Donald Trump Live: Trump's Press Conference Live | Kamala Harris vs Trump Debate | Los Angeles

case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65y old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another play deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to all his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her and she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Cala Harris and Gavin nsam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Cala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcible rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes he put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Camala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least 150 million dollars and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros back prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with Kamala support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Kamala supported gan's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti fracking she was anti everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh rest music as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the wor Worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they bad and I lost a lot of respect for David Mir he came at me with things and uh we'll go over in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and we're able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came and I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 40 50 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're going have have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman this's a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as ms3 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16 year old girls were walking to school and they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS13 gang they came out of prisons from different places and they form for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it three minutes later uh they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back what I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala a lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming out we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runways so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much much wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade Howard I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they would taking anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their bord is a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the Border president I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly I did a great job and then I come in and I look at at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 wasth what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the Border president because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at karacus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped him into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Camala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Kamala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 mil could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border of P I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Camala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about it the governor he's a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are they we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom Holman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watch the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as he was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David M was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they Greg Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security unto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save him but David M said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this is after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's a 55 65 75 and 85 one case one categories up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released them I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamala because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was a coup he got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes he got no vote she was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first they had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's 88,000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election any time after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news own she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news order report she's a liar because that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things were just lies she just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's a total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6 but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than then lie or not speak but think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nusum has been he's horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so I do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national averages through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years cuz I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist they said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even beli it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of venz well they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays him billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $68 billion budget deficit last year $68 billion deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it cost 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 1 Point $7 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever seen anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Camala Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that it even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already answer they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Kamala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were 5 years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Cala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean there Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides in Rancho Palace 30s the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communists left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Camala I'd almost say Camala more so she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country is what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco was known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine and friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco is our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's going on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Kamala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police he was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to as and put in is Da was Edwin Ramos an illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this she came to his defense he had previously been arrested for robbing a preg woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to Illegal alen Ronnie agilera who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with a sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Cala La her 10 years da with a San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you so more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case they won they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65-year-old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another plate deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a TR traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police police don't endorse her she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Camala Harris then Gavin nsam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Kamala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcible rape went up by much more than the 73 % that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes she put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Camala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least 15 50 million and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros backed prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Cala supported gas gan's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti fracking she was anti- everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh BR M as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David Mir he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report him and we're able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came in I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 4050 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're can ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman this is a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16 year old girls were walking to school and they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved them up with a knife they didn't want to shoot them and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS-13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they formed for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it 3 minutes later uh they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back but I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming at we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runway so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade how I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Cala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they were taking anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their borders a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of legal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the border of President I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly I did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 was 120th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the border of President and I hope you call me the Border president because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a b like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at Caracus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped him into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Cala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Camala has illegally flown into the United States by by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen into our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology Harden steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Camala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about it the governor is a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are they we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom homman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as it was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David M was correcting me the FBI now the f bi defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% % so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about it had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they Greg Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants on to Social Security onto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save them but David M said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this is after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant right so it's up 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released them I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was a coup he got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes he got no votes he was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after to the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's $818,000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election anytime after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news W she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news AO reports she's a liar because that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things were just lies she just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's a total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6 but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than than lie or not speak I think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nusum has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so I do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years because I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to the The Economist they said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even believed it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays him billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $68 billion budget deficit last year 68 billion deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it costs 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for one point $7 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell at courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used the Consumer Fraud stat statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever seen anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished nothing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Camala Harris Democrats in Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that he'd even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already answer they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Camala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were 5 years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes but Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean it's Pebble Beach and there some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the o is better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special with out of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides in Rancho Palace fdes the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but uh when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Camala I'd almost say Camala more so she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country is what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco was known is one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine and friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco is our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Cala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police he was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well there Sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to is and put in is Da was Edwin Ramos an illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this she came to his defense he had previously been arrested for robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agulara who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with a sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her ten years da with a San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you so more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case they won they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65y old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another plate deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Cala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic sap she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Kamala Harris and Gavin nsam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Camala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcible rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes she put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Camala Harris proudly endured defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least $150 million and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros backed prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Cala supported gas gon's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies change she was anti fracking she was anti- everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh BR M as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David M he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and we're able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came in I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 40 50 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're can ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman this is a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the is toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved him up with a knife they killed both of them they carved him up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS-13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they formed for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it 3 minutes later they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back what I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming at we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runways so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much were wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade how I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only his comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they were taking anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their borders a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better uh but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the Border president I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 was 120th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the Border president because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at karacus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped them into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Cala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Camala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Kamala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about it the governor is's a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are they we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom Holman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premere statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as it was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that 2020 so this guy David mure was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55 % and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about that had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they Greg Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security onto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save them but David mure said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this is after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's a 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released them I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was a coup he got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes he got no votes he was the first one that lost now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a frud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's 8818 th000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election anytime after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news wonder she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news AO reports she's a liar because that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things were just lies she just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6 but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than than lie or not speak I think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nusum has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so I do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years because I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist say said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even believed it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on this plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and they said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays him billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and the stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $ 68 billion budget deficit last year 68 billion deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it costs 1.7 million to install a single public public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 17 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am not in the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at 18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell at courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever seen anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Camala Harris Democrats and Sacramento here in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that it even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already answer they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Cala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were five years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see it actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean it's Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property as you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides and Rancho Palace fdes the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but uh when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Camala I'd almost say Camala more so she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country as what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco was known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine and friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco is our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Cala was the Godmother of Sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police she was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to is and put in is Da was Edwin Ramos an illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested for robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agulara who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with the sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her tenure da with the San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with this Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you saw more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case they won they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65-year-old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another play deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Cala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Kamala Harris and Gavin nsam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Camala Harris was Attorney General of this state Mur murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcable rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes she put them in a new category as nonviolent now as Vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Camala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least $150 million and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros back prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Cala supported gas gan's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti-fracking she was anti everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh r m as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David M he came at me with things and uh we'll go over in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and were able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came and I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 4050 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're can ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman this is a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia there all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved them up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they formed for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it 3 minutes later uh they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back what I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problem s elsewhere Guatemala lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming out we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runways so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much were wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only as comrad how I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they would take in anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their borders a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the Border president I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 was one 20th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this is and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the Border president because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taking their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at kakas Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped them into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years years Cala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Cala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the B you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it works so well well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it's sto people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Cala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about it the governor he's a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own polititions the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are they we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom homman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FB FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as he was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David Mir was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about had nothing to do with me he didn't corrector he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they greed Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security onto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save them but David mure said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this is after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's a 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released them I think he came to my defense actually but the people on understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was was a coup got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes she got no votes she was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the f bi and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's 88,000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election any time after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news won't she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but fake news order report she's a liar because that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things that were just lies he's just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's a total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6th but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do that except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than than lie or not speak but think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nusum has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to say the United States of America so I do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years because I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist they said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oyal from Venezuela it's not even believed it's interesting they they give him billions of dollarss now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays them billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record 68 billion budget deficit last year 68 billion deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it cost 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 17 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell at courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever seen anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Cala Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that it even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already done so they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Kamala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were 5 years ago ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime and I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see it actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean there Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides in Rancho Palace FES the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but uh when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Camala I'd almost say Camala morso she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country as what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco was known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine and friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco is our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's going on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Cala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police she was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Cala gave Sanctuary City to as and put in as da was Edwin Ramos an illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested for robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agulara who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with a sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her ten years da with a San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you saw more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case they won they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65y old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another plate deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race and she became district attorney the police don't endorse her and she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Kamala Harris and Gavin nusum took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Camala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forceable rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crime she put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Camala Harris proudly endorsed def the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least $150 million do and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros back prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Kamala supported gan's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostit ution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti fracking she was anti- everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh r m as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six point points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David M he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and were able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came in I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 4050 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're can ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman there's a Ral left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long iseland not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved them up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they formed for whatever reason Long Island seems to be be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and three minutes later he saw it 3 minutes later they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jail and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back what I call those countries three of them guala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala a lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming out we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told them you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runways so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much we wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got him out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade Howard I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they were taken anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their borders a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the Border president I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly I did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 was 12th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the Border president because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taking their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at karacus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped them into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Cala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Cala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails metal institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Camala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across and assure short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about it the governor is a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that wanton all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are they we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom homman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice Department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart a guy who has good hair but not as good as he was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David Mur was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about that had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they greed Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security onto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save him but David M said exactly I quote president president Trump as you know this is after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's a 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released him I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was a coup he got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes she got no votes she was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said 'you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said 'w if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy had 14 million votes you had had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's 88,000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election anytime after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news won't she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news order report she's a liar because that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things were just lies just just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's a total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down is a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6 but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do that except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than than lie or not speak I think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nsam has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so they do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years cuz I had no inflation as essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh GE it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist they said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even believed it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays them billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $ 68 billion doll budget deficit last year 68 billion doll deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it cost 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 17 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprised ly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phone only case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington and highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell at courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever seen anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Cala Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure 15 $50,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that it even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already answer they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Kamala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were 5 years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean there Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides and Rancho Palace 30s the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but uh when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow Comm rad Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Cala i' almost say Camala Mor so she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country as what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world this state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco was known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine and friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco as a greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Kamala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police she was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to as and put in as da was Edwin Ramos and illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested to robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agulara who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with a sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her 10 years da with the San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you saw more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case they won they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with derange Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65-year-old mother with a hammer and a pair of users he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another play deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Kamal Harris and Gavin nsam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Camala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcible rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she Define child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes she put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Cala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least $150 million and ideally more this is when your crime in LA was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros back prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Cala supported gan's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespass ing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti fracking she was anti everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh uh R mu as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at BC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David Mir he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and we're able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came in I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overdose deaths here skyrocketed by 40 50 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have a the nicest view you're can ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman there's a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved him up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they formed for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it 3 minutes later they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back but I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala a lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming at we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runways so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade Howard I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they would taking anybody that wanted to come in and they flying them in so when they tell you about their borders a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the Border president I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 was 12 12th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the Border president because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dump them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at karacus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapist off the street and they dumped him into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it where Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Camala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Kamala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number the legal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Camala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor is afraid to even talk about it the governor he's a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are that we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom Holman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me cu wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as it was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David M was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about it had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they red Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security onto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save them but David M said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this is after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's a 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released him I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the Administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was a coup he got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes she got no vote she was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the8 so it's 88,000 jobs that they said existed that didn't didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election anytime after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news won't she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news order report she's a liar because that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things were just lies she just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6 but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than than lie or not speak but think of it I'm knocking to hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible government govern nsam has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so I do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% % higher and the national averages through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years CU I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist say said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even believed it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junkie plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays him billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $68 billion budget deficit last year $68 billion deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it costs 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 17 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell at courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever seen anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Kamala Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that it even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already done so they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Camala Harris said the values that she had has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were 5 years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see actually fronts you know most very few coures front on the Pacific Ocean there Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we We Begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides in Rancho Palace 30ds the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but uh when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Camala i' almost say Kamala Alam Mora she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taken place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country is what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world this state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco is known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine a friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco as our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's going on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Kamala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police she was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City too as and put in is Da was Edwin Ramos an illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested to robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agulara who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with the sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her 10 years da with a San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you so more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case they won they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65-year-old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another play deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her and she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Camala Harris then Gavin nusum took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Cala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcible rape went up by much more more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes he put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Camala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least $50 million and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros backed prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Cala supported gan's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti- fracking she was anti everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh r m as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David Mir he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report him and we're able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came in I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 40 50 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're can ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman this's a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the W Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved them up with a knife they didn't want to shoot them and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to than ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they form for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and three minutes later he saw it three minutes later they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back but I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala a lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming at we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you know not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runways so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade how I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Camala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they would taking anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their bord is a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the Border president I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly I did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 wasth what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the Border president because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at Caracus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped them into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Camala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Kamala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before for we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought i' have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-lime panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Camala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee Camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about it the governor he's a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are that we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom Holman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as it was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David Mir was correcting me the FB now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they Greg Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security onto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save him but David M said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this is after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's a 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released them I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudge the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was a coup he got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes he got no votes he was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago's not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's 88,000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election anytime after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news won't she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news order report she's a liar because that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things were just lies she just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6 but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third thir worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than then lie or not speak but think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nsam has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so I do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years because I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number number if you go to The Economist they said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even believed it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays him billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $68 billion budget deficit last year $68 billion deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it cost 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 17 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to letia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever seen anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Alla Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that he'd even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already answer they also passed a law that allow State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their their child's gender identity when Camala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were 5 years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person person that votes for Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean there Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach as the B the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property as you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have some something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides in Rancho Palace fdes the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens a little bit more difficult but uh when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Camala I'd almost say Camala more so she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country as what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco is known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine and friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco is our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Kamala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police he was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to is and put in is Da was Edwin Ramos an illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested for robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agulara who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with the sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her 10 years da with a San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you so more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case they won they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65y old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another play deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Kamala refused to seek the death death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco police officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Kamala Harris and Gavin nsam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Camala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcible rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes she put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Cala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the UN United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least 150 million dollars and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros backed prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with Kamala report gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Cala supported gan's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti fracking she was anti- everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given it the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh BR M as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David M he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and we're able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came and I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 40 50 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're can ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman there's a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as ms3 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved them up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS-13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they form for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked in to that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it three minutes later they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't particip ipate they wouldn't allow him back but I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala a lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming at we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runway so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade Howard I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is com R Cala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorist you've ever seen they were taking anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their borders a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better uh but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the border of President I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly I did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 was 12th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the border of President and I hope you call me the border of President because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80 % if you look at karacus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped him into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Camala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Camala has illegally flown into the United States by Arab plan when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 Al Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president president has a duty to keep you safe Cala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about it the governor he's a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are they we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom homman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as it was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David M was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about it had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they Greg Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security unto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save them but David M said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this is after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's up 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released them I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamala because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was a coup he got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes you got no votes she was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's 88,000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election anytime after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news owner she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news AO reports she's a liar cuz that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing cuz tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things were just lies she just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's a total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6 but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than then lie or not speak I think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nusum has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so I do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years because I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist they said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even believed it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of venezuel they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays him billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $68 billion budget deficit last year 68 billion deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it costs 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 1 Point $7 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable ass said and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's he's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell at courts are going to see what happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jur nobody's ever seen anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Camala Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that he even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already answer they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Kamala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were 5 years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertised because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific it's Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property as you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides in Rancho Palace 30es the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Camala I'd almost say Camala more so she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country as what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real state in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the besta weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco was known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine and friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and uh he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco is our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Kamala was the godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police he was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to is and put in is Da was Edwin Ramos an illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested for robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien and Ronnie agilera who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with a sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her tenure da with a San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they have haven't done anything wrong you so more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case they won they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65y old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another play deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic St she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Cala Harris and Gavin nuam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Kamala Harris was attorney general of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcible rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes she put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Camala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of funding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least $ 150 million and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros backed prosecutor J gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Kamala supported gas gan's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti fracking she was anti- everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh BR M as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and we're able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came in I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that were talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 4050 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're can ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman there's a radical left Marxist communist fascist as ERS are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved him up with a knife they killed both of them they carved him up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS-13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they formed for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it 3 minutes later they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back what I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming at we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runway big planes on the runway so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much were wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade how I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Kamala allowing a legal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they were taking anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their borders of a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the Border president I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 wasth what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the border of President and I hope you call me the border of President because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real numers 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at karacus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped them into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Camala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Camala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I original Al said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it look looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Cala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of a American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about it the governor is a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are they we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom homman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no know crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as it was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David mure was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those said of numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about that had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they Greg Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security onto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save them but David mure said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's a 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released them I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States it's this was a coup he got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes he got no votes he was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy at 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not in included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's 88,000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election anytime after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news owner she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news order reports she's a liar CU that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things that were just lies she just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's a total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6 but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Cala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than than lie or not speak I think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nusum has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so they do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years because I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist they said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even believed it's interesting they they give him billions of dollarss now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on this plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his aane but pays them billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tall and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $ 68 billion budget deficit last year $68 billion deficit estate and the government is so incompetent that it cost 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 17 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $188 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell at courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever seen anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Camala Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that he'd even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already answer they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Kamala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same is what they were 5 years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean there's Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property as you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides in Rancho Palace fdes the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working uh down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but uh when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Camala I'd almost say Camala more so she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made for woman-made Destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country as what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco was known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine and friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco is our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Cala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police she was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to is and put in is a was Edwin Ramos an illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested for robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agulara who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with the sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her tenure da with the San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea deals made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you so more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case that when they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country and one sweetheart deal Cala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65y old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quick ly as possible and another play deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Cala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Kamala Harris and Gavin nsam took charge of San Francisco home H lessness increased by over 200% while comrade Camala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcable rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes she put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Camala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least $150 million and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros backed prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Kamala supported gon's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time which he helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti fracking she was anti everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh r m as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David Mir he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and were able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came in I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 4050 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're going ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman this is a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved him up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS 13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they formed for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together their Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it 3 minutes later uh they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagon and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back but I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming at we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runways so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much were wonderful people and we got them out by the thous thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade Howard I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they were taken and anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their borders a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the Border president I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border 2016 was 12th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the Border president because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at karacas Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped them into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Cala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Cala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions that coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Cala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about the governor is's a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are that we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom Holman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months in other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premiere statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as it was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David Mir was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI and in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about that had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they greed Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same the lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security onto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save them but David mure said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this is after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's a 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released him I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was a coup got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes she got no votes she was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC news is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's 88,000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election anytime after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news won't she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news AO report she's a liar because that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things were just lies he's just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the mil what they just like McDonald's a total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6th but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than than lie or not speak I think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nusum has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so I do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last 3 and a half years cuz I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist say said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were Drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even beli it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his his airplane but pays him billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air but the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $68 billion budget deficit last year $68 billion deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it costs 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 17 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the OJ in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell at courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever seen anything like but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished nothing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Cala Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was G given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that it even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already done so they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Cala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were five years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean there Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the land slides in Rancho Palace 30ds the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but uh when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Kamala i' almost say Camala Moro she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country as what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly and this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco was known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine and friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and uh he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco is our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's going on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Kamala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police she was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to was and put in is Da was Edwin Ramos an illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested for robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agulara who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with a sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her tenure da with the San Francisco go police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with this Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you saw more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case they won they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that have he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65-year-old mother with with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another play deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Cala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her and she's got virtually no endorsments now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Camala Harris and Gavin nsam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Camala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcible rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as Attorney General she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crime she put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Camala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police dep Department by at least 150 million dollar and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros back prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Kamala supported gan's decision to stop prosecuting in criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti fracking she was anti everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh r m as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload Doos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David mure he came at me with things and uh we'll go over in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and were able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came out I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Cala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 4050 and 60% and murder has reached an alltime high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're going ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman this is a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long iseland not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved him up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal 13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they formed for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it 3 minutes later uh they walked walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back what I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala a lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming out we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told them you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runways so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much were wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade Howard I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were sec secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they would take in anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their borders a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the Border president I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly I did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 was one 20th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the Border president because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taking their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at Caracus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped them into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Camala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Kamala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border of president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Camala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about it the governor he's a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politics the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are that we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom homman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as it was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David Mur was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the number now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they greed Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security onto Medicare and she's going to Destro destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save them but David mure said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this is after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's a 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released him I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was a coup got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes she got no votes she was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates hat her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy he had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's 88,000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election any time after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claimed that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news won't she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news order report she's a liar because that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things were just lies he's just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's a total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6 but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Camala Harris and the commun his left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than than lie or not speak I think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nusum has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so they do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years cuz I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist they said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even believed it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I saidwell it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays them billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $68 billion budget deficit last year $68 billion deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it cost 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 17 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political iCal hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever seen anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Camala Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that it even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already answer they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Kamala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were 5 years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime and I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see it actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean there Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides and Rancho Palace 30s the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but uh when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Cala I'd almost say Camala Moro she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country as what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco was known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world of friend of mine and friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco is our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Camala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police she was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well they Sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to as and put in is Da was Edwin Ramos and illegal alien MS-13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested for robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agulara who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with a sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her 10 years da with the San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you saw more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case they won they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with derange Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65-year-old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another play deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer ISAC Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her and she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to Endor after Kamala harrris and Gavin nsam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Camala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcable rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crime she put them in a new category as non-violent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Cala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least $150 million and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros back prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Kamala supported gan's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti-fracking she was anti everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh r m as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David Mir he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report him and and were able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came in I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 4050 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're can ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman there's a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long iseland not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved him up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS-13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they formed for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it 3 minutes later uh they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back but I called those countries three of them gu Mala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala a lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming at we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runways so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much we wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade Howard I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they were taking anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their borders a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands thousand and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the Border president I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 was 12th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the Border president because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dump them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 5060 70 and 80% if you look at kakas Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped them into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Kamala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from hati into American communities including over 200,000 who come has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 508 8,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for Tech technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Camala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor is afraid to even talk about it the governor he's a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to votee for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are they we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom Holman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from a 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst ities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as it was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David M was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about it had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they greed Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security onto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save him but David M said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's a 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released him I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was a coup got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes she got no votes she was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's 8818 th000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election anytime after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news won't she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news AO report she's a liar because that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the milit military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things that were just lies she just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6th but I can't believe that thaty is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Cala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than than lie or not speak but I think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor newcam has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so I do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years because I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist they said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even belied it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and they said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays him billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $ 68 billion budget deficit last year $68 billion deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it costs 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet it for 17 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the Appel at courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever SE anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis is the Camala Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that itd even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already answer they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't qu affirm their child's gender identity when Camala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were 5 years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean there Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property as you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides in Rancho Palace 30es the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to rest service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states Ates some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Camala i' almost say Cala Mor so she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taken place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the White House because if you have what happened to this country as what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco was known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco as our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's going on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Cala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police he was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to as and put in is Da was Edwin Ramos an illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested to robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agulara who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with a sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her 10 years da with a San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you so more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case they won they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65y old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another plate deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Isco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Kamala Harris then Gavin ncam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Kamala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcible rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes she put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex traff tring and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Camala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least $150 million do and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros back prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Kamala supported gas gan's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti-fracking she was anti everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before for and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh r m as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David Mir he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but uh I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and we're able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came in I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 4050 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're can ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman there's a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved them up with a knife they didn't want to shoot them and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they form for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and three minutes later he saw it three minutes later they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow them back but I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala a lot of problem problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming out we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you've put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runways so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much we wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade Howard I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they would taking anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their borders a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better uh but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the border of President I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly I did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 was 120th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the the Border president because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at karacus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapers off the street and they dumped him into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Cala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Camala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying the way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number at Le aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fent andol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Camala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about it the governor is a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are they we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom Holman we had 160 eight countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David mure tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defraud everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as it was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David Mur was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 40 2% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they Greg Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted want me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security onto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save him but David M said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this is after I made the statement that crime is at record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's up 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released them I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudged the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president of the United States this was a coup you got 14 think of it you got 14 15 million votes she got no votes she was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago is not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the8 so it's 8818 th000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election anytime after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistleblower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news won't she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she'd never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news AO report she's a liar CU that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things were just lies she just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's a total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6 but I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than then lie or not speak but think of it I'm knocking to hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nusum has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so I do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years because I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stayed that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist they said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even believed it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro The Dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junkie plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays him billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $ 68 billion budget deficit last year 68 billion dollar deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it costs 1.7 Mill ion to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 1 point7 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for list than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the Union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever SE anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Camala Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that it even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already answer they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Camala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really I think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are they're the same as what they were 5 years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Camala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see actually fronts you know most very few course is front on the Pacific Ocean there Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property as you can imagine we do also lots of weddings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides and Rancho Palace fdes the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that it's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency Personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but uh when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the Communist left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Camala I'd almost say Camala more so she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction too it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country is what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position to put it mildly in this state which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco is known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine a friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco is our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney come Mala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police she was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to is and put in is Da was Edwin Ramos and illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested for robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agilera who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with the sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her 10 years da with a San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political bonent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you saw more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case that one they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jacks Smith deranged prosecutor the that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65y old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another plate deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic sap she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her and she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States we just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day for internal order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Kamala Harris and Gavin nsam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Mal Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcible rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes she put them in a new category or as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Camala Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least 150 million dollars and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today it's at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros back prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Kamala supported gon's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas is in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti fracking she was anti- everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question she was given at the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pring and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh BR M as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group that bad and I lost a lot of respect for David Mir he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and we're able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came and I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released and you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here of skyrocketed by 40 50 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're can ever have but uh somebody's got to explain this woman this is a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved them up with a knife they killed both of them they carved them up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they formed for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it three minutes later they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back what I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but this South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala a lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming out we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got $750 million a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runways so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it when not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and Border Patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade how I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and terrorists you've ever seen they were taking anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their bord is a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now and I'm the border of President I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly I did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that the Border in 2016 was 12th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the border of President because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real number is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at Caracus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped them into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Camala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Kamala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want to they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew him in right over the top of for the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fent and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 mil could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right we'll do it the way you want a president has a duty to keep you safe Cala will turn America into a poor violent third world refugee camp it already sort of is we have elections that are a mess and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world there's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed 21 million people to come across in a short period of time and children and the children of American citizens are at the mercy of barbaric criminals you take a look at what's happening in Colorado the governor's afraid to even talk about it the governor he's a Democrat Colorado I hope you're going to vote for Trump because you're being stampeded by your own politicians the governor can't talk about it because he can't go against the policies of these lunatics that want all these people to come into our country without knowing who they are they we don't even know where they come from as of last week I was told by Tom homman we had 168 countries represented over the last 12 months other words people came in illegally from 168 different countries most people don't know there's that many countries there's more than that in the world we'll know them all pretty soon I'm sure in breaking news yesterday the premier statistical agency at the justice department you remember where David tried to correct me when I said that crime is rampant like never before he said oh no he said crime is going down they said where are you coming from and you know you wouldn't have to need a uh Bureau of Justice statistics to know that crime is worse than it's ever been and I guess they probably watched the debate and they heard this this foolish man this foolish fool make that statement to me that no no crime is coming down the FBI said it was coming down the FBI defrauded everybody because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas and some of the worst cities so the real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice statistics and they just released it so I think they probably like me because they wanted to defend me from people that are not smart from a guy who has good hair but not as good as he was five years ago to be honest on us and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy David M was correcting me the FBI now the FBI defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs that didn't exist the FBI in this case defrauded so violent crime just out Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% aggravated assaults are up 55% and violent attacks on Strangers are up much more than 61% so those are your numbers see those are the numbers now I was I think he corrected me 11 times of the 11 times I don't think he had the right to correct me at all didn't correct her once like on Project 2025 I have no idea about that had nothing to do with me he didn't correct her he knew that Charlottesville nothing was done wrong all you had to do is read my statement one more sentence and you would have seen that Sean Hannity Laura Ingram Jesse all of them they red Gutfeld they all they all took that and they uh corrected it many times but they keep coming with the same lies I'm going to save Social Security and I'm going to make it good and we're not going to raise the age just as I did for four years when everyone many Democrats wanted me to do something about it and she'll go around saying oh Trump is going to do bad things to Social Security no she's going to do because she's putting these illegal immigrants onto Social Security unto Medicare and she's going to destroy those programs and the people are going to have to pay but I'm going to save them but David M said exactly I quote president Trump as you know this after I made the statement that crime is is it record numbers president Trump as you know the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now anybody that says it's coming down when you look at all of the migrant crime and all of the other crime and this doesn't even include most of the migrant crime so it's up 55 65 75 and 85 one case one category is up 89% and these numbers have just been released by the government I appreciate the person that released them I think he came to my defense actually but the people understand it in fact he was wrong the FBI totally fudge the numbers and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did it's a fraud uh and it was a fraud when the when the administration the I call it the Kamal because I don't even know who our president is anymore where is this guy they took it away this was a an overthrow of the president president of the United States this was a coup he got 14 think of it he got 14 million votes he got no votes he was the first one that lost and now I'm running against her they went in I was 19 points up in the poll I saw their poll they went up after the debate with Biden I have debates with everybody but the first debate we had two debates we didn't have one first I had Biden and he was 19 to 21 down and they went that's when they went and they said you can't win you're going to get out and he said' no I'm not I'm not going to get out which was his right to say they said well if you don't get out we're going to execute the 25th Amendment and he said like I said I'm going to get out and he hates her Beyond any I think he hates her probably almost as much as he hates me I think he still hates me a little bit more but he hates her he hates her he hates what she did and you know when they talk about democracy well that's not democracy he had 14 million votes she had none and she was the first one out of the 22 people or so that ran as a Democrat she never made it to Iowa first state she never made it to Iowa she was the first one out and now she's running so you tell me how that works they wanted to be politically correct that's all but we're not going to let her destroy our country in fact the David mure character he's lost so much respect everyone's talking about him he's a joke and ABC News is a joke too but most of the fake news is pretty much of a joke he said that uh the FBI and he didn't know this I guess at the time he probably did but the numbers and the cities that weren't included in those numbers were Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland New Orleans and many others of similar crime numbers in other words so they didn't include the worst crime numbers in the country look at those numbers Chicago's not included Los Angeles not included so they could say the numbers are flat but they didn't include the big boys and that's a fraud on the public and as I said it was a fraud also just like with the eight so it's 88,000 jobs that they said existed that didn't exist and they thought they could hold the number off until after the election anytime after November 5th but that didn't work out because they had a whistle blower that released the numbers and then you have kamala's claim that she worked at McDonald's she never worked at McDonald's it's a lie they went in they investigated it and the fake news won't report that they won't report the only one that reported it was Fox but the fake news owner she never worked at McDonald's she said she stood over those french fries when they were being fried and it was so tough work such she never work there she's a liar she's a liar but the fake news order report she's a liar because that's sounds like a little thing but it's a big thing because it tells you they lie they lie about everything they lie about statements on the military nobody loves the military more than me she got up today she said things were just lies she just made up what's bad for Trump oh this would be say something bad about the military oh he said bad about the military just like McDonald's a total lie it's the way they do it and her her VP choice I think will go down as a catastrophic choice now maybe I'll be wrong I'll let you know on November 6 that I can't believe that that guy is an asset they had other people that would have been comrade Cala Harris and the Communist left have also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state and all across our country as as vice president what she's done to our country is not even thinkable California has the highest inflation the highest taxes the highest gas prices the most illegal aliens the most regulations the most expensive utilities and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business it also has the most people leaving it I love this place look at this I own this no Partners no mortgage no nothing I own it and I'm talking so badly about the state it hurts me to do it I would never do this except for the fact that I'm running for president and I want to save the country so I'd rather sacrifice this than then lie or not speak I think of it I'm knocking the hell out of the state of California I'm saying how bad she was and what a bad job she's done what a horrible Governor nusum has been he's been horrible so many people leaving and I'm hurting my own property and that cost me lots of money but it's okay because this is unimportant compared to saving the United States of America so I do it for that reason but that's what those are the numbers what Camala Harris's policies will do to America the cost of living here is nearly 40% higher than the national average and the cost of housing is 97% higher and the national average is through the roof and it all took place in the last three and a half years cuz I had no inflation essentially no inflation and it stay that way for two and a half two years so it wasn't like oh gee it was ready to pop no we had it done we had it down to a science we had no inflation 1.4% which is perfect that's better than no that's a perfect number if you go to The Economist say said because you want a little bit but you don't want much it's a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect we were drilling we were taking it out now we're buying our oil from Venezuela it's not even believ it's interesting they they give him billions of dollars now Maduro the dictator I call him the owner of Venezuela they give him billions and billions of dollars but then they foreclose on his plane they take away an old junky plane it's not a good plane they take away an old junky plane and I said well it's okay he'll buy a much better one we give him think of it a country takes away his airplane but pays him billions of dollars for their oil which is the worst oil on the planet it's tar and it has to be refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can refine that junk and you know where it's located in Houston Texas for the environmentalist so Houston Texas is refining tar and that stuff is going up into the air it's the only place in the whole world that can refine that very bad stuff the state is rapidly going busted with a record $68 billion budget deficit last year 6 billion deficit for a state and the government is so incompetent that it cost 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco they built a toilet for 1 point7 million and it's not even nice I saw pictures of it I built this whole thing for less than that unsurprisingly more Americans are now leaving California than any other state in the union and over 500 companies have left since 2020 hurts me to say it look I have this unbelievably valuable asset and here I am knocking the hell I'm sitting here thinking and I know this I've known it for every time I speak badly of New York we have a very bad attorney general there she's a political hack who got elected saying I will get Trump I will get Trump I will get him Leticia James and they had a phony case where they value a house that's worth a billion to a billion five at $18 million the judge was corrupt and she's corrupt very corrupt person it's a political hack and then we have the other cases that they're all headed up by the White House they sent their people in one person in particular but they sent their people in to head up the cases in the state they sent their people in from the doj in Washington highest officials to go to Leticia James work there get that started and then go to the DA in Manhattan but I think the appell courts are going to see what's happening I really do I believe in that but it's hurting New York because businesses are moving out of New York because of it they used a Consumer Fraud statute which has never been used before for this to get me in New York and I had no jury you can't have a jury you're not entitled to a jury nobody's ever seen anything like it but I'm sure I feel sure that the appell at courts will will come in and defend because otherwise our country is finished thing like that can happen and no company wants to move into New York because of it very very bad for New York in the face of this crisis the Kamala Harris Democrats and Sacramento they're in Sacramento and all over the place just passed a bill that I think the governor is rejecting I hope he rejects but I think he was given a lot of pressure $150,000 home loans for only illegal aliens but the fact that he even passed I would imagine he'd reject it if he hasn't already done so they also passed a law that allows State authorities to take children from their parents if they don't quote affirm their child's gender identity when Kamala Harris said the values that she has have never changed I I really think that was probably the only true statement that she made they've stayed true and you look at what they are the the same as what they were 5 years ago 10 years ago they want to confiscate your guns they want to take your guns away they're going to take your guns away if I'm Not Elected anybody that owns a gun if you vote for them you're crazy any Jewish person that votes for Cala is crazy she wouldn't go to see the prime I have a little bit of a motto but we never have to advertise because it's always loaded up with golfers very good golfers it's a world championship course it fronts uh on the Pacific Ocean as you can see actually fronts you know most very few courses front on the Pacific Ocean there Pebble Beach and there's some others but I always say uh I have the ocean Pebble Beach has the bay the ocean's better than the bay and this course is one of the best courses anywhere in the world and it's done really well and we've had a lot of fun with it so it's been great it's a major property you can imagine we do also lots of weight wedings and lots of events and uh in the ballroom right behind you and people get married literally on a nightly basis looking over the Pacific Ocean so we have something that's very special we're proud of it well thank you all for being here uh before we begin I want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides in Rancho Palace 30ds the slides are something can be taken care of this area is very solid but you go down a couple of miles down you'll see uh something that's pretty amazing the uh the mountain is moving and it can be stopped but they need some help from the government so I hope they get the help and I'm sure John will have the help and I want to thank the mayor for the great job he's doing I tell that to the people uh what a great job he's doing I just met with the mayor and especially want to salute all of the public safety and emergency personnel who are working down the road as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents it's another thing when you live along the coast sometimes that happens it's a little bit more difficult but uh when they fix it it's uh there's nothing like it there really is nothing like it I'm here today in California with a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Camala Harris and the communist is left to do to America what they did to California the state of California is a mess with people leaving and uh nothing's going to stop them they're going to other states some are going to other countries but what they've done Gavin nsam and Camala I'd almost say Cala more so she destroyed San Francisco and she destroyed the state uh when you look at the kind of Destruction that's taking place it's all man-made or woman-made destruction to it's things that should have never happened but we're not going to let that happen with four more years of her in the white house because if you have what happened to this country is what they allowed to happen in California and San Francisco one of the great cities of the world 15 years ago and today it's not in a very good position put it mildly in this state which which is probably the best piece of real estate in the world the state you have the sunshine you have the ocean you have everything you have the perfect weather the best weather and uh they've heard it so badly so badly decades ago San Francisco was known as one of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world a friend of mine a friend of a lot of the people here Bob Tish used to say San Francisco is the best city in the United States the best city there is and uh he passed away number of years ago but he wouldn't believe it he used to always talk about San Francisco is our greatest City he owned Lowe's good company great company and uh he would say it constantly and now you see what's happened and it can be brought back just like our country can be brought back because we're a nation in Decline the decline of uh this whole state is one of the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical left lunatics that we have to put up with as the San Francisco district attorney Kamala was the Godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the Forefront and also the movement of defunding the police she was there right at the beginning she boasted quote we are a sanctuary City and we always will be well the sanctuary cities of crime one of the people that Kamala gave Sanctuary City to is and put put in is Da was Edwin Ramos an illegal alien MS13 gang member who savagely murdered a father and his two sons after mistaking them for members of a rival gang she knew this and she came to his defense he had previously been arrested for robbing a pregnant woman and killing many they say Kamala refused to get him out of our country and he went on to do very significant damage she also gave Sanctuary to illegal alien Ronnie agilera who murdered a 14-year-old boy nearly decapitating him with a sword he enjoyed watching this take place with a sword by his hand Camala launched her tenure da with a San Francisco police group described as a quote fire sale for plea Deals they made plea deals the only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump they go after their political opponent especially when they haven't done anything wrong you so more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta Georgia uh it's all politically inspired it's all against their political opponent we won the case in the big case that when they said the big case the big case I've completely won that case the documents case in Florida case was thrown out with deranged Jack Smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be in a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal Kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as David Taylor who got high on crack and murdered a 65y old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors he wanted to come out and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible and another play deal she gave only six years to a man who killed a disabled veteran with a knife and then left his body to rot in a bathtub Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinosa during a traffic stop very innocent traffic stop she didn't have the decency to call his family never did to explain her decision why would you do this why would you give such leniency to somebody that just killed the police officer but her son this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officers Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney the police don't endorse her she's got virtually no endorsements now but I have almost every police group in the United States which just got the endorsement of almost 400,000 police you saw that the other day Fraternal Order and uh it's the largest police group in the country but we have the endorsement of every Sheriff every just about every single police group in the United States and unadulterated they are so happy to endorse after Camala Harris and Gavin nuam took charge of San Francisco homelessness increased by over 200% while comrade Camala Harris was Attorney General of this State murders Rose significantly car thefts went through the roof gun assaults Rose at levels never seen before and forcible rape went up by much more than the 73% that they reported as attorney general she defined child sex trafficking assault with a dead weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes she put them in a new category as nonviolent now as vice president she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history the history of our country by far and in case you don't want to write about it you should because it can be no bigger Scandal than this we have under this Administration 325,000 migrant children are missing 325,000 in other words take your biggest stadium in California and you could fill it up five or six times those are all missing children many of them are dead many of them are sex slaves and slaves of different nature but her destruction of the Law and Order in California did not end there in 2020 Kam Harris proudly endorsed defund the police we're going to defund the police anybody that was even in favor of defunding the police for one month let alone her entire career should never be president of the United States she supported a plan to cut the LA Police Department by at least $150 million and ideally more this is when your crime in La was reaching very significant Heights today at the highest level it's ever been Harris also endorsed the Marxist Soros backed prosecutor George gascan to be district attorney of Los Angeles and with kamala's support gascan has Unleashed hell upon the residents of Los Angeles absolute hell Cala supported gan's decision to stop Prosecuting criminals for trespassing disturbing the peace making Criminal threats loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest and these are some of the best areas in your state they were left alone they were protected by him actually protected by him they've been trying to get him out for a long time but she helped and this is where she's coming from as president this is where she's coming from this is why all of her policies changed she was anti-fracking she was anti- everything and all of a sudden she changed even the first question was given it the debate gave one of the dumbest answers they were asking about pricing and would you be better off today or four years ago prices have gone up at numbers that nobody's ever seen before and just the concept of being better off she didn't she didn't give the answer she talked about when she grew up nobody knew what the hell she was talking about and based on the polls it didn't work because uh BR M as you probably saw just came out and they just Lifted Me Up by six points for president which is one of the biggest increases they've ever had in one little short period of time of a couple of days up six points and uh and I thought the debate was great I thought I did very well but I was fighting three people I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at ABC I think considered the worst by me considered the worst broadcaster out there George sload dolos that whole group they're bad and I lost a lot of respect for David Mir he came at me with things and uh we'll go over it in a second but I was right about the crime stats going way up the fact is the FBI didn't report them and we able to keep the stats essentially flat but the new numbers came in I guess somebody in government likes me because the new numbers were just released you'll see the kind of numbers that we're talking about went not only up but up at record levels like nobody's seen before when everything was included and thanks to uh Kamala since 2020 crime and drug overd deaths here skyrocketed by 4050 and 60% and murder has reached an all-time high we don't want this for our country that's why I'm doing this I don't like doing this other than I know you all have the nicest view you're can ever have but uh uh somebody's got to explain this woman this is a radical left Marxist communist fascist as borders are she then launched a colossal invasion of California's Southern border just yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach in the United States first sentence of The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of a Venezuelan gang known for for dismembering people dismembering people right dismembering people from Chile to Colombia they're all over the place now they're in our country they're known as MS13 they're considered the meanest toughest gang in the world in Long Island not so long ago two young 16-year-old girls were walking to school and they carved him up with a knife they killed both of them they carved him up with a knife they didn't want to shoot him and uh we got them out I got them out so fast and we did a big number and I wanted to thank ice while I'm at it because ice has been unbelievable border patrol has been unbelievable and she wants to get rid of ice she wants to dismember ice she wants to take them out and if you didn't have ice you'd have a problem in this country ice would go in I remember in Long Island with us they had a gang that was brutal MS13 gang they came out of Prisons from different places and they formed for whatever reason Long Island seems to be a place and I'll never forget the scene of ice going into a Rat's Nest they call them when you have a lot of them together Rat's Nest and they walked into that nest and you just saw arms and fists and feet everybody was flying and 3 minutes later he saw it 3 minutes later they walked out with these guys dragging them out by their feet and throwing them into Patty wagons and bringing them into jails and then we got them out of the country and moved them back to where they came from which Obama was unable to do when he was President Obama was unable to do because the countries wouldn't participate they wouldn't allow him back but I call those countries three of them Guatemala take a look Mexico too to a large extent and uh I think probably the worst of all we had four countries Colombia was rough we had four in South America we have but the South America is no longer the problem we have bigger problems elsewhere Guatemala a lot of problems in Guatemala a lot of bad people coming out we called I said uh let me speak to the president I told him you're not getting any more foreign aid they got 750 million dollars a year said no more foreign aid why because you send people over in Caravans and you won't take them back and they're criminals and we don't want them in this country and you wouldn't take them back with Obama you put they would put planes on the runways big planes on the runway so you couldn't land the planes loaded up with prisoners and I said that's okay you can keep doing it we're not paying you 10 cents and they called me back 20 minutes later one of them the next day three countries and they said we would be honored to take MS13 back we like them very much we wonderful people and we got them out by the thousands and thousands we got them out and that I attribute to ice and border patrol they're incredible people not only is comrade how I I mean if you you take a look at this but not only is comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but then it was announced about a year ago that they're actually flying them in nobody knew that they were secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of people some of the worst murderers and ter terorist you've ever seen they were taking anybody that wanted to come in and they're flying them in so when they tell you about their borders a little bit better than it used to be they only did that for election reasons not good but it's a little bit better but they don't tell you that the flights are still coming in here bringing in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens and they're being dropped into the midsection of our country because all states are really border states right now I'm the boorder of President I solved it in 2016 probably got elected because of of that in 2016 and uh really there was nothing to do in 2020 I said to my people I want to talk about the Border what a job I did they said sir nobody cares you did it it was good we went from a terrible border to a great border very quickly did a great job and then I come in and I look at what's happening now and the only difference is that that the Border in 2016 was 12 12th what it is now we have the worst Border in the history of our world of the world there's never been a border like this and I want to be the Border president and I hope you call me the border of President because I'm going to show you what a border security job we can do and we're going to do a job like never has been done before there's never been a border like this I believe the real num is 21 million people are here and many are thugs criminals and remember this if you go to South America and if you go to these countries that have taken their prisoners out of their jails to empty their jails and dumped them into the United States like we're dumping ground you're going to see their crime rates have gone down by 50 60 70 and 80% if you look at karacus Venezuela they took their criminals and drug dealers and rapists off the street and they dumped them into the United States of America Dumping Ground they call it we're a Dumping Ground for Venezuela because we have stupid people running our country and you think Biden's bad this one's going to be worse than Biden over the past three and a half years Camala has resettled half a million illegal migrants from Haiti into American communities including over 200,000 who Cala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane when they couldn't get through the Border because the Border you know the Border guards backed up they were refusing to let them in they don't want want they love this country they're saying you can't do this to our country they flew them in right over the top of the Border guards and they're doing it right now they're doing it right now in Springfield Ohio 20,000 illegal Haitian migrants have descended upon a town of 58,000 people destroying their way of life they've destroyed the place and people don't like to talk about it because even the town doesn't like to talk about it because it sounds so bad for the town they live there they're proud they love the town for years it was a great place safe nice now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it's 32,000 it's the new number illegal aliens are now coming in from all over the world from prisons jails mental institutions they're coming in at levels that we've never seen before we cannot let this happen to our country and I will be your border president and I hope you call me a border president I never thought I'd have to say that again because we fixed the border and now it's and it was 100% beautiful and that includes fentol and drugs and everything else we had it fixed and now it's nobody's ever seen anything like it and I guess they want to do it because we built hundreds of miles of wall and we had hundreds of miles I said after we completed much more than I said I was going to complete and it had a huge impact but after I completed it we had all of this wall to be put up it could have been put up in 200 miles could have been put up in 3 weeks would have been totally sealed and much larger than I originally said but it worked so well we were doing so well and not only didn't they put it up they sold much of it for 5 cents on the dollar very expensive wall has wires inside of it for technology hardened steel hardened concrete and rebar they wanted all three I did it as per the border patrol I I disagreed with the look they said sir this is the only way we had to put a anti-climb panel on top the panel on top is an anti-climb panel I said I don't like the way it looks they say I know but it stops people from climbing I said all right

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