Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:15:09 Category: Comedy

Trending searches: utah
okay this isn't going too good what's up y'all it's currently 12:21 a.m. here in Utah and me and my brother and two of my friends Charlie that went to Everest Base Camp with me and Cara from Eden spiciest noodles alive what was it called eating spicy noodles something like that um we are going to be hiking the tallest mountain in Utah and it's like a I don't know like 9h hour hike we're going to try and get to the trail head at 1:00 a.m. and then hopefully will be up there for Sunrise and then hopefully we'll be back down by like 9 or 10 so we're really tired we decided not to nap my brother and I Cara and Charlie are probably over there probably snoozing and I got put in charge of driving too so I had to wake up like 20 more minutes earlier than everyone else but honestly let's fact check what's the tallest mountain in Utah Kings Peak I thought it was the tallest I'm I'm still going to use that as the as the title okay I guess it's I guess it's the ninth tallest founded in Utah but it's a big deal everyone freaks out about this one they say it's really hard but I've done ever base camp so it can't be too hard but I don't know I have not been training I have not been hiking I have not been doing this stair master so let's see what happens I got my whole Everest Base Camp pack and the whole time I was packing it I was getting so giddy when I put on these boots I was getting so excited I kept picturing I was back in Nepal but nope you're in Utah uh we packed some granola bars we packed some water and yeah let's go pick up Karen Charlie we are going to pick him up I got a text from them I texted bring some toilet paper and they responded so they should be awake should I just pull sketchy right over here I'm going to go pick them up we just knocked are youall ready so they're still getting ready we got some snacks we got oranges y'all can't see the rest I can't even see it goldfish this one as been Grove yes it's the same trail head as Stewart Falls do you think I've been to Stuart Falls youve never been to Stuart Falls of course not wait right here the 7-Eleven my dad can pred to crackhead oh my gosh I'm done driving guys can we park here and walk I'm scared to tears waa but also is this a hotel this is probably where the CP stay oh my gosh wait BYU what is this yall got it on already oh let's go okay should I take this off or what okay here we go two things I hope to never see a cougar or a moose what if we saw that deer with long ears again that' be so spooky we just found out that we already went on the roong trail now we're going on the real right Trail here we go okay Mount temp this way we're just Trucking along are we at a mile yet okay so like 75 miles this part of the TRU is pave though so it's been pretty nice but it is so hot I'm hoping it gets a little chil I there's a huge waterfall right here can you just take a p what are you doing there's a Hu oh look at that we're officially 1 mile oh we're feeling great it'll be prettier on the way down oh this is all water look at that it feels so good with it so good okay we passed our exit so how many miles in are we two we're two miles in oh we're killing it we're doing a quick blister fix up but overall like the last part was really tricky since it was over a bunch of rivers and streams but everyone's feeling great feeling great some people ate in and out earlier and it's about to go in and out oh s can you see we found a patriotic tree keep going what give them an update what's going on oh this is a really good angle of me um we're almost 4 miles in we're all sweating mhm it's not as hard as we thought would be mhm and what are we seeing over there lightning we're seeing some big old Thunderbolts right there but we aren't hearing them so Charlie says we should be good we got to update the Vlog so when we were hiking this guy sprinted right next to us and he said we said hey and he said oh what did he say I'm here for the moon he said something like that he said we said How's how is it he goes great turned into a werewolf no no that's on the way back schoer alert we had to hear was hiking at be said oh I'm here for the moon the full moon that's what we were making jokes the whole time that he's a werewolf he came back down and said oh I turned into a werewolf he probably heard a say he's a werewolf I don't know let's keep going he honestly could have he probably heard waterfall Crossing we have to cross okay we're on the final home stretch we probably got like like 2 miles left I'm tripping yeah we got a bunch of snacks so we're just trying to go up to the top so we can just snack the sunrise is starting we got probably under a mile left and we are right by this Cliff we're just going around we're climbing up these really really steep rocks and we don't really know where the drill [Music] is are good [Music] oh my gosh someone left their trekking polls you need some trekking poles I switched to the GoPro but we're honestly pretty dang close like it was creeping in my head to give up but then we're like only Point like 70 M away so we might as well look how pretty the view is though that rock looks not real does that look like concrete but we're going up that trail and then up there we get to do a little Glacier Crossing could be slippery oh it's kind of slippery actually slippery kind of oh not that bad honestly I feel like it's easier when you can see your dang foot oh my gosh look oh my I almost hyperextended my leg did we miss the sunrise are we having fun the sunris is right there well it's it's risen we're taking our last little sit my heart's beating out of my chest me too this is a lot trickier than we all thought yeah I'm dying and this is number 11 of you doing it yeah but I'm way out of shape than I used to be so am I I haven't done this stair supper in months the sun is shining it's a great day it's a Tuesday it is a Tuesday $5 Tuesday oh my gosh wait movie and you know we have to make it before the sunrise guys hurry oh no guys I think we're going to miss the sunrise we got Uncrustables in our backpack and we're so excited want literally it's Max probably 5 minutes let's just freaking go beef stick three three beef stick is my reward oh my gosh okay ready yeah yeah three two one be safe be safe oh Charlie was sprinting I cut the camera but she literally sprinted but now she's be nice and waiting for us this part's kind of spooky it's sheer Cliffs oh how is [Music] it oh no way that's so crazy get up here [Music] my will to live was very low yeah last hour sucked but that beep stick is going to we're at the top we're getting out our Uncrustables there's an optional little bit that you can go and touch the peak I think are you doing it James um you might as well probably not what a snake cherries okay snack hul some chips of Hoy there's a goldfish my wrapper nerds gummy clusters cheese bits okay and un crustable that's a little smooshed for James what a snack and that's all thank you where's your un Crucible I don't want one I packed all these match and beanies for everyone did I Vlog this already I feel like I did I got a purple one and we're going to do a little photo shoot so there's an actual Peak all the way up there no all the way that way and it's like he said it's like 20 20ish minutes but I put down my bag and I could Sprint but I thought to myself and everyone in the group told me no but I thought to myself oh it gives me a reason to come back so if I ever come back maybe I'll actually go up to the peak but this looks like the peak it ain't no ever bace camp but overall such a fun hike we met this one guy that's should I do five half goat but not like greatest of all time like well maybe he was like Galloping down down the freaking mountain and he said he did this whole thing in an hour what was it hour 45 we saw steroid pen um fall out of his pocket while he was running down so just kidding but honestly maybe not pay me $1,000 to run this hike that's what I would look like if you packed me more apple slices okay rate it out of 10 honestly I would say an 8.7 tell the truth camera up 8 like I'm being serious like an 8.7 that last hour was hard but overall like it was a good hike a six nine out of 10 the one is off for that last hour oh if this camera was off y'all would be saying different scores I would say I would say probably it was a 10 up until this thing this whole thing and then I was like oh I hate this now we're at the top and it's fun Utah if you're watching this invest in some dang Trail markers we got lost and added like 20 minutes to our time I feel like I could just topple over well don't I like really have to help my foot up we just had a little break oh people are injured people are complaining no they who who we need to go home I want a sod Pop I want a Snickers bar I want a Fanta orange okay some people lost their silly goofiness on this trip I'm not going to say who but okay we're starting to hike down and it's just a sheer Cliff it is literally like this I had to I had to go down it backwards people are slipping people are bickerin I I'm not apparently there's this other route that starts where does it start I almost think it's elipa but it's not it sounds like it what's the other route called again I can't remember T yeah tanoi and it's super easy and it doesn't have this part which is unreal it's so [Music] bad we just turned the corner and there's all these little baby goats we're going to go try and get a little closer there's a bunch little goats hanging out right there I'm not sure if that's where they sleep oh my gosh they're running right up to them so this right here is a lake we passed by that we couldn't see in the dark oh there was someone camping right there cuz it's it's the pretty blue glacier water that's so cool [Music] these leaves here kind of look like fall oh my gosh this is the freaking longest hike but it's honestly been pretty fun the way up was just really unmotivational but going down it's like a whole different game it's just it's just fun and leisurely [Music] okay this isn't going too good some of us have signs of heat stroke some of us are really hurt but I think we're almost back oh and we ran out of water so now that we're back what your what your rate Mount what's it called Mount temp yeah mount temp I wish we did it one hour earlier I think so I wish we didn't run out of water yes I wish we had Gatorade yes and I wish I had a hat I wish I had sung glasses it sounds green I'm so dehydrated okay my hand shaking bye oh they're hobbling in oh she is hobbling in okay oh my gosh I what the heck is this that's literally salt from my sweat oh my gosh well there's the Vlog it was kind of a nightmare this is your like PSA always pack extra water and always pack cold water and then always like double check and recheck your map since I think what really killed us was honestly there was no like Trail markers and it's such a popular Trail we thought there would be some kind of markers but there really isn't so we're relying on an app and like we couldn't tell exactly where we were so it was really freaking rough but yeah there's the Vlog I feel like ill I feel dead inside give this video a thumbs up subscribe and I'll see youall next week unless unless unless this hike takes me out bye [Music] [Music]

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