Published: Jun 10, 2023
Duration: 00:09:18
Category: People & Blogs
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controversial topics is something that America is no stranger to there are many controversial topics that are discussed on The Daily one of these being capital punishment capital punishment has been a part of the American justice system for a very long time and when we look at evidence and look at some facts provided one can see that the capital that capital punishment is no longer needed in today's society today I will be discussing what capital punishment is why capital punishment is not only needed some alternative Solutions and how these Solutions can look in effect in action and finally I'll talk about ways that we can put it into capital punishment as a group now capital punishment is also known as the death penalty and according to the Bureau of Justice statistics article capital punishment published in 2021 and I quote capital punishment refers to the process of sentencing convicted offenders to death for the most serious crimes in carrying out that sentence now capital punishment 110 capital punishment the way they're executed is by lethal injection and one gets sentences when they've committed a horrible crime and although there isn't a list of set crimes that are subject to being put onto death row most of the time it's determined by Congress and any state legislature now we look at why capital punishment is no longer needed so the death penalty is no longer benefiting the justice system and so the original purpose of the of capital punishment was to help to defer people from committing heinous crimes through the aspect of fear of those commanded crimes would be scared to be put on to death row so they would no longer commit the crimes now according to James lampertus article does capital punishment deter murder published in 20 2010. it is seen through many years of research by many different Scholars that there is no deterrent value in the death penalty now along with there being no deterrent value in the death penalty innocent lives are also taken due to falsely accusing someone of committed crime they didn't commit and then being put on step through now as we can see here it says there there were seven penalty that penalty accelerations in 2014 these are the seven people who were exonerated and that it took an average of 30 years to discover that these people were innocent now since 1973 1569 people have been executed on Deborah and according to the Equal justice initiative article death penalty published in 2023 and I quote for every eight people executed one personal death row has been exonerated now what that means to be exonerated is that you're proof innocent like all these people and that it shows that you are falsely accused of a crime you did not commit now what we can learn from the statistic is that those from one in every eight people of those who were killed in Death Row one of those people were innocent so essentially the death penalty is killing about roughly one-third of the innocent people no another reason that the death penalty is no longer should no longer be used is that the drugs used in the process of weight through injection are also drugs that are highly used to save lives within the medical field now the drugs used during the process are propofil which is a anesthetic panicarium bromate and potassium chloride now according to Robert's need in an article in the Journal of the British medical journal published in 2019 and I quote an investigation in the Guardian newspaper reported that just four states execution drugs stockpiles could be used to treat more than 11 000 U.S patients now with one if by taking out the death penalty the lives of 11 000 More Humans annually can be saved now we'll look at alternate solutions that could replace the death penalty now these are all solutions that do not involve killing anyone so even if someone is falsely accused their life will not be taken one example of something that could be used in place of the death penalty is sent to me seeing Those who commit heinous crimes to life without parole so what life brought parole and tells is that you're sentenced to life spend the rest of your life in jail and you have no like chance of getting out so some people say that this is the ultimate Justice because those sentenced to spend the rest of their lives in jail and have no way of getting out whether it be by death parole escaping they're just sentenced to life in prison now in piano reform International's article alternatives to death penalty published in 2015. solitary confinement is also presented as an alternative solution so it is presented that life in prison with solitary confinement would also be the ultimate Justice in this sense that this person sentence has no contact with anyone they're stuck in the cell all by themselves and they're spending the rest of their life like this it can also be seen that in some scenarios that this that punishment would be worse than death now we can now let's take a look at how we can see this a lot see how these Solutions will work in the real world and how they can actually benefit our society so in some states this the death penalty has already been placed by one of the previously mentioned Solutions now in Illinois the death penalty has been banned by Governor Quinn and in the Janice Hopkins article in the British medical journal published in 2011 Governor Quinn goes on to say and I quote it was impossible to have a perfect death penalty system he said the best choice which is sentence those who committed a murder to life in prison now we can already see changes have begun to be made so it's time for the rest of us to step up and help to ban it for good now another benefit that would help to improve our society and just improve the criminal justice system as a whole would be that without the death penalty there'd be way less Capital spending now annually the government spends millions of dollars on on the death penalty cases per year burn single inmates cost lots more than normal inmates do and if you take a look at this here it says the average annual cost per regular inmate is only 47 421 and if we look here the average cost for one inmate on death row per year is 175 000. now these are just statistics for California alone and if we look here in California 177 million dollars are spent on death row inmates per year and that's only on death row inmates so it becomes clear that without the death penalty the government will be spending lots less money on the criminal justice system and the money that they aren't using could be put back into system to help improve it in other ways now what can we do about it it's up to us as people to get rid of the deaf penalty system and we can do this by supporting our legislation such as the people's Justice guarantee and what this legislative legislation does is it's working to ban the death penalty altogether and what we can also do is reach out to our public officials to get them to step up and act now overall it's very clear that death penalty is a very controversial topic but when we look at the presented facts and look at the overall picture it's seen that it's no longer needed