August 2024 Horror Haul! OOP DVD's, Rare 4k's & Blu ray!

welcome everyone to not that media my name is John in today's video come along with me as I do my August horror [Music] haul kicking off August we've got three DVDs and jumping straight in with the first one uh Sadako this is to be regarded as the ring three in the Japanese timeline and the Japanese continuity uh it involves a character being admitted to a hospital being helped by a psychologist she has no memory she doesn't know where she is she does know even her own name the psychologist obviously begins to investigate and strange things start to happen around her this is in tandem with the psychologist brother who is an aspiring YouTuber and is somewhat wavering in the uh the Youtube universe and is desperate to find that one big video that one big thing to make him viral and get up up there yet again so he has the fantastic idea to go and investigate a burned down house where five people have died it's safe to say that both storylines naturally involve sedo and they converge into obviously a conclusion I'm not going to give you any spoilers I was actually very impressed with this film my wife and I when when you find out about these films uh and I found it by complete uh accident looking on YouTube and um eBay I'm always a bit wary when you find out oh technically I think this is technically speaking the ring 12 if you include all the American films and the various Splinter films but actually this is very pleasant surprise SoDo is up to her usual tricks but there is a good deal of time dedicated to actually expand on the mythology and the origin story of sedak uh those of you who are familiar with both the Japanese and the American versions of the Ring will know obviously sadako's backstory that is not damaged it is not broken in any way it is simply expanded on and I actually enjoyed it it's a very good time it's very creepy very atmospheric exactly what you expect from Japanese movies very good strong recommend staying in the ring Universe my next release that I managed to get my hands on is the ring virus now this is a very strange one because uh for all intents and purposes this is the ring aka the original 1998 Japanese movie however the ring virus is a remake that came out less than a year after the ring itself reason being and I find this really fascinating is that at the time of uh the Ring's original release South Korea actually had a ban on all Japanese cultural Imports so we're not allowed to actually bring the ring to Japan so Japan and South Korea uh formed an agreement to create their own version of the Ring called the ring virus now by the time the band was lifted in early 1999 the ring virus was so heavily in far into production it was decided just to Simply continue it and finish the film so what we have here is a completely different version of the same movie when I say a remake I know people get very kind of I'm not too interested in remakes but what I would say about this version is it actually much more closely follows the book even though and that was that was how it was advertised that it's a much more faithful adaptation even though they take quite a few of the tropes from The Ring such as a female antagonist and various bits and pieces it does expand on the um Origins mytha storyline of the original Ring movie it's about 20 minutes longer as well than the original ring so my wife and I watched it I'm not going to say it's better than the original ring it is simply an alternative version of the Ring I picked this up for £4 if you look on eBay you will find copies for 4 or5 don't be pulled in by those people talking about it being out of this is an out of print DVD but you can pick this up from trusted sources on eBay for £4 uh as opposed to the 20 to30 that some people are trying to sell this at I I wouldn't pay a fortune for this film it's a recommend if you're a ring fan if you just want to see a different version an alternative universe but other than that it's just a nice little experiment in what was made during a time of bands but if you like the original ring there's probably not too much more for you to get out of this one other than just more story my last DVD pickup this month and again was another eBay buy and was again I think about 34 but it's a film that I had no idea existed until a few months ago when I was watching a YouTube video about the top 10 horror films you've never seen and must see so this film uh is called dead end and it features as their main principal cast Ray Wise and lynay now obviously horror fans of lynay will be completely aware of Lyn's body of work I'm going to be doing a separate video about that as part of my f the love horror series so check that out if you're interested but in a nutshell it kind of follows uh the vein it came out in 2002 it kind of follows the vein of urban legend and scream in that it is a uh a dark comedy horror film with characters aware of the tropes and aware of where they are but to go through the story a family are driving on Christmas Eve for the 20th year in a row to uh Lyn's parents for a happy Christmas of course the family in the car are completely dysfunctional completely unhappy the husband doesn't want to go everyone seems to resent each other everyone seems to have little secrets and things like that there's two teenage kids and one of them's boyfriend in the car and they stop to pick up a hitchhiker a a lady hitchhiker carrying a baby uh it becomes very quickly apparent that not only is there something very wrong with this lady but the baby is dead that's not really a spoiler this is just the first five minutes and it's safe to say that bad things Supernatural things start to happen to this family it is it is okay is what I would say lynay and Ray Wise are fantastic as always lynay um has a fantastic ability to play absolutely human normal characters and then completely off-the-wall madat moment there's a fantastic scene very mild spoiler so maybe skip 30 seconds if you don't want to know about it but when one of the children are killed on the road they're teenagers not children one of the teenagers are killed on the road ly's character effectively loses her mind and she uh is in the back scribbling and drawing whilst her husband and the other family members are trying to work out what the hell to do and she leans for we're going look i' I've done a picture of our son and the picture is a horrible uh stick figure which is completely mutilated in the road it's one of those really dark comedy like horror moments that I think only lynay can really deliver uh it's a solid it's a solid film what I would say it is 2002 this film is very much in the wake of scream urban legend I Know What You Did Last Summer so up until the last 45 seconds of this film I really enjoyed it but it has a very cliche 2002 ending that I I kind of feel it spoilt it um it's one of those where if you're paying attention you probably very quickly figure out half the twists or what's going on but sometimes you just want to enjoy a film for what it is and it's another Christmas horror film to add to the list so if you can pick it up for a few quid if it's free online or streamable give it a look but don't expect the world it's a very early 2000s horror film jumping straight to the 4ks there's only two this month and I'll go through them very quickly the first is Poltergeist I picked this up purely because although I already owned it on Blu-ray when you go to HMV and perhaps other retailers depending on where you are sometimes when you go up to the counter they have those what they call the impulse buys so if you buy any item in the store you can pick up this for $4.99 or $9.99 this was at the front for $9.99 and I thought why not you know it's I think 4ks have a tendency to be very overpriced uh at retail I think £ 25 for a 4K of a film that you can pick up for £5 or £10 is a little bit of a G to be perfectly honest especially older films because no matter how hard they try it never looks as great as they claim I mean it's it's the same film just a little bit cleaner with a little bit more color um I'm a big 4K fan there are great 4ks out there but I'm not one of these people who has to own everything on 4K but it was 9999 it's a classic film Toby Hooper and Steven Spielberg Masterpiece a family move into a home unwittingly unaware that it has been built on an Indian burial ground things start to happen hauntings begin to happen it's a solid film great practical effects great special effects great acting I'm not going to talk too much about it like I say because if you haven't seen pul toist and you're watching a horror haul you need to jump on it straight away so yeah just a nice quick recommend pull to Guist my second 4K nice and simple is a film that I feel sometimes doesn't get the love it deserves certainly over here in the UK you cannot pick up any kind of decent Blu-ray or DVD release which led me to get my hands on a screen Factory 4K comes with a Blu-ray in it as well but obviously that's region locked if you don't have a region free Blu-ray player and that is Krampus the spiritual sequel to trick or treat which uh same director and writer involved in it this is a fantastic film and like I say definitely in the UK a really underrated film uh the Krampus which is regarded uh in real like folklore and mythology as the Dark Side of Christmas the one who comes to punish the naughty kids uh and exists in the shadow of Santa is very much the main antagonist of this film he is the monster when a little boy's uh family all get together for Christmas and they're bickering Ing and fighting and shouting and swearing at each other the little boy loses hope in Christmas rips up his letter to Santa and throws it into the fire this attracts the attention of the Krampus and his hordes of monsters including killer gingerbread men creatures and Toys in the Attic uh and of course the Krampus himself now the cast in this film is spectacular you've got Adam Scott you've got Tony Colette you've got the guy who I can never remember what his name is uh from anaman and the American office all playing fantastic roles it is again a comedy horror it is played for Laughs um but it does not shy away from the horror the horror is really good there so much practical effects in this in fact I think there's very little um special effects with the exception of maybe the gingerbread men the Krampus is a fully uh working I I don't know if he's an animatronic a puppet a person a combination of all three this is a great Christmas film it's a real good laugh it's really fun and a strong recommend and it continues the Fantastic Trend which I keep telling to people which is if you are in a film of any degree never be a child of Tony Colette uh because you will never have a good time she has maybe a video for another day an ongoing joke uh which I have is the fact that if you are a child of Tony Colette by the end of the film you're going to be dead possessed or something in between um and this film continues that Trend as well real good fun this is the naughty cut by the way I should maybe mention that that this is um it's a slightly extended version I have to admit I haven't watched this I've seen Krampus a number of times um but from what I understand it's got a little bit extra this isn't like Lord of the Rings where they've added 15 minutes or 20 minutes there's a few extra shots I think a little bit more Gore but on the whole it's not a film that um if you just want to watch it for the sake of watching it pick up the Blu-ray for a Fiverr at HMV or on Amazon or watch it when it's streaming around the Christmas time but if you're a collector like me and a big fan of it this 4K is to be regarded as the definitive version of Krampus for new releases there was only three that I've picked up this month the first being tarot now to be perfectly honest with tarot it is a very average film I don't want to sit here and say it's a bad film I don't want to be seen as a hater for the sake of hating but um there is nothing new here if you are a seasoned horror fan if you have been to the cinema recently and seen the trailer for this film you have seen everything you need to see in the trailer as always you know Hollywood these days likes to ruin quite a lot of films by showing the trailer this film literally shows you everything that you need to see um the story to be very quick a group of friends go to a house which they have rented for the weekend and whilst they're snooping around in the basement a girl finds a box of tarot cards the Box looks like it's something that's wandered out of Tales from the Crypt or Hellraiser it's covered in marking satanic symbols and things like that so of course the girl despite the fact the girl says you shouldn't mess around with other people's tarot cards then proceeds to give everyone their Fortune including herself and as a result the cards and the fortunes given to them come after them and they are dispatched one by one and similar to the ring and everything else like that it's a Race Against Time to uh solve the mystery of the deck before the tarot cards come for you and kill you as well um this is not a very good film I think I was being kind when I was saying it was okay um it is a set piece of scenes which involve kills the monsters the the tarot cards themselves look fantastic and the creatures that come from within the tarot cards all look fantastic the problem is they're not on screen long enough there's too much time spent wasting with teenage angst and driving one location to drive back to another location to drive back to the original location it could have all been done in one uh location which is the house it could have been a kind of a knight of the Demons kind of setup where they unleash the tarot cards in the house and it's trying to survive till the next day or trying to escape the house instead it's this kind of weird like Road Trip movie going backwards and forwards what I would say is if you are a fan of fate catching up with you and you know be careful what you do and a series of events that lead to your death this film's already been done and it's already been done a hundred times better and it's already got five sequels and its final destination so if you want a film about you know fate catching like I say get yourself on to Final Destination because it does this so much better the monsters are criminally underused the set pieces and kills are criminally short it's just it's just not a great time unfortunately next up um and arguably at the time of recording I've only watched this once at the cinema and so far is maybe my most disappointing movie of 2024 but we've still got a few months to go is uh the strangers chapter one now um just to to preface this I love the strangers one and I love strangers Pray by night I know Pray by night has got a bit of a bad rap but both occasions uh I've had a really good time really enjoyed it really enjoyed the aesthetic uh enjoyed the music enjoyed the kills I think the trio are really cool and scary uh after the events of the second one I was somewhat confused about how there could be more because uh and it has been documented so this isn't a spoiler or anything this is a sequel so despite the fact it's called The Strangers chapter one this is for all intents and purposes The Strangers 3 so there is a time Jump it's in modern day setting um so I was very curious to go and see this film to see well how after what happened in the second one can these people be back I've got my theories I'm not going to talk about them on this video because this is meant to be a Trilogy at the time of recording The Strangers chapters 2 and three are both filmed but there is no release there is no confirmation that the series is continuing whether or not they're going to go to the cinema or straight to streaming or straight to hell you know we just don't know um this film I was very very disappointed in it it's got a couple of really The Killers what I would say is The Killers the trio of The Killers um are great they are fantastic um the cast is poor the main two antagonists or protagonists a boyfriend and girlfriend couple who are going away they go to a house you know to they rent a house for the weekend again similar to tarot it has to be said um and they're just looking to you know have a good time rekindle their relationship Etc and then they proceed to be stalked um if I was going to be honest this is just a shoddy remake of the original the original is the strangers one I would argue is almost Perfection if I if I had to do a top top five slasher films maybe the strangers would get into that top five I hold the strangers one up there as as high as Halloween and a few others it's a great film so I don't want people to think I'm hating for the sake of hating this was boring there are characters who make decisions one moment that are very sensible and then the the next minute they're making completely opposite decisions they are acting stupid they are crawling around trying to be really really quiet and then they're shouting at each other as soon as they get outside logic makes no sense it it it was genuinely a disappointing film um it's worth a good it's worth a time if you got a group of friends and you just want to have a bit of a laugh but stick with the original to be perfectly honest my third and final new release for August comes from uh yet another resurrection of the hammer house of horror simply called Hammer these days this company uh Rises and Falls as often as Dracula himself and the first film of their new range of movies is uh Dr Jackal now I have to confess uh I was very very jub about this film not because it was yet another iteration of Dr Jackel and Mr Hyde but I was a little concerned about Eddie isard now Eddie isard she is predominantly known for comedy uh and has been a ComEd a comedian for well over 20 30 years um the idea that she would step into a role as uh dark and serious as Dr Jackal I was somewhat concerned that maybe Eddie didn't have the uh ability to do that I was very wrong is what I would say Eddie isard is spectacular it's a very small cast I think less than maybe even less than 10 people in this film uh Eddie isard has to carry a significant amount of the film they are the Title Character at the end of the day so Eddie had that responsibility of carrying it um she presents a very positive uh Dr Jackal and a a very malevolent hide is what I would say it's not the usual um Dr Jackal and Mr Hyde story in which uh Jackal is normally the personification of sexual frustrations or physical anger um or pent up rage etc etc it's a very different iteration of hide and I think it works very well the film evokes that very old school feeling it is a hammer film after all so you would hope it would walk in the shoes that it's it's had for a very long time so it's not a blood and guts uh Fest it's not a kill every 5 minutes it's a very slow burn it's a very classic burn it's a very character uh Le movie I was really impressed with it so was my wife we sat and watched it I wasn't expecting a lot and I would say this is a very good recommend um if you are on the fence about this and you can stream it give it a look give it a go if you're familiar with Dr Jackal and Mr Hyde as a story this is a very different uh twist to it it's a new take um and as I say Eddie isard is really good strong recommend this next section is my quick fire round this is just dedicated to Blu-rays that I've either had on DVD and upgraded to Blu-ray or their newer or better editions I've simply double dipped to replace the old one uh straight off the bat we're going to go in with the 50th anniversary of the Wicker man I've have owned a number of versions of the Wicker man the DVD the Blu-ray the final cut the final Mega cut the definite Final Cut the ultimate Final Cut this is the 50th Anniversary Edition it is a region B Blu-ray from Studio canal and of course Stars Christopher Lee and Edward Woodward when a girl goes missing on summer Island uh a local policeman is dispatched to the island to investigate and locate the missing go when he gets there he finds that his Christian beliefs are heavily questioned by the more Pagan um and druidic cult um elements of this island so as much as it is a mystery about finding a little girl it is a film about questioning one's beliefs and religions and what happens when you are confronted with a very different take to your own this is a classic the wickerman if you have not seen this film you must see it I'm not talking about the Nicholas Cage remake although do give that watch for Laughs this is a literal cult classic the film uh when the film was being made the writer uh of the movie was friends with Christopher Lee and was aware that Christopher Lee was a very heavy uh historian into all things a cult and uh things like that so he wrote the script and sent it to Christopher Lee saying famously I know I can't afford you to be in this film because you're a mega star however I'd like you to have a look at my script Christopher Lee read the script and was so impressed and so wanted to be part of this film he wavered all fees to be in this film so Christopher Lee I don't know about afterwards in terms of obviously rumination afterwards but certainly uh up front Christopher Lee took no money for this movie uh he worked for free he worked hard for free and then he spent a considerable amount of time marketing advertising and pushing the film this is the film that Christ F kind of Heralds as his break from the hammer house of horror he was looking to escape uh the the Shadow or the Cape of Dracula and the wickerman is it now if you are um relatively young I would say probably uh 25 or below uh what I would say about this film is it is a very slow film do not expect murder Mischief Mayhem all that kind of stuff this is a film that is all about the mystery and all about the character and builds to one of Horror's most fantastic climaxes um it is one of these films that I think today maybe the impact isn't quite as prevalent very similar to The Exorcist I would say because Christian values religious uh connotations in 2024 are nowhere near what they were in 1973 the audience was a Gass by this film when they saw it when they went to the cinema I mean you hear stories these days of people running out of terrifier 2 being sick and all this kind of stuff but the Wicker man was up there in that kind of like um acknowledgement of shock like the horror film which would actually question religious beliefs and actually would uh question Christianity in such a way that people were a gassed by it it's not it's not um Supernatural is what I would say it's not an exorcist film I know when you talk about you know religion people think exorcism and things like that but this is a classic it's a two dis Edition it's got new features it's got all three Cuts I mean I I own so many different versions of this if I haven't said it already I had the DVD I had the Final Cut I had the finished cut the director's cut the final director's cut this has got as many re-releases I think as Star Wars but this has got three versions it's got the final cut the director's cut and the original theatrical cut strong recommend if you are a horror fan and a British horror fan this is a classic next up is the American uh version of The Grudge 2 now I'm a massive fan of The Grudge in all of its iterations I like the original xan curses then the uh Japanese versions of The Grudge AKA xuan and xuan 2 really like The Grudge one too and I even have a soft spot for The Grudge 3 I know a lot of people are not a massive fan of that and I even enjoyed the later the latest sequel It's not a remake um called The Grudge which actually featured ly in it as well and I quite like the next Netflix TV show so I've always had uh a special place for The Grudge um for those of you who are not familiar with the grudge it involves um Japanese mythology believes that if somebody is uh killed under tremendous sadness and anger um a curse or xuan is placed on the property so kayako who is our monster and her son toshio are murdered under horrible circumstances and curse the house the thing that makes the grudge special I think over anything else is that in order to be inflicted in the curse you simply have to step into the house you don't have to be good evil right wrong you don't have to watch a tape you don't have to go to Crystal Lake you don't have to go to sleep you just simply step in the house and no matter what you are who you are the curse consumes you and kayako will come to collect her Vengeance and you will become part of the curse the curse B born a new and The Grudge continues so the first film involves Sarah Michelle Geller in Japan uh having to learn discover and try to stop The Grudge and of course the grudge to uh is the sequel to that so after the events of the first one uh Sarah Michelle Geller is hospitalized her sister is Sent to Japan to collect her uh only to realize that the curse is very much not gone and The Grudge is stronger than ever before I think this is a solid film it's a really good time it's one of these weird situations where The Grudge 2 is available on Blu-ray but not one and three uh so you have to get them on DVD which is a very odd situation um yeah it's well worth of luck uh strong recommend and um one of the just a little side fun for you uh I was a fan of the gridge 2 I saw it all the way back on the 25th of October 2006 at 630 for6 in the odion um so yeah always enjoy keeping my cinema tickets and I always stick them inside the boxes so when I upgraded from DVD to Blu-ray and I was putting the DVD back in its case this little thing fell out I totally forgot about it uh it's always fun when you find these little things next up is the house of the devil now for most of you I believe you can actually stream this on Amazon or Shuda so uh I bought it simply because it was cheap but uh I have to confess that this was a film that I wasn't normally going to go running to but after the uh real enjoyment of watching X and pearl uh I was very interested to go back over Tai West uh catalog of movies that led to that franchise uh this is a great film it claims it's based on a true story but it's not based on a true story it um draws upon real cultural phenomenons such as satanic panic and babysitter stalking or you know all that kind of stuff so it's one of those where like Texas Chainsaw it claims it's based on a true story but it's it's not based on a true story um a girl I think it's set in the 70s it must be because it's satanic Panic um she is is at school or college and she needs money she wants to move out of the college dorm because her friend is just constantly uh having sex with people and she's spending her whole night out wandering the Halls um and when she comes back the next morning the sock is still very much on the door so she's had enough of it basically she wants to move out uh after a fantastic Cameo from D Wallace uh they find a property and she needs to get the money quickly uh for the deposit or not even the deposit just the first month's rent uh whilst wandering the campus waiting for her friend to finish up uh with her her latest Conquest she discovers on the notice board a simple white piece of paper that says babysitters needed uh she rips it off and she agrees to babysit uh for a night uh when she gets there trying to stay relative this spoil the free here um when she gets to the house uh it turns out that the babysitting job is not quite what it was supposed to be but after a very desperate uh couple offered the lady $400 to basically do five hours work she is not going to uh shy away from that she needs the money and this is a perfect opportunity of course she's left alone in the house she's given her orders and things start to unravel uh very quickly this is a great film I was really shocked how good this film was again it's it's really hard not to spoil it without talking about it too much what I have just said to you is about the first 10 minutes of the film it's a 90minut film um it um like so many of the films I've been talking about today it spends a lot of time building um an unnerving feeling a slow burn something's not quite right you just know something's going to happen and whereas quite a lot of films kind of like Sizzle out or the uh the outcome is disappointing though you know your head creates much worse things um so when you get kind of like is that it uh this had a really good ending um a really strong ending and I was very impressed by it uh it's filmed in that 1970s way it feels very very genuine into the time period in a similar way to X so if you're a fan of X and you're a fan of Pearl and like me you're waiting for the Blu-ray uh of Maxine to come out and you you just want that thae West fix uh the house of the Devil is a strong recommend next up is a film that technically speaking I should have put in the new release pile but it was a very odd one in that I pre-ordered this um it was due to come out this week and yet when uh the day came no order was placed nothing was dispatched so I got very confused about why this release was not available and I'm talking about uh what we do in the shadow so 101 films has a new release but when I went to HMV to see if I could pick up a copy on the day of release uh not only could I not find the 101 uh films version of what we do in the shadows but I actually found the earlier um Metrodome release which was even5 cheaper than the uh new version so this is one of these really odd situations where there's actually two versions of exactly the same film exactly the same extras everything even the cover the art is exactly the same yet one company wants to sell it to you for £12 and another for seven so if you're a fan of what we do in the shadows and you're looking for a copy don't go run into the 101 films released straight away see if you can get your hands on the Metrodome release because as I say they're exactly the same uh the I mean what can I say about what we do in the shadows uh this is a great film it's a it is a comedy is what I would say but it is very much in the vein of the world of horror uh to give it a couple of sentences because I I don't want to go into too much detail because just need to enjoy it um imagine the office or Parks and Recreation but they're following a family of vampires uh that is the film in a sentence um the Flight of the Concords Duo uh Jermaine Clement and t t wititi uh are writing and directing this it is fantastically funny um it's filmed in New Zealand it is uh a Fil A franchise now it has two spin-off sequels it has a full-blown TV show what we do in the shadows that has had five seasons I think that's just end and also two characters the police officers who make an appearance in this film when they are called to a disturbance at the property have their own show called Wellington paranormal this is a fantastic Universe if you are a fan of that kind of um dry observational cringe comedy um you know the David Brent the Michael Scotts things like that what we do in the shadows as I say is imagine if it was Dracula I mean he's not playing Dracula but imagine following a group of vampires around this is such a funny film strong recommend I'm not going to go into detail cuz you've just got to watch this film it might be free to stream again as always but I always enjoy this film always makes me laugh so strong recommend this next one uh might be a little bit of a curve ball for some people because this film is old uh it is dead of night it is released in 1945 and uh was eling Studios first and um maybe best uh tow dipping into the world of horror it is a PG but but again it's 1945 so you're not going to get blood and guts um it's a film that I have seen I had it on DVD but I think my DVD was laser burnt so when I saw there was a Blu-ray I thought why not pick it up but I have to confess I haven't seen it in over a decade I think so I I can't sit here and talk too much about it but the back what do I'll read the back it says um this represents a departure from eling Studios from the classic comedy mode and instead is a spooky psychological Thriller made up of five chilling ghost stories an architect visits a country house to get trapped in a reoccurring nightmare involving tales of the occult told by fellow guests at the Manor so a it is an old school it's literally old school Anthology movie I when I watched it I really enjoyed it I remember you can see on the cover there's the doll there's a fantastic scene about a man playing golf uh who is being haunted by a man who killed him and is distracting him so I think although they say it's not a comedy it is uh it still has a little bit of black humor to it um I picked it up like I say cuzz I wanted to replace it I'm really looking forward to watching it I haven't had time to watch it ahead of this video but I know that this is a very big influence on people such as Mark gatus and the league of gentlemen uh the inspiration for it's one of those where I don't think the film was intentionally trying to be funny sometimes but they drew comedy from that so Dead of Night 1945 uh a good recommend I haven't seen it in a very long time so I'm not going to say a strong recommend but I remember enjoying it the first time but it's been a very long time since I've seen this next and last in the UK Blu-rays is dead silence this is a very interesting film in that I feel like it's kind of been forgotten um after the success of saw one two and three Lee wiell and James ju left the franchise and were looking for their next project so before they ended up getting on to the Fantastic success which is Insidious and The Conjuring their um next horror bout was dead silence it's a very interesting um situation and having rewatched it for the first time in many years is that this kind of acts as a bit of a halfway house for these guys like it the editing and the music is very saw in fact at times it was a little bit distracting in that it felt like music from a Saw movie and yet the tone and the um ideas and even some of the shots would later go on to be very very heavily informing Annabelle and Insidious it's it's got ghosts and dolls and ventris and all this kind of stuff things that when you watch it it's just an interesting uh Evolution for these guys is moving away from torture porn that is the saw franchise into Dead Silence which which is more much more of a Supernatural ghost story kind of tale but with a Twist as always you know they they're still staying with their saw there's got to be a Twist at the end kind of a situation and then they moved obviously onto Insidious and The Conjuring respectively so if you're a fan of uh James one Lee winell any of their films I mean Invisible Man Lee wiell is invisible man's a fantastic film uh if you're a fan of s if you're a fan of The Conjuring or Insidious movies this is a definite recommend uh in a very quick not I'll read the back ever since Mary Shaw was hunted down in killed the small town of ravens Fair has been haunted by horrific deaths when a local man's wife is brutally murdered he returns home to unravel the terrifying Legend and the reason why when you see her you should never scream um it's a it's a great film it's a harmless film is what I would say get it enjoy it it's not something I'll probably run to every week or every month it's good on the Shelf every couple of years give it a luck and just have a good time getting to the final five Blu-rays now and four out of five of these are Scream Factory region a Blu-rays so you will need a multi- region Blu-ray player if you're intending to buy these uh a couple of them are American exclusives and you can't get them in the UK and the final one the fifth one is a collector edition region a Blu-ray which I'm really happy to get my hands on but I'll go through that in a minute so speeding through these screen Factory releases the first is Stephen King's graveyard shift this film is bad um is what I would say love Stephen King massive Stephen King fan love reading the books uh I am on a mission to own and see every single Stephen King thing I understand they can't all be winners but this thing was bad this is from his short stories um era and one of his earliest short stories they dragg this thing out this thing could have been 15 minutes as part of a creep show movie or a creep show TV show but instead the people who own it um after the success of pet cemetry just to put this into a Time context pet cemetry came out and everyone was clamoring for King everyone wanted to get their hands on the next big Stephen King book or novel or Noel whatever is so this is Paramount's followup to pet cemetery it is awful the only good thing in this film is Brad dth who plays the Exterminator has no real name uh he's in a couple of key scenes and then is quietly killed off uh unceremoniously and you never even see his body properly again so the only reason to watch this is Brad Dorff you would think if you had an actor like Brad dff you would cast him in a major part like the main antagonist which is the uh owner of The Cotton Factory which is this is set up but in uh when an abandoned textile mill is reopened several employees meet mysterious deaths the link between the killings is the hour all occurring between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the graveyard shift uh the sadistic Mill Foreman has chosen to uh has chosen a group to clean up the Mill's rat infested basement but what the workers find is a Subterranean Maze of tunnels leading to the cemetery and an unimaginable horror that comes alive in the dead of night sounds okay sounds good it's terrible it's really bad I had to fast forward some of this uh there's some amazing rat effects some like real life rats being used uh in some really cool ways um the main the main hero is a guy with a slingshot and a can of Pepsi and that's his weapon I'm not even joking this is a bad film not recommended next up and I haven't really got an enormous amount to say about this I haven't seen it yet cuz it only came fairly recently is uh a version of Phantom of the Opera with Robert England as the Phantom uh it's also got Bill NY in it so I'm quite intrigued to watch this uh during the time when Freddy was at his highest the big Freddy Boom uh obviously Robert England um was trying his hardest to whilst he was happy being Freddy he also wanted to get his hands on other roles and be known for other roles so why not give his hand to the Phantom you can see on the case actually even um this is how popular Freddy um Freddy hysteria was I mean 2024 Freddy Krueger has kind of diminished considerably but it literally says on the case Robert England was Freddy now he's the Phantom of the Opera that's how they sold this film uh I've seen the trailer it looks pretty good uh if you're familiar with the Phantom of the Opera an aspiring opera singer finds herself transported uh back to Victorian era London and into the arms of the reclusive disfigured Maestro determined to make her a star the silver throated Christine uh enjoys Success Through the arrangements of her new lover Robert England until she realizes that he has been committing unspeakably Grizzly murders in her honor and won't stop until he's completed his Masterpiece in blood it's not a musical it is a horror film um Robert England holds Us in very high esteem you can pick this up in the UK on Blu-ray kind of a vanilla release for about 8 quid uh can't say anything more than that but if you're a Robert England fan obviously it's a recommend if you're a Phantom of the Opera fan this is just a different version of Phantom of the Opera so yeah I'll find out what this is what this is actually like soon enough next up and it's not strictly horror but it's in that universe so I'm I'm going to count it some people do even though it's not a proper horror film uh is uh Teen Wolf now uh Teen Wolf uh to give it a couple of sentences Michael J fox um in his one of his very earliest movie debuts I think this was actually released a month after Back to the Future so during that big boom of Back to the Future uh Michael J fox actually had two films in the cinema in the space of three months he is he's fantastic in this film by the way but anyway he plays a downtrod high schooler uh who can't really get a break no one really likes but the Advent it's not really explained fully but with the Advent of perhaps puberty and a full moon it is revealed that he has the ability to turn into a werewolf uh not a snarling murderous uh werewolf but effectively Michael J Fox as a werewolf and he um after he is rumbled and it is revealed that he is a werewolf um rather than try to kill him or burn him or disfigure or whatever it is um they make him the most popular kid in school and he becomes one of the main players of the local basketball team and um yeah suddenly becomes the coolest guy on campus it's harmless is what I would say um it's one of these strange films that I I don't want to speak too Illy because I really like Michael J fox and he's great in this film but it's one of those films that if you haven't seen this for a very long time and you're not a massive fan maybe leave it alone um it's not as good as I remembered the screen Factory released is fantastic it's got a huge documentary on it it's got a new 2k scan it's got loads of stuff so if you're a fan this is a gold mine of Teen Wolf uh information and history but I have to confess this is one of those films that having watched it again recently I probably would have rather kept it in the re recesses of my mind you know Rose tinted glasses remembering how great this film used to be there's some great scenes in it it is a fantastic time um if you just enjoy some very light-hearted uh silly comedy if you want to see Michael J fox is a werewolf in a basketball match this is your film so it is a recommend but I wouldn't go out of your way to pay anything expensive for it last in the uh screen Factory Blu-rays and this is part another film that I purchased as part of my ongoing F the L horror franchise videos is uh the Remake the 1980s remake of The Blob starring a very young Shaunie Smith uh in a nutshell this is a remake of the original 1950s The Blob movie uh a mysterious um asteroid crashes on the earth and inside it is a weird pink amorphus blob this blob then proceeds to eat and destroy everything it can get its hands on um local people building anything it can and shie Smith is kind of caught in a little bit of a love triangle and people are trying to escape the town uh to read the back uh The Blob is back in this horrific tale about a vile malignant life form that crashes to Earth in a cozy Royal American town untroubled in by conscience or intellect The Blob does only one thing and it does it well it eats anything and everything that moves men women children and tonight it wants to swallow the town the original version of The Blob thrilled and terrified audiences back in the 1950s now the oozing gooey killer is back with the with a whole new high-tech look what was once only suggested now comes to life with state-of-the-art special effects in the tradition of such thrilling remakes as the thing and the fly now ironically um and CU I haven't actually read the back of this before um ironically what I was going to say is is I'm going to hold this version of The Blob up there with John Carpenter's The Thing This is a great film John Carpenter is the thing is a great film this is a disgusting film is what I would say when the kills happen when the blob goes on to people you see every melted flesh every melted eyeball you see hair pulled out skin coming off it's done in that horrible kind of very very practical way it makes you feel physically sick and certainly for me I was sitting there thinking like you know I'm it's not a film to sit down and eat and watch is what I would say shie Smith's fantastic IC it's got a cameo from Bill Mosley as well it's even got an interview with Bill Mosley in it so Bill Mosley fans out there if you're looking for completionist the blob uh strong recommend really good I wanted it like I say cuz shaie Smith is at this year's for the L horror event so I thought why not the price is right let's get it picked up but you can't get this in the UK as far as I'm aware yet again so if you can stream it give it a definite recommend otherwise you have to import the screen Factory region region a Blu-ray last and by no means least is the 20th anniversary edition of Rob Zombie House of a thousand corpses really happy to get my hands on this this is a region a uh Blu-ray the UK has not had a house of thousand corpses UK Edition I had to uh previously import an Australian version but I wanted this a because it's the 20th anniversary it's got a poster a book art cards um all kinds of bits and pieces in it but also it's a two- dis Edition and the second disc features the uh much anticipated long wanted uh behind the scenes video footage that Rob Zombie is used to giving for those of you who don't know uh the sequel to this The Devil's Rejects features a three-hour documentary The Many Lives of Michael Myers for the Rob Zombie Halloween um remake had a four and a half hour documentary Rob Zombie loves to uh film everything chart the progress and provide it to his audience because he knows what his audience is like he is his audience so he knows like me I'm quite happy to sit and watch all that stuff and understand how it got made follow a film from script to screen see all the different versions of the makeup and all that kind of stuff it's all in here so this is a really solid release um the film involves a couple two couples I should say one of them is a young rain Wilson before the office Dwight shre himself uh makes an appearance um and they are going across the country looking for local attractions and Oddities they find uh Captain Spalding's gas station which is famous for its fried chicken and its murder ride on the back uh after they agree to go on the murder ride because they go this pair's girlfriends don't want to go on it they do ride it and Captain Spalding makes them aware of the Legend of Dr Satan a local uh murdering Oddball who was murdered by the local towns people and his grave and the H and the tree he was hung from are just a Stones throwaway from the gas station so after reluctantly agreeing to give them a map Captain Spalding sends them on their way and the this cou this pair of couples go looking for Dr Satan's grave uh in the meantime and due to Heavy Rain they find a um hitchhiker played by Sher Moon Zombie and she comes into the car and she says yeah yeah I know where Dr Satan is I can get you there but on the way the uh tire is punctured and has a flat so half the team or half the couples I should say one of the couples stays in the house and the others go to the property when they go to uh Sher Moon's home the Firefly family as they are now known are waiting and I won't say anything past this because that's maybe the first 10 15 minutes I just told you um they meet the Firefly family and Bill Mosley's Otis is the head of this family um this is is a crazy film if you're a fan of like Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 U for example I mean Bill Mosley is in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2o but it's very much in that vein this is crazy horror Unapologetic it's bloody it's gory it's crazy it does not want to give you a heavy story it is not going to give you a deep dive into the mindset of killers or anything else like that this is people go to a location and bad things happen to them a really strong recommend obviously the Firefly Trilogy house of thousand corpses The Devil's Rejects and three from hell are commercially available but yeah really happy to get my hands on this strong recommend I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did please do like and subscribe uh it was a bit of a mixed bag this month some great some not so great I would definitely recommend the blob House of thousand corpses if you have a region free Blu-ray player and bottom of the pile as will be no surprises tarot and the strangers chapter one sometimes um you know I you take the risk uh sometimes I'm buy them fully under the knowledge that they may not be good but that's all part of being The Collector the uh strangers chapter one will obviously have to be purchased because as a collector you have to own every sequel even the bad ones but I will watch The Strangers chapter 2 and three because I have to be conscious of the fact that the chapter one is part one um hopefully there's some surprises in there hopefully there's some things in there you've never seen before and you know you want to go look for them um I would say a little bit of a public service announcement is don't believe the hate of eBay I know a lot of people like to complain about eBay and call it feebay and all this kind of stuff but once again the majority of the releases you've seen I purchased from eBay and purchased for actually very um competitive prices uh I will I will not drink the Kool-Aid um when people put out of print or really rare or things like that you know one of these as I said the the example to finish on I picked up the ring virus for £4 there were people selling it for 30 plus pound so you know you've got to be careful do your research take your time but never actually say that I would never say that eBay is a bad source for you know rare Blu-rays quite the opposite in fact I'm a real big eBay fan so yeah don't believe the hype so until next time stay scared

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