camping at James caravan park Ruabon..Wrexham ..

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:40:32 Category: Entertainment

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camping yeah we're on a new site daer come last week James James's Caravan Park buzzing hey got a road here though bit a little bit noisy but obviously I'll get used to that I put the do break up actually we've done everything Rambo watered and fed it's like uh have a look at the time 20 past five bit wind but that break's just done the J how you do there we are look at that room under there amazing we got a new uh a new little thing in the dub and a w in D vintage one I tell you let me show it you any man let me set on me seats see if I can get it there she is watch there have we got oh you know she dances let's see if we can get it here cuz I can't see now I'm just swinging aing baby yeah buing woo we got a r bloody wind hope this drops so anyway I'm getting hungry at you dog I'll be cooking in here yeah probably depends might cook by the wind break we don't now depends if winds can come around it right that's there Bill and Ben are happy to Camp it again yeah brilliant yeah so are you we're not on his own got Dy car get ready to eat oh look at his bed and everything okay prop Posh she is heyy yeah yeah there we go looking good looking good that's a cardi and we got Wayne in his tent you there's Wayne it's when break off you need it to don't you do yeah it right we'll go over see decky got Dey play here as well where where here's ly go on l it's windy he's got his wind break up as well yeah woo I'm get cooking man getting hungry I'm getting hungry yeah another good cab hey if we don't blow away we never know that's do the job there there is tell you cuz mad proper mad weather nice let's get back to camp and where are you that's Rambo you're all done fed watered everything it's us now you have see where I'm going to put the stove it's all right here so have to cook here right I'll see you in a bit Kong's out right B and B let's Zoom me toty weing oh look at that how good what's on the way how good does that look e vintage one beautiful absolutely and she dances while we're driving let's see if we can get her again oh perfect J love it yeah Sammy right we get cooking we're having Baker cheese o cakes to that for ages while we been camping have we do no no no we haven't yeah and the bacer in look at that it's nice no wind in here loads of wind out there looking nice now the bacon is look at that tell you I'm rumbling that's the first one in look at that Bea oh can't wait for mine give Sammy the first as you do and there Samy beautiful beautiful yeah mine Z man's a double a double thingy double bacon think yours might be ready now Doc SA oh wow there we go a nice as that luk yeah that is so hot so hot wow wow red hot red hot and there Sammy what you getting do cani Kowski yeah there Bell and Ben nice oh yeah Kowski oh I'm nearly done nearly done nearly done perfect right we'll see you in a bit eh yeah looks nice Cheers Cheers Cheers right let's have a sneak see what da and Wayne are having there's Wayne on the gandes on the gandes yeah oh what you having mate sweet checking sweet and sour chicken he's done the chicken at home then bought the sweet sour sauce put it all together he's boiling the rice got poppadoms prone crackers poads the other night didn't we yeah everything what was that wasp a wasp a bing that was wash just hit me on the should it bounced off your army thank God yeah it was a bigon I saw it's right probably a queen yeah oh I Pi one all it never eyes right that's shy chilling and I'm get chill now with a with the c ala with me woman there we go doc that's Rambo there's rbow well that bacon cheese o cakes were absolutely fantastic W you dock yeah it was what time is it what what time is it let's have a look black cherry whiskey time yes yes go on dog come on I tell you what right i' got put me base layer on trousers underneath this I've got me thingy on what you call it no that's on top the sweatsh to me now hey that Beard's growing nice for the wedding ain't it said I won be married to a viking right oh in in oh look what she's doing like Cherry whis Dickies we yeah yeah that's nice so with it what you have a treat you've had a treat just off Dicky how he's been fair and treat and everything never right is he oh look what's see here look what's here this is why I'm marrying her for a black cherry whiskey we have been together 37 years though haven't we do yeah yeah Cheers Cheers yeah oh spanking right can chill out for a bit right sees you in a bit have fire buy the wind's dropped a little bit got these H long aren they bloody [Applause] H he all long those oh nice one mate oh I missed it I told you I that [Applause] took oh are they okay yeah yeah so I just cut these in half yeah yeah I'll just cut these in half then cuz deck has got some small wood for lighy got wood everywhere right got saves chopping a lot best [Applause] week oh that's the it barbecue bag in there it's noisy here that road a it I don't know if you can hear it people but by [Applause] God the winds dropped and the wind started again hope we got this fire go we keep us warm right [Applause] i l failable does [Applause] [Applause] i t but these are ideal for starting a fire [Applause] decky well we all got plenty of what that we we yeah this fire will be blaring in the matter of minut want it yeah well I'll do it that way for the [Applause] moment right we're on oh just look at the fire now that didn't take long long D it I'll got a couple of Bings on never right [Applause] e Fire's bluring yeah dazzy fire bug Sammy H man H for Army hey do you do the honest yeah that's it beautiful beautiful I got Rambo we it I don't know what he's after I got a a black cherry in a bottler board beautiful that fire oh that's nice and cold duck beautiful right we'll culate him use you back on da oh you know you know Sam's just bought the chickens out wow look at the fire dazy what's he like Wayne's got a chicken D says he don't want one is if he never stops as Nicki he is awake he's just looking down there Sammy chucking in asleep yeah he's not asleep L is awake yeah good up dazzy Fire King M right see you later well what a brilliant night you know it's about 10 1 yeah Sam's in bed yeah she's here she's he it Ramos's been for a run a walk is he it yes was just me D has gone bad Wayne's gone bad de's gone bad was just me awake so anyway what I'll say good night see you in the morning good morning that was a lovely cap there's Rambo got to blame me Flats oh what you like out there hey hey is there there's Rambo you go boy yeah say 7 Mt ni sleep though but when you're a can leave that traffic but we are next to the road we are oh it's a noisy part beside this says beautiful but God Almighty was something traffic last night getting pass while we having a fire mentle and later on it was trucks so he want me the other side site I think what lovely here lovely right yeah of you Rabb see what was I mean dick up Rambo's been fed and watered it's nice hey when you walk up the site up there you can hardly e that road you know it's quiet up there but e Ro yes can hear it trucks and everything here you God but up there is quiet tell you nice so in winter when we come on here in Winter we'll go up there yeah it's a bit quiety anyway we're chilling out Sam's in bed Daz is in bed Wayne's in bed we had a great night last night don't we remember the fire brilliant D was DJ some rock music some fresh rock music brilliant great night right chilling now Sam's up I've just made you a coffee your phone was on Char so I couldn't give you the pleasure of watching it anyway cat's back on for Rambo then I'm going to get con out which is actually out there and I have some toast lovely lovely there's the sky I don't know where the sun is lovely over there ain't it Blue Sky a bit nippy any yeah bit nippy I've got me on yeah buzzing right Kong's on Wayne's back him and D have been have a share aren't they yeah Rambo's waiting for some toast anyway so we got some toast on the go D it what are you having G is on the milkshake Wayne's on the juice Sam's on the coffee on the I'm on the toast Claire's on the wine he says well that one's done I've just buttered it and I near bit that one dad quck Kong love it there we go all done I've only at one piece and I nearly bur me toast well there's no wind it t right we'll see you later I've got to put the bed away and everything right I'm already packed up me and Sammy are off to lolan T and Wayne have gone to Chester de clar staying here has got to do a few things in the vanish house so we we're going to go chest a bit aren't we do are you ready for chest Chester langol and sorry yeah you first walk the dog around how we look and then we'll be on his way yeah I don't think it's that far from here I think like 5 and a half miles or so it so bing bing right we'll see you I don't know when we're there or when we're on here we'll see yeah we're at langol now Samy and Rambo right we have a walk wow lovely lovely you right nice beautiful over there tell you lovely sun's out look at that Sky men you know we found a chy Chip's C hisa that's Rambo l £550 that was 375 for the chips and 175 for the gravy come on dog you got me one yeah I have one nice L chippy hobly know we should have bought with us I can yeah don't me am I car you can in your bag no room no room right we're there some beautiful buildings here cracking it's a bit cross thingy yeah at the sun it's blaring he you go boy Annie right we'll see you later chippy time then were lovely they were you Sam's just been up a shop get some uh pop that's a cold beautiful well there plenty of people walking everywhere are you right going to chill out and then go for the walk AR we do yeah yeah there she is he waiting patiently what time we on 20 past 12 well we got a 3 hour ticket so anyway we probably be about another half hour won't we and then get you know we saw a campsite on the way in so we'll go have a gander at that won we do so anyway we'll see you you soon how nice that water looks cold don't it at Sammy and the wind proper windy gorgeous yeah we can go up to the canal up there have a walk on that road can't we yeah I think right see you when there nice at the canal lovely let's have a zoom just for it goes there we go Samy yeah at up there and the man beautiful nice to that's smes away just move me fer there we are what a gorgeous for you eh and here's the campsite James's Caravan park on the James estate beautiful so we have a little drive around where we can and and show you what we can see that's the toilet block yeah yeah this is a toilet block [Music] yeah really nice there a road here just how look up here just have a look I mean where we just been all as just sir yeah it looks nice don't it yeah I it's quieter here yeah see we'll come in winter but we'll come over here yeah see cuz you can put tents there so we'll be able you know in the camper van yeah H yeah prob yeah it's a bit noisy where we are but it's Bank all day Ain it you know so it was like f on which was brilliant cuz Wheel bar here yeah he's billing Ben mate very picturesque is it yeah very nice oh well I look forward to coming here in Winter right uh oh V will take us all we probably go across the grass can't we I don't know or do you want go up and just yeah cuz we're over there Rambo yeah that's it so Che yeah there de deck is your seeders all right so let's see I don't think if we can get round we probably can't want to reverse and way down this neck of the woods [Music] yeah but have a look at the hawaian Babe bouncing around not got the tag in front have you no no that's good that's good see how goods are e off-roading of the all train tires on hello no I'm just showing all around the campsite beautiful really nice coming here wi yeah your hey your back it's not huge but it's brilliant nice dead nice yeah yeah loads yeah here we are here's our C Rambo shut up right so let's see if I can just get back in line I've got the carpet for the lineup I don't think I'm on the carpet there was are right see you in a bit that was get spanking in it saabi look at that sun blaring away tell you can't ask for better weather can you when the sun's when the cloud comes It Go was cool qu sh be top on two minutes he back off oh never right we had a good uh time don't we at L going how do we got the food uh we've just been Shilling out for about half hour we sweltering dogs got water dogs been fed dogs had treats that clo how quick it dropped then never right never right Barb's L look at that these are ones from boxton they were brilliant aren't they we bought two in a bag fantastic anyway I've got the grill on because we don't want the papers be flying everywhere so always put the gril on protect it so anyway looking good look at that son Sammy yeah lovely lovely jly beautiful and it's nearly done we're just ready for the burgers AR we do we put the burgers on first s week what a picture there what a picture stay there dog go back a bit I you got a PCT you here's what we got she's oh she's opened them she's opened them lovely Burgers these are spanking we take about what 20 25 minutes cook you know what I mean have you got me tongs look right now get one get them on Hammer and there's the B I've got to open it myself cuz she's busy she's busy doing the the salad can I do it myself I can't I mean I've te it round so I can grip it are we not gripping NE we're in we're in that was awkward of one hand try and balance it sorted oh look look at these now let me try different jle yeah Daz is up C for hours honey hours wonder you sleep tonight late night yeah late night 2 in the morning now barbecue Port loin steaks lovely and beers are cracking now they are yeah I can get these on you know he's do his Barbie out H you can't wait now look I've got got the chops on the L yeah Sammy can't wait to be hungry dog starving starving see the dog's been fed he's flat out well near we done now spot on there Do's Barbie all light nice really that's Dicky got aset he's getting his uh his grill out he's get do some cooking B in B in you can't beat it can you Lads just can't beat a barie brilliant and here's Samy with a tray of pleasure oh brilliant you putting it there or you want it on here you're right and yeah luk Luke you could tell which one's mine C you this one Sam is is that one right hang on while I load it hang on let's have that one so I'll just oh yeah yeah I don't know where it was with the can then I don't right hang on right you ready for a burger yeah which one would you like any any got it there on there on there there yeah yeah right yeah yeah my beiger in a sa I'm just going to eat eat your thingy first that chop right okay see you in a bit I have yeah yeah he has yeah yeah look at that and look at them Sam's already there and there we go that biger looks superb so we'll give it a try we'll give it a [Applause] try yeah spot on oh yeah i' got turn the camera in so you can see it cook to Perfection so nice right we'll see you later D is getting put some music on now that's what there Abby we'll give you a show when he's got it on right see you in the bear and there's Daz is he CED they are looking well nice aren't he well look Wayne can't [Laughter] [Applause] wait yes he's always he okay and that's Dey let's have a wand over to him let's have a quick another look at that yeah y me or what I'm full now what wonder over to jaie they look nice mate yeah always in the sun you are look at there say here's LLY come say hello yeah I'm looking nice mate it's lovely warm here ain't it I know proper warm there never right you want where dick is he's red hot tell it's cool yeah so te right enjoy Lads enjoy caught in the act on the black cherry whiskey was you naing now was you knacking e oh brilliant well that Barbie was fantastic was it do here we go black cherry whiskey yeah cheers spoiled she is oh tell you beautiful that was so we're all the it yelling we all W everybody's had a fantastic Barbie yeah the pets ready the Viking pit and it's 6:00 six off six off six black cherry whiskey time spot on as dishes are doing and everything right d is back on the DJ see you in a bit and the fire's blaring awesome bottler board black cherry whiskey Sammy Wayne dazy Dicky oh he's gone he's gone s cloud out AR [Applause] he yeah that's it so anyway we're here got music on we just paused it beautiful lovely still nice spot on right yeah we're having a great time Dicky just had chicken what was he chicky Wings dard chicken whatever winded if we do take Sam had one or two one the fire's bluring we still got more wood put on it yeah so have go down there get some wood tell you but War now it's music on and everything it's about half n now a it yeah it's only early still so anyway we'll catch you when I go bed awesome night right R do Samy's in bed Rambo's in bed and I'm not but I will be so good night good morning oh that was a lovely cap oh looks nice out there as well all past 7 well 25 bust [Music] brilliant right right see you in a bit well it's nearly 9:00 Sam still in bed yeah proper windy oh look at Wayne's tent it's like he's leing Blue Sky wind we take Cold Wind even though I've got me sweaty on a on top he I'm warm never right beautiful night sleep Rambo's Ben fad yeah let's wait for SAR up now deck is up he's always up here he is yeah so he did well we got some good news big beef has gone sad news cuz it beautiful we love big beef but anyway anyway we'll be having Summit soon this year with luck will be next but you'll see and I'm not telling you hey Dicky yeah SED so yeah I'm going to chill out with Dey now for a bit right Sam's up morning I about put the bed away so I can like make it a coffee cuz the wind mad proper mad winds turn that down now we there cuz I can't see that looks perfect that looks perfect I'll just top it a bit up more right I'll make the dog's food now for D never right well it's bloody windy and it does everywhere everywhere and his eyebrow his eyebrow yeah that's it it's man just made some another Bruce you go on toilet it's you make some toast in them in Des and Wayne are already packed up at that gone just like e no messy about go that's it and a and wayer off Cy power yeah lovely ain't it there lovely yeah he's good up that b yeah up the L perfect yeah looks lovely amazing there we go right Kong's out we going have some toast yeah you know we got a name for the for thew in ly the show girl brilliant got Bill and Ben look at them too and now ly and Kong that's Rambo look at that what a gorgeous specimen right let's Zoom down at that and it's done on both sides no way no way oh quick right right really come home time home time and door CL there Sammy standing at our do brilliant Camp right we'll see you later yeah what a fantastic Camp didn't we yeah yeah lovely place is you yeah not much windy this part is it luk right I'm going say TR to the to the people and thank them great time hey Doc yeah there we do right see you on the next see you on the next

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