Are Rory & Scottie off to LIV? | SSG Power Plays & Frustrations | Tiger's Influence and much more!

Published: Sep 05, 2024 Duration: 01:03:33 Category: Sports

Trending searches: rory mcilroy
Introduction and Background ladies gentlemen boys and girls lovers of golf haters of us we are happy to be with you today now I'll be honest I'll be honest Jay like we don't get any hate anymore we get like the odd one but like it's died down on Twitter it's almost as if Rory saying he wants to go to an 18 18 schedule um 20 schedule events it's almost like it's almost like all of the Contrition from a lot of the former live haters it's almost like that all of the anti- live Brigade have just of melted away yeah some would would say that's uh to blame others would would say that the coordinated PR campaign has been defunded um that that could be part of the deal too it could be a combination of things um they got no money to fund it right exactly yeah they're running out of money for sure that's that is what I've heard about the PJ tour they're they're they're starting to cut back on things and we'll talk about we'll talk about that in a minute because you both got different stories from different people and we both know they're good and we're not going to reveal our sources because let's just say in our sources we've got current Live players um major winners we've got current PGA Tour players we've got various sources the cupboards are bare and SSG are not going to just fund everything no no and I think that the power plays have already started like like I've been been saying for a while everybody need needs to sort of strap in because I think the next three to four months is going to be a lot happening and I've honestly said that like I really do feel like the next three to four months are going to determine the next 30 years of pro golf definitely 10 definitely 10 years because you never know do you but definitely 10 you're right probably longer yeah yeah you never know but at the the same time I I think that the dominoes falling now are going to be felt for many many year years uh to come let me let me start off by let's be really clear do I like the idea of the PJ tour and do I love golf yes I'm much more of a fan and Defender the PJ tour than you are now I'm going to attack and defend the PJ tour massively now and I know that you don't give a [ __ ] and I'm probably not going to bother to give more than 30 seconds of what I'm gonna say if you a live fat you don't know I care about the PJ tour I I do care about the P PJ tour I just want them to up level I've been so I'm like a lot of Us Golf fans I've been so frustrated with everything that's going on there for the past several years that I've had to like sort of turn it off in a lot of ways would love to to turn it back on I really would so continue here's my point if you're if you're a live fan like we are but you're you're being a Liv Stan and saying it's disgusting the P President's Cup has no Live players in look how weak the president Cup team is I'm going to defend the PJ tour here it is the PJ tours event do I think they should have more players in it yes because it would be a better product make them more money but they have no obligation they have no no reason to pick Live players the President's Cup is a PGA Tour owned event that would be like saying to the English Premier League um why don't you host an event and bring in um Bayern Munich AC Milan Real Madrid like it's they're not they're not they're not members of the English Premier League right be like inv be like in a CFL team to come and play in the first end of playoffs you mean it just does NFL plus it just wouldn't happen I tried to explain this online and I but people like oh mate why you defend the PJ tour I'm not defending the PJ tour I very clear I think the PJ tour a moronic to have not found a way to invite players but I also understand why they haven't and that they can't really because it's a PJ Tour event and you got to play on the PJ tour to be in it that those are their rules so the PJ tour has no reason to nor should they pick pick Live players for pres cup would undoubtedly the the international team be stronger and maybe even beat the the USA team who knows based on how some of these USA team are playing currently outside of Scotty no one's Scotty and Xander no one's really a guarantee really I would just want to say that the PJ toour don't have to pick them it would be a much better event with them but also how could they pick them because of all the water that's gone under the bridge and the machinations and the way that tournament's organized they can't really they can't really pick them so look if you're hating on the President's Cup because it's got no Live players in that's one thing and I get that and will I watch a second of the President's Cup and you know I probably I might watch 25 30 minutes but the USA if the USA aren't going to win by 12 matches that's because they deliberately tried to make a game of it because the USA team is so so strong but you can't hate on the PJ tour for not picking them because PJ Tour event and they they shouldn't and probably have no way of picking the LIF yeah I think that's all fair I think that the and look we we could sort of dog the President's Cup from from now until the cows come home but um it is a PJ Tor to rent like like you you mentioned that being said there is a very strong chance over the course of of time the President's Cup gets sort of spun off and there's a new entity that sort of owns this thing so and that particular entity could potentially change the rules they could make it uh you know like a live versus PJ tour thing which I mean seems like it's sort of in the works from an independent party that we'll get into later a later time you know the the thing that sort of bothers me most about the President's Cup is just the international team it's so clear that they've been completely decimated like most of the great International Players it's just a garbage team not they they're good players obviously they're good players the na golfers they're excellent players compared to what it could be I look through it and I I think you can make the case there are seven players from Liv that would make the international team is is not that's not just a large amount that's not just a large amount that's a a tremendous if M got in standings obviously wacke would be in there Louie would be in there cam Smith would be in there Dean berme would be in there a bant would be in there Carlos probably would be in there that's six um Mark Le me even talk you can even talk about guys like Sebastian Munoz like Sebastian Muno people forget the last president's he he beat Scotty Sheffer in the singles so like there's so much Liv has so much of the international depth that that like they were sort of forced to sort of pick from sort of the scraps left left over let's just call SP to space between seven and eight players on live should be in that international team and you got to believe that would be a a much better much better event yeah of course of course and yeah look the the president cup is what it is it's not the riter cup and never will be and at the same same time like all of these events whether it's ryer cup or President's Cup they're like excluding a pretty large swath of the world so I I think that there's certainly room for another event that sort of incorporates the entire world instead of just either the US and Europe or the US and sort of non Europe like there there could be be some so much more potentially done with this that you know we we've talked talked about a little bit there's a lot of ideas out there I'm just hopeful the problem with the PJ tour is that because of all of their Bureau years years years of bureaucracy and rules they are so slow to change things like that's been one of my frustrations with them like they can't move quickly I don't AG I don't agree I don't agree they don't want to move quickly well that CU they can they can no look can I'll die I'll die on the hill if you're completely wrong because when they had to bring in the £500,000 stien for everyone they brought that in straight away when they had to change PGA Tour University they brought that in straight away whenever they want to bring brought and tiger to the board yeah brought and tiger to the board immediately if they want to move Jay if they want to move they'll move in seconds yeah so but what I think you're wrong is they don't want to do it they've got no interest in change yeah that's part of it but I I also think that when you do have a culture of bureaucracy like I mean some of those things came directly from from the top so like when when things come directly from from the top things change like that's C certainly part I've been in I work worked a lot of lot of com companies where that that's been the case like you knew if something came from the CEO directly things were going to it yeah yeah the problem with the PJ tour is that their overall culture and this is talk talking about upper management middle management whoever it is like they just have this culture of stagnation where they're not really in that they don't have a culture of like Innovation like I know for a fact Liv has a culture of innovation like they're changing and tweaking stuff every single like event basically not just every year like they are so so more Nimble to be able to change things because they're they're not tied down by you know a lot of the things that the PJ tour is and they're culture is that of innovation which is like a really really important thing that I would want the entire sport of golf I want the entire sport of golf to adopt this like idea of like constantly innovating like that's what the sport needs more than anything else 100% 100% And I think I think on that The Absence of LIV Players in the Presidents Cup let's I I don't I want to go you put you put up a tweet yesterday which is make no mistake Rory and SSG made a big statement today and you want to say a few things we're going to talk about that today but I want to talk about one of thing that lead that's that's off the back of that but I want to talk about because we're still on PGA Tour has there been a bigger Fu than Scotty and Rory going and doing this event with Brooks and Bryson because PJ tour now in a position and I don't think I don't think the average golf fan especially the anti- live golf fan is quite understanding the gravity of this now you don't have to like jay most of you don't but most of you like me so have a listen look your your fans are more Die Hard than mine but at least fewer people hate me right that's probably a fair fair assessment but yeah that it's a very small loud loud minority I've got load for no but yeah i' got loads more seven out of 10 fans than you have but you got loads more tens and loads more zeros right um the point the point I'm trying to make and just think about this now the PGA tour lost players to live for one main reason money and opportunity that money and opportunity has been stated from the start by two of the biggest names in the world of Bryson and Phil about name image and likeness I want my name image and likeness I want my own YouTube channel I want to do my name name image and likeness 100% and they've said it from the start so that was the Catalyst and Phil what 21 22 months before Liv existed was moaning about not being able to use his image and likeness Bry about three mons brys three mon before he went over to live and was it feels up for years but was really vifer about it right right and then and then Bryson three four months before he went across was saying how he wanted to do more and couldn't do more because the PJ tour image wres okay yep y so now the PJ tour have got one of two choices and both of them F him in the ass right the two choices are they fine and punish Scotty Sheffer and Rory arguably outside of Xander you got no one on the PJ tour in that same Stratosphere of star klay's great Clark's great there loads of great players but you would say star power Hideki and as but talking real real star power it's Xander Rory and Scotty at the minute so are you going to find and punish Scotty and Rory if you do you are pushing Rory out the door I feel especially as comments the last three weeks and Chris mcke and his comments and saying about Rory wants to this and this and Chris mck's posted that video which has been great yep th% or you don't find them and you open the door for every PGA Tour player to do what they want when they want because if you don't find them is Open Season if you do find them they might go the PJ tour have been check ated by the old enemies Bryson and Brooks yeah it is abolutely phenomenal yes and this folks if you're listening and Jay's talking about SSG and about everything else and we're going to talk about it and how the Domino is going to fall this is the moment in World Golf where the lines will be drawn and the problem with the PGA Tour is wherever the line is drawn they lose because they're going to piss off their two B two of their three biggest stars or they're going to piss off 178 tour players they yes Pi pick the pick the method of your death that's it yeah that's that's the truth it 100% is and it it's not just tied into you know Rory and and Scotty because you you can look I sort of made made the case about Scotty shuffler not not having more star power than a lot of the other guys that haven't G going to live that that's sort of a story for for another another day I'm lumping him him in for now that's totally totally fine the elephant in the room here is SSG he is a star player on the PJ tour I know I know comparatively about the star and personality he but what I'm saying is on the PJ tour he is number one he's number one two three that is true however one of my biggest criticisms of Scotty sheffler was that like I wanted him to do more like he has been of all the number one players throughout history he has very clearly done the least in terms of doing extra to try to grow golf whether it be domestically or sort of internationally like even though someone like Dustin Johnson doesn't like really say a ton in the media no like DJ has his own School uh his own golf School in South Carolina uh it's actually run by a former assistant coach at Duke I know you hate hate talk hate hate when I talk about Duke but how how many minutes how many minutes are we in folks let's just have a look how many minutes are we in 15 14 minutes well after you cut the start of you and I gibber 14 and a half minutes it's relevant shout out coach Terrell um so so like like DJ has his own own school he has his own Junior series like he is doing all of these other things that he's using the money that he got from Liv to like partly fund these these things Scotty shuffler hasn't done any of stuff yet so it's like this is maybe like a really important Catalyst to him to sort of do this is like his first real like exhibition too like uh this is I think Scotty Sheffer has a lot more that he he could be doing and I'm hoping this is the Catalyst towards him him getting there so that's that's sort of another story in this however the elephant in the room is SSG because SSG they are basically funding before we come to before we come to Elephant I want to put pin in the elephant okay before you get to the elephant what about the fact that PJ tour refused to comment that's because I imagine SSG ask them not to comment because SSG are trying to scramble behind the scenes because they are trying to pull levers because they are moneymen and they know look y I'm 41 I'm not I'm not the world's I'm not I'm not astrophysicist I'm not a rocket scientist but I understand money in business and I can tell you now those guys are a billion times brighter they know whichever side the PGA Tour go or comment they're going to make they're going to Ang someone so SSG has told them not to comment do you agree I think that might be part of it or it's it's just just one of those such situations and this is where there is a little little bit of speculation because I've sort of heard conflicting conflicting information about about this some people think that um SSG sort of is doing this kind of behind the ppj towards back because they're so frustrated with the progress and sort of because they invested like it's going to be going on a year like in in terms of when they committed the one 1.5 billion and not much has really come out of it since then like they make no mistake about it um SSG made this investment because they also want piff to invest so that they can move in lock step to make golf better so that they're able to get return on their their investment that's the whole thing um and I know there's a lot of people out there that like this kind of goes over their their heads because we're talk talking about business we're talking about the economics of sport and all um all that stuff if people that sort of are turned off off to this and they prefer baby food stuff that's totally fine there's a there's a million other podcasts out out there foreplay uh whoever you want want to talk about is gonna give you Bab baby stuff we're going to talk about the real side stuff no four player had a huge upgrade oh without I think it's actually a downgrade that Dan not not there anymore because he he legitim he leg legitimize them in a way that those other three clowns like they're they are clowns let's just call it what what it is they're there to entertain people they're like that's what they're they're they're not there because they're they're great golers or like argument three folks we're minute 18 argument three Dan Rap for he might have legitimized them but he made the podcast worse the podcast I couldn't I couldn't listen to it the San the sanct I loved it when they had Lurch on that he listened to it it was still in my most listened to podcasts based on how much I listen to it and I haven't listened to it since rall has been on there for nearly two years because I listen to every I listen to every episode the best part of two and a half years before that I I cannot stand his sanctimony I cannot stand the San just drives me yeah you know he he is he's a he's an interesting guy obviously for people that don't don't know I met Dan Rap rapper he was live Miami earlier this year we had a conversation for you know 2025 minutes sort of talking about everything going on and and if anybody has been in our Twitter spaces you you already knew that his time at bar stol and fourl was gonna GNA be up pretty soon for for a variety of reasons um so like look going back to my point though there is like plenty of other podcasts that are just going to give you the balls and Strikes like if you want more information and like want to analyze this stuff for yourself we're the ones that that are going to give you you more more information about this and pretty much any any other podcast golf podcast specifically out there so I do think that there's been there's a lot of politian going on behind the scenes I think this is a huge power play by Rory because Rory's been sort of talking about this with Brian Zur who is the producer of the match he is the one that that's sort of the main person behind uh Bey enter um entertainment and ever wonder studio um ever wonder studio is basically financed by Red Bird who is a huge stakeholder in SSG so that should tell you guys like what's the the sort of the machinations behind the scenes of this stuff so again this is a huge power play by Rory I think that he is putting the PJ tours back up against the wall uh with SSG behind him and there's clearly factions within the PJ tour that that are Waring right uh right now and Rory is making this power play that says hey we need to because he's been saying it press conferences The Power Plays of Rory and SSG for months now six seven eight eight months like hey we need to to bring these guys back back into the fold we need to to let bygones be be bygones because it's G going to be the best thing for golf unfortunately there's people with inside within the PJ tour that are not acting in the best interest of golf so he is forcing their hand here and it's going to be really really interesting to see where things fall out because again the net results of this could be where we basically says look I've tried everything at this point you guys are leaving me no choice I'm going to start my own team at live golf league goodbye yeah yeah so and I and I and I think and I think a comment you're not making but I want to just observe is they're not acting in the best interest because I think they mistakenly believe they still hold the power yeah well I think I think people thinking oh don't worry we'll just we'll just sit this one out let me tell you sitting this one out is gone for you and this isn't a Victory lap for live because a Victory lap for me Isn't about live it's about golf being better right I love the live product I wish there was more golf play lifestyle product either PGA Tour or live I just wish there's more of it I wish there more people together right what I want to see and what I want to what I want to get from this is it's not a Victory lap for live golf's got to be better but we got to make sure and understand how people are coming together in in golf and how we're going to work together in Gulf but that means the right people have got to be in the right place and they' got to want to be in the right place but Liv is Liv is winning here oh no no question about it in the yeah Liv and piff are winning and the PJ tour are going to be losing from here and there's there's there's no they they've got this IM imagination that actually things are going well for the PJ toour they'll they'll wait it out and my point I was trying to make before I sneeze was that so much so here's how you're not winning live have just put their first four events opposite four of your biggest six events the biggest the biggest six events PJ tour have in the first four three months three and a half months of the year live gone there you are we'll go opposite you we've never gone opposite you before we'll go opposite you now yeah they G they're G they're going head to head and they're going head tohe because you and I both know and we know it look you don't if you don't think we know what we're talking about about go and look at the people we got photos with go and look at the people you know we talk to go and look on Instagram and Twitter you look at the people that we people know that we talk to how who we have access to who we get to spend our time with at live how many people get to have range access and walk on the Range and get to spend time with the players staff the coaches the caddies we're lucky enough to do that so when I'm telling you now that the plan is to go to 60 players and have more teams and have a bigger setup and have a global tour I'm not saying it because I'm bored I'm saying it because this is what we're being told and everything we've told you is going to happen has happened with the exception of Rory yet going yeah yeah and Tony fin are not going but that's just except timing of that is just it's just the time timing thing I'll take I'll take that I'll take that no you're right I there is no chance Tony wouldn't have gone if that court case Ander got moved back yeah no none at all it's a done deal done deal Tony was gone but he couldn't go and do the court he couldn't go when the court case got moved back she's going to have to give away he's going to give give away 22% that 85 million and he wasn't he didn't want to do that yeah Tony would have gone yeah but the Rory thing everything we've said and his comments are changing I still believe you're go yeah and I think PJ T I think I think Liv I think Liv are so confident so confident that there's going to be some either bit of coming together or they know they're going to get Xander Rory Victor hide two of Van two of those four and seven other players yeah to have a fantastic quality League yeah that's why they're that confident that's why that's why they're going up against and a PJ tour [ __ ] so now I've interrupted you explain your explain your point in SSG because I think I think we've just got to really Hammer home now why SSG are worried because I think hopefully even the detractors who don't believe in live are listening now and going well if that does happen then there is a problem so even if you don't think it's going to happen ssg's job is to understand risk and see where the risk is so well now you all understand this is an opportunity Jay why are SSG [Laughter] terrified well yeah part of it is you know SSG was sort of signing up to this whole deal assuming that piff was that that they weren't going to be necessarily competing with piff that they were going to be investing with piff because trust me on this like a lot of these guys at SSG uh they are already in Partnerships with yaser and the piff perfect example of that and in in other businesses not and other sports yes no that's exactly where where I was going Jerry Cardell who's actually the he's the principal at Redbird that that we already sort of sort of talked about uh he owns a controlling interest in AC Milan guess what guess what entity has been interested in P purchasing AC Milan that would be yaser in the piff so these guys are already sort of In Cahoots in in a lot of ways um and that's just sort of one example there's a lot of other SSG's Concerns and Potential Solutions entanglements here between SSG and the pif they know that between those two entities coming together that the progolf world all of the unlocked potential that we have yet to get to in professional golf that's the path to unlocking everything a combination of the Legacy and tradition of the PJ tour with the sort of new live model that like can actually unlock some more value there's so many sort of value creation events that have yet to happen that's one of the things that gets me really really excited about the future of golf um and and for there to be like any impediments to this happening trust me these guys that have invested billions of dollars are not going to be happy about it and they're going to start pulling power plays this is the first of one of those power there's there's actually been some other power plays too but this would certainly be a huge huge power play in this whole entire game um and I think Rory is at at the center of that he's been in the center of this for the past year ever since late last year when he started to walk back some of his comments about Liv and the players there and all that other stuff like that should have been the Catalyst to like everybody thinking oh if Rory can change his thought like there must be other things going on behind the scenes that are changing this this isn't just like some some sort of magic wand Moment Like This has been an evolution it's been driven by a lot of these super super powerful people that like want to invest in this game and they are not going to stop until the barriers are removed um and they're able to do exactly what they they want want to do and and this is going to be one of those first Power plays that's going to set the table for the next you know several decades of pro golf like that's where we're at right now and people do business with each other and they do famili famili familiarity in business and they have deals they know they do this this will help with this this will help with this this or help with this SSG part of me wonders if SSG care at all about the PJ tour anymore and have gone hang on hang on hang on hang on bear with me I do work at VCS and private equity firms every week on the phone to one them today they Place 20 to 30 to 50 to 100 bets a year depending what their investment criteria is and they will place bets of 500k to 50 million to 200 million to 500 million to whatever it is and they will say we only need three of these to come off two of these four of these to come offer us to make money if any others do great but they they they do it with the knowledge that x amount could turn to zero or x amount could be fire sales they don't that that's how they work and if any of you aren't sure think I'm talking gibberish go look at our VC's invest private Equity firms invest investment managers invest they do that knowing that there's a lot of that they could SSG go okay we put in we put in this money what we'll do is we'll we'll we'll get you to force some sort of asset strip sell off those tpcs whatever it might be and go that's it we're done I'm not saying that's going to happen I'm not saying that's going to happen but there is a world in which that could happen especially Jay if tomorrow doesn't come off if the gulf League doesn't come off I think they know they're screwed I think they know they're in trouble so what are the possible solutions now one of the solutions is with all sorts of Investments like this is that you find other sources of money right and so one of those sources of money could be and I've said this for a long time they sell the DP World Tour rights their share their what everyone would refer to as yep they don't refer to it in a way I'd refer to it but let's just say their share in the DP world to all the money they owe the DP World Tour and and and maybe their stake possibly within the rider cup or their DP tour World bit the rider cup because actually the DP World Tour is hemorrhaging money we know that yeah yes and the PGA tour is got to fund it and they can't the PG haven't got the money to fund it and the money they and but worse than that Jay the money they will fund it that they don't have isn't going to be enough to keep keep it going so actually they're just throwing good money after bad okay I'm the PJ tour I got to put in 95 million this year but actually it probably needs 150 so how they better off are they better off going hey hey Liv hey P hey hey piff can we have off you 850 million and we will give you the The PGA Tour's Dilemma in Dealing with SSG & the Players DP World Tour now I don't think it's a I don't think it's a coincidence that John Ramen T hat and a few others didn't have their memberships taken away because Le did hean did find me find me bigger servant to the DP tour or the European tour was the bter yeah very few very few Lee Westwood Paul Casey Sergio Garcia all had their car all had their memberships removed now Blandy yeah Blandy all other memberships removed but then the the latter ones didn't yeah and I believe there's a reason behind that and that reason is they don't want to get rid of them and they didn't want to get rid of the first lot and while the PJ tour happy to pay and Jay was all the mouthpiece and his mate Keith who was useless was there that they they they did what they were told but I think yes I genuinely think that there is a a very strong chance we see the DP World Tour and the and the international series sitting alongside each other funded by the pith yeah we live sitting over the top PJ tour go and do what you want to do if you want if you want to give our players access to make your tour better we're not going to stand in the way our players can come and play with you if it fits their schedule because that's Live Strong card will will always Lo to go and play you can go play wherever you want if it doesn't clash with ours go play wherever you want we got 14 events a year you got four majors go you want to go and play another four events go and play and then I'll go to PJ tour if they want to to allow that and then the PJ tour can go okay we'll allow some players over and a PJ tour can do it with another 850 million in their back pocket because they're no longer paying for the DP world tour right yeah I'm just saying I'm if I'm SSG I've had a word with j and gone ay mate you got 850 million knocking around of course you they make they they make that they make that in a few days imagine off the oil oh so yeah for sure no can I have 8 can I have 850 850 million yeah no worries at all and we'll have the DP World Tour and then you're going to go the international series set here the viewers I'm putting my hands up intern listeners International series set here and the DP T alongside each other no difference because they want them to be seen as the same the asan tour and the challenge tour sitting underneath both of them MH The Future of the SSG, LIV and the PGA Tour and players be able to go across a little bit maybe play two on one two on the other three on one three on the other man those are your two channels into into live and there will be a promotion relegation top six in the DP World Tour top six in the international series or five whatever it is and then 10 get relegated from 10 get relegated from Liv and they get dis bur amongst those that I believe is how it will look because there is no way what we did might happen which was a world tour with PJ tour that ain't happening ain't happening at all that doesn't look like it no Tiger Tiger said no said no yeah yeah the whole tiger component is kind of another story like I I think that Tiger's having his strings pulled by some other people they remain nameless but because I I had on good good authority that you know tiger and yaser have had very productive conversations in uh the the Bahamas and and it sounded like tiger was sort of bought in to the mission um however like there's been other sort of barriers that that have come in that that have prevented that from actually happening now we're talk talking about we're going on basically six seven months of that so I mean that's not a coincidence that like you know everything that sort of happened since then so you know it's G to be really interesting to see how things play out I do think like I've been saying for I mean gosh over a year that like the net of this is going to be the PGA Tour footprint is is going to De decrease because it's been a bloated product for a very long long time it makes no sense the the amount of events that that they have like to have 48 events is CRA it's absolutely like it makes no sense so um and I do have like some other theories about like what SSG is trying trying to do to to potentially reduce that and make the PJ tour a more profitable product which I think is going to come down the pike like I think they're going to start just like whenever any sort of private Equity comes into any Corporation I was tweeting about this like a year and a half ago like whenever private Equity company comes into to you know any situation where they're evaluating their assets they're they're evaluating sort of what the sections that are profitable the ones that aren't and things that are losing money guess what things are going to get cut um and I've had it on very good authority that it sounds like budgets are are being cut at the PJ tour this is isn't a coincidence so it's like how long are they going to be able to float these like huge purches uh purses that they have i' I'd cut 10 events tomorrow easily easily yeah I mean Budget Cuts and the Impact on the PGA Tour probably more like I I think it needs to be 25 to 30 events Max but so I'm going to cut 10 events and I'm going to cut the four opposite field events 14 gone yep 14 events it's a start yeah it's a start yeah maybe maybe 25 to 30 is enough of First Start 45 to 25 is a is a big big big one yeah need need to be a TR transition for sure but it's like when you're losing sponsors and you're having to kind of like let's be honest scrape the bottom of the barrel for some of these other sponsors like we have an event here um in the Bay Area in Napa that that used to be sponsored by Safeway then it was sponsored by by fortnet no nobody even heard of fortnet before now it's become a little little bit the profiles been ra raised a little bit I mean now it's been spons now it's sponsored by by procore like procore cannot be like one of their top options to to sponsor PJ tour EV it's like shout out to them for like investing in in the product I I may actually go there who who is procore yeah exactly I no no criticize me I didn't I didn't mean like I is it a very American firm I no it it's a construction company comp company so it's like um I don't really the thing is like nobody really knows that that much about them either so it's like I I know that they special and maybe that's part of the reason why they were investing because they want to get their name dick I I wasn't being a dick but it's that that's a fact like I mean there's so many sponsors like you know truest uh truest taking over for Wells Fargo Wells Fargo is a global bank everybody knows Wells Wells Fargo truest honestly if you're outside of the South East United States you don't know who truest is truest isn't in California truest isn't in New York truest isn't in a lot of the biggest markets truest certainly isn't International nobody in the UK knows who truest is yeah I I you know what I in my world I did but but you yeah you're more involved in the finance banking side but 99% of people would have no idea yeah yeah exactly exactly so and then you you you start adding this up like but I didn't know proor cuz I'm not in the I'm not in the construction industry yeah neither that's why I was like wait who is this so maybe the am of time the amount of time said procore maybe they need to hook us up with something what we got that's actually let a look yeah yeah so I've searched procore just very quickly in the UK right and they are one two three they're fourth down and Procol what do we do what's our Solutions what's our Solutions tender management project management workforce planning software yeah yeah what can they hook us up with I don't know but I don't think there's there's much that they can unless we're out there try trying to build a new uh technology well may maybe I might might apply maybe maybe maybe we build a maybe we build our go frames we spoken about and they can help us yeah yeah well we we'll say that we'll say that conversation for another day the whole point is that some of these sponsors are not exact household hold names you're not all fighting tooth and nail sort of uh like uh some of these bigger SP sponsors out there are not interested right right now so for a variety of reasons um and there's strings being pulled in both uh directions and like where things net out is that I think that a more a smaller PJ tour a more Nimble P PJ tour and maybe they cut down the amount of cards that they have too because that's probably something that has to happen that just makes so much sense on a variety of levels and like can potentially make them more profitable moving forward and potentially spinning off their sort of investment in the DDP World Tour is like a great way for them to uh inject cash if they're going to turn down this $3 billion from from the piff it's like okay consolation prizes you get eight 800 million from us we take the EUR European tour and everything with it it's actually a pretty good deal because like uh p if Predictions for the Individual Championship and live controlling that sort of ecosystem is like a really really good idea where they can make a lot of really cool stuff happen so and if the PJ tour wants to be a part of it great it's pretty clear that they kind of don't so even though I'm still hopeful they're going to be able to sort something out the next three months and maybe Rory and sort of SSG of the Catalyst but if that doesn't happen I think that's a really good consolation prize all right well we've done go politics and who's going to win Bryson and Brooks or Scotty and Rory you know my money's got to be on Bryce Bryson and Brooks even though I'm not not a betting man obviously um however no just because I I I think that those two they've got more it depends on the format U I've I've already heard from The Producers like the format hasn't been figured out yet I think that's going to have a lot to do with it because look if it's alter it's alter if it's alterate shot well the thing is for as good as like as Rory and Scotty are at driving and Scotty's great and sort of second shots Rory's great with the long irons like you have two guys that are not exactly known for their clutch putting let's just call it what it is and you know short games are Scotty's chipping is really good but his his putting is below average he was he he was he was lights out last week that that's thing when Scott is so good when when the putter gets hot he is the best player in the world without a doubt because he when when his putter gets hot he's just he's just offensively good yeah except with all that being said if they didn't have the Tour Championship handicap he would not have won it would have been Colin morow and Scotty shuffler would have finished third so I mean he had the deck stacked in his favor um on a brand new new course for everybody for the most most part even though the rting he did earn the deck being stacked in his favor he did I mean he earned it but it's like that's why the PJ tour system is just like not like nobody really needs the these playoffs nobody really needs this they didn't need to to change the the system at all when tiger I remember vividly when tiger came back 2018 and he won the Tour Championship they gave away two trophies that was perfectly fine like I didn't see any reason why look tiger won that particular event it was a great thing if you did that that now and tiger won the gross division like he wouldn't have Come Away with a trophy and that is kind of a travesty like if you're gonna have this tour that's based on Legacy and tradition and all this other stuff that you keep shoving down our throats every single week you can't end your season like this you just can't like you have to you have to have a legit tournament and then you need to have uh you know the sort of season long race that that comes down to the wire two like there was no reason to change it no viewers will have seen I did something while Jay was ranting for the for the audio I've just put on my uh Legion 133 hat which is actually if I trying too hats I've not got I've not got tqu I've not got clicks I've not got High Flyers I'm working on yeah I got to get a a new High High Flyers one with the new logo that's a good point have a have your CS contact to hook us up with some hats I'm not not pay for hats I paid for two hats and that GRS me I got to get a hoodie for Mrs P PGC first she's uh she's already said if I I don't get her a hoodie it's gon GNA be hell oh hell the why viewers and listeners have I got a legion 13 hat on it's because I believe that John Ram will win the individual championship this week Jay who do you believe is going to win so as much as I will as much as I want all my four aces to do well I have to say who I think is gonna win yeah boy I think John R's probably gonna win yes that being said this this being said I want to make it abundantly clear John ROM is not who I'm rooting for I'm rooting for walking Neeman shout out wo I want him to win the season long race for a variety of reasons but one being the number one individual in Liv it's very clear that the PJ championship last year past season they recognize who won the individual championship last year Taylor G got an invite to the PGA when he wasn't getting invites to any other Majors I want wo to get those invites to all four majors next year it was a travesty that he wasn't in the US Open it's still something that grinds my gear as walking Neeman needs to be in every major moving forward for the next for the prime of his career he needs to not miss another one so if the majors and I know that they are they're working out exactly how many spots they're going to give to Live players I need walking Neeman more than anybody else to be in Majors the next several years so make make it happen although I gotta say I'm favoring Rah just because he's been so consistent all year yeah he's really pissed right now at the media the way they've been talking about him spreading fake news he wants to shove it down their throats I think ROM next year is gonna have an unbelievable year and before we know it you can write this down take a picture however you want to do it before we know it John ROM's GNA be at four majors one I'm not saying when I'm just saying it's going to happen sooner than people think because he is about to hit another level I'm very very convinced of it and it's probably going to start in Chicago he's on two right so where's the next open port Rush uh and Oakmont US Open next year so Quil Hollow P Oakmont suits him massively right oh Oakmont yeah he's going to be favon suits him massively and qu Hollow suits him well PA Rush isn't look he's John Ram he's one of the top three golfers in the world every course suits him but if you said to me of th of those three well obviously austa those four courses which one do I think suits in the least is definitely poor Rush Fair definitely which one suits him the most Oakmont have you got a good short game and can you whack it miles yeah lovely stuff yeah no he's he's definitely I I think oakmont's sort of tailor made for uh Shadow Taylor Made uh Taylor Taylor Made for John John Rob but um I definitely think that there's going to be I think that he played like he was a um amateur the last time uh the US Open was in Oakmont 2016 he finished 23rd as an amateur so I mean we're talking I mean he has elevated his game significantly since since then and I think he's gonna start peing next next year like he's been like uh people don't want to talk about it but like after he won the match last year on the PJ tour he had a dip in performance for sure that dip it was like starting to come up when he came over to live and he was like pretty steady even though he didn't win an event he's made another leap the last few weeks he obviously won a live event and I think he's going to continue this next year like he is super motivated like I think next year we're going to see a John rum that competes in like pretty much every major that he's in and he's going to win once and um and and look i' I've got a good track record with with this because I will say 2023 I said Brooks kka was gonna win a major he won a major 2024 I said Bryson dambo was gonna win a major he won a major oh next year John R's my guy mate mate you're one you're one of my best mates but I ain't having this [ __ ] of I pick Brooks kep I pick Bryson you pick some go back in tweet no no I I know you did it I know you did it I know you did it but don't show off there's some of the best if you'd said no no no no because people were talking win and he wins that's different no be because when I tweeted this there were many Davis Riley's goingon to win great that's a great show but Bryson dambo one of the greatest golfers in the world winning oh well you're you're Mystic mag I'm glad you mentioned that because there's a lot of people that were messaging me when I tweeted that saying that oh you know these guys aren't even corn furry level anymore like they are they they are so past their I had somebody tweeting me this week that Brooks kep was totally washed again and I'm like did you guys not see that like he won a major last year like Brook Brooks K's not done winning Majors for sure no John Ram's not done winning Majors for sure Bry dambo has not finished way winning Majors for sure and Rory maore has probably not done winning Majors either if he makes the decision that he needs to make in a few months when he comes over to live he'll be rejuvenated he'll be around really good player alpha males he can start to rebuild his character a little bit he'll help yes yeah it's going to be he won't ever talk to us when we're there he will he he will he he'll we're we're GNA go we're going to go from Fantastic relationships with every player to be asked to leave the range look he knows better Ben your range pass has been revoked why is that because Rory's joined a crap he knows better than anybody and he will admit this that every uh golf needs villains he was quoted in his press conference at the Tour Championship last week about this every um Everybody Needs villains it's a very very important thing I think that um I've been more on the Rory side than you you have I will will say I've def defended him when like a lot of lot of people weren't for sure and he knows it so anyway we'll we'll cross that bridge when we get to it I'm sure everything will work work out but uh yeah we we'll have to see yeah hope hopefully hopefully he won't hate us too much but again nothing I've I've never attacked him as a human and if you remember one of my most watched ever videos I ever put on my daily sermon always to watch was I went into bat for Rory and say leave him and his family alone when they're getting divorced like y i I think I think actually is he's I think actually a good blow he was misguided with with yes right the worst thing really quick the worst thing that that I've said about about him I will say I did call him soy boy mroy shout out to Mrs PGC that actually G gave me that um but but uh that was only because like we knew we knew that other people were pulling his strings against this whole yeah live narrative that he was doing I wanted him to be his own man he the last like nine months has been his own man and I need to there's a couple other decisions that he needs to make to sort of get to that NE Next Level and I will never call him that that again for sure so very quickly then where my brain's gone blank I can't remember how many points you get for what places you finish and live can you remember what they are my brain's gone blank yeah so scoring Works hang on I've got it I've got it hang on here we go no Relegation and Potential Changes in the Open Zone first place was 40 points yeah so hang on hang on top 15 is what we need right so is it so if we look at the bottom of the table Scott Vincent Brandon Grace um need to finish in the points no they don't no no they no Scott Vincent or Brandon Grace need to finish 18th or better MH to stay up assuming Pat Perez and haravan get no points and then Co sya and Kieran Vincent need to finish oh Croy they need to finish in they finish pretty high yeah no not not too high they need to finish top 15 right four 15 four 14 or higher yeah top 15 yeah so 14 or higher and for the other two sorry I got it wrong it's 17 or higher okay is there any chance any of those four are going to finish 17 or 14 because if they don't Vincent Grace sya and Vincent are down any chance no I think that the only one that we could see this currently in the drop zone that that's sort of because he's been trending a a little bit I've seen a a few things well really really two guys Brandon Grace I think can finished top 15 for sure he was trending uh last event at greenb he finished 20th he was pretty close um and Bubba Watson even though Bubba Watson won't be relegated like I know it's like a huge pride thing for him that he doesn't want it want to be in the drop zone because he's he's already going on record to say that that hey if he's not performing he will step down and bring in some someone else shout out Tony feno um so I I think that that's something I think he wants to all play well I think that he's due to have a good event I'm rooting for uh for Bubba Watson to get in however we also have to say if somebody gets up there that means that 40 the guys that are in 47 and 48 are in trouble that would be my guys from Four Aces Harold Varner and Pap perz and I can't believe we're even talking about Harold Varner I mentioned on the last pod podcast like I need to see some something from Harold Varner like he's just had a horrible season he's got one event to sort of pick it up a little bit like I'm still hopeful that he's going to do it uh and Pat Perez being in 48 like um I've already said how much I like Pat Perez he's one of my favorite players on live I don't want to see those guys get relegated at all so I would much rather see them play well and move up than anybody else in the drop drop zone uh kick them them out but yeah it's back to that thing you say you earn it or you don't and [Music] y i happen to think that harana is probably safe really well just because his points means that Brandon Grace can't catch him he can only catch Pat Perez yeah yeah I mean it's it's they're going to have to finish Prett Sor Bron Grace sorry Bron Grace can catch him he's just got to finish 4 four point yeah he needs to get four points the 17 Place only applies to get for being Pat per Brandon Grace needs to brandley Greece really needs to um finish much higher um yeah in I think I think I I think I think I think that I think haravan is safe but yeah you un unless Pat Perez does well and Scott vinsent does well but look and then day he he's up to you to do it now I we said we'd do this this week um sorry so we'll do it in couple of weeks time but I just want to cover up I I'm looking down the list of players in the open in the open Zone and I think the vast vast majority are going to be kept whether on their team or not tell me anyone you think is going to be let go by Liv pews tring McDow Herbert Hine horsefield how n oal Tre Peters Westwood Lee that's Westwood Danny Lee Shakara kimer Sarat Jones Stenson catlyn who I think will be signed to live when they as the teams grow Herrera nichelson Kazuma polter Vanna Perez now I don't think and you and I both don't think anyone will keep Vana so outside of Vana is there any name there that you think won't be kept on because if they were just going to stay to a 54 person League then obviously people are going to go but I think they're going to try to go to 60 so they they can't really unless they're going to bring in like eight to 10 new players they can't just shed a load can they that is that is true and that's definitely some something that that people need need to be on the lookout for however ever I think we're going to follow kind of a similar pattern to what we we saw last year where someone like like burn weisberger finished 44th um he was in the open Zone um and no one pck he didn't have have a spot so and he he's out out there playing on on the Europe European tour now um and then someone like Graham McDow finished like in that similar range I think it was like for like 40 second or something something like that um he was kind of on the outside looking him for a while and then eventually wand up picking him up I think we're going to have a similar situation I think we're going to have probably two or three guys that are in the open Zone that are not retained uh Varner may maybe being one uh like I see a couple guys that I'm like a qualifier like Kazuma like yes it sounds like we are probably going back to Japan uh we going to [ __ ] Japan for the F first time time next year which would probably indicate maybe a Japanese team obviously that means that he would Pro probably move to another team but if that doesn't happen like I don't think the iron heads will probably retain him because there's other guys that are potentially coming in so Kazuma would be one um and then like honestly Matt Jones like I think that the Rippers could potentially bring in an up upgrade for Matt I know he's very close yeah that was my other one mhm two are the on that kind of stand out to me also if we do have a Japanese team and they don't call it the Shogun and have think of the amazing merch you can do off the back of the Samurai Shogun oh it's going to it' be so good it'd be so good like it's a merchandiser dream there's just someone sat there who's done 300 images like the legion one or the aces one they got the most amazing like if you do not if they do not call the team Shogun or something of that elk what what are we even doing anymore well there is kind of a a so there there is a show on FX I I don't know if anybody else is watching it called Shogun there was also a show called Legion so like they they could be I I was thinking oh because of the trademark Mark rights maybe that might might might be a problem but I don't think that it is I think that would be a great name so yeah we we'll have to see we'll have to see I don't know I have no insight into the names for I didn't have any insight into Legion until it happened so uh yeah we'll oh I I I just the Japanese history around all of that it'd be so i' be so amazing and then obviously they've got to be sponsored by Srixon they got they all they all going be stricken guys right anyway we're GNA have to end the show it's an hour long we meant to be 45 minutes we've done it again we haven't got red to distract us where is red today he just skying off or what no debut and that's it no no uh red is actually he's GNA going to be going to Chicago for for the individual Championship um kind of felt felt like for this particular one the politics stuff he he likes to kind of stay neutral when it comes to a lot of politics stuff um and uh but yeah he for any of the the live pregame or or or sort of recap stuff red is 100% gonna g to be a part of it but he does like like to St he's he's very much down the center when it comes to the golf politics so um so but but yeah he he'll be back back in the fold so and do you want to comment on the American election no no we're we're going to save that that one but if you follow my uh tweets at all you kind of kind of know where uh where I'm going here but uh yeah I'm very independent obviously um and I've I've already revealed who who I'm rooting for and he's someone that's actually dropped out of the race in a lot of States so but there's there's reasons behind it that I won't get it to well oh yeah I I think I think it was because your two-party system is just so hard to break in for a third candidate isn't it just isn't the thing it's can't be done yeah it's basically what needs to happen is a third party candidate needs to get at least uh 5% of the uh popular vote and if that um happens then we have a viable third party potentially for the next election in 2028 so that's what's sort of driving my because like this whole fouryear cycle stuff like I mean and in the end it doesn't really matter get gets elected this time I'm thinking just like like Liv I'm not thinking about next year I'm thinking about five 10 15 20 years down the line so yeah that's what that's what I identify with PJ tour it's very much on the same cycle as the election where it's like every two four years it's like oh yeah we got to figure out sponsor for next year like no I'm thinking we need to start thinking macro and golf we need to start think macro on politics too I'll end it there right on that note before you start before you endorse Trump or Camala Harris let's let's let's end this now there will be no endorsement of either one of those two candidates on this The Importance of Long-Term Thinking in Golf and Politics podcast not happening it REM it reminds me of that um South Park episode have you ever seen the South Park episode on politics I mean I used to watch that it's running for school it's running for school I'm not I'm not casting positions I I if I Living in America I know who I'd vote for so um but I don't need to reveal that um but it reminds me of the um episode in South Park where they're running for school Governor or School whatever and um you got the choice of a giant douche or a turd sandwich and I just thought it's so good it's just so good the way they did that I remember once I remember once I was I was out in my late father this stre know was tomorrow actually and um one of his old friends Jack his whiz anded old Hera forian BL the thing with politics he said is it's just like eating a [ __ ] sandwich I went all right why is that he went the only choice you get is use knives and forks or just use your hands you still got to eat it and I was like brilliant love it actually love it you got to eat this [ __ ] sandwich but you but we will let you choose whether use Cutlery or not I got brilliant fantastic edit yeah thank you Jack for providing me with that Pearl which I've told many times take care everybody stay safe

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