UN EQUIPO MUY ESPECIAL 1992 trailer subtitulado

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:02:33 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: geena davis
like to lead you all in a little prayer dear Lord May our feet be swift May our bats be Mighty May our balls be plentiful and Lord I just like to thank you for that waitress in South Ben you know who she is she kept calling your name this summer Tom Hanks is managing The Impossible the Rockford peaches go who says girls can't play basball who says slide slide thank [Music] you I sounded good let all for the girls team let's give the for Coach a [Music] [Applause] break you're still missing the cut off man now that's something that I would like you to work on before next [Applause] [Music] season fashion got him Columbia Pictures would like to take you out to the Ball Game for an Allstar comedy they'll pay you $75 a week we only make 30 at the dairy well then this would be more wouldn't it the manager Tom Hanks are you crying there's no crying there's no crying in baseball the catcher Gina Davis what do you say we slip in the back seat and you make a man out of me what you say I smack you around for a while can't we do both the pitcher Lori Penny I made it I'm a peach a Rockford Peach the Scout John lovit are you coming see how it works here the train moves not the station and batting Clean Up Madonna what if my uniform bursts open and oops my bosoms come flying out you think there a man in this country who ain't seen your bosoms A League of Their Own all right God knows we have a game it's not like any of this helps believe me directed by Penny Mar commcial [Music]

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