Weather delays 🤷‍♀️

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:00:57 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: weather
24 more days until our Resort in remote Alaska closes for the 2024 season this morning started out like the rest in the kitchen helping with breakfast before going to the office to work Jared was supposed to guide our Twin Lakes tour today but because of the fog and low ceilings that we were having here in Port alsworth and at Twin Lakes it kept getting pushed back an hour and hour until eventually in the afternoon it was cancelled and moved to a different day when he was on weather hold and finished all the things he needed to get done for work I sent him to my parents backyard to pick raspberries my mom had just texted us saying that it was freefor all come get what you want and since he had about 20 minutes before he had to go meet someone boom here we were I joined him for a little bit it was a nice little break from the office in total we picked about five cups of raspberries these will go directly into the freezer and I pulled out other raspberries I already had in the freezer and baged those that was about 10 cups and again we can't end this video without a sweater update I am seriously so close to being at the end of the color work and yet here's my yarn Supply

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