Published: Sep 14, 2024
Duration: 00:03:59
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: the pioneer
hello and welcome to the Opus show on this platform we read and share Treasures from books that will nourish enrich Challenge and build us to be better than we are now and we are sharing treasure from the book spiritual intelligence written by Chris valtin so before we the three thinking ties into see things from different perspectives you know um and um we renew our minds so that we can understand and know what the Lord has commanded us as he said in Romans 12s One to2 Believes you know that we are ignoring a deeper Dimension which is the spiritual intelligence spiritual whether you accept it or not the spiritual controls the physical and that underpin the need to be alert and awake and you know explore the dimensions the deeper Dimensions which is is is the spiritual you know and because we as Believers we don't have the mind of our own we have the mind of Christ and through the Holy Spirit we have the capacity to dig in we have the capacity to go deep in the things that the Lord is calling to reveal to us 13 of the book which is about doing business with god um I'm a Nigerian and we have an an adage in the EUR language that says so meaning he who trades with God never loses so I how Chris is Define this concept and just suppose his understanding with my cultural understanding and see if we share you know the same beliefs about doing business with God and another big one that is inviting me in is the chapter 15 and that talks about finding missing children I'm not certain if Chris is using the word children literarily or metaphorically here we're going to find out together so when we start reading however as a qualified childhood teacher my heart goes out to the well-being learning and the rights of children both in my care and generally in the world finally one thing that stood um out to me was the spiritual intelligence cence assessment at the final page of the the book there is the assessment and that I am inviting you do not miss this assessment we're going to Fig together as a tribe we'll be taking this assessment I am really looking forward to you joining me let's go to the workbook um like I said the workbook is a bigger one and um it has five modules so you know earlier today I read um from the Masterpiece women group and um I have one of my sisters advising us that we should get the workbook because it is as important as the main book and I totally agree the workbook has five modules so and what the author what the author what Chris has done is he had broken the 16 chapters in the main book and divided it under five modules for the workbook have module one and um we have the foundation of spiritual quotient and we have the act of thinking like God and activating space for intelligence and the physics and and what time it is so then finally we have the new and then we have the new neural pathway when I was reading the the introduction that one thing stood out to me and that is that every one of us God is able to meet us at whatever point we are please the story about his Grand his grandfather he got the nickname spark so his grandfather was an atheist he never believed in God but he had morals he had values you know that he was able to pass on to Chris as his grandson one interesting story about him was that when he was closer to death he had an encounter with God and that encounter is what turns things around and you know from Chris's testimony This Man became a pioneer of spiritual intelligence in that family so my sisters my brothers whoever is listening to me as we go through this book I just want to say that there is hope I will ever point you out God is able to meet you there God has you in mind and God is going to meet you at whatever point you are you know and who knows maybe you are the Pioneer maybe you are the one taking the First Leap maybe you are the one trying and you know you just know that there's there's there is more and there is there is need for a change the story has to change you know that the narrative yes you are you have that feeling that the narrative has to change and that is true it has to change and the change begins with you so God has chosen you if you are going through this book if you're joining us in this in this reading God has chosen you to be that Pioneer to be that Pioneer someone that will have a first understanding about spiritual intelligence and press in I just want to encourage you press in seek in if you haven't got the book find a copy get a copy and let's read together thank you for staying through with me in this introduction join me again tomorrow for another episode of sharing and before you go I want to ask you what stood out to you as interesting in today's episode and what section are you looking forward to in the book please leave a comment below and we could make this tribe as interactive as it could be thank you for listening thank you for watching and see you bye