Skateboard Qualifiers at Simple Session 2024 | Full Competition | X Games

[Music] simple s baby let's go [Music] [Music] and welcome to simple session 2024 we're about to get going on the 24th edition of Europe's Premier skate and BMX contest and for the first time in 14 years we're back in simple sessions home and the European capital of culture for 2024 tatto we're kicking things off with the skateboard qualifiers I'm James thrall and alongside me here's Mr Mark Bruce how are you doing man I'm really good it is an absolute pleasure to be back in taru back for simple session in the beautiful city of T ah it's a beautiful city right I've never been here before but like we say the home of simple session this is kind of like a full circle moment for simple session right yeah yeah I mean because of course it all started it all started uh in give that camera a wave right there Mark we are live and direct coming to you from Estonia right now now today obviously we're getting into the qualifiers right we have a stacked field of riders 48 skaters that are going to be riding for us today so this is kind of the chance right we're going to whittle it down to 15 tomorrow today is kind of just kick back chill enjoy the riding right get your snacks get your drinks ready and just put your feet up at home and let the skaters here do all the hard work but if you see something great don't be don't be afraid to jump up and go crazy you know throw that drink to the ceiling that's what we'll be doing in here that's what we'll be doing in here and we've got 48 skaters from 23 countries how cool is that Mark like incredible I mean people come from all around the world to skate this place now so uh it's it's definitely a fixture on everyone's calendar especially in Europe and especially always in the baltics yeah I know growing up as a skater in England like simple session was what put Estonia on the map for me like obviously I knew of it as a country but if someone said to me a St I'm like simple session That's Where It's At so have riders that just come from all over the world this is a truly International event today and like we say that's kind of represented in 23 countries we are going to have though 12 jams for you four skaters in each jam and each Jam is going to consist of two one minute runs as well overall impression count so that's a really big deal today because in the finals you're going to see that it's best run counts but both runs are being scored by the judges today so I mean it's going to be tough for the Riders out there they've got to put it down twice absolutely absolutely I mean the best thing for them to do is to just stick to stick to your old faithfuls stay on don't try anything too naughty save it for the big save it for the big day tomorrow just stay on yeah absolutely first Rider is in as well I believe Jurgen SAS coming in from Estonia he is a Tatu OG and he is also doing the Estonian commentary in the booth next door obviously not right now but he is dipping in there as runs as soon as he finishes he's got to run back up here and uh and finish commentating in Estonian he's going to be well sweaty in the booth but getting it done nice kick flip on the driveway there as well opening up in fine style yeah he's got quite he's he hasn't come off yet so he's doing really good the commentator isn't it you know not to say that you know not to say that sorry but this course Mark you've had a little ride of it right it's oh my God everything out there is absolutely humongous it's like a vert ramp with some Street stuff thrown in the middle yeah even the rails are higher right cuz obviously this has built amazing course designed by Nate Wessel as per as well kind of like been designing the parks for simple session now for so many years but it's always really creative but it's got to cater to both BMX and skate and the BMX has want things a bit bigger and the skate is have to kind of adapt to that right but itat they wild yeah I mean it ends up with things being quite big but obviously the things in the middle of the skaters are the things that the skaters are really going to enjoy like the rails and the and the ledges so we do have so many transition skaters in this year as well yes we do have some big names abolutely we do have some very big names we might even see a Muk twist maybe or a 54 who have thought some of those quarters we were looking at earlier we were speaking to yamamo who uh looks after the skate side of things for simple session um he was saying yeah some of the quarters are around about 10t tall so you definitely get some stuff done that in real money that's 3.1 M yes there we go thank you sorry I'm speaking speaking English um so second ride it in right now gisha bashin coming out of Talon 20 years old first time competing in simple session he'll be feeling the heat yeah definitely I remember my first time dropping in a simple session you have the nerves cuz you know how big this contest is started off nicely but he has he has he has come off he's had a couple of Falls and that will hurt him gets the 50 done that's pretty sick 50/50 that Kink as well so I was speaking to baz who's going to be joining me baz keep on the BMX broadcast later as well we're talking about what that Kink at the bottom of the rail is like four BMXs and he saying actually it's really nice for BMX it kind of just helps you push push you off the rail I was like for skating it's nightm the opposite it's so hard so hard to kind of go through that so yeah we have seen some crazy stuff going on there flipping tricks down that rail so uh yeah we'll be seeing some of that later on but yeah g gets that crooked grind down down the ledge as well happy will want to get a few more points on the board though I think in run number two this is the tough thing though he can't throw away this run no he can't go okay cool I'll make it will happen my a second the judges are counting the score from both runs next up de talanov from Lithuania yeah nice kind of tweaking that Ollie out do you know what Joe Hab Goods legendary British skater he said to me he was like always open your contest run with an olle you know you're going to make it and just get get your legs going just all be so short if it was be yeah nice that little kind of shift the Ole to fakey transfer yeah you're always going to want to learn your first trick cuz there's nothing that will just absolutely throw you off your stride then then not making the first trick and all going for the no slide down the [Music] ledge and that one minute when you're out there feels like a long time long time unless you're land everything in which case just goes really fast yeah absolutely absolutely the thing here as well is um obviously we're in a very new venue this year for simple session we've never been here before this is an old comb Factory and the you'll notice is a bit smaller but it's very Compact and I think when we were previously in the arena in Talon things would be so spaced out fact yeah well no sorry the Sak Saku Arena well it's not called Saku not anymore not anymore it is unibet unet Arena yeah but that was so spaced out that that one minute run actually you'd cross back and forth and that was it here here the skaters are going to be able to go bang bang bang get the tricks in so it's a very different kind of approach you're going to see from the riders today so that is time for Devin and we go back back to Jurgen to Jurgen first guy we see hitting up that box as well on the Red Bull qu pipe lovely first of many guys you're going to see flying over that box as well lean to tail love that trick oh no and then we were talking about the OE that one just coming unstuck but I don't think that'll hurt him too much if he can get back into this it will be all good cuz he's already bashed out three solid tricks to get it going coming in for something a bit more stre oh going for the Nolly laser flip Nolly laser not often something that you see people trying but going for it on the driveway feeling like he kind of needed to step it up from run one maybe and finding ways to kind of do that a going for that front side 180 as [Music] well switch on quarter yes gets that seconds left it's his last trick always so hard as well Mark to get back into a contest run as well when you Faller gets the backside flip on the bank too so a bit of a low in the middle there the judges won't have loved the couple of Falls there but the tricks that he got done really really solid right definitely notable definitely notable so he's done all right and use of course right one of the things the judges are looking for he hit the the uh big jump box yeah and you got hear everything with confidence Here Comes gisha gisha barbashin doing it for Talon board slide to open up is he going to come back around for this 50/50 again no gets the crook see he's looking so much more comfortable those nerves that you were kind of talking about I think he's just like kind of I I think like the sharpness of that first run has kind of eased off and he's feeling a little bit morec comfortable nice and easy 50/50 he's doing really well there we go and the judges will love that like we like we were talking about that Kink rail definitely going to score you more points than the regular down rail oh oh my words wonder what happened there did he clip The Edge on that kicker he is a narrow kicker something to do with the kicker wasn't it is he just looking for the Ole might be lucky and be able to get two tricks in here if he gets his on Swit uh get the back 180 transfer as well that was huge last trick has he got time might be able to have one more that's it it's time 5 which is nice sending shouts to everyone as well getting involved in the YouTube live streams too we are live on simple sessions YouTube as well as the X Games YouTube big love to everyone let us know where you are are tuned in from right now Alan weed saying this ain't new we've been in this warehouse for a few years now no no it's a similar it's not it isn't the same place we used to be in poala tias this is Robert poas coming in from Ria yeah making that olle fakey likes those transfers yeah this part a lot faster than it looks like even dropping in the ramps and you're like you drop in and you're going about 100 miles an hour and I don't like going fast and you end up being SP out going very fast around that floor you can see how slippery it is sending shouts to propaganda tuned in from New Zealand right now Claudia is from Estonia locked in with us at the moment the like I say get involved on YouTube simple session and X Games we are live there right now you can get involved in the live chat and on fuel TV fuel TV as well we don't have a live chat there though sadly ah oh yeah okay so let's just leave it as a let's just leave it to YouTube YouTube and that right there as well it's going to be time for heat one so these guys getting things going for simple session 2024 let's take a look at some of the highlights Gia here we go there's the 5050 really flicked out there didn't he near he just rolled his board out but just really shows how much of an impact that Kink at the end makes it's only little but it's enough to throw you off that back 180 was beautiful as well Jurgen he's going to be up here in the booth next to us in a moment's time that back so flip on the back is he already in he's sweat he's coated in sweat come on y again yes he is absolutely abolutely Absolut dripping in the hot boxi locked in from Philly he says it's 5 a.m. here wow Lo is Dedication that is dedication big big love to you Aly you can see the judges up there Trey as well from Christ Church New Zealand big shout out to everyone locked in it's a truly international field of riders a truly international field of a truly field there an audience there's Pat Daffy the legend that is like you say alongside Christian PR and vessa Iola are three judges out here at simple session Dave Duncan behind him these guys all absolute rippers in their own right and we are starting to see some scores coming in right here as well they're getting them locked in gisha coming up first 3.5 see those scores on the screen in a moment's time I believe rers foror war up right now Pat Duffy no pressure being judged by Pat Duffy right skateboard royalty here we go we're seeing the scores here gisha barbashin getting it done sa in first right now A 30.5 Jurgen SAS 27.5 and Robert potas 18.6 Deon of course getting injured and next up this is the next Jam yeah here we go Heat number two going to consist of Simon Gerber Ralph Rasmus Ral Romario Sima and Benny ABA also going to be riding in the BMX qualifiers later as Benny doing both that is mental isn't it imagine imagine being good enough must be so hard I remember I remember being a kid trying to get an invite to simple session for skating I couldn't imagine being good enough to ride both I know well it saves them money doesn't it on flights just you know do the double right do the double so there Simon Gerber there yes Swiss under 16 Champion a name to watch for the future for sure doing it for Vans vcom levitation shop Let's for first number we go this is where we say this jump box feature I think it's going to be a focal feature right this year cuz it just feels like for the past few years we kind of haven't had it it feels like a bit of a signature was that a one foot Lu I'm not sure it was intentionally a one foot but but it's good the judges will definitely notice that this is like the perfect start to skate this course and like we say it's something we're going to mention hurricane grind down the rail as well we're going to keep mentioning this today both runs count no it's front sides it's the thing it's a backside is a backside 180 in but you're facing the rail on the front side so it is a front side hurricane that does spin you out kick flip are flat as well almost getting that done but yeah like I say we're going to talk about this a lot today both of the runs count it's not best run counts so the guys need to kill it front side flip in both of the runs and a front side flip over that Gap is definitely going to do it that Gap bigger than you would think I reckon I'm going to say about 6 foot what is that in meters like 2 Me 2 m is it no 2 me not 2 me 6 foot how many I'm getting on Google right now Google it feet to me here we go 6' is 1.82 [Music] M wasn't that far no that's quite a big difference in my book 12 CM yeah yeah here's Ralph ra Rasmus ra SC for Estonia he lost his board at the uh visit Estonia ferry Jam that we did the other day where everyone was jumping into the water so I believe he's on a new setup B bord on new setup should have a new setup really always unless he's already uh sessioned it hard since Friday which there's every chance doing it for Van yeah heading over the little Rainbow rail setup that we've got between the kind of hit like driveway kind of Gap that of course is to replicate the THU Bridge little board slide there oh and he just will rubbed and and it and it stopped him out 20 seconds left on the clock for Ralph Rasmus he's lucky getting another he'll get another trick in just a quick chance to get his breath back I think that is going to be time definitely going to be time on his run there for house Maron Vans and sizu I got a message from glor saying fun fact last time I went simple session it was 2003 in Tatu when I was 5 years old wow I even have real memories from it in the old park that got opened again yesterday we were down there there was an incredible Jam that went down there's going to be footage coming out from that as well and here it is is Romario Seer very very famous Estonian face oh amazing that kick flip as well to open up man that is a I feel like kick flips are one of those tricks we were talking about this before we went on air that are just a bit elusive I would be well nervous about just a straight kick flip over a driveway in run and Landing all Landing one on this floor absolutely yeah now Romario is the Estonian Minister for skateboarding how cool is that we don't have that in England we do not we do not and he's showing why as well getting that 50/50 across and down done and then coming in with the lip slide through the Kink at the bottom there nice Romario is just handling it he he just knows how to skate these yeah absolutely he knows what to do I feel like kind of yeah getting the train flipped on over as well romario's got first place for me so far it's going to be between him and Simon based on first run but again I'm going to say it both runs count so anything can happen from here you can see Simon looking at that flip Indie as well maybe going to switch things up for his second run that is worth mentioning as well right judges aren't going to want to see you do the same tricks in both runs especially count both you know you got to spice it up yeah here comes in Bena yeah getting it done in both the skate and BMX head in over the box into the back disaster up on the Big Red Bull quarter the front 50 as well how cool must it be to be able to ride BMX and skap this good yeah good enough to be in the qualifiers for both at simple session you'd be naked though wouldn't you if you made it through on both you would both you'd be so tired that would be a first as well I'm certain no one's done that before th for theide heading back through for the channel Gap there you're going to see some mad stuff going on up there from people like Danny Leon and just getting a bit squirly in the middle it started well for Benny can they get back in with the 10 seconds now waving waving off the judges now FR in tell so that's time for Benny and we are going to go back into I'm sure going to be sat on an all right score from the opening of that run like we say but stand has definitely gone up on this on this um in this Jam Simon G gber again are we going to see him switch up for the flip Indie yes amazing this guy showing why he is the Swiss under 16 Champion getting the tail slides across that long driveway ledge and then the flip from board almost on to it almost slipping out Alan asking in the chat how slippery is the floor there it definitely has a bit of slip but it's also really fast it's kind of that in between getting that front blunt done the transfer over as well seen a few people hitting that he wants that flip to Flat as well I wouldn't say that's going to hurt him so bad though because he's got some great tricks I wouldn't even risk a flip to Flat cuz the floor's so slippery gets the lip slide done as well follows romario's moves there there's the kick flip over tough competition tough competition I think between Simon and Romario right now I think Simon for me probably takes that edge on the use of park on the use of Park he's flipped into front board as well the judges will love those flipping tricks he's flipped the board over the box as well he's completely switched it up for run number two too absolutely so I for me he's going to go up into first place and probably have the score to beat as we head into heat number three Ralph Rasmus R oh ankles that gu well he didn't even didn't even Flinch didn't even Flinch AI says want to see that kick flip Indie again I missed it we will have highlights at the end I'm sure it'll be in there yeah get the back 50 just coming done and that is the Kink at the bottom of the rail just throwing you off throwing that weight a little bit backwards yeah this quarter pipe here it's not a small quarter it throws you out pretty fast yeah that is it as well you're hitting rails and you're going M 10 when you drop [Music] in what it going to be oh back 50 but he just rolls his board out standing up and that is time that's time for Ralph gorg asking in the chat hey no points given we give them at the end of the heat so you will get an update of the leader board I believe and we will also see the scores from each heat but in the qualifiers not we are not doing the live scores so we'll find out at the end Romario Seer up again currently I think re he's up for being like the mayor of I had this too I had this too the mayor and Estonian skateboard Minister what a legend just give that man a the mayor's medal and a driver oh going for the impossible was that going to be an impossible reever or did that just work out like that but I think it just worked out just worked out like that but someone that he's the nicest dudes yeah he's cool will welcome everyone in for a session back 5 down the rail that is a hefty trick that was sick but he's also just been skating simple session for I mean he's been there since I first started coming in 2015 yeah he's been there for years he's been here for ages he knows he knows the deal but also like yeah I'm a brick coming in to simple session first time ever and Romario is just welcoming with open arms like welcome to Estonia man yeah he's calling come and come and join the session not quite as good in his second run but he can just stay on this last Tri he's had a couple of Heavy Hitters I think this kind of confirms that Simon is probably going to go up into first place but that back 5 down the rail you're not going to see many of those today oh knowing he needed to go for something big and this is the tough thing as well I promise I will stop talking about it but where both runs count if ramario could have just taken run number one he just needed to he just needed to chill out but he knew he needed to switch it up as well in run number two Benny coming in squeaking that Indie grab over the box for the back disaster on the Big Red Bull quarter as well they're super comfortable with that 50 50 yeah nice Manny through as well slide but no didn't quite get on top of it and had to kick it out that is a long rail to board slide across and down as well long long long rail Benny riding kind of one of the more egg shaped boards as well very cool oh I didn't notice yeah last trick 15 seconds to go R go oh going for the kick flip on the top of the top of the corner there but yeah just B the kick flip that's time Benny waving that one away the main event is definitely going to be the BMX later on but so cool to have them in the skate contest as well right like just getting both done I feel like this must be a first just to even have someone qualify yeah it's just both qualif is just mad so here we go our prediction for our first place poll sitter right now going in to the finals tomorrow there was that flip Indie you saw it briefly we had requests see that and look at that we didn't quite realize that from the angle that we had it I didn't quite realize there' been the full nose Manny out fair play for sitting on that there we go Ralph Rasmus Ral that's RAR and then here we go is this the back 5 it's the feeble grinds I wonder if we're going to get another angle of that back 5 cuz that was there's the front lip one of the tricks of heat number two try flip getting it done here we go is this it there this is it there we go that is a huge trick and I can tell you right now you can't see it on your screens yet but Simon is sat on a Whopper of a score and I think he is going to have a long day waiting to see if he's made the final 15 cuz that score I think could be enough to get the job done yeah there we go we see Pat Duffy there the legend that is alongside the Baltic Legends Christian prek and vessa our judges for today Dave Duncan as well let's just keep listing Legends Mark let's just keep listing them Dave Duncan announcing on the park today you I was watching something recently as well um where someone was saying that Dave Duncan they believe he should be credited more for the 900 when Tony Hawk made the 900 cuz apparently he was on the mic he was picking it up he was encouraging Tony to get it done and he was also to get it done wasn't he he wasn't shutting down the best trick until Tony Landed It there we go there's that huge score right there Simon Gerber 71.6 almost 20 points clear of everyone else and Romario we were saying that first run was great 5.75 a whole 40 points clear of gisha is Simon Gerber so yeah we like we say he's got a long old way to see if he's made it but we get to jam number three do you want to run through the order yep first up we've got rockas Picos sorry if I massacred your name there Ras um next up Thomas monicos and then we've also got yamamo kangro and Tim Aguila who is a photographer for Thrasher also a very good transition skater but right now rockas is straight in skating for for laia I think maybe still getting the warm up done his name popped up and I thought we were right in there so please let some he took a hell of a slam yesterday as well coming off the ledge ribs ribs to Kink's rail like arm arm over the rail ribs full contact ouch I checked if he was all right and he was like I am fine I am wellard I'm great story James I'm from l and I will crack on there you go there's that 50/50 Over the Rainbow rail after o in the driveway who you see there as well we talk about the floor being a little bit slippy it is fast yeah whenever you see anyone land off a ra you usually see him doing a tiny little slide out yeah back wheels front wheels cuz it is so slippery it makes the park super super fast it's really smooth really really nice to rid little Smithy on the ledge there but it does have a bit of slickness to it isn't it yeah so he's had a fo but getting it come off getting it done yeah he's doing what he needs to do he's just staying on hitting every obstacle 50/50 nice and easy 15 more seconds he's linked it together maybe a couple tricks more maybe this is his last trick last one coming up he flip and that's time that's time for rockas numb chicken watching right now saying I missed the days where everything was big big and intimidating now we just have skate plazas you love a plaza Mark I love a plaza it's more accessible like this is this is just like a vert ramp like the they're big big quarters but this is it this is what makes simple session so special like I said when I first came and rad I was like right this is the real deal like we are not playing around I reckon the smallest quarter in here is about 6t tall M82 as we found out earlier Thomas monici coming in from Lithuania doing it for Converse and board Sports gets that front board down as well Thomas is a a recognizable face here at in possession yeah oh the front tail taking it to fakey as well leaking the street section together really nicely yeah yeah the blunt to Pivot fakey getting some of those transition moves in there as well I think when you've got a course like this you definitely need to be skating both if you want to be getting those high scores no just getting slightly undone on the slickness of the floor them out there yeah B recovered fast he's straight back in 15 seconds still on the clock he can make it work maybe with his nose grind I think the back truck drops on that we'll have to check another angle got away with it though he didn't still he survived he's still in the game yeah there's the no slide down as well and that is a solid start for Thomas that good sake you run there that shoved to fakey is going to be after time as well so that is absolutely fine there's yo here we go now this guy yo if you come and skate at simple session you will absolutely know this dude he will be the guy speaking to you before you get here he's looking after you he doesn't get to skate a simple session much he's got two kids these two one minute runs will probably be the most skating he's done all weekend absolutely he comes and gets involved absolutely he's the one that herds herds up all the all the skaters to come get in on time yeah absolutely so he's got a big job to do he is a ripper but pretty much goes from behind his laptop to skating the course in qualifiers every year and I love that he still does it absolutely making it count as well really mixing it up between the rails the transition 20 seconds still on the clock yeah the Smith grind there as well absolute Estonian Ripper is Yo nice little F Dolly handling problem together yeah holding it together he's doing really well and skating fast skating fast he's got I can see he's got he's got a nightwood skateboard M Bo like the only pro skateboard St ah no way that's his Pro is here he's here he's going to be we're going to see him later on today last time he skated he had the wildest pair of trousers I've ever seen rainbow rainbow Den is in Jam number 12 alongside haime mat Danny Leon and Julian agardi we have some Heavy Hitters to come but right now in for his first one minute run we've got Tim AGA coming out of Riverside California doing it for foundation Crook skate shop and whilst he's here he's getting a load of ss of frasher as well cuz he's a frasher photographer incredible amazing skater was here last year of course with the west of the blood Wiz team when they did an incredible tour around they were between the contest just hitting all of the spots that Talon and kind of Beyond had to offer right came in early ahead of the contest and they were just ripping it up if you want to check that out if you just search for like I don't know what it's called but if you search for Estonia blood Wizard and Thrasher that backside boneless up on that quarter there as well this guy can definitely hand he knows that a scate of transition which is [Music] perfect also worth mentioning as well if you want to heighten the experience today you can get your fantasy simple session team in how could is that if you search for split game LP game you can get a fantasy team in four Riders you have a budget I'm pretty sure you can still do it I'm not sure if it's been closed because qualifiers have started but yeah flip game if you want to get involved pick for Riders you'll get your score at the end of the contest as to how they've done we've got rockas back up again from9 l getting it done in run number two surfing out that slide a little bit and straightens that board slide down as well looking great he's winning a lot of contests around Lithuania at the moment but this is his first time at simple session he's kind of been earning his stripes and then getting to come here it really is kind of like a benchmark isn't it it's like a milestone if you're skating you know you you've got to be out winning your kind of local contests doing good things in your country and then come to simple session and get in I know it means a lot to the Estonian skaters and other Baltic skaters that get to come here yeah there's a real Benchmark in European skating getting into this contest so anyone that's qualified big big salute to you and rockas is absolutely making it happen doing it Converse out here today 10 seconds left on the clock for him coming in he tried the heel flip again over the bar but didn't quite make out to kick it away and that's time rockas solid though from rockas getting a lot done in both of his runs the judg is going to like that another guy who got a good number of scores on the board I think a good number of Tricks down that the judges are going to like Thomas micius coming out of Lithuania second time out skating simple session good friends with a lot of the Estonian guys as well I believe I'm sure he's been in more than twice I have on the sheet in front of me second time at simple session just slipped into a Willie grind there on that 50/50 thing is when you when you bail like that when you bail like that and you've got to run up one of these core pipes it takes so much energy out of you yeah definitely this is the challenge isn't it it's like as well where it's big it's you got to get the speed up to be able to hit a lot of the things so once you lose that momentum it's not like the skate plaz as we were talking about earlier where it's like oh yeah just take a push and I'm back in yeah it can take a minute to get back into this especially if you're one of the transition guys you've got one minute on the clock you drop a trick and you're like I now don't have the speed for the rest of the Run how am I going to get back into this really up to to the top of the quarterback again Thomas hustling though to get that last trick done oh going for the front blunt shove out as well just misses it he did he did just about pop it just time but just slipped out yeah just about slipped out I think yeah you're right it's close to the Mark he's hustled hard enough that the judges will kind of let it go I think that's the great thing about contests like this it's not it's not the Olympics where it's going to be like a hard C if it's like do you know what you were pretty much that like we just we'll let that count y y Ali front lip really lesser scen couple ago what's he got for us here he going to hit the hit the ledge front side 18 180 making those [Applause] grind oh going for the board slide through the king's rail I haven't touched that I I was skating it in practice the other day the uh the Pu I think that's maybe one of the only things that I didn't even look at skate with the King on the end it's dangerous it is dangerous well you seeing people flipping into that we'll see them flipping in I'm sure later today y Mo pulling I'm going to say the first early grab of the contest as well W be the last I hope we see more love an early grab flip back tail up on the corner for y Kang and he is happy with that as you should be flip back T and then literally look he's up the stairs and back off to the office that is it he's got to go work he's got to go and work he's literally working on this contest right now like I say yamamo the guy that is looking after all the skaters every skater out here loves yo mainly because yeah he is literally looking after him he's making sure that they're surviving whilst they're in Estonia back to Tim Yeah Tim coming back in out here on work and play is that back 50 52 yeah definitely a transition Ripper but really can't wait to see yes switching up on the big quarter there can't wait to see the snaps he's got he snaps as they're professionally known for Thrasher whil he's been [Music] here yeah the GU absolutely ripping we've got some huge names in the contest this year but he's definitely been out hanging out with people like Jake woodon Jaws is coming up in not too long oh of course Ben Rayborn simple session this year Tim crazy Obviously good friends with all those dudes rips it up with them as well on the transition there's a beautiful textbook sweeper up on that Big Red Bull quarter lovely him no we go speaking of Jaws hanging out there with him and group number four we in the next Heat we've got iand from Pablo coranza coming out of sant andere and Lon baronia and if I've said that wrong I'm sorry I don't blame you yeah here we go checking out some highlights of heat number three Thomas micius getting it done mixed it up I love a blunt pivot fakey as well is a fun feeling trick down theedge there's y looking like he was almost going to fly off the side of the box there there we go the beautiful front disaster he does them so well there we go the foot blant up as well front 180 faking those coins he's got them he's got them on Lock and then this back flip to tell the flip back te on the visit Estonia quarter yamamo getting it done Tim Aguila that sweeper up on the quarter as well some great transition went down in Heat number three shout out to everyone in the live chat we've got people waking up right now 805 Central Coast California says they're locked in it's 3:10 a.m. what you back to bed mate 3:10 a.m. couldn't sleep so let's go coffee and skateboarding big love to you locked in right now on the X Games YouTube live chat got sourced saying is this live yeah we are live in direct right now Australia the there's yo in the judges box he's up there we go he's got his headset back on he's straight back in the game straight back in the game Liam Ford locked in he says it's 8:12 p.m. Saturday here in Australia time zones all over the place right now big big love to everyone locked in if you want to shout make sure you uh get involved in the chat the great thing about the qualifying day is we're kind of it's a bit more chilled we're a bit more laidback we've got a whole stack of skaters to get through 47 48 skaters I believe we've got in skateboarding qualies so just kick back and enjoy chill with us have a great time get those snacks all the coffee in like we were saying so we got the judges going through last Jam we can see points coming in it's quite interesting yeah points dropping in Simon Gerber the guy to beat the Swiss assassin just 15 years old setting The Benchmark and here we go we see how those scores get shaken up Tim Aguilar getting it done 59.83 those sweepers were loved by the judges really good show by the estonians we got two estonians in the top four so yeah absolutely crushing happy with that rockas getting a 3583 Thomas getting a 32.75 and yamo a 39.75 putting him into fourth place but we move into Jam number four right now like we say Yago brani coming out of Brazil IO kissan from Tatu he's a local for this contest so the crowd I hope are going to go wild for him got Pablo coranza also out santand doing it for Vans and jar and we we have Lon baronia coming out of sella doing it for El and I'm told Lon has a Mark 7 Volkswagon Golf big exhaust Bean can exhaust as we used to call them yeah pops and bangs pops and bangs doesn't that just break your car though running a little bit rich on your fuel mix there mate I got to pretend I know what you're talking about it pops and it bangs because there's too much fuel going for the exhaust and when it ignites the exhaust that's what makes the bang it makes the bang so and then it does break your car it probably doesn't do any good yeah perfect amazing at least I think that's what it is that please correct me in the live chat if I'm wrong laroon doesn't care Lon doesn't care he's got a cool car he's got the cool sponsors and he's out at simple session he's having a great time so Yo's already up he's already done a front so 180 doing it for Brazil popped a nice no BL there do you want to know something wicked about yo as well former professional ballet dancer wow is Yo in onca yeah he's also a music artist going by the name Young vins but today he is under his real name aago brani and he's getting it done a simple session his first 30 seconds absolutely making it count mixing up nicely getting a flip trick in there as well the judges well aware I mean we've got Pat Duffy on the judging panel well aware of how hard a flip Trick mid run is man if yo used to be a bellet dancer his ankles are going to be toast when n that'll be great I think few few anle TW get fromp slides that rail as well is hard hard trick on such a short little rail it's a it's tall as well this is what I mean everything at symol session looks relative right because it is all big so you kind of think it looks like a normal size skate park but absolutely not everything here there's no chillers in this park right I day T day Legend the right there looking good apparently also handy and basketball and GI uh and disc golf what is disc golf oh it's when you play golf with a frisbe yeah I love that a disc mate it's a disc don't diss it oh sorry and he learned he learned to ride a bike at 18 years old which is I think probably quite old there somethingone to learn how to ride a bike do you think he was skating before he had a bike he was like do you know what I think probably I don't need two wheels I've got four TR all day being wrapped all over his body and his board 50/50 down the ledge also doing it for min SC two cruising over to same what's up to Raina there Estonian videographer and photographer getting it done on that streety section to the side here over the driveway and that is [Music] time no not a bad first one EV is forbidden on the X gam Chan Awesome Saturday night here in New Zealand watching this just chilling kicking backo quite clearly sponsored by fans here from Spain s in Spain 33 years old for Van J monkey energy drink and Mama and also a safe to Beach dolphin's life Pablo a kind man what a guy blasting front side there as well he was doing them in practice all day the front side o up as well ticking off all those all those big boxes Bo front Smith just kind of slipping up on the box but still going for it anyway going down into the disaster not sure if he was going for the disaster just cuz that kind of was how it worked out with the Smith or not we'll probably see on run number two mixing it up getting a bit Street as well yeah 50 through that long driveway section coming up yeah with the nice foot BL the bean plant up on the takeoff for the jump box oh going for the W rid up there as well grabbing I'm assuming that's going to be yeah he was trying that one yesterday noan Miss go as well got a w ride pull in cheeky SE anyone do that yet that's time part of the Spanish crew out here alongside people like hman M and Danny Leon who you'll be seeing in qualifiers later on they've got a real real group of them out there all ripping transition they just love it they love a big tring they speaking of the Spanish crew as well let's get LaRon baronia onto the course doing it for element styling shop and piranha he was get really good yesterday in the uh practice absolutely smashing someone that mixes up both transition and Street and for me Bo for me that is what you're going to need to do to win this contest you can't skape one or the other the judges are going to want to see you being able to hit both yeah nice Indy transfer from the quarter to the flat Bank in the middle there that also creating a channel Gap that L over the uh over the bridge bridge rainbow rather Danny was hitting Danny Leon hitting that channel Gap yesterday absolutely W there we go coming in for the front to F lucky with that one Landing onto the nose coming out but getting it done front down as well nice 10 seconds left he might be a to S one more in so do you know what not quite the run that LaRon was hoping for with the full on the second trick on that nose pick but biggie back Nolly biggy Nolly biggy to disaster to finish off I think he's going to be happy with that that's not going to hurt him and with a good second run there we go speaking of Danny they're showing him some love as well as Pablo as well a real good group of the Spaniards out here this year but I don't think that's going to hurt him too bad he's had a couple of Falls but he also managed to get a ton done in that run so run number two I'm pretty sure he can uh if he can pull a full run there the judges are going to give him a very good score yo coming in again yeah getting it done like we say getting we said we W see the last early grab of the day yes go oh going for the flip back board again it's a short rail like you say Mark to get on that yeah flip that board onto hold the ball slide and come out to fakey it's pretty much like a front side flip slapping the board part way through right yeah just got dink off the end very difficult to control especially on this floor as well Al [Applause] Indie fakey fakey on the quarter com back through for something fakey on the visit Estonia quarter now he might be able to slip in one more tricket if he about how he gets back up that round three two one and that is time little melon street street grab who doesn't love a street grab I love a street speaking of Street grabs like I was saying earlier Jaws coming up later on oh he loves a street grab oh he loves stre grab he'll 540 with a street grab would he wild outrageous I was talking to him last night about some of the big gaps that he's done sure you get sick of it as well everyone being like can you just talk to me about your big gaps and your drops that you've hit here's a again front lip oh and just slips out [Music] there I would be sweating so much with a woolly hat yeah it is warm isn't it oh penguin yes Penguin slide out [Applause] like we were saying earlier one of the locals here in Tatu must feel very cool for him to have simple session back and it's home and also to have a brand new skate park that's opened up where simple session originally happened the original the original Park that simple session was held onisto and Mario and pet as well who kind of set up symol session between them boy and he's come off they helped build that Park the original Park that was there they were helping build that it must be so nice to see like a brand new park on there as well it must be crazy for really nice par really nice par crazy for them to see that oh going for the shove un shove down the big drop off the kicker off the driveway number get ready your warm coming in about two minutes we got Pablo and Lon the two rippers from so Pablo kza we come back to the transition Ripper that is 33 years old doing it for Vans and J he's a proper unit is he Big L oh yeah look him Boulder is what helps him to generate that speed kind of got a bit of like the P the Pedro baros kind of like Peter HK just flying around the course now just marking off those boxes he gets the Smith St smithed all to disaster on the lower box which he missed on his first run so I wasn't sure in the first run if he was trying to take it to disaster or if that was just what happened what was that that was great The Accidental was Wily Willie grind and then just manag to stay on it the Willie grind's pushing the foot along the floor whilst it happens we're going to say that counts if the judges don't score that I will personally be going up there and kicking [Music] offs off the top top top Road maybe we have words he's got Bo yeah you see just even on a board side it can just absolutely kick your ass that roundout last trick time maybe out get something in he's going to try anyway this one is for the crowds and you watching at home oh he got a bit squirly just trying to generate that speed that's the most annoying feeling when you're trying to you're pushing hard and you're like yeah cool but you just lean forward that little yeah back back wiggles out too much Johnny Gan calling that a one foot lazy grind sounds about right here's L coming in again L to round Out jam to round Out jam number four he's not had the best of luck on that Red Bull quarter but he did as I was saying earlier get a lot done in run number one but he really needs to get back on he really needs to just shake this off let's get because both runs count we're going to be saying it all day in the finals tomorrow it is best run but for qualifiers both runs are being scored back D 5 over the rainbow row he's getting back into it he needs to have a really good 30 seconds here front side FL front crook oh and the floor takes him out it's a real hard trick front crook on that w coming out onto that floor I'd imagine really got to stay over the top makes it a really fast park it makes it rapid and you will see people absolutely flying around it later BMX is as well absolutely sending it around this place it does make the floor that little bit more slippy does do the BMX the BMXs suffer with the same slipp not quite not as bad as us on the boards but yeah they definitely you can definitely notice it do they just like let air out the tires I I gen just mik it just mountain bike it instead keep on the screen after theat show replays up on the here we are maybe we see some highlights here yo faking no BL it's going be an Al grab trt all day nice the board slide down AO there backed up by the 50 Pablo just vibing represents doing it for sander it's going to be this France Smith beautiful part of Spain that as well Santander some amazing parks in that part of the world too we did a trip once with element The Basque country and oh my word have you ever skated over there have you ever skated over that way South France North oh actually I think I have I think I skated Seville and it was so hot oh yeah it's just impossible to do anything there some amazing Parks down there and some real kind of transition skating royalty down that way as [Music] well I say down cuz we extremely far north right now in Tatu I've got to remember not to say Talon eston I'm so used to saying simple session in Talon Estonia today we are back in tartu the home the OG home of simple session and the judge is getting it done right now you can see him locking in the scores there's Cho wiggling his eyebrows Simon Gerber still way out in front at the moment yeah he's absolutely smashy I mean he's like what 10 points clear it's just ridiculous 10 points clear of Tim AGA well 12 points pretty much have we just given away what the sces are haven't seen him locked in yet no that's we can see him gradually dropping in on our screen Duffy is now entering if you see Pat Duffy hit the enter key that usually means we're having a score popping up here so there we go you see LaRon baronia managing to make it happen getting a 52.1 6 put himself into fourth right now I think he will be a bit disappointed with that knowing what he could have done and we'll have to see if that is going to stand the test of time because being in fourth right now is great but there is 20 points between Simon and LaRon right now and as we head through you're going to see that those uh scores get filled in those gaps get filled in abs absolutely now the next Jam we have Alvaro ruero we got Christian Navar as well yland Neils Eric I believe not riding Neils Eric really maybe picked up an injury just have word in my ear that Nils Eric May well not be in this one which explains why we can see only three people on the park getting warmed up right now a shame Nils is really good not sure sure if he's taking a slam yeah you might be right he's he's not riding same with chriso o Mets who uh a took a slam in practice blew his knee out or something yeah it's really bad when see him in the tent and he's just like looking really really glum as he would do could like get big ice pack on his knee waiting for an ambulance so just see what happens see what happens with ch I hope he's okay okay EST mad another one of the Spanish crew another one of those Continentals transition Ripper oh he's decided he wants to start somewhere else tar coming in it's best just to hang on stay on yeah little Ollie out there big Ollie to get it started front side ollie on the bank as well heel flip up as well just slightly under rotating the flip that 45 seconds still on the clock though Alvaro require love the Spanish Riders we were just down in Spain a couple weeks ago for World Cup tour good to see him out here in simple session OE up 30 seconds left on the clock for him France side OE the quarter what's he going to be he really wants this heel flip don't don't get stuck on one trick mate L fakey might have time for two tricks one last trick more [Applause] seconds he's going to have to hustle to get there if he wants to make this one yeah it's going to be a bit too long for the judges they might give you got little layback layback front side grind yeah the judges will probably give you a little bit of leeway if you're pretty much there and you know you're popping Maybe second after the buzzer I'm sure the judges they're still watching they're still watching and you end up in that sweet like grace period there where if you land something it's great if you bail it's all right it's was the second half the time so yeah you're still going to be all right yeah Christian naet there Christian naet Legend was ripping the streets yesterday coming out of Santiago but lives in Finland with the Ole over yeah he did a no slide drop down like it was a flat ledge down onto a ledge down a set of stairs it was very very cool yesterday Christian of course is the older brother of Darren never for creature he's not really I just completely made I was say I was like no diss to Darren but I think he's older than 38 he might be doing it for grow skateboards oness Wheels big smile on his face always nice to see yeah we get a lot of finish skaters coming over over to simple session like we say Obviously coming out of Santiago in Chile but living in Finland right now see even a kick Pi on this floor is just there's no guarantees it's just so hard tocate again last trick six seconds seconds the ol to Flat big impact just coming off the front and that's time going to need to really make it count in his second run but still viin enjoying the session today and then a friend of his coming out hell sinky doing it for DC y nordland who has some of the best flip tricks I've ever se he just blasted like a 4ot high Nolly flip on flat y oh look at the shape on that Ollie little little Shifty there when you can make an olle look that good oh look at the Nolly 180 as well flers speaking of floaters the fakey Ollie as well Trey flip over the driveway coming back oh coming off the lip slid through yeah that kinked rail it's not kind unforgiving it is unforgiving that is the word for it Mark Nolly flip going for that over the driveway can tell he's gotten down [Music] 20 seconds he lefted on the clock for y nland the most chill style yeah chilling nose grind doing it properly as well like Manny in the nose grind little pop out the end no touch and the floor just taking him out on the Crooked grinds he's having a good time I think enough in there for the judges to work with as well they're going to yeah I can tell he's he he can they can tell he's on it so I think they might they might they'll they'll score him kindly I think the first kind of 30 40 seconds of the run there scoring well for him definitely maxing out those style points right absolutely now we're back round to alvardo leguero from Madrid in Spain 27 years old yeah Rea in the layback front side grinds the will we see the heel flip here up the driveway oh just under rotating again the hill flip not quite working for him this time around Robert Wilson in the chat saying I love skating that's good Robert you're in the right place we've got loads we got loads of skating for you and Liam Ford asking is Jaws in this comp yes Jaws will be later on today a little bit later he's going to be in I'm not sure sure what Jam he's going to be in soon I will have a little look ahead in a moment's time when you are talking through the highlights Mark uh yes there we go Alvaro getting that he flip done the crowds showing their appreciation for that as well time for your last trick Alvaro showing Alvaro the love he's worked for that one be he's going to try for the hill flip no he's not no going up for the ledge and that right there time for Alvar and we're going to go straight to Christian Navarette hoping to get a bit of Redemption on this run an amazing skater that just didn't quite manage to put it together in run number one but has some amazing tricks that he can pull there's that Ollie over maybe the first run will kind of give him a little wake up wake up shake up and he'll figure out yep he stayed off ah he did really well to get away with that through the slippery floor and that just kind of again nearly nearly buckled there I think that shows as well just how much that Kink at the bottom of the rail can throw you off he really wants his front side nose Slide the Lesser scen hand rail front side nose slide I appreciate it's not a street hand rail but you know the down rail yeah you don't have to see a front good front nose do you good front nose on a on a down rail like that it's usually a ledge trick yeah nice no slide across the whole driveway this is going a bit better for Christian this time around trying to go to the board side up the rail 10 seconds left he might just be able to get another trick in you tried to kick from Flat again did you not learn from the first time Christian naare I think run number two is going to score in more than run number one yeah definitely way to the clowds final Rider good friends with Christian as we were saying we found them out just sessioning in the streets yesterday that was when we saw that was when I saw the no slide they were just out having having a session with Marius as well from Helsinki the Finish crew coming out oh that L like such a nice popover as well just getting away from him looked so floaty it's bad is it like with with skateboarding like you'd think after they've been practicing all day they'd want to go back to the hotel and relax but they don't they just still skateboarding yep y the guys here are skating all day every day and then they'll skate to the party in the evening as well yeah yeah oh going for the Nolly backside flip ASP Nolly backside flip that would be that be lovely over that over that little driveway there let's see if he's going to try again so chilling shape on that perfect at his beautiful long hair he was going for the what a dream boat fakey nose pick what a dream boat going for the fakey nose pick up on the quarter there 10 seconds on the clock is he going to be is he going to try another one up it's time it's time for y they've been out stacking Clips so simple session just kind of one part of their trip over to Tatu and I think that's the great thing like you've kind of got to experience simple session in person because the contest the bit that we commentate on is just one small part of it we've had jams we had the new Park opening we had everyone hitting a half pipe on a boat yesterday or Friday even no it's Thursday what day of the week is it I was just walking through town like I went for dinner with my my my family who come who come over and there you could just see people you could hear skating you could see skate you could see these guys skating the streets like around every corner so if you're a skater or bmxer or you just love skating or BMXing make it part of your agenda to get out to a stainer at some point for simple session yeah tartu is some really really good spots yeah really great spots and you won't have seen them in any any any SK videos either checking out the highlights at the moment the nice try flip do you want to talk us through whilst I find out what heat Jaws is in there's there are the judges there we go Jaws is going to be in Jam number 10 for you later on a lot of people hyped to see him that was down number five we just saw and there's Pat Duffy doing bit of um housekeeping yeah alongside Christian PR and vessa Iola there's Christian Anar who's announcing right now on the floor just behind him joined by the legend that is Mr Dave dun Dave Duncan Simon Garber still up top Y is just slipped in a eighth in eighth place still got two estonians in the top eight which is really really good yeah so not shaking up too much J nland getting into eight and I think we're going to start to see some heavy heavy scores coming in soon looking down the list we start to see people like Alex Nolan MLL Ben Rayborn sha hail what AER Shan ha is bird house Aaron jores hoki Matias Del oio as well it's going to be ripping Jam number six right now though speaking of ripping Christopher setas maxims I'm going to absolutely butcher his name loves coming out of Ria and Jakob aruval from Canada who is is currently living in do you find that now you live in Estonia Mark you are better with the names yeah I mean it's quite easy with Estonian because you say it exactly phonetically as it's written like in like you might have if it was French and their name was Jean you would say Jean and there are silent letters or like and like the word Mercedes in English is three e and they're all pronounced differently but in Estonian if you see written Estonian you know exactly how every single letter is pronounced so you can kind of BL it once you get your once visually you get your head around you can start saying the words so next up we have Christopher coming in oh beautiful little popping on that [Applause] crook that's the front tail acoss I love the pop out as well a good pop out of a tail slide or a no slide goes a long way the judges will love that as well they know what they're looking for it yeah just really solid but the confidence the control the style as well yeah you're kind of getting all round marked up for that go for the backside flip over risky move very risky to do a flip Trick over that uh over that over that driveway unless it's like a trade Flip or something but then we did see with Simon Gerber our current leader he did a front side flip over that Gap the judges loved it he's Sat On A Wild score right now oh a first flip into a grind there I think that's going to be a what is that going to be a flip front five or flip 50 down the ledge Simon did a flip front board down the rail oh yeah his my mistake going for the flip back 50 as well see if he can make that happen Christopher is going to I'm sure be set on a great score goes flipping flip out kind of tricks anything flipping your board the judges are going to be marking up in a contest run get the back flip the flip 50 as well judg is going to absolutely love that we have going for Opera wheels and Boards what looks like FP as well he loves the switch tricks as well does he now Max yeah he loves getting a bit switched which we haven't seen too much of there we go a beautiful tck knee into the back disaster trying to slow down a little bit coming off that g through the front side lip slides he clung on didn't he switch front board lovely making that work fair play to maxims a just coming undone on that kick flip there but the hairy start to that run do you know what the judges will love that as well like being a little bit on edge a little bit yeah a little bit it he made it he's got maybe two more tricks in here if he's if he's smart this time just trying to go back from the kick flip yeah is he going to switch up he is yeah smart move just put the kick flip behind you get that last trick in something down the rail going for the front blunt that is a scary one to hit with the Kink on the bottom if he gets that it will definitely score him well so run number one done for maxims and then we go to ycob Aral for Converse he loves that met I always see him in that Metallica t-shir I see him skating around T got last skate with him at B the arm loves em Manuel loves a front BL loves a front crook do you know when he moved to Talon cuz he is originally from Canada from Toronto I mean he I think he's been there like roughly the same time maybe a little bit longer what has you have been yeah I think so I think so loves to front side blunt L the front blunt oh going for the blunt flip as well again talking about risk versus reward it's a risky trick to throw in but you know what if you get it the judges are going to be all over that absolutely he's got to be smart with his uh smart with his time now cuz he hasn't actually so I think he's got to really try and P say out here want to try and make it through one last one last on just got to him a little bit too much there maybe on his second run will be drag something together but he'll just have to work extra hard to try and make good [Applause] impression he looks like Jake Johnson Jake Johnson confirmed confirmed James confirmed okay going back to Christopher settin let make for Christopher settin he's actually jakob's friend from Canada oh really loves a crooked grind and showing just how could he is with that opening one there yeah that France like tail slide he's got them locked in both absolutely text where's he going to switch up Smith he looks like he wanted maybe wanted to try something else but look okay to me oh there we go flip this is what we should have seen okay there's the confidence that he's he goes okay so are we going to see this flip from 50 down the ledge is that what he's going for again oh just just missed it so frustrating he's done the hard bit he's got the flip he's caught it he's ready to lock it in and that front truck just slipping over out yeah he just have time to oh I think that's redeemed him and he'll have another pun on the way back so man one oh no he's going for something else switching it up or is he oh this might be a little bit too long off time flip crook flip crook is that's all right I think he that that flip 50/50 kind of saved him a bit so textbook as well getting that done than out maxims let's see what he's got Camille in the X Games Live Chat saying loving all the contests going on right now thanks for joining us Camille thanks for locking in yep we have hours of skateboarding still to go for you let's see what he's got for us oh going for the flip is that going to be a flip FR I think it was front board by the looks of things where the truck ended up on the rail big rail to be flipping on to Big rail to be doing anything on but there we go talk about the switch stance right talk about the switch stuns that is a nice little combo of the flip front board to the switch front board back floor just took him out though such a shame he wants it yeah definitely what he's going for that flip front board he's kind of seeing that he's only got 15 seconds on the clock at the point of which he looked up so kind of only really got time for one more he really wants this flip from boards a the pressure de pressure must be so tough out there Round of Applause for maxims he's having a good time didn't quite produce arur bov also his fellow laan skater yob Aral always does a little knocking thing on his board before uh he drops in yeah three times for anyone that doesn't kind of know this part of the world though a lot of kind of like finish finishing Lan skaters out here cuz it's really not that far away is it right laia laia is like is a little driveway a 2hour drive from here um to get a flight from Helsinki is about 45 minutes so F yeah so exactly from Talon right we're kind of more Southeast right now aren't we Southeast Estonia um but yeah so you'll see a lot of the Baltic skaters they know each other very well yeah the fins and the estonians always have a really good uh relationship the skate scenes kind of merge a little bit don't they like you end up crossing paths a lot and it's really really cool to see and a real privilege to kind of get to come out and join the crew that kind of already exists out here whenever we're out a simple session always like I was saying earlier kind of welcomes in a just not quite happening right now for yob yeah I think the nerves got to him a little bit yeah wbe one more trick Dave dunan Zing him on one more yakob see [Music] it and he tried the flip front board again didn't quite do it and that's time that's T yob we're going to see some highlights and then move onto Jam number seven yeah there Christopher oh it's going to be we're going to see some scores off these highlights beautiful cab there front tail little pop out backside [Music] flip a little scoop there oh that flip 50 was just texer wasn't it perfect you don't get better than that really really nice and look at that tuck KNE as well like what saying earlier I think if you're going to want to win simple session this year you are going to need to mix it up between the transition and the street elements you are really going to have to hit a bit of everything out here that is what with simple session the score is going to get locked in for Jam number six that is what our judges are doing right now Pat Duffy part of the esteemed panel Dave Duncan looking into the camera there for all of you guys watching in the US right now couple of American legends for you right there on screen alongside like I was saying earlier Baltic Legends Christian PR and vessa Iola we're going to check out the scores from this see if it shakes anything up and then we're going to head to a little break chance to get some more snacks get some drinks get some coffee if you're watching at 3 nearly 400 a.m. right now as some of you committed bun big love to you wherever you're watching right now if it's the night time CU you're in Australia or New Zealand or if it's early morning cuz you're in America big love to you see Pat Duffy now just punching the scores in Timothy T saying Double D on the live chat D SES and kitty just sending loads of Hearts a great time thank you kitty here yours so Christopher settin pushes his way to Fourth nice Christopher the only one breaking into those top spots maxims fov getting a 27 yakob with a 13.33 currently sat on the bubble for top 15 is Christian Navarette will be back with Jam 7 at simple session 2024 very soon [Music] simple s baby let's go [Music] you [Applause] remember if you're doing any uh Social Media stuff make sure you hash simple session or simple session 24 or if you want to see updates on all that check the uh simple session Instagram Facebook pages simple session 24 # visit Estonia # 2 2024 all those # trying to Hype it up [Applause] so yeah follow us on social media simple session [Applause] St [Applause] [Music] spe for [Applause] [Music] hey guys we got three minutes left the warm of 3 minutes and then we're going to get underway with number seven jam session so everyone must get off the course in the next couple minutes get your last runs guys we got to start heat s with Marius s arur banovich hero nunz Alex tunia and I want to give those four guys a decent warm up so just about 2 minutes let's get everybody off the course she got two minutes left thank you [Applause] [Applause] all the skaters well if you're not doing good in the contest do not worry you can still win the after partyward which is the shooters [Applause] all right guys please get your last run guys and just clear the course we need to have just the guys in group seven Marius archers proo Alex shunia you guys can keep skating Alex archers you guys are good hey hey Alex tell the Japanese kid to go away right there the one next to you right here tell him take a break seriously this one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah only only group six uh seven right now group seven only thank you Matias thank you yeah yeah take a break only group seven right now guys thanks Danny thanks Sean hail we got Sean hail here yes Sean good see Julian take a break hero get in there this is your this is your warm up official only group seven please Carl take a break thanks guys trying to get these guys a group seven improper warm up without it being super crazy out there Millis take a break Millis hey guys please please do not skate on a course right now we're going to start Japan take a break Sakurai yeah yeah Sakurai take a break Carl take a break group seven only right now group seven thanks [Music] station baby let [Music] go warm up at all right yes welcome back to simple session 2024 coming to you live from Tatu Estonia right now we've just seen the first half of skateboard qualifiers and we are ready to get into the second half right now I'm James thr for alongside Mark Brewster how's it going guys thank you for joining us today Mark what do you think of what we've just seen yeah really good really good standard but there is there are some really big hitters coming up oh man we've got some big names we were running through them just before we got people like Shan hail we've got Jaws out there we've got Danny Leon we've got some people that are going to hit these big Transit position gaps that you are seeing around the park right now and mix it up on the rails as well it's going to be huge right it's going to be massive it's going to be I mean there just going to be destruction I mean like Ben Ren oh yeah like just forgetting names like there's so many incredible people but the big talking point right now is that the 15-year-old Swiss Simon Gerber is sat in place number one right now has been Untouchable isn't he he's not only the first person to break into the 70s on the scoreboard today he's the first person to break into any in the 60s as well we've got a 59 as second place below him absolutely now you can see the next Jam we've got marus cenan Al banovich and then we've got Pierro nunz and Alex Duna coming out of Milton Kings as well sending big love to you if you are locked in on our YouTube chats right now we would love to hear from you YouTube the simple session YouTube live stream or the YouTube live stream over on X Games is there Mar's first person I've seen floating over the entire box first crack yeah make sure you tell us where you are from right now where you're locked in what are your predictions little 5 Coast to Coast on the rainb there FR side Nolly Marius a real kind of legendary skater here in Europe and the rest of the world doing it for New Balance Levi's habitat time's good no comp 180 just really chilling yeah he's looking really relaxed isn't he apart from when he absolutely just freaked out and kicked his board away yeah going for the transfer up onto the massive quarter there still got plenty of time he's cruising so it's nice to see him relaxed shame he didn't last that he didn't land that trick that'll be his last one I think he should be okay with that but you will need to pull his socks up a little bit if he wants to get through the um through the finals tomorrow shouts to Colin Webster watching from Bristol from his guitar pair Workshop right now Bristol is kind of near my part of the world Big Love is Mr Boger beans and cheese in Cornwall as well UK representing right now banovic Legend aka Mr Boger loves a hill flip loves a hill flip a hill flip there we go that melon grab over tweaking that out to the side slightly yeah little floer there see that's a really smart way actually to be able to slow down for the street cour cuz these quarters man for those Ledges you come in so hot if you're just dropping straighten off the quarter and then hoping to hit one of the ledges of rails down rails they're basically vert ramps end it's not like they're not like kind kind little Rams you got do big boy tricks if you want speed this course will absolutely give it to you yeah you're laughing you want some I'll give it you half C heel as well there we go there's that heel flip you were talking about right there mark old front side PLO there good solid start to his first run half C heel no slide I think that was going to be yeah just missing the ledge 10 seconds left on the clock though he's got some solid tricks in there we were saying earlier if you are just joining us the big difference between the qualifiers and the finals at simple session or the big difference in my opinion is that both runs count in the qualifiers so you can't drop a run where tomorrow you're going to see that standard lift because Riders are going to be able to take more of a risk on their runs right yeah each Rider gets two one minute runs that is the same for qualifiers and for finals but like I say the big difference is today both of those runs are being scored by judges so you can have a killer first run if second runs rubbish that is going to hurt you this though the front side feeble to open with the back tail look would you behold the size of those trousers I love now Pierro is he's opened up with a three piece which I don't want to spoil anything but he was doing a much harder version of that in practice so I reckon he's getting a good first run and he's either hoping that's going to take him through through to finals or in run number two he's going to level that baby up that back 180 transfer there as well I feel like he's going he's going for the full pull on run number one which is a smart move he's looking really comfy side flip I say he's going for a more chilled one as well just banging out a backside flip over the driveway he could just close out now he he could just say out the rest of his run now quick but he's going in again F back tail so the buzzer had already gone there that flip back tail spoiler alert is part of that three piece that I was saying he opens with and we will see if he's going to do that second trick in run number two watch this space we'll see if he comes out with it now Samu call them Tom Penny pants right there what specialty Maneuvers will Mr dunia be bringing us today let Al well we have to see timy Ty commenting on the full pull there we'll see if Alex tuna can do that right now the one foot over the box there we go just trying to do everything he can to kill the speed to be able to get back in for the front blunt down nice varied opener will say it all the way through the qualifiers that the judges are going to want to see you hitting both transition and Street and Alex doing that right now going for that switch up on the front board down the Benny come on Lord behold the beny Hara all hail the back blunt transfer over as well Alex getting this done right now this is real good the judges are going to like this doing things that no one else is doing which is nice oh the floor took risky risky move with that floor beans and cheese saying go Alex on the X gam chat right now front was that front fever I think he just did there and last trick Alex cab kick flip but he comes off but not a bad run couple of Falls couple of Falls he did Ben though and that Benny Hana will basically guarantee him as spot the finals guarantee top position for sure now it's going to take a lot to take that top Place Simon Gerber just absolutely crushed it earlier on but we go back to the top of jam number seven with Marius s let Make some noise for Mario let's see what Maris has got for us and he's got a shoe off just slipping out on that lip slid God looks like it like shook him a little bit that's kind of the worst though isn't it when you come back in you're kind of on your toes your weight's back you can feel you're about to get whipped off and there's kind of nothing you can do about it just hope you don't snap your coxic like you say he's making that transfer over that driveway looks so straightforward as well that is a big gap Drive massive oh for the no that was I don't know if it was intentional to slide or not but it was sliding get the feeling it was sliding he's looking very surprised if anyone can pull that out Marius can oh the back I think he's I think he's done he took a big old slam on that Gap up to front Li fair play though got he done like we were saying earlier real kind of Legends in the European skate scene internationally re renowned but if you're from Finland he is your guy oh yeah we were saying earlier repping habitat skateboards as well what a cool brand that is to rep and you used to skate for him as well Mark well I wouldn't say direct like they wouldn't have known who I was it was drro flow so I don't even know that's good though that's good take a bit of that fre boards and a Cool brand a cool cool brand we got a cool guy on the course right now Mr Boger banovic super friendly really really familiar face here session Over the Rainbow loves a hill flip front so what's he going to have for us is he going to mix it up CR down the rail he didn't do that in the first in his first run looks like half C he no slide you wanted to try get a feel you might want to try it again yeah I mean that is a him well oh come on is's he going back for it he shouldn't needs to do something else he needs to just get it out you can just get in that rut can't you yeah R side far that's good enough I think I think he oh there we go just getting it done just before time as well that was really really good I think the judge is going to love that yeah it'll be think it'll be an interesting one to score cuz he does have a lot of Falls in there but the tricks he did high scoring definitely now this guy right let's check this out this opening three I'm I'm liking Hero's scheme is he going to step this up into what I think he's about to do interesting so what he was doing in practice was the front blunt transfer I think the front Fe is probably harder is he going for back tail down oh come on I would give that absolutely robed I would give that to so he was doing the front blunt transfer and then flip back tail the whole driveway ledge oh my God so I think he's kind of gone for oh and then the five to switch crook he's just got jammed up in there see what would you call that 5 to switch GP or would you call it 5 to fake cuz 5 switch Yeah cuz I was always told you can't go from regular to switch in a trick if you take regular the trick can't become switch is nonsense this is skateboarding nerdery right here there's some things I can't avide by like calling one foot Sol Norths but I'm definitely of the generation that call one foot Sol North oh here we go coming in for his last [Music] one getting that to I'm not a judge so I can't confirm this but I feel like that is kind of in that area of you were close enough to the buzzer I would give that to him I think they will probably count that there are no Su I think you've got you've got a second or two I'd say after buzzer but I don't know I don't know this isn't this isn't Olympic judging you know what I mean this is Vibes this is about getting the best riding and appreciating it that is what simple session is all about okay Alex tuna way getting a little bit squirly coming off that one foot grab front blunt down that is a risky move with the icy floor as well he showed me a video of him doing a front blunt back blunt fakey down it the other day and just shooting off toake just shot off the back so he's got both of the blunt sides but he's been Smart in mixing I wonder if he's using that to replace the front tail biggy yeah sing up on that front board again doing tricks that no one else is doing is he going to go for this Benny again iic ionic award that man a gold medal there's the back blunt so Alex definitely has his run he knows what he's what he wants to do he's doing he like he does this like not in a bad way but he does this every time Smith grind through and there we go I think he I think he's like do you know what that front tail biggie is a bit risky with this floor and there we go gets the big on the nose slides I think that might have been we talk about the kind of like the grace period the judges will give you I think that might have been a bit too far after but it doesn't hurt you know the judges are like oh cool that guy's still going still going y Marius bringing the Vibes bringing the Vibes to simple session and that big Ollie as well making that look so straightforward I have to say like I haven't really seen anyone else doing that at all like just eyeing that up look at that five five into transfer I don't think he meant to do that Mr Boger Mr Boger yeah frontel see what AR has managed to get done was solid absolutely but yeah we'll have to see what his score comes in at cuz I feel like there were a few too many Falls for him but then that is going to be a highs scoring trick yeah that half cap heel no slides half he no as an individual trick it's maybe one of the higher scoring tricks you will see today kind of Full Stop like but it's not a best trick comp not best trick come all two minutes that these guys are getting of course divided into two one minute runs are counting there's the feeble pop back in oh I'm so kind of gutted gutted for Pierro because run number one went so well both runs count both runs count run number two he lost it a little bit I think that is going to hurt him we'll have to see hope he can still make finals are we going to see someone get into those 60s we were saying earlier Simon Gerber was a 71.6 the second place behind him currently is Thrasher photographer Tim aguil with a 59.83 no one into those 60s yet I wonder what yeah but was we were saying earlier as we were saying earlier those gaps are going to those gaps are going to get get filled in big names are coming up super fast super super fast I think people like Alex we're definitely going to see someone into the 60s there at least I think for Alex the fact that he got so much done across both runs is going to really help absolutely are we going to see someone like AR getting up there as well this is where the judges are really having to delivery Pierro there's a lot to look at right here there's a lot to look at right here Pierro like I was saying earlier in two very different T yeah two very different runs both are going to count anyone needs to see p Duffy doing data inputting now is loves a spreadsheet do Pat Duffy actually not in a weird way saw Pat in the toilets just before and I said that people on the said people on the live stream were shouting him out and so he said to say hi so if you are a p up fan on either the simple session all the X Games Live stream chats right now over on YouTube Pat Duffy is saying hi back to you now next up ah pi oh my gosh so there we go really things up now that run number one has done it for him absolutely fair play 72 just going ahead of Simon Gerber Alex Duna the consistency really making it count for him there with the 64.5 and Aros that was what we were saying the difficulty of trick was high so where he had those Falls he made up for it absolutely next up we've got takaka Andres Kelby from Estonia Stelio sakz and yeah a big big heat stellio king of the late flip Nolan as well such a legendary skater yeah this is going to be a big big Heat this is a big big Jam big jam now this is one of the Japanese contingent over here and he has been kuki he is small and he is a fire he really flies around if you like your transition skating the Japanese Riders out here this year are going to absolutely float your boat there we go squeak in the nosebone over the box there yep the cray getting that up on the quarter yeah just he's just handling just hasn't fallen off the back 50 coming in very kind of systematically knows what he wants to do he's got strategy here 50 across fully fully kind of planned out run this the front lip slide as well coming down still got 30 seconds left it feels like he's been going on forever yeah not missing a beat not missing a beat at all kick flip oh just hands with there flip in blunt flip that is a huge trick to throw he in first place right now he must be in first place right now this is definitely a first place contend him run this is what I mean about how there's that ole North was it or was it an OE one foot Mark shut up it's an OE one foot I have to say someone in the chat was agreeing with me earlier that they are o um backside 540 OE he just did the backside 540 pipe he missed it James that is going to be I was looking for who was agreeing with me cuz I wanted validation I wanted validation it was Turtle 41 on the X Games Live Chat was agreeing with me on the oofs that is huge that was a run and a half he's going to have to mess up exponentially in run number two if he's not going to make the finals with a run like that and he doesn't look like he's going to do that at all we go to Andress though right now andris galby for you caras owns and GT as well apparently Skyline GT sometimes does burnouts in it so probably does yeah no I've got I've got not here I can confirm I can confirm does burnouts oh wow getting that cab done yeah r33 Skyline I used as well it was absolutely lethal so here in Estonia or back in England no no back in England I for cars from Japan and I got a GT and it was Lethal like this floor which is rapid but slippery you're going to hear us saying that a bunch yeah but Andres is like super super consistent as well he's probably going to fall off cuz I just said that but he is super super one of the most consistent skaters in in Estonia right now yeah gets it done really technical he's coming out of Tori as well where is Tori I'm not sure where D is I think he must be down south somewhere cuz he's not really um I don't really see him in so assume he you see the Talon skaters around a lot though yeah well yeah I see I live in and I go SK I go SK once a week so the older guys what a guy is asleep at the wheel best style I suppose it's I suppose might be a m style but I really like his style cuz he just look so relaxed and such a unique bag of tricks as well yeah one of his Clips went a bit viral on Instagram recently I think it was like a Nolly big heel L flip transfer from a quarter to a flat Bank he loves a quarter to Flat bank transfer he does yeah but yeah expect to see a late flip at some point in this there we go so he does those that one got a bit squirly but he does those they like Nolly 180 and then watch him just throw anything he wants in there probably late as well backside Flo so he's getting the park in there right now there's an OE North over the uh one fo over the over the I'm just saying it slippery floor man just take him out he's still got 25 seconds though that's this is the thing as well if you are rocking some Harder Street Wheels right now yeah you want to get really soft wheels so that um ABS up any of that that um stuff off the floor and he's just come off a flip in it looked like he was totally going to make it but it look like that little slip out just P him off hopefully he'll be able drag it back in the second run I I really like has one though hopefully the judges will scoring well on it but tough tough choice you are being outnumbered on the X Games YouTube chat right now guys guys guys on the chat it's okay to be wrong it's one I've been skating I can guarantee I've been skating longer than every single person thatan fighting talk fighting talk right coming in right now of Riverside California Nolan MLL going huge to kick it off over to definitely been out getting some uh bits with Tim AG from frasher for sure come on out here together just held it as well the back 50 to back three perfect yeah front boards going need to make this 30 seconds his final 30 seconds count for him he had an amazing like front side pulling off the wall yesterday there that tweaker over the um the jum kicking the back leg out on that Indie grab oh he he is staying on is he eyeing it up if you see at any point on the wall above like the blue hip that is on the right hand side there's some white marks that are on the wall he's going for it here we go on the [Music] wall little Whiplash out there almost getting it done [Applause] that is a hardore he was making that happen yesterday the other day Thursday there were a lot of people just a lot of people filming filming filming Nolan hitting up the wall looking for a spare bit of wall to bashes bash Wheels aitsuki again yeah to the top of the order jul came last somei what's he got for us this time saw someone in the live chat just before saying this guy is going to take beating you are not wrong but we have some wild skaters to come he's just making sure he's absolutely everything right now little Smith grinds and equally mixing it up as well yeah I'm interested to see what the judges think of that because we saw with Alex tuna earlier hit two great runs but there were repeated tricks in there he switched up slightly but this a complete switch up across the two runs completely changing everything up where everything's being scored the judges are going oh well we've got a whole new bag of tricks in this one so you're kind of almost you're making it count as much as possible this is that that's the first time he's fallen off the first time he's fallen in 90 seconds and kind of not worrying about it I think it's safe to say he's made it through and is probably our new leader right now I'll be very impressed if anything else happens back tail he's kind of just chilling give the consistency right now anything to finish on the blunt flip maybe oh the P fli to F wow this crazy the flip this is going off right here this is wild Ruki coming out of Japan just 13 years old wow how mental is this the notes I've got here are that he's born in 2011 and he likes Dragon Ball Z and Lego Lego and then comes out here and crushes the par this is a child and he's showing what the next generation are all about if you are watching in Japan right now absolutely killing it right now big love to you and congrats your boy ritsuki is crushing it out here well we've got Andre cvy back in right now Estonian passing up the Nissan Skyline for kick flip back threes today absolutely ridiculous Andre like I said Andre consistent at all these flip [Music] tricks DM performance saying blunt front side flip for an extra crazy kid you are not wrong DM you are not wrong and again what's he got for us 5050 top got start thinking about last trick now oh I think he wanted the Crooked but still making the no slide work you know when you can just see that little bite of wheel before you drop into it you can just don't much that King right he's got one last trick yes strong oh he's going to try for flip crook or flip nosy there I feel like Andre's kind of in a similar situation to AR in Heat number seven with the kind of big tricks that he's made count like a kit flip back three mid- run that's incredible wild but a few fools as well so we're going to have to see where the judges put him so we are now to stellio that is not stellio on screen that is sha ha who you will see later on who's been ripping it that is stellio does kind of look like a smaller Shan H though doesn't he there we go sto absolute legends real fun guy to hang out with super super nice guy just trying to make sure his uh his wheels are CLE wax the T did SL out at one point in his run number one what getting a bit windmill over there especially when you skate light your feet like this guy does any any kind of Wiggle that you get off your board is going be really effective there we go oh my God backside Nolly biggy heel that is outrageous that was what I was talking about and he does that with a late flip as well for fun so stellio absolutely coming in I'm going to say the trick of skateball qualifiers so far gets the front side air done as well I bailed about 400 of those on Thursday I was trying to front side there that quarter for so long man uh then he looks like he was maybe trying to go for something down the rail but was a bit close so improvising a little bit he's still got 20 seconds to go oh just just caugh him off balance there looks like his weight almost got a little bit too far over that subbox I think I think he's I think he should comforta I think he's I think he's good one last trick what's he going to be ah to going to come in he's cool with it steio is cool with it he's just going to chill there one of the kind of new French riders coming through some incredible French skaters over the years on the contest circuit at the moment Union Island so I think it's French territory but it's not actually interesting noan M next up so yeah so uh soio is from like the middle of the I can't remember what ocean is Pacific he definitely skates with the French guys yeah I would think so but yeah noan just made that big OE over to board slide 5050 transfer looking a little more I was going to say uh a little more in control right now stuck on that but yeah things were squirly I kind of like that though I love it uh if you are of a certain generation you may remember a skater called Andy Scott from England who became known Twinkle Toes vert skater um yeah was regularly hang on to just the most outrageous things in the wildest way as well yeah and I loved it everyone a massive front side o and then nose wheel into the because otherwise you would have hung up yeah getting a bit of that done and getting this done as well yes noan Miss now I think that's guaranteed in the place because no one is doing that he's Landing acoss the two RS though he's got minutes to score in is that individual trick it's definitely one of the best tricks that we've seen I'd say that andig it will get him into the top five I think you think he'll get him into top five this space I hope I hope we see it cuz he is an absolute Ripper yest ranese the top five currently Pi Nunes Simon Gerber Alex tuna Aros bogdanovich and Tim agila still in there as well but I think this guy is going to be your new leader ritsuki takanaka coming out of Japan 13 years old look at that OE 540 that you were saying I missed earlier look at that he nuts is Pivot flip so you see a lot of people Cody McIntyre probably has the best in the game but doing the Peter blunt flip the front side five flip to fakey but that one the pivot backside pivot fakey with the flip that's crazy and Andres Andress CI yes nosy 270 backside 360 kick flip caught here a little bit but I'd give it to him I think he's on a solid score I think he's on a solid score we saw oh my word the slow motion really doing Justice to what he did there to hang on I think he's going to be on a solid score with even with a few fools in there what he did he made count stellio look at that absolute proud favorite like I say maybe trick of qualifiers so far with that Nolly big heill that we are about to see right here look how teex this is Imagine doing that imagine doing that midun is it midun that is about seven foot quarters well there I think seven maybe eight foot oh there we go there's that hanging on and that big gap oh he caught it on the Kink at the top as well almost very nearly didn't make that and then probably competing competing with sto competing with sto for the trick of qualifiers so far with that big front side air pin incredible as well because I reckon that probably took him maybe 30 goals in practice the other day to pull one of those it second try in the contest this is what it's all about right Inc wow we got a big group right here gr things are going to start heating up on this one looking forward to yeah there's our judging panel Dave Duncan announcing for the room DD legend that is he fully Embraces simple session Dave I don't think he sleeps for the whole week that he's here he was out riding the course with us on Thursday we had a little little session together and then you can count on him being at the party every night as well oh my word Ritz sukii takanaka not taking the top spot which we were expecting that is no I thought no wild a 67.7 this is why we're not judges but I really expected yeah to see him in the top spot right there RAR just Clinging On to 10th place oh yeah there's a lot of skaters to come though there are indeed up in there 66 andris as well like we say I think it was quality over quantity for Andres getting him that 59.83 and then Nolan just behind him and next up we have Ben Rayborn from USA Alexander Dubin from Estonia Marcelo JZ Ramirez jile and sha hail a stacked Jam number nine for you out here at simple session 2024 absolutely turning the heat up from here onwards let me tell you we've got some wild Riders to come including in this Heat lots of people very excited for Jaws I can tell you we're going into Jam number n right now here's Jam number 10 so if you want to see Aaron Jaws hoki tearing this course you do not have to wait much longer Danny Leon as well Ben rbor here but I've not I've been here 3 days and I haven't seen him skate the course yet so oh almost taking that to Flat as well almost getting too much speed on that one nice little Dismount to he the very end of the king trail that was good I'm into that he's still going technically he hasn't fall off Ben taking this very seriously out here today to be fair as well if you think about it he's absolutely cramming the tricks in there about four tricks in 5 seconds like he he's not where's he going now 25 seconds he's out [Music] he's done he's done he's done his tricks that's it Ben Rayborn that's what you're getting yep he's decided what he's going to do he's done it that's the end of his run big fan of Ben raybor stok to have him back on a board as well Alexander tubin this guy was Estonian SC of the Year years back yeah I think he uh as well would get he got top Estonian at simple session a few times as well if I remember rightly over the years he's kind of picked up that Accolade yeah there's always a bit of a thing for the highest scoring Estonian at simple session which is very cool the switch flip coming back he's doing it for Vans out here the Boneless the straight boneless over he's doing it for V yeah I'm being told he's doing it for V but I'm going to guess you're if he's doing it for Vans they're probably not going to be very happy with the adid dases he's wearing the crook it oh man oh and it just took him out of the box oh that's such a tough feeling when you you're trying to hang on and you can feel it kind ofing off the rail and you're like can I get there that is going to be a big scoring trick though if he can uh if he can get that crook along and down see what he's got for his last trck backside 5 maybe going to be a shovel call it now he's going to have one last go last trick side grinds down the block that's time for Alexander Alexander tubin that switch flip back over the driveway was great you remember him from last year you remember him last couple days ripping the boat ride ripping the concrete Park yesterday and up next coming out CH this guy oh he's good is AER proper allterrain vehicle this guy is going to rip up every part of this course Marcelo gimenez Ramirez doing it for Red Bull DC ballpark strain machine machine Gil chil and Kronos this guy is going to go first he's a tank and he nose grind there's that one foot oh look at the front side air on that here we go there's the nose grab three over the Box we are starting turn the speed up front lip I know he's staying on 15 seconds so fast 15 seconds in 20 seconds now he's crammed in ahead of a run already Raphael Leonardo in the X Games Live Chat on YouTube right now saying vamos Chile look at that front side float look at that the shape on that as well caught that so well absolutely Dy you might not be able to see so well from there as well but that kind of that little kind of like driveway like earthquake G earthquake Gap P out he just NOS ground there off that earthquake Gap is slightly offset so it's a bit of a hip as well it's not straight which but it's not a full hip as well so it kind of makes it quite hard the angle on it is quite mellow stomper of a run I don't think the judges are going to mind too much about the fools at the end cuz to be honest he smashed enough yeah into the first 45 seconds of that run I think if he can replicate that yeah he's going to be set in a very good position next up we got sha H standing at the top of that big Galaxy flip yeah here we go for bird housee hail what a legend Indie trucks did you know as well he owns avos therapy slide kind of shoe thing got like tennis balls Gooden seen him haven't seen him wear he's keeping it back at the hotel he knows he'll probably back 180 bake fire yeah I believe so it looked like it righty grind always what it's all about good there really see a lot of py grinds in comps so Little Rock fakey on the big quarter here we go oh Tak a switch crook like over the corner that thing is so like sharp and steep as well it's such a tight hip that with the angle that it's at yeah it's one of those that you know you think you're going to chill over and then you probably travel about 8 foot taking off if you take off on the corner yeah cuz it kind of just Falls away from you I think the Ste he's so I think he might restart the next yeah hope on his next run but of course it's marked on overall impression so you've got to really smash it in both runs be tricky yeah so I think going back to the top of the list for Jam number nine Marcelo Ramirez doing Chile proud and sat in first place for this heat right now I'd say I don't have the scores to confirm that but that is where we sat Ben rayor is coming in for run number two we'll see what else he fancies he got quite creative on the last one hit up the mini ramp that no one realized was there SE yeah the little front side grind so good to see Ben back out though I imagine again has been out he went a well for a bit didn't he yeah he did he's back on the scene now though and um I can imagine has been out with Tim from Thrasher Tim from Thrasher who sat in seventh place as well might add the photographer imagine he's been out getting some great stuff that will come from this trip I think he's finished I think he's yeah out there enjoying the Vibes he's back at a contest which is great to see really cool to have Ben Rayborn Absolut Legend in skating out with us this year Alexander tubin though coming back in for his second and final run of the simple session 2024 qualifiers let's see what he's got head in for the [Applause] Box little bed out little mute there I think that was yeah mute grab and then turning into that front side disaster it giving it the little like nose pivot in and then coming back oh he really wants that crooked that is a long way to travel and then you've got to get over there a long way to go get for that King can keep the crook in a hard trick so hard haven't really seen anyone kind of go fully across and down yet cuz it is such a long way to travel but we will oh that's what I was saying about the K right you got push through it otherwise if your weight's slightly off you can just shift where you're locked on the truck in it wow wow wow wow I got a feeling he's going to try again but let's see front feeble oh first person oh coming back for him as well nearly CAU him add an insult to injury the first person going for that front side fee I believe as well through that kinked rail just getting slightly off the back that's a scary trick as well scary trick to do through that as well cuz on a front Fe you're so on the back and then you have that Kink that you hit at the bottom coming one of the bests of the dayed power Alexander doing it for Estonia in Jam number n but this guy like I say unconfirmed but pretty much nailed on the highest score of jam number n really smashed it yeah just has to replicate run number one y if he does same again if he does the same again we may well have a new leader he is absolutely front side there is he going to yeah doesn't go for the three I think maybe the Egg Eggplant up on the red ball quarter I think maybe maybe didn't quite have the speed off that front side there for the three backside no was that backside nose Brian yeah bit of a bit of over crook maybe possibly an over trick oh drama controversial trick naming a let's not get into that we've had one foots already there we go up to tail like it's nothing popped in oh and he's leveling up for the try as well I think he's absolutely fine though when he slams I bet you can feel it the floor do you know what I mean Bang Yeah the front blun done so perfectly the no gr he's going to be absolutely fine though that is yeah he's made it top 10 easy I think top 10 easy I'm saying top five for sure I think the only thing letting him down the few Falls that he had but again quality over quantity both runs huge Shan Hal with M next to him Shan Hal really looking for a good run number two here run number one probably wasn't quite going to cut the there's yeah front side fee transfer nice yes there we go he gets it the backside 180 to fakey 5 that is a huge trick down that ledge that is such a difficult trick back Smith yeah backs Smith shanell making this happen way more I think more tricks in the first 20 seconds of this run than his entire first run oh going for that nose pick pulling that's almost kind of like R into nose grind and then yank off 30 seconds still to go though this okay here we go the fakey three shove to blunt oh my words three sh he was just doing those back to back to back the other day they were filming it they were getting photos and he was just doing them on demand roll up the jump box Landing back to fakey three shot have some of that but would it be enough cuz he needs two runs I gu he's already used that one run a I think it is going to be tough for sha hail I think it's going to be on the line he makes it through we're going to see him probably up into that into the top 15 at this moment in time but we have a lot of guys to come like Jake won who is just walked past right there Danny Leon stood up top we have a lot of people that are going to want to be in that top 15 for tomorrow and I'm not sure if sha is going to be able to make it based on that but Wicked to have him out here and one of the tricks of qualification that I am hyped to see again in a second Ben raybor look at that almost a flat stay on this he doesn't jump on at the top he jumps on at the bottom into the king just into the most dangerous bit having a good time great to have him out here pop shove lesser scene trick that the pop shove very well done switch flip back as well yeah mixing it up with the tweets grab tur in into that disaster and then it's basically pick pick what you want from this one for your highlights there's everything everything he basically just filmed a video part a two-minute video part eggplant the nose grab three that he did earlier on was so good that was an amazing kick flip slapping the back wheels down first as well so in control look at that State of that front side blunt and that uning that is an overcook that L like that is 100% an overcook yeah up to tail chilling no worries Red Bull and DC I'm sure very happy with their boy right now and then legend that is sha hail out here rapping birdhouse Tony Hawks brand of course there you go look at that so rare so good you don't see people doing that very often if at all that was sick H definitely brought it but let's see how he does in the results shaking up the leader boards I can tell you that Shan H has snuck into the top 15 oh not giving away too much there are you no we're going to we're going to see it in a second but we've got here we go we have a brand new leader Marcelo gimenez is up into first place sha hail with a 61.8 and he puts himself in a very stressful situation because he could well just sneak into the top 15 with that we'll see Alexander tubin though unfortunately just outside in 16th place and then Ben Rayborn where's he going to be he's down in 29th with an 1833 so a brand new leader unsurprising from Marcelo he I mean he absolutely naed it didn't he there was no real doubt that he was going to he was going to break into the top three next up we have is Sakurai who has been absolutely killing it Ry lindan from Estonia Aon Jaws hoki andas Delio so this heat is going to be wild yeah you guys have been waiting for Jaws you've been wanting to see jaws out here we're about to get into it but let me tell you in the blue t-shirt they see is just everyone in this heat is wild though everyone in this heat absolutely like say he going to absolutely oh my word let me tell you like some of his runs from practice were wild absolutely insane this guy is a proper transition Ripper rain Linderman he's one of the best skaters in Estonia full stop and Maas Delio as well Street ruler Street ruler and I mean I don't really need to say anything about Jaws do I honest we all know we're buzzing about he here we go speed check that is so dangerous to speed check down there as well it's so slippery getting the tray flipping as well this guy I reckon I don't know for sure but I reckon has grown up on vert skating um but just getting the street tricks done as well do you know who else grew up Vert skating uto hor he skated a vert attack out in um Sweden yeah he's a proper proper skater before becoming one of the world's best street skateboarders and it looks like these guys are just following suit as well like the trade flip was textbook but showing these B skills with a huge stalish over that channel got massive nose grab and the twist getting it done getting it done on the Red Bull called a Muk twist in a park competition random M twist wearing shell bombs this is it when You' got the speed to be able to hit that quarter like that why not do a m twist why not do a MC twist huge run one full that is not going to hurt him at all that Muk twist was absolutely massive absolutely massive Andy hair locked into the simple session YouTube live chat he's loving that now I would not envy Ryan now who's got to skate who's got to skate after is yeah Ryan Linder men Larry jimbob just saying what yeah on the X Games chat Ryan's really good Ryan's already come up over the last couple years he's he's really got his stuff down he's really been focusing on focusing on his Park gting quite a lot some people finding out there for the first time as well that uto can skate ver he can he can look to UT can SK can Absolut you can TST there's a little hill flip there I skate with Ryan quite usually about once a week yeah there's the Tre flip did he catch that and like slap the back wheels down as well always love that you know when you can just see you can see that someone's fully in control cuz they catch trick and then it's like give a little dig and the judges love that as much as we're talking about it like joking the judges are like okay cool little style little style bonus oh and the rail took him out but good solid run and flat 3 he did he's asking for one more go at a trade flip that Ry Lind of of course Estonian and here we go the guy a lot of you have been waiting for if you have stuck around you've been watching the qualifiers you are about to get rewarded let's hope he kills it let some was chatting to him last night and he said he's skating a lot more transition now as well obviously well known for his huge drops and stair set gaps he say he's been skating loads of transition and it's showing linking up with the front side a side Ollie over that hip as well truck bash in lovely little truck bash there mix it up side yeah he's hitting everything in he so should score well kick flip solid as Colin Webster in the chat saying go Absolut Legend and the front through the Kink rail still got 25 seconds on the clock as well really making this count solid run so far I wonder what he's going to he's got something he's going to do something he's going to do crazy is he going for the three yeah melon three did he switch that to an indie grab as well and then he went for the flip melon that is mad on that as well you haven't got loads of time on that box you haven't got loads of time so you're doing the three the melon three and then switching it to an indie grab that is a high scoring trick you know that is a high scoring trick and that front side flip where the board kind of just fell backwards almost like did a half turn the illusion flip Wicked that's going to be a good run for jores someone who brings the Vibes and Matias Delio we are going to totally switch the vibe right now for someone who is going to bring the street element to the course looks like a street skater rails like a street skater but can also skate transition just uh got done skating the Paris Olympics where he placed eighth in the street contest so this guy definitely knows what he's doing watched him in practice and he was just doing big flip front boards see what he has a mean trade flip on him as well speaking of have some of that there we goang bang full front foot catch the front side only transfer switch back tail switch back tail he's got switch front blunts down the rails as well I think he's dropping back in switch this will probably be the half cap no slide maybe Nolly he out he did one in practice the other day so building up to that one and then I think this is going to be the switch from blunt coming back down not the switch from boards he's keeping us one he keeping the switch from blunt down the rail for his second run I yeah he came eth just behind behind Russell on the buzzer and switch Hill great first run for Mattias Delio he didn't come off didn't come off didn't come off but like I say he's definitely got places he can take that run as well with a very similar following a similar line but he just knows he can level it up that half no slide he effortlessly did the heel flip out of the other day original leader of chicken wings look at that man's T-shirt this original session as well chicken one of the aex skateboarding team as well ain't no like the chicken wing yes s can grab see this is the thing as well even just switching up the tweak on the Indie just going do you know what I'm doing an indie but I'm not nosebone it this time we the back end out Mak boness yeah the pole Jam Flo out the pole Jam taking the pole Jam as well kind of off to the sides to take it back into the transition yeah mixing up with that back blunt still makes it all the way through that is crazy to be able to maintain the speed off the back tail like typically a trick that you would lose speed on yeah to actually just come out of that with more speed getting a bit loose on the Gap up to front look at that FR the knee in flip indeed and the MC twist gets it done again and gapping over the jump box the wrong way straight after there we go taking that backside a slapping that into disaster as well what are they giv thees the one fo is like the most done trick of these qualifiers I think that didn't was wild so we've been wrong before we thought ritsuki takanaka was going to be the new leader and that didn't happen I think it's to go again I'm prepared to go again should be first place that's Inc again get a good score Nel that's kind of you see the finals we're going to see him in the finals for sure if you're charging this course doing bigs theil going to get up in there fredero saying Sakurai is [Music] insane dropping in Adam saying wow transfer yeah Ryan one foot definitely feeling the pressure of dropping back in after that but he's making it happen that front tail faky was textbook into the switch blunt like we were saying earlier one of the best skaters full stop coming out of Estonia no idea how he survived that he's training up he's been train he's spent a lot of time in Barcelona over the summer so he has been uh sharpening sharpening himself up some great SK is coming out of Estonia right now we saw roario on his first run earlier kill it Ryan is getting it done getting drifty getting drifty on that Trey flip cannot believe he landed it amazing and we've also got m m coming up in Jam 12 as well so amazing estan rep in right now Ryan 10 seconds on the clock if he's fast can probably get one final trick and he's going to have to be rapid though yeah they'll let this one but he's b anyway oh good run from Ryan there but did fall off few tricks so let's see how he [Applause] does going to see some highlights I think oh no of course we' gotw we gotes well again so let's see whatw has got for us should be getting himself a little bit more technical on this on this run yeah nice sweet grab for Jaws coming back in over the box coming back through for this front side air over yeah lovely there y floating over that needle point hit there oh that truck bash truck bash is so terrifying cuz you're not locked into anything no you're kind of just on there hoping that you don't hang up yeah exactly the kick flip over the driveway the front through the Kink nice that in his first run though so he needs to start mixing up yeah do you know Geor has a mean kick flip melon three as well oh yeah but I don't know if he'll go for that here I think maybe play it a little bit safer and go for the kick flip melon on the quarter as well oh my words almost not quite getting the rotation the body rotation quite all the way around on that one on though he on hectic loving that though and a front blunt just for good measure at the end pretty good Jaws I'm going to say as well I'm I'm going all out no no it fell off the flip melon in his first run but got full Redemption for it second but no did not fall off the second run I think we're going to see F comfortably into that top 15 again yeah and this is wicked this is what we're saying that to win this contest you really are going to have to hit everything that isn't something who 70 boards line I bet Maas can count probably on one hand how many times a year he actually skates a jump box but he's getting it done to get the scores in he gets that and he goes judges you see me I've gapped that now check out this street stuff that I'm an absolute wizard at we go there's the tray flip a just a little bit too much weight on the back there I'd say the floor like we say unforgiving here it is fast but it is fairly slick if you're Wheels we will see how the BMX is fair later on and then like I say nosy Nolly heel out and then is he going to go for the switch front blunt as well yes he does there we go have some of that how many people doing switch front blunts down rails on demand incredible BL oh my way the slowest flip out of that leaving it till the last second to be able to bring that in m so that was sick like a couple of minor Falls that are not going to hurt him at all a great score this is it as we're getting to these final runs the energy is getting turned up and this scoreboard this leaderboard is getting shaking we have Marcelo gimenez currently in first on an 80.7 five the first person to break into the 80s and I don't think he's going to be the last in these qualifiers but we will see there's quite a gap from him to Pierro Nunes on a 72 right now this guy though that we're checking out right now isai zakari I mean he's he's in the top he's he's first I think first look at that M we are not the judges mark we are not the judges we are not the judges we know nothing the judges we know nothing I think I know more all those judges stay of that MC twist there's Ryan one foot [Music] there fronty [Music] fakey yeah the front board through the Kink for Ryan and the 50/50 just about hung on to that landed all heels on that and there we go look at the state of that hill flip lovely stuff Trey flip who that was the one he got a bit drifty out of in run number two and then GE Bosch have some of this little kick flip he looks so thin doesn't he like his legs are really thin but he just does the most powerful big big hot like gnarly drops yeah that grab three as well yeah the big spin front board fakey for Matias deolo doing it for Argentina like I say just came off the Olympic finals I'm not sure if he snuck something in between then and simple session I imagine this is probably his first contest since the Olympics and just carrying on picking up where he left off basically yeah he hasn't slowed down has he like I say just came behind Cordo Russell wow in Paris there's that switch from blunt outrageous yeah it's great to have him and Rizo Tori as well representing out of the Olympics yeah for uh for Europe interesting as well could we see the next generation of future Olympians here right now could we be watching them cuz you know what so many have come through simple session people like Vincent a in jro as well coming out of front we've had yeah a lot of a lot of SK that that really young kid that wore the the helmet last year he was in the um I think he was from Norway or Sweden oh not hampus hus yes he he was in the transition Riders as well yeah incredible so we are seeing scores coming in right now this leaderboard is about to get shaken up let me tell you you want to keep eyes peeled on what is about to appear on your screen wow heavy is heavy heavy shakeup let us know in the live chat what you're thinking about this when it comes up we have a new leader it is Matias Del Olio with an 83.58 massive how did is sayz 8.75 he keeps that second and then he does not compute has taken over from roario sea but and Ryan is on the bubble and unfortunately I think that's a risky place to be because you've got some massive names coming up big big won Christo oet kristo I think is still in hospital so sorry Christo is going to be a scratch unless his knee has made a miraculous recovery sending love if he's yeah got this on in hospital right now hope you are doing well chisto and there he is we have yeah gutted gutted to hear about that in practice but we will have Carl Boron Pedro Kint who is insane Pedro yes another Olympian can I say another Olympian these last two Heats are going to be even crazier dare I say the ones just happened if you have a seat belt on your saur at home Buckle it up cuz you're going to need it for these final two jams yeah getting some practice in right now checking out the crowds she's listening to Slayer I re yeah sold out crowd today so yeah sold out crowd for today and tomorrow as well right Jam number 11 the penultimate Jam of skateball qualifying at simple session 2024 Jake won Carl Boron and Pedro gintas this is going to be heavy AC there's Jake start still warm up still warming up still warming up Johnny Gan sending love to Christo as well in the live chat right now yeah all sending love to Christo this is what skateboarding is about man it's a big Community wherever you are in the world thank you for locking in thank you for being with us coming up in this do let us know in the chat where you're locked in as well now we're checking the chat on the X Games YouTube live there and on the simple session YouTube we're across both right now so let us know where you're at let us know what you're liking what you're enjoying right now yeah Nicole watching in GRE everyone from around the world no everyone everybody in the world everybody in the world right now is and also skating 23 different countries being represented at simple session this year and Jake Woodson coming in for the USA right now with that Judo grab Al 50 yeah that counts on Tony Hawk if you were playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater that would have got you loads of points you were on that gr for ages Jake absolute Legend though he was saying yesterday he was feeling pretty achy so he kind of tried to take it a bit more chill and then today lovely making it count he was saying he was saying to me he was like yeah I just want to I'm just going to go and have fun in the contest like just my body's not feeling amazing right now I was like we'll see you in the finals we'll see you in the finals buddy looks like it's doing all right yeah no comply comply grabbing the nose the flip back D adjus in his feet as he threw that back in as well great first run for Jake one more big one what you got T makes a noise for Jake from Tennessee by way of Florida he skating for but then who knows maybe I'm wrong I was saying people SK for Adidas for Van earlier so yeah a mean front three on Jake won it's one of his go-to tricks he had a video part not that long ago where he did a wild front three over a fence out of a storm I remember that incredible yeah Jake getting it done lots of people watching from Australia right now Cassie and Sydney Love to You 10:13 p.m. oh it's not that late and big love I mean it's going to be late if Cassie sticking around for the BMX as well if you are going to be with us through into the early hours wherever you are or you have joined us in the early hours Big Love to You committed committed crew for simple session this year baz ke going to be joining me for the BMX a little bit later on the legend that is but right now K boron in on course at simple session 2024 in Jam at number 11 of the skateb qualifiers representing France oh the big spin front board to fakey just getting a bit on his toes he's coming in again see what he's got on the other side solid tray flip to 50/50 he's going to hit the rail backside 50/50 nice and solid and then oh switch back 50/50 not something that you often see very very awkward trick and I mean you see with Matias as well doing those switch tricks like that switch front blun like it was nothing as well I mean that's your current leader after that so those kind of switch tricks the judges are liking judges judges are definitely scoring that hype shouts to Allan locked in on the symbol session YouTube feed right now from Alberta Canada checking in at 6: a.m. he's been with us since the start big salute to you my friends now Pedro Quint he's locked in in New Zealand 12:14 a.m. he's going to be here all night and he thinks he's just about got enough beer wow Pedro kinas opening with that massive Channel Gap that huge front side there taking it all the way over outrageous the Nolly Hill front side a backside 50/50 insane absolutely clearly I would not like to be a judge right now this is really difficult oh the board slide there we go that Kink giv him people [Music] destroyed keeping it right now the flip Indie Pedro wants this oh look at that slapping that backside air just taking that Indie grab to Flat why not right now only years oh surfing it out surfing it out just about holds it hilarious as well because he's he will hit the park with so much aggression but genuinely one of the loveliest guys like we were on um the boat if you check it out um I imagine on YouTube and socials and stuff we had a uh boat Jam the other day we had a half pipe on a barge which we took down the river here in Tatu this is what I'm saying when I say that you need to come to Estonia to experience all a simple session cuz there's so much Beyond just the contest yeah we took the barge down the river a bunch of us got on it early and went down the river for a couple of hours before we moed up for a cash forat trick Jam but when we were coming down the river there were bridges over the river and Pedro was trying to time a front side air out of the mini ramp to truck bash the bridge over the river and then drop back in there are some wild pictures he didn't quite get it doesn't sound like a smart thing to do it was mental it was was actually in someone suggested it and then he was in he was in tried on every bridge I hope that they were going very slowly was it was an old barge we were going we were going nowhere fast I think we made it about 100 met in that two hours but it was very fun it was very good and then we W up in Central tatto and everyone joined came down for a session and then I saw you there after Jake won hug huge front side air huge huge huge front side air AB floating it taking it a little bit easy [Music] side say always smiling looking like he's having a good time looks like he might take one more stab at a trick he really does kind of need to get something in definitely taking his time he could really do with something cuz first run was great oh flip back D transfer that was s that's the end of his run I think he's going to get into the top 15 I don't I don't know if he's going to make it to the overall I mean it's tough first was first was strong FP back up on that bigt wall and held it all together in run number one but run number two that's why I was saying he kind of just needed to get a few more bits in there even if they were just basic things because both runs are being scored I'm going to keep saying it both runs today are being scored so if you go oh well first run was great second run don't worry about it like off that's not how it works you are being scored for both runs so you are ultimately going to be scored against someone that gets two incredible runs yeah if you look at it that way car Boron getting that tail slide across the ra switch front board down we know the judges are liking the switch tricks they are getting scored highly easy big came unstuck on in run number one seconds left hopefully he'll be able to oh lovely little TR flip there and for 50/50 and then hitting the rail backside 50/50 did one of those in his first run think the judges are going to want to see things mixed up be switch back 50 he it again maybe time for one more trick not quite working out he wants the Trey flip 50 down oh and he's blown it again heavy for Carl heavy heavy heavy I mean the tricks the tricks really there though and I think maybe it comes with like if you're in the later jams you have the advantage of seeing what people have scored and seeing what you need to do but maybe that's it for where he's gone I've got to go for this like I've got to pull out some massive tricks cuz if he'd got those he would have scored really well you know so it just becomes a point where it's like Co got a go For Broke like and that is what Pedro is doing right now reinforcing that run number one again maybe a new leader every time I've said that I've been wrong but maybe a new leader in Pedro kinas if he can make this final 30 seconds of run number two count so much power so much speed hitting the channel like it's nothing the varial flip Indy late sh oh my gosh almost couldn't get away from the board as well running down that yeah definitely he was um Tokyo Olympics yeah he was out there for Brazil representing so yeah bow skater I'm sure I mean Most B skaters will also skate you know so yeah abely Rip but yeah he loves transition as you can see but also can really mix it up on the street as wellest I mean all of these Brazilians are absolutely absolutely Savages aren't they get everything yeah absolutely would not be surprised to see Pedro make it up into that top three and that is time for Jam number 11 some highlights coming up for you right now talk us through these Mark Jake won doing an alleyoop 550 St had to pull himself back in a little bit so he wouldn't catch himself on that quarter poip in the way lovely little nose like nose pick Nolly in switch to T stall see most of what Jake did was run number one that's was look look that was what I was saying about how he literally had to jump his foot around to get that and that no one else doing I think Jake is going to be in I think we're going to see Jake in Final tomorrow but I think a little bit risky to not hustle to try and get a few more tricks on the board in run number two but Jake really like I say has saw him outside the hotel last night and he was saying just going to enjoy it this time around just going to enjoy the contest so if he's out here having fun and he makes finals I think for Jake that is a bonus seeing a bit of Carl there as well and then we're seeing Pedro kinest that Nolly Hill front side there absolutely ridiculous like if you're a street skate you don't really do that kind of so yeah he absolutely kills it so he opted to turn his hat around for this run didn't do him any harm it's important sometimes for aerodynamics to have your hat a different way around you know for certain tricks like switch it up hway through absolutely so scores very important we are waiting on right here in the box scores for Jake w car beron and Pedro gas I would not like to be a judge right now because like I say when I talk about new leaders I've jinxed it every time and it hasn't quite happened but to be honest as long as you're in the top 15 today it doesn't entirely matter but I imagine not fully confirmed but I imagine that we will run in reverse order tomorrow that's the standard way that things go um so you have the advantage if you qualify higher up you get to see more people go before you drop yeah all right congratulations to the top n rers we are seeing scores coming in here right now see we don't want to spoil it but we're seeing some scores coming [Applause] in so tough Patty there looking serious we okay here we go in fourth Pedro Kint see I said I said top three and you know yeah we're fourth Pedro Kint then we've got Jake won in at sixth incredible so Jake confirmed for the final tomorrow as we only have four more skaters to go so Jake will be in that final 15 so that also confirms that Alex tuna has made the final as well but if you are below him you are on the bubble potentially to be knocked out by there are every single person in this last Heat is going to bring it absolutely bring is going to bring it yeah going to be insane this is going to go crazy absolutely wild see in our top 40 there should we take a look at the list for Jam number 12 Mark you have a little look through yeah let's uh let's stick it up so first up we have the legendary oh my word this is about to get wild the Whirlwind the tornado that is mato M eston local Danny Leon and of course last year's winner juliany mental and he has got like a foot bigger since last year he has so absolutely last year and he's already got bigger m is like the one of the only Estonian Pros got his pro model had his own pro model out earlier this year on nightwood skateboards coming out panu coming out panu a nice result Town South Estonia Danny Leon of course previous simple session winner 2020 I think I'm going to say that Danny Leon won't admit it probably if you ask him but yeah I think he's going to be feeling like this is a year that he could really try and win simple session he won back in 2020 he's been no stranger to the podium but I've been saying this all weekend or week even building up to this that I feel like competition man is the competition is tough but this course is everything Danny Leon loves so just going to say that and he's consistent but it's also everything that Jamie Saye hi May mat so Danny is a bit more calculated and consistent Hae will do the biggest tricks that you have ever seen and in the most terrifying way watch this here you go just have some of that bang just jump in that wasn't intentional at all we'll see if he can stay on his board Hae could well be in for a simple session win but it's tough he's got the big Bo now high mate skates like it's the last time he's ever going to skate exactly but he skates like that every single time s day so he has a transfer off the side of the jump box are we going to see it here yes we are watch this what have some of that he did that just backside 180 no grab yesterday uh just chilling um so this is what I mean if Hae can put together a run it could be the best run you're going to see this year tring go something it could also just unfortunately come unstuck because what he is trying is that hard but then we've seen the judges haven't hated quality over quantity yeah they've been fine with that if you're falling and you're getting good tricks they don't mind if the tricks you're Landing are strong it can it can pay off it can be it can you know it can't it doesn't necessarily hurt you yeah I mean it's so hard now his his mitew and when we say as well about seeing the other skaters go first that's another advantage that you're getting to see that because sometimes you get where consistency is such a big factor it's like they want to see Full runs but here it's like it's the Vibes it is who cares if you fool if what you get good you're getting scored absolutely M coming in with that grab into the front side air transfer me is more of a street dude though right yeah I mean the incredible thing about m is that every time he skates I I just you just never know what he's going to do yeah you like he he'll be that guy that just does tricks you've never seen him do every session over as well you don't see that trick that yeah hard never quite know what he's going to do always seems to P out the bag he's got some crazy transfers that he does in my local park see got po Jam hitting that up into the hip few people kind of enjoying that little kind of scoop up in yeah do you remember the sound Flip not enough people do the S flip s yeah I used to be to do s s flips no one doesn't where have they gone where have they gone tell me I reckon if he's got the pop tail grab he can definitely do a sou bo bo not bad first run going for the invert yep but that's fine kind of falling on the buzzer it didn't interrupt his run so much and again we talk about use of course they're going to like the even though we talk about him being more of a he got a big old transfer over the uh J and then the front so there so Danny Le Danny Leon I'm not a judge so I can in no way influence this but I would say is one of my top picks to maybe he take it this year has he cut his hair or has he still got that he's cut his hair the main has gone check it out one of the best crossbones in the game up to lip slides he will mix it up on the street elements as well but his trans skating is phenomenal did you see him just stick that absolutely was there we go there's that finger flip to disaster and he has this transfer over the channel Gap oh no he's taking that front side three and then the half cap up body J slapping the tail on that and then the 5050 through it shows you can see just how good Danny is but that Kink at the bottom of the rail is it catches everyone out he's stuck it he's stuck it he's got 15 seconds left the wi grind intentional intentional wiie Grind All the Way seen that he popped it in as well Danny Leon is Coming Out Swinging is this going to be a kick flip Indie it is indeed have some of that Danny Leon getting it done finishing it up with the invert perfect run I called it and I hoping I'm not going to be wrong I feel like if he puts together I'm hoping mate I've been wrong so much in this so far you're usually I've called I've called first place three times and it hasn't happened speaking of first place this guy 13 years old one simple session 2023 he has to be one of the youngest winners if not the youngest winner of simple session J riding for Niger Houston's disorder skateboards yeah lovely nose grab again someone who is definitely more of a street skater but NOS as I've said multiple times now if you want to win symbol session 2024 you've got to bring some transition game as well equally if you're a transition skater you've got to get on those rails is that flip CR side 50/50 yeah getting it oh sticking on that ledge sticking on that ledge jul so he look like s stuck his like he went into a screw or something on that uh on that box actually caught the bottom of his deck maybe yeah the front blunt transfer over seen people hitting that the other way but Julian going through that way oh wow that he is how you recover an under rotated Tre flip right there absolutely he was so lucky with that Julian just blew mins last year though with like flip in flip out front side fever across the long flat bar that we had last year on the buzzer as well it yeah it was wild we lost our minds in the studio for that and there we go Julian agardi coming in I'm sure not quite not quite run number one that he was hoping for and I think if you read his lips there you can see that that maybe wasn't what he was hoping for as well but he's still keeping the Vib wasn't too happy about that but this I think it's fine it's fine it's a solid run and he can come back in in R number two all he needs to do ultimately is make it to top 15 I say all like is a packed field of riders top 15 cut from 48 is a Savage cut but he's definitely got the ability to do it he go have some of this front side boneless down into the quarter below and then coming across guess cameraman is cameraman needs to get out of the way thank you there's that Indie three that he took a bit too low last time into the body jar slapping that tail through Dave Duncan appreciating that that is a proper oh my word that is insane decked out on the subbox grabbing the melon and pulling it in like a lean pulling off the subbox high May putting it together this run oh swi switching it over the uh me last trick last trick there seconds to go for what's it going to be it could be anything fake the switch front side was that switch Yeah switch front 180 phoneless to come back into regular and I think that is going to do it for ha mat to get him into finals I think he's going to make top 15 with that I think he's made that run number one he had to throw away a bunch run run number two though pressure's on and he was feeling it made it Jes made it count now we're back round to me yeah we have the final three runs of the skateboard qualifiers here at simple session 2024 Converse obviously not with skateboards it's his birthday not long ago Mees is uh works in the jail oh does he yeah as long as he's not in jail in jail that's good Ro tangas saying if someone doesn't know High just know he's a beast is a seeing that on display here just using the entire course that is exactly what the an Estonian Beast as [Applause] well yeah K grind [Music] down he's got it [Applause] though hit the rph F grind through the Kink 30 seconds left m [Applause] now going into the coming through for the Box yes the Box [Music] lovely cameraman doing well to get out of the way there yeah o finger flip over over the uh over the box I think Jam number 12 if you are sat in the bubble of those final four spots right now to get into the final you going to be feeling pretty nervous cuz I feel like all four riders in Jam 12 are set to make it through Alex tuna must be very relieved he is currently in 11th he knows he's in he did yester turle 4 triple 1 it's been a very long time since I've heard someone call a crooked grind a k grind ready we are ready as EST you got you got the just flowed from the heart naturally Danny Leon coming back in there's the stalish spoiler alert he's flip staled that earlier this week if you want to see that go over to simple sessions Instagram wild or Danny's Instagram they collab posted it 50 over that rainbow ra back tail up TA every single time absolute cont fing FP FR always in the [Music] always boness Lofts them like that boost is the right word boost them up it's like he pulls it and then pushes it further yeah oh penguin out there but there going to be a nice front side nose grind or front side over whatever you want to call it it's a front side over it's an over over I mean we're going to start something in the live chat here but over crooks on Rails do exist absolutely oh the fakey flip is flip outrageous front side no gr backside 360 flip on the quarter Danny Leon perfect run there didn't fall off I he did he did fall but you just don't notice with Dan with Danny cuz he can just get back on he can just get back on and make it count wild wild one Red Bull Bowl rippers in 2023 one simple session 2020 so he knows how to get it done but this guy the most recent winner of simple session the last run of the qualifiers last run yeah of jam number 12 and of the qualifiers as you say Julian agardi getting to ride last because he won last year at just 13 years old incredible 14 now of course quick maths on that quick maths quick quick maths took me a moment to figure that out but a year has passed and he's a year older SMI nice little front side FL there kickex he just got my lock yeah here you go is this where the no slide was that caugh him out goes for the little saladside sus I think isn't it goes back that way and then the front tail across yeah looking great on this one run Julian sticking everything this time 25 seconds the Trey flip no problem on the rotation of that this time catching that front foot yeah pole Jam transfer that absolutely counts that's fine I'd give that to him that's cool yeah no grind to fakey uh and then finishing on side big spin hill flip big spin hill flip on the quarter P that was unexpected and then that stepping off that half C no slide I think he was going to go for the 270 out but it's after time anyway wow seen anyone do a front side big spin hill flip on here we go DM performance and racing saying I don't understand people who think a front side over and a front side nose bind are the same I agree what he's saying he doesn't understand people that think a front an over Crook and just a nose grind are the same they not the same trick they not the same trick we're going to get hated the ha is just sending it right now what a crazy Mad Man H mat MVP he's in a world of his own isn't he he's just loose he is a walking enma he is a walking tornado he left his bag on the plane coming back from um Helsinki literally like the bag that you you know you get on your plane you've got your Ro sack just left it on the plane so they had to try and get that back from Helsinki for him he's end turned up just been ripping without anything like with him he lost all his ID and everything they got it back and now he's like cool I've got it back happy days and then he turns out in his bag he has a little alligator head I was like why do you have an alligator head he's like I put my beer in it so he holds his beer with an alligator head he holds it rather than holding your beer cuz that would be too normal that would be too that would be too easy just to hold your beer with your hands he holds it with ah head H mat I'm calling it here done enough to make the finals we'll see for official confirmation in a minute but yeah we've got scores to come after these highlights m m as well I feel like could well also be in there what are the scores George doors there me yeah I feel like mes got it done looking at the top 15 right now what's going to happen the Lesser spotted OE finger flip over the driveway Danny Leon look at that rubbing his chin that crossbone one of the best in the game I felt inspired by that as a kid I grew up competing against Danny and when I started going to the European contest I would see him doing those crossbones and I was like I need to do those I can confirm it's still not as good as Danny I did eventually G we were in a bar the other night though and he was saying he was like it was really weird he was like we used to compete against each other and then all of a sudden you were doing the commentary I was like this is way easier in here mate I like I get to watch you guys rip it yeah there we go the front's so blunt on there as well he has a mean one of those and that fakey flip such a rogue trick yeah yeah and that you can see there just how much that Kink throws you off his front foot pretty much entirely came off the back there from Julian is this going to be flip front 50/50 I'm saying everyone from Jam 12 makes final these highlights everyone I think everyone who you say wouldn't that's true everyone me I think M had a really good run as well m is in high for me I just I I I I feel like all four we're going to see in the finals tomorrow here in Tatu some big decisions to come what are the scores PS like we've been biging up our judges this year the legend that is Pat Duffy Christian PRI and vessa Iola you can see behind on the right there if you're interested that is risto who founded simple session in the Hat on the right hand side of course as a set he dips off now you can see off his face founded simple session 24 years we've been doing this absolutely wild big congrats to all the team and the results are here we go Matias doio stays in first place Danny Leon is in second Marcelo gimenez in third Julian agardi as well gets into that top five getro six n so we need to wait on Hae mat making it in 12th and me in 10th the first time the first time I've made a prediction today and it has been accurate there you go and like I say Alex tuna relieved that he got that 50 the 11th spot because he is that final position 15th for those of you in the chat that were loving Jaws as well that were hyped he's made it in in 14th Place absolutely buzzing here we go checking the full list now B and it just shows some huge names not making the cut because the cut is brutal 48 skaters down to the final 15 that was hard man I mean look would not like to have been a judge in absolutely not absolutely not unfortunately two estonians at the bottom just out of injury yeah absolutely wild and you come to the booth with me and Mark welcome so what do you think of that Mark what' you make of that I mean it just got more and more intense the the more the competition went on didn't it like we were saying oh my God we've got we've got some crazy things coming up and of course it did and absolutely crazy yeah wild what do you think we're going to see tomorrow I think we're going to see things get even more intense what do you think I think it's going to go off best run counts tomorrow so he going to be huge you want to be there but this afternoon we have the BMX qualifiers I'm going to be joined by the legend that is Sebastian keep Mr baz keep red bull rider you might have seen his walls part as well insane so please do stick around for that but right now we're going to hand over to side studio and we'll catch you a little bit later [Music] on station baby let's go [Music] go

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