Cleveland National Air Show 2024 Friday Live Stream Practice Highlights Blue Angels Full Demo

[Laughter] all right sorry about that everyone sorry about the delay in going live um had an issue with the stream key I had to go back and figure out what was going on usually it it should be set but for some reason it went to a different stream key welcome live to the East 9th Pier here in downtown Cleveland Ohio for the uh 2024 Cleveland National Air Show practice the get high three going out we'll probably do a mixture of uh handheld as well as tripod handing in today just because of the excuse me the fact that the airplanes will go right over us and kind of over behind us so far the 810 went up they were the first thing to go up this morning I did get that on video for you so I'll get that posted uh the C130 and the North Stars Northern Stars teams have gone up that's really been about it so far so you haven't missed anything too crazy had a KC 135 come in around 10:00 this morning she get a she get a couple performances by the Blue Angels this afternoon good time three giving us a horn blow it's a beautiful day here today it's about 90° humid so hopefully we'll see some of the same Vapor that we saw yesterday with the Blue Angels when they fly later on [Music] today 5 he [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] how hey what up y'all Coral c yeah CD 42 I think yeah Coral c [Applause] [Music] be in from the east in 30 seconds [Music] that's all [Music] say yeah [Applause] that Corvette oh [Music] [Music] the [Music] water you got to back [Music] yeah out to land on two for right way [Music] [Music] [Music] hand three flat F Hy [Music] [Music] wow only thing I got for the dead I think is the D meter needs unlocked pie of sucks love that [Music] Rock God [Music] [Music] one other than that though [Music] [Music] [Music] hey we all right how you [Music] doing huh I'll move it thank you there's a Boeing joke to make in there somewhere look like they're moving two over so four must be having some issues it looks like they got to put two in its place so I wonder if they'll put two in the number two place or if they'll put it in the number four place for people over at the two spot to move it please you maybe just the F16 being a smaller jet makes it look like they're higher but but I feel like I feel like they stay higher I think what's going on over there oh Tony I didn't know you were mobile mobile is otherwise employed no he's not stay in your way turn your brick off get off brick n ladies ladies you're all pretty calm down what about me beautiful they're moving number seven so they're going to put two and seven spot or I guess technically put two back at that spot I was just wondering what's going six spot I got my answer it looks like four went down so they P four out and now they put two back in they're going to put two in it spot and put four seven back in fourth spot I think it's what they're doing okay cuz I see the four over there yeah oh it's broke so just have to fix it than you're welcome that a really pretty metac private jet come in yesterday uh there were a couple of times where the blues paused their show while the med the medical aircraft came in then EV always get the right [Music] away mobile turn please stand by stand by this guy what's this guy [Applause] B me [Music] there's the prop wash from the helicopter kind of waiting on that right the runway astable they're going to [Applause] [Music] you's go one of these guys will do the helicopter taxi like the one we saw yesterday it was a Metro LifeLight helicopter I told him the taxi he literally took off and flew about 10 ft in the air between the Statics took it over to six left to take off which I thought was pretty funny they're moving number six left right there and the toe about almost the walk right behind now helicopter coming in there it is it's over the tails [Music] close another helicopter coming in so what they're going to do is take you up there shut you down and then tow you be beside that 0 for clearance they want you in there first and then the two guard 60 behind you we're good so it looks like number four I wonder I to put number four in six's spot 6 left land land Bravo left the high speed going the opposite direction stay hydrated today so to putting four and sixes slot hope you're not OCD today so it's one 1 2 3 754 got another helicopter coming in I think this thing might need greased again thank you position 47 going to ground taxi up there behind the 47 they're going to shut all you guys down he's going in first or second we saw come in a little bit ago with the the Stars and Stripes Livery on it there's people walking around but I can't tell what they're doing [Applause] a little far away but I believe this is a Le main that is a really cool Livery though I like that the stars on the tail and the stripes it's gorgeous [Music] [Laughter] um guess he wasn't lined up for the center of the runway zo was heading off somewhere sound like it's flying a medac mission and a lot of those that come in for the clinic and University and all the hospitals in the area Metro told you I heard something I can't see it I think it's still there kind of a guess with the direction of the sun I apologize things are a little slow right now but we are still expecting a number of performances today that was Delta Airlines 775 out of Atlanta I believe is who that was golden knights are here not sure if they'll go up today or in front of the golden knights is one of our A10 demo team special deliveries this one is I believe the Memphis Bell 3 or the Memphis bell four if I get the actual number on the side right painted up an Livery of a aircraft I believe it's an F100 you guys could um correct me down below that is in that Livery of the Air Force Museum uh I didn't see your bag in and of course that aircraft is a a pain tribute of the uh B7 Flying Fortress Memphis take that was one of the first to fly 25 missions first one to fly 25 and come back to the US baby that aircraft is on display at the Air Force Museum in Dayton so I feel like they need to complete their uh collection to get this one on display someday line baby dot wonder who baby dot is your way and then next to the Memphis Bell we have another A10 this one is painted up I believe it's called black snake really cool Livery on this one time three coming back in they are booking cruises all weekend if you want to go see the Cleveland Air Show from a different perspective I have never done it but I know people that have and they say it's amazing so you can go under their website and I believe there's still tickets available you go check out the air show off the link or you can still book your uh tickets on the Cleveland National Air Show website someday I might have to do that go out in the boat can you be pushed to I'm on the St somewhere and I can tax whatever position they got me you cannot be you can't be to1 okay oh no I can't be to F sound like the a810 is inbound good stilling it we got a warb bird coming in maybe a T6 Texan it just one was just one or if there's [Music] two I had a leg in the way oh you're fine I'm over your head thank [Music] you ah okay that was that's the at1 coming back he's going to come down at the end and a turn and then they'll put it somewhere over there hopefully it comes all the way down but I don't know if they'll bring him all the way down or not you're not shooting video are you no okay I want to make sure that my gibber jabbering isn't getting video you were here first yeah just constant live streaming I don't normally live stream I normally just like do either photography or just standard videos but every once in a while I do a live stream I just thought today might be kind of fun yeah I need a new tripod though this one sticks when you tilt it's a fluid head but it's I don't know if it just needs greased or what's going on with it today it's a pretty cheap tripod really though looks yeah looks good for what you're uh using it for been a pretty quiet Friday so far I mean I don't I mean if you guys so this A10 will be on static for the our showell 3 or 3:30 is it 3 or 33 time is it now that's a good question two dolphins are inbound nice a no flares okay I had heard that too I thought somebody posted that somewhere that they weren't doing [Laughter] flares be scary but take off it's 2 hours cuz you're going $200 until you get the the pilot that sits there and says we'll try to get there a little bit early 30 minutes earlier we supposed to stand [Music] Airfield radio radio check Co [Music] going in for Landon [Music] they were talking about they were going to try to clean it up that was like two three years ago is that kind of better for picking up the definitely better than the one that comes with it but I keep seeing everybody has the little one I didn't know if it was a good one bad one the stock one's okay but it's just it's so limited on a range gotta that like everybody had that whip one I'm like must be the better one there some guy I saw over there had like a up to a got the huge [Laughter] [Music] one so yeah he's getting perfect range with that thing all right we are back live the rain delay is over little hurricane that we had passed through a little bit [Laughter] ago thank thank a really nice guy for letting me hide in his car blue angels are ready to go Fat Albert is fired up forun they kicked everyone off the pierone had to move down here by with a good time three parks yesterday they had us down to the very end yesterday I was too I grow my motorcycle down here and sat there had the GoPro out and everything I was like that's perfect you could have shut it down before the rain you soaked you got to leave down okay good they're just doing the job but I mean yeah but what harm is going to be for us to sit on pi okay got your clear clear you go to Washington you'll be able to see it going to that that's a good fish over here fish about to instead of going over on 55th we getting them little white bass yeah there only a few people that come down here fish from over there at thez at night time we [Music] [Music] [Music] tracking 15 after but we should probably do earlier if we'd like [Music] to do you want to go [Music] early we might as well stay on time not walking down till 25 after okay copy yeah let's uh we'll keep 15 if you guys are good with that I honestly think they should try to walk down earlier than that since the it's kind of a semi- remote almost but we can that's why we [Music] practice Yeah they kicked everyone out the pier does sound like the F-15 is cancelled I was doing the reading that when I was hiding in the car um the DC3 had the weather so it'll come back in after the TFR ends the T6 Tex think we're doing all right unless somebody wants to come up and get some sunshine up here inad of sunshine down there so there won't be any more arrival the TFR is a place for the blues so once that is over we should see the the uh we should see the DC3 and not sure what else we'll see unfortunately it's been a very quiet day um other than the A10 going up first thing this morning it's been pretty quiet up here today I thought I was going great though you were clear time to be usually Friday is the day to be W up to and today I heard nothing I was like all right well nothing here today yeah yeah the rumor of the 15 cancelling kind of be going around out here today so I for what I heard they went to Toledo yesterday so I guess we'll find out but they did not do any flybys today bat Albert heading out so we will uh hand shoot some of this tripod shoot some of this try to do the best we can because can see we're all kind of Sardine down here in the end so see how it goes [Applause] while we wait on while we wait on Fat Albert see anything going on over here by the upd winds are we own the Airfield and the a clear for take off have a good one thanks Mo for fired up for the great state of Ohio below the line checklist ice prote set light set a control switch on trans cause check right Che left departure please before take off complete complete [Music] oh got to be fast the air F short got take off [Music] okay quick [Music] Big Bird up there buddy you know they can fly so low that they SP look at the [Music] J's going to take off after him do you know PR [Music] that one not this one those five Jets out there blue and yellow then again they weren't flying that low learning in work where'd he go oh there he is he's coming give us a good show [Music] wow manome bright okay so those J next [Music] [Applause] not every time it's just practice that it takes a lot of practice than even you look like a bird on look like a bird if I didn't have the background I had I would have I would have been one of them not literally one of them see just Big Bird oh you're over over there yeah [Music] [Music] having fun I'm having a great VI [Music] building watch nobody's working get more rad when they were [Applause] that's stop right here rce backpack like six left Alpha back to your line back six left Alpha back to so I [Applause] one hand [Applause] I [Music] 77 [Music] [Music] [Applause] I just still think it's funny that [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you sure [Applause] for a while I got did thank you so much I can see I knew are down yep copes are down I say canop are down got the right [Applause] [Music] now they're having some issues with it so parked over here search out can't count today 1 2375 that is PR way now now [Applause] might be their photographer she's got a they got a blue Angel's jumpsuit were there with thatb yeah I wonder if she I wonder if that's their photographer I keep saying she I don't know if that's a girl but [Music] get live out there by these little bugs yeah storm was about 10 miles behind the crowd Crow Left Right Now sure feels a lot closer new simp cast here prepare there we go smoking what channel they on 3 46.5 134 6.5 3 46.5 [Music] 6 [Applause] I think my concern is the rink of the storm coming in and the terrenal or the heaviness of the of the watera coming in to [Applause] talk I don't like that don't look over [Applause] I [Applause] [Applause] don't the Moana look you too [Applause] up to 69% it right take going them all easy bre think I had a good absolutely going towards the east it it's not coming this way Cy yeah once you get a word from Tower obviously let's take a look at what way this thing is tracking as well I'm not sure how much time we have Tower uh showing 8 Miles this like moving to the east Northeast uh they kind of parallel to the sh line right now but head on ready spit would you be opposed to a weather wrecky we can tax you up here on Bravo go back to hold short like be like a spe type agressive movement but uh I think we have some visibility with the TFR right now but we do what it see what it looks like put his up in next couple minutes yeah I just think that's a quicker way to get we can get one jet on Deck pretty quick that do a weather Wy the diamond is going to taxi for clear on Bravo and hold short uh let you know where good for the diamond for 73% offs now the right any questions on the plan I'm tracking as well B stole our weather again B is that what he said yeah 9 tomorrow 66 there you go tight we go right further right that was a nice ta is expensive [Applause] sending five for [Applause] the cop winds are call we have Airfield and airace clear for take off have a good one indications are looking good uh storm is pretty far away okay recomend press switch in the [Applause] CL welcome back and 7,000 ft WS our we on the Airfield and the air space you are clear for takeoff have a good one next clear for takeoff clear for takeoff we're clear for takeoff win welcome back CL clouds are barely at the TFR they're B Bush no watch up now burners ready now it on Drive [Music] [Music] two burners ready now easing power [Music] easing a little adding power blow it [Music] out y a little more power [Music] power he all power a little a little more [Music] oh look at that Solo's [Music] rolling take a little power little more [Music] left no Factor [Music] oh ready for power Mr 2 and a half 399 thanks nice nice nice work p don't yeah he's [Music] the down [Applause] the he hit it the right a little further right it [Music] all here we go Qui yeah ready now he power he more power [Music] stop [Music] head it the P coming back left they left in left we oh two left now three [Music] left got water [Music] try to look little head [Music] here roll down easy power easy power drive oh P off [Music] [Music] [Music] 40° control Point nice 50 right but it looks scary back right here we go time now and [Music] all ready a little [Music] that coming further left a little 340 [Music] look at the reg I'm scared we a little moreall heading [Applause] [Music] power power take more power a big com the a little more down [Music] now vertical break uh Qui [Music] ready break push it left vertical pitch [Music] 13 left all 335 right 350 355 we're in front of the crow bar [Music] we're in right turn for the barrel bre [Music] play some over [Music] here [Music] okay Power he more power oh boy AUD nice [Music] add little power 3 feel like you're going to tone it down [Music] ready [Music] [Music] h a on the line two left point 360 ready [Music] 230 355 6 365 r ccle roll now [Music] little [Music] [Music] 19 the the power right they right all C point com ready now oh oh a little more ready now heing power heing more power [Music] is roll [Music] is go get him bre sounds like he's singing [Music] [Music] [Music] are a break [Music] power more power a little e comes the a little more rolling 400 to we [Music] go coming back right they right little power from the crow 12 in front of the crowd up the loak cross 200 355 I'll show you the roll it out turn we a little more adding power [Music] [Music] take power Power Center Point [Music] Mark 398 Mark 392 cover the [Music] coming left coming further little 62 word for the crowd up the Del break [Music] you do this last one comes inle one roll it out break right they're all come they're all [Music] to good [Music] right a little oh [Music] [Music] 335 bre [Music] over [Music] that my always h [Music] yeah smoking go [Music] s [Applause] weather imagine that'll be coming in at some point yes I do feel like almost more intense there he is BL you sticking around you heading out yeah that's kind of what I'm thinking too get out of here before that it's dollar dog night and fireworks night I think down there so get out of here before the traffic starts last the c47 diverted to County I don't know when com other than that I'll probably go and head out to absolutely charger so now the blues taxi into their spot over here and that should pretty much wrap up practice for today TFR ends early I sorry it wasn't it wasn't super oygen packed most of the day it was pretty quiet usually Fridays are pretty busy but today was pretty quiet hope to see everyone at the air show I should be there uh probably Sunday and definitely Monday tomorrow looks like the weather is going to be a little sketchy tomorrow so we'll probably just stay home maybe get some yard work done there's a bunch I need to do with that but I just want to thank everyone for being here today sorry for any the bumps and if you're here this morning thank you for hanging with me there was an issue with the uh with the uh the code the stream code I had to have YouTube resolve something but we're good to go for most of today thank you guys all so much for being here if you haven't done already hit that like button hit that subscribe button down below if you like what you seen comment down below I'll get to the comments here in a second um I posted the arrivals and practice yesterday so check out that video if you haven't done so already it's some crazy Vape yesterday clear we got well clear and then we'll go from there usually at a Hopkins I usually spot out a Cleveland Hopkins about three or four times a week just depending on what's coming in what's going on with work but might travel a little bit too go to Columbus and Detroit and anything that's going on we try to get to those shows I'll probably go on to Chicago here at some point here pretty soon let get but this weekend is all about the show well a haze almost like almost look Overexposed but it's just a lot of smoke in the air right now and unfortunately unless they pull up a little bit more it's going to be hard to see see them getting out of the aircraft here it's pulling up the uh Flight Radar 24 just seeing what's out there I don't see that the c47 is Airborne yet look like there might be a Blackhawk helicopter heading up this way but we'll probably go ahead and wrap it up here pretty soon not all the way to the end okay well kick back in there def fence there you're safe on that side thank you all so much for being here today on this side this side you're well done this side you're being rare what's the differ right so I will film the entire Air Show I'm not going to live stream it but I'll film the entire Air Show and then um probably Monday Monday night after the show or Tuesday morning we'll get that video posted I got yeah Thunderbirds are definitely tighter than before I think they put on a great show I love both teams but I feel like the Thunderbirds the last couple of years I've been a little bit more impressed with them but it's been a while since I've seen the full Blue Angel High show and they do put on a great show well with the good time 3 docking and with the game day traffic tonight we're going to go ahead and head on out of here for today thank you all so much for joining me if you haven't done so already hit that like button down below hit that subscribe button down below thank you so much for being here check me out on Instagram at nickfly media as well as Tik Tok and Facebook and I should about do it for today so we're going to head on out thank you so much enjoy the rest of your Friday and hope to see you downtown for the Cleveland Air Show have a great weekend [Music]

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