AT&T down? Perfect time for you to execute a stretch for your #calfs #attoutage #shorts #youtube

Published: Feb 21, 2024 Duration: 00:01:00 Category: Education

Trending searches: is at&t down
so let's go ahead and jump in with a band I'm going to take it around the 4 foot I am going to straighten my leg don't hyperextend the knee you don't want to lock the knee out too far subtle Bend you're bringing toe in and clock is on now I feel a stretch right now the greater I pull into this band obviously the greater stretch I'm going to get now do not put these hands up close to your face because if that band comes off or towel comes off the foot we don't want it smacking you in the face okay I have a CLX th band here and the smart thing probably would have been for me to wrap it around or put my foot in the loop okay so if you can do that I would suggest doing it woo feeling a good stretch here three more seconds two more seconds going to slowly ease out let's take the stretch off let's lengthen the tissue um back out or actually contract the tissue get it moving a little bit now we're going to lengthen it back out bring the toe in now when you get flexion in this ankle take the toe directly have it pointed directly over the shin towards your knee

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