Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:23:23
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: martin shkreli
so yeah meta meta's a really cool company we've been fans of meta here for a while um it's fascinating actually if you see their their marketing and sales costs have dropped dramatically that's interesting costs don't matter that much to meta but it's still kind of neat shut up Ketty stupid kitty so yeah 27% Revenue growth from meta pretty amazing pretty amazing but the next quarter they're looking for not so amazing Revenue grow so that's the big problem right what they say next quarter would be 36 and2 to 39 okay so maybe that's going to be 37 and2 oh that's not so bad why is everyone getting upset for that's still a lot of growth h head count 69 329 it's funny they do this big reduction in force but they're creeping back up I think all of meta's expenses are basically going to in oh yeah meta only has one business right now which is which is ADS realities the reality Labs Oculus stuff is too small to move the needle it's uh almost all ads still we're going to look at some private companies today some public companies we're going to do some other kinds of work it's going to be fun stay tuned shut up kitty you're not going to do [ __ ] oh don't be mean to Kitty Shut up kitty oh I'm streaming on W oh that's fine look at this Beast look at this little beast who's a little beast that's you little beasty little beasty ow she's not happy she's not happy at all she doesn't like it when I hold her my food's also coming soon so going to take a five two minute break to get that stupid cat that's not trashy trashy is at home with well my dad was taking care of trashy my dad passed away about eight months ago seven months ago so trashy's lost her best friend that was her best friend oh there's the food I'll be right back for for sorry about that we got some breakfast okay get some coffee some fruit um yeah that is that is a just an amazing business it's really hard for them to to lose you know um Mark Zuckerberg I woke up around 7:30 llama 3 it's been a good start to the year the new version of meta AI with llama 3 is another step towards building the world's leading AI we're seeing Healthy Growth across our apps and we continue to make steady progress building the meterse swell uh we should look at Intel George is our friend he's a friend of the stream friend of ours personally he's a young genius we're looking for the next George we got these kids in waterl this Canadian it's like Canada's MIT they're pretty pretty solid but they already have their own startup it's crazy you got to catch these kids when they're 15 16 you get them uh you get them early you get them to work for you uh I've never done cocaine I don't know why people think that rich people or Wall Street people do cocaine that's changed a lot man you're thinking of the 80s that was a baby in the 80s how do I sleep at night uh last few nights I've had had this pinch nerve you want to look at Bristol Meyers okay that sounds fun yeah I think cess Sam is just something that is not going to be that prevalent on the web because you can get arrested for it I mean it's pretty pretty crazy so doesn't seem like it's going to be that problematic I don't know if k it was a bad buy uh I got pretty much every kind of guitar except Telecaster I don't like Telecaster maybe my brother has a tell I don't know you stupid Mama I love you yes you stupid Mama I love you you little kitty um the player series I can't say I've done too much in the players series but I'll try them out I don't know if any big Pharma is going to be easy double there's no easy doubles in big Pharma that's for sure I do still like antillia but it's just biotech is Wasteland man blood in the streets always yo has always been a piece of [ __ ] yeah I've never had Aderall either so I'm just a naturally focused person I like to focus shut up K shut up okay so not a whole lot in the press release um um you guys are shooting stock after stock at me I'm not Jim Kramer um shout out to Jim I um I try not to yeah sorry about the slurping uh I try not to talk about stuff I don't know um good question on edge inference [Music] um you guys are wild in the chat man you guys are wild I only have the YouTube chat open by the way I don't have the twitch or X um Jee jeez you guys are wild yeah I'm on I stream in Discord every day so if you miss these streams and you like these streams I'm I'm on Discord a lot because it's more private and personal it feels like whereas these streams feel like I can't really talk to anybody you know what I mean would I like to be governed by AI I don't think we're going to have a choice homie I think we're going to have a choice thank you I you know I am from the streets though I keep it thorough but I'm also professional and sometimes the two sides cross over oh boy all right let's see you got uh Discord is martiny martiny so if you come to the Discord come correct do not do not attempt to troll it will not work let me see here I am I got vaccinated in prison um for covid-19 I think the vaccine works by the way I'm I'm the farmer bro so I think I know don't try to tell me about ior mechon don't try to tell me [ __ ] about [ __ ] how about that get me mad I'm not even talking to anybody and I'm getting mad huh I don't know about spotnik being better or not I mean I'm not an organic chemist so there's a lot of people that know more about chemistry than I do that's fine I don't mind I hope you do I want to I want to learn to know everything you know what I mean but it's just not just not possible all the time you know [Music] [Applause] we we'll do some learning later maybe we'll look at machine learning maybe we'll look at um something else why are you obsessed with the SEC website I like this guy um well when you do financial analysis the place where the companies put out their financial reports is the SEC website SEC forms I hope that clarifies the matter for you let me know if it doesn't I can maybe make it a little simpler to understand Form 8K did they file form 10q maybe we got to talk to our data vendor we can look at Tesla if you want godell is not better than Bloomberg it will be it will be we got maybe the best guy guy I've ever hired in my life running godell he's really great guy named Carter he's I've worked with a lot of really great people a lot of smart people I think he might be he might be the one but I can't gas him up too much if I gas him up he's going to really believe it he's going to be like you know what I am the best as a matter of fact you're right um no Jason's great Jason's great too obviously Jason's wonderful but the reason Carter is the best is because of his age he's so young and he's also a really great um businessman yeah he is the Lan alabi um he's a he's so there are young people who are mature which is rare you already cut the pie down uh 95% most younger people are not that mature they'll do stupid things they'll say stupid things they'll behave emotionally whatever and so already down 95% and then he's very intelligent technically so he he's a programmer um and he's very good at it believe it or not which most young people are not very good at it but he's been doing it for a long time and he's built production web apps so he's actually pretty good at it and he's worked on Wall Street and stuff like that and he's he's 19 it's pretty crazy um maybe he's 20 now I don't know but um he uh so so he's technically sophisticated which is another 95% shrinkage and then finally he's he's actually pretty smart businessman um which almost nobody you know can do at any age um um so he he connects with 72 um uh people at uh the exchanges like IEX and NASDAQ he's he's friends with the CEO of some of these places like he's going to business meetings you know all by himself and you know he's he's sophisticated uh carrying himself you know in a way that that makes sense yeah I'm very lucky I'm very lucky I'm very lucky uh that I get to work with guys like that so we'll see he's going to carry all of us he's carrying me he's G scy he's picking me up he's putting in his pocket I got you scy I'm carry I'm going to carry you to the promised land thank and I'm sitting there in the pocket like this thanks Carter it's fine I don't mind um [ __ ] I mean you know what did what did uh drun and Miller do for Soros right what's up ala yeah I'm trying to Mentor him a little bit tell them what I know but you know sometimes you meet people that just don't need mentoring they just they just figure it out sometimes you're you know your Mentor is like I'm not sure I mentored you or you mentored me it's a mutually beneficial it can be a mutually beneficial thing [Music] too so anyway I don't want to kiss is ass too much cuz you got to be hungry but everyone I work with is really great you know um it's not not trying to play favorites I mean let me see I'm messing this up okay I haven't updated this Facebook model in a while jeez 12 billion net income so let's just do a simple simple analysis last 12 I guess the last 12 months Facebook's net income was 40 7 billion you got that chat keep that number in your head 47 billion got it just 47 can you remember it I'm getting older so I don't know if I can 47 right okay we're going to look up the stock I I typed FB but it's met a used to be FB so we're going to type 443 in here that's the stock price and the number of shares they have is I want to say it was 25 2625 we'll go with that number so that's [Music] q124 so I'm going to divide this by that number 47 47 billion earnings so it's 25 times trailing 12 months the last 12 months so you take 47 and you multiply It by Say 10% earnings growth it's oops order order of operations issue here it's 22 times maybe the next 12 months um I I had a small niolo it was uh it was not necessarily great wait it says I have 3,000 viewers does that make sense I don't think that's possible um I've never had that many viewers in my life um I had a quote unquote [ __ ] folio for a minute I had nibble nibbles cage um yeah YouTube I don't have too many I'm sure but maybe it's all an X I don't know I don't know cuz X has a lot of uh X has a lot of these things okay I've got yeah I've got 2,000 views on X I don't know if that means viewers or not but whatever [Music] um on X I'm watching my own stream on X but I don't know where the chat if there's a chat okay there's a chat I'm chatting to myself well we'll see it doesn't feel feel like there's that many viewers oh [ __ ] hey everyone um maybe there are let me pop out this chat keep it stacked up next to the YouTube I don't think not a lot of people stream on X so like when the when somebody does stream they kind of boost you a bit do you ever feel endanger because of your Fame well look it's there's a trade-off right when you're famous there's some benefits and there's some drawbacks you just got to ask yourself if those two are worth it let's have a nice look at this delicious breakfast yeah wow I know kitties Kitty's wondering if no it's not for you it's not for you you don't get to eat until you become you be a good girl you don't get to eat you're going to starve Kitty you're going to starve I'm just kidding I'm just kidding weird know I'm going to do some of [Applause] these oh you guys want me to expose expose this uh company the scam