Category: News & Politics
Love why do you want to testify to the impeachment investigation i want to get the truth out uh because i feel it's important for our country i think it's important for me i think it's important for the world to know exactly what transpired and what happened because i think a lot there's a lot of things... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The reason i say this got a little less mysterious today is that in my interview with lev paris this afternoon in new york city he spelled out basically what this oligarch demitri feres was doing in the middle of this impeachment scandal with rudy giuliani and the fox news friendly attorneys victoria... Read more
Category: News & Politics
When information that left paris turned over to impeachment investigators revealed menacing text messages from a republican congressional candidate named robert hyde who appeared in these texts to be reporting in to l pares about surveillance of ambassador yvanovich asking lev if he wanted her out and... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I don't know exactly what mr b knew but i know mr b was definitely involved in the loop because of the firing of maria ivanovich uh also his interactions with rudy giuliani they started budding heads uh and he was not agreeing it was uh i mean from venezuela to ukraine bolton didn't agree with lud with... Read more
Category: News & Politics
It is a country very much dependent on both the reality and the perception of they're having strong support from the united states government and so when mr giuliani as the president's personal attorney started making public claims that the new ukrainian president was surrounded by enemies of the united... Read more
Category: News & Politics
So you thought that this was him making it up you didn't believe he actually had the ambassador under surveillance abolutely i asked mr parna several times over the course of our interview if those text messages from robert hyde indicated a real threat to ambassador yovanovich i asked him about it as... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Love paris with hunter biden you have to understand hunter at that time i truly believe there was a deep state i truly believe that you were up to some but there was never any criminality and anything that's the whole thing they were just basically you know inuendos conspiracy theories uh but no actual... Read more
Category: News & Politics
This week propublica did an expose featuring my yearslong battle against silence in particular the scorched earth terrorism trump unleashes against critics as he claims that his free speech rights are under attack it is a truly sick thing to behold and let's just be very blunt donald trump is not against... Read more
Category: News & Politics
That oh man he uses that he he uses that like exactly he comes out and says look i'll tell the judge that he's no good that he's a corrupt because you can't because if you would tell your judge that you would be in prison but i'm gonna do it for all this what i wish i wish l i wish all these tough guys... Read more
Category: News & Politics
If you can't stand the heat but still love the drama then buckle up for the ultimate political showdown kamla harris is ready to face trump in an epic debate this tuesday night everything goes down at the national constitution center in philly vice president kamala harris has been prepping like a champ... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I think he's on the d list at this point may maybe even maybe even the d list you know and it's and it's sad yeah but uh i think rudy's next step is going to be you know uh commercials uh trying to you know i i remember you know i wouldn't put it by rudy that he'll try to do a podcast from prison oh... Read more
Category: News & Politics
But it's just crazy and again the problem is is the media and the enablers you know and that's why you know we don't have any true news nowadays it's all about opinionated everybody's trying to play both sides or one side or the other and you don't really get the truth and most people don't have the... Read more