad best weather beautiful ocean Beau everything is good but they've they've just let it go to hell and she was and she's going to do the same thing to the United States and when she says I'll let you Frack her whole career she said no fracking Pennsylvania in particular no because they get tremendous wealth from fracking uh they're going to be stopped 100% they're going to be stop she just changed your view a few months ago you got to see you know she ran against Biden there were 22 people running she was the first to leave she quit because she went down like that and she was the first one out she never made it to the first state in the primary she never made it to Iowa never made it to Iowa she didn't get one vote and she still hasn't gotten one vote and she won't have one vote think of it Biden I'm not a fan of Biden I think he was terrible a terrible president what he did to our country you'd look at him with the planes and the stairs and the falling all over the place and he had no idea what that the hell was happening he couldn't find his way off the stage a stair here stare there stare I got stares all over the place he'd finish his speech and look around where am I his speech has lasted the nice part it was good in the hot sun cuz they lasted for about 2 minutes and you could go home but nobody would come anyway but we can't let her she's much worse much worse than him actually cuz she's actually more radical he never believed it he just did it for votes I don't know why you'd get votes by having open borders you know she wants open borders if she became president in four years you'd have 60 to 70 million people from all over the world and it's not just South America and remember they're releasing them from their jails and their prisons they're coming out of jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums then we have hundreds and probably thousands of terrorists that have come into our country country we probably have a few here welcome welcome but we probably have a few here and she's all for it and now she's saying and you see what she's saying well the wall was largely built we were adding space onto the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall I actually took it because Congress gave us a hard time and the Democrats were brutal we had 11 lawsuits and we won all 11 but I took it out of the military I called it an inv invasion of our country it was an invasion and we built hundreds of miles of wall and then I was going to do 200 extra we ordered it it was there and we had that rotten horrible election that horrible election where we did much better than we did the first time and bad things happened and all of a sudden I hear that they want to have open borders and I thought they were kidding who the hell wants open borders and then they said we'll give you health care you know now they're saying all about how they're getting tough in the borders and how they were tough except they have a couple of problems do you know that we flew in a million people airplanes over the top of the Border beautiful airplanes they're flying them in if you want to stop people you're not flying them in on airplanes and many other things no they wanted open borders and we have a country that's loaded up with many many criminals right now of the worst they emptied their jails they emptied their jails and prisons they empty their mental institutions into our country largely now they're continuing to do it but if you look at many of these countries that we're talking about frankly who can blame them they're dropping their prisoners into the United States of America they're dropping all of these people into the United States including their mental institution people any terrorist they have they're dropping them into the United States we're taking hundreds of thousands of people people that were in jail for murder you take a look at Venezuela their jails are half and I'm surprised half because frankly I would have worked faster than that if I were running it I would have had all of them out of there by now they go to Caracus they take all their gang members all of their Killers their murderers their drug dealers they take them and they're putting them into the United States and their crime is down 72% in fact next time what we'll do instead of North Carolina we'll have our next little gathering in v Venezuela because it will be much safer than being in our country if these people win you're not going to have any meetings you're not going to have anything there'll be chaos in our country and we just can't let it happen we can't let it happen we can't let it happen remember when Biden sent Kamala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine she met with Putin and then three days later he attacked how did she do think she did a good job she met with Putin to tell him don't do it and 3 days later he attacked that's when the attack started did you know that General should have sent you but over a half a million they say are dead or wounded but it's a much higher number than that and everything lies in ruined look we are going to fight like hell to win this election they are going to cheat like hell to win the election because they have no bounds they have no bounds I've said to some Republicans once in a place called Philadelphia which I love I went to school in Philadelphia but it's suffering tremendously like Chicago like every Democrat run city of suffering but I said like why do we allow them to do it do Republicans do what they do with the stuffing the boxes with all of the different things they do sir we're proud Americans and that's really the right thing to say but they have no bounds we have to win this election if we don't win this election we are in such trouble as a country we're in trouble right now but you have the right guy to straighten it out I'll get it straightened out I'll get it straighten out for us we're going to have peace through strength all over the world like we had just a short while ago and I just want to say closing is it's an honor to have served for four years I wish we didn't have this break the only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get because we've never had a country that's been in shape like this country is in right now we have squalor in our streets our vets are disregarded living on sidewalks and freezing cold and unbelievably hot cities all over the country and yet we have people coming in to our country that are living in luxury hotels this is what we have we're going to straighten out our country through Common Sense we're going to straighten out our country with the United States of America with the greatest country in the world we're not going to let this continue to go we're going to straighten it out we're going to make it bigger better stronger than ever before we're going to bring in business we're going to use tariffs to take advantage of our great strength and to frankly hurt countries that are hurting us and have been hurting us on trade for many many years right now China is building massive Auto plants in Mexico and they think that those plants are going to make cars and they're going to sell them across the line for no tax no anything destroy what's left in Detroit which frankly compared to years ago is very little and South Carolina and many other places we're not going to let it happen we will charge them 50 or 200% tariff and all of that investment that they made is now worthless we're not going to let them do that we're not going to let them destroy our automobile industry the United Auto Workers has a grossly incompetent man at the head they want to make all electric cars and Elon Musk is a friend of mine you saw he endorsed me very strongly and he understands that I'm right and I love electric cars and they have an incredible purpose they have an incredible purpose they're unbel believable what they can do and he makes a great product but I told him I said you know before you endorse you have to understand we have to have gasoline propelled cars again we have more Liquid Gold than anybody anywhere in the world more than Saudi Arabia more than Russia we have more than anybody we're going to quadruple that business we're going to be much bigger than both of them put together we're going to pay down debt we're going to reduce your taxes I gave you the largest tax cut in history the largest regulatory cut in history that created all of the jobs and when Biden talks about jobs by the way because they lie so much the jobs he created almost all of them almost 100% people say more than 100% went to illegal aliens the other remember this the numbers sound good because they're called bounceback jobs we had a pandemic people were laid off and then as soon and this is common for ages when a pandemic goes you have bounce back back the businesses and we had we not done what we did with money probably some of you benefited but we we would have been in a 1929 style depression we did it just right the problem is they came in they no longer needed money we gave them a country that was fixed and more people died during Biden think of that than died during us from Co many more people died during them but think of this we gave them a country and they blew it because they took so much they took trillions and trillions of money they kept feeding it and that's what caused along with their bad energy policies that's what caused this tremendous inflation which is destroying the people of our country and frankly it's contagious it's all over the world but we're the ones that started it with their bad policy so we're going to work very hard we've got to win we've got to win this state this state is a very very big state to win we've won it twice and we're going to win it again I said to a couple of the people I said so let me ask you how are we doing compared to four years ago and eight years ago they said sir you're much hotter you're more popular I hope that's true but we won it twice and all I can do is pledge to you that we're going to do a great job for North Carolina we're going to do a great job for the United States of America we put America First and we're going to make America great great again thank you all very much thank you thank you very much everybody thank you very much everybody it's great to be here what a place did you like the fly over that was pretty good we were going low and fast we that was moving along that was pretty low uh just want to thank JD is doing a fantastic job and I want to thank North Carolina I love North Carolina I love them 76 days from now we're going to win this state and we're going to win the White House that beautiful beautiful building that beautiful building I want to thank Senator tedb who's doing such a great job Senator tedb thank you thank you great job Ted Mark Robinson he's out there he's fighting he's fighting he's a great one and I think we have a lot of our sheriffs here don't we have where are they will this stage hold them I'd love to bring them up come on Sheriff's get up here Mark come on we got I don't know if the stage is going to hold him but if it doesn't we've had bigger risks than this right come on sheriffs if you weigh more than 200 lb don't come up I'm only kidding come on [Applause] [Music] on [Applause] don't [Music] [Applause] know not [Music] [Applause] just so you know these are great people but I want to get them the hell off the stage cuz I guarantee they didn't have this in mind when they built this thank goodness Mark lost a lot of weight over the last couple of months I'm very you did actually well I want to thank you all very much you are the reason we're able to be here and that you have a safe State and a great state thank you all very much thank you that's some group that's some group of people for endorsements to every group virtually in the country law enforcements endorsed us thank you very much thanks Mark good luck Mark will win got a win he's got a win got to win he's a good man thank you oh I feel much better I feel very much better that they got off the stage I had no idea what was going to happen but it's not that far down you know it's I had no idea what was I'm a big structural guy but I want to thank also members of Congress Richard Hudson and Byron Donald's two Warriors two great people two unbelievable where's Byron thank you very much thank you very much to where's Byron oh look at him over there he knows how to get attention look at that guy he's been my friend for a long time thank you for everything Byron and you have thank you very much Congressional candidate Mark Harris Mark hi Mark good going Mark good numbers good numbers Brad KN and Addis and McDow they're all going to be winners very soon young good-looking people thank you very much great the State House speaker Tim Moore Tim where is Tim oh he's nice and safe back there oh hello Tim I appreciate it Tim and Neil Jackson stay rep Neil Jackson thank you very much thank you Neil RNC chairman Michael Watley what a job he's doing what a job he's doing and North Carolina GOP chairman Jason Simmons who's been a friend of ours for a long time where's Jason nice tall character right here thank you very much Jason and somebody that's been with me from day one a real he's a real general you know we have the real generals and we have the fake woke General that did so poorly in Afghanistan should have all been fired but this is a real General Keith Kellogg right Keith and this is a great group it's good to see you Keith he's been with me from before day one right he said that guy should run we got to get him to run I like those guys they were here before I ran you know there quite a few of them too we have the front row Joe's you know that and very importantly we have the most magnificent women first time you know we have they travel all over the country to be with us for rallies they at close to a couple of hundred rallies I don't know what their husbands are doing about this this is a little crazy look how beautiful and they're from North Carolina and and for a change they don't have to travel so far right how far are you from here two hours is nothing it's a pretty big state actually thank you very much as always you are special special people great women they love our country before we begin I want to address the massive Scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning a little while ago just before I came up I got to see them and it really isn't a revision it's a total lie total lie there's never been any revision like this they wanted it to come out after the election but somehow it got leaked it got leaked government leaks too the Harris Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America the new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the administration padded the numbers with an extra listen to this one 818 th000 jobs that don't exist so they said they existed and they never did exist they built them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing no we've never had numbers like this they don't exist they thought they could do it sometime after you know we have an election coming up very quickly but they wanted this to come out after November 5th when it wouldn't have meant so much but it came out a little early so there's a patriot in there someplace right the real numbers are much worse than that and comrade Camala you know she's comrade the most most radical left person ever to run for a high political office in our country gets another four years millions of jobs and it'll vanish overnight she gets four more years you're going to see jobs vanish millions and millions will vanish and inflation will completely destroy our country we'll have inflation worse than they've given us you know when I gave it to them I had virtually no inflation and now they numbers up to 22 23% but their real number is probably 40 to 50% because a lot of the things in their numbers aren't included I saw another one where the FBI releases crime statistics and they weren't that bad and then they left out little things like New York Chicago they left out various areas and that wasn't so good you're life savings will be totally wiped out and uh if you put somebody like that in there with him how about him how about him she'll destroy our country just like she destroyed San Francisco just like she destroyed California with the Trump Victory we will once again have the greatest economy in history we're going to do things that are going to make us so great so fast we're going to bring it back we're going to make America strong again we're going to make America great again going to be fantastic it's going to be fantastic so I just want to thank you very much for your support because I've always had I've always had fantastic support from you thank you thank you very much we have a job to do you know we have a job to do sir we had some very good polls this morning despite their charade I at the party the Democrats party do you know five people in Chicago were killed in the last little while since the that charade that they have going on they mentioned my name I think 271 times they mentioned the economy like 12 times they mentioned the Border maybe none they don't talk about the Border our great borders are doesn't talk about the Border but they mentioned me more than any other category I'm now a category they had me down today as a category that's all they talk about Trump we've driven him crazy they have Trump derangement syndrome we've driven him crazy and they should be driven crazy they've done a terrible job for our country in every single way there's not a thing they've done well except cheat and lie they lie about stats no they lied about the crime numbers the crime numbers didn't look bad then they found out that many of the worst places weren't included in the numbers and that was done by the FBI which is sad for 4 years ago our country was strong and respected like never before our allies admired us our enemies feared us because everyone knew that as an American president I was all about putting America first that's true under my leadership we rebuilt the United States military created space force and we made our allies pay their fair share and their Fair dues you know we went to Nato we say you're not paying you got to pay if you remember president President Bush would go and he'd make a speech Obama would go he'd make a speech they all made speeches this one didn't even make a speech this last one but I went I said uh nobody's paying you got to pay and they did paid hundreds of billions of dollars they said well does that mean you won't support us if we don't pay I said that's what it means I had to say that every I got a lot of heat for that people the the fake news oh that's a lot of fake news W that's a lot of fake news not fake news gave me a hard time for that the fake news was saying uh what a terrible thing to say to our allies our allies weren't paying and I said you got to pay we were paying for everybody so they take advantage of us on trade and then we also pay for their military that somehow doesn't work so they had to pay they paid hundreds of billions of dollars but I said to him no that means I will not protect you I will not protect you they said sir if we're attacked by Russia will you protect us used to be Soviet Union now Russia will you protect us they said are you paid no let's assume we're not paid then you're delinquent right well yes that's an old real estate term you're delinquent yes no we will not protect you the the Press went crazy that I said and you know what if I would have said the other way they would have never paid hundreds of billions were sent in to Nato but we defeated Isis we killed the world's top terrorists we secured our borders we achieved energy Independence we stood up to China we protected Israel we made peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and more more more we did things like nobody ever heard of and we brought our troops mostly back home we didn't start any wars for 79 years it was before we didn't start wars 79 80 years everybody said oh he's going to start wars with his attitude no my attitude kept us out of Wars I stop Wars with phone calls Russia should have never happened with Ukraine would have never happened if I were president would have never happened no there was no talk of that would have never ever happened with Putin would have never happened and Israel October 7th would have never happened Iran would have never done that they had very little money at that point now they're rich as hell but Biden allowed that to happen and Cala where's Biden what happened to Biden where is he he's on a beach he's on a beach you know he's got somebody that thinks he looks great in a bathing suit he likes to go to a beach how do you hell how do you leave here and go on a beach you can't do it there are things you just don't do people don't want to see you in a bathing suit walks badly it's hard to walk in the sand you know he has a hard time lifting his feet through the sand and then he grabs he grabs the chair the chair is meant for old people to lift and young kids to lift like you know four-year-old kids right and he can't lift it he needs a little help the whole thing is crazy how we ever got that is crazy and what happened to our country with inflation and with disrespect from all over the world and all these wars are starting all over the place and we're very close to a third world war and don't kid yourself because they are laughing but they're not laughing too much you're a little worried about a certain person winning the election we had some very good polls today and if that happens you're not going to have any third world wars every American was safer under President Trump in fact the entire world was safer when I sat behind that beautiful Resolute desk in the Oval Office you know I heard the other day for the first time I heard Biden say the beautiful Resolute does he never said that before they copy me when I say We're a nation in Decline guys are copying me they then they say they shouldn't say that but they thought the words were beautiful but they copy me all the time in that case it was Republicans that were copying me because they happen to be right so I don't mind if a republican copies me any of you guys want to copy me but it's a sad thing to have to say but they copy me the Resolute desk he never mentioned that he doesn't even know what the hell the Resolute desk is exactly three years ago this month the weakness and incompetence of Camala Harris and crooked Joe Biden delivered the most humiliating event in the history of our country and one of the biggest military disasters in the history of the world as far as I'm concerned no one will ever forget the horrifying images of their catastrophic Retreat from Afghanistan desperate Afghans fell to their deaths from the wheels of us cargo planes that were 3,000 ft up in the air bloodthirsty terrorists poured out of the prisons after Biden and Harris surrendered bam one of the largest air military bases anywhere in the world we spent billions and billions of dollarss building it many years ago and you know it was important to keep it I was never leaving that I would have been out faster than them I said that's up we're there for 20 almost 21 years and I said what are we doing what are we doing here and we had no soldiers killed for 18 months while I was there because they knew don't play around with our soldiers they were they were killing them they were killing him under Obama did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always say sure please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they're getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy sir you must stick to policy you'll win It On the Border you'll win it with inflation you'll win it with your great military that you built that they gave away $85 billion worth of it in Afghanistan sir you're going to win it on crime the crime is running through the streets like never before you're going to win it on all of these things and maybe especially I think two things the economy inflation because I view them together what they've done to inflation and they caused it with energy what they did with energy is so stupid if we were there our energy we would be so dominant all over the world right now we were already energy independent I made you energy independent but we would be energy dominant we' be paying back debt would be reducing your taxes still further we gave you the largest tax cuts ever and uh a lot of good things were going to happen but now we're just going to have to sort of call it a delay of four years but these people don't have any idea what they're doing you had 13 heroic US service members were tragically and needlessly killed I got to know a lot of the relatives friends and mothers and fathers of those 13 people 45 others were horrifically wounded Ed an $85 billion worth of the best military equipment anywhere in the world was handed over to these people in fact Afghanistan is now one of the largest arms Merchants anywhere in the world did you know that they're selling our equipment at tremendous prices they're selling are beautiful we had 70,000 armored trucks many of them armored armored trucks and vehicles think of this we had 700,000 rifles and guns seven I actually say what the hell did they need so many for 700,000 rifles and guns we had goggles brand new right out of the box you know they didn't fight at night because they never had goggles right good Fighters they never had goggles now they have brand new goggles all left by the by the Biden Harris Administration gave them billions and billions of just gave it to them and now they sell that equipment because they don't need 700,000 rifles they need 20,000 little difference they don't need 70,000 Vehicles they need 500 Vehicles you have to ask yourself who bought all that stuff in the first place who bought it all how disgusted we're all when we see all of us are when we see 3 days ago when we viewed their parade our military equipment running down the middle of their Main Avenue brand new beautiful armor plated trucks tanks and vehicles running down the middle and they're all celebrating because we have stupid people running our government and she'll be worse than Biden because he wasn't really a Believer but she's a radical left believer she ruined San Francisco she ruined California and if if she gets in our country doesn't have a chance This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will be comrade because I think that's the most accurate name you I've been looking for a name people were saying sir don't do it you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I really didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called her crooked Hillary I call people names I call crazy Nancy Pelosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts you know Biden is really angry you know he's very angry he was so angry the other night he's like seething I you ever see a guy make a speech is such anger and so uncomfortable just shouting but he's terrible he's just terrible should have never been there we all know that should have never been there what they've done to this country is incredible but she bragged that she would be the last person in the room and she was she was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan and by the way pulling them out was absolutely right I was going to do it I'm the one that got the soldiers down to 5,000 people I was going to do it but we were going to get out last you don't pull the soldiers out first you let the soldiers stay last and the head of the Taliban respected me Abdul I had conversations with him after my conversations not one soldier in 18 months was killed but you pull the soldiers out last Millie of these guys you know we have great generals but Millie and Mattis and these guys they didn't know what the I call them television generals the television generals are no good but the generals that defeated Isis for me were great we have great we have a great military but she had the final vote she had the final say and she was all for it you take the soldiers out if I took that young person right there about five or six years old beautiful young person and if I said I gave it little details like about 30 seconds worth of details would you take the military out first or last sir I'd take the military out last but they took it out first and then we left hostages we left all of the equipment we left everything and we left barram and now China is occupying barram bogram being 1 hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons wouldn't it been nice to have our big fat beautiful base it was probably built there for that reason but China 1 hour away and now China is occupying that massive big base some of the biggest runways in the world they can hold heavier loads than any runways in the world under my leadership we were getting out of Afghanistan but we were going to get out with dignity pride and with strength when I left office we had not lost a single service member in the combat in Afghanistan in more than 18 months and then we had that horrible day where we lost so many and so many were so badly hurt arms legs gone face just obliterated we lost so many great people that day nobody talks about the people that was so badly injured they never mention them I always mention them all over the world our adversaries knew that America was not to be trifled with when I was your commanderin-chief but and you know it's very interesting uh if you look at Hungary very strong country very strong leader Victor Orban he said the only thing that's going to save the whole world is Trump has to be president again we had no problems we had no problems he said we had no problems I don't use the term but he did he said China was afraid of him Russia was afraid of him they were said oh I was so friendly to Russia I'm the one that stopped the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 nobody ever here the biggest development they ever had to feed oil all over Europe I stopped it and then Biden comes in and he gives them everything he gave him the pipeline they built the pipeline but I stopped it Putin said that's the worst thing that's ever happened to us I said' I'm sorry I have to do it and he approves it right away and then they say Trump was not strong on Russia I think they were they got it wrong Putin actually said if you weren't strong I'd like to find out how bad would you be if you were strong because you were brutal but you know I got along with him it's good to get along with these countries I got along with China that wouldn't have happened what's happening right now they're planning an attack on Taiwan there's no question about that that wouldn't have happened wasn't going to happen they knew that you weren't allowed to do that Putin would have never gone into Ukraine Israel would have never been attacked it's a sad sad situation so many people are dead so many people have gone so many cities you look at Ukraine those cities are just wiped off the face of the Earth they're outside of Kiev and a couple of others that basically just flattened far more people dead than they let you know it's like your numbers that were released for fraudulently today far more people dead in that war than anybody would know when those big buildings come tumbling down hit with rockets so ridiculous there's nothing left it's so ridiculous but since the Afghanistan catastrophe it's been open season on America and our allies I really believe that the Afghan disaster what happened the stupidity and the way we pulled out and the bedum and all of that it would have been very smooth we were going to get out with strength and dignity but when Putin saw that he said wow those people don't know what they're doing they're overrated and he went in and same thing happened with Iran Iran was not going to play with us and now Iran is a rich Nation they were they have $300 billion they had no money and in three and a half years they made three and they made 300 billion $300 billion dollars they have right now they made it all in three and a/2 years they had none when I left and we would have made a fair deal with them they can't have a nuclear weapon very simple you can't have a nuclear weapon other than that we want you to have great lives but uh I do hear there after me but you know that's the way it is look I'm here for you and I'm here even for the world we want to stop world wars because the equipment is so devastating now a world war is obliteration we can't have a World War every dictator Tyrant and Terrorist on the planet knows that they can get away with murder under Camala and crooked Joe kidnappers are getting millions and millions of dollars but now they're getting billions they're getting billions what did you get for the four people that we released sir they got $6 billion what is six billion does anyone know what that means Six B they got $6 billion doar people get kidnapped and you know they ask for like how about $1,000 how about 500 they got $6 billion from these idiots and you know what happens when that happens a lot of people are going to get kidnapped because they say we're dealing with stupid people a lot of people we got we had 59 people that were hostage some in North Korea that's about as tough as it gets we got people out without paying for anything we never gave money we didn't want to give money if we gave money all they do is they go around kidnapping everybody these people give not only do they give six billion they got the prince of death out he's the number one arms Merchant in the world Russia got him as part of one of the deals the number one arms Merchant in the world we got a couple of people but you know why were they there and why did they do what they did but they got some of the most criminal the toughest meanest criminals anywhere in the world on top of that we paid them billions and billions of dollars we're run by very stupid people I'd like to use a different word I'd like to use a much more sophisticated word but there's no word I can think of incompetent how about incompetent as a result peace in Europe has been Shattered by the largest European land War since the fall of Nazi Germany this is the largest War there's been and this war is going to escalate and escalate when if but when I have to always say if you know because they cheat I would say when if they didn't cheat but they cheat that's the one thing they're great at cheating in elections if we win I'll get that thing settled before I take the office I'll get it settled as President elect I'll get that war stopped with Russia yeah we'll get that stopped Ukraine and Russia were going to get it stopped and quickly it'll be done before I get to office it would not have happened if I was President it wasn't going to happen in the Middle East the Jewish people have suffered the wor worst atrocities and deadliest attacks since the Holocaust there's no question about that the United States has been forced to abandon more embassies under comrade Kamala then at any time in our history we just and we're running out it's not like we're leaving we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build you got to see these embassies in the middle of nowhere in a country you've never even heard of they spent 900 million to build an embassy the whole thing is crazy the world is on fire and Kamala and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War II that's what we're in I think General you would probably agree you're one of the experts I would think right I don't even talk to you about that lately it's so out of control I don't even have to bother I just say look take a look but one of the great experts and uh we're on the brink that's why this November Americans are going to tell Kamala Harris kamla that we've had enough we can't take it anymore you're doing a terrible job comrade Harris you're fired get out of here you're fired you're no good you're fired get them out of here all you have to do is take a look at San Francisco look at the job she did she had one policy if you steal less than $1,000 basically $950 to be exact I want to be accurate for purposes of reporters the fake news media they want accuracy they don't have to be accurate but we have to be accurate but if you steal less than $950 they basically leave you alone so I have guys going in robbing stores with a calculator let's see this is $100 did you know this this not going to happen in North Carolina I don't think is it let's see that's that's $59 bing bing bing bing stop stop stop we don't want to go over 95 they walk out with it nobody does a thing starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the oath of office I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace we're going to return the world to peace and mostly I can do it with a telephone call you know we don't send troops I can do it with a telephone call you go to war with another country that's friendly to us or even not friendly to us you're not going to do business in the United States and we're going to charge you 100% tariffs and all of a sudden the president or prime minister or dictator or whoever the hell is running the country says to me sir we won't go to war I I talked I talked this world out of a lot of wars with tele phone calls I don't have to send in the troops one of my most urgent priorities will be to quickly rebuild the Readiness and spirit of the United States armed forces and we had it built we rebuilt it we rebuilt the whole military but it was decimated under this group of stupid people you know we had so much when I came in we had no ammunition did you know that remember I used to talk about it and I said if it's true which it was why would you you say that we had people on television well the United States has no ammunition you know some things you just keep to yourself right you remember I used to from North Carolina do you remember I used to talk about that all the time those are my best Witnesses those ladies there's about 40 of them they're all over the place and they're always perfectly quaffed and perfectly dressed they're beautiful and they're great but no I used to talk all the time if you have no bullets I can ask this group of leaders you don't talk about it but you get the bullets really fast right so within a year I had so much that our warehouses were stocked to the gills we never had so much I bought so much missiles everything I rebuilt our military but that's been all dissipated now again because we give it away to everybody and for nothing I mean they don't do anything for us we don't get anything we don't even get a pledge that we'll pay you back some if we have the money how about that pay you back someday if we have the money you know uh I sponsor athletes sometimes if I see somebody that I like in sports I sponsor some golfers usually doesn't typically work out I don't know if you know it's like a 5,000 to one shot but I'm good at that stuff and I can see talent and I'll give them a few th000 I'll give them $50,000 I'll say you know you're really good you can could make it why don't you why aren't you trying out for the tour sir I have no money I have to give lessons I have no money he said you're too good to give lessons you can be a tour player I sir I don't have any money I say here's $50,000 and here's the deal if you do well you pay me back with no interest just good luck if you don't do well which you probably won't because it's very hard they say the worst is a boxer if you sponsor a boxer they're all great they're winning all their fights and then they turn professional and they go in and this goes with UFC run by Dana White one of the greats of all time which is really taken over for boxing but it's the same thing and people sponsor people and they get what they get but the worst is that what's wrong oh [Music] a doctor please it is very hot here I noticed it's very hot and a lot of the people waited for days to get here so I understand it take your time doctor take your time thank you [Applause] yeah take your time please Mr President find my hand [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we we [Applause] [Music] thank you very much you know they come two days three days early and it's a long it's a lot of stress we lose them the only ones we don't lose are front row Joe's I don't know what they have going they they have something going here Governor thank you very much thanks doctor but America is blessed with the greatest military in the world but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical left politicians and some generals and at the top they woke they woke we don't want woke generals we want generals that know how to win and we have them we proved that when we wiped out Isis didn't we proved it sir it'll take 5 years we did it in three three weeks I think we did it in three weeks we have the greatest military in the world but you need the great leaders otherwise your military will can never be great everywhere I go soldiers and Veterans tell me how angry they are that not one person has been held accountable for the Afghanistan catastrophe he never fired anybody you know I fire a lot of people when they don't do a good job then they come back and write books you know they hate you but that's okay when you don't fire people they never write books you know but I fired a lot of people I wasn't happy with their Serv service I wasn't happy with the job they did and I fire them I let him go I mean I'm I'm working for you I'm not doing this for myself but when you fire them they always come back with something and now nobody's ever been in the position where you know they get offered all sorts of money from the fake news and everything else and fame we're going to make you famous all you have to do is make up some stories about Trump but uh people don't seem to care it's phony stuff phony h horrible they're lightweights they're terrible people you know when I came don't forget I didn't know anybody in Washington I'm president of the United States I'm going down Pennsylvania having you with that biggest load of military and police and motorcycles and everything you've ever seen and I didn't know anybody I said to my wife I don't know a lot of people but the people I know I got recommendations from a lot of good people well-meaning people some were good most were great but we had some bad ones too but now I know them all in Washington I know the good ones the weak ones guys like this I know the weak ones and the bad ones General we know the we know the dumb ones and the Smart Ones don't we we know them all but the voters will hold kamla and Joe accountable for this November when I take office and they're going to be held accountable for what they've done to this country right thank you I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster I want their resignations immediately and I want them on the desk in the Oval Office the Resolute desk I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day everybody involved with that disaster when you have a disaster so stupid as that that causes us such problem you don't know what that's done to the reputation of our country the Afghanistan disaster this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world and the America Military and everybody else they want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence and it's just not acceptable that something like that could happen these are Fighters they fight with broken old obsolete weapons and knives we have f-16s we have f35s F32 and we were knocking the hell out of them just knocking the hell out of them it was easy but I said what the hell are we doing this for let's get the hell out of there we were getting out with such strength they were so happy they couldn't believe it and then these people came in and it's it's horrible to even think about what happened and countries all over the world lost respect for us because of Afghanistan we demand success and we demand Victory we want Victory from our soldiers and from from everybody else under comrade kamla Harris and I call her that because there never been she's a Marxist okay I was saying do you think she's a Marxist or a communist the people that really study this stuff they weren't able to tell me they said it could be all the way it could be communist but she's damn close they said it was def itely one or the other but they couldn't actually tell me was it communist or Marxist sir one or the other we're not sure we'll figure it out but under comrade kamla our military has been abused for radical social experiments on day one I will get critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our us Armed Forces we're taking it out oh Warriors should be focused on defeating America's enemies not figuring out their genders by that time hopefully they know their genders Marxist ideologies have no place in combat think of it they go in and they decide oh it's they going to change my gender no no we we want them to know their gender when they go in you have no idea the disruption that that has caused and the fake news refuses to report it you know when I did a ban I went to a lot of good generals I said I'm not going to tell you names just tell me is it the right thing or the wrong thing the wrong thing sir it's the wrong thing and I had unanimous support and then we did it I didn't do it other people did it they reversed me as soon as they got in like almost the first day I didn't do it but uh they allowed things to happen to our military that just not right if you want to have a sex change or a social justice seminar then you can do it somewhere else but you're not going to do it in the Army Navy Coast Guard Air Force Space force or the United States Marines sorry you're not going to do it there the military brass that led these absurd and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed and they will no longer be in command they're going to be gone gone so fast command crooked Joe purged 8,000 th service members from our military for refusing their covid vaccine mandate they refus to do it we didn't want a mandate the Mandate you can't you just can't do that I will rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and with back pay they will get their back pay and an apology from our government hopefully they have great jobs right now and they're making a lot of money but if they want to come back in they get an apology and we sign them up and they get their back pay should have never happened the Mandate stuff should have never happened thanks to comrade kamla and Joe Biden morale in our military is now so low that almost every single branch is suffering a major Recruitment and Retention crisis you know that upon taking office I will begin the largest peacetime recruitment Drive in the history of the Armed Forces we have to fill our Armed Forces with great people but they don't have Spirit now there's no Spirit used to bring other soldiers would bring their friends in now that doesn't happen almost never happens the sense of spirit pride and Prestige will soon come roaring back and reach levels never seen before we're going to make it so hot that I'm going to want to resign and join the military I don't know what rank I would start at I guess I started private I don't know what rank would I have to start at General I have to start pretty low he said you'll start at the top all right then I'll stay here that's very good you'll start at the top he knows what this say America's military must always be unrivaled and unbeatable I mean I see reports coming out where they do studies and they said under these circumstances we'll lose a war to China number one if it's true why are we saying it and number two it shouldn't be true should it huh it shouldn't be true not going to happen why would they release a report like that for China to read we're vulnerable here she said they're idiots that's a good word who's the woman that said that stand please who said that that's very good no it's true they're she say they're idiots now they released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas we need more this we need more that we're weak here we're weak there I don't know who does this report why would you release a report like that so after years that's like saying we have no ammunition ladies and gentlemen we have no ammunition at the time with the United States of America you know why we gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places we gave them everything empty our warehouses of all of our ammunition let's give it to people free of charge free of charge cost billions free of charge everything's always free of charge so after years of horrific depletion with the comrade sending our missiles and airplane ammunition to other countries I will make a historic investment in rebuilding the US Armed Forces I did that once before but I have to do it again because they've depleted it just like they've depleted the Strategic oil reserves you know we have the Strategic in all due respect it's not for filling up your car so that you have 4 cents a gallon less and that you vote for crooked Joe it's not meant for that it's meant for war it's meant for tragedy it's meant for real stuff it's a at the lowest point today in its history we almost have nothing left and we had it at a level that was such a beautiful thing to see we will increase funding but at the same time the days of blank checks for the weapon systems over the past or over I tell you what we will build though we're going to build a great Iron Dome over our country so that we don't have to get hit we give it to other countries we helped Israel and other countries and Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago you know but it didn't we didn't really have the technology then he was right but we didn't have the right techn today we have unbelievable technology and you know we have other countries that have it this country should have it and we're going to make it right here and we're going to make it in other of our great places but a lot of it's going to come right out of your state it's time to create the Arsenal of the 21st century we need that that means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on the Cutting Edge investing heavily in drones and Robotics and artificial intelligence and hypersonics do you know hypersonics these are missiles that go seven times faster than a fast ordinary missile seven times faster so fast that for the most part you can't shut them down and you can't shoot them down they going at levels of speed that nobody thought was possible do you know that was our technology that was stolen by Russia and Russia has them and I started them very quickly but somebody gave Russia years ago before me all of our plans and specs for Hypersonic missiles and they built them and we didn't he said buillt Clinton it could be might have been in all fairness might have been a little after Bill Linton I used to like Bill Linton can you believe it it it could have been Barack saying Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know my advisers are fired no wouldd rather keep it on policy but sometimes it's hard when you're attacked from all ends I mean they want to put you in jail for nothing for nothing for cases that the legal Scholars all over the country have said there is no case and they want to put you in jail and I could have done that to Hillary Clinton I could have put her in jail she turned away subpoenas and she damaged stuff and she wouldn't give things after a subpoena was sent after from the United States Congress I said to myself we want to bring the country together wouldn't it be terrible to put the wife of the president of the United States in jail wouldn't it be terrible and then I come out and they do it to me and there's no feeling as wouldn't it be terrible but we won the big case in Florida that was totally won and Biden didn't you know Biden documents I had the presidential records act I had I had a right to do whatever I wanted to do that was passed in like 1978 but Biden didn't have a right to do because he wasn't president and he was there for 50 years he took stuff and the ruling was basically he's guilty as hell but he's got no memory he's a nice man with no memory actually they're wrong he's not a nice man and he has no memory he's not a nice man at all because he started weaponization and weaponization is a double prong that can come back to haunt them too it's a terrible thing for our country I can tell you a terrible thing for our country we need a dramatic increase in research we need a very dramatic increase in development and in so doing we will create countless American jobs including jobs right here in a place place called North Carolina do we love North Carolina Laura Trump is from North Carolina she named her daughter Carolina the wife of Eric I now say that he's the husband of Laura which he's great he's great and it's a great couple but she loves this place she just loves it she's here all the time and you know she comes and she uh we love her too she's just said she's amazing she's got a great talent and she along with Michael Watley are running the Republican National Committee and doing a great job you know a lot of times when you do that they'll say oh family let me say this is not a job that somebody this is a tough job and our primary focus is not to get out the vote it's to make sure they don't cheat because we have all the votes you need you can see it every house along the way has signs Trump trump Trump trump Vance Trump Vance and by the way Vance is doing a great job Vance is doing a great job look at that beautiful red Vance no but these signs are all over the place I see it everywhere no matter where in Florida they're all over because people want to see common sense you know we're the party of common sense it's not conservative liberal they don't want to be called liberal in where they want to use Progressive we're Progressive Progressive I I I think liberal is more appropriate Progressive is such a beautiful word right you know Progressive Progressive means go forward they don't go forward they go backward as we rapidly rebuild American deterrence we will quickly restore peace and stability in our country but all over the world will make our country a much safer place we're in grave danger of a war a Third World War I tell you before I even arrive at the Oval Office and as I said we're going to do things that are going to be shocking to people but what I'm going to do more than anything else I'm going to get things in line and we're going to prevent that World War II and if you look at what's going on with Ukraine and Russia if you look at on now there's an incursion into Russia then there'll be another incursion the other way then there'll be and then all of a sudden bad things will start to happen they're already starting by contrast if comrade Camala wins this November World War III is virtually guaranteed to happen everything she Tes she destroys everything that she's touched you look at her life she was district attorney in San Francisco the place went to hell was the best city in the world probably 15 18 years ago 20 years ago maybe in the whole world it was one of the best cities in the world then she becomes the Attorney General of the State of California that place went to hell it was helped by Gavin nusum it was helped nusum helped but she did a she was Terri terrible and it's crime ridden and it's I mean you can't walk down the sidewalk anywhere any that's just unbelievable what's happened to that state so sad best weather beautiful ocean Beau everything is good but they've they've just let it go to hell and she was and she's going to do the same thing to the United States and when she says I'll let you Frack her whole career she said no fracking Pennsylvania in particular no because they get tremendous wealth from fracking they're going to be stopped 100% they're going to be stopped she just changed her view a few months ago you got to see you know she ran against Biden there were 22 people running she was the first to leave she quit because she went down like that and she was the first one out she never made it to the first state in the primary she never made it to Iowa never made it to Iowa she didn't get one vote and she still hasn't gotten one vote and she won't have one vote think of it Biden I'm not a fan of Biden I think he was terrible a terrible president what he did to our country you look at him with the planes and the stairs and the falling all over the place and he had no idea what the hell was happening he couldn't find his way off the stage a stare here stare there stare I got stares all over the place he'd finish his speech and look around where am I his speech is last the nice part it was good in the hot sun cuz they lasted for about 2 minutes and you could go home but nobody would come anyway but we can't let her she's much worse much worse than him actually because she's actually more radical he never believed it he just did it for votes I don't know why you'd get votes by having open borders you know she wants open borders if she became president in four years you'd have 60 to 70 million people from all over the world and it's not just South America and remember the they're releasing them from their jails and their prisons they're coming out of jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums then we have hundreds and probably thousands of terrorists that have come into our country we probably have a few here welcome welcome but we probably have a few here and she's all for it and now she's saying and you see what she's saying well the wall was largely built we were adding space onto the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall I actually took it because Congress gave us a hard time and the Democrats were brutal we had 11 lawsuits and we won all 11 but I took it out of the military I called it an invasion of our country it was an invasion and we built hundreds of miles of wall and then I was going to do 200 extra we ordered it it was there and we had that rotten horrible election that horrible election where we did much better than we did the first time and bad things happened and all of a sudden I hear that they want to have open borders and I thought they were kidding who the hell wants open borders and then they said we'll give you health care you know now they're saying all about how they're getting tough in the borders and how they were tough except they have a couple of problems do you know that we flew in a million people airplanes over the top of the Border beautiful airplane they're flying them in if you want to stop people you're not flying them in on airplanes and many other things no they wanted open borders and we have a country that's loaded up with many many criminals right now of the worst they emptied their jails they emptied their jails in prisons they empti their mental institutions into our country largely now they're continuing to do it but if you look at many of these countries that we're talking about frankly who can blame them they're dropping their prisoners into the United States of America they're dropping all of these people into the United States including their mental institution people any terrorist they have they're dropping them into the United States we're taking hundreds of thousands of people that were in jail for murder you take a look at Venezuela their jails are half and I'm surprised half because frankly I would have worked faster than that if I were running it I would have had all of them out of there by now they go to Caracus they take all their gang members all of their Killers their murderers their drug dealers they take them and they're putting them into the United States and their crime is down 72% in fact next time what we'll do instead of North Carolina we'll have our next little gathering in Venezuela because it will be much safer than being in our country if these people win you're not going to have any meetings you're not going to have anything there'll be chaos in our country and we just can't let it happen we can't let it happen we can't let it happen remember when Biden sent Kamala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine she met with Putin and then three days later he attacked how did she do think she did a good job she met with Putin to tell him don't do it and three days later he attacked that's when the attack started did you know that General should have sent you but over a half a million they say are dead or wounded but it's a much higher number than that and everything lies in ruined look we are going to fight like hell to win this election they are going to cheat like hell to win the election because they have no bounds they have no bounds I've said to some Republicans once in a place called Philadelphia which I love I went to school in Philadelphia but it's suffering tremendously like Chicago like every Democrat run city is suffering but I said like why do we allow them to do it do Republicans do what they do with the stuffing the boxes with all of the different things they do sir we proud Americans and that's really the right thing to say but they have no bounds we have to win this election if we don't win this election we are in such trouble as a country we're in trouble right now but you have the right guy is straighten it out I'll get it straightened out I'll get it straightened out fast we're going to have peace through strength all over the world like we had just a short while ago and I just want to say closing is it's an honor to have served for four years I wish we didn't have this break the only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get because we've never had a country that's been in shape like this country is in right now we have squalor in our streets our vets are disregarded living on sidewalks and freezing cold and unbelievably hot cities all over the country and yet we have people coming in to our country that are living in luxury hotels this is what we have we're going to straighten out our country through Common Sense we're going to straighten out our country with the United States of America with the greatest country country in the world we're not going to let this continue to go we're going to straighten it out we're going to make it bigger better stronger than ever before we're going to bring in business we're going to use tariffs to take advantage of our great strength and to frankly hurt countries that are hurting us and have been hurting us on trade for many many years right now China is building massive Auto plants in Mexico and they think that those plants are going to make cars and they're going to sell them across the line for no tax no anything destroy what's left in Detroit which frankly compared to years ago is very little and South Carolina and many other places we're not going to let it happen we will charge them 150 or 200% tariff and all of that investment that they made is now worthless we're not going to let them do that we're not going to let them destroy our automobile industry the United Auto Workers has a grossly competent man at the head they want to make all electric cars and Elon Musk is a friend of mine you saw he endorsed me very strongly and he understands that I'm right and I love electric cars and they have an incredible purpose they have an incredible purpose they're unbelievable what they can do and he makes a great product but I told him I said you know before you endorse you have to understand we have to have gasoline propelled cars again we have more Liquid Gold than anybody anywhere in the world more than Saudi Arabia more than Russia we have more than anybody we're going to quadruple that business we're going to be much bigger than both of them put together we're going to pay down debt we're going to reduce your taxes I gave you the largest tax cut in history the largest regulatory cut in history that created all of the jobs and when Biden talks about jobs by the way because they lie so much the jobs he created almost all of them almost 100% people say more than 100% went to legal aliens the other remember this the numbers sound good because they're called bounceback jobs we had a pandemic people were laid off and then as soon and this is common for ages when a pandemic goes you have bounce back the businesses and we had we not done what we did with money probably some of you benefited but we we would have been in a 1929 style depression we did it just right the problem is they came in they no longer needed money we gave them a country that was fixed and more people died during Biden think of that than died during us from covid many more people died during them but think of this we gave them a country and they blew it because they took so much they took trillions and trillions of money they kept feeding it and that's what caused along with their bad energy policies that's what caused this tremendous inflation which is destroying the people of our country and frankly it's contagious it's all over the world but we're the ones that started it with their bad policy so we're going to work very hard we've got to win we've got to win this state this state is a very very big state to win we've won it twice and we're going to win it again I said to a couple of the people I said so let me ask you how are we doing compared to four years ago and 8 years ago they said said sir you're much hotter you're more popular I hope that's true but we won it twice and all I can do is pledge to you that we're going to do a great job for North Carolina we're going to do a great job for the United States of America we put America First and we're going to make America great again thank you all very much thank you thank you very much everybody thank you very much everybody it's great to be here what a place did you like to fly over that was pretty good we were going low and fast we were that was moving along that was pretty low uh just want to thank JD's doing a fantastic job and I want to thank North Carolina I love North Carolina I love them 76 days from now we're going to win this state and we're going to win the White House that beautiful beautiful building that beautiful building I want to thank Senator Ted Bud who's doing such a great job senator Ted butd thank you thank you great job Ted Mark Robinson he's out there he's fighting he's fighting he's a great one and I think we have a lot of our sheriffs here don't we have where are they will this stage hold them I'd love to bring them up come on Sheriff's get up here Mark come on we got I don't know if this stage is going to hold him but if it doesn't we've had bigger risks than this right come on Sheriff's if you weigh more than 200 lb don't come up I'm only kidding come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know you very [Music] [Applause] I don't know to hold it not [Music] [Applause] just so you know these are great people but I want to get them the hell off the stage cuz I guarantee they didn't have this in mind when they built this thank goodness Mark lost a lot of weight over the last couple of months I'm very you did actually well I want to thank you all very much you are the reason we're able to be here and that you have a safe State and a great state thank you all very much thank you that's some group that's some group of people for endorsements too every group virtually in the country law enforcements endorsed us thank you very much thanks Mark good luck Mark win got a win he's got to win got to win he's a good man thank you oh I feel much better I feel very much better that they got off the stage I had no idea what was going to happen but it's not that far down you know it's I had no idea what was I'm a big structural guy but I want to thank also members of Congress Richard Hudson and Byron Donald's two Warriors two great people two unbelievable where's Byron thank you very much thank you very much to where's Byron ah oh look at him over there he knows how to get attention look at that guy he's been my friend for a long time thank you for everything Byron and you have thank you very much Congressional candidate Mark Harris Mark hi Mark good going Mark good numbers good numbers Brad not and Adison McDow they're all going to be winners very soon young good-looking people thank you thank you very much great the State House speaker Tim Moore Tim where is Tim oh he's nice and safe back there oh hello Tim I appreciate it Tim and Neil Jackson State Rep Neil Jackson thank you very much thank you Neil RNC chairman Michael Watley what a job he's doing what a job he's doing and North Carolina GOP chairman J Jason Simmons who's been a friend of ours for a long time where's Jason nice tall character right here thank you very much Jason and somebody that's been with me from day one a real he's a real general you know we have the real generals and we have the fake woke generals that did so poorly in Afghanistan should have all been fired but this is a real General Keith Kellogg right Keith and this is a great group it's good to see you Keith he's been with me from before day one right he said that guy should run we got to get him to run I like those guys they were here before I ran you know there quite a few of them too we have the front row Joe's you know that and very importantly we have the most magnificent women first time you know we have they travel all over the country to be with us for rallies or at close to a couple of hundred rallies I don't know what their husbands are doing about this this is a little crazy look how beautiful and they're from North Carolina and and for a change they don't have to travel so far right how far are you from here two hour two hours is nothing it's a pretty big state actually thank you very much as always you are special special people great women they love our country before we begin I want to address the massive Scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning a little while ago just before I came up I got to see him and it really isn't a revision it's a total lie total lie there's never been any revision like this they wanted it to come out after the election but somehow it got leaked it got leaked government leaks too the Harris Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America the new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the administration padded the numbers with an extra listen to this one 88,000 jobs that don't exist so they said they existed and they never did exist they built them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing no we've never had numbers like this they don't exist they thought they could do it sometime after you know we have an election coming up very quickly but they wanted this to come out after November 5th when it wouldn't have meant so much but it came out a little early so there's a patriot in there someplace right the real numbers are much worse than that and comrade Cala you know she's comrade the most most radical left person ever to run for a high political office in our country gets another four years millions of jobs and we will vanish overnight she gets four more years you're going to see jobs vanish millions and millions will vanish and inflation will completely destroy our country we'll have inflation worse than they've given us you know when I gave it to them I had virtually no inflation and now their numers up to 22 23% but their real number is probably 40 to 50% because a lot of the things in their numbers aren't included I saw another one where the FBI releases crime statistics and weren't that bad and then they left out little things like New York Chicago they left out various areas and that wasn't so good your life savings will be totally wiped out and uh if you put somebody like that in there with him how about him how about him she'll destroy our country just like she destroyed San Francisco just like she destroyed California with the Trump Victory we will once again have the greatest economy in history we're going to do things that are going to make us so great so fast we're going to bring it back we're going to make America strong again we're going to make America great again going to be fantastic it's going to be fantastic so I just want to thank you very much for your support cuz I've always had I've always had fantastic support from you thank you thank you very much we have a job to do you know we have a job to do we had some very good polls this morning despite their charade I call it the party the Democrats party do you know five people in Chicago were killed in the last little while since the that charade that they have going on they mentioned my name I think 271 times times they mentioned the economy like 12 times they mentioned the Border maybe none they don't talk about the Border our great borders are doesn't talk about the Border but they mentioned me more than any other category I'm now a category they had me down today as a category that's all they talk about Trump we've driven him crazy they have Trump derangement syndrome we've driven them crazy and they should be driven crazy they've done a terrible job for our country in every single way there's not a thing they've done well except cheat and lie they lie about stats no they lied about the crime numbers the crime numbers it didn't look bad then they found out that many of the worst places weren't included in the numbers and that was done by the FBI which is sad four years ago our country was strong and respected like never before our allies admired us our enemies feared us because everyone knew that as an American president I was all about putting America first that's true under my leadership we rebuilt the United States military created space force and we made our allies pay their fair share and their Fair dues you know we went to Nato we say you're not paying you got to pay if you remember President Bush would go and it'd make a speech Obama would go he'd make a speech they all made speeches this one didn't even make a speech this last one but I went I said uh nobody's paying you got to pay and they did paid hundred of billions of dollars they said well does that mean you won't support us if we don't pay I said that's what it means I had to say that every I got a lot of heat for that people the the fake news oh that's a lot of fake news oh that's a lot of fake news now the fake news gave me a hard time for that the fake news was saying uh what a terrible thing to say to our allies our allies weren't paying and I said you got to pay we were paying for everybody so they take advantage of us on trade and then we also pay for the military that somehow doesn't work so they had to pay they paid hundreds of billions of dollars but I said to them no that means I will not protect you I will not protect you they said sir if we're attacked by Russia will you protect us used to be Soviet Union now Russia will you protect us they said are you paid no let's assume we're not paid then you're delinquent right well yes that's an old real estate term you're delinquent yes no we will not protect you the the Press went crazy that I said and you know what if I would have said the other way they would have never paid hundreds of billions were sent in to Nato but we defeated Isis we killed the world's top terrorists we secured our borders we achieved energy Independence we stood up to China we protected Israel we made peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and more more more we did things like nobody ever heard of and we brought our troops mostly back home we didn't start any wars for 79 years it was before we didn't start wars 79 80 years everybody said oh he's going to start wars with his attitude no my attitude kept us out of Wars I stop Wars with phone calls Russia should have never happened with Ukraine would have never happened if I were president would have never happened no there was no talk of that would have never ever happened with Putin would have never happened and Israel October 7th would have never happened happened Iran would have never done that they had very little money at that point now they're rich as hell but Biden allowed that to happen and Camala where's Biden what happened to Biden where is he he's on a beach he's on a beach you know he's got somebody that thinks he looks great in a bathing suit he likes to go to a beach how do you hell how do you leave here and go on a beach you can't do it there are things you just don't do people don't want to see you in a bathing suit [Applause] walks badly it's hard to walk in the sand you know he has a hard time lifting his feet through the sand and then he grabs he grabs a chair the chair is meant for old people to lift and young kids to lift like you know four-year-old kids right and he can't lift it he needs a little help the whole thing is crazy how we ever got that is crazy and what happened to our country with inflation and with disrespect from all over the world and all these wars are starting all over the place and we're very close to a third world war and don't kid yourself because they are laughing but they're not laughing too much you're a little worried about a certain person winning the election we had some very good polls today and if that happens you're not going to have any third world wars every American was safer under President Trump in fact the entire world was safer when I sat behind that beautiful Resolute desk in the Oval Office you know I heard the other day for the first time I heard Biden say the beautiful Resolute does he never said that before they copy me when I say we're nation in Decline guys are copying me they then they say they shouldn't say that but they thought the words were beautiful but they copy me all the time in that case it was Republicans that were copying me because they happen to be right so I don't mind if a republican copies me any of you guys want to copy me but it's a sad thing to have to say but they copy me the Resolute desk he never mentioned that he doesn't do even know what the hell the Resolute desk is exactly 3 years ago this month the weakness and incompetence of Camala Harris and crooked Joe Biden delivered the most humiliating event in the history of our country and one of the biggest military disasters in the history of the world as far as I'm concerned no one will ever forget the horrifying images of their catastrophic Retreat from Afghanistan desperate Afghans fell to their deaths from the wheels of us cargo planes that were 3,000 ft up in the air bloodthirsty terrorists poured out of the prisons after Biden and Harris surrendered bogram one of the largest air military bases anywhere in the world we spent billions and billions of dollars building it many years ago and you know it was important to keep it I was never leaving that I would have been out faster than them I said that's up we're there for 20 almost 21 years and I said what are we doing what are we doing here and we had no soldiers killed for 18 months while I was there because they knew don't play around with US soldiers they were they were killing them they were killing them under Obama did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always say sure please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they're getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy sir you must stick to policy You Win It On the Border you'll win it with inflation you'll win it with your great military that you built that they gave away $85 billion worth of it in Afghanistan sir you're going to win it on crime the crime is running through the streets like never before you're going to win it on all of these things and maybe especially I think two things the economy inflation because I view them together what they've done to inflation and they closed it with energy what they did with energy is so stupid if we were there our energy we would be so dominant all over the world right now we were already energy independent I made you energy independent but we would be energy dominant we' be paying back debt would be reducing your taxes still further we gave you the largest tax cuts ever and uh a lot of good things were going to happen but now we're just going to have to sort of call it a delay of four years but these people don't have any any idea what they're doing you had 13 heroic US service members were tragically and needlessly killed I got to know a lot of the relatives friends and mothers and fathers of those 13 people 45 others were horrifically wounded and $85 billion worth of the best military equipment anywhere in the world was handed over to these people in fact Afghanistan is now one of the largest arms Merchants anywhere in the world did you know know that they're selling our equipment at tremendous prices they're selling our beautiful we had 70,000 armored trucks many of them armored armored trucks and vehicles think of this we had 700,000 rifles and guns seven I actually say what the hell did they need so many for 700,000 rifles and guns we had goggles brand new right out of the box you know they didn't fight it night because they never had goggles right good Fighters they never had goggles now they have brand new goggles all left by the by the Biden Harris Administration gave them billions and billions of dollars just gave it to them and now they sell that equipment because they don't need 700,000 rifles they need 20,000 little difference they don't need 70,000 Vehicles they need 500 vehicles you have to ask yourself who bought all that stuff in the first place who bought it all how disgusted we're all when we see all of us are when we see three days ago when we viewed their parade our military equipment running down the middle of their Main Avenue brand new beautiful armor plated trucks tanks and vehicles running down the middle and they're all celebrating because we have stupid people running our government and she'll be worse than Biden because he wasn't really a Believer but she's a radical left believer she ruined San Francisco she ruined California and if if she gets in our country doesn't have a chance This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will be comrade because I think that's the most accurate name you I've been looking for a name people were saying sir don't do it you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I really didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called her crooked Hillary I call people names I call crazy Nancy Pelosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts you know Biden is really angry you know he's very angry he was so angry the other night he's like seething I you ever see a guy make a speech is such anger and so uncomfortable just shouting but he's terrible he's just terrible should have never been there we all know that should have never been there what they've done to this country is incredible but she bragged that she would be the last person in the room and she was she was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out out of Afghanistan and by the way pulling them out was absolutely right I was going to do it I'm the one that got the soldiers down to 5,000 people I was going to do it but we were going to get out last you don't pull the soldiers out first you let the soldiers stay last and the head of the Taliban respected me Abdul I had conversations with him after my conversations not one soldier in 18 months was killed but you pull the soldiers out last Millie and these guys you know we have great generals but Millie and Mattis and these guys they didn't know what the I call them television generals the television generals are no good but the generals that defeated Isis for me were great we have great we have a great military but she had the final vote she had the final say and she was all for it you take the soldiers out if I took that young person right there about five or six years old beautiful young person and if I said I gave little details like about 30 seconds worth of details would you take the military out first or last sir I'd take the military out last but they took it out first and then we left hostages we left all of the equipment we left everything and we left bogram and now China is occupying bogram bogram being one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons wouldn't have been nice to have our big fat beautiful base it was probably built there for that reason but China one hour away and now China is occupying that massive big base some of the biggest runways in the world they could hold heavier loads than any runways in the world under my leadership we were getting out of Afghanistan but we were going to get out with dignity pride and with strength when I left office we had not lost a single service member in the combat in Afghanistan in more than 18 months and then we had that horrible whole day where we lost so many and so many were so badly hurt arms legs gone face just obliterated we lost so many great people that day nobody talks about the people that were so badly injured they never mention them I always mention them all over the world our adversaries knew that America was not to be trifled with when I was your commanderin-chief but and you know it's very interesting uh if you look at Hungary very strong country very strong leader Victor orbon he said the only thing that's going to save the whole world is Trump has to be president again we had no problems we had no problems he said we had no problems I don't use the term but he did he said China was afraid of him Russia was afraid of him they were said oh I was so friendly to Russia I'm the one that stopped the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 nobody ever the biggest development they ever had to feed oil all over Europe I stopped it and then Biden comes in and he gives them everything he gave him the pipeline they built the pipeline but I stopped it Putin said that's the worst thing that's ever happened to us I said I'm sorry I have to do it and he approves it right away and then they say Trump was not strong on Russia I think they were they got it wrong Putin actually said if you weren't strong I'd like to find out how bad would you be if you were strong cuz you were brutal but you know I got along with him it's good to get along with these countries I got along with China that wouldn't have happened what's happening right now they're planning an attack on Taiwan there's no question about that that wouldn't have happened wasn't going to happen they knew that you weren't allowed to do that Putin would have never gone into Ukraine Israel would have never been attacked it's a sad sad situation so many people are dead so many people are gone so many cities you look at Ukraine those cities are just wiped off the face of the Earth they're outside of Kiev and a couple of others that basically just flattened far more people dead than they let you know it's like your numbers that were released fraudulently today far more people dead in that war than anybody would know when those big buildings come tumbling down hit with rockets so ridiculous there's nothing left it's so ridiculous but since the Afghanistan s catastrophe it's been open season on America and our allies I really believe that the Afghan disaster what happened the stupidity and the way we pulled out and the bedum and all of that it would have been very smooth we were going to get out with strength and dignity but when Putin saw that he said wow those people don't know what they're doing they're overrated and he went in and same thing happened with Iran Iran was not going to play with us and now Iran is a rich Nation they were they have $300 billion they had no money and in three and A2 years they made three and they made 300 billion $300 billion they have right now they made it all in three and a half years they had none when I left and we would have made a fair deal with them they can't have a nuclear weapon very simple you can't have a nuclear weapon other than that we want you to have great lives but uh I do hear there after me but you know that's the way it is look I'm here for you and I'm here even for the world we want to stop world wars because the equipment is so devastating now a world war is obliteration we can't have a World War every dictator Tyrant and Terrorist on the planet knows that they can get away with murder under Camala and crooked Joe kidnappers are getting millions and millions of dollars but now they're getting billions they're getting billions what did you get for the four people that we released sir they got $6 billion what is 6 billion does anyone know what that means 6 bill they got $6 billion people get kidnapped and you know they ask for like how about $1,000 how about 500 they got $6 billion from these idiots and you know what happens when that happens a lot of people are going to get kidnapped because they say we're dealing with stupid people a lot of people we got we had 59 people that were hostage some in North Korea that's about as tough as gets we got people out without paying for anything we never gave money we didn't want to give money if we gave money all they do is they go around kidnapping everybody these people give not only do they give six billion they got the prince of death out he's the number one arms Merchant in the world Russia got him as part of one of the deals the number one arms Merchant in the world we got couple of people but you know why were they there and why did they do what they did but they got some of the most criminal the toughest meanest criminals anywhere in the world on top of that we paid them billions and billions of dollars we're run by very stupid people I'd like to use a different word I'd like to use a much more sophisticated word but there's no word I can think of incompetent how about incompetent as a result peace in Europe has been Shattered by the large largest European land War since the fall of Nazi Germany this is the largest War there's been and this war is going to escalate and Escalade when if but when I have to always say if you know because they cheat I would say when if they didn't cheat but they cheat that's the one thing they're great at cheating in elections if we win I'll get that thing settled before I take the office I'll get it settled as President elect I'll get that war stopped with Russia yeah yeah we'll get that stopped Ukraine and Russia were going to get it stopped and quickly it'll be done before I get to office it would not have happened if I was President it wasn't going to happen in the Middle East the Jewish people have suffered the worst atrocities and deadliest attacks since the Holocaust there's no question about that the United States has been forced to abandon more embassies under comrade Kamala than at any time in our history we're just and we're running out it's not like we're leaving we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build you got to see these embassies in the middle of nowhere in a country you've never even heard of they spent 900 million to build an embassy the whole thing is crazy the world is on fire and kamla and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War II that's what we're in I think General you would probably agree you're one of the experts I would think think right I don't even talk you about that lately it's so out of control I don't even have to bother I just say look take a look but one of the great experts and uh we're on the brink that's why this November Americans are going to tell Kamala Harris Kamala that we've had enough we can't take it anymore you're doing a terrible job comrade Harris you're fired get out of here you're fired you're no good you're fired get him out of here all you have to do is take a look at San Francisco look at the job she did she had one policy if you steal less than $1,000 basically 950 to be exact I want to be accurate for purposes of reporters the fake news media they want accuracy they don't have to be accurate but we have to be accurate but if you still l than $950 they basically leave you alone so I have guys going in robbing stores with a calculator let's see this is $100 did you notice this not going to happen in North Carolina I don't think is it let's see that's $1 that's $59 bing bing bing bing stop stop stop we don't want to go over 95 they walk out with it nobody does a thing starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the oath of office I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace we're going to return the world to peace and mostly I can do it with a telephone call you know we don't have to send troops I can do it with a telephone call you go to war with another country that's friendly to us or even not friendly to us you're not going to do business in the United States and we're going to charge you 100% tariffs and all of a sudden the president or prime minister or dictator or whoever hell is running the country says to me sir we won't go to war I I talked I talked this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls I don't have to send in the troops one of my most urgent priorities will be to quickly rebuild the Readiness and spirit of the United States armed forces and we had it built we rebuilt it we rebuilt the whole military but it was decimated under this group of stupid people you know we had so much when I came in we had no ammunition did you know that remember I used to talk about it and I said if it's true which it was why would you say that we had people on televis well the United States has no ammunition you know some things you just keep to yourself right do you remember I used to from North Carolina do you remember I used to talk about that all the time those are my best Witnesses those ladies there's about 40 of them they're all over the place and they're always perfectly quaffed and perfectly dressed they're beautiful and they're great but no I used to talk all the time if you have no bullets I can ask this group of leaders you don't talk about it but you get the bullets really fast right so within a year I had so much that our warehouses were stocked to the gills we never had so much I bought so much missiles everything I rebuilt our military but that's been all dissipated now again because we give it away to everybody and for nothing I mean they don't do anything for us we don't get anything we don't even get a pledge that we'll pay you back someday if we have the money how about that pay you back someday if we have the money you know uh I sponsor athletes sometimes if I see somebody that I like in sports I sponsor some golfers you usually doesn't typically work out I don't know if you know it's like a 5,000 to one shot but I'm good at that stuff and I can see talent and I'll give them a few thousand I'll give them $50,000 I'll say you know you're really good you could make it why don't you why aren't you trying out for the tour sir I have no money I have to give lessons I have no money he said you're too good to give lessons you can be a tour player I sir I don't have any money I say here's $50,000 and here here's the deal if you do well you pay me back with no interest just good luck if you don't do well which you probably won't because it's very hard they say the worst is a boxer if you sponsor a boxer they're all great they're winning all their fights and then they turn professional and they go in and this goes with UFC run by Dana White one of the greats of all time which is really taken over for boxing but it's the same thing and people sponsor people and they get what they get but the worst is that what's wrong oh a doctor please it is very hot here I noticed it's very hot and a lot of the people waited for days to get here so I understand it take your time doctor take your time thank you [Applause] yeah take your time please [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] thank you very much you know they come two days three days early and it's a lot it's a lot of stress we lose them the only ones we don't lose the front row Joe's I don't know what they have going they they have something going here Governor thank you very much thanks doctor but America is blessed with the greatest military in the world but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical left politicians and some generals and at the top they woke they woke w we don't want woke generals we want generals that know how to win and we have them we proved that when we wiped out Isis didn't we proved it sir it'll take five years we did it in three three weeks I think we did it in three weeks we have the greatest military in the world but you need the great leaders otherwise your military will can never be great everywhere I go soldiers and Veterans tell me how angry they are that not one person has been held accountable for the Afghanistan catastrophe he never fired anybody you know I fire a lot of people when they don't do a good job then they come back and write books you know they hate you but that's okay when you don't fire people they never write books you know but I fired a lot of people I wasn't happy with their service I wasn't happy with the job they did I fire them I let him go I mean I'm I'm working for you I'm not doing this for myself but when you fire them they always come back with something and now nobody's ever been in the position where you know they get offered all sorts of money from the fake news and everything else and fame we're going to make you famous all you have to do is make up some stories about Trump but uh people don't seem to care it's phony stuff phony horrible they're lightweights they're terrible people you know when I came don't forget I didn't know anybody in Washington I'm president of the United States I'm going down Pennsylvania having you with that biggest load of military and police and motor cycles and everything you've ever seen and I didn't know anybody I said to my wife I don't know a lot of people but the people I know I got recommendations from a lot of good people well-meaning people some were good most were great but we had some bad ones too but now I know them all in Washington I know the good ones the weak ones guys like this I know the weak ones and the bad ones General we know the we know the dumb ones and the Smart Ones don't we we know them all but the voters will hold kamla and Joe accountable for this November when I take office and they're going to be held accountable for what they've done to this country right thank you I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster I want their resignations immediately and I I want them on the desk in the Oval Office the Resolute desk I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day everybody involved with that disaster when you have a disaster so stupid as that that causes us such problem you don't know what that's done to the reputation of our country the Afghanistan disaster this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world in the America Military and everybody else they want people to be held accountable for failure and in competence and it's just not acceptable that something like that could happen these are Fighters they fight with broken old obsolete weapons and knives we have f-16s we have f35s F32 and we were knocking the hell out of them just knocking the hell out of them it was easy but I said what the hell are we doing this for let's get the hell out of there we were getting out with such strength they were so happy they couldn't believe it and then these people came in and it's it's horrible to even think about what happened and countries all over the world lost respect for us because of Afghanistan we demand success and we demand Victory we want Victory from our soldiers and from everybody else under comrade kamla Harris and I call her that because there never been she's a Marxist okay I was saying do you think she's a Marxist or a communist the people that really study this stuff they weren't able to tell me they said it could be all the way it could be communist but she's damn close they said it was definitely one or the other but they couldn't actually tell me was it communist or Marxist sir one or the other we're not sure we'll figure it out but under comrade kamla our military has been abused for radical social experiments on day one I will get critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our us Armed Forces we're taking it out our Warriors should be focused on defeating America's enemies not figuring out their genders by that time hopefully they know their genders Marxist ideologies have no place in combat think of it they go in and they decide oh it's they going to change my gender no no we we want them to know their gender when they go in you have no idea the disruption that that has caused and the fake news refuses to report it you know when I did a ban I went to a lot of good generals I said I'm not going to tell you names just tell me is it the right thing or the wrong thing the wrong thing sir it's a wrong thing and I had unanimous support and then we did it I didn't do it other people did it they reversed me as soon as they got in like almost the first day I didn't do it but uh they allowed things to happen to our military that just not right if you want to have a sex change or a social justice seminar then you can do it somewhere else but you're not going to do it in the Army Navy Coast Guard Air Force Space force or the United States Marines sorry you're not going to do it there the military brass that led these absurd and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed and they will no longer be in command they're going to be gone gone so fast command crooked Joe purged 8,000 service members from our military for refusing their covid vaccine mandate they refused to do it we didn't want a mandate the Mandate you can't for you just can't do that I will rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and with back pay they will get their back pay and an apology from our government hopefully they have great jobs right now and they're making a lot of money but if they want to come back in they get an apology and we sign them up and they get their back pay should have never happened the Mandate stuff should have never happened thanks to comrade KLA Joe Biden Mor in our military is now so low that almost every single branch is suffering a major Recruitment and Retention crisis you know that upon taking office I will begin the largest peacetime recruitment Drive in the history of the Armed Forces we have to fill our Armed Forces with great people but they don't have Spirit now there's no Spirit used to bring other soldiers would bring their friends in now that doesn't happen almost never happens the sense of spirit pride and Prestige will soon come in back and reach levels never seen before we're going to make it so hot that I'm going to want to resign and join the military I don't know what rank I would start at I guess I started private I don't know what rank would I have to start at General I have to start pretty low he said you'll start at the top all right then I'll stay here that's very good you'll start at the top he knows what they said America's military must always be unrivaled and unbeatable I mean I see reports coming out where they do studies and they said under these circumstances we'll lose a war to China number one if it's true why are we saying it and number two it shouldn't be true should it huh shouldn't be true not going to happen why would they release a report like that for China to read we're vulnerable here she said they're idiots that's a good word who's the woman that said that stand please who said that that's very good no it's true they're J says they're idiots no they released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas we need more this we need more that we're weak here we're weak there I don't know who does this report why would you release a report like that so after years that's like saying we have no ammunition ladies and gentlemen we have no ammunition at the time with the United States of America you know why we gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places we gave them everything empty our warehouses of all of our ammunition let's give it to people free of charge free of charge cost billions free of charge everything's always free of charge so after years of horrific depletion with the comrade sending our missiles and airplanes ammunition to other countries I will make a historic investment in rebuilding the US Armed Forces I did that once before but I have to do it again because they've depleted it just like they've depleted the Strategic oil reserves you know we have theate IC in all due respect is not for filling up your car so that you have 4 cents a gallon less and that you vote for crooked Joe it's not meant for that it's meant for war it's meant for tragedy it's meant for real stuff it's at the lowest point today in its history we almost have nothing left and we had it at a level that was such a beautiful thing to see we will increase funding but at the same time the days of blank check checks for the weapon systems over the past or over I tell you what we will build though we're going to build a great Iron Dome over our country so that we don't have to get hit we give it to other countries we help Israel and other countries and Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago as you know but it didn't we didn't really have the technology then he was right but we didn't have the right techn today we have unbelievable technology and you know we have other countries that have it this country should have it and we're going to make it right here and we're going to make it in other of our great places but a lot of it's going to come right out of your state it's time to create the Arsenal of the 21st century we need that that means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on The Cutting Edge investing heavily in drones and Robotics and artificial intelligence and hypersonics do you know hypersonics these are missiles that go seven times faster than a fast ordinary missile seven times faster so fast that for the most part you can't shut them down and you can't shoot them down they're going at levels of speed that nobody thought was possible do you know that was our technology that was stolen by Russia and Russia has them and I started them very quickly but somebody gave Russia years ago before me all of our plans and specs for hypers Sonic missiles and they built them and we didn't he said built Linton it could be might have been in norer it's might have been a little after Bill Clinton I used to like Bill Clinton can you believe it it it could have been barock hus Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know my advisers are fired no would rather keep it on policy but sometimes it's hard when you're attacked from all ends I mean they want to put you in jail for nothing for nothing for cases that the legal Scholars all over the country have said there is no case and they want to put you in jail and I could have done that to Hillary Clinton I could have put her in jail she turned away subpoenas and she damaged stuff and she wouldn't give things after a subpoena was sent after from the United States Congress I said to myself we want to bring the country together wouldn't it be terrible to put put the wife of the president of the United States in jail wouldn't it be terrible and then I come out and they do it to me and there's no feeling as wouldn't it be terrible but we won the big case in Florida that was totally won and Biden didn't you know Biden documents I had the presidential records act I had I had the right to do whatever I wanted to do that was passed in like 197 8 but Biden didn't have a right to do it cuz he wasn't president and he was there for 50 years he took stuff and the ruling was basically he's guilty as hell but he's got no memory he's a nice man with no memory actually they're wrong he's not a nice man and he has no memory he's not a nice man at all because he started weaponization and weaponization is a double prong that can come back to haunt them too it's a terrible thing for our country I can tell you a terrible thing for our country we need a dramatic increase in research we need a very dramatic increase in development and in so doing we will create countless American jobs including jobs right here in a place called North Carolina do we love North Carolina Laura Trump is from North Carolina she named her daughter Carolina the wife of Eric I now say that he's the husband of Laura we change it he's great he's great and it's a great couple but she loves this place she just loves it she's here all the time and you know she comes and she uh we love her too she's just said she's amazing she's got a great talent and she along with Michael Watley are running the Republican National Committee and doing a great job you know a lot of times when you do that they'll say oh family let me say this is not a job that somebody this is a tough job and our primary focus is not to get out the vote it's to make sure they don't cheat because we have all the votes you need you can see it every house along the way has signs Trump trump Trump trump Vance Trump Vance and by the way Vance is doing a great job Vance is doing a great job look at that beautiful red Vance no but these signs are all over the place I see it everywhere no matter where in Florida they're all over because people want to see common sense you know we're the party of common sense it's not conservative liberal they don't want to be called liberal in where they want to use Progressive we're Progressive Progressive I I think liberal is more appropriate Progressive is such a beautiful word right you know Progressive Progressive means go forward they don't go forward they go backward as we rapidly rebuild American deterrence we will quickly restore peace and stability in our country but all over the world will make our country a much safer place we're in grave danger of a war Third World War I tell you before I even arrive at the Oval Office and as I said we're going to do things that are going to be shocking to people but what I'm going to do more than anything else I'm going to get things in line and we're going to prevent that World War II and if you look at what's going on with Ukraine and Russia if you look at on now there's an incursion into Russia then there'll be another incursion the other way then there'll be and then all of a sudden bad things will start to happen they're already starting by contrast if comrade Cala wins this November World War II is virtually guaranteed to happen everything she touches she destroys everything that she's touched you look at her life she was district attorney in San Francisco the place went to hell it's the best city in the world probably 15 18 years ago 20 years ago maybe in the whole world it was one of the best cities in the world then she becomes the Attorney General of the State of California that place went to hell it was helped by Gavin nsam it was helped nsam helped but uh she did a she was terrible and it's crime ridden and it's I mean you can't walk down the sidewalk anymore any that's just unbelievable what's happened to that state so sad best weather beautiful ocean Beau everything is good but they've they've just let it go to hell and she was and she's going to do the same thing to the United States and when she says I'll let you Frack her whole career she said no fracking Pennsylvania in particular no because they get tremendous wealth from fracking uh they're going to be stopped 100% they're going to be stopped she just changed your view a few months ago you got to see you know she ran against Biden there were 22 people running she was the first to leave she quit because she went down like that and she was the first one out she never made it to the first state in the primary she never made it to Iowa never made it to Iowa she didn't get one vote and she still hasn't gotten one vote and she won't have one vote think of it Biden I'm not a fan of Biden I think he was terrible a terrible president what he did to our country you look at him with the planes and the stairs and the falling all over place and he had no idea what the hell was happening he couldn't find his way off the stage a stare here stare there stare I got stairs all over the place he'd finish his speech and look around where am I his speech is lasted the nice part it was good in the hot sun CU they lasted for about 2 minutes and you could go home but nobody would come anyway but we can't let her she's much worse much worse than him actually cuz she's actually more radical he never believed it he just did it for votes I don't know why you get votes by having open borders you know she wants open borders if she became president in four years you'd have 60 to 70 million people from all over the world and it's not just South America and remember they're releasing them from their jails and their prisons they're coming out of jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums then we have hundreds and probably thousands of terrorists that have come into our country we probably have a few here welcome welcome but we probably have a few here and she's all for it and now she's saying and you see what she's saying well the wall was largely built we were adding space onto the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall I actually took it cuz Congress gave us a hard time and the Democrats were brutal we had 11 lawsuits and we won all 11 but I took it out of the military I called it an invasion of our country it was an invasion and we built hundreds of miles of wall and then I was going to do 200 extra we ordered it it was there and we had that rotten horrible election that horrible election where we did much better than we did the first time and bad things happened and all of a sudden I hear that they want to have open borders and I thought they were kidding who the hell wants open borders and then they said we'll give you health care you know now they're saying all about how they're getting tough in the borders and how they were tough except they have a couple of problems do you know that we flew in a million people airplanes over the top of the Border beautiful airanes they're flying them in if you want to stop people you're not flying them in on airplanes and many other things no they wanted open borders and we have a country that's loaded up with many many criminals right now of the worst they emptied their jail they emptied their jails and prisons they emptied their mental institutions into our country largely now they're continuing to do it but if you look at many of these countries that we're talking about frankly who can blame them they're dropping their prisoners into the United States of America they're dropping all of these people into the United States including their mental institution people any terrorist they have they're dropping them into the United States we're taking hundred of thousands of people that were in jail for murder you take a look at Venezuela their jails are half and I'm surprised half because frankly I would have worked faster than that if I were running it I would have had all of them out of there by now they go to karacus they take all their gang members all of their Killers their murderers their drug dealers they take them and they're putting them into the United States and their crime is down 72% in fact next time what we'll do instead of North Carol Carolina we'll have our next little gathering in Venezuela because it will be much safer than being in our country if these people win you're not going to have any meetings you're not going to have anything there'll be chaos in our country and we just can't let it happen we can't let it happen we can't let it happen remember when Biden sent Kamala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine she met with Putin and then 3 days later he attacked how did she do you think she did a good job she met with Putin to tell him don't do it and 3 days later he attacked that's when the attack started did you know that General should have sent you but over a half a million they say are dead or wounded but it's a much higher number than that and everything lies in ruined look we are going to fight like hell to win this election they are going to cheat like hell to win the election because they have no bounds they have no bounds I've said to some Republicans once in a place called Philadelphia which I love I went to school in Philadelphia but it's suffering tremendously like Chicago like every Democrat run city is suffering but I said like why do we allow them to do it do Republicans do what they do with the stuffing the boxes with all of the different things they do sir we're proud Americans and that's really the right thing to say but they have no bounds we have to win this election if we don't win this election we are in such trouble as a country we're in trouble right now but you have the right guy to straighten it out I'll get it straightened out I'll get it straightened out fast we're going to have peace through strength all over the world like we had just a short while ago and I just want to say closing is it's an honor to have served for four years I wish we didn't have this break the only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get because we've never had a country that's been in shape like this country is in right now we have squalor in our streets our vets are disregarded living on sidewalks and freezing cold and unbelievably hot cities all over the country and yet we have people coming in to our country that are living in luxury hotels this is what we have we're going to straighten out our country through Common Sense we're going to straighten out our country with the United States of America with the greatest country in the world we're not going to let this continue to go we're going to straighten it out we're going to make it bigger better stronger than ever before we're going to bring in business we're going to use tariffs to take take advantage of our great strength and to frankly hurt countries that are hurting us and have been hurting us on trade for many many years right now China is building massive Auto plants in Mexico and they think that those plants are going to make cars and they're going to sell them across the line for no tax no anything destroy what's left in Detroit which frankly compared to years ago is very little and South Carolina and many other places we're not going to let it happen and we will charge them 150 or 200% tariff and all of that investment that they made is now worthless we're not going to let them do that we're not going to let them destroy our automobile industry the United Auto Workers has a grossly incompetent man at the head they want to make all electric cars and Elon Musk is a friend of mine you saw he endorsed me very strongly and he understands that I'm right and I love electric cars that they have an incredible purpose they have an incredible purpose they're unbelievable what they can do and he makes a great product but I told him I said you know before you endorse you have to understand we have to have gasoline propelled cars again we have more Liquid Gold than anybody anywhere in the world more than Saudi Arabia more than Russia we have more than anybody we're going to quadruple that business we're going to be much bigger than both of them put together we're going to pay down debt we're going to reduce your taxes I gave you the largest tax cut in history the largest regulatory cuted history that created all of the jobs and when Biden talks about jobs by the way because they lie so much the jobs he created almost all of them almost 100% people say more than 100% went to illegal aliens the other remember this the numbers sound good because they're called bounceback jobs we had a pandemic people were laid off and then as soon and this is common for ages when a pandemic goes you have bounced back the businesses and we had we not done what we did with money probably some of you benefited but we we would have been in a 1929 style depression we did it just right the problem is they came in they no longer needed money we gave them a country that was fixed and more people died during Biden think of that than died during us from covid many more people died during them but think of this we gave them a country and they blew it because they took so much they took trillions and trillions of money they kept feeding it and that's what caused along with their bad energy policies that's what caused this tremendous inflation which is destroying the people of our country and frankly it's contagious it's all over the world but we're the ones that started it with their bad policy so we're going to work very hard we've got to win we've got to win this state this state is a very very big state to to win we've won it twice and we're going to win it again I said to a couple of the people I said so let me ask you how are we doing compared to four years ago and eight years ago they said sir you're much hotter you're more popular I hope that's true but we won it twice and all I can do is pledge to you that we're going to do a great job for North Carolina we're going to do a great job for the United States of America we put America first and we're gonna make America great again thank you all very much thank you thank you very much everybody thank you very much everybody it's great to be here what a place did you like the fly over that was pretty good we were going low and fast we were that was moving along I was pretty low uh just want to thank JD's doing a fantastic job and I want to thank North Carolina I love North Carolina I love them 76 days from now we're going to win this state and we're going to win the White House that beautiful beautiful building that beautiful building I want to thank Senator tedb who's doing such a great job Senator Ted bu thank you thank you great job Ted Mark Robinson he's out there he's fighting he's fighting he's a great one and I think we have a lot of our sheriffs here don't we have where are they will this stage hold them I'd love to bring them up come on Sheriff's get up here Mark come on we got I don't know if the stage is going to hold him but if it doesn't we've had bigger risks than this right come on sheriffs if you weigh more than 200 lb don't come up I'm only kiding come on all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] I don't know if this thing going to it but if it doesn't we're not going to get wor [Music] [Applause] just so you know these are great people but I want to get them the hell off the stage cuz I guarantee they didn't have this in mind when they built this thank goodness Mark lost a lot of weight over the last couple of months I'm very you did actually well I want to thank you all very much you are the reason we're able to be here and that you have a safe State and a great state thank you all very much thank you that's some group that's some group of people for endorsements too every group virtually in the country law enforcements endorsed us thank you very much thanks Mark good luck Mark win got to win he's got to win got to win he's a good man thank you oh I feel much better I feel very much better that they got off the stage I had no idea what was going to happen but it's not that far down you know it's I had no idea what was I'm a big structural guy but I want to thank also members of Congress Richard Hudson and Byron Donald's two Warriors two great people too unbelievable where's Byron thank you very much thank you very much to where's Byron oh look at him over there he knows how to get attention look at that guy he's been my friend for a long time thank you for everything Byron and you have thank you very much Cong professional candidate Mark Harris Mark hi Mark good going Mark good numbers good numbers Brad knot and Addison McDow they're all going to be winners very soon young good-looking people thank you very much great the State House speaker Tim Moore Tim where is Tim oh he's nice and safe back there oh hello Tim I appreciate it Tim and Neil Jackson State Rep Neil Jackson thank you very much thank you Neil RNC chairman Michael Watley what a job he's doing what a job he's doing and North Carolina GOP chairman Jason Simmons who's been a friend of ours for a long time where's Jason nice tall character right here thank you very much Jason and somebody that's been with me from day one a real he's a real general you know we have the real generals then we have the fake woke generals that did so poorly in Afghanistan should have all been fired but this is a real General Keith Kellogg right Keith and this is a great group it's good to see you Keith he's been with me from before day one right he said that guy should run we got to get him to run I like those guys they were here before I ran you know there's quite a few of them too we have the front row Joe's you know that and very importantly we have the most magnificent women first time you know we have they travel all over the country to be with us for rallies they're at close to a couple of hundred rallies I don't know what their husbands are doing about this this is a little crazy look how beautiful and they're from North Carolina and and for a change they don't have to travel so far right how far are you from here two hours two hours is nothing it's a pretty big state actually thank you very much as always you are special special people great women they love our country before we begin I want to address the massive Scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning a little while ago just before I came up I got to see him and it really isn't a revision it's a total lie total lie there's never been any revision like this they wanted it to come out after the election but somehow it got leaked it got leaked government leaks too the Harris Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America the new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the administration padded the numbers with an extra listen to this one 88,000 jobs that don't exist so they said they existed and they never did exist they built them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing no we've never had numbers like this they don't exist they thought they could do it sometime after you know we have an election coming up very quickly but they wanted this to come out after November 5th when it wouldn't have meant so much but it came out a little early so there's a patriot in there someplace right the real numbers are much worse than that and comrade Cala you know she's comrade the most most radical left person ever to run for a high political office in our country gets another four years millions of jobs and it'll vanish overnight she gets four more years you're going to see jobs vanish millions and millions will vanish and inflation will completely destroy our country we'll have inflation worse than they've given us you know when I gave it to them I had virtually no inflation and now their number is up to 22 23% but their real number is probably 40 to 50% because a lot of the things in their numbers aren't included I saw another one where the FBI releases crime statistics and they weren't that bad and then they left out little things like New York Chicago they left out various areas and that wasn't so good your life savings will be totally wiped out and uh if you put somebody like that in there with him how about him how about him she'll destroy our country just like she destroyed San Francisco just like she destroyed California with a trump Victory we will once again have the greatest economy in history we're going to do things that are going to make us so great so fast we're going to bring it back we're going to make America strong again we're going to make America great again going to be fantastic it's going to be fantastic so I just want to thank you very much for your support because I've always had I've always had fantastic support from you thank you thank you very much we have a job to do you know we have a job to do we had some very good polls this morning despite their charade I call it the party the Democrats party do you know five people in Chicago were killed in the last little while since the that charade that they have going on they mentioned my name I think 271 times they mentioned the economy like 12 times they mentioned the Border maybe none they don't talk about the Border our great borders are doesn't talk about the Border but they mentioned me more than any other category I'm now category they had me down today as a category that's all they talk about Trump we've driven them crazy they have Trump derangement syndrome we've driven them crazy and they should be driven crazy they've done a terrible job for our country in every single way there's not a thing they've done well except cheat and lie they lie about stats no they lied about the crime numbers the crime numbers it didn't look bad then they found out that many of the worst places weren't included in the numbers and that was done by the FBI which is sad four years ago our country was strong and respected like never before our allies admired us our enemies feared us because everyone knew that as an American president I was all about putting America first that's true under my leadership we rebuilt the United States military created space force and we made our allies pay their fair share and their Fair dues you know we went to Nato we say you're not paying you got to pay if you remember President Bush would go and he'd make a speech Obama would go he'd make a speech they all made speeches this one didn't even make a speech this last one but I went I said uh nobody's paying you got to pay and they did paid hundreds of billions of dollars they said well does that mean you won't support us if we don't pay I said that's what it means I had to say that every I got a lot of heat for that people the the fake news oh that's a lot of fake news wow that's a lot of fake news no the fake news gave me a hard time for that the fake news was saying uh what a terrible thing to say to our allies our allies weren't paying and I said you got to pay we were paying for everybody so they take advantage of us on trade and then we also pay for the military that somehow doesn't work so they had to pay they paid hundreds of billions of dollars but I said to him no that means I will not protect you I will not protect you they said sir if we're attacked by Russia will you protect us used to be Soviet Union now Russia will you protect us they said are you paid no let's assume we're not paid then you're delinquent right well yes that's an old real estate term you're delinquent yes no we will not protect you the the Press went crazy that I said and you know what if I would have said the other way they would have never paid hundreds of billions were sent in to Nato but we defeated Isis we killed the world's top terrorists we we secured our borders we achieved energy Independence we stood up to China we protected Israel we made peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and more more more we did things like nobody ever heard of and we brought our troops mostly back home we didn't start any wars for 79 years it was before we didn't start wars 79 80 years everybody said oh he's going to start wars with his attitude no my attitude kept us out of Wars I sto Wars with phone calls Russia should have never happened with Ukraine would have never happened if I were president would have never happened no there was no talk of that would have never ever happened with Putin would have never happened and Israel October 7th would have never happened Iran would have never done that they had very little money at that point now they're rich as hell but Biden allowed that to happen and Cala where's Biden what happened to Biden where is he he's on a Beat he's on a beach you know he's got somebody that thinks he looks great in a bathing suit he likes to go to a beach how do you hell how do you leave here and go on a beach you can't do it there are things you just don't do people don't want to see you in a bathing suit walks badly it's hard to walk in the sand you know he has a hard time lifting his feet through the sand and then he grabs he grabs a chair the chair is meant for old people to lift and young kids to lift like you know four-year-old kids right and he can't lift it he needs a little help the whole thing is crazy how we ever got that is crazy and what happened to our country with inflation and with disrespect from all over the world and all these wars are starting all over the place and we're very close to a third world war and don't kid yourself because they are laughing but they're not laughing too much you're a little worried about a certain person winning the election we had some very good polls today and if that happens you're not going to have any third world wars every American was safer under President Trump in fact the entire world was safer when I sat behind that beautiful Resolute desk in the Oval Office you know I heard the other day for the first time I heard Biden say the beautiful Resolute does he never said that before they copy me when I say We're a nation in Decline guys are copying me they then they say they shouldn't say that but they thought the word words were beautiful but they copy me all the time in that case it was Republicans that were copying me because they happen to be right so I don't mind if a republican copies me any of you guys want to copy me but it's a sad thing to have to say but they copy me the Resolute desk he never mentioned that he doesn't even know what the hell the Resolute desk is exactly three years ago this month the weakness and incompetence of Camala Harris and crooked Joe Biden delivered the most humiliating event in the history of of our country and one of the biggest military disasters in the history of the world as far as I'm concerned no one will ever forget the horrifying images of their catastrophic Retreat from Afghanistan desperate Afghans fell to their deaths from the wheels of us cargo planes that were 3,000 ft up in the air bloodthirsty terrorists poured out of the prisons after Biden and Harris surrendered bogram one of the largest air military bases anywhere in the world we spent billions and billions of dollars building it many years ago and you know it was important to keep it I was never leaving that I would have been out faster than them I said that's up we're there for 20 almost 21 years and I said what are we doing what are we doing here and we had no soldiers killed for 18 months while I was there because they knew don't play around with our soldiers they were they were killing them they were killing them under Obama did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always say sir please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they're getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy sir you must stick to policy you'll win It On the Border you'll win it with inflation you'll win it with your great military that you built that they gave away $85 billion is worth of it in Afghanistan sir you're going to win it on crime the crime is running through the streets like never before you're going to win it on all of these things and maybe especially I think two things the economy inflation because I view them together what they've done to inflation and they closed it with energy what they did with energy so stupid if we were there our energy we would be so dominant all over the world right now we were already energy independent I made you energy independent but we would be energy dominant we'd be paying back debt we'd be reducing your taxes still further we gave you the largest tax cuts ever and uh a lot of good things were going to happen but now we're just going to have to sort of call it a delay of four years but these people don't have any idea what they're doing you had 13 heroic US service members were tragically and needlessly killed I got to know a lot of the relatives friends and mothers and fathers of those 13 people 45 others were horrifically wounded and $85 billion doll worth of the best military equipment anywhere in the world was handed over to these people in fact Afghanistan is now one of the largest arms Merchants anywhere in the world did you know that they're selling our equipment at tremendous prices they're selling our beautiful we had 70,000 armored trucks many of them armored armored trucks and vehicles think of this we have had 700,000 rifles and guns seven I actually say what the hell did they need so many for 700,000 rifles and guns we had goggles brand new right out of the box you know they didn't fight at night because they never had goggles right good Fighters they never had goggles now they have brand new goggles all left by the by the Biden Harris Administration gave them billions and billions of dollars just gave it to them and now they sell that equipment because they don't need 700,000 rifles they need 20,000 little difference they don't need 70,000 Vehicles they need 500 Vehicles you have to ask yourself who bought all that stuff in the first place who bought it all how disgusted we're all when we see all of us are when we see 3 days ago when we viewed their parade our military equipment running down the middle of their Main Avenue brand new beautiful armor plated trucks tanks and vehicles running down the middle and they're all celebrating because we have stupid people running our government and she'll be worse than Biden because he wasn't really a Believer but she's a radical left believer she ruined San Francisco she ruined California and if if she gets in our country doesn't have a chance This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will be comrade because I think that's the most accurate name you I've been looking for name people were saying sir don't do it you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I really didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called her crooked Hillary I call people names I call crazy Nancy poosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts you know Biden is really angry you know he's very angry he was so angry the other night he's like seething I you ever see a guy make a speech is such anger and so uncomfortable just shouting but he's terrible he's just terrible should have never been there we all know that should have never been there what they've done to this country is incredible but she bragged that she would be the last person in the room and she was she was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan and by the way pulling them out was absolutely right I was going to do it I'm the one that got the soldiers down to 5,000 people I was going to do it but we were going to get out last you don't pull the soldiers out first you let the soldiers stay last asked and the head of the Taliban respected me Abdul I had conversations with him after my conversations not one soldier in 18 months was killed but you pull the soldiers out last Millie and these guys you know we have great generals but Millie and Mattis and these guys they didn't know what the I call them television generals the television generals are no good but the generals that defeated Isis for me were great we have great we have a great military but she had the final vote she had the final say and she was all for it you take the soldiers out if I took that young person right there about five or six years old beautiful young person and if I said I gave little details like about 30 seconds worth of details would you take the military out first or last sir I'd take the military out last but they took it out first and then we left hostages we left all of the equipment we left everything and we left barram and now China is occupying barram barram being one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons wouldn't it been nice to have our big fat beautiful base it was probably built there for that reason but China one hour away and now China is occupying that massive big base some of the biggest runways in the world they could hold heavier loads than any runways in the world under my leadership we were getting out of Afghanistan but we were going to get out with dignity pride and with strength when I left office we had not lost a single service member in the combat in Afghanistan in more than 18 months and then we had that horrible day where we lost so many and so many were so badly hurt arms legs gone face just obliterated we lost so many great people that day nobody talks about the people that were so badly injured they never mention them I always mention them all over the world our adversaries knew that America was not to be trifled with when I was your commanderin-chief but and you know it's very interesting uh if you look at Hungary very strong country very strong leader Victor orbon he said the only thing that's going to save the whole world is Trump has to be president again we had no problem we had no problems he said we had no problems I don't use the term but he did he said China was afraid of them Russia was afraid of him they were said oh I was so friendly to Russia I'm the one that stopped the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 nobody ever here the biggest development they ever had to feed oil all over Europe I stopped it and then Biden comes in and he gives them everything he gave him the pipeline they built the pipeline but I stopped it Putin said that's the worst thing that's ever happened to us I said I'm sorry I have to do it and he approves it right away and then they say Trump was not strong on Russia I think they were they got it wrong Putin actually said if you weren't strong I'd like to find out how bad would you be if you were strong because you were brutal but you know I got along with him it's good to get along with these countries I got along with China that wouldn't have happened what's happening right now now they're planning an attack on Taiwan there's no question about that that wouldn't have happened was it going to happen they knew that you weren't allowed to do that Putin would have never gone into Ukraine Israel would have never been attacked it's a sad sad situation so many people are dead so many people are gone so many cities you look at Ukraine those cities are just wiped off the face of the Earth they're outside of Kiev and a couple of others that basically just flattened far more people dead than they let you know it's like your numbers that were released fraudulently today far more people dead in that war than anybody would know when those big buildings come tumbling down hit with rockets so ridiculous there's nothing left it's so ridiculous but since the Afghanistan catastrophe it's been open season on America and our allies I really believe that the Afghan disaster what happened the stupidity and the way we pulled out and the bedum and all of that it would have been very smooth we were going to get out with strength and dignity but when Putin saw that he said wow those people don't know what they're doing they're overrated and he went in and same thing happened with Iran Iran was not going to play with us and now Iran is a rich Nation they were they have $300 billion they had no money and in three and a half years they made three and they made 300 billion $300 billion they have right now they made it all in three and A2 years they had none when I left and we would made a fair deal with them they can't have a nuclear weapon very simple you can't have a nuclear weapon other than that we want you to have great lives but uh I do hear they're after me but you know that's the way it is look I'm here for you and I'm here even for the world we want to stop world wars because the equipment is so devastating now a world war is obliteration we can't have a World War every dictator Tyrant and Terrorist on the planet knows that they can get away with murder under Camala and crooked Joe kidnappers are getting millions and millions of dollars but now they're getting billions they getting billions what did you get for the four people that we released sir they got $6 billion what is six billion does anyone know what that means six bill they got $6 billion people get kidnapped and you know they ask for like how about $1,000 how about 500 they got $6 billion from these idiots and you know what happens when that happens a lot of people are going to get kidnapped because they say we're dealing with stupid people a lot of people we got we had 59 people that were hostage some in North Korea that's about as tough as it gets we got people out without paying for anything we never gave money we didn't want to give money if we gave money all they do is they go around kidnapping everybody these people give not only do they give six billion they got the prince of death out he's the number one arms Merchant in the world Russia got him as part of one of the deals the number one arms Merchant in the world we got a couple of people but you know why were they there and why did they do what they did but they got some of the most criminal the toughest meanest criminals anywhere in the world on top of that we paid them billions and billions of dollars we're run by very stupid people I'd like to use a different word I'd like to use a much more sophisticated word but there's no word I can think of incompetent how about incompetent as a result peace in Europe has been Shattered by the largest European land War since the fall of Nazi Germany this is the largest War there's been and this war is going to escalate and escalate when if but when I have to always say if you know because they cheat I would say win if they didn't cheat but they cheat that's the one thing they're great at cheating in elections if we win I'll get that thing settled before I take the office I'll get it settled as President elect I'll get that war stopped with Russia yeah we'll get that stopped Ukraine and Russia we going to get it stopped and quickly it'll be done before I get to office it would not have happened if I was President it wasn't going to happen in the Middle East the Jewish people have suffered the worst atrocities and deadliest attacks since the Holocaust there's no question about that the United States has been forced to abandon more embassies under comrade Kamala than at any time in our history we're just and we're running out it's not like we're leaving we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build you got to see these embassies in the middle of nowhere in a country you've never even heard of they spent 900 million to build an embassy the whole thing is crazy the world is on fire and Kamala and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War III that's what we're in I think General you would probably agree you're one of the experts I would think right I don't even talk you about that lately it's so out of control I don't even have to bother I just say look take a look but one of the great experts and uh we're on the brink that's why this November Americans are going to Tell kamla Harris Kamala that we've had enough we can't take it anymore you're doing a terrible job comrade Harris you're fired get out of here you're fired you're no good you're fired get him out of here all you have to do is take a look at San Francisco look at the job she did she had one policy if you steal less than $1,000 basically 950 to be exact I want to be accurate for purposes of reporters the fake news media they want accuracy they don't have to be accurate but we have to be accurate but if you still less than $950 they basically leave you alone so I have guys going in robbing stores with a calculator let's see this is $100 did you notice this is not going to happen in North Carolina I don't think is it let's see that's A1 that's $59 bing bing bing bing stop stop stop we don't want to go over 95 they walk out with it nobody does a thing starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the oath of office I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace we're going to return the world to peace and mostly I can do it with a telephone call you know we don't have to send troops I can do it with a telephone call you go to war with another country that's friendly to us or even not friendly to us you're not going to do business in the United States and we're going to charge you 100% tariffs and all of a sudden the president or prime minister or dictator or whoever the hell is running the country says to me sir we won't go to war I I talked I talked this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls I don't have to send in the troops one of my most urgent priorities will be to quickly rebuild the Readiness and spirit of the United States armed forces and we had it built we rebuilt it we rebuilt the whole military but it was decimated under this group of stupid people you know we had so much when I came in we had no ammunition did you know that remember I used to talk about it and I said if it's true which it was why would you say that we had people on television well the United States has no ammunition you know some things you just keep to yourself right do you remember I used to from North Carolina do you remember I used to talk about that all the time those are my best Witnesses those ladies there's about 40 of them they're all over the place and they're always perfectly quaffed and perfectly dressed they're beautiful and they're great but no I used to talk all the time if you have no bullets I can ask this group of leaders you don't talk about it but you get the bullets really fast right so within a year I had so much that our warehouses were stocked to the gills we never had so much I bought so much missiles everything I rebuilt our military but that's been all dissipated now again because we give it away to everybody and for nothing I mean they don't do anything for us we don't get anything we don't even get a pledge that we'll pay you back someday if we have the money how about that pay you back someday if we have the money you know uh I sponsor athletes sometimes if I see somebody that I like in sports I sponsor some golfers usually doesn't typically work out I don't know if you know it's like a 5,000 to one shot but I'm good at that stuff and I can see talent and I'll give them a few thousand I'll give them $50 ,000 I'll say you know you're really good you could make it why don't you why aren't you trying out for the tour sir I have no money I have to give lessons I have no money he said you're too good to give lessons you can be a tour player I said I don't have any money I said here's $50,000 and here's the deal if you do well you pay me back with no interest just good luck if you don't do well which you probably won't CU it's very hard they say the worst is a boxer if you sponsor a box they're all great they're winning all their fights and then they turn professional and they go in and this goes with UFC run by Dana White one of the greats of all time which is really taken over for boxing but it's the same thing and people sponsor people and they get what they get but the worst is that what's wrong oh a doctor please it is very hot here I noticed it's very hot and a lot of the people waited for days to get here so I understand it take your time doctor take your time thank [Applause] you yeah take your time please love you sir Pres [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we [Applause] [Music] thank you very much you know they come two days three days early and it's a long it's a lot of stress we lose them the only ones we don't lose the front row Joe's I don't know what they have going they they have something going here governor thank you very much thanks doctor but America is blessed with the greatest military in the world but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical left politicians and some generals and at the top they woke they woke we don't want woke generals we want generals that know how to win and we have them we proved that when we wiped out Isis didn't we proved it sir it'll take 5 years we did it in three three weeks I think we did it in three weeks we have the greatest military in the world but you need the great leaders otherwise your military will can never be great everywhere I go soldiers and Veterans tell me how angry they are that not one person has been held accountable for the Afghanistan catastrophe he never fired anybody you know I fire a lot of people when they don't do a good job then they come back and write books you know they hate you but that's okay when you don't fire people they never write books you know but I fired a lot of people I wasn't happy with their service I wasn't happy with the job they did and I fire them I let them go I mean I'm I'm working for you I'm not doing this for myself but when you fire them they always come back with something and now nobody's ever been in the position where you know they get offered all sorts of money from the fake news and everything else and fame we're going to make you famous all you have to do is make up some stories about Trump but uh people don't seem to care it's it's phony stuff phony horrible they're lightweights they're terrible people you know when I came don't forget I didn't know anybody in Washington I'm president of the United States I'm going down Pennsylvania Avenue with that biggest load of military and police and motorcycles and everything you've ever seen and I didn't know anybody I said to my wife I don't know a lot of people but the people I know I got recommendations from a lot of good people well-meaning people some were good most were great but we had some bad ones too but now I know them all in Washington I know the good ones the weak ones guys like this I know the weak ones and the bad ones General we know the we know the dumb ones and the Smart Ones don't we we know them all but the voters will hold kamla and Joe accountable for this November when I take office and they're going to be held accountable for what they've done to this country right thank you I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster I want their resignations immediately and I want them on the desk in the Oval Office the Resolute desk I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day everybody involved with that disaster when you have a disaster so stupid as that that caused us such problem you don't know what that's done to the reputation of our country the Afghanistan disaster this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world and America Military and everybody else they want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence and it's just not acceptable that something like that could happen these are Fighters they fight with broken old obsolete weapons and knives we have f-16s we have F3 5S F 32s and we were knocking the hell out of them just knocking the hell out of them it was easy but I said what the hell are we doing this for let's get the hell out of there we were getting out with such strength they were so happy they couldn't believe it and then these people came in and it's it's horrible to even think about what happened and countries all over the world lost respect for us because of Afghanistan we demand success and we demand vict Victory we wanton Victory from our soldiers and from everybody else under comrade kamla Harris and I call her that because has never been she's a Marxist okay I was saying do you think she's a Marxist or a communist to people that really study this stuff they weren't able to tell me they said it could be all the way it could be communist but she's damn close they said it was definitely one or the other but they couldn't actually tell me was it communist or Marxist sure it's one or the other we're not sure we'll figure it out but under comrade kamla our military has been abused for radical social experiments on day one I will get critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our us Armed Forces we're taking it out our Warriors should be focused on defeating America's enemies not figuring out their genders by that time hopefully they know their genders Marxist ideologies have no place in combat think of it they go in and they decide oh it's they going to change my gender no no we we want them to know their gender when they go in you have no idea the disruption that that has caused and the fake news refuses to report it you know when I did a ban I went to a lot of good generals I said I'm not going to tell you names just tell me is it the right thing or the wrong thing the wrong thing sir it's the wrong thing and I had unanimous support and then we did it I didn't do it other people did it they reversed me as soon as they got in like almost the first day I didn't do it but uh they allowed things to happen to our military that just not right if you want to have a sex change or a social justice seminar then you can do it somewhere else but you're not going to do it in the Army Navy Coast Guard Air Force Space force or the United States Marines sorry you're not going to do it there the military brass that led these absurd and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed and they will no longer be in command they're going to be gone gone so fast crooked Joe purged 8,000 service members from our military for refusing their covid vaccine mandate they refused to do it we didn't want a mandate the Mandate you can't for you just can't do that I will rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and with back pay they will get their back pay and an apology from our government hopefully they have great jobs right now and they're making a lot of money but if they want to come back in they get an apology and we sign them up and they get their back pay should have never happened the Mandate stuff should have never happened thanks to comade kamla and Joe Biden morale in our military is now so low that almost every single branch is suffering a major Recruitment and Retention crisis you know that upon taking office I will begin the largest peacetime recruitment Drive in the history of the UN forces we have to fill our Armed Forces with great people but they don't have Spirit now there's no Spirit used to bring other soldiers would bring their friends in now that doesn't happen almost never happens the sense of spirit pride and Prestige will soon come roaring back and reach levels never seen before we're going to make it so hot that I'm going to want to resign and join the military I don't know what rank I would start at I guess I start at private I don't know what rank would I have to start at General I have to start pretty low he said you'll start at the top all right then I'll stay here that's very good you'll start at the top he knows what they say America's military must always be unrivaled and unbeatable I mean I see reports coming out where they do studies and they said under these circumstances we'll lose a war to China number one if it's true why are we saying it and number two it shouldn't be true it shouldn't be true not going to happen why would they release a report like that for China to read we're vulnerable here she said they're idiots that's a good word too who's the woman that said that stand please who said that that's very good no it's true they're J say they're idiots now they released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas we need more this we need more that we're weak here we're weak there I don't know who does this report why would you release a report like that so after years that's like saying we have no ammunition ladies and gentlemen we have no ammunition at the time with the United States of America you know why we gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places we gave them everything empty our warehouses of all of our ammunition let's give it to people free of charge free of charge course billions free of charge everything's always free of charge so after years of horrific depletion with the comrade sending our missiles and airplanes ammunition to other countries I will make a historic investment in rebuilding the US Armed Forces I did that once before but I have to do it again because they've depleted it just like they've depleted the Strategic oil reserves you know we have the Strategic in all due respect is not for filling up your car so that you have 4 cents a gallon less and that you vote for crooked Joe it's not meant for that it's meant for war it's meant for tragedy it's meant for real stuff it's at the lowest point today in its history we almost have nothing left and we had it at a level that was such a beautiful thing to see we will increase funding but at the same time the days of blank checks for the weapon systems over the past are over I tell you what we will build though we're going to build a great Iron Dome over our country so that we don't have to get hit we give it to other countries we help Israel and other countries and Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago as you know but it didn't we didn't really have the technology then he was right but we didn't have the right Tech today we have unbelievable technology and you know we have other countries that have it this country should have it and we're going to make it right here and we're going to make it in other of our great places but a lot of it's going to come right out of your state it's time to create the Arsenal of the 21st century we need that that means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on The Cutting Edge investing heavily in drones and Robotics and artificial intelligence and hypersonics do you know hypersonics these are missiles that go seven times faster than a fast ordinary missile seven times faster so fast that for the most part you can't shut them down and you can't shoot them down they're going at levels of speed that nobody thought was possible do you know that was our technology that was stolen by Russia and Russia has them and I started them very quickly but somebody gave Russia years ago before me all of our plans and specs for Hypersonic missiles and they built them and we didn't he said built Linton it could be might have been in offness might have been a little after Bill Clinton I used to like Bill Clinton can you believe it it it could have been Barack Hussein Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know my advisers are fired no we'd rather keep it on policy but sometimes it's hard when you're attacked from all ends I mean they want to put you in jail for nothing for nothing for cases that the legal Scholars all over the country have said there is no case and they want to put you in jail and I could have done that to Hillary Clinton I could have put her in jail she turned away subpoenas and she damaged stuff and she wouldn't give things after a subpoena was sent after from the United States Congress I said to myself we want to bring the country together wouldn't it be terrible to put the wife of the president of the United States in jail wouldn't it be terrible and then I come out and they do it to me and there's no feeling as wouldn't it be terrible but we won the big case in Florida that was totally one and Biden didn't you know Biden documents I had the presidential records act I had I had the right to do whatever I wanted to do that was passed in like 1978 but Biden didn't have a right to do it because he wasn't president and he was there for 50 years he took stuff and the ruling was basically he's guilty as hell but he's got no memory he's a nice man with no memory actually they're wrong he's not a nice man and he has no memory he's not a nice man at all because he started weaponization and weaponization is a double prong that can come back to haunt them too it's a terrible thing for our country I can tell you a terrible thing for our country we need a dramatic increase in research we need a very dramatic increase in development and in so doing we will create countless American jobs including jobs right here in a place called North Carolina do we love North Carolina Laura Trump is from North Carolina she named her daughter Carolina the wife of Eric I now say that he's the husband of laa we change it he's great he's great and it's a great couple but she loves this place she just loves it she's here all the time and you know she comes and she uh we love her too she's just said she's amazing she's got a great talent and she along with Michael Watley are running the Republican National Committee and doing a great job you know a lot of times when you do that they'll say oh family let me say this is not a job that somebody this is a tough job and our primary focus is not to get out the vote it's to make sure they don't cheat cuz we have all the votes you you can see it every house along the way has signs Trump trump Trump trump Vance Trump Vance and by the way Vance is doing a great job Vance is doing a great job look at that beautiful red Vance no but these signs are all over the place I see it everywhere no matter where in Florida they're all over because people want to see common sense you know we're the party of common sense it's not conservative liberal they don't want to be called liberal in where they want to use Progressive we're Progressive Progressive I I think liberal is more appropriate Progressive is such a beautiful word right you know Progressive Progressive means go forward they don't go forward they go backward as we rapidly rebuild American deterrence we will quickly restore peace and stability in our country but all over the world will make our country a much safer place we're in grave danger of a war Third World War I tell you before I even arrive at the Oval Office and as I said we're going to do things that are going to be shocking to people but what I'm going to do more than anything else I'm going to get things in line and we're going to prevent that World War III and if you look at what's going on with Ukraine and Russia if you look at on now there's an incursion into Russia then there'll be another incursion the other way then there'll be and then all of a sudden bad things will start to happen they're already starting by contrast if comrade Camala wins this November World War II is virtually guaranteed to happen everything she touches she destroys everything that she's touched you look at her life she was district attorney in San Francisco the place went to hell it's the best city in the world probably 15 18 years ago 20 years ago maybe in the whole world it was one of the best cities in the world then she becomes the Attorney General of the State of California that place went to hell it was helped by Gavin nusum it was helped nsam help help but uh she did a she was terrible and it's crime ridden and it's I mean you can't walk down the sidewalk anywhere any it's just unbelievable what's happened to that state so sad best weather beautiful ocean everything is good but they've they've just let it go to hell and she was and she's going to do the same thing to the United States and when she says I'll let you Frack her whole career she said no frack in Pennsylvania in particular no because they get trend tremendous wealth from fracking uh they're going to be stopped 100% they're going to be stopped she just changed her view a few months ago you got to see you know she ran against Biden there were 22 people running she was the first to leave she quit because she went down like that and she was the first one out she never made it to the first state in the primary she never made it to Iowa never made it to Iowa she didn't get one vote and she still hasn't gotten one vote and she won't have one vote think of it Biden I'm not a fan of Biden I think he was terrible a terrible president what he did to our country you look at him with the planes and the stairs and the falling all over the place and he had no idea what the hell was happening he couldn't find his way off the stage a stare here stare there stare I got stairs all over the place he'd finish his speech and look around where am I his speech has lasted the nice part it was good in the hot sun cuz they lasted for about 2 minutes and you could go home but nobody would come anyway but we can't let her she's much worse much worse than him actually because she's actually more radical he never believed it he just did it for votes I don't know why you'd get votes by having open borders you know she wants open borders if she became president in four years you'd have 60 to 70 million people from all over the world and it's not just South America and remember they're releasing them from their jails and their prisons they're coming out of jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums then we have hundreds and probably thousands of terrorists that have come into our country we probably have a few here welcome welcome but we probably have a few here and she's all for it and now she's saying and you see what she's saying well the wall was largely built we were adding space onto the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall I actually took it cuz Congress gave us a hard time and the Democrats were brutal we had 11 lawsuits and we won all 11 but I took it out of the military I called it an invasion of our country it was an invasion and we built hundreds of miles of wall and then I was going to do 200 extra we ordered it it was there and we had that rotten horrible election that horrible election where we did much better than we did the first time and bad things happened and all of a sudden I hear that they want to have open borders and I thought they were kidding who the hell wants open borders and then they said we'll give you health care you know now they're saying all about how they're getting tough in the borders and how they were tough except they have a couple of problems do you know that we flew in a million people airplane over the top of the Border beautiful airanes they're flying them in if you want to stop people you're not flying them in on airplanes and many other things no they wanted open borders and we have a country that's loaded up with many many criminals right now of the worst they emptied their jails they empti their jails and prisons they empti their mental institutions into our country largely now they're continuing to do it but if you look at many of these countries that we're talking about frankly who can blame them they're dropping their prisoners into the United States of America they're dropping all of these people into the United States including their mental institution people any terrorist they have they're dropping them into the United States we're taking hundreds of thousands of people that were in jail for murder you take a look at Venezuela their jails are half and I'm surprised half because frankly I would have worked faster than that if I were running it I would have had all of them out of there by now they go to Caracus they take all their gang members all of their Killers their murderers their drug dealers they take them and they're putting them into the United States and their crime is down 72% in fact next time what we'll do instead of North Carolina we'll have our next little gathering in Venezuela because it will be much safer than being in our country if these people win you're not going to have any meetings you're not going to have anything there'll be chaos in our country and we just can't let it happen we can't let let it happen we can't let it happen remember when Biden sent Cala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine she met with Putin and then three days later he attacked how did she do you think she did a good job she met with Putin to tell him don't do it and three days later he attacked that's when the attack started did you know that General should have sent you but over a half a million they say are dead or wounded but it's a much higher number than that and everything lies in ruined look we are going to fight like hell to win this election they are going to cheat like hell to win the election because they have no bounds they have no bounds I've said to some Republicans once in a place called Philadelphia which I love I went to school in Philadelphia but it's suffering tremendously like Chicago like every Democrat run city is suffering but I said like why do we allow them to do it do Republicans do what they do with the stuffing the boxes with all of the different things they do sir we're proud Americans and that's really the right thing to say but they have no bounds we have to win this election if we don't win this election we are in such trouble as a country we're in trouble right now but you have the right guy to straighten it out I'll get it straightened out I'll get it straightened out first we're going to have peace through strength all over the world like we had just a short while ago and I just want to say closing is it's an honor to have served for four years I wish we didn't have this break the only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get because we've never had a country country that's been in shape like this country is in right now we have squalor in our streets our vets are disregarded living on sidewalks and freezing cold and unbelievably hot cities all over the country and yet we have people coming in to our country that are living in luxury hotels this is what we have we're going to straighten out our country through Common Sense we're going to straighten out our country with the United States of America with the greatest country in the world we're not going to let this continue to go we're going to straighten it out we're going to make it bigger better stronger than ever before we're going to bring in business we're going to use tariffs to take advantage of our great strength and to frankly hurt countries that are hurting us and have been hurting us on trade for many many years right now China is building massive Auto plants in Mexico and they think that those plants are going to make cars and they're going to sell them across the line for no tax no anything destroy what's left in Detroit which frankly compared to years ago is very little and South Carolina and many other places we're not going to let it happen we will charge them 150 or 200% tariff and all of that investment that they made is now worthless we're not going to let them do that we're not going to let them destroy our automobile industry the United M workers has a grossly incompetent man at the head they want to make all electric cars and Elon Musk is a friend of mine you saw he endorsed me very strongly and he understands that I'm right and I love electric cars and they have an incredible purpose they have an incredible purpose they're unbelievable what they can do and he makes a great product but I told him I said you know before you endorse you have to understand we have to have gasoline propelled cars again we have more Liquid Gold than anybody anywhere in in the world more than Saudi Arabia more than Russia we have more than anybody we're going to quadruple that business we're going to be much bigger than both of them put together we're going to pay down debt we're going to reduce your taxes I gave you the largest tax cut in history the largest regulatory cut in history that created all of the jobs and when Biden talks about jobs by the way because they lie so much the jobs he created almost all of them almost 100% people say more than than 100% went to illegal aliens the other remember this the numbers sound good because they're called bounceback jobs we had a pandemic people were laid off and then as soon and this is common for ages when a pandemic goes you have bounced back the businesses and we had we not done what we did with money probably some of you benefited but we we would have been in a 1929 style depression we did a just right the problem is they came in they no longer needed money we gave them a country that was fixed and more people died during Biden think of that then died during us from Co many more people died during them but think of this we gave them a country and they blew it because they took so much they took trillions and trillions of money they kept feeding it and that's what caused along with their bad energy policies that's what caused this tremendous inflation which is destroying the people of our country and frankly it's contagious it's all over the world but we're the ones that started with a bad policy so we're going to work very hard we've got to win we've got to win this state this state is a very very big state to win we've won it twice and we're going to win it again I said to a couple of the people I said so let me ask you how are we doing compared to four years ago and eight years ago they said sir you're much hotter you're more popular I hope that's true but we won it twice and all I can do is pledge to you that we're going to do a great job for North Carolina we're going to do a great job for the United States of America we put America First and we're going to make America great again thank you all very much thank you thank you very much everybody thank you very much everybody it's great to be here what a place did you like the fly over that was pretty good we were going low and fast we were that was moving along I was pretty low uh just want to thank JD is doing a fantastic job and I want to thank North Carolina I love North Carolina I love them 76 days from now we're going to win this state and we're going to win the White House that beautiful beautiful building that beautiful building I want to thank senator Ted Bud who's doing such a great job Senator tedb thank you thank you great job Ted Mark Robinson he's out there he's fighting he's fighting he's a great one and I think we have a lot of our sheriffs here don't we have where are they will this stage hold them I'd love to bring them up come on Sheriff's get up here Mark come on we got I don't know if the stage is going to hold him but if it doesn't we've had bigger risks than this right come on sheriffs if you weigh more than 200 lb don't come up I'm only kid come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know I don't know that's a lot [Music] [Applause] I don't know we're not [Music] [Applause] just so you know these are great people but I want to get them the hell off the stage cuz I guarantee they didn't have this in mind when they built this thank goodness Mark lost a lot of weight over the last couple of months I'm very you did actually well I want to thank you all very much you are the reason we're able to be here and that you have a safe State and a great state thank you all very much thank you that's some group that's some group of people for endorsements too every group virtually in the country law enforcements endorsed us thank you very much thanks Mark good luck Mark win got to win he's got to win got to win he's a good man thank you oh I feel much better I feel very much better that they got off the stage I had no idea what was going to happen but it's not that far down you know it's I had no idea what was I'm a big structural guy but I want to thank also members of Congress Richard Hudson and Byron Donald's two Warriors two great people too unbelievable where's Byron thank you very much thank you very much to where's Byron oh look at him over there he knows how to get attention look at that guy he's been my friend for a long time thank you for everything Byron and you have thank you very much Congressional candidate Mark Harris Mark hi Mark good going Mark good numbers good numbers Brad KN and Addison McDow they're all going to be winners very soon young good-looking people thank you very much great the State House speaker Tim Moore Tim where is Tim oh he's nice and safe back there oh hello Tim I appreciate it Tim and Neil Jackson State Rep Neil Jackson thank you very much thank you Neil RNC chairman Michael Watley what a job he's doing what a job he's doing and North Carolina GOP chairman Jason Simmons who's been a friend of ours for a long time where's Jason nice tall character right here thank you very much Jason and somebody that's been with me from day one a real he's a real general you know we have the real generals and we have the fake woke generals that did so poorly in Afghanistan should have all been fired but this is a real General Keith Kellogg right Keith and this is a great group it's good to see you Keith he's been with me from before day one right he said that guy should run we got to get him to run I like those guys they were here before I ran you know there's quite a few of them too we have the front row Joe's you know that and very importantly we have the most magnificent women first time you know we have they travel all over the country to be with us for rallies are at close to a couple of hundred rallies I don't know what their husbands are doing about this this is a little crazy look how beautiful and they're from North Carolina and and for a change they don't have to travel so far right how far are you from here two hours two hours is nothing it's a pretty big state actually thank you very much as always you are special special people great women they love our country before we begin I want to address the massive Scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning a little while ago just before I came up I got to see him and it really isn't a revision it's a total lie total lie there's never been any revision like this they wanted it to come out after the election but somehow it got leaked it got leaked government leaks too the Harris Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America the new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the administration padded the numbers with an extra listen to this one 88,000 jobs that don't exist so they said they existed and they never did exist they built them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing no we've never had numbers like this they don't exist they thought they could do it sometime after you know we have an election coming up very quickly but they wanted this to come out after November 5th when it wouldn't have meant so much but it came out a little early so there's a patriot in there someplace right the real numbers are much worse than that and comrade Cala you know she's comrade the most most radical left person ever to run for a high political office in our country gets another four years millions of jobs and it'll vanish overnight she gets four more years you're going to see jobs vanish millions and millions will vanish and inflation will completely destroy our country we'll have inflation worse than they've given us you know when I gave it to them I had virtually no inflation and now their number is up to 22 23% but their real number is probably 40 to 50% because a lot of the things in their numbers aren't included I saw another one where the FBI releases crime statistics and they weren't that bad and then they left out little things like New York Chicago they left out various areas and that wasn't so good your life savings will be totally wiped out and uh if you put somebody like that in there with him how about him how about him she'll destroy our country just like she destroyed San Francisco just like she destroyed destroyed California with the Trump Victory we will once again have the greatest economy in history we're going to do things that are going to make us so great so fast we're going to bring it back we're going to make America strong again we're going to make America great again going to be fantastic it's going to be fantastic so I just want to thank you very much for your support cuz I've always had I've always had fantastic support from you thank you thank you very much we have a job to do you know we have a job to do we had some very good polls this morning despite their charade I call it the party the Democrats party do you know five people in Chicago were killed in the last little while since the that charade that they have going on they mentioned my name I think 271 times they mentioned the economy like 12 times they mentioned the Border maybe none they don't talk about the Border our great borders are doesn't talk about the Border but they mentioned me more than any other category I'm now a category they had me down today as a category that's all they talk about Trump we've driven them crazy they have Trump derangement syndrome we've driven them crazy and they should be driven crazy they've done a terrible job for our country in every single way there's not a thing they've done well except cheat and lie they lie about stats no they lied about the crime numbers the crime numbers didn't look bad then they found out that many of the worst places weren't included in the numbers and that was done by the FBI which is sad four years ago our country was strong and respected like never before our allies admired us our enemies feared us because everyone knew that as an American president I was all about putting America first that's true under my leadership we rebuilt the United States military created space force and we made our allies pay their fair share and their Fair dues you know we went to Nato we say you're not paying you got to pay if you remember President Bush would go and he'd make a speech Obama would go he'd make a speech they all made speeches this one didn't even make a speech this last one but I went I said uh nobody's paying you got to pay and they did paid hundreds of billions of dollars they said well does that mean you won't support us if we don't pay I said that's what it means I had to say that every I got a lot of heat for that people the the fake news oh that's a lot of fake news wow that's a lot of fake news no the fake news gave me a hard time for that the fake news was saying uh what a terrible thing to say to our allies our allies weren't paying and I said you got to pay we were paying for every body so they take advantage of us on trade and then we also pay for their military that somehow doesn't work so they had to pay they paid hundreds of billions of dollars but I said to them no that means I will not protect you I will not protect you they said sir if we're attacked by Russia will you protect us used to be Soviet Union now Russia will you protect us they said are you paid no let's assume we're not paid then you're delinquent right well yes that's an old real estate term you're delinquent yes no we will not protect you the the Press went crazy that I said and you know what if I would have said the other way they would have never paid hundreds of billions were sent in to Nato but we defeated Isis we killed the world's top terrorists we secured our borders we achieved energy Independence we stood up to China we protected Israel we made peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and more more more we did things like nobody ever heard of and we brought our troops mostly back home we didn't start any wars for 79 years it was before we didn't start wars 79 80 years everybody said oh he's going to start wars with his attitude no my attitude kept us out of Wars I stop Wars with phone calls Russia should have never happened with Ukraine would have never happened if I were president would have never happened no there was no talk of that would have never ever happened with Putin would have never happened and Israel October 7th would have never happened Iran would have never done that they had very little money at that point now they've rich as hell but Biden allowed that to happen and Camala where's Biden what happened to Biden where is he he's on a beach he's on a beach you know he's got somebody that thinks he looks great in a bathing suit he likes to go to a beach how do you hell how do you leave here and go on a beach you can't do it there are things you just don't do people don't want to see you in a b suit walks badly it's hard to walk in the sand you know he has a hard time lifting his feet through the sand and then he grabs he grabs a chair the chair is meant for old people to lift and young kids to lift like you know four-year-old kids right and he can't lift it he needs a little help the whole thing is crazy how we ever got that is crazy and what happened to our country with inflation and with disrespect from all over the world and all these wars are starting all over the place and we're very close to a third world war and don't kid yourself because they are laughing but they're not laughing too much you're a little worried about a certain person winning the election we had some very good polls today and if that happens you're not going to have any third world wars every American was safer under President Trump in fact the entire world was safer when I sat behind that beautiful Resolute desk in the Oval Office you know I heard the the other day for the first time I heard Biden say the beautiful Resolute does he never said that before they copy me when I say We're a nation in Decline guys are copying me they then they say they shouldn't say that but they thought the words were beautiful but they copy me all the time in that case it was Republicans that were copying me because they happen to be right so I don't mind if a republican copies me any of you guys want to copy me but it's a sad thing to have to say but they copy me the res desk he never mentioned that he doesn't even know what the hell the Resolute desk is exactly 3 years ago this month the weakness and incompetence of Camala Harris and crooked Joe Biden delivered the most humiliating event in the history of our country and one of the biggest military disasters in the history of the world as far as I'm concerned no one will ever forget the horrifying images of their catastrophic Retreat from Afghanistan desperate AF an fell to their deaths from the wheels of us cargo planes that were 3,000 ft up in the air bloodthirsty terrorists poured out of the prisons after Biden and Harris surrendered bogram one of the largest air military bases anywhere in the world we spent billions and billions of dollars building it many years ago and you know it was important to keep it I was never leaving that I would have been out faster than them I said that's up we're there for 20 almost 21 years and I said what are we doing what are we doing here and we had no soldiers killed for 18 months while I was there because they knew don't play around with our soldiers they were they were killing them they were killing them under Obama did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always say sir please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they're getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy sir you must stick to policy you'll win It On the Border you'll win it with inflation you'll win it with your great military that you built that they gave away $85 billion worth of it in Afghanistan sir you're going to win it on crime the crime is running through the streets like never before you're going to win it on all of these things and maybe especially I think two things the economy inflation because I view them together what they've done to inflation and they closed it with energy what they did with energy is so stupid if we were there our energy we would be so dominant all over the world right now we were already energy independent I made you energy independent but we would be energy dominant we'd be paying back debt we'd be reducing your taxes still further we gave you the largest tax cuts ever and uh a lot of good things were going to happen but now we're just going to have to sort of call it a delay of 4 years but these people don't have any idea what they're doing you had 13 heroic US service members were tragically and needlessly killed I got to know a lot of the relatives friends and mothers and fathers of those 13 people 45 others were horrifically wounded and $85 billion worth of the best military equipment anywhere in the world was handed over to these people in fact Afghanistan is now one of the largest arms Merchants anywhere in the world did you know that they're selling our equipment at tremendous prices they're selling our beautiful we had 70,000 armored trucks many of them armored armored trucks and vehicles think of this we had 700,000 rifles and guns seven I actually say what the hell did they need so many for 700,000 rifles and guns we had goggles brand new right out of the box you know they didn't fight at night because they never had goggles right good Fighters they never had goggles now they have brand new goggles all left by the by the Biden Harris Administration gave them billions and billions of dollars just gave it to them and now they sell that equipment because they don't need 700,000 rifles they need 20,000 little difference they don't need 70,000 Vehicles they need 500 Vehicles you have to ask yourself who bought all that stuff in the first place who bought it all how disgusted we're all when we see all of us are when we see three days ago when we viewed their parade our military equipment running down the middle of their Main Avenue brand new beautiful armor plated trucks tanks and vehicles running down the middle and they're all celebrating because we have stupid people running our government and she'll be worse than Biden because he wasn't really a Believer but she's a radical left of believer she ruined San Francisco she ruined California and if if she gets in our country doesn't have a chance This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will be comrad because I think that's the most accurate name you know I've been looking for name people were saying sir don't do you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I really didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called her crooked Hillary I call people names I call crazy Nancy Pelosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts you know Biden is really angry you know he's very angry he was so angry the other night he's like seething I you ever see a guy make a speech he such anger and so uncomfortable just shouting but he's terrible he's just terrible should have never been there we all know that should have never been there what they've done to this country is incredible but she bragged that she would be the last person in the room and she was she was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan and by the way pulling them out was absolutely right I was going to do it I'm the one that got the soldiers down to 5,000 people I was going to do it but we were going to get out last you don't pull the soldiers out first you let the soldiers stay last and the head of the Taliban respected me Abdul I had conversations with him after my conversations not one soldier in 18 months was killed but you pull the soldiers Outlast Millie and these guys you know we have great generals but Millie and Mattis and these guys they didn't know what the I call them television generals the television generals are no good but the generals that defeated Isis for me were great we have great we have a great military but she had the final vote she had the final say and she was all for it you take the soldiers out if I took that young person right there about five or 6 years old beautiful young person and if I said I gave it little details like about 30 seconds worth of details would you take the military out first or last sir I'd take the military out last but they took it out first and then we left hostages we left all of the equipment we left everything and we left barram and now China is occupying barram barram being one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons wouldn't it been nice to have our big fat beautiful base it was probably built there for that reason but China 1 hour away and now China is occupying that massive big base some of the biggest runways in the world they could hold heavier loads than any runways in the world under my leadership we were getting out of Afghanistan but we were going to get out with dignity pride and with strength when I left office we had not lost a single service member in the combat in Afghanistan in more than 18 months mons and then we had that horrible day where we lost so many and so many were so badly hurt arms legs gone face just obliterated we lost so many great people that day nobody talks about the people that were so badly injured they never mention them I always mention them all over the world our adversaries knew that America was not to be trifled with when I was your commanderin-chief but and you know it's very interesting uh if you look at Hungary very strong country very strong leader Victor Orban he said the only thing that's going to save the whole world is Trump has to be president again we had no problems we had no problems he said we had no problems I don't use the term but he did he said China was afraid of them Russia was afraid of them there was said oh I was so friendly to Russia I'm the one that stopped the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 nobody ever here the biggest development they ever had to feed oil all over Europe I stopped it and then Biden comes in and he gives them everything he gave them the pipeline they built the pipeline but I stopped it Putin said that's the worst thing that's ever happened to us I said I'm sorry I have to do it and he approves it right away and then they say Trump was not strong on Russia I think they were they got it wrong Putin actually said if you weren't strong I'd like to find out how bad would you be if you were strong because you were brutal but you know I got along with him it's good to get along with these countries I got along with China that wouldn't have happened what's happening right now they're planning an attack on Taiwan there's no question about that that wouldn't have happened wasn't going to happen they knew that you weren't allowed to do that Putin would have never gone into Ukraine Israel would have never been attacked say sad sad situation so many people are dead so many people are gone so many cities you look at Ukraine those cities are just wiped off the face of the Earth they're outside of Kiev and a couple of others that basically just flattened far more people dead than they let you know it's like your numbers that were released fraudulently today far more people dead in that war than anybody would know when those big buildings come tumbling down it with rockets so ridiculous there's nothing left it's so ridicul ridiculous but since the Afghanistan catastrophe it's been open season on America and our allies I really believe that the Afghan disaster what happened the stupidity and the way we pulled out and the bedum and all of that it would have been very smooth we were going to get out with strength and dignity but when Putin saw that he said wow those people don't know what they're doing they're overrated and he went in and same thing happened with Iran Iran was not going to play with us and now Iran is a rich Nation they were they have $300 billion they had no money and in three and A2 years they made three and they made 300 billion $300 billion dollar they have right now they made it all in three and a half years they had none when I left and we would have made a fair deal with them they can't have a nuclear weapon very simple you can't have a nuclear weapon other than that we want you to have great lives but uh I do hear they're after me but you know that's the way it is look I'm here for you and I'm here even for the world we want to stop world wars because the equipment is so devastating now a world war is obliteration we can't have a World War every dictator Tyrant and Terrorist on the planet knows that they can get away with murder under Camala and crooked Joe kidnappers are getting millions and millions of dollars but now they getting billions they getting billions what did you get for the four people that we released sir they got six billion dollar what is 6 billion does anyone know what that means Six B they got $6 billion people get kidnapped and you know they ask for like how about $1,000 how about 500 they got $6 billion from these idiots and you know what happens when that happens a lot of people are going to get kidnapped because they say we're dealing with stupid people a lot of people we got we had 59 people that were hostage some some in North Korea that's about as tough as it gets we got people out without paying for anything we never gave money we didn't want to give money if we gave money all they do is they go around kidnapping everybody these people give not only do they give six billion they got the prince of death out he's the number one arms Merchant in the world Russia got him as part of one of the deals the number one arms Merchant in the world we got a couple of people but you know why were they there and why did they do what they did but they got some of the most criminal the toughest meanest criminals anywhere in the world on top of that we paid them billions and billions of dollars we're run by very stupid people I'd like to use a different word I'd like to use a much more sophisticated word but there's no word I can think of incompetent how about incompetent as a result peace in your Europe has been Shattered by the largest European land War since the fall of Nazi Germany this is the largest War there's been and this war is going to escalate and escalate when if but when I have to always say if you know because they cheat I would say whenn if they didn't cheat but they cheat that's the one thing they're great at cheating in elections if we win I'll get that thing settled before I take the office I'll get it settled as President elect I'll get that war stopped with Russia yeah we'll get that stopped Ukraine and Russia we going to get it stopped and quickly it'll be done before I get to office it would not have happened if I was President it wasn't going to happen in the Middle East the Jewish people have suffered the worst atrocities and deadliest attacks since the Holocaust there's no question about that the United States has been forced to abandon more embassies under comrade Kamala than at any time in our history we're just and we're running out it's not like we're leaving we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build you got to see these embassies in the middle of nowhere in a country you've never even heard of they spent 900 million to build an embassy the whole thing is crazy the world is on fire and Kamala and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War II that's what we're in I think General would probably agree you're one of the experts I would think right I don't even talk you about that lately it's so out of control I don't even have to bother I just say look take a look but one of the great experts and uh we're on the brink that's why this November Americans are going to tell kamla Harris Kamala that we've had enough we can't take it anymore you're doing a terrible job comrade Harris you're fired get out of here you're fired fired you're no good you're fired get them out of here all you have to do is take a look at San Francisco look at the job she did she had one policy if you steal less than $1,000 basically 950 to be exact I want to be accurate for purposes of reporters the fake news media they want accuracy they don't have to be accurate but we have to be accurate but if you steal less than $950 they basically leave you alone so if guys going in robbing stores with a calculator let's see this is $100 did you notice this is not going to happen in North Carolina I don't think is it let's see that's A1 that's $59 bing bing bing bing stop stop stop we don't want to go over 95 they walk out with it nobody does a thing starting the moment I lift my hand from the B after taking the oath of office I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace we're going to return the world to peace and mostly I can do it with a telephone call you know we don't have to send troops I can do it with a telephone call you go to war with another country that's friendly to us or even not friendly to us you're not going to do business in the the United States and we're going to charge you 100% tariffs and all of a sudden the president or prime minister or dictator or whoever the hell is running the country says to me sir we won't go to war I I talked I talk this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls I don't have to send in the troops one of my most urgent priorities will be to quickly rebuild the Readiness and spirit of the United States armed forces and we had it built we rebuilt it we rebuilt the whole military but it was decimated under this group of stupid people you know we had so much when I came in we had no ammunition did you know that remember I used to talk about it and I said if it's true which it was why would you say that we had people on television well the United States has no ammunition you know some things you just keep to yourself right do you remember I used to from North Carolina do you remember I used to talk about that all all the time those are my best Witnesses those ladies there's about 40 of them they're all over the place and they're always perfectly quaffed and perfectly dressed they're beautiful and they're great but no I used to talk all the time if you have no bullets I can ask this group of leaders you don't talk about it but you get the bullets really fast right so within a year I had so much that our warehouses were stocked to the gills we never had so much I bought so much missiles everything I rebuilt our military but that's been all dissipated now again because we give it away to everybody and for nothing I mean they don't do anything for us we don't get anything we don't even get a pledge that we'll pay you back someday if we have the money how about that pay you back someday if we have the money you know uh I sponsor athletes sometimes if I see somebody that I like in sports I sponsor some golfers usually doesn't typically work out I don't know if you know it's like a 5,000 to one shot but I'm good at that stuff and I can see talent and I'll give them a few thousand dollar I'll give them $5,000 I'll say you know you're really good you could make it why don't you why aren't you trying out for the tour sir I have no money I have to give lessons I have no money he said you're too good to give lessons you can be a tour player I sir I don't have any money I said here's $50,000 and here's the deal if you do well you pay me back with no interest just good luck if you don't do well which you probably won't because it's very hard they say the worst is a boxer if you sponsor a boxer they're all great they're winning all their fights and then they turn professional and they go in and this goes with UFC run by Dana White one of the greats of all time which is really taken over for boxing but but it's the same thing and people sponsor people and they get what they get but the worst is that what's wrong oh a doctor please it is very hot here I noticed it's very hot and a lot of the people waited for days to get here so I understand it take your time doctor take your time thank you [Applause] yeah take your time please [Music] [Applause] [Applause] than you [Applause] TR [Music] thank you very much you know they come two days three days early and it's a lot it's a lot of stress we lose them the only ones we don't lose are front row Joe's I don't know what they have going they they have something going here Governor thank you very much thanks doctor but America is blessed with the greatest military in the world but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical left politicians and some generals and at the top they woke they woke we don't want woke generals we want generals that know how to win and we have them we proved that when we wiped out Isis didn't we proved it sir it'll take five years we did it in three three weeks I think we did it in three weeks we have the greatest military in the world but you need the great leaders otherwise your military will can never be great everywhere I go soldiers and Veterans tell me how angry they are that not one person has been held accountable for the Afghanistan catastrophe he never fired anybody you know I fire a lot of people when they don't do a good job then they come back and write books you know they hate you but that's okay when you don't fire people they never write books you know but I fired a lot of people I wasn't happy with their service I wasn't happy with the job they did and I fire them I let them go I mean I'm I'm working for you I'm not doing this for myself but when you fire him they always come back with something and now nobody's ever been in the position where you know they get offered all sorts of money from the fake news and everything else and fame we're going to make you famous all you have to do is make up some stories about Trump but uh people don't seem to care it's phony stuff phony horrible they're lightweights they're terrible people you know when I came don't forget I didn't know anybody in Washington I'm president of the United States I'm going down Pennsylvania Aven you with that biggest load of military and police and motorcycles and everything you've ever seen and I didn't know anybody I said to my wife I don't know a lot of people but the people I know I got recommendations from a lot of good people well-meaning people some were good most were great but we had some bad ones too but now I know them all in Washington I know the good ones the weak ones guys like this I know the weak ones and the bad ones General we know the we know the dumb ones and the Smart Ones don't we we know them all but the voters will hold kamla and Joe accountable for this November when I take office and they're going to be held accountable for what they've done to this country right thank you I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster I want their resignations immediately and I want them on the desk in the Oval Office the Resolute desk I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day everybody involved with that disaster when you have a disaster so stupid as that that caused us such problem you don't know what that's done to the reputation of our country the Afghanistan disaster this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world and America Military and everybody else they want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence and it's just not acceptable that something like that could happen these are Fighters they fight with broken old obsolete weapons and knives we have f-16s we have f35s F 32s and we were knocking the hell out of them just knocking the hell out of them it was easy but I said what the hell are we doing this for let's get the hell out of there we would get out with such strength they were so happy they couldn't believe it and then these people came in and it's it's horrible to even think about what happened and countries all over the world lost respect for us because of Afghanistan we demand success and we demand Victory we want Victory from our soldiers and from everybody else under comrade kamla Harris and I call her that because has never been she's a Marxist okay I was saying do you think she's a Marxist or a communist to people that really study this stuff they weren't able to tell me they said it could be all the way it could be communist but she's damn close they said it was definitely one or the other but they couldn't actually tell me was it communist or Marxist S one or the other we're not sure we'll figure it out but under comrade kamla our military has been abused for radical social experiments on day one I will get critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our us Armed Forces we're taking it out our Warriors should be focused on defeating America's enemies not figuring out their genders by that time hopefully they know their genders Marxist ideologies have no place in combat think of it they go in and they decide oh they going to change my gender no no we we want them to know their gender when they go in you have no idea the disruption that that has caused and the fake news refuses to report it you know when I did a ban I went to a lot of good generals I said I'm not going to tell you names just tell me is it the right thing or the wrong thing the wrong thing sir it's the wrong thing and I had unanimous support and then we did it I didn't do it other people did it they reversed me as soon as they got in like almost the first day I didn't do it but uh they allowed things to happen to our military that just not right if you want to have a sex change or a social justice seminar then you can do it somewhere else but you're not going to do it in the Army Navy Coast Guard Air Force Space force or the United States Marines sorry you're not going to do it there the military brass that led these absurd and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed and they will no longer be in command they're going to be gone gone so fast command crooked Joe purged 8,000 service members from our military for refusing their covid vaccine mandate they refused to do it we didn't want a mandate the mandate you can't you just can't do that I will rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and with back pay they will get their back pay and an apology from our government hopefully they have great jobs right now and they're making a lot of money but if they want to come back in they get an apology and we sign them up and they get their back pay should have never happened the Mandate stuff should have never happened thanks to com comma and Joe Biden morale in our military is now so low that almost every single branch is suffering a major Recruitment and Retention crisis you know that upon taking office I will begin the largest peacetime recruitment Drive in the history of the Arm Forces we have to fill our Armed Forces with great people but they don't have Spirit now there's no Spirit used to bring other soldiers would bring their friends in now that doesn't happen almost never happens the sense of spirit pride and Prestige will soon come roaring back and reach levels never seen before we're going to make it so hot that I'm going to want to resign and join the military I don't know what rank I would start at I guess I start at private I don't know what rank would I have to start at General I have to start pretty low he said you'll start at the top all right then I'll stay here that's very good you'll start at the top he knows what this America's military must always be unrivaled and unbeatable I mean I see reports coming out where they do studies and they said under these circumstances we'll lose a war to China number one if it's true why are we saying it and number two it shouldn't be true should it shouldn't be true not going to happen why would they release a report like that for China to read we're vulnerable here she said they're idiots that's a good word too who's the woman that said that stand please who said that that's very good no it's true they're J say they're idiots no they released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas we need more this we need more that we're weak here we're weak there I don't know who does this report why would you release a report like that so after years that's like saying we have no ammunition ladies and gentlemen we have no ammunition at the time with the United States of America you know why we gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places we gave them everything empty our warehouses of all of our ammunition let's give it to people free of charge free of charge course billions free of charge everything's always free of charge so after years of horrific depletion with the comrade sending our missiles and airplanes ammunition to other countries I will make a historic investment in rebuilding the US Armed Forces I did that once before but I have to do it again because they've depleted it just like they've depleted the strategic oil reserves you know we have the Strategic in all due respect it's not for filling up your car so that you have 4 cents a gallon less and that you vote for crooked Joe it's not meant for that it's meant for war it's meant for tragedy it's meant for real stuff it's at the lowest point today in its history we almost have nothing left and we had it at a level that was such a beautiful thing to see we will increase funding but at the same time the days of blank checks for the weapon systems over the past are over I tell you what we will build though we're going to build a great Iron Dome over our country so that we don't have to get hit we give it to other countries we help Israel and other countries and Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago as you know but it didn't we didn't really have the technology then he was right but we didn't have the right techn today we have unbelievable technology and you know we have other countries that have it this country should have it and we're going to make it right here and we're going to make it in other of our great places but a lot of it's going to come right out of your state it's time to create the Arsenal of the 21st century we need that that means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on The Cutting Edge investing heavily in drones and Robotics and artificial intelligence and hypersonics do you know hypersonics these are missiles that go seven times faster than a fast ordinary missile seven times faster so fast that for the most part you can't shut them down and you can't shoot them down they going at levels of speed that nobody thought was possible do you know that was our technology that was stolen by Russia and Russia has them and I started them very quickly but somebody gave Russia years ago before me all of our plans and specs for Hypersonic missiles and they built them and we didn't he said built Linton he could be might have been in norer it's might have been a little after billt Linton I used to like Bill Linton can you believe it it it could have been Barack Hussein Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know my advisers are fired no would' rather keep it on policy but sometimes it's hard when you're attacked from all ends I mean they want to put you in jail for nothing for nothing for cases that the legal Scholars all over the country have said there is no case and they want to put you in jail and I could have done that to Hillary Clinton I could have put her in jail she turned away subpoenas and she damaged stuff and she wouldn't give things after a subpoena was sent after from the United States Congress I said to myself we want to bring the country together wouldn't it be terrible to put the wife of the president of the United States in jail wouldn't it be terrible and then I come out and they do it to me and there's no feeling as wouldn't it be terrible but we won the big case in Florida that was totally one and Biden didn't you know Biden documents I had the presidential records act I had I had the right to do whatever I wanted to do that was past in like 1978 but Biden didn't have a right to do it cuz he wasn't president and he was there for 50 years he took stuff and the ruling was basically he's guilty as hell but he's got no memory he's a nice man with no memory actually they're wrong he's not a nice man and he has no memory he's not a nice man at all because he started weaponization and weaponization is a double prom that can come back to haunt them too it's a terrible thing for our country I can tell you a terrible thing for our country we need a dramatic increase in research we need a very dramatic increase in development and in so doing we will create countless American jobs including jobs right here in a place called North Carolina do we love North Carolina Laura Trump is from North Carolina she named her daughter Carolina the wife of Eric I now say that he's the husband of Laura we change he's great he's great and it's a great couple but she loves this place she just loves it she's here all the time and you know she comes and she uh we love her too she's she said she's amazing she's got a great talent and she along with Michael Watley are running the Republican committee and doing a great job you know a lot of times when you do that they'll say oh family let me say this is not a job that somebody this is a tough job and our primary focus is not to get out the vote it's to make sure they don't cheat because we have all the votes you need you can see it every house along the way has signs Trump trump Trump trump Vance Trump Vance and by the way Vance is doing a great job Vance is doing a great job look at that beautiful red Vance no but these signs are all over the place I see it everywhere no matter where in Florida they're all over because people want to see common sense you know we're the party of common sense it's not conservative liberal they don't want to be called liberal in where they want to use Progressive we're Progressive Progressive I I think liberal is more appropriate Progressive is such a beautiful word right you know Progressive Progressive means go forward they don't go forward they go backward as we rapidly rebuild America American deterrence we will quickly restore peace and stability in our country but all over the world we'll make our country a much safer place we're in grave danger of a war a Third World War I tell you before I even arrive at the Oval Office and as I said we're going to do things that are going to be shocking to people but what I'm going to do more than anything else I'm going to get things in line and we're going to prevent that World War III and if you look at what's going on with Ukraine and Russia if you look at on now there's an incursion into Russia then there'll be another incursion the other way then there'll be and then all of a sudden bad things will start to happen they're already starting by contrast if comrade Camala wins this November World War III is virtually guaranteed to happen everything she touches she destroys everything that she's touched you look at her life she was district attorney in San Francisco the place went to hell it's the best city in the world probably 15 18 years ago 20 years ago maybe in the whole world it was one of the best cities in the world then she becomes the Attorney General the state of California that place went to hell it was helped by Gavin nusum it was helped Nom helped but uh she did a she was terrible and it's crime ridden and it's I mean you can't walk down the sidewalk anywhere any it's just unbelievable what's happened to that state so sad best weather beautiful ocean be everything is good but they've they've just let it go to hell and she was and she's going to do the same thing to the United States and when she says I'll let you Frack her whole career she said no frack in Pennsylvania in particular no because they get tremendous wealth from fracking uh they're going to be stopped 100% they're going to be stopped she just changed her view a few months ago you got to see you know she ran against Biden there were 22 people running she was the first to leave she quit because she went down like that and she was the first one out she never made it to the first state in the primary she never made it to Iowa never made it to Iowa she didn't get one vote and she still hasn't gotten one vote and she won't have one vote think of it Biden I'm not a fan of Biden I think he was terrible a terrible president what he did to our country you look at him with a planes and the stairs and the falling all over the place and he had no idea what the hell was happening he couldn't find his way off the stage a stair here stair there stair I got stairs all over the place he'd finish his speech and look around where am I his speech has lasted the nice part it was good in the hot sun because they lasted for about two minutes and you could go home but nobody would come anyway but we can't let her she's much worse much worse than him actually because she's actually more radical he never believed it he just did it for votes I don't know why you'd get votes by having open borders you know she wants open borders if she became president in four years you'd have 60 to 70 million people from all over the world and it's not just South America and remember they're releasing them from their jails and their prisons they're coming out of jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums and we have hundreds and probably thousands of terrorists that have come into our country we probably have a few here welcome welcome but we probably have a few here and she's all for it and now she's saying and you see what she's saying well the wall was largely built we were adding space onto the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall I actually took it cuz Congress gave us a hard time and the Democrats were brutal we had 11 lawsuits and we won all 11 but I took it out of the military I called it an invasion of our country it was an invasion and we built hundreds of miles of wall and then I was going to do 200 extra we ordered it it was there and we had that rotten horrible election that horrible election where we did much better than we did the first time and bad things happened and all of a sudden I hear that they want to have open borders and I thought they were kidding who the hell wants open borders and then they said we'll give you health care you know now they're saying all about how they're getting tough in the borders and how they were tough except they have a couple of problems do you know that we flew in a million people airplanes over the top of the Border beautiful airplanes they're flying them in if you want to stop people you're not flying them in on airplanes and many other things no they wanted open borders and we have a country that's loaded up with many many criminals right now of the worst they emptied their jails they emptied their jails and prisons they emptied their mental institutions into our country largely now they're continuing to do it but if you look at many of these countries that we're talking about frankly who can blame them they're dropping their prisoners into the United States of America they're dropping all of these people into the United States including their mental institution people any terrorist they have they're dropping them into the United States we're taking hundreds of thousands of people that were in jail for murder you take a look at Venezuela their jails are half and I'm surprised half because frankly I would have worked faster than that if I were running it I would have had all of them out of there by now they go to Caracus they take all their gang members all of their Killers their murderers their drug dealers they take them and they're putting them into the United States and their crime is down 72% in fact next time what we'll do instead of North Carolina we'll have our next little gathering in Venezuela because it will be much safer than being in our country if these people win you're not going to have any meetings you're not going to have anything there'll be chaos in our country and we just can't let it happen we can't let it happen we can't let it happen remember when Biden sent Cala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine she met with Putin and then 3 days later later he attacked how did she do you think she did a good job she met with Putin to tell him don't do it and three days later he attacked that's when the attack started did you know that General should have sent you but over a half a million they say are dead or wounded but it's a much higher number than that and everything lies in ruined look we are going to fight like hell to win this election they are going to cheat like hell to win the election because they have no bounds they have no bounds I've said to some Republicans once in a place called Philadelphia which I love I went to school in Philadelphia but it's suffering tremendously like Chicago like every Democrat run city is suffering but I said like why do we allow them to do it do Republicans do what they do with the stuffing the boxes with all of the different things they do sir we're proud Americans and that's really the right thing to say but they have no bounds we have to win this election if we don't win this election we are in such trouble as a country we're in trouble right now but you have the right guy to straighten it out I'll get it straightened out I'll get it straightened out first we're going to have peace through strength all over the world like we had just a short while ago and I just want to say closing is it's an honor to have served for four years I wish we didn't have this break the only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get because we've never had a country that's been in shape like this country is in right now we have squalor in our streets our vets are disregarded living on sidewalks and freezing cold and unbelievably hot cities all over the country and yet we have people coming in to our country that are living in luxury hotels this is what we have we're going to straighten out our country through Common Sense we're going to straighten out our country with the United States of America we the greatest country in the world we're not going to let this continue to go we're going to straighten it out we're going to make it bigger better stronger than ever before we're going to bring in business we're going to use tariffs to take advantage of our great strength and to frankly hurt countries that are hurting us and have been hurting us on trade for many many years right now China is building massive Auto plants in Mexico and they think that those plants are going to make cars and they're going to sell them across the line for no tax no anything destroy what's left in Detroit which frankly compared to years ago is very little and South Carolina and many other places we're not going to let it happen we will charge them 150 or 200% tariff and all of that investment that they made is now worthless we're not going to let them do that we're not going to let them destroy our automobile industry the United Auto Workers has a grossly incompetent man at the head they want to make all electric cars and Elon Musk is a friend of mine you saw he endorsed me very strongly and he understands that I'm right and I love Electric cars that they have an incredible purpose they have an incredible purpose they're unbelievable what they can do and he makes a great product but I told him I said you know before you endorse you have to understand we have to have gasoline propelled cars again we have more Liquid Gold than anybody anywhere in the world more than Saudi Arabia more than Russia we have more than anybody we're going to quadruple that business we're going to be much bigger than both of them put together we're going to pay down debt we're going to reduce your taxes I gave you the largest tax cut in history the largest regulatory cut in history that created all of the jobs and when Biden talks about jobs by the way because they lie so much the jobs he created almost all of them almost 100% people say more than 100% went to illegal aliens the other remember this the numbers sound good because they're called bounceback jobs we had a pandemic people were laid off and then as soon and this is common for for ages when a pandemic goes you have bounced back the businesses and we had we not done what we did with money probably some of you benefited but we we would have been in a 1929 style depression we did it just right the problem is they came in they no longer needed money we gave them a country that was fixed and more people died during Biden think of that than died during us from Co many more people died during than but think of this we gave them a country and they blew it because they took so much they took trillions and trillions of money they kept feeding it and that's what caused along with their bad energy policies that's what caused this tremendous inflation which is destroying the people of our country and frankly it's contagious it's all over the world but we're the ones that started it with a bad policy so we're going to work very hard we've got to win we've got to win this state this state is a very very big state to win we've won it twice and we're going to win it again I said to a couple of the people I said so let me ask you how are we doing compared to four years ago and eight years ago they said sir you're much hotter you're more popular I hope that's true but we won it twice and all I can do is pledge to you that we're going to do a great job for North Carolina we're going to do a great job for the United States States of America we put America First and we're going to make America great again thank you all very much thank you thank you very much everybody thank you very much everybody it's great to be here what a place did you like the fly over that was pretty good we were going low and fast we were that was moving along I was pretty low uh just want to thank JD he doing a fantastic job and I want to thank North Carol Ina I love North Carolina I love them 76 days from now we're going to win this state and we're going to win the White House that beautiful beautiful building that beautiful building I want to thank Senator tedb who's doing such a great job Senator tedb thank you thank you great job Ted Mark Robinson he's out there he's fighting he's fighting he's a great one and I think we have a lot of our sheriffs here don't we have where are they well this stage hold them I'd love to bring them up come on Sheriff's get up here Mark come on we got I don't know if the stage is going to hold them but if it doesn't we've had bigger risks than this right come on sheriffs if you weigh more than 200 lb don't come up I'm only kidding come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] I don't know if this going to hold it we're not going to get [Music] [Applause] just so you know these are great people but I want to get them the hell off the stage CU I guarantee they didn't have this in mind when they built this thank goodness Mark lost a lot of weight over the last couple of months I'm very you did actually well I want to thank you all very much you are the reason we're able to be here and that you have a safe State and a great state thank you all very much thank you that's some group that's some group of people for endorsements too every group virtually in the country law enforcements endorsed us thank you very much thanks Mark good luck Mark will win got to win he's got a win got to win he's a good man thank you oh I feel much better I feel very much better that they got off the stage I had no idea what was going to happen but it's not that far down you know it's I had no idea what is I'm a big structural guy but I want to thank also members of Congress Richard Hudson and Byron Donald's two Warriors two great people two unbelievable where's Byron thank you very much thank you very much to where's Byron oh look at him over there he knows how to get attention look at that guy he's been my friend for a long time thank you for everything Byron and you have thank you very much Congressional candidate Mark Harris Mark hi Mark good going Mark good numbers good numbers Brad KN and Addison McDow they're all going to be winners very soon young goodlook people thank you very much great the State House speaker Tim Moore Tim where is Tim oh he's nice and safe back there hello I appreciate it Tim and Neil Jackson State Rep Neil Jackson thank you very much thank you Neil RNC chairman Michael Watley what a job he's doing what a job he's doing and North Carolina GOP chairman Jason Simmons who's been a friend of ours for a long time where's Jason nice tall character right here thank you very much Jason and somebody that's been with me from day one a real he's a real general you know we have the real generals and we have the fake woke generals that did so poorly in Afghanistan should have all been fired but this is a real General Keith Kellogg right Keith and this is a great group it's good to see you Keith he's been with me from before day one right he said that guy should run we got to get him to run I like those guys they were here before I ran you know there quite a few of them too we have the front row Joe's you know that and very importantly we have the most magnificent women first time you know we have they travel all over the country to be with us for rallies they at close to a couple of hundred rallies I don't know what their husbands are doing about this this is a little crazy look how beautiful and they're from North Carolina and and for a change they don't have to travel so far right how far are you from here two hour two hours is nothing it's a pretty big state actually thank you very much as always you are special special people great women they love our country before we begin I want to address the massive Scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning a little while ago just before I came up I got to see him and it really isn't a revision it's a total lie total lie there's never been any revision like this they wanted it to come out after the election but somehow it got leaked it got leaked government leaks too the Harris Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America the new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the administration padded the numbers with an extra listen to this one 8 118,000 jobs that don't exist so they said they existed and they never did exist they built them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing no we've never had numbers like this they don't exist they thought they could do it sometime after you know we have an election coming up very quickly but they wanted this to come out after November 5th when it wouldn't have meant so much but it came out a little early so there's a patriot in there some place right the real numbers are much worse than that and comrade Cala you know she's comrade the most most radical left person ever to run for a high political office in our country gets another four years millions of jobs and it'll vanish overnight she gets four more years you're going to see jobs vanish millions and millions will vanish and inflation will completely destroy our country we'll have inflation worse than they've given us you know when I gave it to them I had virtually no inflation and now their number is up to 22 23% but their real number is probably 40 to 50% because a lot of the things in their numbers aren't included I saw another one where the FBI releases crime statistics and they weren't that bad and then they left out little things like New York Chicago they left out various areas and that wasn't so good your life savings will be totally wiped out and uh if you put somebody like that in there with him how about him how about him she'll destroy our country just like she destroyed San Francisco just like she destroyed California with the Trump Victory we will once again have the greatest economy in history we're going to do things that are going to make us so great so fast we're going to bring it back we're going to make America strong again we're going to make America great again going to be fantastic it's going to be fantastic so I just want to thank you very much for your support because I've always had I've always had fantastic support from you thank you thank you very much we have a job to do you know we have a job to do sir we had some very good polls this morning despite their charade I call it the party the Democrats party do you know five people in Chicago were killed in the last little while since the that charade that they have going on they mentioned my name I think 271 times they mentioned the economy like 12 times they mentioned the Border maybe none they don't talk about the Border our great borders are doesn't talk about the Border but they mention mentioned me more than any other category I'm now a category they had me down today as a category that's all they talk about Trump we've driven them crazy they have Trump derangement syndrome we've driven them crazy and they should be driven crazy they've done a terrible job for our country in every single way there's not a thing they've done well except cheat and lie they lie about stats no they lied about the crime numbers the crime numbers didn't look bad then they found out that many of the worst places weren't included put in the numbers and that was done by the FBI which is sad four years ago our country was strong and respected like never before our allies admired us our enemies feared us because everyone knew that as an American president I was all about putting America first that's true under my leadership we rebuilt the United States military created space force and we made our allies pay their fair share and their Fair dues you know we went to Nato we say you're not paying you got to pay if you remember President Bush would go and he' make a speech Obama would go he'd make a speech they all made speeches this one didn't even make a speech this last one but I went I said uh nobody's paying you got to pay and they did paid hundreds of billions of dollars they said well does that mean you won't support us if we don't pay I said that's what it means I had to say that every I got a lot of heat for that people the the fake news oh that's a lot of fake news oh that's a lot of fake news no the fake news gave me a hard time for that the fake news was saying uh what a terrible thing to say to our allies our allies weren't paying and I said you got to pay we were paying for everybody so they take advantage of us on trade and then we also pay for the military that somehow doesn't work so they had to pay they paid hundreds of billions of dollars but I said to them no that means I will not protect you I will not protect you they said sir if we're attacked by Russia will you protect us used to be Soviet Union now Russia will you protect us they said are you paid no let's assume we're not paid then you're delinquent right well yes that's an old real estate term you're delinquent yes no we will not protect you the the Press went crazy that I said and you know what if I would have said the other way they would have never paid hundreds of billions were sent in to Nato but we defeated Isis we killed the world's top terrorists we secured our borders we achieved energy Independence we stood up to China we protected Israel we made peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and more more more we did things like nobody ever heard of and we brought our troops mostly back home we didn't start any wars for 79 years it was before we didn't start wars 79 80 years everybody said oh he's going to start wars with his attitude no my attitude kept us out of Wars I stop Wars with phone calls Russia should have never happened with Ukraine would have never happened if I were president would have never happened no there was no talk of that would have never ever happened with Putin would have never happened and Israel October 7th would have never happened Iran would have never done that they had very little money at that point now they've rich as hell but Biden allowed that to happen and Cala where's Biden what happened the Biden where is he he's on a beach he's on a beach you know he's got somebody that thinks he looks great in a bathing suit he likes to go to a beach how do you hell how do you leave here and go on a beach you can't do it there are things you just don't do people don't want to see you in a bathing suit walks badly it's hard to walk in the sand you know he has a hard time lifting his feet through the sand and then he grabs he grabs the chair the chair is meant for old people to lift and young kids to lift like you know four-year-old kids right and he can't lift it he needs a little help the whole thing is crazy how we ever got that is crazy and what happened to our country with inflation and with disrespect from all over the world and all these wars are starting all over the place and we're very close to a third world war and don't kid yourself because they are laughing but they're not laughing too much you're a little worried about a certain person winning the election we had some very good polls today and if that happens you're not going to have any third world wars every American was safer under President Trump in fact the entire world was safer when I sat behind that beautiful Resolute desk in the Oval Office you know I heard the other day for the first time I heard Biden say the beautiful Resolute Des he never said that before they copy me when I say We're a nation in Decline guys are copying me they then they say they shouldn't say that but they thought the words were beautiful but they copy me all the time in that case it was Republicans that were copying me because they happened to be right so I don't mind if a republican copies me any of you guys want to copy me but it's a sad thing to have to say but they copy me the Resolute desk he never mentioned that he doesn't even know what the hell the Resolute desk is exactly three years ago this month the weakness and incompetence of Camala Harris and crooked Joe Biden delivered the most humiliating event in the history of our country and one of the biggest military disasters in the history of the world as far as I'm concerned no one will ever forget the horrifying images of their catastrophic Retreat from Afghanistan desperate Afghans fell to their deaths from the wheels of us cargo planes that were 3,000 ft up in the air bloodthirsty terrorists poured out of the prisons after Biden and Harris surrendered bam one of the largest air military bases anywhere in the world we spent billions and billions of dollars building it many years ago and you know it was important to keep it I was never leaving that I would have been out faster than them I said that's up we're there for 20 almost 21 years and I said what are we doing what are we doing here and we had no soldiers killed for 18 months while I was there because they knew don't play around with our soldiers they were they were killing them they were killing under Obama did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always say sir please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they're getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy sir you must stick to policy you'll win It On the Border you'll win it with inflation you'll win it with your great military that you built that they gave away $85 billion worth of it in Afghanistan sir you're going to win it on crime the crime is running through the streets like never before you're going to win it on all of these things and maybe especially I think two things the economy inflation because I view them together what they've done to inflation and they closed it with energy what they did with energy is so stupid if we were there our energy we would be so dominant all over the world right now we were already energy independent I made you energy independent but we would be energy dominant we'd be paying back debt we'd be reducing your taxes still further we gave you the largest tax cuts ever and uh a lot of good things were going to happen but now we're just going to have to sort of call it a delay of four years but these people don't have any idea what they're doing you had 13 heroic US service members were tragically and needlessly killed I got to know a lot of the relatives friends and mothers and fathers of those 13 people 45 others were horrifically wounded and $85 billion worth of the best military equipment anywhere in the world was handed over to these people in fact Afghanistan is now one of the largest arms Merchants anywhere in the world did you know that they're selling our equipment at tremendous prices they're selling our beautiful we had 70,000 armored trucks many of them armored armored trucks and Vehicles think of this we had 700,000 rifles and guns 7even I actually say what the hell did they need so many for 700,000 rifles and guns we had goggles brand new right out of the box you know they didn't fight at night because they never had goggles right good Fighters they never had goggles now they have brand new goggles all left by the by the Biden Harris Administration gave them billions and billions of dollars just gave it to them and now they sell that equipment because they don't need 700,000 rifles they need 20,000 little difference they don't need 70,000 Vehicles they need 500 Vehicles you have to ask yourself who bought all that stuff in the first place who bought it all how disgusted we're all when we see all of us are when we see 3 days ago when we viewed their parade our military equipment running down the middle of their Main Avenue brand new beautiful armor plated trucks tanks and vehicles running down the middle and they're all celebrating because we have stupid people running our government and she'll be worse than Biden because he wasn't really a Believer but she's a radical left of believer she ruined San Francisco she ruined California and if if she gets in our country doesn't have a chance This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will be comrad because I think that's the most accurate name you I've been looking for name people were saying sir don't do it you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I really didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called a crooked Hillary I call people names I call crazy Nancy Pelosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts you know Biden is really angry you know he's very angry he was so angry the other night he's like seething I you ever see a guy make a speech is such anger and so uncomfortable just shouting but he's terrible he's just terrible should have never been there we all know that should have never been there what they've done to this country is incredible but she bragged that she would be the last person in the room and she was she was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan and by the way pulling them out was absolutely right I was going to do it I'm the one that got the soldiers down to 5,000 people I was going to do it but we were going to get out last you don't pull the soldiers out first you let the soldiers stay last and the head of the Taliban respected me Abdul I had conversations with him after my conversations not one soldier in 18 months was killed but you pull the soldiers out last Millie and these guys you know we have great generals but Millie and Mattis and these guys they didn't know what the I call them television generals the television generals are no good but the generals that defeated Isis for me were great we have great we have a great military but she had the final vote she had the final say and she was all for it you take the soldiers out if I took that young person right there about five or six years old beautiful young person and if I said I gave it little details like about 30 seconds worth of details would you take the military out first or last sir I'd take the military out last but they took it out first and then we left hostages we left all of the equipment we left everything and we left barram and now China is occupying bam bogram being one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons wouldn't it been nice to have our big fat beautiful base it was probably built there for that reason but China one hour away and now China is occupying that massive big base some of the biggest runways in the world they could hold heavier loads than any run ways in the world under my leadership we were getting out of Afghanistan but we were going to get out with dignity pride and with strength when I left office we had not lost a single service member in the combat in Afghanistan in more than 18 months and then we had that horrible day where we lost so many and so many were so badly hurt arms legs gone face just obliterated we lost so many great people that day nobody talks about the people that were so badly injured they never mention them I always mention them all over the world our adversaries knew that America was not to be trifled with when I was your commanderin-chief but and you know it's very interesting uh if you look at Hungary very strong country very strong leader Victor Orban he said the only thing that's going to save the whole world is Trump has to be president again we had no problems we had no problems he said we had no problems I don't use the term but he did he said China was afraid of him Russia was afraid of him there was said oh I was so friendly to Russia I'm the one that stopped the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 nobody ever here the biggest development they ever had to feed oil all over Europe I stopped it and then Biden comes in and he giv gives them everything he gave him the pipeline they built the pipeline but I stopped it Putin said that's the worst thing that's ever happened to us I said I'm sorry I have to do it and he approves it right away and then they say Trump was not strong on Russia I think they would they got it wrong Putin actually said if you weren't strong I'd like to find out how bad would you be if you were strong because you were brutal but you know I got along with him it's good to get along with these countries I got along with China that wouldn't have happened what's happening right now they're planning an attack on Taiwan there's no question about that that wouldn't have happened was it going to happen they knew that you weren't allowed to do that Putin would have never gone into Ukraine Israel would have never been attacked it's a sad sad situation so many people are dead so many people are gone so many cities you look at Ukraine those cities are just wiped off the face of the Earth they're outside of Kiev and a couple of others that basically just flattened far more people dead than they let you know it's like your numbers that were released fraudulently today far more people dead in that war than anybody would know when those big buildings come tumbling down hit with rockets so ridiculous there's nothing left it's so ridiculous but since the Afghanistan catastrophe it's been open season on America and our allies I really believe that the Afghan disaster what happened the stupidity and the way we pulled out and the bedum and all of that it would have been very smooth we were going to get out with strength and dignity but when Putin saw that he said wow those people don't know what they're doing they're overrated and he went in and same thing happened with Iran Iran was not going to play with us and now Iran is a rich Nation they were they have $300 billion they had no money and in three and a half years they made three and they made 300 billion $300 billion dollar they have right now they made it all in three and a half years they had none when I left and we would have made a fair deal with them they can't have a nuclear weapon very simple you can't have a nuclear weapon other than that we want you to have great lives but uh I do hear they're after me but you know that's the way it is look I'm here for you and I'm here even for the world we want to stop world wars because the equipment is so devastating now a world war is obliteration we can't have a World War every dictator Tyrant and Terrorist on the planet knows that they can get away with murder under Camala and crooked Joe kidnappers are getting millions and millions of dollars but now they're getting billions they're getting billions what did you get for the four people that we released sir they got 6 billion what is six billion does anyone know what that means Six B they got $6 billion people get kidnapped and you know they ask for like how about $1,000 how about 500 they got $6 billion from these idiots and you know what happens when that happens a lot of people are going to get kidnapped because they say we're dealing with stupid people a lot of people we got we had 59 people that were hostage some in North Korea that's about as tough as it gets we got people out without paying for anything we never gave money we didn't want to give money if we gave money all they do is they go around kidnapping everybody these people give not only do they give six billi ion they got the prince of death out he's the number one arms Merchant in the world Russia got him as part of one of the deals the number one arms Merchant in the world we got a couple of people but you know why were they there and why did they do what they did but they got some of the most criminal the toughest meanest criminals anywhere in the world on top of that we paid them billions and billions of dollars we're run by very stupid people I'd like to use a different word I'd like to use a much more sophisticated word but there's no word I can think of incompetent how about incompetent as a result peace in Europe has been Shattered by the largest European land War since the fall of Nazi Germany this is the largest War there has been and this war is going to escalate and escalate when if but when I have to always say if you know because they cheat I would say when if they didn't cheat but they cheat that's the one thing they're great at cheating in elections if we win I'll get that thing settled before I take the office I'll get it settled as President elect I'll get that war stopped with Russia yeah we'll get that stopped Ukraine and Russia we're going to get it stted quickly it'll be done before I get to office it would not have happened if I was president president it wasn't going to happen in the Middle East the Jewish people have suffered the worst atrocities and deadliest attacks since the Holocaust there's no question about that the United States has been forced to abandon more embassies under comrade Kamala than at any time in our history we're just and we're running out it's not like we're leaving we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build you got to see these embassies in the middle of nowhere where in a country you've never even heard of they spent 900 million to build an embassy the whole thing is crazy the world is on fire and kamla and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War III that's what we're in I think General you would probably agree you're one of the experts I would think right I don't even talk you about that lately it's so out of control I don't even have to bother I just say look take a look but one of the great experts and uh we're on the brink that's why this November Americans are going to tell kamla Harris Kamala that we've had enough we can't take it anymore you're doing a terrible job comrade Harris you're fired get out of here you're fired you're no good you're fired get him out of here all you have to do is take a look at sanre Francisco look at a job she did she had one policy if you steal less than $11,000 basically $950 to be exact I want to be accurate for purposes of reporters the fake news media they want accuracy they don't have to be accurate but we have to be accurate but if you steal less than $950 they basically leave you alone so if guys going in robbing stores with a calculator let's see this is $100 did you notice this not going to happen in North Carolina I don't think is it let's see that's A1 that's $59 bing bing bing bing stop stop stop we don't want to go off at 95 they walk out with it nobody does a thing starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the oath of office I will move to restore America to maximum strength and return the world to peace we're going to return the world to peace and mostly I can do it with a telephone call you know we don't have to send troops I can do it with a telephone call you go to war with another country that's friendly to us or even not friendly to us you're not going to do business in the United States and we're going to charge you 100% tariffs and all of a sudden the president or a prime minister or dictator or whoever the hell is running the country says to me sir we won't go to war I I talked I talked this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls I don't have to send in the troops one of my most urgent priorities will be to quickly rebuild the Readiness and spirit of the United States armed forces and we had it built we rebuilt it we rebuilt the whole military but it was decimated under this group of stupid people you know we had so much when I came in we had no ammunition did you know that remember I used to talk about it and I said if it's true which it was why would you say that we had people on television well you United States has no ammunition you know some things you just keep to yourself right do you remember I used to from North Carolina do you remember I used to talk about that all the time those are my best Witnesses those ladies there's about 40 of them they're all over the place and they're always perfectly quaffed and perfectly dressed they're beautiful and they're great but no used to talk all the time if you have no bullets I can ask this group of leaders you don't talk about it but you get the bullets really fast right so within a year I had so much that our warehouses were stocked to the gills we never had so much I bought so much missiles everything I rebuilt our military but that's been all dissipated now again because we give it away to everybody and for nothing I mean they don't do anything for us for us we don't get anything we don't even get a pledge that we'll pay you back someday if we have the money how about that pay you back someday if we have the money you know uh I sponsor athletes sometimes if I see somebody that I like in sports I sponsor some golfers usually doesn't typically work out I don't know if you know it's like a 5,000 to one shot but I'm good at that stuff and I can see talent and I'll give them a few thousand I'll give them $50,000 I'll say you know you're really good you could make it why don't you why aren't you trying out for the tour sir I have no money I have to give lessons I have no money he said you're too good to give lessons you can be a tour player I sir I don't have any money I said here's $50,000 and here's the deal if you do well you pay me back with no interest just good luck if you don't do well which you probably won't CU it's very hard they say the worst is a boxer if you sponsor a boxer they're all great they're winning all their fights and then they turn professional and they go in and this goes with UFC run by Dana White one of the greats of all time which is really taken over for boxing but it's the same thing and people sponsor people and they get what they get but the worst is that what's wrong oh a doctor please it is very hot here I noticed it's very hot and a lot of the people waited for days to get here so I understand it take your time doctor take your time thank [Applause] you yeah take your time please you sir [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] up [Applause] [Music] thank you very much you know they come two days three days early and it's a lot it's a lot of stress we lose them the only ones we don't lose are front row Joe's I don't know what they have going they they have something going here Governor thank you very much thanks doctor but America's blessed with the greatest military in the world but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical left politicians and some generals and at the top they woke they woke we don't want woke generals we want generals that know how to win and we have them we proved that when we wiped out Isis didn't we proved it sir it'll take 5 years we did it in three three weeks weeks I think we did it in three weeks we have the greatest military in the world but you need the great leaders otherwise your military will can never be great everywhere I go soldiers and Veterans tell me how angry they are that not one person has been held accountable for the Afghanistan catastrophe he never fired anybody you know I fire a lot of people when they don't do a good job then they come back and write books you know they hate you but that's okay when you don't fire people they never write books you know but I fired a lot of people I wasn't happy with their service I wasn't happy with the job they did and I fire them I let them go I mean I'm I'm working for you I'm not doing this for myself but when you fire them they always come back with something and now nobody's ever been in the position where you know they get offered all sorts of money from the fake news and everything else and fame we're going to make you famous all you have to do is make up some stories about Trump but uh people don't seem to care it's phony stuff phony horrible they're lightweights they're terrible people you know when I came don't forget I didn't know anybody in Washington I'm president of the United States I'm going down Pennsylvania Aven you with the biggest load of military and police and motorcycles and everything you've ever seen and I didn't know anybody I said to my wife I don't know a lot of people but the people I know I got recommendations from a lot of good people well-meaning people some were good most were great but we had some bad ones too but now I know I'm all in Washington I know the good ones the weak ones guys like this I know the weak ones and the bad ones General we know the we know the dumb ones and the Smart Ones don't we we know them all but the voters will hold kamla and Joe accountable for this November when I take office and they're going to be held accountable for what they've done to this country right thank you I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster I want their resignations immediately and I want him on the desk in the Oval Office the Resolute desk I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day everybody involved with that disaster you have a disaster so stupid as that that caused us such problem you don't know what that's done to the reputation of our country the Afghanistan disaster this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world and America Military and everybody else they want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence and it's just not acceptable that something like that could happen these are Fighters they fight with broken old obsolete weapons and knives we have F6 16s we have f35s F32 and we were knocking the hell out of them just knocking the hell out of them it was easy but I said what the hell are we doing this for let's get the hell out of there we were getting out with such strength they were so happy they couldn't believe it and then these people came in and it's it's horrible to even think about what happened and countries all over the world lost respect for us because of Afghanistan we demand success and we demand Victory we want Victory from our soldiers and from everybody else under comrade kamla Harris and I call her that because there's never been she's a Marxist okay I was saying do you think she's a Marxist or a communist to people that really study this stuff they weren't able to tell me they said it could be all the way it could be communist but she's damn close they said it was definitely one or the other but they couldn't actually tell me was it communist or Marxist sir one or the other we're not sure we'll figure it out but under comrade kamla our military has been abused for radical social experiments on day one I will get critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our us Armed Forces we're taking it out our Warriors should be focused on defeating America's enemies not figuring out their genders by that time hopefully they know their genders Marxist ideologies have no place in combat think of it they go in and they decide oh it's they going to change my gender no no we we want them to know their gender when they go in you have no idea the disruption that that has caused and the fake news refuses to report it you know when I did a ban I went to lot of good generals I said I'm not going to tell you names just tell me is it the right thing or the wrong thing the wrong thing sir it's the wrong thing and I had unanimous support and then we did it I didn't do it other people did it they reversed me as soon as they got in like almost the first day I didn't do it but uh they allowed things to happen to our military that just not right if you want to have a sex change or a social justice seminar then you can do it somewhere else but you're not going to do it in the Army Navy Coast Guard Air Force Space force or the United States Marines sorry you're not going to do it there the military brass that led these absurd and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed and they will no longer be in command they're going to be gone gone so fast command crooked Joe purged 8,000 service members from our military for refusing their covid vaccine mandate they refused to do it we didn't want a mandate the Mandate you can't you just can't do that I will rehire every patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and with back pay they will get their back pay and an apology from our government hopefully they have great jobs right now and they're making a lot of money but if they want to come back in they get an apology and we sign them up and they get their back pay should have never happened the Mandate stuff should have never happened thanks to comrade kamla and Joe Biden morale in our military is now so low that almost every single branch is suffering a major Recruitment and Retention crisis you know that upon taking office I will be the largest piece time recruitment Drive in the history of the Armed Forces we have to fill our Armed Forces with great people but they don't have Spirit now there's no Spirit used to bring other soldiers would bring their friends in now that doesn't happen almost never happens the sense of spirit pride and Prestige will soon come roaring back and reach levels never seen before we're going to make it so hot that I'm going to want to resign and join the military I don't know what rank I would start at I guess I started private I don't know what rank would I have to start at General I have to start pretty low he said you'll start at the top all right that I'll stay here that's very good you'll start at the top he knows what this say America's military must always be unrivaled and unbeatable I mean I see reports coming out where they do studies and they said under these circumstances we'll lose a war to China number one if it's true why are we saying it and number two it shouldn't be true should it huh it shouldn't be true not going to happen why would they release a report like that for China to read we're vulnerable here she said they're idiots that's a good word too who's the woman that said that stand please who said that that's very good no it's true they're she says they're idiots no they released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas we need more this we need more that we're weak here we're week there that I don't know who does this report why would you release a report like that so after years that's like saying we have no ammunition ladies and gentlemen we have no ammunition at the time with the United States of America you know why we gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places we gave them everything empty our warehouses of all of our ammunition let's give it to people free of charge free of charge cost billions free of charge everything's always free of charge so after years of horrific depletion with the comrade sending our missiles and airplanes ammunition to other countries I will make a historic investment in rebuilding the US Armed Forces I did that once before but I have to do it again because they've depleted it just like they've depleted the Strategic oil reserves you know we have the Strategic in all due respect it's not for filling up your car so that you have 4 cents a gallon less and that you vote for crooked Joe it's not meant for that it's meant for war War it's meant for tragedy it's meant for real stuff it's at the lowest point today in its history we almost have nothing left and we had it at a level that was such a beautiful thing to see we will increase funding but at the same time the days of blank checks for the weapon systems over the past are over I tell you what we will build though we're going to build a great Iron Dome over our country so that we don't have to get hit we give it to other countries we help is is and other countries and Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago as you know but it didn't we didn't really have the technology then he was right but we didn't have the right techn today we have unbelievable technology and you know we have other countries that have it this country should have it and we're going to make it right here and we're going to make it in other of our great places but a lot of it's going to come right out of your state it's time to create the Arsenal of the 21st Century we need that that means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on The Cutting Edge investing heavily in drones and Robotics and artificial intelligence and hypersonics do you know hypersonics these are missiles that go seven times faster than a fast ordinary missile seven times faster so fast that for the most part you can't shut them down and you can't shoot them down they're going at levels of speed that nobody thought was possible do you know that was our technology that was stolen by Russia and Russia has them and I started them very quickly but somebody gave Russia years ago before me all of our plans and specs for Hypersonic missiles and they built them and we didn't he said built lint he could be might have been in norance might have been a little after built L I used to like bu L can you believe it it it could have been Barack Hussein Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know my advisers are fired now would' rather keep it on policy but sometimes it's hard when you're attacked from all ends I mean they want to put you in jail for nothing for nothing for cases that the legal Scholars all over the country have said there is no case and they want to put you in jail and I could have done that to Hillary Clinton I could have put her in jail she turned away subpoenas and she damaged stuff and she wouldn't give things after a subpoena was sent after from the United States Congress I said to myself we want to bring the country together wouldn't it be terrible to put the wife of the president of the United States in jail wouldn't it be terrible and then I come out and they do it to me and there's no feeling as wouldn't it be terrible but we won the big case in Florida that was totally won and Biden didn't you know Biden documents I had the presidential records act I had I had the right to do whatever I wanted to do that was passed in like 1978 but Biden didn't have a right to do because he wasn't president and he was there for 50 years he took stuff and the ruling was basically he's guilty as hell but he's got no memory he's a nice man with no memory actually they're wrong he's not a nice man and he has no memory he's not a nice man at all because he started weaponization and weaponization is a double prong that can come back to haunt them too it's a terrible thing for our country I can tell you a terrible thing for our country we need a dramatic increase in research we need a very dramatic increase in development and in so doing we will create countless American jobs including jobs right here in a place called North Carolina do we love North Carolina Laura Trump is from North Carolina she named her daughter Carolina the wife of Eric I now say that he's the husband of Laura which Chang he's great he's great in it's a great couple but she loves this place she just loves it she's here all the time and you know she comes and she uh we love her too she's she said she's amazing she's got a great talent and she along with Michael Watley are running the Republican National Committee and doing a great job you know a lot of times when you do that they'll say oh family let me say this is not a job that somebody this is a tough job and our primary focus is not to get out the vote it's to make sure sure they don't cheat cuz we have all the votes you need you can see it every house along the way has signs Trump trump Trump trump fans Trump Vance and by the way Vance is doing a great job Vance is doing a great job look at that beautiful red Vance no but these signs are all over the place I see it everywhere no matter where in Florida they're all over because people want to see common sense you know we're the party of common sense it's not conservative liberal they don't want to be called liberal where they want to use Progressive we're Progressive Progressive I I think liberal is more appropriate Progressive is such a beautiful word right you don't Progressive Progressive means go forward they don't go forward they go backward as we rapidly rebuild American deterrence we will quickly restore peace and stability in our country but all over the world will'll make our country a much safer place we're in grave danger of a war a Third World War I tell you before I even arrive at the Oval Office and as I said we're going to do things that are going to be shocking to people but what I'm going to do more than anything else I'm going to get things in line and we're going to prevent that World War III and if you look at what's going on with Ukraine and Russia if you look at on now there's an incursion into Russia then there'll be another incursion the other way then there'll be and then all of a sudden bad things will start to happen they're already starting by contrast if comrade Camala wins this November World War I is virtually guaranteed to happen everything she touches she destroys everything that she's touched you look at her life she was district attorney in San Francisco the place went to hell it's the best city in the world probably 15 18 years ago 20 years ago maybe in the whole world it was one of the best cities in the world then she becomes the Attorney General the state of California that place went to hell it was helped by Gavin it was help nusum helped but uh she did a she was terrible and it's crime ridden and it's I mean you can't walk down the sidewalk anywhere any that's just unbelievable what's happened to that state so sad best weather beautiful ocean be everything is good but they've they've just let it go to hell and she was and she's going to do the same thing to the United States and when she says I'll let you Frack her whole career she said no frack in Pennsylvania and particular no because they get tremendous wealth from fracking uh they're going to be stopped 100% they're going to be stopped she just changed your view a few months ago you got to see you know she ran against Biden there were 22 people running she was the first to leave she quit because she went down like that and she was the first one out she never made it to the first state in the primary she never made it to Iowa never made it to Iowa she didn't get one vote and she still hasn't gotten one vote and she won't have one vote think of it Biden I'm not a fan of Biden I think he was terrible a terrible president what he did to our country you look at him with the planes and the stairs and the falling all over the place and he had no idea what the hell was happening he couldn't find his way off a stage a stair here stair there stair I got stairs all over the place he'd finish his speech and look around where am I his speech has lasted the nice part it was good in the hot sun cuz they lasted for about 2 minutes and you could go home but nobody would come anyway but we can't let her she's much worse much worse than him actually because she's actually more radical he never believed it he just did it for votes I don't know why you get votes by having open borders you know she wants open borders if she became president in four years you'd have 60 to 70 million people from from all over the world and it's not just South America and remember they're releasing them from their jails and their prisons they're coming out of jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums then we have hundreds and probably thousands of terrorists that have come into our country we probably have a few here welcome welcome but we probably have a few here and she's all for it and now she's saying and you see what she's saying well the wall was largely built we were adding space onto the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall I actually took it

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