Baldwin Prosecutor Keeps Coping & Sarah Boone's Latest Pretrial

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 02:13:37 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: alec baldwin
[Music] [Music] [Music] good evening chat hope you guys are doing well hope everybody's there cly coin is up today it's up every day chat you know talk about 10x results 1,000x results for Clyde coin it is never bad it's never down it's always up I mean like think about it hey Clyde come here bud come here Clyde over here dingleberry come here come here C hey hey Clyde come here come here buddy come on come on I mean look at this guy always up always up always going up chat always going up always going up yeah make me work for it je it's always going up chat it's always going up cly coin look at this thing look at this doggo look at him look at him would you ever say he's down he's always up he is always up always up always up he's always up to the Moon Yeah a good boy always up look at him look at that Regal look all right Chad all right buddy oh uh oh what are you caught on there we go that would have been bad all right here you go Baba go boy all right no no that's it buddy no no that's it Clyde looks thing call CPS no bye Clyde I miss Clyde already no that's okay he misses you too just saying though Clyde is Clyde is never down and he's never out keep that in mind anys guys I hope you're having a great Friday it is Friday um pyro tomsky says he pimps himself just for us yes yes he does yes yeah he's looking for he's got a penies chewing on Jello says I see what dick said I don't I don't really care what he has to say so no no I'm sure it was something about being fat or whatever who knows uh James says you watch the video of Monty introducing himself to me yes that what I actually got to meet monra when he came on my channel that was hilarious it was it was a very interesting night it was a very interesting night um Annie Lance I spent over 800 month on dog food now that's uh are you feeding them people are you you know you can kill hobos and feed them to your dogs it'll be cheaper oh that's funny though that's a lot that's a lot but I could be really I mean I'm not saying it's bad I'm betting it's really good dog food but holy cow that's uh what is it yeah I mean like yeah do you have like a herd of Mastiffs or I'm hoping you're not telling me it's for like a toy poodle or something because then you got a then you got some then you got then you really have some explaining to do all right guys but yes it is Friday it's been fun it's been a week I mean it was Labor Day I mean holy cow it's the weekend again already we're getting we're going to be getting into the heart of September here pretty quick so we've got a couple things to talk about like we like I said tonight Carrie morrisy can't stop coping and I think it's funny she just won't let the case go and I think judge uh Marlo has finally gotten to the point where she's like no Carrie we're done and we're gonna see that sley says someone must worked L every day oh I need get sponsored by chewy I I do but I don't think I'm I don't think I warrant their uh attention yet but maybe at some point that'd be worth it it's that ready made by Ross of okay I can see that costing some money yeah whky CH says Costco food is great and inexpensive h Jess Joyce says thanks for the h treat recommendations it helped your dog on the car right today oh that's good to know that's good to know all right all right everybody we got a couple minutes in here it's time to get going and yes if you were wondering yes the Alec Ballwin case I mean it's over it's over it's been done we're over 45 days now past you know 45 days past du chat it's been done it's been dead except for Carrie morisy she just won't let it go and she she just won't let it go so what did she start off with so she started off with this so car Carrie Morrison filed a motion for the extension of page limits to the state's motion to reconsider dismissal with prejudice remember G morresy in the middle of the trial we had the issue with the extra rounds that Troy tesy had and they were taken to the police station in the middle of trial and all that happened and then the judge ended up dismissing with prejudice but remember it wasn't just that yes that was a massive Brady issue potentially exculpatory evidence was withheld yes she's the one who [ __ ] up the evidence sharing yes she was the head prosecutor she's the one who kept on taking her glasses and going like this and going like this like every two seconds so it wasn't just that remember guys as the as the judge said routinely in this trial especially the Alec Baldwin Phase which we later found out applies to Hanah Reed there are routine issues of them [ __ ] up Discovery and withholding Discovery and they kept on going like oh sorry I'm a big idiot later well finally the judge said no you're done you've screwed up too many times it's over and she dismissed the charges with prejudice meaning they're dead they're gone they're never coming back bye-bye it's over so what what did we get well krie won't let it go so she filed this and this is something typically you have to do you ex you you have if you're seeking um and you are limited at times um under local rules your motions cannot exceed 10 pages okay well if your rules say you can't exceed 10 pages and your motions greater than 10 pages you either you have to do you have to do something you need permission from your court to allow it now in this case you filed for an extension of page limits okay or you might see people filing a leave of court to file a you file for leave of Court meaning the Court's permission to submit an extended or ex oversized or over limits uh brief that happens so she filed it and she filed it August 30th and then she says that here comes state of New Mexico and she said the defendant was granted leave of the court to file her motion for due trial in excess of page limits and the state request to save for its response okay um the motion is currently 34 and it's actually 54 pages long with heter conclusion a certificate of service not excluding exhibits now typically um with heter inclusion and cerate certificate of service a lot of places don't count that because that's not fair because sometimes your certificate of service is an extra page where you say like I hereby certify that this was served upon the defendant or the prosecutor via fimily or hand delivery on such and such date we tend to not let people do that because that's that's not fair to them um they said attorneys for defendant were contacted via email but as of the filing have not responded I'm sure Alex speo is already on to bigger and better things doesn't actually care about what's going on he's just you know screw this we're out you know F this I'm I've got bigger problems to worry about so she says wherefore she requests the court to enter in order allow extension of page limits signed by Carrie morrisy and she says I hereby certify the pleading was filed through Odyssey system and it allows everybody to be served electronically so she says I did it today and it's done now what did she file well here's the here's what she filed and here's here is the thing oh she files a motion to reconsider the dismissal with prejudice now if you notice there's a couple things one is the page size of this document it's big it's huge it's huge I mean look at this 52 Pages like look at that up there chat 52 Pages 52 52 Pages all right well when did she file it that becomes the next issue she filed it on 8:30 2024 at 805m so a couple hours later she files this now notice what I haven't shown you is an approval so she files this 52-page motion and it's a motion to reconsider the dismissal with prejudice and support thereof the stat subit of following now here's the thing because the judge dismissed it with prejudice and it wasn't an acquit by a jury Carrie morsey can appeal this and file motions if this was a not guilty from the court or if this is a not guilty verdict it'd be done and over with but because this was a dismissal um there's a there's a different issue here uh Raptor I'm going to be covering this probably um I'm thinking about covering this tomorrow the actual copyright lawsuit don't worry we're going to get to that I think it's interesting it's kind of funny to look at but yes fud Busters friend of the show Matthew L roier um owner of mf- if you'd like to buy your Windchimes there mf- use the promo code pot Crim you can get uh couple percent off I think it's 10% off promo code pot CRM I can't show the ad I think because that counts as an advertising for a no no company but even though all they do is sell Windchimes I'm not sure what the big deal is so she's filing this motion to State the fall and she wants um and she basically they're and this is cope this is all cope but she says no judge they're facts you didn't understand there's part of the story you didn't know there is no violation of Alec Baldwin's du process rights um Alec bald was aware of the existence of the ammunition and the characteristics of it prior to trial and it's not favorable to him in his defense no judge you don't get it no stalker child is the judge saying Carrie screams no judge you don't understand you don't get it you just don't get it judge now this is an interesting part of this We're Not Gonna and we're not GNA go through all 52 Pages there's a reason why in a minute this is an interesting part here the G of this woman to do this the state requests the court order defense Council to provide a description in all documents related to when and how they learn of the Troy tesy ammunition so the court May properly consider the prejudice to the defendant and a record for possible review by a higher appell court now listen to that listen to that she wants that she wants Alec Balwin and his attorney to disclose all kinds of things about what they may have known as an excuse for Carrie morresy to say well I don't have to show you it's okay that I didn't show you because you knew this is um that that is impressive that is impressive that was the one thing when I read this I'm like you've got to be [ __ ] me you've got to be [ __ ] me you know she wants defense Council to disclose all their documents to when and how they learned of this I mean how are they goingon to know if even if they knew even if they knew Carrie you still have a duty under Brady V Maryland to disclose the information you still have a duty to disclose it um Jason saying isn't that work client product is it not protected well work client or work product would be if like if uh Alex SP was taking notes that's work product or if he's working on something now if he got a hold of a document somehow there might not be work product necessarily but yes if I'm Alec Bowen's attorney it's all work product it's all things I worked on it's all things I generated or used in the benefit and the representation of my client yes there's attorney client confidentiality and remember as we learned in the other cases here attorney client confidentiality extends Beyond you and your client but to othera other people involved so like Brian steel when Brian steel is being held in contemp by judge Glenville during the the Young Thug trial attorney client confidentiality extends to things you're doing on behalf of your client like the judge said you have to tell me and he said I can't tell you because the rules of confidentiality prohibit me from telling you so yes that there are a lot of ethical considerations there um and she's demanding they show it I mean that that already there's a bunch of problems but yes at the end of the day Alec Bow's attorney is going to say no way in hell are we doing this absolutely not and just the G of this woman to put that in writing um yes the judge should order the defense to explain how they knew we withheld exculpatory evidence yes go [ __ ] yourself is the right answer yeah Jason no no I think that was 100% a great answer I think it was a great answer a great question and Lego LIF law Libations hello hello but yes that's a shame you're correct yes explain to us how we knew no we're not doing that and then um yes car's coping it's needing yes yes now how's the rest of this work there's there's an This Is 50 pay like look she just keeps throwing everything back in here all the pictures from before yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada I mean she's like look there's dumby rounds visible in this run judge you don't get it no judge no no and she just goes on and on and on and on for page after page I mean most of this pages are because of the pictur she took and shoved in here there's all kinds of garbage in here this is just on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on um you know they F and finally just getting to here you know she says like you know State agrees the state agrees the tesy supplemental report described the rounds we're not provided to the defendant okay well that's important and while she was not in possession of the supplemental report was unaware little pelv existed she agrees the knowledge possessed by members of law force from room to be known of the prosecution yep yes and that's a thing when you are a prosecutor what the police have is imputed onto you because you're on the same team um they do disagree though that l or Corporal Hancock should have interviewed Troy tesy before Unity Des sign the ammunition turned over um was relevant and should be now as she likes to say comingled that's her way of just trying to act like it's not important it's like no she should have interviewed and they didn't do anything but that that's the problem here you know there's all kinds of issues here about what happened she just won't accept them oh Lan's barking so she just won't let it go she just won't let it go um and yes once again she says they request the court order defense Council to provide a prescri description and all documents related to how and when they learn to Troy tesky ammo so the court May properly consider the Prejudice um and she says please reconsider the language in the order granting Alec bn's motion for dismissal and sanctions under Brady and Giglio concerning the verocity of Marissa pople and remember she's the CSI Tech who was screwing around with the ammunition when it was brought in it was acting like all laughy and having a joke and a smoke yes the smart prosecutor walked away Tim The Tool says please go through a page by Page well we don't have to we don't have to um because we also have to go through 110 pages of exhibits exhibits one through four she submitted so it's 52 Pages plus 110 and these are transcripts a lot of this is transcripts that were provided and used I mean look there's transcripts that are included in here all kinds of great stuff okay well what's the next thing Carrie morrisy submitted she then submitted 279 pages of exhibits um this is just it just it gets better and better and better with this woman I mean so here are the other exhibits she submitted and this is all the garbage from the movie Set I mean she goes through everything you know we're only now it's 190 pages in chat here's another bit of the the uh transcripts all kinds of stuff she submitted she basically resubmitted everything and this is this is very obnoxious and what do we get with all this well the court this week and yesterday um funny you should ask Tim should we go through all of this hold on here where is yeah she basically resubmitted the whole case if he was the real PPP lawyer skin I would ask for Subs to read all of it no CH God no there's an easier way to do this there's a you know chat instead you know will show there's a felting it's even better we don't need to read all of it because judge summer yesterday filed something that takes care of it she just like nope not doing it not doing it we're not doing this and she says order denying the state's motion for extension of page limits to the motion to reconsider dismissal with prejudice and she says this matter came before the court because the state filed for an extension of page limits okay having reviewed the briefing and being otherwise fully advised the court finds it concludes um the court rules on the pleading file without hearing and she can do that she doesn't have to hearing she can say she can read it and go look at it and like yeah I ain't doing this and on August 30th 2024 the state filed a 52-page motion the state additionally filed 387 pages of exhibits the state did not obtain Advance leave of court to file its motion well in Access of page limits now here's the point when you file page limits or you file an extension you can file it like Carrie did which is called instanter meaning like right then and there but here's the thing Carrie knew well in advance she was going to be way over she should have done this in advance you don't just do this um you don't just do this it that's not the proper way you can get away with it but when you know already you're going to be like just dumping a massive set of pages on there you need to do it in advance you know you're going to need it do it ahead of time it it's it's a far more intelligent way of handling it um like I it's just there like like I said guys it's there are ways to do things and there are ways not to do things so it it all it all depends it all depends what you want to do but you can you know for example here chat we're going to use this um this is a great example of it this is in Hannah Reed's case and as much as I don't like Jason BS and I I think he did a lot of things bad he does a lot of things right and what did he do here well he showed up and on the 16th he filed this motion for extension of page limits okay so he comes in and he says following the trial he said a local rule I can't exceed 10 pages currently I'm at 23 Pages along with heter inclusion certificate and he said Carrie Mory takes no position all right so he asked for permission to enter an order allowing him to see the page limit okay cool and guess what happened you know later that day we got an order to exceed the page limit now this is also you know you could make arguments about what kind of case this is or anything like that sure but look because you filed it they may exceed the page limit to file cool and then we'll go to this this is the timeline here chat so here is the motion to exceed page limits down here you have the motion exceed page limits you have the motion for page limits and then you have this and then you have other things that they filed here you have the state's response they did it the right way they did it the right way so there are ways you can do it there are ways you can do it there's smart ways to do it but yes judge um but we're going to get back to what judge uh to the great jurist um Mary Marlo Sr did here so she said un if you don't obtain leave um you require an entry when you file a brief in EXs to 10 pages and this is the local rule um it doesn't include the cover page conclusion certificate of service and Exhibits without an order of the court so you're allowed to have parts of your brief that don't count but she this was obnoxious what she did so what does she do then now here's the important part of this compared to Hannah Reed given the procedural posture of the case and this is is why this is one of the big reasons why too Not only was the size but the posture of the case procedural posture what stage of the case are we in what position the posture of the case it's already been dismissed with prejudice it's done the court must enforce a local rule to regulate the court stock and it promote judicial efficiency now there are times where if you violate the local rules you could sit there and make a claim like but your honor the interest of Justice I've done that before when I've screwed up on local rules it's a very common thing like look judge the interest of Justice we're trying to deal the case judge please work with us okay cool the case is done this one's done nothing left to do and they point out that the Court's inherent Authority extends all conduct before that court and encompasses orders intended and reasonably designed to regulate the Court's docket promoted efficiency and deter frivolous filings and they point out that council is caution to comply in the future with the rules of appell procedure yes and sanctions may be appropriate for violations but more importantly they say in our experience briefs that exceed page limits even when this court has approved them are almost invariably unpersuasive a winning argument can fit within the limitations of the rule and this is where they're pointing out less is more less is more this is their way of saying that less is more this is what matters this is this is the critical thing here this is very true if you can't say within 10 pages you might have a problem but there are times where it's different on an appeal you're going to have a lot of pages but this is different so the court finds the state's motion for extension of page limits is not well taken and should be denied it is therefore the state's motion for extension of page limits with prej is hereby denied okay so what does that mean well um they say sent to Carrie morrisy goes to uh Luke Nikas Alex SPO um I don't remember Michael Nos and Chuck but okay I do remember Sarah Clark and then Heather LeBlanc was involved we remember her so what does this do well it's over it's over said I always go over page limits David oh yes but it's done it's not coming in she's not accepting it you filed an improper filing the court is not accepting it it's denying it without a ruling it just says I'm not listening this garbage it's denied you're done and you're motion for all this garbage I'm not looking at so yes she got felted yes this is a monster kill car's done you go one page over to see if people read it that's never a dangerous thing there Dolly says so Carrie can't redo it I mean that's the issue like you could but I think the Judge is already pointing out the way she said it when she focused on the procedural posture this is her way I think of trying to Telegraph to Carrie I don't care you know the issue of procedural posture here I I think this is um given the procedural imposture of the case I I think she's very much um trying to say I don't give a [ __ ] and you're wasting my time to me to me that's what those sentences say I think she's done I don't [ __ ] care [ __ ] knock it off you're wasting my time leave me Alone um you know fix it does she have time I mean I don't know if she has time anymore but yes I think the Judge is sending a signal leave me alone you're done you lost take your L Carrie um she wants to go to the court of appeals anyway I don't know if she's filed an appeal yet so she'd better hurry the hell up I don't know how much time she has but I can't imagine too much Luke says there's so much cope Easter eggs in that motion it's worth going through and I understand that but remember at the end of the day this motion here's the point it doesn't matter this is all or not we could read the motion but it's literally a dead man on a Ral and I don't like doing that to you guys because if we know it's dead and it doesn't matter I think you should know that you should have a right to know that we can watch it and we can you know and honestly I started reading it and I saw the court said it's dead I stopped reading because I have other things I can do I have other things I can work on and spend my time on so I quit reading there but we can work on that we can work on looking at it Kaye says I could just imagine krie chucking everything off her desk yes are you just want to go to page 36 okay let's see this here uh all right page 36 oh okay yes I did see this clip on uh I did see this part on Twitter this is pathetic this is pathetic yes it it is worth noting the defendant was being supervised it was being represented by at least nine attorneys oh no oh no oh no they too many he has too many people yes you finally found somebody yes for one of the few times in history the defendant has a bigger checkbook than the state does yes oh well oh well oh no oh no you can beat me to death with money yes yes that that's that's what Alec Balwin did here he got the he got a this is literally um I don't know about Heather Blan but like most of these guys here most of this team here formed a [ __ ] murderer row I mean Alex spearo and Luke Nikas came in there just swinging their dicks and kri didn't know what to do and she said all of them were present in New Mexico for the trial although she messed up here um because she already has a parentheses right here and then she starts another parentheses she should have a second parentheses right there but she didn't do that um and the state was responded by two repres by two attorneys who did not have the human resources respond no motion dismiss and prepared for the next day's Witnesses in one evening W the fact the motion was raised during trial was a tactical decision okay that's how it works by defense to take advantage of limited resources okay so what so what so what it was a tactical decision so what so what they're allowed to do that there are tactical decisions this [ __ ] is chess sometimes Carrie Thomas said should have a triple parenthetical well if it's only two a parentheses inside a parentheses I think it's just there um but yeah this is just this is sad this is sad she's just so sad you know can I complain the state has more attorneys than I do on future tickets I'm sure she'll complain and say well that's just how it is yes and she she keeps on crying about the fact they're big city lawyers from New York City New York City yes I surprised she didn't bring up your honor did ever Ur you they might your honor did ever recur you these guys might be Jews you're are you gonna let these Jews come into our New Mexico courtroom and Big League us that's what she's almost I'm waiting for her to say are you gonna let these these these little round hats come in and bully you in our great cowboy state the poor State can't handle stress I hear there's something out there that helps with the stress and that if you take it your stress levels go from here to up here she should look into that next time and that's the shame brings up a great Point why the [ __ ] weren't you already prepared for that witness it was your witness [ __ ] and I agree when I've had trials when I was a prosecutor and I had all the witnesses I'd bringing in or out you prepared them in advance now some like a big a critical witness you might just like recheck the afternoon of after a trial but generally speaking you got prepared because you know you're exhausted you have very little time to prepare anything else and you got to sleep and do everything else you probably I also have work I to take care of during the day like other things I still to take care of my job so no I'm not going to waste time re interviewing a witness that should have been done well in advance you pre them they're ready to go you should basically like I got my file that part of the file for that witness bring it up open it up and start going yeah this is absolutely garbage yes the paragraph justification is off yes very sloppy now she says the defense knew that some of the rounds turned in by tesky were the same or similar to the live rounds from the set of rust and they laid in weight to moveed to dismiss during trial when it had tactical Advantage yeah that's how this works that's how this works I will hold off on something it's no different that if the state forgets to approve venue remember part of it is you know when you hear them say did this occur in like Santa Fe county in the state of New Mexico that's them establishing the venue for this the court case that's one of the elements of a crime is that it happened in that jurisdiction otherwise the court can't hear it and what like yeah I'm going to sit there I've had cases like that where the prosecutor forgets to do it and get all the way through and you're like your honor and as soon as they rest you say your honor I want to dismiss they haven't just shown venue now sometimes there's courts like oh I'm pretty sure they did and they overrule you and you're like oh this is [ __ ] but once in a while courts are like yeah I don't think they did Cas smed didn't prove it happened here sorry I'm not going to sit there and go hey Mr prosecutor I think you forgot something no I'm gonna tuck that in I'm gonna take that put it in my pocket and like we're gonna hold on to that for later you know it's a secret tool that'll help us later that's how it works you hold on to those things there's nothing wrong with a tactical Advantage you know the defense scheduled its third evidence viewing for this case in June and that the defense suddenly canceled without explanation on June 17th after CST paa prepared hundreds of items for viewing so the [ __ ] what something happened they couldn't make it oh well on July 12th UND Council Express in court that the defense was aware of the tesy rounds before the trial and likely learned of it from Miss goodier as councel perhaps this was the reason they scheduled they canceled their viewing okay oh well oh well oh well Carrie oh well it doesn't matter you knew about it you had it you didn't turn it over because like you said I decided it wasn't relevant that's the problem you made a decision what you did is the problem not what Alec Baldwin's attorneys did it's what you did is the problem defense Council responded he shouldn't have to disclose this information to the court and if he had to it should be provided in camera um this is this is all just [ __ ] garbage they're saying oh well the court agreed to address this issue but it never did well it doesn't have to doesn't [ __ ] have to it's over carry it's over it's over you committed Brady violations you're done oh MLS you're like popping in on other things I'm I'm still God how are you doing David if you want I can send you if you're interested I can send you a link but I know you're I know you're probably out and about so bearing your opponent at work as the SOP in many cases yeah if you can do it do it this is a standard civil practice tactic but in reality here's the problem those attorneys realize like oh my God they [ __ ] up but they actually did it we're going to Spring the Trap they put emotion together that's the advantage of having a bigger thing yeah she ruined a reputation over this imagine that you ruined your [ __ ] reputation over some dumb Ukrainian chick getting shot on a movie set that's that's imagine going to all this yeah this is just sad it's sad and pathetic sad and pathetic so that's that's the ballot of Carrie morrisy right there chat just it's not very impressive um the amateur icon class gifted one membership thank you for the support and the uh thank you for your support and your generosity pirate hsky for two pound sterling the king Sterling now if you live in a place or you don't feel that affinity for the Monarch let me know and I won't refer to as a king Sterling next time says Carrie morisy the ultimate re yes it very much is cyber Punk says to be fair I still don't see how the materiality was met could see a Russian Bad actor planted live ammo one set does that erase effect ball when pointed and pulled the trigger of a gun it does in the idea that if there was sabotage he had every right and belief that he could do all these things and that yes if there's sabotage there are intervening events like if there's an intentional act to cause problems I would argue that changes the entire analysis here so let's say it turns out that really all happened they wouldn't have charged Baldwin I guarantee you they wouldn't have but remember at the end of the day it's not K mory's job to say you don't get that evidence I don't think it's important give it to the give it to the defense and let them decide what's important or not important um Jay Wolfenstein for $2 says less cope more sne please well you're gonna get a little bit of everything Jason is Jason lazat for five dollar thank you by the way I was saying how piss do you think the Judge is can the Judge hit her with disciplinary actions spend car back into place and stop her well she's allowed to file motions she's allowed to file motion and that's not the issue here the judge is just trying to be nice saying like Carrie I don't give a [ __ ] now she keeps doing it the judge could probably like warn her that I will file sanctions against you where I will grieve you but for right now she has not broken the rules of professional conduct so that's not an issue for Carrie she's being good overall it's just like come on you can't [ __ ] do this mamasaurus Rex says could Baldwin's lawyers still file a response or is Judge summer judge Summers uh shut that down too they could if they wanted to but at this point the court has denied it the court denied her motion without hearing and just like nope I'm I'm done I don't even think she read it at that point no no you don't I mean you could file a motion but if I'm Alex SPO the case is done it's gone I he's already moved on to other things so number one you're taking care of that number two Alec Baldwin's paid you sure and you're you're billing him part of your duty is to limit the amount of billing for your client if you can the Court's already ruled and denied the motion you don't have to respond and I would argue ethically he has a duty to maintain efficiency in his representation then number three the bigger thing here is Judge Selmer is on your side right now she's very mad at Carrie morrisy she doesn't want to hear it if the judge doesn't want to hear it she probably doesn't want to hear from you so this is one of those times where you just keep your mouth shut and sit in the corner and let Carrie get her ass kicked because if you just sit there and like go back to doing your own work nobody's gonna care so just flying under the radar is the best that would be my strategy if I were them and I'd say it's for all those reasons I've got other things to do it's I need to you know Shepherd how I bill Alec Baldwin because that could easily be another five6 thousand $110,000 for that motion if they responded to it and then three I don't want the judge pissed off at me so we're just going to like be done you know don't don't interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake and I think that's very true here krie Mor is making a mistake let her let her cook let her cook by herself um AI designs for SS in £4.99 for super sticker well thank you you I appreciate that pirate tomsky for five pound sterling the king Sterling is saying your honor they had them fancy New York City lawyers so we decided to hold back evidence in case they did some weird magic in won the case yes Carrie probably yes yes yes she was worried that your honor they might do some of that Jew Magic embarrassed herself on the world stage yep yes she did so it it's just there's no there's no yeah and then Cedar Rose gifted one membership thank you Cedar um thank you for your support and your generosity helping to keep this chat gray free thank you very much yes use Gypsy tears to counter the magic oh no it's gonna be even funnier when Hannah gets a new trial I think it's gonna be funnier if Hannah gets her charges tossed like that's really the problem there that might get it might get she might just get her charges dismissed because remember all these Brady violations occurred in Hannah's case too so [Music] sorry my neighbor's car is going off seriously bro come on whatever whatever so what would you do in if you were in car shoes apologizing shut the [ __ ] up no I would just you got to move on take your L and move on it's done it's done maybe try maybe try uh the appeal but that's it I wouldn't have done this I wouldn't have done all this yes your honor they're the Red Sea pedestrians we can't you you have to be careful judge they shape shift then pirate tomsky for another five pounds thank you and is saying I saw Carrie running around New Mexico wearing a Ballin mask and branching a 45 round two is coming soon yes she's like I'll get him this time yeah she's that the mission impossible faaker so she put the mask on and run around like run around the movie Set like Mr balwood you're here to are you here yes yes I'm here boom boom and she just like stands her drops the gun and walks off let's see here um bumpy I don't know what you're talking about so um cat that's actually a good question can a lawyer not attach to Hannah's case right emotion for her casus Miss do to Brady no no remember you have to be you're entering an appearance meaning you have to be like stating I'm working for Hannah but Hannah has to hire you so if you try that you're now interfering in a case where you haven't been hired by by the client that's actually a very very big deal you can't just show up and file emotions that will get you in deep [ __ ] very quickly so kind of like what happened in that um the uh what's the name of that Chad Dell case up in uh Idaho where that attorney just filed a motion out of nowhere and he wasn't involved in the case at all you know like that one especially the death penalty K like that attorney got his [ __ ] reamed out for that like you he got a deep [ __ ] for that you can't be getting involved like that if it's not your case if it's not your case and that you haven't been approved to be on it you can't jump into it you have to stay out yes Mission Impossible face mask and the actor is the same yes I forgot he's in the mission impossible movies the movie on in the background 148 is pretty damn creepy oh I don't know like my background [Music] my there could be an interpleader yeah I don't know if you'd be able to inter plead into a criminal case like that because it's I mean this isn't a civil thing I don't know I mean you can't really inter plead can you inter plead in a I mean you can't do an inter plead or here in Ohio for a criminal case but can you inter plead like in I mean it's it wouldn't work I mean you'd have to show you have some I mean cuz typically when doing inter pleader you're like involved in the case or you have some sort of ownership or stake in it I don't know how You' bring that up here I mean like how like you'd have to show you have some sort of right and I don't know what you'd be able to claim I mean like victims don't have the right to inter plead really they can victims can file motions but they're they're stated as victims like that are filing motions or notices so no I'm trying think like could you do a CER Fleer I don't think you can I don't know where you'd be able to do it but maybe you can like I said I don't know I've never claimed to be I've never claimed to be the smartest guy in the world so um Justin Justin bringing this up um on Nick's case there's a taken under advisement from today not sure what that it's about I I don't know maybe his attorney did file something remember the whole thing with uh filing of the uh Bond stuff took like a couple of days so maybe the motion pops up later taking under advisement means the judge is looking at the case finally he's taking a look at the motions and the merits the way you do take it under like that's what taking out advisement means because he's not going to look at it ahead of time he's GNA wait till both parties submit and then he'll read and then he'll give it he'll give it another he'll give it a look because before that if he's viewing one one side and you know he's had the defense motion for weeks and weeks and weeks now that would be unfair so he's going to take them and now he's going to sit down he's going to look at them like okay yeah and I'll do some read case law open up a book fire up Lexus Nexus start reading some cases and figure out what he's gonna do so he's taking it under advisement so he's basically said I'm going to start assessing who's right in the situation so that's all it is that's all it is Cedar Rose says it's Autumn white girl time oh my gosh yes it is the one Courthouse I go to the dep one of the one of the Court deputies the court security guys he does all the decorating around the security because there's like when you walk in there's the security desk and right next so it's a metal detector it's like you have to come in through like either of the two doors you end up having to be right there and he he decorates it all the time all the different holidays uh I noticed it yesterday it's all set up for fall it's like Harvest he's got scarecrows out and everything and pumpkins and gourds and stuff and I just looked and I'm like is it already that time I'm like it's a bit early and they're like hey it's pumpkin spice season I'm like oh my gosh it's a little early but yes it's it's it's happening it's happening chat and to be fair it's after Labor Day so I guess U midnight in Exile saying um for $5 I worked to showas for 25 years warned that Dei would get someone killed for 10 they will do anything to avoid admitting um Hannah goodier is Reed was the Dei hire that did it yeah was she a Dei hire or a nepo baby or a combo I'm sure it was kind of like all the above pirate tomsky is a new M thank you man I appreciate it or if you're a pirate sh be are y he thankks you for joining this band of Merry thieves you're saying in your background okay CU about to say I'm like I don't hear any like I was listening and I don't hear anything so yeah David's like maybe not in criminal no I agree inter pleer is a very good civil act civil remedy to do stuff Dolly says what would happen if you troll in big cases with filing is doing self-promotions and you're in another state like Sarah Oh you mean like if I if I filed motions at zaboon oh I probably I could get I could get reprimanded and what that Court could do is contact you know here like that Court would it contact the Supreme Court of Ohio and disciplinary Council and be like this guy's [ __ ] with my case and they could discipline me I'm Bound by the rules of professional conduct if I'm out and about so like if I Pro like think about it if I prohawk V into Florida for a case or if I proog V into Utah or West Virginia or Maine or you know California California if I pr vade into anywhere and I go out there and I conduct violations of the rules of professional conduct could I get sanctioned where I'm out out there yeah they could they could discipline me but they really don't hold the power over me what happens is Ohio has power over me so they would tell Ohio here's what he did and they would discipline me for it so yeah you are not immune from that you can't you can't play those games those are that that's that there is no like he it didn't happen here so you can't punish me it's like no they will don't try them don't try them I'm advisement means the judge is studying the legality of an issue sure the legality or the factual Bas is like who you know I got to start figuring out what happens so taking under advis means I'll get back to you guys on it David says I'm researching it now yes I'm glad you're taking a look at it I thought Ohio was just a meme oh you best believe it's more than a meme so all right oh Dolly saying not saying I will at all oh you could get in trouble for different things things I thought you meant like me or are you trying to say like you know you'd be promoting like listen guys Dolly talks and here safe for days here on YouTube he would just slap that in the middle of emotion as your thing like no do not do that do not do that no that was leanie she growls something got her fired up and she she does that thing that's how she barks yeah that's how she does it that sounded evil yeah Laney sounds very dangerous when she barks all right guys so that's it for uh the Hannah Reed car Morris he Saga next thing we got is saroon yes America's sweetheart she's got her she's had a pre-trial a couple days ago with her new attorney and it sounds like they're working together things are going well um the emotion for new trial was or continuance was denied which I still think was I still think is nonsense she's got an attorney they're trying to work on things here I don't think it's fair uh let me see here oh oh my gosh you guys are going sorry I'm checking something out here okay that didn't work uh so here we go here we go Sarah Boons you act like this judge cares about fairness well yes that's true that's true that's true yes he he's just all about like like we're trying to get this done which I think is a horrible thing for him to say all he's going to do um oh CH FR says my old blind dog would just bark in the backyard to feel like a dog oh I'm sure I'm sure yeah here we go so here's the Sarah Boon's pre-trial her most recent one we going take a look at we'll listen along and see what happened here like I said guys this this is just you know some basic stuff we're GNA take a look at it so here we go why did this forgot where it was like so there's judge cranic now I don't know why oh sir hang on one second I'm waiting for the state thank you for your patience thanks hold on here we're going to skip ahead let's get we're waiting for the prosecutors that happens sometimes so here we go there's Sarah very happy she's in really she's in really good spirits comparatively speaking compared to other times good morning everyone we are here on several different items uh the first is the Court's notice of hearing that was sent out last week the first issue on that was addressing the viewing of the physical evidence here in open court on AUST 5 Court entered order setting forth certain deadlines and scheduling including the viewing of the digital EV no later than September 3 and the fiscal evidence do you take here place here in open court on September the 3D and a schedule for objections thereafter the Dig El review took place on August 9th and the August 23rd deadline for objections um has since passed there we go I don't know why it did that chat on August 14th the court was advised of an alternative Arrangement uh and advis the state to file a notice reflecting when and where and how that review would have taken place I did not receive or see such a notice in a court file Mr Cy yes honor uh we were not able to file the notice prior to today however on Friday August the 30th we were able to have that evidence review of the physical items with Miss Bo at the county jail okay all right Miss Boom can you confirm if in fact that viewing took place it took place okay all right very good and who who uh did it take place between the state yourself and was Mr Lane with Prison Break investigations uh a part of that view correct okay all right thank you very much um also said for hearing this morning wood defendant's motion for payment of costs and appointing neuros psychologist to assist the defendant in preparation of the defense that was filed on a 14th uh the next day August 15th jscs filed response to the Motions for payment of costs and appointment of a neuros psychiatrist paragraph 10 of the JC's response reflects that JSC will not be participating in this hearing um Mr Owens good morning um what is your position Sir with regard to Miss's proed motion for cost of you adopting that motion I'd like to abandon that one this substituted and for two other motions for the appointment of a fic psychologist um Dr Julie Harper who was on this case previously uh I believe she saw Sarah B about six times at the Orange County Jail she was working under the direction of the original Council Mr pelia who I believe had the case for about two and a half years and I think it was set FR ready to go and then at the last minute he with Drew I tried to call him a couple of times haven't been able to find out what went on I have talked to Miss Cashman the last la but um we don't need this neuros psychologist that Miss Boon had requested but we do need a reappointment of the forensic psychologist Dr Julie Harper I've spoken with her a couple of times last week I uh text messaged her four or five times uh this weekend um she is in agreement to handle the case to reopen her CL she has sent me her records I have reviewed them I've met with my client I think my client meets the criteria for B spouse I believe Dr Harper after she gets a chance to re-engage with my client SP some time that she's going to be of that opinion um in addition I believe it's necessary for the appointment of a crime scene Reconstructionist and death investig Dr Michael Berkley who is from my area Pensacola is who I am recommending to be appointed what was his name I'm sorry Michael berkin I filed these judge yesterday or last night I don't know if they int file yet I did not see them this morning I yes State have you seen I just saw them briefly this morning prior to the thank you I the only thing I saw in the court file counselor when I was prepping last night was the motion for statement particulars call Se two I have not yet seen these motions judge I also file the motion for additional Discovery I don't know if that was that made through as well was that also filed yesterday sir sometime the evening it was filed at 830 yesterday morning so I have your motion for statement particular F 810 yesterday but I do not have the motion for additional Discovery file 834 I don't know why um the was not able to post that they no certain things Auto populate and certain things have okay the statement of particulars and the additional Discovery will file yesterday morning the motion to appoint the crime scene Reconstructionist and death investigator and the motion to appoint the forensic psychologist was filed at 6:10 p.m. I do see that um as the court previously identified JCS chose not to participate in this morning's heing of their response uh followed on August 15th they are not here um your motion your motions for these various experts report they were sent to all persons on service list through the E portal but I don't know how I can address these this morning without having JCS here so I will endeavor to uh coordinate a hearing for these as soon as practical I understand uh these need to be addressed U be advised this is a trial week for the court as is next week but I will do my best to Endeavor to try to get these H as soon as possible Jud and I have you know I thought my notice of appearance on Friday and I've spoken with Dr berland two or three times this weekend um I I was able the state was able to provide me with some Discovery I think once I follow my notice early Friday morning I think the state provided uh a lot of Discovery to me I provided that to Dr I believe he has uh the autopsy we cannot find the autopsy photographs which he says a critical we cannot find the crime said critical his evaluation so I know th of the essence we've got people working on it but there is some additional evidence that we need State what's the the um status of the provision of the uh autopsy photographs and the Cary photographs and provide the council we provided all those things uh previously obviously to the defendant uh which has been greatly discussed already um when Mr owens's NOS of appearance came on the case I instructed my assistant to go ahead and send copies of the the document discovery which is easily available to him just so that he could quickly have that and not have to worry about getting that from his client or whatever I believe we also sent notice to as well that he wants additional copies of the autopsy and crime scene photos or any other pieces of digital evidence in the case that he just needs to provide USB and he can go ahead and firm that for again this is in addition what's already been provided to in this okay do we have a time frame might be oh real quick I know you guys were some people had asked me a question earlier they asked me yesterday about why is this guy using the Reconstructionist and people up in his area there's nothing wrong with that because it's people he knows and experts he knows he can use and he trust and he thinks they're reliable for what he needs so there's nothing wrong with him saying I want to use the expert up where I'm from what was that um he's allowed to do that that's not actually a problem here get that information to him he wants to come back to my office we can do it this morning this afternoon is your office in the building yes right there come door I don't have a USD with me but I'll find one this point we'll get okay I appreciate you both with regard to the motion for additional Discovery file yesterday September 2 8:34 a.m. State get the opportunity to review this I I just reviewed it just now here in court um this morning um the state was in a request an opportunity uh to respond to both this motion and also the motion to the statement in particulars of formally and and writing um you know given the lack of time we had to prare to make formal response sure how much time counselor would you like in order to file a response to the uh motion for statement of particulars uh and the U motion for additional Discovery I ask any objection no objection okay all right the state shall file a response to both the motion for statement particulars motion for additional Discovery no later than the close of business 5:00 pm on Tuesday September the 10th um and if hearings are necessary we'll coordinate those with regard to the defendant's prade motion for payment of costs appointing Eros psychologist to assist the defendant in preparation of the defense Court's going to deny that as moot based on Mr owens's representation U with regard to the motion to appoint crime scene Reconstructionist and death investigator and motion to appoint forensic psychologist state are you intending on filing a response to these no we're going to take no position on those Point okay all right I will um have Miss bar allow the clerk to um see if we can push these through the portal today um so that Miss baros can reach out to JCS and see if we can get a time frame on when they may be able to provide a position statement or a response to those motions and then we'll coordinate a hearing respectfully I'm going to want to add one other forensic psychologist um make a request you know want to make sure that there's not an issue about my client SAR been on manufacturing defense and there is a second do Dr Michael Brandon Dr Michael Brandon r a n n he spells it's b r a n n o n he was the forensic psychologist in the Marsha Thompson case that was the Palm Beach County first be murder where she shot and killed her husband shot it nine times he was laying on the couch and um wased the first degree murder back in July of this year that was a 2019k so that took a while to get to trial but Dr Brandon testified that batter woman's experiences affect her perception of imminent danger and that's going to be a question in this case whether or not Sarah Boon at the time of her actions was facing him and in addition Dr Brandon said victims of repeat violence they fear death in situations others would not and I've tried to reach out to Mr Brandon this weekend unsuccessfully and uh my intent is to reach out to him I'm hoping he's going to respond he claims on his website that he responds within $40 hour uh I will be that's the only other witness I'm going to need an appointment foric psychologist so two forensic psychologists Dr Julie Harper Dr Michael Brandon and then the crime scene Reconstructionist Dr Dr Michael bur and then in addition I would like uh Billy Lane who's seated in the audience he is the uh investigator on the case uh because of the claims that we're making uh that she's a mattered woman um we need evidence to cooperate that so there's a lot of history between her and it don't you gum and cor please don't don't don't do this involving the apartment complex which is in Winter Park that was four years ago the ownership of that apartment complex has changed hands so it's going to be somewhat problematic trying to get information about who all the tenants were that may have witnessed some of the violence involved in these two as well as we're trying to get together one calls that Sarah made about the disturbances between that coup um so the guy with the gum was the private investigator Billy Lane he did all the scanning all the stuff initially he's the private investigator working with Sarah this entire time he's got a lot of work to do as it relates to running down Witnesses in addition we're trying to get arrest reports of the prior domestic violence arrest of Mr Torres as well as the officers involved in their body cams to see if there's any evidence on the body cams that would show injuries to miss boo so we've got a lot of work to do but I believe it's necessary for us to prove a viable defense of b f Sy that we have cooperation it's going to take a little bit but I I do need the appointment of that expert he tells me he's already on I'm going to have to file something else because it was under Sarah Bo now as the attorney of record I'm going to have to file something he says he still got plenty of hours to work under that original C so I'll be fing something today or tomorrow as it relates to that but that's the only other of course I've been retained so I'm not going to make any planes for tur speed I'm not making any planes for travel cost um just for these we the JCS has already approved I believe $10,000 in investigation fees and $1,000 for other costs associated with Mr Wayne that was at our one of our previous hearings now that was when Miss Mo was representing herself Pro I can't imagine JC has may change their position with regard to those costs they've already said yes but file it we'll try to te it up for hearing as well to see if they have any position or could just be the work can be modified extent to use Council for thank all right um that takes us now then to your motion for continuous file that was filed on August 30th courts had the opportunity to review that motion um any other arguments or statements with regard to that motion Mr judge I reviewed the state case law relating to contingences and the ab use palpable abuse of discretion when the court does not Grant it but it is it is critical to my theory our theory of defense that spouse syndrome as you know that takes time to develop um especially motion basically speaks for itself but we're in a time crunch essentially the trial is set for October the 7th I have to provide a notice of intent to rely on B sty C 30 days BR which is September 7 which falls on a Saturday so I believe that gives me till the next business day Monday September 9th but still 6 days for Dr Julie Harper to uh come back out and visit with Miss V couple with this other potential forensic psychologist Dr Michael Brandon he's he's not going to have time to do that they've got to establish a report with her before they can run the testing spend the time with her and it involves some some extensive history obviously that couple was together three or four years I still haven't peeled back all the layers I've tried to go through it uh but as you know something like that is going to involved several instances of domestic violence that did not involve law enforcement that was just between the two so we've been going through that we're trying to get some medical records where she was stabbed by Mr Torres in the and some other evidents it's just going to take some time cou with the fact that I've got to get Mr Lane to get all this other um objective evidence Witnesses and 911 calls and arrest reports and provide that to the two forensic psychologists for them to help formulate their opinion as to what she is in fact that SP in good faith I believe she qualifies based on my spend three and a half hours with her later day yesterday as well as the other four times that I met with her uh I I have not spok to Mr but I believe that was probably going to be where he was going to go I was not you know involved I don't believe you were involved at that time not me okay I it was but it was I think it was ready to go and for whatever reason he withdrew the last moment and then here we are but um I think it's prejudicial if we're not allowed to present the defense that we believe we have a viable and I would respectfully ask I'm not asking for I think most times you come on a homicide case you would need at least 6 months I'm asking for one trial cycle two trial Cycles so time at the end of the year first the next year I can be ready I think that will give enough time for our experts to to visit with this bu and for formulate their opinions I'm sure the state's going to want to take the deposition I think they may have a right to hire their own forensic expert go out see if they agree and remember guys I brought this up before all this takes time this takes a lot of time even if you want to do quickly you're going to need like 90 days that's a that would be the quick turnaround but look at the judge he doesn't seem to give a [ __ ] that's just gonna take a little bit of time J I'm thinking two or three months and we'll be ready to go I'm not asking for a long continuance the good thing about it is Mr pilia has done a long work understanding he's taking just about all the depositions I believe they've been transcribed I haven't G through all the discovery she scrapped the two bankers boxes she has not gone through all the discovery we tried but we have not made it my understanding is a lot of the two-hour interrogation with the sheriff's department has been transcribed I haven't reviewed that but we do have a problem with that interrogation now that's why I made the request about the policy our policy in my County count is a little bit different based on my discussions with her we feel like I'm going to need to file some motions relating to that so because of that ultimately because yes could I I be ready for try on October 7 I believe I could but not without B spouse attemps because I don't believe my experts would be ready and so that's instrumental in our defense State position um I guess the state would just respond to a few things part of this matter spouse uh defense has been previously investigated with several the spoons previous attorneys and in fact state did retain an expert Dr Tanya Warner who's on the state's witness list uh in this case in anticipation of a potential rebuttal of an attempted battered spouse defense uh the st's position would be that we would oppose any continu at this time however the state's not opposed to setting another status hearing sometime next week possibly where we could uh address this and to see if there has been any movement anything that would either change the state's position orally the Court's position as well I think the state's thinking it through judge because we wait a week I've got follow intent to rely on movement anything that would either change the state's position or the Court's position as well I think the state's thinking it through judge because we wait a week I've got a problem no int to rely on B spous on money we can't wait a week the time expired if judge does continue today he wants to talk have a conference next week but it's too late for me what's your response to the rule requiring these now it's interesting the state says well we kind of already have done this so it doesn't like we've been prepared we already knew this is going to get brought up we've now this the state's in a different position this is a bit different they already have their expert they've already kind of prepared for this so they're not in as bad a spot as they would be and I think that's a fair point by the state it's nice they could see that like we're not actually behind the eightball here but you know they're they're they don't really care they think this is kind of garbage and I get that because they had their expert but this is this is a problem here this is an issue and his attorneys bring up the Point like if you make me wait I can't defend her wife syndrome defense 30 days prior trial you have to get it right but I mean clearly when that rule was created it contemplated that there would be sufficient time to prepare for that defense within 30 days of trial which is why they gave 30 days which is why the FL Supreme Court said that 30 days not 60 not 90 not 120 but in good Fai you can't file a notice of intent to rely on the defense of b f syndrome if you don't have supporting a supporting psychiatrist or psychiatrist that makes that claim I just can't say we going to rely on it and I'm put I got have some of authority I'm not an expert I think she needs criteria but I'm not psychist now that's interesting he must now he's saying look judge yes I could file within 30 days and this must be his understanding of the law there might be case law that supports this that if you're going to file that notice with the court that we're going to bring this defense you have to have Foundation to bring that motion otherwise you're filing fish motions with the court motions that are unsupported and he has an ethical Duty not to do that now I don't know if that's true or not but I don't think this guy's making it up I I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here he's trying to tell the judge like how he has to do this I'm not a psychologist I can't make that opinion I've got to have an opinion from an expert before I can follow that in faith I can't do it without Dr har she needs more time Dr BR needs more time all right thank you state anything else no all right thank you very much all right Mr it seems like you've already started to dive into the case and what the court file has reflected so clearly you've reviewed what is in the court file in the history of this case yes I'm sure you've read the Court's June 28th order which was extensive as to the history of this case multiple lawyers that Miss Boon has gone through the reasons for the non-conflicted out lawyers basis is for withraw and why the court ultimately made a decision that Miss Bon forfeited her right to court counsel by her actions are alternatively waved right to courted counsel by virtual of her actions um this case has been pending for some time the you advised in your motion contined that you've met with Miss Boon on four different occasions that you just met with her yesterday for two and a half hours you were aware of what the order identified which is in paragraph six of the order and a judge portion that trial specially set for October 7th um 2024 and that would be not continued for any reason AB said extraordinarily good cause and such extraordinarily good cause would not include the retention of council you haven't been appointed in this case when you undertook this assignment you undertook this assignment knowing that you were not being appointed and that by your own representation you're doing this for your charge on a proon basis and not seeking recompensation Fring loding your travel you knew what the um deadlines were for the court with regard to any of the experts there have been multiple prior experts in this case you already identified Dr Julie Harper a forensic psychologist you advis that she's met with the defendant on six different occasions she was appointed back on August 3 of 20120 uh under Mr pilla's representation of Miss Boon at no point in time Mr Pia file in category a witness list disclosing Miss Dr Harper as a testifying expert and as you astutely pointed out this matter was days if not weeks away from being tried when Mr Pia moved to withdraw based on the reasons outlined in the Court's June 28th order thereafter Dr Char Dr Charles heler another forensic psychologist was appointed on February 3rd 2022 and again on March 1 2022 no category a witness list was ever disclosed with regard to Mr K then Winston Hopson had an undisclosed expert uh that had met with Miss Boon as addressed open court on February 9 2024 and as Mr Hopson put it uh that expert was not meeting with what Miss Boon had desired or requested of that expert there was another expert psychologist that was appointed by Patricia casman on February 28th 2024 who have expertise and battered spouse or battered wife syndrome there were also Dr Linda D two times uh sought to be appointed once by attorney Banquets um Dr jury specializes in battered wife or battered spouse syndrome uh once by Dr Bitz on J or Mr Bitz excuse me on July 17 2023 again uh by attorney Hobson on January 1 2024 um based on the for Supreme Court decisions in Middleton versus State 22073 1152 and 1176 bar State 22173 562 at 569 there's a two-part test um determining the need of experts we're not going to be addressing that today as you've sought to file these other motions that I haven't had really the opportunity to address um and JC has JCS is not here and have the opportunity to review those in R vers State 753r 1277 at pinpoint 1281 by the fla 4 DCA in 2011 CED to wson D State 8847 second 540 also by the Florida 4 DCA in 2004 in that case defend changed his defense council at least four times while this case was pending with the latest change of council occurring two to three months before the actual trial date there's no record evidence showing that any of Ramos previous attorneys had provided ineffective assistance and the defense had already moved for four continuances to prepare for trial similar to the Ramos case Miss Boon has played a prominent role shorten the preparation plan for trial to set force in the Court's June 28th order this case has already been continued 16 times as of the date of your filing your notice of appearance on August 30th this case has been pending for four years 6 months and 4 days on June 7th this case was specifically set for trial on October 7th and the June 28th order by the court specifically speaks for itself and evidences how Miss Bo played a prominent role in shortening the time for preparation for trial when her eth attorney Miss casman withdrew Miss Boon reached the point where her right to adequate time for preparation of trial is counterbalanced by the right to the effective administration of justice as of August 30th when the no appearance was file there were 37 days until trial commencing in this matter considering the Prejudice of the denial Miss Bo has already availed herself to four different attorneys that were not conflicted out out Pia bwoods toson and cman and only has herself to blame for the withdrawal of those four attorneys based on the representations in those motions and findings in the courts June 28th order Discovery has been reviewed but with Miss Boon by prior councils is established by council's representations in various hearings and prior council's motions for attorney fees all which were filed in the month of August of 2024 Mr has had the discovery in her possession since August 5 2024 the digital discovery that the state seeks to admit at trial was provided to miss Boon on August 9th although you are not court appointed sir the Court's done its own research with regard to your expertise you've been bar since October 15th 1986 with a duly elected public defender of the First Judicial Circuit in the State of Florida from 2009 to 2012 you tried now this is the funny part he's like he's saying look you've got no time but I know you're a really good attorney so I know you'll figure it out this is just absolute garbage by judge cranick what an absolute [ __ ] coward not to give this man the time he needs for 100 cases to verdict uh throughout your career you've met with Miss Bo on four occasions as outlin your motion not including the meeting that you had with Miss Bo yesterday um as the batter sty syndrome defense you still have time to file the appropriate notice in accordance with the rule and considering all the factors is set forth in ter of the state 31173 185 and 10189 4 second BCA 2020 your motion for continuance is denied matter of this trial is still set for October 7th we will have [Music] pre-trial pre- trial matter or Tri management be set for September 26 at 9:00 a.m. judge a couple of things number one uh you know I have a full practice I've got do day this afternoon in s Ros County before Judge Scott Duncan 12 clients I've got other people covered it but I do have a full docum if we set some of these hearings involv in my motions could I be allowed to hear by any objection no the only request that I would have sir is the rules of general practice require a notice regarding your appearance if you could just file a motion and provide a form order the I'll sign it and you can appear virtually there's no reason for you to drive all the way down from Santa Rosa County for all these hearings um when we can appear uh virtually jss JCS I imagine will be appearing virtually for some of these motions with regard to The Experts so as long as you file the notice in advance there have no problems with that Jud in that pre- order it mentioned I thought that the state attorney was supposed to meet with the defendant and the defendant's investigator and review all the digital evidence from the order that's the way I read it they were supposed to sit there all together and watch every potential video exhibit the state was going to intend to introduce a trial that has not happened I think the day was the deadline for that I don't mind extending that because I'm going to need to look at the evidence with regard to the digital the deadline you are correct so the was today based on the August 5 order if it did not happen before then as I outlined at the beginning there was a change to that process a thumb drive was provided in open court to Mr Lane on August 9th he then provided it to miss Boon a thumb drive of the specific digital evidence that the state is seeking to admit at trial based on the witness and exhibit list that was filed under seal on August 9th Miss Boon had the opportunity to review that at that time all right I'm going to ask for more time for me to review the digital exhibits they intend to introduce I don't know if theyve been redacted I don't know if they're the originals but I'm going to need to look at that you I went to the jail yesterday I had let him know in advance that I was coming I I believe my secretary had emailed them and said I wanted to bring in my laptop and my phone uh to ID and whatnot I was not allowed to bring in my laptop and phone yesterday for three and half hours so I didn't get done a lot of the things that I wanted to get done within that period of time probably would have stayed there a lot longer if I would had that capability so I would ask for some more time to be able to look for me to look through the digital evidence as to what you're I assume it's being redacted some of I know some of the audio in terms of clients my comment comments my client name comments the officers name some of it is in my opinion improv to be presented before you so I'd like some extra time to be able to do that I'm not certain if he asking for a continuous again what is the extra time that that he he's seeking what is it you're asking for extra time to do what understand he needs to prepare the goddamn case the guy needs extra time come on now yes is finding out this is what it's the finding out part yes what attorney is it this is attorney number nine but there's also attorney number 10 who's jumped on as well so I'm looking at paragraph 4 the scheduling order and notice of hearings that judge you signed August the 5th 4 the state's digital evidence will be reviewed with the State state's investigator the defendant the defendants investigator no later than September 3rd 2024 this evidence viewing can be done in advance of September 3rd deadline the state shall provide the defend USB drive with st they never view it with my and it's entire as the old States able to do by today so the state attorney has failed to comply with the cour I'm saying I haven't had a chance to view it either can we reset that deadline on August 9th Mr R we had a different hearing and at that hearing we addressed the digital Discovery review Mr Lan was here there was a USB provided an open court and the August 9 order and notice of hearing identifies a change to that August 5 order specifically in paragraph 4 prison based invest prison B break investigations bu through investigator Billy lean shall take possession custody of the USB jump drive which contains the state digital evidence tener an open court on August 9 2024 shall provide same to Major Malik X Muhammad at the orange count of jail today August 9 paragraph six Prison Break investigation shall follow with courted notice reflecting the discovery in the USB jel drive which contains the state digital evidence was provided to Major Malik X muhamed at the Orange County Jail incling the date and time of the transfer um such a notice was provided by Mr Lane and filed in the court file it was discussed at that August 9th hearing as to the revising of the digital evidence schedule paragraph 8 states that on August 14th 2024 1:30 p.m. hearing will be held courtroom 12a regarding defendant review of USB jump drive which contains the state's digital evidence the defendant's August 7th letter to the court uh provided to the court on August 9 and the media's participation in the physical evidence viewing on September 3 2024 per case law is attached on August 14th we had a hearing we discussed that and we identified that she had the deadline until August 23rd to make any objections now under the original scheduling order which said this matters which on August 5 which said the schedule for when there would be deadlines uh for objections uh those would be extended by good cause shown are you seeking at this point in time to extend the deadline for a period for objections which is since expired yes okay St no okay how much time would you like sir I love this like I'm not I'm I'm not acting the trial but I'm basically gonna bend you over the barrel anyway how much time do you need good sa it's like come on man this is this is a farce it's so far at this point in order to review the state's digital evidence that it seeks to admit into evidence and tender any objections I've got I've got to go by jum i' got to take it down to his office he's going to give me that evidence obviously I didn't review it with my client um I've got flight out of here around I think 4:00 I don't know if I can get it done by then but um I don't I don't see the necessity of an issue maybe a week PRI of Tri whatever that is week PRI of that Monday October the 7th the week Pro speak I'm stat hearing that we here's what we're going to do we'll address any objections to any of the discovery when we have draw case management on the 26 thank you all right anything else attor wait hold on wait what are we doing on the to any of the discovery when we have draw case management on the 26th thank you anything else well that's interesting sure St Dan Madam clerk going to work dutifully to um It's Already Done excellent um I'll have Miss baros by judicial assistant for these JCS and see if we can coordinate a hearing um state will have till business September 10th file responses to motion for statements and motion for additional Discovery um bus before the now I think this is [ __ ] what they did there like you know at some point like this is just judge cranck [ __ ] with her I get Sarah may have [ __ ] with him but that's not how this works so that is the end of that hearing um her attorney did give a kind of brief press interview and if you guys want to see that real quick we could talk about that for him real quick so here's the interview he gave he gave a gave a statement after court why this case Sarah Boon needed a lawyer I mean I can't imagine our system the case is an aberration the new lawyer for Sarah Boon speaking to us for the first time after a hearing this morning at the Orange County Courthouse James Owen says he will now represent her in trial next month despite her going through nearly a dozen public defenders over the last few years Boon is accused of leaving her boyfriend George Torres to die in a suitcase back in 2020 Sarah's been sitting in jail for a while she's looking for her day in court and um we all want Justice to be served you know I'm a criminal defense La I've been doing it a long time the state has the burden of proof they have to prove their case I know there's some strong evidence in the case last week Owens filed a motion asking for a delay saying he plans to use battered spouse syndrome as a defense and needs more time to prepare but the judge denied his request for delay he also asked to bring in a crime scene reconstruction specialist for Boon's trial that expert was not meeting with what Miss had desired or requested so anyways guys that is um his attorney you know he spoke a little bit about this and I didn't see I can't find it here but he did make a statement in this interview of like I didn't initially want to get involved he's like I laid low for like a month hoping some local attorney would pick up the banner but nobody did so he's like if not me who so it's very interesting it's very interesting now that has an attorney they should move the trial one week closer that would be funny well actually now we're accelerating the clock sir it's in his court TV interview oh okay I'll see if I can find that real quick here we're gonna back out oh he has a does he have a full oh he gave a full interview oh no because I think the interview I saw he was like in person and talked about it um anyway we're not gonna do that that's core TV stuff um but he did file he did file yes you have 30 days and to show you I'm serious you now have 20 days yes but you're H I'm I'm not ready he's like you have no 10 and then yes we do have the filing he did file today and this is the beauty of electronic filing it's all done so what has he got he's got a notice of intent to rely on the defense of battered spouse syndrome battered spouse battered louse Ted Grouse I'm not sure it's all the same thing so under rule 3.21 battered spouse syndrome is going to be used and gives notice of the attempt to rely on the defense and they state that she was suffering from battered spouse syndrome as a result of the physical psychological abuse the hands of the alleged victim George Torres apparently his name is George not Jorge Dr jully Harper will be a category a witness for the defense in establishing this condition and here's her information and they're providing it to the state now like I said I think the state has already had access to the depositions that attorney Cashman filed and that did already so I don't think there's a problem here for her in that regard that you know the more and more I think about at the state is bringing up a point like we've already known about this we've kind of prepared on and off as each attorney's dealt with this um so we'll see what happens we'll see what happens there uh I don't know if this is going to you know I don't know how far these people got because remember every time Sarah would fight with somebody they got fired and it was over and blah blah blah blah blah like I don't know how far people are prepared he might be in a better spot than he thinks we don't know we don't know so hello would I be able to be a breakdown of battered spell syndrome I can so battered spouse syndrome and like initially it was battered women's syndrome um it's a psychological issue that um it's been used before when women have Eng well traditionally it was like the woman killed her husband and instead of murder we got to manslaughter at times it was more of a negation when it initially came out and it's basically intimate partner violence and it's like a chronic intimate partner violence and it's also kind of like PTSD rolled in there it's it's a combination of things but basically it's the idea that um you know they did this to defend themselves they killed them and the reason why they call it battered spouse now is because men can use it technically and whether or not it's actually going to work anymore um I don't know now there is some like ter people have said like calling it battered spouse is not her battered women syndrome like when you're saying they're battered like that's not nice it's not fair for victims which it's like okay [ __ ] all that um um but yes that it's the idea that you know it's a lot of it's what you're ongoing and it's how you describe the Dynamics where these ongoing abusive relationships go where people eventually do lash out and what they do at that point how they react you know and it's just like there's you know it affects their fearful for multiple weeks on end their hyper vision vigant and eventually they kill the person and then they do what they have to do um and you know part of it eventually turns into you know you're you're fighting to protect someone else and yes it basically becomes a self-defense argument like why did you kill this person and a lot of times it became imperfect self-defense it's been used to argue Insanity um there's a lot of things you can do there um but a lot of times been used is a mitigation and I hope that kind of explains it there how about better chicken syndrome well yes but I hope that explains the uh I tried to find a study to show on my stream if you could tell us more um does that make sense though Hela as far as like what you're like does that make sense kind of what you're looking at for at this point with that because I I mean that that's really it it's like the women you know the person will react does a person not to be in fear of their life at that moment I think that it really all depends it's not necessarily something where battered spouse I don't know that thought my head but that they're reacting like I know how this is going to go I know how he gets when he drinks and he's starting to get mad and angry is usually how things go from there but there usually is a uh there usually is like an idea something's gonna happen it can't just be like oh Bob was watching the football game and I walked up to him and went right in the back of the head it has to be like Bob was getting angry I know it's coming you know he's going to start beating me so I grabbed the gun or I grabbed the knife and then I just went Bop okay that's battered women syndrome like I said he can't just be oh Bob woke up and he was mad the Browns lost so he was gonna kick my ass it's all about Mind Over Batter well sometimes your mind turns into batter if you get it beat hard enough um yes you're you're almost arguing he had it coming in a way but but um you know it it's it's more that you were you're kind of like preemptively defending yourself and that that becomes the issue there um and that it's the idea like I'm going to get hurt again and I need to do this so it's it's it's a very much a preactive a re a preventative self-defense it seems like this defense would need to suppress a lot of evidence for this to work uh I mean I don't know about that but yeah Sarah's got a lot of problems and him trying to suppress that stuff I don't know how well that'll go with the court him trying to suppress things but here's the thing he doesn't have time so is he really gonna be even able to do that I mean he's got to sit down and prepare that now he's got to prepare a suppression motion on top of this and not just some Hammer dog [ __ ] one like there's a lot that's going to be a problem for these guys but yes there is it's it's you know they're it it's very much they're building the ark and it's like halfway through the Rainy cycle already Yes they both hit each other oh I'm sure these were both codependent abusive drunks and substance abuse users I'm sure that's actually what happened but we you know she has the right to the defense why why does the cup sound like that clink yes it's not almost had it coming it's it did have it coming and it might be valid for some people but that's what it is is yeah that's a fair point that's a fair point if it's not crime it's pre- crime well in that situation you can do it the interview she did in the body cam footage are big problems oh yes yes the interview she did the cell phone picture she took she's got a lot of problems here chat a lot of problems and I don't know what she's going to be able to do I don't know how turn he is going to fix it but you know he's got a plan I want to see the Public's footage jble dces use a coaster a it's a marble top it's not going to hurt anything hella saying thanks it' be cool do one of these together sometime like what you you want to get beat I don't know what you're meaning here no we might well hey here save for days as hell like to talk about is every Sunday at 4 pm eastern time and I know uh 2.0's going to be in there I might make an appearance not sure yet cling cling smash oh it doesn't hurt any it's not going to hurt anything by just banging around a little bit she wants to put you in a suitcase and she need a big [ __ ] suitcase GNA need a team of people to wedge me in there too so h so tub Flair saying what was the [ __ ] with the audio remember this is set up more of like for pre- trial so they're not too worried about the audio it's just it's good enough good enough um James re says what do they charge Sarah with second degree murder so she's facing life in prison but she's not charged with first degree murder Justin saying could she say she feared death while she's in the suitcase yes I I know Andrew brona talked about this a little bit back then but could she could she argue it was a self-defense argument and that's what B spouse really is at the end of the day it's like I said it's a it's like a kit bash you're lobbing a bunch of stuff together but she could argue with self-defense and that you know like let's say he was she thought a way to protect herself from was locking him in a closet let's like let's use the arguments here she locks up in a closet because he's getting drunk she's getting scared and he's in there but let's say this let's say this closet has airtight let's say it's an airtight closet and she locks him in there and it's like and he's in there screaming help me I can't breathe help you know and she's like well if I let him out he's going to [ __ ] kill me or hurt me I don't want to do that you know but like she she didn't realize she was going to kill him but she preemptively was like trying to restrain him and Corral him and that accidentally killed him I mean this could easily turn that I could see the jury buying that and saying okay well it's manslaughter then I can easily see that um red one for 1.99 says um1 pound. 99 Sterling of the king Sterling says yo George RR Martin stop streaming finish the book no you finished the book also thank you for being here red one I appreciate it you could do a better Jorge impression than that Sean come on now no I can't Sarah help me I can't breathe help that's just scary way to go man that is Nightmare fuel so like I said we will see what happens we will see what happens I like how rle calls outsmarting your jailers a mental illness defense yes on here Apple says Sean is against funding the war in Ukraine you Sean against sending 18 billion a year to a certain other country that is also currently at War yes yes I'm against sending out that Aid like that they can handle their own business if they want to buy it they can buy it they have money oh we know they've got money they've got all kind they have a world worth of money they really want but yes no he has a no he has a gross Long Island is accent who me who has a gross gross Long Island is accent I don't know who we're talking about here apples yes our greatest Ally no they're not no they're not it's very how they treat us very interesting how they treat us on the plus side I have to worry about being needed by suitcase true yes all right guys I think that's it we're like Sarah's wrapped up for the week I mean she's getting screwed but we'll see how long she could survive and we'll see I I mean her attorney is ready to rock and roll but I don't I don't know how it's going to go I don't know how this is going to go I like I said I'd love for it to be better but yeah it's uh yeah it's what it is it's what it is so we'll see we'll see like I said I am not proud of uh hearing how this judge is treating it so we we will see we will see coming up if you guys any more questions s g use that Chase Bank Haack to pay her attorneys H oh that is funny oh Jorge he's like Sawa well I'm sure he was like dying I don't think that had anything to do with him being from Long Island I'm sure that was him dying more than anything in the phone audio when he cries out I can't breathe s PR like like when you choke me yes um can I look at the second attorney that signed on can you look at his Miss conduct for handing client funds I mean I don't know what I mean if there is there is if he did it he did it if he got accused of it and sanction then I mean it happened I don't know what more to say I guess it's a good thing there's no money involved I don't know are we going to do locals tonight no there's no reason to do locals tonight and uh JS says I wonder what this backstory was on those jackasses in Bakersfield oh that sit in the crazy motion on their own like I said I think those were just crazy people I think those are just crazy people like I don't think there was a point there I don't think there was a point to it I really don't Jrock says is there a goal Sean for more no but we'll probably have a goal tomorrow tomorrow night we'll have a goal and Scott White saids where's F1 this week there is no formula one this week they are on their way to azerbijan so next week will be the Grand Prix and Baku but this week there is nothing sorry yeah TR yes he's AFF fixating and I'm like ew you talk gross like totes like oh my gosh I can see how that's unfair only least you're being honest Jim [ __ ] says when are we going air compressor shopping I already did that and I gotta go pick it up so I gotta go Lowe's tomorrow are we doing unsexy modeling tomorrow yeah we're gonna actually start trying to use the modeling Channel tomorrow we'll give it a shot we'll do like a we'll do a we'll do a debut I'll do it like as a dual stream or something but that will be the plan yes and I like this new attorney I like this new attorney as well Lynn I really do I think he's going to do good work for her this guy's very serious um I I'm I'm happy that she's got Good Counsel uh what do I think of the 14-year-old who shot up the school in Georgia being charged I it's very early to see what's happening there and I don't I don't like it at this point says how do we know if this is the proper thing it doesn't seem like it's the proper thing at this point and I only bring that up because the idea is like oh he bought the gun and it's just like Ethan Crumley and it's like but it's not he bought that gun like nine months ago and now it's being used and also like we hear oh the cops in the schools new and they're yes once again we're arresting every body but them it's neat how they always get to go oh well we couldn't do nothing it's like the school couldn't do [ __ ] absolute [ __ ] and in a place like Georgia I guarantee you if this works you're going to see them going after gang members and you're GNA see some moms in the hood getting haul in a police car because of what Junior was doing we don't want that this is what it's going to lead to so no I don't like this I don't think it's a good idea at the end of the day um um but who the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] buys the kid under federal investigation a gun well I mean they Bella I mean the cops showed up and like they're like yeah we think he sus are we gonna do anything about it well no then what's the problem like he was under investigation like oh yeah he's making threats are you going to arrest him is there a crime been committed no well no then what then what what should they have done what should they have done at that point if the police and the school and the government are not going to do anything is it their job is it their job you know I'm sure Dad said hey policeman what's going on the cop's like ah don't worry about it what do you want him to do what do you want him to do at that point told the dad not buy the kid a gun well okay but what else are we going to do when he shows up a school starts stabbing people but um they told the dad told the dad not to buy the kid a gun okay but like if he buys it is it breaking the law are you gonna stop him or do anything about it are you gonna flag him and nicks to say we told you not to buy the gun don't buy the gun no they didn't do anything about that that's the problem here nobody else [ __ ] did it anything and you we going to punish the parents yeah because everybody else gets to hide behind the government that's [ __ ] I think that's the big problem here so yeah kops cleared wrongdoing well then that's it Case Closed near met of people because they they because they did what like like I don't think that's fair like okay well you're done sorry there's no evidence here well then what do you want him to do [ __ ] do you want him to do at this point like that's not jez I'm just saying chat that's how I look at this [ __ ] I just don't think it's fair at that point I just don't think it's fair how like how do you deal with this so also real quick chat I know you guys were asking um are the channel for modeling I did change this so you guys know but Dad is not responsible for giving a kid and said he would shoot up a school and then he shot up a school yeah he said it like a year ago okay well I mean at some point like what are they going to do so I mean like that's that's part of my issue here cool let's start arresting everybody because as long as everyone else gets arrested Bella I'm cool at that as long as some cops some feds and some teachers get arrested cool let's get them all arrested you know I want to see them I want to see other people get arrested so they're not arresting the cops they're not arresting the teachers they're only arresting dad so that that's my issue here Lun Miss says the Grays are bad go to Subs only oh I have no problem I love the Grays Grays are helpful say make you appreciate how good it is to be green yeah the crumbly administrators were worse than the school parents or the parents anyways guys this is the channel um oh wait hold on here why is it showing up like that anyways it's Sean's model bench that's going to be the channel and we are going to uh probably be on there tomorrow night taking a look at stuff having some fun and um yeah no logo not yet I'm working on that I'll put a link up and we'll probably do like a dual casting thing I demand a sub I paid I demand Subs I paid I don't homeschool Clyde you won't get AR yeah post a link in chat I'm trying to work on that give me a second here give me a second here um why is this not working all right here we go um customize Channel what is the link um all right hold on chat here we go let me see if this works just to make sure this is right yep there we go well let me hold on here oh that's why it's not working because I switched accounts oh a couple people sub thanks guys thank you anyway here is yes the greens keep the lights on and the trains on time no man say I've subscribed like a good boy well thank you yeah guys and here's the uh here's the channel the new channel so I struggle with technology yes I do thank you um I miss Kino Casino need to come back for their break yeah they will at some point guys don't worry there'll be enough a logging for them for days it be a logging for days chat current subscribers 77 holy cow you guys Wow 85 geez guys are just going crazy thank you almost 90 wow maybe so I can live stream on there on its own I'm the reason you have the rider truck well Timothy m is responsible but I asked for the Lolly or the monicon yeah bab says what does a logging mean a logging means just really aggressive trolling where you like really up someone's ass and you're harass like it's not harassment it can be harassment but real A- logging is like what Kino Casino does where they're just really breaking your balls or you know like when I've read Nick's motion I you know I consider that that'd be fair to call that a logging I consider it a logging so yeah just being real tough on somebody shill when I have over a thousand watching yeah that would be fun yeah then I got to get the watch time in but I'll work on that this Lord of Sher aogs yes yes a logging comes with Anthony Legato it does but a logging is a thing so guys there is no gold tonight so don't worry about the goal yes a logging is assessive as a negative connotation I agree I don't disagree yes AOG is worse than the person you're making fun of yeah but you can AOG people in a you can be productive way it could be productive at times so all right chat well that is it for tonight we are going to wrap this up we will be back tomorrow um we might do a show in the afternoon I don't know but we'll definitely be doing an evening show but definitely we love your blog thank you so guys we're gonna leave this alone for tonight and just remember until next time you know just because you did it does not mean you're guilty especially if for Alec Baldwin and maybe for Sarah Boon we don't know yet we'll find out we'll find out we'll find out in a month chat sadly we're gonna find out in a [Music] month weapons black smithing and model of PLS esoteric works and even some trains much mert had while drinking white claws tips on hunting and even talking [Music] the whatever you do just don't to Cops even when they you illegal stops just he did it doesn't mean you're guilty but please talk to a local attorney was that the fat guy yelled at why yes it was he even knows he's fat for all this fun and more there's one place to go here on sea Martin potentially criminal show [Music] n [Music]

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