James Cameron Has Had ENOUGH with 4K Reviewers | NICK 4K REACTS

what's going on guys welcome back to another Nick 4K video today we are checking out a video from Jeff over at films at home he's going to be covering the whole debacle going on with James Cameron and his 4K transfers for those of you who may not know I'm sure he's going be covering it in this video but um he said some things recently that have made a lot of fans mad and um we're just going to jump into the video and I'll be giving my thoughts as we go on so if you guys enjoyed this video you want to see more like this make sure to like subscribe to notifications for more and if you have any cool ideas for future videos you want to see me check out let me know in the comments below and if I use your suggestion in that video I will give you a shout out so that said let us begin so James Cameron said some kind of wild stuff about physical media collectors and enthusiasts the other day and I just want to talk about it a lot of you guys sent this to me so you may have seen the quote but basically James Cameron was being interviewed and he did get a question about his recent remasters of the Abyss aliens and True Lies and that controversy surrounding those releases and his response was essentially if you're sitting there and reviewing the grand structure of movies you need to move out of your mother's basement it wasn't the best answer I've ever seen from a celebrity James Cameron can come off has pretty arrogant and you know a little bit close-minded many times when he's asked questions about that or especially when he's when he's challenged on something related to his films yes he seems like the type of guy that like if he gets asked the same question multiple times eventually gets annoying and I think that's fair I mean for a certain point of view I think we're all kind of like that like after a while like things get annoying like it's it's like you you try to be honest the first couple times and then when you eventually start getting the more questions over and over again eventually comes to the point where you're like all right like shut up stop being a baby about it you know it happens but I just wanted to respond to that comment because even though he didn't phrase it the way I would have I sort of see where he's coming from but I also have issues with what he's saying because he should be a little bit more aware of his audience let me start with the issues I have first of all James listen if if you're remastering your films like the abyss and True Lies and aliens and you're putting those in theaters and selling tickets for re-releases and then selling the 4K discs and you're banking on all of that work and all that effort you put in to obviously I would think make you some money not that he cares he's a billionaire but you would think that at least the people who worked on it you would want to make them some money and this should be a profitable exercise if you're a maker by telling people that they should get out of their mother's basement and essentially making the assumption that you know everybody who's interested in this stuff is you know quote unquote a a loser who doesn't have a life you're alienating the audience that actually buys those tickets like yeah um like I stated he said the same thing it's probably not the best way to go about that uh I get he probably gets that question a lot and it was just in the the midst of the of the situation he just kind of you know like like he said he can be arrogant but just because you didn't mean to say something or it came out wrong or like in the midst of the situation you kind of just blurted something out um there's still repercussions because of that and that's kind of what's going on with this situation who do you think is showing up to watch The Abyss in theaters remastered or true lies or aliens like it's your most hardcore fans and your most hardcore fans are the ones who are going to care the most about the way that those re-releases look and the way that those remasters look I found the comment really odd because like who are you doing that work for you're doing that work to appeal to the super fans and then you're telling the super fans that they are losers and now I know not everybody who goes to see those uh remasters and who bought the discs cares about that stuff like there are just James Cameron super fans who are going to watch it no matter what and enjoy it but you really are alienating in in you know talking about a core part of I think your audience especially at least on the 4K disc side that care about that stuff so it was a really odd comment and you know I wonder if he truly just feels that way and says screw you guys like I do get that vibe from him I've never been a huge fan I like his movies uh his older movies I don't care much for Avatar Titanic is okay um his newer stuff honestly since like the mid99s I haven't really cared for James Cameron much he hasn't done much for me but it's it was just really odd to alienate that group like who who do you think is watching and caring about that stuff people who pay attention to it now not to be on Jam's side here but to play Devil's Advocate I do understand a little bit of what he's saying because I have said similar things in the past especially recently not to the level of you know the the insult that he dropped you know calling everybody a loser essentially but I do think that we get lost in the sauce times we start pixel peeping is what I and others have called it and we start getting too deep into these discs and like breaking down frame by frame screenshot versus screenshot you know zooming in on things you know just basically watching things in a way that's totally unnatural like if you're going to watch a movie and in a theater or if you were to watch something you know and you didn't know the difference between Blu-ray 4K whatever um and nobody told you what kind of disc you were watching like you wouldn't sit there and take pictures and freeze frame and zoom like it's just a totally unnatural way to watch a movie at that point you're watching a disc and you're yeah so so like Norm's they don't they don't get that and that that's fair and for me personally and this might be like a little bit un I might get some hate for this I actually think that um the True Lies transfer aliens and Abyss they all looked great I thought they looked I thought they looked great um sure was there some signs of DNR obviously and that's what this whole situation is about the whole debacle about this but for me um like I said all my OLED it looked great when I think about it if I take a step back and I kind of look at how I felt watching all those films and by the time I got to the end did that bother me that much and it it really didn't I still appreciated the extra resolution of the 4K the HDR looked great on them I think that there was just enough grain in the in the shots there was it wasn't super clean I think a lot of people kind of are um up in arms about that and um I think it was okay I don't think it was that nearly as bad as people were saying do I still understand the arguments yeah like if you are a really big fan of like keeping things as U close to what they actually were when they first filmed yeah you're going to be bothered by this because this is not what was filmed right it was um altered so that makes sense why you would be offended in that type of sense but like I said flipping the coin there you know it's also what James Cameron wants right like he made it this way he he sat there in the editing booth and he made sure that it was the way he wanted so you know it's the question is is it better now or is it worse now you know it it is the the person who made the film who was the director James Cameron he presented us with another version of his film film that isn't more to the original way it was filmed but it's more the way to his liking so which one is better I don't know I mean if you're going to compare a Blu-ray to a 4K I always will pick the 4K there is just the extra quality there I understand the arguments like I said but for me I'm actually happy to have uh True Lies aliens and Abyss as part of my collection on 4K so that's just me that's how I feel watching a remaster and that's what burnt me out mostly on doing all the 4K review views um I didn't feel like you know you're a loser for caring about grain structure and things that I've talked about in the past but I did think that it was it was just too much like I understand what he's saying like it's too much like everybody has something to complain about about essentially every release that comes out now nothing is ever good enough for that hardcore group of people um everybody has a complaint like I get that I was feeling burnt out by that um I just wanted to watch movies and enjoy them and that's where I understand je hold on Jeff hold on Jeff are you telling me that I can just watch a movie and actually just enjoy it you're telling me I can't pixel PE I thought as a 4K collector I have to make sure that everything is exactly perfect and if it isn't I have to complain you're telling me I can just sit back and enjoy a film for what it is no no way that's impossible don't even try to do that Jeff nice try he could have said it a little bit more eloquently for especially somebody who's you know in the public eye as much as he is and of course when he gets challenged he tends to get that way he tends to just get like he lashes out insanely aggressive he's gotten this way about other stuff too so I'm not surprised um and honestly he's a billionaire so he can say I don't care about yeah he doesn't care um and it won't affect him but I do get that part of it like we do need need to move past looking at the grain structure and you know just if you don't like it don't buy it you know watch your Blu-ray watch your DVD like we can't tell James Cameron what to do with his films we can't and I've always felt that way even you know I don't get as obviously when I review the James Caron movies I think first of all True Lies is as good as it's ever looked regard of its issues the same with aliens and the same with abys they're all the best they've ever looked they're perfect no but if I'm buying 4K I want the best they've ever looked and that's what I've got I didn't get Perfection I'm okay with that cuz it looks better than anything I've had in the past but I'm not a huge James Cameron Super Fan either so I wasn't going to get all uptight about the way that these looked because I really just wanted certain things like True Lies in an HD format so I can enjoy it and not have to you know buy a bootleg or watch a DVD or something I just wanted a high quality version of it I got that not perfect but I got it and I was happy I understand if you're a Super Fan how you could get lost in that world but something like oh that's right True Lies wasn't on DVD that was a big thing that's right that was the first time was on on 4K it it skipped Blu-ray didn't it that's right see why complain like it's one thing if there was a Blu-ray that was out and it was good enough and it was actually even better than the 4K that makes sense but there's not even a Blu-ray of that thing the 4K is the best version just I think it's good I really liked it you know so I don't I don't know which I am a super fan of um you know I've come to terms with just like George Lucas is going to do what he wants and it's not going to I'm not going to let that ruin the movie watching experience for me yeah now when I watch Star Wars A New Hope and I watch Return of the Jedi and Empire Strikes Back there's weird things that were in there that weren't in there when I watched them as a kid I have the VHS tapes with the originals if I ever want to go back to them but it doesn't bother me anymore I'm just like it's it's such minor stuff that's changed I whatever I'm still I'm still enjoying the movie watching the movie for what it is um now I may feel differently if if somebody had messed with jaws if somebody had messed with Halloween uh movies that are deeply deeply close to me that I am in that 1% of super fans I understand coming from on the that's a fair and I get it it's just for me but for me it's like an example of like the Lord of the Rings 4ks like I know that they could be better but I do think that people didn't pick them too much and um that might be a big Point like cuz big fans want the best of what they can get for me Lord of the Rings is my favorite Trilogy you probably already know this if you watch my videos for a long time but it is my favorite Trilogy I think although it is three movies I look at it as one big movie it is the best movie that's ever been ever been created in my opinion there are other movies that maybe quality-wise could be considered better you know pure one single film cinem films but overall best movie in all time was the Lord of the Rings um all three movies combined I like the best of what I can get but the 4K transfer is what got me into 4K collecting so I started collecting and then I found out oh actually the transfers aren't even as good as they could be so I do think one day we're going to get actual full transfers of those if not uh maybe an 8K transfer of those at some point and um that's time to do it when it's like fully the best version you can get AK let's do it I know it might be a wishful thinking but I want it give it to me and I think for 99% of the public we just don't care we just wanted a good version of the movie A lot of people are totally oblivious to it wouldn't even know what to look for wouldn't think twice about it which is why you know he is kind of calling out that hardcore 1% which is on one hand why I think it's odd because those are his biggest super fans but on the other hand I get it we can't please everybody he's pleased 99% of the world but the 1% that's being the loudest and complaining about these you know and now he's getting asked questions about it in interviews I'm sure he's frustrated by it but you know you kind of made your bed lie in it you know you know back your remasters which he did he backed them he said those are you know done by everybody who does my remasters and I look at every frame and if that's what he wanted that's what he wanted but I just thought those comments were really interesting it brought back up a point about like how directors and filmmakers can mess with their movies over time it brought up a point about remasters it brought up a point about uh again like watching a movie versus watching a disc and the difference between those two things and just enjoying physical media and movies for what they are like getting high quality versions of films and I know this isn't as good as we could have gotten but again the best we've ever had so I can't complain it brought up a lot of those points and so I just wanted to make this little quick offthe cuff video to to talk about that and give my thoughts on it because a lot of you have asked in on Instagram DMS and sent me some emails with links to the article so there are my thoughts James came off as kind of an he seems like he is kind of an a lot of times he's earned the right to be a bit of an want to be at this point um you know he's done more in Hollywood than most people ever will ever have so I get it he also has the right to Tinker and play with his films however he wants to but I would say James next time think about your super fans man think about that 1% that truly care if they're voicing their concerns in a constructive respectable way um I think you should address them if they're screaming from the rooftops and just screaming that it's garbage and it's trash and all the other things that I have and there are people who are like that like there are people who are who what he just described like there are people who actually like like Jeff I would say he's a super good like um he looks at quality you know he doesn't attack anyone he kind of gives his own personal opinions on certain things but he he keeps it over overall fair but I have seen other YouTubers I'm not going to point them out but there are other physical media YouTubers out there who will do exactly what he said and they'll just scream they'll complain they'll go to the rooftop and just start yelling at James why James why why you know the um remember like early uh early 2000's like original trilogy supremacists you know how we used to talk about them they kind of have subsided as time has gone on because they saw the sequels but they were the worst and it's kind of what those type of people are so if you ever thought like oh what what is he talking about what do they mean by someone who does that it's one of those type of people like an original trilogy supremacist like it's one thing to like the original trilogy more than the prequels or maybe even dislike the prequels that's fine but then to also go and attack the creators and attack like the person who play jarar Banks it's stupid it's so stupid I'm glad a lot of the supremacists have have since either changed their mind or have moved on from the platform overall yeah it's um every every fan base is going to have that that's just the way it is get it you don't need to give those people the time of day totally understand it but James I hope you don't think we're all losers because we buy your movies because trust me we're not 4K Blu-ray physical media DVDs building a movie collection um you know it it is a little offensive I know who you're addressing with your comments but it was a little it was a little rough to read honestly as somebody who really enjoys this stuff like I don't live in my mother's basement most of you guys don't um I haven't lived in my mother's basement for many years oh I wish I could live in my mother's basement my my mom has a big basement I wish I could live in rentree that'd be great it's so funny how like how Society has kind of changed like that like U you used to be like frowned upon to live at your parents house and now when you hear like one of your friends lives at your parents their parents house you're like man you lucky it's cuz life is so expensive all right that's a a little ad lib let's he's we're almost finished let's uh we admit at one point I did after college live in my mother's basement I think we've all been there but I don't right now and I have a family and lots of you guys you you have families you have jobs you have kids like it's it's a little bit bigger than the simplified uh stereotype that he threw out there which I just think is a little bit dangerous and probably doesn't do the physical media world uh any favors he's definitely not helping the cause when he's calling people out like that I appreciate you all giving me a heads up on this sending it over to me it's always nice to have new things to comment on and and help create content I thought this was definitely a good a good thing to talk about so hopefully you enjoyed this little offthe cuff chat if you did subscribe to the channel so you get all the latest make sure to follow me on social media Instagram Facebook Tik Tok Twitter whatever you want to follow me on I'm on all the platforms you can find those links in the video description as well and I just appreciate youall coming out to the video and watching each week as you do so thank you all appreciate the support hope you have a great rest of your day stay safe stay healthy out there and I'll talk to you all soon all right thanks Jeff yeah so pretty much what it comes down to exactly what he just said um I do think it was one of those things where he's a jerk you know we James Cameron has a jerk personality you know he is when it comes to writing and uh creating movies he's a genius we all know that it's just one of those things where you know it is what it is I'm not super offended by it I know he he wasn't necessarily targeting that at me but it does hurt everybody when you target one person right cuz we're all part of one group even if we have the loud minority because me and him we are collectors I'm sure you're watching this you're probably collector yourself whether you collect big you collect small it does kind of hurt the format to do that um but you know sometimes you lash out sometimes you hear something over and over again and just like all right shut up stop complaining about it you're lame you know it was he lashed out uh I don't want to necessarily apologize for him I just think you know I'm a human being he's a human being and although he's a much richer human being you know it doesn't put him Above the Law of uh being kind or or you know doing this thing I don't know it is what it is what do you guys think do you think that uh this is all blown out of proportion do you think that maybe he should apologize or something do something like that let me know in the comments Below guys thanks again Jeff for this good video uh Jeff probably like the biggest of the physical media content creators that I've seen um at least as far as I know I don't watch a lot of them but I I have seen like Jeff probably the most and I I do trust a lot of his reviews I think he's very genuine and I think he definitely deserves to be like at the top of the podium as far as the physical media content creators go but what do you guys think let me know in the comments below make sure to like subscribe turn notifications for more videos and until next time I'll catch you later peace

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