Daily Puck Drop...BREAKING: Pac-12 adds Mountain West schools. Bryan Woo dominant.

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 01:40:54 Category: Sports

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e e e e e e m M I can't do it we'll do it live okay we'll do it live [ __ ] it do it live I can I'll write it and we'll do it live oh somehow I just uh I couldn't change myself as we were starting the show hey thank you Bill O'Reilly we are in and we are ready to go it's Thursday September 12th we are in the puck Sports Studios it is built by limbach Lumber we appreciate you joining us today here on the daily puck drop uh limbach Lumber uh proud sponsors here of the puck sport board Studios a contractors they offer free deliveries uh from everything from Whole House packages to homeowner DIY projects and have the largest stock moldings in the Northwest old school service they've been doing it since 1930 give them a call at 206 782 3487 visit them online limback lumber.com that little QR code that you see here if you're watching it well you are watching it I keep saying that and I promise the the app is coming soon I swear I'm just saying for if you're listening back to it you go to the video there's a a QR code there uh that you can click and it's going to take you right there to limback Lumber all right we have a we're gonna have a jam-pack show because we've got breaking news obviously on the uh situation there uh with the Pack 12 and everything that is H going on uh with that we are gonna have a surprise visit uh there from John Canzano is going to join us and we'll get the very latest with John on the situation there uh with the mount West and the addition of the four teams moving forward we'll do that here in about three minutes or so also coming up later today on the show Mike G Foo will stop on by at 1020 uh for his weekly visit and so we'll talk all things NFL with G and then 10:45 is or so I would say probably a little bit later uh we'll talk to Brad Adam and we'll get Brad thoughts on all thing Mariners who again uh the Mariners they're not going to die are they they're not going to go away the season's still alive for the Mariners so uh we'll get into all of that with those guys so the news that came out last night Yahoo sports first to uh report it uh that the Pack 12 expanding and then it was confirmed early this morning 6: am by by everyone including our guy John kanzan who again we'll talk to John here uh momentarily um is that they're expanding San Diego State Boise State Fresno State and Colorado State before John comes on I'm just going to say this because I know exactly what the narrative is going to be from a lot of people is going to be and I've seen it from from husky fans in particular you just did the same thing that you accused Washington and Oregon and Arizona of doing to you you guys are hypocrites well we've always what number one every sports fan is a hypocrite every sports fan Mariner fan right now we're all Hypocrites I've said I wanted them to lose I'm fed up with this season do I watch the game last night and get excited about it yeah I do because I'm a Mariners fan why it's different is because those schools that left had a choice Oregon State and Washington state had no choice there is no choice they didn't do something they're dead they're left for dead those schools could have stayed rebuild the conference and they would have been fine would they've been as financially as fine as maybe they are now or will be in the future maybe not but those moves were made out of greed move what they did last night Oregon state Washington state was made out of uh really necessity they had to do it uh I'm gonna quickly uh let's jump on let's get John Canzano uh who joins us right now from Port John how are you it's an emergency visit with Canzano who joins us every week there by uh uh courtesy there of zek's pizza I'm sure you were up late into the night and probably early in the morning chasing this story give us the latest how did we get here with Oregon State and Washington State well look I'm told that Oregon State and Washington state made contact with these four Mountain West Conference schools uh six to eight weeks ago uh the talks really did pick up a couple of weeks ago and I really feel Puck like you know the last couple of days last 72 hours uh something shifted in the pack 12's world that where they said hey we need to do this now we need to move now we feel good about this now this is the right time uh the Pack 12 staff members were up last night sort of going through all the uh the stuff that they were releasing to the four schools some talking points uh the the news releases that went out it felt a lot like that you know that August day uh couple of summers ago where you know the Pack 12 Was preparing a bunch of news releases and then you know in the 11th Hour got the rug pulled out from under him but this came together really quickly I tend to think that part of this may be uh the rush to do this may have been driven by something the Mountain West Conference was planning to do Gloria narez I talked with her on Saturday in San Diego I was there for the Oregon State San Diego State game and uh I talked with her on Saturday she was aware that the Pack 12 schools were talking with uh you know some of her members and making contact and so I just kind of wonder if the Mountain West was plotting a defensive move or a strategic move that the Pack 12 said we need to go now they're paying a ton of money Puck yeah uh and they've got two empty seats so there's a lot to talk about okay so so for those who aren't caught up on it how much money are do they have to pay does Oregon State and Washington State have to pay to these four schools now to to get them out of the Mountain West and to join them well the the four schools owe the Mountain West Conference a $17 million exit fee per school so each of those schools must pay the Mountain West 17 million pack 12's going to help them with that though I'm told there was some creative uh help that is going on Fresno State for example uh has got a whole bunch of debt on some of their facilities they don't have $17 million sitting around I suspect the Pack 12 is either subsidizing that or they may be loaning Fresno State some money against some future media rights earnings so there's some of that going on so 17 million per school pretty stiff exit fee uh now the Pack 12 also is paying the Mountain West Conference 10 to 10 and a half million dollars per school as a poaching penalty that went along with their uh scheduling agreement that they signed for this football season so they owe a total of $43 million to the Mountain West Conference that is a lot of money to pay and you know just my immediate 20,000 foot view Puck is you don't pay all that money you don't pay 17 million to get out of your conference unless you know you're running towards a uh no-brainer deal that's on the other side of this so uh you know one could just be one reason could just be the access to the college football playoff um I think you know the people who don't understand you know the the top five Conference champions the highest ranked Conference champions get automatic births to the cfp because you've destabilized the Mountain West Conference this pack 12 with uh you know presumably eight teams by 2026 well positioned to get an automatic birth in most years so you get access to the playoff it's a pretty good basketball conference with San Diego State and Boise State coming in and then beyond that you know Bob Thompson the former Fox Sports Network's president told me you know I said who are the suitors here he said it well it's ESPN it's TNT it's the CW uh it's Fox maybe a little bit and and he said look uh the only thing better than being at the front of the line is being the only one in line and right now they would be the only one in line the Mountain West even though their deal is up they don't have a lot to sell and so I I think there's a uh you know the consultant consulting firm we talked about earlier this week navigate must be telling these schools hey there's money out there here's the number and uh so now this is all happening okay so now now they've got they've got uh roughly two years well or less than that to to find two more teams I I want you to clarify for people because I do see confusion out there in fact I even texted you just early this morning to make sure that because I was confused to a degree and I got a a thumbs up as you can see there on the video we got to figure a way to get that thumbs up out I I because here's what I want I want the thumbs up is good I also want if I flip you off I want that to show up too I think that'd be great the I they get to eight do they maintain do they get their power five status back because I think there's been some confusion from people fact I even think that you Dan wilin at USA Today even said that no it's this doesn't guarantee him anything and I'm confused by that I I thought once they got to eight they're back in power five that gives than the automatic qualifier for the college football playoff at least the the the shot at it yeah look for people to understand uh you know nothing's guaranteed to anybody in the cfp the SEC doesn't get an automatic birth it's just the five highest ranked Conference champions who get automatic burst now in most years 100% of the years the SEC Champion is going to be one of those top five so is the Big 10 so you know the question now becomes uh you know ACC Big 12 Pack 12 you know really the Pack 12 in competition with the American over over a birth and in competition with the big 12 over a birth but in you know if if you kind of run the data on this in most years you know your strength of schedule is going to be bolstered by playing boisey State San Diego State Fresno State Colorado State and not playing the bottom half of that Mountain West Conference uh you know the pack the two pack 12 schools that uh were alive yesterday now are joined with four others uh present a uh you know a compelling case to get one of those births that whole thing that power five distinction is a little bit of a misnomer right uh you know it was almost overnight that the uh you know the four other conferences declared themselves the power four it wasn't like there was a judge who came in and ruled and said well now it's a power four conference so you know I asked that question of the Pack 12 I said you know what about power five status and they said you know that's power five is just you know it's a branding thing or power four is a brand thing so I expect they're going to call themselves power five they're going to continue to negotiate in future uh media rights and cfp negotiations saying that they are a power five conference uh they have some leverage now that they didn't have yesterday and they have those two seats open Puck so keep an eye on it look I'm skeptical that this conference is going to feel like it did you know for 108 years but this is a nice first bite remember remember we talked about there would be multiple bites two bites to the Apple was the quote that I got I think uh this is the first bite here and that second bite I'm very interested to see what it is and how soon it comes yeah I I I mean I I for one I don't think there's anyone that thinks that oh my God the Pack 12 is back I mean you know the the the Pack 12 that we know is is dead is this a is this is just a recarnation of something different right of of a of a Pack 12 that will just look different I like the fact they able to keep the brand alive it's 108 years of History I like that the logo can still be there and again it's it's not going to be the same right because it's not it's not Washington it's not Oregon it's not the LA schools and and and the Arizona schools and all that but but you know I like the fact that they were able to keep teams in their time zones and not have to travel across the country and put their athletes you know and and not so much football but other athletes you know at risk of traveling so much and and I get it there's an alert to be in the Big 12 and and probably the Big 12 was would have been the best thing for both schools but the fact that they couldn't work it out and who knows what happens here in a few years that it's all going to change again I just think it's the best thing for both these schools moving forward I I just got a note from Kirk Schultz the Washington State president just a moment for coming on here and you know he said that they uh they draw comparisons and feel like they're they're a good comparison to the Big 12 and the ACC where they're headed meaning when they fill those two final two seats that they will be uh you know a comparable conference that should earn the kind of NCAA tournament revenue and cfp revenue that those other conferences earn I found that very interesting and it sort of points us along with your comment about the geography and the travel it points us in a direction that is interesting could the Pack 12 be targetting Stanford and Cal would would the Cardinal and bears be caught dead in a conference that includes Fresno State and Boise State academically would they be caught dead in that conference or is the bigger picture Vision that everybody knows this is going to uh you know a super conferences is the bigger picture that the pack 12's brand regardless of who was in the conference that the brand itself is more valuable to maybe TV companies as these super conferences get formed is it possible that the P that you know that there's a television partner that really valued having the Pack 12 in their Corner keep an eye on that because you know late last night it was two o'clock in the morning I was on the phone with a source who said you know I was closing the door on Stanford and Cal and they said don't be so eager to do that you don't know what's going to happen in the ACC and I found that interesting you we would need because that's the the the like the the The Logical next you know jump was that add two more schools would be them right and and it would seem that Cal would be the one that you could you could get to come over easier you know than than Stanford because you know and both those schools I mean they they they they're like IV League schools and I understand why they wouldn't academically want to be associated with those schools I mean hell when they were in the the conference the Pack 12 they probably academically didn't want to be with Washington State and Oregon State it was just the way that it was but but I wonder as they go through here this you know next few months of travel do they just say to themselves God is it worth it they it really worth it to be traveling across the country for this just because we're in this ACC conference right and and then you're right what happens to the ACC if it if it implodes um you know what happens I mean I I would think that that the Big 10 would go hard after Stanford that maybe cow goes along with him but but yeah I I it would make logical sense and and hopefully would would happen I we just need Stanford and Cal to you know you know stop uh you know raising their noses up to everyone and just join it and I think it'd be good for them well what about the possib ility too that ESPN opts out of that ACC deal in 2027 or maybe ESPN is involved in what's happening now we don't know I don't want to be paulana here but I think it was a nice step in the right direction I think it's very easy for some out there to say oh this is just a glorified Mountain West oh this is just the ne you know I I I you know I get why people would see it that way but I also think when you look at the football power of this conference you think about a boisey state that is a good candidate right now to be the group of five representative in the playoff San Diego State's got a nice Stadium I think the geography makes sense it's why you know and again I'll go back to this it's why I keep looking at what they're doing I was told to the U you know the these schools all make GE geographical sense but I was also told that pack 12 Enterprises was dangled to those four schools as a selling point meaning hey you're gonna get cfp distribution yes there's more media money than you had in the Mountain West and frankly you don't have to split it a million ways with Wyoming and New Mexico and every and Utah State but beyond that uh that pack 12 Enterprises is being positioned as you know a potential production arm the possibility of the Pack 12 Network coming back and then beyond that uh the schools are going to have access to pack 12 Enterprises in a way that they never before had they're going to be able to use it as an nil arm to generate Revenue the athletes themselves will be able to generate content using Pack 12 Enterprises it's just really interesting that they feel like they have a little advantage in that space that could turn into something yeah the um CW I I would assume CW's got their hands in this right we've talked about this before right with their with their in the conversations you've had with the president about getting into more live television and especially Sports Programming yeah I would think so I also kind of think you know I keep looking at the ACC and going wait a minute are they is this ESPN trying to set up a Pacific Division and then a Atlantic division being the ACC and you know is there more money in it and so I think there's a lot of things out there that we can all speculate and and the beauty of this is like you know it happen so fast right it just it seemed to accelerate you know we were talking about hey there's a growing Rift with the Mountain West all of a sudden oh yeah they you know there's a canyon between them and so I I actually think that this isn't going to take us forever to figure out uh Oregon State's president gooy Murthy told me that she felt like you know early spring they really needed to be on a path somewhere and so it it kind of tells me that you know I think we've got a few months here that you know we may see the next move happen sooner than later uh another source said uh stay close to this um stuff could happen here rapidly so I think it's super exciting I think it's interesting um I also think like you know there're a little bit this conference is a little bit like John Wick you know it is it has been left behind it has been uh you know treated poorly and it's punching back we're kind of at the point of the movie where you know they're starting to they're starting to man up here and so I I like what they're doing yeah no it's good you know it's um it's what they should be doing right it's uh they're doing the best for themselves all right like what would you do like what's the alternative like you just tuck tail and you run the opposite direction like you know I you know I like that they're trying to fight back it's it's a it's a good story I think people are tuned into it um skeptical sure look at what they're up against they're up against a lot of TV and a lot of money but this is a good move for the Pack 12 I mean they're they're trying to you know that's the deal they're trying to survive right that's a different deal than what was going on uh with the uh with the previous schools all right we'll we'll cut you loose uh more information up at John kenzano tell everybody what you got up there right now yeah right now I have two pieces up there including something I just posted about you know the what comes next and an analysis of what happened some of what we talked about here but this is going to be rapidly emerging I love the idea that they released this made this news on during rivalry week was that intentional are trying to get more Washington State fans into the stadium on on Saturday I don't know Puck it's just really interesting yeah you're the best I appreciate it we'll uh we'll talk to you next week thanks John there he is John Canzano uh with the very latest of what is happening in just an Ever Changing world uh here of uh college football which is just uh just in crazy I mean it um what is transpired here um has been and and that happened so fast last night you know we had speculated last week that there John had talked about how there was U just some some tensions that were Brewing uh between the pack schools of Mount West schools and then all of a sudden boom here we are it has uh it has already changed so uh good there for John to jump on uh here real quick uh we're going to transition because now our weekly guest as we bring him on talking all things NFL with are you under arrest right into it yeah I'm sorry should I give you a heads next time I'll give you a heads up hello hey good thing I wasn't indisposed what is happening with you what's going on there in New York City huh do you mean well what's the police I don't know the sirens are going off the sir there's like sirens left and right what you got going on there my air conditioning is broken for like a month and a half now so I got the windows open so you're just gonna have to just gonna have to roll with the sounds of well you don't want next time I'll give you a heads up instead of just coming right to you it's the Mike G show he's the best in the business you can follow him on exit Mike gapo brought to you by heartley and heartley insurance your trusted family-owned Insurance experts in Puget Sound since 1978 uh they've got honesty they've got fairness folks and they've got uh they've got Golf and integrity uh Jamie Harley contact him right now 253 56587 also zs on Fox Island perfect spot to grab a cold beer hang out with friends and catch the game of Joy the Northwest summer and end the fall there at zs on Fox Island uh how are you we got football week one was a great week one of football was it it okay really really yeah what's wrong with you what are you talking about awesome I everybody's like oh look at all the comebacks and stuff like that I I could like there were games I mean maybe you know what probably because it was colored by I don't usually on a Sunday I'm not usually at a place where I have to take a plane um so maybe one o'clock was better but I was I was in Atlanta for Falcons Steelers so the four o00 games were the games that I got to watch because I had a later flight that night so the airport and there were no like there were no comebacks I mean I guess Seattle was a comeback but that wasn't like a you know so they were talking about all these great comebacks I was like well I guess I missed them all because they all happened at one o'clock so you know I'm watching when I'm at a game I'm watching the game there but I'm also watching Red Zone and but you're not watching it like you take it in take it in so I guess one o'clock was was great and I just didn't experience it fully okay all right down plated let me can I just start first with Atlanta cuz you were there you were covering that game um did you happen to talk to any Steeler players and say Hey what' you think of Russell Wilson being in full uniform despite him being scratched from the game he wasn't scratched though he was the emergency third quarterback like I kept seeing that out there he yeah so he was he was inactive because the rule has gone back and forth now but your third quarterback now is is technically an inactive if he plays the other two can't go back in that's the way it was for years and years and years so he wasn't okay technically inactive he was supposed to be in uniform um yeah so we're we're we're back to that little gray area so I know that that isn't necessarily playing into what you know you had hoped was going on there because I know your feelings on the situation and the guy involved uh but I'll say this he showed up okay he gets Aries on the first bus with Justin fields and he's the first play like maybe not the first player one of the first but he's definitely the first quarterback out there you know and throw and do whole thing doing the whole thing because he because you know he's Russ yeah because that's what he does well okay well that clears it up because I mean people out here in Seattle were just crushing him just crushing him crushing him like look at him he's such a dork he's in full uniform and he's inactive this is what he does but now that I forgot about that rule so he had to be so you'll see that if teams that have three quarterbacks you'll see that all year long yes you'll see that if the third quarterback I'll actually now that you say that I wonder because it's never happened if if a guy is inactive and he suits up would that technically be a violation would it be punishable I I don't even I don't even know what the rule I'm gonna have to ask what the rule on that would be okay all right I I mean maybe you can like you can just wear whatever you want but it's you know I don't know that's a great question the uh well we usually have great questions here um what the Atlanta situation not so much since we lost Jim but you know we'd have the I Jim could come back I just we he's on this retirement plan and he doesn't want to come he doesn't want to work more than three days a week well make one of them Thursday at uh 1:20 Eastern how about that okay we'll bring him on yeah I'll tell him he's he's out probably hiking and you know and angering his neighbors in uh in Bend Oregon the um the Kirk Cousins debut rais any red flags yeah did it did mostly because of the the um the the the vibe I guess is I keep you when I left there I was kind of like all right it's one L you know 17 weeks season's getting longer the more we keep adding games relax it's like it was like a morg there uh and I was like you know now now they gotta turn around and they got to go to Philly and I saw a stat just now I gotta find it hold on it's a great stat it was a great stat I wouldn't go looking for it if it wasn't a great stat uh who did I text it to this guy this guy the Jets Colts Panthers and Falcons this is give credit this is from uh somebody sent it to me it's from action network.com uh which I don't condone well I shouldn't say I don't condone I don't participate I'm not giving you advice I'm just it's a stat okay the Jets Colts Panthers and Falcons were held to 25 minutes of possession or less in their week one losses the four lowest times in the NFL the last decade teams to hold 25 minutes of possession or less in week one are just 8 and 23 straight up 26% in their week two game there's also a number another number you can go find it if you want it's not great if you're into uh you know for entertainment purposes so just let you know that and they're on that list so now they gotta turn around and go go play the Eagles who were scoring pretty much at will against the Packers okay so I gotta look at the schedule right is there when I can't remember when I'll find in a second when the Seahawks play them is there a chance that Michael Penning starts soon Define soon I mean I don't next few next three four five weeks but there's a there's a so Raheem morrs has got a because I I spent time in the pregame on NFL Network NFL game day morning talking about how since that night since they drafted Michael penck Raheem Morris has been adamant to those outside the building those inside the building including everybody in the locker room that this is Kirk Cousins team in fact his quote to me was we're excited for Michael but this is Kirk's team so there's a credibility issue right if you all of a sudden get the quick hook and go to Michael pennx now right if we're in week six and it is where it is you know then you're going to have that conversation week two feels a little bit early week three if there's another I mean you got to assume they're going to lose to the Eagles right how is that Team all of a sudden gonna because to me it's I understand that you know it's it's not necessarily uh you know the average Joe the way he looks at the game there's more at play but how is that team GNA score enough points to keep up with the Eagles how I don't I don't see it happening so um you gotta assume they don't win that game so the conversations will start but I just feel like then week three really early for that to kind of happen especially if the Saints lose and the Buccaneers lose they're both big dogs uh on the road this week so if you assume that they now everybody's still tied for first place in that division okay week seven October 20th Atlanta Falcons host the Seattle Seahawks nice I mean I just think I I just the the way that it is you know and I I could just see it I could see the pressure mountings especially if they lose and they got an exciting rookie and by all indications I mean I'll be honest with you I saw highlights of training camp and highlights actually of the preseason games I didn't see a full game but he seemed to wow everyone and and he will his arm strength is so Elite Mike and you know the pressure to have that shiny new quarterback everyone loves the backup quarterback so yeah um and then can you imagine what they would do with all what would they do with them let's say they they start them and then you got Kurt Cousins and he makes all this money what do you do and you in I mean you invited it by by drafting him which is fine I mean if he winds up being your quarterback till 2035 it's not going to matter what happens in 24 right um so but in the short term you're gonna have to deal with it and that's what you know rahee told me like we knew we were gonna take Flack for it and the fact that we didn't tell Kirk right away which he said there's so many leaks and so many uh social media accounts out there that we had to keep it tight even from the guy involved you know maybe he could have gotten a call a half hour before or something like that but um yeah that it's it's um they're happy with what they're seeing from penck uh the fact that they didn't play him in the preseason I thought was very curious and remains curious uh but Kirks I I just to me the offense looked you know stagnant is the best I've seen the numbers they didn't run that much motion they were out of pistol all these things it just didn't seem like Pittsburgh was threatened by anything which is they should be you got enough weapons on that off you should feel threatened and it didn't look like they felt that way the uh moving to the Seahawks do do we know what the the latest here with Ken Walker is by chance yeah uh he's got an oblique thing that he's dealing with um which that's that's the that's the invogue baseball injury of the last couple of years um so yeah I mean dayto day is the best I can give you right now and they're holding out hope that he's going to be able to go uh we shall see same with uh same with George Fant uh he's more I Know M Mike McDonald called him dayto day as well so it seems like those guys are truly questionable to this point I would not expect uh who else oena noso is on the injury report they already ruled him out yeah oh they did rule him out okay hold on I think they did yes I think they did I'm pretty sure that they already they hope with he's got an MCL I believe MCL injury if I'm not mistaken those things all of a sudden you'll just kind of turn the corner at some point so they're hopeful that that'll happen soon but he's still kind of stuck in that you know not it was it was a significant one so hopefully he turns the corner soon for that for the pures what about we got Thursday Night Football tonight we got Bills and Dolphins they got running back issues all over the place right I mean they're moster I think is already out what do we know about aain is he going to play tonight sounds like if all goes well he will play tonight uh so he's got to show them he's got an ankle I believe moster had the chest he had the ankle um so they're hopeful he's gonna be able to go uh the door is open you know he's got to show him everything in the pregame they got the other guys they can lean on especially Jeff Wilson Jr they like him a lot we've seen him perform in the past as well uh so yeah we it should be uh should be an interesting game I mean everybody a lot of folks were down on Buffalo with losing Stefan digs and not necessarily replacing him uh but they like you know they like the guys they've got Keon Coleman obviously was going to have to step up and believe he was their leading receiver week one uh and and they kept saying how much they like M holl Mt Hollins and he had he had two catches and a touchdown so let's see if he can replicate that what did you I mean we talk a lot about the NFL and just it's the greatest reality show in the history of reality shows it just it just it's unbelievable Thursday Night Football was great with all the Pomp and Circumstance around it you got a pop Superstar there then you had a terrific football game it just was phenomenal and then we get to Sunday and I don't think I've ever seen a pregame Sunday like that in my life I mean you've got Dak you guys are all over the news Dak Prescott's got got a brand new contract and then I don't know if it's before that or after that we get we get another Scotty sheffler situation and Tyreek Hill gets pulled over he's put in handcuffs and that whole drama it's just unbelievable it was all at once and in there was I I reported that Justin Fields was going to get the start and it was kind of like yeah get out of the way we got okay fine yeah we knew about that and it was so and our our producer Jonathan Victoria in his first Sunday uh doing game day morning he is it's a new role for him this year my man can he's got where is J I gotta find out where Jonathan's from he's got a terrific accent and a nice calm quiet quiet voice and uh he did a great job staying grounded because that all hit at once with no warning yeah B and he did a great job yeah and that's crazy when it when it's all when it's just chaos when everything like that is is happening all at once what what do we make of the of the Hill situation I mean right when it comes out the immed and we do this we all are guilty of this yeah we immediately go and react to it without Gathering all the facts and waiting for everything to come out everybody is guilty of it every everyone and then as more video comes out the body Camp comes out I think then the opinion changed not to say that hey I think that the officers went over the line with him and it didn't need to get to that but I also would say that those that that had that opinion would also come back and say Tyreek Hill could have handled that much better yeah he didn't need to because yeah but it escalated real fast with him I mean I will never and and you will never I'll never be in the position of a of a black male being pulled over by police I'll never know what that's like ever ever ever and to know what the the Fear Factor in that is but um so I would just say we roll down your window and and cooperate but but I I understand the distrust I I do I I I get it never experiencing it I'm just wondering you know now he's come out he wants him he wants the officer fired and um but he is culpable in and how that transpired is he not he's very much so and um you know I was playing golf with the new New Jersey state trooper buddy of mine yesterday and um we were going over it and uh he said you know you could you could tell when you're asked about this you can tell people uh my buddy's going to use that as a teaching tool right and and the way that they train the cadets every class that comes in they get in their face and they like military uh bark at them and he said part of the reason for the training is we we obviously want to uh you know tough them up and make them prepared for life on the on the on the roads uh and in towns around here but um it it's also to teach to be able to kind of deal with that if you're getting that reaction from someone that you're dealing with whether you're pulling them over or you're part of a domestic violence situation or something like that that you need to sometimes be able to eat that you need to sometimes and I tell I said it's but like what if you're having a bad day you know like obviously that person's having a bad day what if you're having he says you got to eat it you've got to eat it and uh it sucks because um nobody likes to be talked to that way or treated that way but sometimes uh you you because then it escalates and then it becomes way more than it than it should be um you know and there and there's a limit where you know sometimes you have to use because I tell them all the time like when you walk up to a car and you pull somebody over you don't know who that is you don't know what they have now he did say he says now if I was in that situation he said it's it's tough to second guess but you were he says I was able to see when he rolled down the window I saw in the car and whether you knew who it was or not he's like I could tell not a threat right and this is the stuff that they have to assess he's like but I could tell not a threat he's like but it's not like the guy was banging on his window he was just tapping on his window saying you've got to roll it down so um you know everybody's a little bit culpable in this one I I and I don't know the officers history right because that's a that's G to be a big part of if you find out that there's a number of these situations and then yeah he should be terminated I don't ever feel like you know something within reason uh what what a person does one time should result in a termination I always feel like you do something you get a warning you get a second chance you live and you learn from it just like everybody should seeing on both sides of this one um so if this if this would be an isolated case for either one of those first officers that responded there should they be reprimanded sure yeah should they have a chance to maybe continue a career in which uh they can provide the public some good I also believe that as well yeah I mean I think I mean again this is just and again I come up from a different perspective respective I I totally understand I would just say I'll just Echo with with what you said if there's something if there's nothing in in the history with these guys I I don't think anyone should lose their job o over what what transpired uh this past week um all right so the your jets I thought about you watching that game it's all right it's all right just one game but he didn't look right A Rogers sure he did he no he looked off he just he just look like Aaron Rogers he's 40 coming off in Achilles didn't play in the preseason I am it they they should have played him in the preseason I I selfishly I wanted them to because I wanted to cover that jet Giant game in the preseason and I I did last year and it was exciting and it was it was good for uh you know L Lord knows what impact it would have had in the regular season because we never got the chance to see it but um I kind of wanted so I was advocating Robert Salah should play Aaron Rogers in the preseason he didn't and uh and thought you saw the effects of that uh uh the other night they've got now Tennessee on Deck uh they've got Minnesota coming up in London uh they have got uh let's see here they got like four winnable games in a row um why can't I find it oh Patriots at home Thursday night uh and then they are home against the Broncos win they could be four- one they could be four in one everybody chill you're still bullish I I got you this is what we do though we overreact on week one I love overreacting on on week one you should have seen the overa overreaction from me and others on the first half of the Seahawks game which was just it was the worst half of football I have ever seen was play the double safety was uh did they ever did they ever because I I remember Scott Hanson said I was I was listening to it in the car while I was getting gas and he's like another safety we're going to go to the record did they ever come up with like the record book like how many times has there been a safety two of them in the first half or whatever yes but I I can't remember it but it was just you know it was it was every it was such a it was such a craptastic first half of football people people were losing their minds they make a mistake with the offensive coordinator from college the off John Schneider can't get in the offensive line help but you know they they recovered in the second half and they looked good their defense looked good for sure can you hear that screaming uh I mean yeah prob myter I it could be your daughter Maybe scaming for help do you have what the hell is going on down there well you know kids being kids are aren't they in school are they yeah well she only do she only has half days so yeah you know she's she's three years old she's good enough down there by herself right everything's good oh I left we oh yeah we left at three-year-olds alone all the time wander the streets I mean is she in danger she's my nanny's down there I'm joking that she's down there by herself everybody just chill out okay but like what is what is happening down there I think she's okay I don't remember what you asked me I I will say this uh about week one the Seahawks played better in the second half their defense looked good they did and they hung in there and and I do know that they were pleased with how the back-to-back safeties and how poorly they played uh not back toback but the the two safeties together and how poorly they played and yet they they kept it together they stayed calm uh it it was uh an indication of this new head coach Mike McDonald's ability to kind of keep them locked in and and and focused and and not panicking so I know that they were happy about that how about all the Rams injuries I can't keep up with how many injuries the Rams have I they got puka he's out what for four weeks and then we've got what the two offensive lineman are done now yeah and they've had I mean even even Jonah Jackson who came back had a broken scapula in the preseason um yeah they're they're it's sha McVey does a really good job of like we're banged up at one position he'll find if the guys on the like he expects everybody to be ready to uh to step in and and take on a bigger role than maybe they had in mind for them uh but when you got to do that now at multiple positions that makes it really really tough and and they've got a game against Arizona uh who I thought was impressive in Buffalo you know they they weren't able to hold on but but certainly impressive and certainly will put put points on the board so um that's that's an interesting game coming up what about uh I want to call them Ed M Ed mcaffry what about Chris mcaffrey of this week are are they going to continue to lie about the injuries or will they tell the truth this week they didn't lie they didn't lie here here's how I know they didn't lie I found out uh I want to say about 25 minutes before inactives were due that he wasn't gonna play and I was like whoa that's not out there let's let's scoop this one the other guy the guy the running back knew on Friday no he didn't no he didn't that's what he said that's what he said though okay so if if he knew on Friday that he was starting and you called his agent 25 minutes before inactives were due the agent was at the game so he spent time with him all weekend do you think the agent would be surprised by the news that Christian mcaffry was not gonna play no but I call I so I'm I'm now I'm going through my like I got somebody's got I gotta confirm this story because I'm like he's out he's not gonna play at all so I start I started calling everybody a lot of people weren't answering uh and then finally I I not finally but I I get the agent hey are you at the game yeah uh is Jordan starting tonight he's like what do you mean I was like mcaffry is not he's like he's not no I don't think he is maybe the he's not doing his job and doesn't know literally was there and he was like really and so so so anyway so as as he's going I'm like well you're have no help I gotta go boom and hung up with the phone because I gotta go make the next call to find out somebody who does know and he wasn't lying to me I've known him forever so he's he didn't know and then after the game I was like I sent him a text I was like you know basically like how about that he's like wow so yeah well why did Mason get so mad with reporters afterwards because I think that I'm piecing this together that the team because because what happens is the team knows it's out there the media relations people then go to him and say you're going to be a you're going to the podium you're going to be asked about this you said on Friday you know and I don't know what the conversation was but you know it's not like they said don't forget to lie I mean they probably said to him like you know Kyle was asked about it and said that he never told you you were starting probably told you you need to a little bit more so be ready for that and maybe your position coach tried to psych you up and whatever because that's what what Kyle Shanahan's explain and they tell people that all I mean I tell players that all the time like hey be ready to go don't know about you know and so maybe in his mind when he was asked the question well yeah back to Friday night I started to get mentally prepar you know so yeah what what what's the uh what's the hey I I came across the story this morning and I just thought that I just don't feel this is going to end well for Dave Canales he's already meeting with the owner and maybe you're going to say hey it's routine they do this all the time I just I see the headline where he's met with them and then he's been he's been given assurances of support and I'm like well that just not that doesn't feel good if I'm Dave Canalis already and that guy's a crazy owner he's very involved that's for sure and he's shown a quick hook uh multiple times now um so uh yeah I it's it's I think that that in this case from what I gather some players were looking for a little bit of fire and brimstone and that's not Dave Canal's approach uh so you know it was his thing was you know continue positive love him up you know the Pete he he worked with Pete Carol and he's kind of like that so right um he's not gonna come down hard on them he's not gonna Panic he's gonna try to keep their spirits up and get them with some confidence going in uh but remember they're on that list of teams with 25 minutes or less time in possession or whatever the stat was yeah so that doesn't bode well for week two yeah yeah it's uh yeah he just does it they looked awful I mean they looked you're so used to You're So and and you know that was one of the games I was watching I was like yeah you you're so used to teams at some point in the NFL because the the the competitive balance is there and everybody's a pro at the topest top level of their profession you're used to them getting off the mat and they never got off the mat so that was disappointing that's the thing is what is is she being tortured are we we're back to the daughter I got to close hold on I can't even like deal right now hold on I love the B relax well maybe the nanny what's the nanny's name well that didn't do much well what are you doing what is the nanny hitting her yeah I know she's the opposite of that trust me we don't need a nanny can with her in fact that sometimes I wish you would just like do what I just did and yell a little bit um story lines uh we to games you're looking forward to where are you and then actually where where you going to be boots on the ground uh Monday Eagles Falcons uh to see if uh Atlanta can provide a more inspired effort than they did uh the other day um which again it's gonna be tough it's gonna be tough uh so I'll be there Monday night um and then Sunday I'll be I'll be right here be here from home probably okay all right um well we'll uh we'll talk to you next week next time when we do it live I'll give you a heads up hey we're going to you live now rather than just say hey Mike you're here take care of take care of the kid make sure that she's not just getting into something terrible a lot of times they tell you you know when I assume she's on the floor because that's where they throw their fits so a lot of times they tell you to get down there get down there with the kid you know little eye level you know so I'll try that tactic and then I'll probably we got insiders today or what do we got we got uh oh that's right this is the schedule it's all it's all over the place Thursday is uh no no insiders we're on Game Day kickoff Ian Rapaport and I so we'll be on there tonight on NFL network uh and we've got our Thursday I think we're on YouTube or no we're fast fast uh TV show so free ad supported television or as i' like to call it as someone who grew up in the 80s and 90s television Mike gapo every week brought to you by heartley and heartley and chur fre and they make their money off the ads it's weird how does that work uh also heartley and heartley insurance brings you Mike a every week also zs on Fox Island check them out on Facebook Instagram for their new summer and now fall hours that are coming up uh you can watch the replay of this on YouTube also listen back Apple Spotify where you're finding podcast and of course at Puck sports.com all right Mike we'll talk to you next week thank you sir see B there he is Mike G NFL Network with the very latest of the news and notes uh there in the Football League uh we'll uh get Brad Adam on here in just a quick second we'll talk a a little Mariners baseball here uh in just a few minutes I'm gonna tell him right now why should just get on in well I I I wouldn't be surprised if in what did I say week seven week seven that Michael penx is going to be starting uh for uh the Atlanta Falcons I mean I don't think anybody would be surprised I don't think anybody should be surprised uh at all if he's going to be the starter in week seven I mean they they looked terrible uh he looked awful did Kirk Cousins I mean just terrible they didn't look good at all he didn't look healthy and I just think the fans are going to start they want to see Michael pennick play they want to see that guy they they're mesmerized in practices and videos and and everything thing about how he throws the football um and I'm just uh eventually they're just gonna clamor for him to be the guy and Kirk Cousins um is just gonna lose out uh he just will he absolutely will and he'll fall out of fan favor and I'll just be encourag or uh curious to see what Atlanta uh can do let's talk a little baseball right now get you an update here on on the Mariners as we continue here on the daily puck drop and joining us it's not the first time he's gone live because we've done live shows a plenty of times ladies and gentlemen it is Brad Adam uh from Root Sports with us right now Brad are can you hear me okay why don't I hear oh it's the old Brad Adam can't hear me trick Again Brad we went through this there you are okay there you are you you scared the life out of me because we went through this last week with you where you couldn't hear me it's a simple connection my friend okay I've got it set I'm excited how are you buddy I am doing great God you look you look great hey hey guess what we've got hold on we got a brand new feature for you what a a little brand new feature okay there there'll be a voiceover for this but for our video viewers as you know Brad is brought to you by John howy state every single week right every we we know that good friend of ours yeah great look at this you got yourself a commercial what they look like they're having a great time yes there it is we'll have a for the people listening back on the podcast like what the hell just happened uh but listen that for the video viewers that was great now why weren't we in that video uh that would be a classic wouldn't it me you and John with that little swing music which reminds me I took swing lessons back years and years ago when I was in Portland who didn't in Port why why why in Port I was working there and you know that I know that you were working it was the it was like um God who was it it was uh straight cats and big mad Voodoo Daddy sure was like huge in the Gap you know having their big commercials and everything was swinging I'm like let's learn some swing dancing remember Four Square oh yeah right was it called four square right no no that was the game game was awesome what was the what was the other one you line dancing not I never did that no the god the partner dancing kind like Dosey Do and what the hell why am I blanking on the hell that was called but that was good times man that was fun we had our own ad you got it's your own ad it's well I appreciate that and hey you know what else we got to talk about I know you've been talking about my ad and my ad text I know you've been talking about oh that's right I forgot the year San Diego State Aztec dude we'll go to games Wazoo at San Diego State we'll go walk the campus I'll show you you know where I went to class we'll get you some tacos on no spots to go oh it's gonna be Fant Brad Adam excited I know you are Brad Adams every single week with us is Bronte by John Hoy steak entertain your next clients family and friends at John Howe stake have the best dining experience in the city and a little swing dance too yeah let uh visit John how stake.com yeah I forgot yeah we and we're playing you in we're playing in October you know that yeah we're playing you like think October 26 so that's that starts 26 is that right 26 2026 and they'll keep adding some teams I feel bad for the Mountain West but they gotta add two more they gotta add two more teams who are The Front Runners did John tell you anybody know well I think the obvious Front Runners are Cal and Stanford oh get them out bring them back but the acc's got to you know implode but you know if they pivot they're on their way right yeah most like most likely most likely on their way with everything that's going on Florida State and Clemson want to get out so that would be a possibility I mean if that doesn't you know if that falls through I would probably you LV and somebody else get the Vegas Market smart yeah I mean it's not perfect but uh it's better than two it's better than the pack two and I can't wait listen I I've seen that stadium that have you been to the new stadium I have not it's unbelievable it's nice isn't it it's nice and then the best anyone that's going to go down there Snap Dragon Snap Dragon yeah which is a great name but it's on campus so it's there or close to campus close yeah and but all of the great like local beer that San Diego produces right it's all in the stadium just all of it that is fantastic great yeah they did it right I'm glad yeah they did it right they got out of they got out of Jack Murphy old school Jack what was it after Jack Murphy they call it after that Qualcomm qualcom you're right yeah but definitely Jack Murphy yeah that's good times man oh we're gonna have fun yeah we are we're gonna have a a big rivalry now the Aztec and I think the cougs will start to become what do we call that we need we need to play for something uh the veter cup well yeah that's like that's Tim boo Tim Boo has stole that over the years when it's m and Padres the veter cup yeah I guess we could we could that so let me ask you change keeping with the wazu theme though are you excited about the apple cup um or it or is it totally lost its meaning to you hasn't totally lost the meaning to me it's it's changed and it's not I'm not as excited as I used to be right uh but I am excited uh not not like not like in years past just because you know you have a whole season to build up to it right and then it's the last game and then something in the last 10 years A lot of times something's been on the line so are you going Saturday yeah yes but my son's got a football game that gets over at 1 as the Inner Bay eagles will uh find themselves right now as a a probably a six and a half Point dog okay to East Side Catholic the Crusaders yeah they recruit at that age yep I understand you said it I didn't I did yeah are you coaching are you helping out yeah I'm a I'm a quality I would say I'm more the control I'm the guy that keeps everyone back get back and then and then have to make sure they're all getting their necessary plays like they've got to play like a like everyone's got to get like 10 snaps oh so I got to be in charge of making sure you know Johnny and little little Daryl get their time into the game and then yell at my son you know I don't really yell at him I just like I bow I I brow beat him he's doing great he's doing awesome had a great interception last week diving interception was sweet nice um and so that game's over at one and then we are going to make our way over I'm going to pick up Mary L from gym practice because she wants to go to the game it's right there in Belleview okay and uh we'll head over there and probably catch the second half so scalp a ticket as I pull up well yeah ticket sales aren't aren't great I hear right terrible terrible terrible it's gonna get better they'll get a they'll get a good walk up how was the uh the I was surprised just let's switch the baseball I was surprised how many Padre fans were there I was too I know we down there a lot of Mariner fans go down to San Diego which makes sense but if you're in San Diego Summer coming up here yeah I don't know why but you it was it seemed like 5050 almost didn't it it was a lot a lot of a lot of people what what yeah they didn't have much to cheer about last night though no they did not every one of them started going woo he was I didn't re I was kind of I'm running around and running some errands and kind of half paying attention I knew that he had had a no hitter but wasn't until I think I was picking what was I doing I was uh I think picking up my daughter from practice and then I'm like and then Goldsmith didn't quite say it but he just the way said you know uh 15 16 Up and 16 down and I'm like oh oh shoot yeah then it was 18 and I think he got one in the seventh 19 yeah before uh before tatis just murdered a ball dude that guy oh my gosh do you see him Rob the home run for Rosena too y y and the play he made in the first game I mean he is a freak if he had great maybe a little more common sense or whatever yeah well I like what Angie said in the first game he play because of his shortstop experience that throw was unbelievable played it like he played it like a a short stop right that he was deep in the hole and just underhand flip but he was good and Padres are this is a team that you know highest batting average in the majors most hits in the majors and fewer strikeouts in the majors exact opposite of the Mariners offense and they just a little slide not and they couldn't touch wooo you know I saw the broadcasters for the Padre's before the game and I said what you see this guy you guys have never seen him before they they will not be able to hit him he throws 75% fast balls and they will not be able to hit him and they're like okay well sure enough I tell you one point Krueger was there next to me um I believe it was 49 think of this Puck 49 of his first 56 pitches were fast balls now they're they're two fast balls two in a four seam but fast balls 49 out of 56 like here it is you know it's coming and they're going to be strikes because they don't walk anybody and they couldn't touch him Krueger talked about it I'm watching Krueger just kind of shake his head last night on the postgame show with you and he's just like I don't I I don't know what the comp is with him how does he get away with that fast ball and just throwing it as much as he does and being so damn effective with it well the two seam gets a lot of a lot of run um and and it's hard for people to square that one up which it kind of makes sense right because it moves but the for seam because again we we've been told and explained that his release point is a like a full foot lower than the average or anybody else it's 411 so it's coming low it's kind of because he was a short stop right so he's kind of like that that kind of three quarter slot yeah yeah so this is kind of the way he and it's just free and easy and it's it's low so the fast ball tends to R rise up or ride higher than most fast balls and it doesn't the gravity didn't affect it as much I guess so you see a lot of popups like he had only I think four ground outs and a lot of popup a lot of fly balls because guys just can't get on top of it tatis did on that one but that was I think that was a two seamer um so it's just it's it's something where it's hard to square up because it stays up other higher than other fast balls and when you haven't faced them it's just a different look you've never seen it and it's just super hard but even the teams that have I mean he just he doesn't get hit and Krueger and I were talking and he thought you know remember Baro cologne at the end you're not when he was throwing a 100 winning sa Youngs but at his end of the Mets and I'm sure he's still pitching now in the Mexican League somewhere right I mean you see videos every once in a while he's pitching but he just threw um all he did was throw two scam F balls it was over like 90% that's all he threw but he could just dot it right that's kind of the only comp that bill could think of because I mean who else would just throw fast balls you know and not get hit it's it's it's awesome Ian it's and he didn't remind me again on the story with him remind me again on bri no no no I'll get to the shoes in a second but remind me with Brian woo he didn't start pitching until he got to calply is that correct um no not calply no yeah calp you're right oh he did yeah yeah C PA and then he didn't pitch in high school right well I think he did but he was also playing shortstop he was a position player as well got to college I think became pitcher only had Tommy John after I want to say the right at the beginning of the junior year so his draft went way down but Trent blank the Mariners what is this title it's a fun title the uh director of pitching strategy oh sure yeah saw him and said you know he would take him 1-1 you know first round one pick he was so enamored with woo and they were just thrilled to get him in what was it like the sixth or seventh round yeah and and look at him now I mean you could argue that he's their best most efficient starter has been lately you know just since I I I I referenced this I went back and looked at this uh looked at this last night one because I wanted to give credit to Adam Jude and which takes credit away from Ryan divish oh now are we for that well I am personally taking credit away from div okay correct I I think I think his ego needs to come down so we'll pump up Jude what did he do and Jude is good better looking he's got better hair got better hair better looking well remember when he it's not remember when he talked to Cal and woo he did that story right right back on back in August just about how yeah where Cal gave him kind of a a tongue lashing yeah a little room a little roommate sit down yeah just said hey man you need to get it going like get out of the training room and and and be on the mound and and and every fifth day you take the ball right and you need to start doing that and since then since that since that story that Adam Jude did on it detailing that and this is why Jude gets all the credit he has so I think it's seven starts now he is a 242 erra he has a bad average against of 184 45 strikeouts and four walks yeah how about that stupid and not just you know take the ball every five days but do what you have to do to get your body ready to take the ball every five days and so I think he's learning what to do on those four days between starts and it's been you're right it's been night and day with him because you go back to he's been on the I you know a couple of times um this year the hammy and the elbow and you're wondering the form you're like gosh this guy's a little fragile right it's like geez if you're going to trade a guy would maybe woo be the guy you trade because maybe you don't think he can post 30 starts but now now it's like boy I wouldn't trade this guy for maybe for Otani but that'd be about maybe judge I trade all of them for Otani just every every single one of them you know and if you do believe like a lot of people do that they're going to have to trade a starter you know this off season you know well don't they have to I just don't know yeah how else you gonna get a guy right hitters too multiple right yeah you're not gonna pay for it it just it just one it they they're not gonna have the way that they have invested in the past I just don't I don't see him doing it in the offseason because we've talked about this before look at all the money that they've got coming up you know which just it's a you know it's a broken record it's you're going to double up Gilbert uh Kirby's gonna get a paid day Cal righ's gonna get a paid day I mean Cal R's gonna get paid like a lot in arbitration um you know a r Ro Arena that's another bump right if he if he if he's back they they he could be another trade candidate Julio jumps up I mean it's just on and on and on so and then we the two mitches two mitches are owned $29 million that's that's tough that yeah that's that'll be interesting to see how that plays out we'll talk offseason maybe later but you don't think they'll go you don't think that they're going to be in on the Juan stto sweep Stakes uh I'm getting word in my ear no no I'm being told by sources they're not gonna spend okay so maybe not yeah what's he gonna get 650 million 600 million probably yeah I mean if T was 700 he's probably close to 600 yeah no I think they're out on SoDo but even though I would love we would all love to have won so which right and it's going to have to be the trades and the only thing they've got to trade unless they go you know the prospect route and teams would want prospects but they're not going to trade Major League ready bats for prospects so it's going to have to be a pitcher because you're right they're not going to need to get double A or triaa bats they're going to have to get at least two quality Major League proven bats yeah and then you and then you think about it right Brad like Gilbert makes the most sense because we're talking about like well Gilbert or Kirby or because they're making the most now because they're they're not making anything right like Castillo you could say because you and I we've chatted about Castillo you could get out of the $72 million I do wonder you know divish when I asked him the same question he was like well I still think that they could get a good uh get a receive a good Prospect depending on who they trade him to right I agree so you know I think I think if you want to move one of them and I mean I want to be on the record I don't want to move any of them I know if you're gonna move castio I I think the first team you call up are the Dodgers and you say what what do you and that was what div I think divish brought up the Dodgers so I'm just going to pair it what he said talent-rich organization certainly can afford the 72 million dollar which is a a bargain for a pitcher right in the grand schema thing sure and they just desperately need starting pitching they do yep they they run their young guys into the ground I know Yankees same boat yeah Yankees another team we talked about the Orioles who just you know just player Rich oh my gosh they've got bats forever um and they need a starter so yeah I mean there's definitely going to be a market for these guys it just be interesting to see what happens um the off season and who they decided to bring back because there's so many holes to fill do you try to go big and fill them all or stop Gap some of them it's just it's it's going to be a fascinating offseason and we can just keep going on about that but we'll you have hope we'll do that later three what is it now oh yes three and a half three and a half games back they've got 10 games before they play Houston houon y the little Oompa Loompa got hurt last night he did the guy's telling me um on his right side swinging kind of right back and kind of like sounds like kind of an oblique but they didn't seem be concerned last night but we'll see what it looks like today they have an early game today they're about to uh U first pitch coming up soon but I don't I I I doubt he'll play today um they've got you know the Mariners got seven against the Rangers the Astros have seven against the Angels so that doesn't help but I mean you know they lost to straight to the A's they they're they're they're by far they have the fewest wins of any division leader in all the baseball I mean this this was an opport opportunity this was the year you know it could still happen but man I mean with Texas being down and it's just it it's frustrating but I think that now their path I used to think maybe the Wild Card could be their path but now with so many teams and no tiebreakers I think that's this is the easiest path now now it's the west and concentrate on that yeah you want to keep it to three or four yeah you know when you go there to Houston and you get the sweep hopefully and then you just all bets are off but is am I a fan you can answer this truthfully that I want them to lose every game which ones the Mariners yeah yes why would you want that that's because I'm just so annoyed with the season I know yeah it's frustrating I mean they should be 10 games up you know even I'm just so annoyed with everything that that transpired this year I even the guys uh with the padr their their broadcasters were like man look at their pitching like you guys if you guys were even 20th in hitting in offense you would have 10 game lead it's like yep we know that we know Valdez gets the ball today they're about to start here and Valdez will get the ball today and he's been he's been unbelievably good his last like six eight starts unbelievably good so we'll see and I know you're excited about tonight who do we get to see face who do we get to see Pitch for the first time ever Kumar Kumar you wanted I remember you wanting him years ago I mean everybody did everybody did who didn't want the guy and you know in you knew his elbow was bad well so what yes and remember God remember that I I had to I was reading up a little bit about that where the Mets took him right yep and they never signed him and they never signed him he goes back well then that that's when he started the problems right and then he did he went into what like the Independent League or something and he went that route right then blew out and then he blew out his elbow he had Tommy John and and the then the Rangers ended up you know getting him or the Rangers got him before that but here he is and since he's been back maybe not the stiffest competition but he's been blowing everyone away and he makes his debut here tonight they go with with rocker tonight or or they go with rocker here on Thursday yeah Friday I think is deg Grom and Saturday is Sherer right I how about that so deg Gro making coming making a season debut yeah and you got sherzer and then I'm not sure who they have on Sunday but yeah I don't think they have announced yet no who those guys are getting up in age but I mean yeah you know deg Grom was you could argue he was like the he was the best pitcher in baseball for years I mean his numbers are just ridiculous he just couldn't so if he comes back I mean Texas will be loaded again next year I mean they're going to spend money so yeah you know this was again this was the year yeah it was it what's the deal Seager H it's a hip injury on I and they think he's out for the year yeah just I mean why come back for a little bit they're I mean they're they're under 500 of chance yeah there's no reason to no reason to push it no they've all regressed and and you kind of you knew that the offense couldn't be as good as it was last year because everybody had career years and and they figured out how to piece together the bullpen for that run but so what are we ask what are we asking them to do here in the next so but before they play him okay got to be within a game oh I don't think you have to be within a game I think you obviously have to be within three you know where you could say hey we can sweep these guys and we're even because Mariners if they just have one win in that series they'll have the tiebreaker over Houston okay that's right I forgot about that so even if you lose two of three you got the tiebreaker and then you try to obviously you know catch up to them they've got seven with the angels I know they finished three with Cleveland now I was excited about that but Cleveland's playing pretty well and if if they've clinched and have nothing to play for those last three games that kind of worries me uh the Mariners end up their season here against Oakland which again no no joke Oakland but um playing great it's just yeah unbelievable the Rost and you're like who are these guys if that owner would just spend money oh my gosh right they would be so good yep they do a lot of things right but yeah yeah so you know you you hope that over the last 10 games you know um seven with the Rangers and then three with the Yankees that again you're right there that Series in Houston could be a lot of fun I'm hoping yeah the uh obrien wo cleats great the whole the pay homage to to Ric Flair did he know anything about Ric Flair no clue about Ric Flair did he no they're like hey we're gonna do this and the pitching ninja and this and that he's like okay I guess you know he's saying last night how he's worn the same plates for like two years Very Superstitious so it's exact same cleat they just you know put the woo and the Ric Flair on there he's like well never he's he's never going back no he said that last night he's like and I'm wearing these in next start yeah he has to right said a little out of his comfort zone right the shoes but uh yeah he's definitely gonna wear them again so yeah what what do you think I I think it was you that that told me last week correct me if I'm wrong the when we were talking about Dan Wilson Edgar Martinez do you think this is a role that Edgar will want beond this year or no um that's good question um that's why I asked it yeah you know maybe he'll do what what he's done kind of last season and this season where he comes to a lot of home games and works with the guys doesn't travel um I just can't imagine that he would want to do the grind of a whole season again but okay you know those those guys have you know baseball in their blood is what they know I mean maybe uh as kids are out of the house I do think so a chance I know Dan would love it um but not something that he wanted not something he'd want to be sign up for the grind six months you're away from your family and all that it would be hard at his age I think but you know maybe he he'll do it for a year maybe Dan will say Hey you know let's continue this for a year and see what happens see how you like it or start that way and then see maybe go month to month I don't know who knows I mean do you think he's made a huge impact yeah h i huge think he made a big impact maybe I think so I mean the numbers are better I know they're still overall are still very bad but in his sample size I mean the runs are up the average is up um I believe strikeouts are down but that might be pretty close but I think just simplifying things and eliminating um voices and eliminating a lot of um I want to say noise or something uh just making things simple you know and I think that that he is doing more of a of a um an individual type job with the hitters as opposed to a group job right you know when you talk about he he simplified it he yeah he says hey come up with a plan and I talked to him yesterday about that and he's like you know if you faced a guy before you know how did he pitch you what are you going to look for that's how we get you out last time do this so have a plan know what's happening you know know what's going to what the pitcher's going to do to you and then just you know think up the- middle think good swings just think that you know don't think as Edgar likes to say you know launch angle exito I don't care about I love how I love how he right [ __ ] on all that I was great just I don't know if the team did but yeah whatever I like that he did um I got I got our good friend Alex May to help me out with something because I'm an idiot said can you look at something for me make sure I'm right just do it I mean Alex will fact check you I mean he's the best that's what I asked okay so so since they've taken over the team okay since Wilson and Edgar so that is 18 games right they're 10 and eight exactly so 244 batting average 347 on base 402 slugging and the Ops is 749 averaging 5.1 5.1 runs a game okay so way better under service 216 301 365 666 and then were averaging 3.9 runs so yeah so an uptick in 18 games yeah oh yeah yeah so I think you know as players JP and the guys have said you know making things just simple go up SE ball hit ball type of thing well it's your former legendary baseball and basketball player at San Diego State oh the great Tony Gwyn what did he say well you've seen the video have you not seen the video that setting you up I know that every little league coach including myself has has has pared for years and Tony Gwyn is the video we've talked about this many times before had two rules be balanced and take the knob of the bat to the ball knob to the ball that's it that's it yep and uh you know I think sometimes in you know baseball golf you just get so much information and video and I just think it paralyzes these guys a lot I agree freeze them up just think of one thing as opposed to seven you know like a swing like a swing thought for you in golf yeah I I this is none this is why I try to get up to the ball and just one waggle BL out okay yeah because if I get up there and start like I'll puke on myself yeah and I hate that it's it's amazing how you know you think don't do this and you'll do it right like I can't go right here especially if there's water in play and I see it I just go I grab my club I just grab it as fast as I can and I try to just get up and hit the ball right now just go hit it now because I'll sit up there and I'll go there's water on the right yeah gotta aim a little left [ __ ] there's water on the right again God I got to make sure I get through because if I leave the club face open I'm going to hit in the right I'm going hit right water don't hit don't I hit in the water and then I'll and then I'll chunk it and God I hate that my my best is when you take a club like that you know lay up or take like a you know a hybrid off the tea hey I'm going to be I don't want to hit that water I'm gonna be short of that right and then in the water or like a you know chunk or left or like way to be safe right you're in the trees anyway and we're all guilty of this God what are we out hey fellas what are we out there about two 250 yeah they're on the green still yeah I'm I'm going to wait I got to I Really catch one if I catch one I don't want to hit into him hey hey Puck you good I I've never seen you hit it that far yeah but I was feeling pretty good on the Range um yeah let's let's wait a little bit okay they're off now you can hit all right and you get up there and freaking worm burner yeah f it every time every single time that's right free up the mind I do I like that I'm going to go quicker I like that quick I play with a a a uh several times he he sponsors Mike gfol his name Andrew Herzog shout out to Herzog he uh he runs owns zs on Fox Island if you're ever down there in heard fo Fox Island he uh yeah he is a terrific golfer by the way okay but he is the fastest golfer I've ever seen in my life really go ever ever seen he the ball's there he grabs his Club puts his drink down hits it grabs the drink in back in the cart or whatever he's doing I I've never seen anything like it what about putting same thing putting unbel doesn't look at the putt gets up on the green sees the ball hits the ball there's no he doesn't line up anything he doesn't he doesn't bend down none of it and he's I don't know and he's good he's he oh he's probably a uh a two three four oh jeeez I mean really yeah he phenomenal and it's annoying especially when it's beer after beer after beer and you're like how are you not right blacked out right now you yeah it affects me uh the only thing against him he's a duck so that's it oh he's got that against him well I think the Ducks are GNA have a tough year this year we'll see we'll see but doesn't look great no all right Brad Adam every single Thursday's now as the uh baseball season continues and it's course getting it's winding down here a little bit you can follow him on X real Brad Adam once he's done here he most likely be hosting a live chat to get your reactions of San Diego State joining the Pack 12 it's all brought to you by John ho Stak entertain your next clients family and friends at John how steak have the best dining experience in the city visit johow steak.com you should play my ad again you want me to play it one more time sure I'll play it hold on where's it at you want it one more time I want I want to picture you and I in this B having fun come on that's me that's you with the steak yep she's hot that's me ordering one yeah there it was that this uh if you on the video that QR code if you just scan that QR code that's going to take you right to John Howe steak and book your next Ste reservation today free steak that QR code free steak and joh say Pucket sent you fck and Brad said if I come here and just say I watched you on YouTube it's a free steak yeah get your next reservation johnh stake.com uh catch this later uh recap on YouTube uh you want to listen to it Apple Spotify wherever you find your podcast and of course at Puck sports.com Brad will we'll talk to you next week sir I appreciate it sound good thank you my friend you're the best we'll see you there he is Brad Adam Root Sports again all brought to you by John Hoy stake the Mariners back at it later today as they will Gear Up toh take on the Texas Rangers in Kumar rocker what a great name is Kumar rocker is it not it's like one of the best names in the history of names is Kumar rocker all right let's get to it let's wrap it up we actually may be finished by 11:30 it's amazing I don't think we've ever this this I don't think since we've been doing this we've actually finished at 11:30 but that's always been the goal and again a reminder quick thing a couple of things here everything gets podcasted later so in case you're just jumping in here right now and you're like well I want to listen to it it all gets up there at one o'clock and so we we we podcast on Apple and Spotify the entire show now the day I just called the daily putop the entire show so it's an hour and 30 minutes that entire show goes up I separate all the interviews so you'll have garolo and you will have Brad Adam and then John canano today because we did an emergency actually you know what I'll just keep John in the in the daily puck drop but for our weekly guests those all will be separated so you can go back and just watch hey I just want to watch uh G Foo today or just listen to gal F that will be separated for you and has been and same thing with Brad Adam same thing with all of our guests now if you want to go back and watch the entire show uh if you go to YouTube and you'll see the tabs as home like videos and then live you just click on the live Tab and that will be the recap of the show uh we're trying to figure out a way to put it on the videos but it it would too much time for me I would have to take the live a video from YouTube once it's done you know uploading complete and then upload it again and I just is an unnecessary step I just know like on the website if you go there on the website some people said hey the the show's not up there on the video that's because there's something with the link you can't link the archived live show up there I don't know why but again if you want to watch the full show once it's over just go to YouTube under the live tab the live show is there does that make sense I feel I I've confused myself and everybody else this was a newsy day uh here on Thursday with the breaking news with the Pack 12 and the Mountain West schools uh big thanks to John Canzano for for jumping on real quick to give us the very latest go to John Canzano decom he's got a ride up there right now uh he and John Wilner all over the story uh Ross delinger he was the the first one with with the report late last night from Yahoo sports and uh again is it a perfect situ ation for Washington State and Oregon State well of course not the perfect situation would have been to maintain the original you know Pack 12 uh best case scenario number two probably would have been to find a way into the Big 12 but more security there a better quality of opponents but I think with what the situation had faced them and the uncertainty here in the next year or two this is the best this is the best for them let's see what they can do with the TV deal and and how attractive that would be to an ESPN or to any of these other networks out there that need programming late at night because as we have seen programming late at night works it just does I mean the Texas Tech Wazoo game that was on Fox got a great number like 1.2 million that's a good number real good number for 11 o'clock at night now I mean you probably will under whatever new TV deal they do we'll probably have more night games probably grow a custom do it but that's just going to be that's going to be the deal but I like it from this standpoint um Big 12 might have offered and and still might offer more security more money and all that I like the fact that they found themselves in a situation where they have kept it in the time zones mostly West Coast Schools I know Mountain schools as well but it's close the travel's not far you've played these teams before there's a familiarity with it I like it from a basketball standpoint not going to lie there uh that's a great basketball conference I mean with with those teams they're real good and um I think it's a it's a good situation for them I mean Boise stay damn near beat Oregon and Boise State's been a good football team for a long time like a really long time and uh in Colorado State I mean God they almost beat Colorado last year so God there's not much difference between Colorado State and Colorado uh in terms of their play on the field and we'll see what they do here before 2026 this gets them the a if they get to eight they're back in getting the they they're one of the highest ranked uh Power five teams they get an automatic bid there's some confusion on that and I don't know why but that's the case so they're back in play once they get to eight and we'll see who those two more teams are going to be as John said keep an eye on the Bay Area Schools in K Stanford don't shut the door on those two and see and a lot can change here in the uh in the next year or two all right let's get to it uh we wrap up every show with hey what the puck it's brought to you by uh restoration one of North Seattle uh restoration is uh your company lets you avoid the stress of water fire and mold damage with their property restoration services locally owned and operated make them your first call when damage is affect your residential or commercial property give them a call at uh 206 817 8917 visit them online at restoration 1.com the north Seattle franchise a big thanks to Trent and everybody uh for giving you the uh sponsoring hey what the puck all right usually Sports non sports we usually uh cover here on hey what the puck both are kind of sports stories one's a sports story but then kind of non sports story first let's start with DK Meda I was I went back and watched it read read his press conference yesterday and again DK MEF didn't have a great first week of a game a first week of of the season I I enjoyed and I'm not saying he's taken a Next Step he did have a holding penalty didn't have a personal foul penalty I love I I enjoyed hearing him talk about his stance on social media he's been off social media for a very very long time I guess um and I think back until last year and he was a guy that was very active on it and he just said I wanted to challenged myself could I be off it for a week and then he was then then a week turned into two and two turned into a month and a month turned into several months and we've talked a lot about this before I think with athletes and anybody that's in kind of the public eye like really really in the public eye big figures like these guys get off of it because it can just I mean it can be brutal especially for an athlete to listen to the crap that has talked about you and then it's human nature you it's human nature we all do it you know I'm guilty of it what are people saying about you and and I think he got caught up in that you know Rob and I Rob ston who's on with me on Tuesdays we talked about Gino Smith I think Gino gets caught up in it get off of it it doesn't matter what people say about you you just have to move on you know it's you know for me and others you know in this line of work it's part of it you you need it to promote and advertise we're doing the show that's on on Twitter SLX but you have to especially for an athlete they don't need it they don't need it all they don't need the headache that comes along with it at times and I think the vitri all that does I I just was kind of proud what I heard from from DK there on Wednesday this press conference just saying that hey man it's it's not everything I needed to block it out he didn't say I need to be more focused on the field but I think that's kind of what he was getting at and just not feeding into the negativity that comes with that so I think it was a good first step and it was good to hear him kind of acknowledge that on Wednesday and we'll see what type of game he has you know this week against New England last time you know they played New England had a really good game and he'll he'll break out he'll break out for sure and Ryan grub and this offense will put him in in some great positions to make plays down field he's not going to have the game that he had there in week one our Second Story we usually just do one but our Second Story on hey with the puck because our good friend Tim Booth was the first one to send me this actually he was the second person Tim Booth was the second person the first one was my good buddy we used to work together years ago shout out to uh uh Max Helman simy this is well I've talked about her a lot Charlie Hall is my queen and if people don't know who Charlie Hall is PJ golf look at her oh let's let's look at her she went over to a fan and is lighting up a heater as she's playing around of golf you want to talk about a queen ladies and gentlemen that is the queen we need Charlie Hall God I love her don't you it's okay dude just over there hey GNA get a light for the uh from a stick for just the dagger the bottom lip dagger I'm throwing down Charlie Hall marry me I'm not available and you would look at me and go you're not my type I understand that but we could we could be each other's type you never know uh that's hey the puckets brought to you by restoration one of North Seattle your Restoration company let you avoid the stress of water fire and mold damage with their property restoration services locally owned and operated make them your first call when damages affect your residential or commercial property 20681 78917 visit them online at restoration 1.com the north Seattle franchise again big thanks emergency show there with John Canzano also our weekly uh visit with Mike gofo of the NFL Network despite his daughter screaming uh bloody murder in the background because I think the nanny was doing something to her I don't know what was going on she was losing her mind uh also uh Brad Adam of Root Sports which of course brought to you by uh John Hoy stake and uh we appreciate that and the new commercial that they that they provided us that was wonderful also big thanks to our sponsors uh for Mike gero zs on Fox Island check out uh zs on Fox Island on Facebook and Instagram and their new fall hours uh that are starting and also heartley and Harley Insurance contact our good buddy Jamie Hart you need insurance okay down especially down in that South Sound 23565 870 the puck the Huskies podcast with Elise Woodward and Jordan Rett uh is up and available as I've mentioned before that huskys podcast the Cougars podcast the old Crimson with uh Jim and Paul also our cougs Corner which we have Jake Dicker uh other Co his assistant coaches and players on each week those all won't be live those all will be just podcast only and uh so up on YouTube up on Apple and Spotify wherever you you take in your podcast so those always will be released just on the podcast only feature the coug stuff comes out on Wednesday at 9: the Husky one with Elise and Jordan out this morning at 9 a.m. go give it a listen uh we have fun uh the three of us get along very well we like to yell at each other and we did do a little bit of yelling we talked about the keys to the game we talked about matti's legs we talked about Jonah Coleman scares the life out of me the offensive line issues with Washington can wazu take advantage of it and we just talked about the the apathy of of the game on on both sides so it's a great listen Jordan at least do an incredible job talking about the Huskies so go check that out all right that's it for us here on a Thursday coming up tomorrow on the show Jim is back he'll be back with us us here on the daily puck drop also we'll talk to Chris Eagan of KING5 he's back for his weekly visit and our handicapper is back as well Troy wins from Troy wins.com and we will talk about something special tomorrow we have got a huge huge announcement uh with Troy wins and I'm gonna tell you right now there's other NFL games that are going on in terms of weekly prizes and grand prize packages not going to Top This one this one's a beauty uh we're doing it again with Troy wins from Troy wins.com we will let you know tomorrow because we didn't want to do tonight's game we'll let you know tomorrow how you can get involved and how you can win just a great prize package that Troy wins is going to provide you The Listener of Puck Sports this football season so we'll talk about that coming up uh tomorrow uh all right that's it for us again everything will be up on YouTube Apple Spotify and Puck sports.com we'll talk to you tomorrow as always you promise to be better no shirt no shoes no di would anybody like to smoke some P yeah I was born to you I was born to lick your face I was born to R you but you were born to rub me first what do you need my address for we like to S out of mailer Mother of Mercy I don't speak Japanese

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