1992: A League of Their Own / Top Female-Dominated Casts

Published: Aug 04, 2024 Duration: 01:08:47 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] so this is Pop Culture yearbook on this show we picked pieces of Pop Culture that were important to us in a given year we then discuss our memories dig into those movies albums shows and more I'm Brad I'm Pete and I'm GIF thanks uh thanks for giving me the reins back there Pete uh if you want to switch it up you did you did a fine job while I was being held hostage by Tony deir you weren't held hostage you were you were dead I thought yeah I don't even know I told you I went through so much yeah you did you went you went all the way through hell and back and now you're on this show it was that Amnesia though which worse which is worse being with me and gford or being in Hell awesome it's a question for uh later all right we'll talk about all right well we uh so last week was RM right can't even keep track of what we record no it was Reservoir Dog last week that yeah that was the last episode before you died that's right and then you died and then we had Teo pengas on yeah without you you should have been on it it would have been great too bad you were dead well so I did RM Pete did Reservoir Dogs are we continuing in our theme tonight to continue 92 gford uh no we are not oh shoot no and it's not even an R-rated uh movie tonight uh we're gonna be talking about A League of Their Own you you call it like a r of their own there you go sure there you go can Bor if Scooby if Scooby-Doo waso yes I was gonna say the exact same thing scoobydoo so this movie uh debuted July 1st of '92 had a $40 million budget and R in $132 million at the box office so excellent fun movie uh fun for the whole family um Tom Hanks is of course great in this um along with a lot of the other cast um usually we get into our memories of this movie uh my first memory of this movie I watched this over at Chad Drake's house with his family my God that's hilarious is it well just hang all right I'm gonna add a laugh track to that well okay I I didn't see the humor in it but we ever mentioned Chad our friend on the show before by name uh yeah I have I think the I think uh the one I when you picked In Living Color I said I was always getting the okay well we probably have but anyway my memory will tie it that's hilarious to me that you said that so I just remember like being like super tense and like pumped up at the end of the movie because it was you know coming down to the you know the championship game and you know it was just fun and you know sitting with his family watching it was a good time and um yeah it was just just fun to watch and that's why I picked it again tonight great pick well that seems like a doesn't seem like a very strong feeling for the movie that you picked oh well go ahead if somebody else Jump On In all right once again but with more passion you were on the edge of your seat so hey let me go next I saw this in the movie theater and I specifically remember this movie because I went to it with Chad Drake so he not only went oh boy good job guys nice so I don't know why it was just two of us because like I don't think we went to very many movies just to two of us that often so that's why I thought that was interesting so he went to the movie theater with me to watch it and then he watched it again with you with his family and that was just very unexpected watch it me what's maybe the word shouldn't be hilarious but you know coincidental it's a it's a slice of life so I liked it too um I this is pretty much about the first time I remember ever hearing about this league and so I was interested in and learning from it um and that's really all I got I mean I liked it it was a fine movie but I don't have any other strong feelings or things to say either so well what I do we'll find out as we go through it if more comes up right and and I don't I don't remember exactly the first time I saw it I think it was in a theater but I really don't recall but what I do remember thinking did you goad is I don't think I uh no I don't think I would I don't recall seeing it with Chad Drake but um um but what I I do remember thinking of those because there's there's a million Sports movies we've talked about greatest sports movies great Sports moments and everything and what gets harder and harder I think especially for baseball movies is to to come up with an original storyline and an original you know ending to it but um um this was good because I thought it was original and it was based on a piece of History um that like you said I didn't know about until this movie came out and I think it uh um uh you know it opened my eyes to a lot of things that were going on not just in baseball but um how women had to uh kind of take over well all the men were or many of the men were over Fighting the War World War II and so it how incling major league players right including major league players um and so just how transformational that period of time was for women's rights in general um and and that was this is just a slice of all that an example of it but of course you know it's it's bigger than that it's it's in a Workforce it's in our factories and all of that kind of stuff so uh and it was a good movie too it it was funny it was serious at times um and it was just um really well done good choice good and then I just wanted to back up too I had just sent this is so funny I mean it's hilarious guys because I had just sent you a picture I had just met with Chad Drake in person for the first time in forever the other day and now we're just talking about him all over the place we're gonna have to tag him on Twitter on this because I think he does follow our page I bet mulkern will take care of us for take care shout out to Chad Drake who's been through a lot of health issues and is just kicking ass and doing great and it was so great to see him so it's it's wonderful that he just happens to tie into this topic just out of nowhere yeah of all nights tonight well done we love we love Hollywood that's yes Hollywood yes we call them Hollywood AKA yep all right before you get into the movie did you want to do a do you want to take a halftime break and do a shout out yeah sure I would love to shout out to the totally 80s and 90s recall um they are always very kind to us on socials um giving us shoutouts and interacting with us um and I will just say fellas I will do better for you I apologize I have been slipping and hopefully tonight uh with my top five I can um do better so please continue to listen please continue to reach out and interact um we love that you listen thank you so so they called out a quote mistake you made on your choice for 92 but I the way you uh actually described it to us I felt like you you were actually okay with that choice knew what you're doing but see it sounded like you knew what you're doing but then you make it sound like well that was just maybe lucky I'm not sure but it was luck okay and that's why I say I am slipping so this has to do with his choice of Ace of Base in 92 um yes which which went through but they they called out a technicality but that's all yeah you know that A League of Their Own came out in 1997 right right well and actually it was set in 1988 because that's when they I believe it was 88 that the there was the induction ceremony for um the all americ professional baseball league well they look at you now that's goodh okay well let's get into it again all right I am going to do a synopsis here uh for those who don't know the movie This should kind of catch you up and then we'll get into it a bit so our Story begins at the home of the now older daddy Hinson as she prepares for a trip to Cooper toown for an induction ceremony for the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League into the Hall of Fame and a reunion with many former players upon entering the field at Cooper toown her memory takes her back to her time playing baseball for a local team in Oregon in 1943 she plays catcher on the team with her younger sister kit a scout Ernie capadino is in the crowd to watch doy he sees her get the G sees her get the game-winning hit and follows her back to her job at a dairy to recruit her for an all girls baseball league with any major league baseball players off at War a new League of all women is being formed Daddy has no interest in leaving home but her sister kit dreams of leaving their small town and her boring life D Agate doy agrees to join the League as long as kit can also try out on the way to Chicago they stop along the way so Ernie can scout another girl Mara despite Mara's prowess at the plate Ernie doesn't think she's right for the league because she's not pretty enough The Hinton sisters threaten to go home if Mara is Left Behind Ernie agrees to bring Marlo along and he drops them off at Harvey field for tryouts the best 64 girls will be selected to play on four teams here we meet May and Doris two tough New York broads who don't back down from anyone after tryouts doy kit Marla May and Doris are selected for the Rockford Peach team the founder of the league Walter Harvey has selected a wash up former star of his Chicago Cubs to manage the Rockford team Jimmy Dugan a practicing alcoholic is not thrilled at the idea but agrees as he has no other prospects when the day of the first game arrives the locker room is a buzz with enthusiastic players getting ready for the game and many are excited to meet their famous manager a hungover or possibly still drunk Jimmy barges into the locker room to relieve himself and squelch the mood of his players he obviously has no interest in managing the team and leaves the girls to set the line up in batting order the girls are able to win their first game while Jimmy naps on the bench as the season progresses the girls meld as a team Jimmy begrudgingly starts to take notice of his team and begins to manage after some publicity the the league starts to gain fans and things seem to be going well for all involved that is until kit is pulled from a game for a for a relief pitcher at Do's suggestion kid has always felt resentment towards her older sister kit can never get out of the shadow of her talented sister and often blames Daddy for keeping her down after an argument between the sisters later that night kid is traded to the rine Bells Rockford and rine make it to the championship series however dad's husband Bob returns from war dad's heart was never really into playing baseball so she decides to go home to Oregon to start her family the bells and the peaches battle through six games to reach the discip of game seven doy has returned to help her team win the championship the game is a battle into the late Innings doy gets the go-ahead hit off of Kit in the top of the ninth kit comes to bat in the bottom of the ninth with a runner on and trailing by one she's able to hit an inside the park home run barreling over her sister to score the winning run after the game the sisters have a heart to heartfelt talk do is heading home while kid is staying on to play ball we return to present day where Dy is reunited with her former teammates including her sister they explore the new exhibit chronicling their exploits as professional baseball players well done I thought that was good did you say you thought that was going to be too short I thought that would be too long maybe oh okay so I was going to say it was very detailed so well now I'm going to have to break it up into two episodes and I've got it I've got editing to do and no it was fine it was it was good it was well done I am somebody who hadn't watched the movie can totally get it now yep right so I left a lot of details out you know some of the fun stuff that we'll get into now but uh first I wanted to get into some of fun facts and uh a little bit of the cast so in 2012 this film was selected to the National film registry for preservation um we've got our director is Penny Marshall um of course everybody knows she was also the director of big with Tom Hanks in it uh we have got Gina Davis star of lever and Shirley and of course star of L and Shirley uh we have got Gina Davis plays doy uh the best player in the league of course um I was reading up on this and Penny Marshall wanted Demi Moore to play play doy and after a delay in production Demi Moore couldn't do the role because she was pregnant and as Penny Marshall put it Bruce Willis literally screwed her out of a rle that's hilarious that's good stuff uh debah Deborah Winger was also cast as Dy um and she trained for three months but she dropped out uh because of the casting of Madonna who of course plays May in this movie and one was that opposed to Madonna I guess I might have missed that part yeah she was opposed to it because she thought it would be more of a sideshow she wasn't a fan of Madonna in the acting realm and so she thought it was a less serious movie or less serious uh let's I got just about Madonna let's just quick talk about her then yeah because I found like I really liked her in this role and I thought this was such kind of like a straightforward role in like a normal movie mhm and I'm like you know she really could could be a good actress and do things and go from there but after this she went and did the just the awful body of evidence and just got nak it all over the place and made that horrible movie and it's like you could have stuck to some better roles and been more of a serious actress but I don't know yeah I I agree um she's able to play I thought smth great in this role like she's she's perfectly cast yeah yeah she plays to who she really is because she's she's a New York New York girl that's where she grew up and she was able to incorporate that into this role and it worked out perfectly I thought she was fantastic she was one of the best ones in this movie and I don't think she like steal scenes or anything like that so no so I'm all in favor of Madonna here and uh as many times as I did watch body of evidence as a teenager um it's a terrible terrible movie because but you did watch it because you just wanted to make sure it was B place all over the place I watch it because I'm a huge Willam defo fan Willam defo is no slouch that's true too what is he doing in there oh God that's it's so embarrassing I don't really remember the plot of that film oh it's it's just a Basic Instinct ripoff where he's like investigating her and then it's just a you know it's just a one of those sex crime movies like Basic Instinct but not quite as good I'm assuming no and you know Basic Instinct while I love it I it didn't win a lot of awards and this is not even in its League it's in a league of its own hey right back around very well done so anyway good job in this movie Madonna yeah I did hear that behind the scenes she wasn't very well liked and didn't um necessarily intermix well with staff and fans and things of that nature take so that no I I agree with your your assessment of her role I thought she did a very good job in it completely you know found her believable as this you rough and dumble woman and um with a chip on her shoulder so yeah I thought she was very good in it um we've got uh Laura Petty Lori Petty as H kit the younger sister to doy also Point Break she was in Point Break she certainly was and Tank Girl and Tank Girl and this would probably be her Trifecta I would assume um I did find a note that Moira Keller Kelly was supposed to play kit but she Hur her anchor ankle while filming The Cutting Edge another great movie from this year it took me a second to think about who is Moira Kelly I know that name and then I remembered she was in that movie yeah yeah so uh we got Rosie O'Donnell as Doris um another one of our main uh players here is Megan Kavanaugh plays Marla hoo the less than attractive uh teammate but uh obviously great great player kind of the Jim Tomy of the team yeah sure um does anybody does anybody recognize Marla ho from another role I don't think I did I did look her up but I guess I don't remember what I remember her from was one episode of Friends it was the one where Marcel gets loose in the building oh is she the one trying to catch him she's the animal control person that is totally her yeah here you go and I can picture that she made a mark she did I it took me a I was trying to figure it out but um and then of course we've got you know Tom Hanks as uh Jimmy Dugan in this movie he is absolutely wonderful um John litz as I mentioned played the role of the talent scout I would have liked to have seen more of John Lovitz in this movie he was just fantastic and what do you mean there was like he had a bigger role it was going to be a bigger role that was going to play throughout the movie and they ended up changing it because they thought I can't remember I think they just thought that part was just well done the way it was and it didn't it didn't quite work after that he was a little too rude maybe for the but that was that was what was funny about it I don't disagree hey see the grass try not to eat it oh he was I mean of all the people in this movie he might be the most perfectly cast for his role so just another podcast it doesn't need any help from us but the Dana Carvey and David Spade podcast just did like a five hour tribute to Phil Hartman last week and had like everybody ever associated with SNL on and the part with John litz was great because um they talked a lot about him and so John litz and Phil Hartman would just walk around all the time playing like 1940s guys and there's one of their best scenes is them playing off each other and and they were so good at it and so for LoveIt to play that role here is like he was born to do this and he's I just he's my favorite part of the whole movie take the Amigos clothes uh we also had Gary Marshall as Walter Harvey of course this he's U thinly veiled as um Wrigley Wrigley the owner of the Chicago Cubs who in fact um was the founder of this uh women's league um we also have David stra no David th th I like that guy whenever I see him he's always a guy that I love in a movie He plays Ira Lowenstein he's kind of the the pl publicity man behind the league and really is the one that but he could becomes the champion of the league like to keep it going and he he believes in it more than anybody else correct he changes throughout the movie right that's not his uh original take he's very sexist early on and then um you know then he starts to believe in it later correct yeah so I mean just a little bit about this league so this league ran from 1943 to 1954 um went through a lot of different name changes but um it did uh the the Rockford peaches which are you know the main team in the movie they are they won the most championships in the league at four um and I do find that pretty amazing that they lasted you know they started because of the war but like when was baseball back 46 45 even and this went on for like what almost a decade and that's pretty pretty impressive that there was enough interest and money to be made otherwise they wouldn't have kept it going so well right you know that men's leagues really never shut down it's just you were you know you had a highly diluted um you know Talent level because so many guys were off at War and this women's league was cented around smaller towns in the midwest that wouldn't have had major league teams anyway that's what I was thinking I mean these towns would have had the thirst to go watch anybody play really so sure yep but like you say the fact that it it went into the mid-50s you know is is pretty interesting that they were able to keep it up and running um and of course then in I like I said I believe it was 1988 um the league was inducted into the Hall of Fame and there's been uh players um throughout time that have been inducted um to the league as well as individuals so um let me see anybody else got anything on the cast anybody uh Bill Pullman I guess I should mention was D's husband very small role yep uh I think that's it for the cast oh no no I got two more well first of all I just wanted to say there was a point in this movie gford where Tom Hanks reminded me so much of you and the more I watched it when he was the drunk well it might have been after he did the long piss and I mean just but not just being just the facial expressions and the way like and I'm not saying it as it's more of a compliment but like sure he just I'm like wow that reminds me of gford and so that was one thing you can you can compare me to Tom Hanks any Tom pretty much anytime you want yeah but there was one other um kind of famous star who showed up late in the movie I don't know if she had any lines but she played for Ray oh t t Leon yeah she's the first baseman she bats she's she's out there you see her in different promo Clips like from the girl from the other team you know kind of throughout the movie but yeah she was on the racing team and I looked at that this was one of the first things really I mean she the stuff that I knew her from did all came after this couple couple of TV shows in the 90s and and so on right for sure that was it for me on the cast nothing else yeah yeah the only other one I guess would be an Cusack she's Shirley Baker she's the only one with you know any name recognition I would say um but yeah that's uh pretty much what I had I think Betty spaghetti was actually Penny's daughter in this movie so that would be about that would be about it for me uh why don't we dive into the movie itself um I just started off with this is a horrible song in the beginning of oh thank you of the movie when D's like it's a musical Montage that she travels to uh Cooper's here's my note not a big fan of the opening especially the song oh it's so slow and and so by the way when she leaves and the kids are playing basketball that kid traveled and double dribbled like 10 times uh yeah yeah but can I can I share pet peeve can I share a pet peeve with you guys kind of a almost like a fear of mine that I just can't I don't do well with when they dress actors up in Old makeup I I can't I can't stand and it really bugged me more at the end when we come back Gina Davis playing the old lady I I did not like it it reminds me of uh The Brady Bunch when uh they played when um Florence Henderson and Robert Reed played their parents or their grandparents even whatever they were supposed to be like 90 years old and so as much as I like the the whole middle part of the movie the 1940s stuff is fantastic the beginning and the end just kind of blow it for me almost really it gets me off to a slow start and it doesn't have a great feeling at the end even though I kind of get why they need to have that ending there I wish they would have just I don't know maybe cast somebody else then do you want me to blow your mind you want me to blow your mind or not sure do it that's Lynn cartright that is not Gina Davis shut up that looks exactly like Gina Davis in makeup it's not no way y Lynn C plays older edited everything out well I thought the same thing I actually just assumed I didn't even think about I was going to say the one that played Lori Petty I couldn't see her in there so I was kind of like well wait but but that's Gina Davis so I made the comment at the end of the movie to Courtney I was like doesn't it seem weird that all these other women aren't the actor and but they have Gina Davis in yeah makeup and then we were watching we were watching the credits and Cordy goes go back and there it is is older ddy Lynn cartright well it doesn't change my phobia of people in Old makeup but I guess I learned something I actually thought uh you know I thought they did a good job on the makeup making them look like older versions of of themselves yeah but but it's not even it's not even the same people so yeah it's it's spooky how much that woman looks like an older some of the other ones too some of the other actresses I'm GNA say again that is hilarious excellent oh we did learn that Brad all the fun facts you've learned in three years of the show that's the funnest craziest fact I've ever heard yeah I was with you I completely agree with I'm glad I'm not alone and didn't sound like a complete idiot I didn't learn this until 2 nights ago and I rewatched the movie in preparation I guess I just assumed yeah right a break they look identical they do yeah it's kind of freaky but not the same woman but uh H all right so I still don't love the beginning and the end of the movie that's it still doesn't change that that's that part kind of just it just kind of like I don't know I'm glad that they have those ladies in there and they show the Hall of faming because that's cool that's important but I think they had to yeah I guess for me it would have worked better as like a like a postcript with like reading it and like pictures of the the real you know stuff like that I think for me personally would have worked better I think what we take away from this conversation is Brad does not like seeing older women on screen I think that's no no no no I I'd rather see an older woman than a woman who's not old in makeup right okay that's what we're taking away from this excellent so right off the bat you know as we go back to Oregon 1953 and we're at the game with you know doy and kit and their their uh uh hometown team kit is such a whiner like she justno at times all the time like Do's always looking out for like hey lay off the high ones you know those aren't good pitches for you to hit you know trying to you know encourage her and just give her advice and of course kid is just this younger sister that's on purpose she's supposed to be because they're setting up this whole dynamic of sisters and you've got the young one and that's jealous of the older one and so but yeah she is it's like she over does it a lot like chill out she's a good sister to you and it is it's fun to see you know as they get back to their house how they are competitive they can't you know have to race back to the barn for crying out loud even when they say they're not going to like they still wind up who's going to walk faster right I I did read a thing where um um Lori peny is actually faster than Gina Davis so she had to act like she was running at full speed in order to doesn't surprise me at all would whip her in a race yeah uh one thing as a uh uh kid who grew up on a dairy farm I like that their Dairy has Jersey cows if anybody was wondering what um kind of cow that was that they were milking so I remember you showing Jersy cows yeah just just one in particular but we had mostly Holstein but we had one Jersey and she was my Champion took you took one to the state fair right same one two years in a row that's what I remember yes sir so here is where we meet the incomparable John Lovitz um in the barn it was just he's outstanding um asking if that hurts the cows um you know yelling at the chickens that they're wild animals they should have leashes um you guys got any other lines of his well my favorite one that I wrote down I can't remember who said what about the other sister but he goes well thanks for that extra special glimpse into her life and like rolling his eyes yeah he's just in a hurry he couldn't care less about anything he just wants to get out of there and get him on the bus and that's it right and just one in particular he's not really happy having to take kid along um but again doy looking out for her younger sister says I'm not going if you don't take my sister and you know let her try out too so true but it's also the the younger sister who actually makes it happened by going back and begging to him and like she he was going to leave and she she got it she got him to stay there and then worked it out too so they both had a role in that well and that's why like later in the film when you know D's husband comes back it's it is believable that she's ready to go like she really didn't want to go in the first place her heart really isn't necessarily into the league and so for her to leave is is believable I guess this is the part where though I disagree with you a a bit she didn't her her heart I think was in a league deep down I AG but she felt like it was a higher calling or a sense of responsibility uh to go back home but her heart was truly in the game Pete I agree with you all the way thank you and I that's something I had written down when you said it in your synopsis I'm going to bring that up later and respectfully disagree with gford on that but I do think and we'll probably maybe get to it later cuz it's at the end but I got some issues with her leaving the team and coming back and that whole thing so I suppose we want to wait till the end but we we're gonna we are definitely going to cover that um I got a couple other things here for LoveIt um I love when he's sitting on the train and there's some guy talking to him you know the guy's all excited about his job and love its line here is if I had your job I'd kill myself sit here I'll try to dig up a pistol and he says every time I sit next to these people it must be because I'm so friendly or something like that he's just so great in this film I want to comment on because it's in this part where they're running to try and catch up to the train and how ridiculous of a shot this was when they were uh when they're running back and forth It's like a it's like a freaking cartoon it's like there she is and now she's gone and there she is and then did you see that there was a bar right there she could have it would have been much easier for her if she would grabbed onto the bar and then she would have been able to keep up with the train while running much easier than than going back and forth the way she was and Pete Pete is a well-known hobo he's hopped many a train in his day I'm the hobo I'm the one that dressed up in Halloween that's true that's true yeah well you were Pretender though you were just dressed up Pete was a real hobo for sure um so yeah oh the scene so he's still there when they go to see Mara and he's not going to bring her and everything I really did like that scene about how the girl stood up for her but they they developed her character it wasn't she wasn't just this ugly girl like the dad and him talking and kind of working the heartstrings and I thought that was really well done and I thought it was um like everybody involved in that scene was had had a good role and and I and I thought that was well done yeah I get chok choked up in this scene watching it you know the dad pleading with him you know saying your mom died you know I didn't know how to raise her and you know he's he's you know so proud of his daughter you see that you know and he says you know the coach said if she was a boy we would have went to State and he's like if she was a boy we'd be talking to the Yankees he's so proud of her yet he knows that you know maybe he didn't help as much as he could have as far as the female side of things you know it's just a dad trying to do his best for his daughter and it's such a touching scene and I think that like okay they wanted you know pretty girls for this because that's I mean that's the way it was but you got a lot of girls on a baseball team does every single one of them have to be beautiful I mean if this girl can really play baseball that good you'd think that they could not make such a big deal out of it right and and you'd want some bangers on there too to like Babe Ruth yeah she was a switch hitter she was outstanding what one of the best parts of I mean the scene starts out funny because when she comes over and you know takes her hat off Lo his facial expression it's so funny it's just it's not over it's almost like he's trying to hold in his his disgust and surprise and he just he does it so perfectly because it's not over the top like oh my God like what you know and he goes running away from her it's just he tries to hold back but he just he can't and it's awesome um so I another one of his great um lines here is they're loading the train with Marlo and she's talking to her dad and his line is see the way it works is is the train moves not the station that one I was literally laughing out loud and like in tears laughing when he said that Jenny's like what are you he's so impatient and he's such a jerk he's so well done and that's why he's perfect for the role yes for sure speaking of wanting you know the beautiful girls and everything I there was two parts here coming up soon that so there's this woman radio announcer and she's talking about the sexual confusion of women and the masculinization of women and how it's ruining families because you know they should be home and I'm like it's just so God it's so horribly sexist but but I'm also thinking wow that's really relevant still to today in the way I was gonna say that could also be in 2023 yeah you could hear that on certain uh radio stations uh political aisle I mean just like holy CRA years later insane yeah right that's well and the other thing that that confuses me on this is that they send these girls to like charm school and like you need to be like so demure and and perfect but then we're going to dress you up in the shortest skirt possible to play baseball so we want you to be you know a lady but then also you know show off skin while you're out there playing ball it's such a you know across the board the hypocrisy of man yeah but then there was that promo video too I think you brought up with t maybe was in it and I missed it but just how they would show them playing baseball but then they'd be like holding a pie or you know putting on makeup and just the the juxtaposition of of what these girls are doing which have nothing to do with baseball but these are the ways that they bring in the audience and the way that they people could be brought in back at that time well and one of them was they they talked about and she's an accomplished coffee maker too right well every one of them so sad get in line [Music] boys um of course at the charm school again you know there's with Mara it's just funny watching her with the you know she's not graceful at all she's just like you know that's some good comic relief and then there's the famous line of you know the suggestion when they get to Mara's looks and the lady says a lot of night games yeah and and then again when they're making the commercial the shot of her is like zoomed out yeah it's like from 50 yards away where she's just standing there not doing anything like all the other ones like you said are making coffee and Pie and and don't forget about Mara Hoots and then she but of course Mara you know she has a you know a happy ending here the scene where they go to the bar she finds a gentleman caller and you know they they you know really hit it off and then later in the season you know they get married and the one thing I didn't understand was as she's getting in the car after the wedding everybody's saying see you next season like why does she have to quit the league just because she got married I thought thought that was kind of weird I don't know but that whole part reminded me of two movies we've discussed on here so getting married that's like the bul Durham scene almost I thought the quick thing but when they sneak out at night and they go to this club to dance gford did that remind you of another movie we've discussed go to the club to dance well but there's different dancing going on like uh Dirty Dancing Yeah like BL oh I was thinking like when the guys and I thought you know this is gonna end badly I I remember how the movie went I thought oh they're gonna get drunk and something bad's gonna happen the next day it doesn't so it doesn't have that connection but still I was like totally thinking of Varsity Blue when they all left I was thinking of Dirty Dancing where baby carries the Watermelons back to the you know where the staff lives during the summer and she gets exposed to you know the the life of of the people who work there but yes movie maybe this movie like wetted Madonna's appetite for doing the nude scenes because she's talked so much in this movie about being basically such a all the way she's like all the way she's I'm gonna go to the body of evidence next and just get it over with this was this was mad no Madonna had never sexualized herself before this movie correct well this was the time when it was all coming together for her well I find it interesting as well we had um Reservoir Dogs last week and of course the beginning of Reservoir Dogs talks about like a virgin and you know Madonna song and then this week we're we're right back to uh talking about madon again so big year2 yeah so we got uh Jimmy D of course played by Tom Hanks great role he's a six-time NL home run Champion so he's uh you know had his time in the league but of course he pisses it all away because he's a drunk and hurt his knee um so he got uh washed up and what what did they say he got booted out of one League because he sold the team's uniforms and he just plays such a such a jerk at the beginning of this we have um you know the great scene with um him talking to one of his players about the no crying in baseball that's a you know awesome scene and that's honestly why I picked this movie that scene I watched it twice and prep for this he's just so disgusted and he's tried his best to keep it together but yet he still just goes off on her for you know missing the cut off and and when later on comes back that's what I was just going to say it comes back and then he's holding it together and he's just like just like shaking shaking his finger he he grew and he learned yeah so that's his obviously most famous line and the one but my favorite line is uh this so they got this little kid with all the time and he's so annoying but they're going to go to the World Series and they're late and he's like oh let's not go to the World Series without still Well's toys right well and then in that same scene two young boys walk up to him and ask for his autograph I got a baseball for him so he uh writes on the baseball and he writes avoid the clap Jimmy Dugan and then as they walk away he goes That's good [Laughter] advice I will say as much as he is such a jerk at first and he has to learn to grow I think it might be well it's hard to say it's my favorite scene in the movie because it's a tough scene to watch but the scene where the telegram comes in and they're all worried because there's so many references to this like these husbands could be dying at any time and and so when Betty gets that and and Gina Davis doesn't get it and and he he actually shows compassion I that that scene actually does uh bring a tear to my eye and and he was he was standing up for his players when the telegram guy was gonna walk away what an idiot that guy is my God yeah yeah yeah and like give me the F right letter then kicks yeah yeah they came a long ways I mean when he got you know booted for yelling at his own player you know all the girls are happy that he's gone and then you know we have this scene where um Do's actually managing and you know giving the signs to Marl at the plate and Jimmy finally pays attention and says well that's not the right thing to do and kind of takes over at that point of managing the team finally and takes ownership was you know you just see the the progression and finally at the end they're you know they're a good team and um and kind of you know really working on all cylinders until we have the blow up with kit and um the thing I didn't quite understand here was so kit was pitching and it's late in the game and doy comes out and um you know asks for the ball and the manager comes out Jimmy comes out and Mara b or doy basically says she you know she doesn't have anything left and they pull her and Do's argument is is that we need to make the playoffs it's like there's only four teams in this league what all four teams just automatically make the playoffs here you'd think yeah so that didn't quite make sense either that or the playoffs are just the World Series maybe it's just two team then you wouldn't call it playoffs though right playoffs just yeah hey Pete did you notice the uh the score of the first game of the World Series did that remind you of anything no it was 10 to one just like the 87 Twins game one register with me 10 to one oh all right well so you've got you know we have this horrible scene where Betty finds out that her husband's been killed in action and then that night dad's in her room you know crying and there's a knock on the door and Bob's just there like he shows up and he's been injured and he's home now he's you know been sent home from the war um and like said very small role here for for Billman he's a pretty big I mean he's got lot stuff it's more of a cameo it it really is yep um and of course th this is I think we're going to get into it right here as Brad um uh talked about so it's the beginning of the they get into the World Series and Bob so there's only like what a few there's seven games left Max and the whole thing is over so right let's let's start with that Bob shows up and the next morning Do's you know loading the car up and they're heading back to Oregon to you know start a family so she you know her she completely abandons her team here at the biggest point of their season so I I can UND I can understand her wanting to go home whether it's her heart's not in it or as you guys say she feels obligated um to go home and start a family but you're abandoning your team you're the best player in the league you're the quarterback on the field as the catcher you're integral to everything this team does and you just abandon your teammates well and I just thought it was weird how they did it because we don't even see her L say goodbye like we don't even see like the other players like are they upset about it do they care it's just like she just kind of sneaks away and and while I have a problem with her leaving I also would put some blame on the husband like dude she's got seven games left don't you want to watch her play and then you guys can go home right although he has just come out of the war so he might have gone through a whole lot too it's a it's but it's a call back though and I think this is why the line the the part that you mentioned earlier about the the woman on the radio uh saying all this stuff about women don't belong outside the kitchen or outside the home you know um there were a lot of women that felt that way and on one level uh doy felt this way and she um um that's why she just felt that that was her responsibility especially with her husband home uh now she's got to go back and start a family and that is her top priority um and it's you know she felt and this is not correct don't get me wrong but she felt that that was her role as a woman um was to be in the home and provide a family whereas on on another level though her heart was really in the baseball and that's where she truly wanted to be but at home is where she felt like she had to be and if it was the middle of the season I would totally get it and I wouldn't even like blame her or anything but we're literally the season is over like you're not at you're not like extending your life months or a year by being in this it's just a few more games and you got a team that you've been with for all this time so right and Bill pman and I know it's all done for dramatic effect so it's like that's why but he seemed like he seemed like a nice guy and a good husband that she it's not like he was he was being abusive that we saw at all in the movie it's like get your ass get your ass back home he didn't do anything on screen but I felt like he could have at least said hey I'm interested what you what you've been doing that's pretty cool let's go let you finish the year out I'd love to watch that right yeah yeah yeah at the same time at the beginning of the movie she was reticent to go back for this ceremony so you know she made you know she was happy with the life she chose it seems like all these year L all these years later she wasn't you know she she didn't even keep up with her sister for crying out loud well and that's what I was just going to say that that might have been um a part of it too is she realized it was kind of tearing apart her family um between within her with her relationship with her sister and so maybe she's just like I can't do this anymore this is not the most important thing to me so the in the series rayen I think goes up two nothing and then it's three to one and we got the peaches come roaring back and then for game seven you know all of a sudden Do's on the field in her gear during warm-ups and she's just back well and this is another yeah okay thank you because I'm like so she didn't like say we don't see her talk to the team like hey guys I'm back she's just standing there and nobody even acts like there's anything weird about that right yep she's just back she's got her gear you know good to go and everybody's F and of course their teammates you know they want to win they're in game seven so having doy on the field is going to be a massive help but once you think some of them be like you know what we made it this far in these six games let's see if we can finish it out yeah and I mean they didn't the the girl who was playing catcher I I mean they made I would have been pissed they didn't they didn't treat her very well just the whole thing like I guess if you're into sports like we are this stuff just doesn't add up you're you're just an average person watching the movie and you couldn't care less you know it probably all looks great it's exciting it's dramatic but like in real life this is the team's going to have a problem you're overthinking it if anything her returning like this might make it even worse and ruin their chances in that last game well and you want to talk about overthinking Pete I I've got I've got issues with this oh my god with this last hilarious it's like okay we're we're managing the details because uh when you look at the percentage her batting average against that pitcher uh that's not what I'm saying I'm saying her presence could have thrown everything off and caused a Schism what's her Ops that's what I want to know so here here's my take on the end of the movie and this is where I kind of have an issue with Dy again so in my opinion the last you know play of the game I feel she dropped the ball yeah the team deserve better right so she so she let her team down so she left her team comes back for game seven in the top of the ninth inning she gets the go-ahead hit like she's in it she's in it to win it against her sister then when her sister comes up she tells the pitcher throw him high high heat she can't hit him she can't lay off them she was challenging so it's like she's you know Screw my sister screw the other team let's win this thing but then at the last second she gets bowled over and in my opinion she holds on to that ball kits out they wi you know at least they're tied they continue to play but I think she comes back for game seven just to lose it for her team so her sister will be Happ God think I it's great for kit but what about her teammates what about all the peaches yeah yeah well and she the reason she told a pitcher to uh to throw it high was because she was challenging her sister she believed in her she knew that she could do it and I and I think she dropped the ball intentionally I'm not sure that I agree with that because I don't think so either when well she certainly wasn't upset subconsciously there might have been like that kind of she's playing it she's angry like she's pissed and she wants to win her competitive fire is back at that point well yeah but then until she sees her sister celebrating and getting carried off the field and she's smiling her there's a shot that her and Tom Hanks are next to each other uh ing the celebration and you can tell she's happy for her sister yeah and I think what happened is then she it's kind of like a win-win like okay I lost it sucks but I do love my sister and I'm very happy that she finally got the glory that she never had and so she's she's willing to let it go and she's willing to be like I wish we would have won but I still can and that's again if the story is just about these two sisters they both get something but all those other players kind of get screwed they do get screwed long term it's a happy ending like you said it's a happy ending for everybody because if she holds on to that ball then the sister is going to have that resentment forever well the game's not over either because now they got to go to extras well maybe Dy was like oh I don't want to go to extras let's just get this over with if I drop the ball then the game's over and I can get home I can go home to my husband we can start having a family um I don't know so I guess um you know coming back to watch it I I enjoyed watching it again um but that that last inning of play the way Dy left her team and then comes back and then the last inning just kind of rubs me the wrong way a little bit but um still a good film I mean John I was gonna say it sounds like you guys hated the movie no no no I didn't say that at all well you're saying you're you're basically picking apart every little overthinking I have two things that I don't love about this movie I don't like the beginning and the end and I'm not a huge fan of Davis I'm not a fan of huge Gina Davis's character I like most of the other characters a lot more than her and that focal point at the end kind of throws it off for me I get it I get it well and there's other scenes in this movie too that are quite touching that the scene where you know at triy outs and the woman can't read you know and another woman goes up that's another one I was going to bring up okay I get you know gets her through it I mean you I get choked up every single time I see that scene it's such a sweet you know looking out for each other's scene I love it I you guys are going to know you're going to Mr I'm going to roll my eyes okay even if you can't read at some point haven't you learned to recognize your own name though probably the only thing she has to read is her God you overthink everything I'm not overthinking that at all I like it I I I think it's such a sweet scene that um there was another oh the scene where um they're warming up and a ball rolls over over to a uh an African-American player or woman and she throws it over Dad's head all the way to the other player showing she's got just a cannon of an arm and of course black players weren't allowed to play in this league um and just that nod between doy and that woman like yeah it sucks you can't be out here you know we're not playing against the best you know that that was a nice scene I think he just focuses on only the negative things they say I like the movie and I said a lot of nice things about you focus on the negative things of everything else I focus on the negative in you lot of negative lot of negative but a good movie overall can we all agree can we all agree on that one can uh anything else uh regarding the movie I don't that's everything I got all right so for our top five this evening we are going to go with female dominated movies or television shows if if you want to throw one of those in um so we're going to have uh I'll go for first we got Pete or I'm Sorry Brad is second and then Pete will have the third pick and I think for my number one and so just we don't have any real rules on this right like it's just if we feel like it's dominated in a female cast or or one character either yeah either the the the majority of the major players are women or I was thinking more ensembles but I have a couple pretty high up here where it's more about just kind of one person so I just want to make sure we're all that that's going to be we are going to have pretty loose uh okay yeah so I am gonna go with h Kill Bill volume one oh I did not see that coming we had Lucy Lou in this we had Viv Fox and um Uma Thurman were the main three in this uh first one and so I'm going to go with all right I'm going to go with my number one overall which I thought maybe you would pick gford we discussed it you picked it m and that is clueless it's highlighted on my sheet because that's just one of those movies I could put in and watch anytime yeah Sher and Dion absolutely great along with uh uh Britney Murphy's character God Rest her soul yeah great pick very well then I will will pick Thelma and Louise oh I almost picked it but I thought it would come back to me Davis vehicle sniped you sniped you yeah that's a movie where I like Gina Davis a lot more I I wanted that movie I love that movie good pick Pete thank you all right I am gonna take bridesmaids love that and watch it every single time it's also highly rated on my list I would have picked that as well all right so this is one that I was kind of referring to so this one it's more about the central character but then her best friend is a huge part of it too um but I'm picking pretty woman oh I think Julia Roberts role is just so big in that movie that even though Richard Gear is you know co-star it's all it's all about her and then also and it's kid again isn't it Kit's yeah kit look at that yep I'll allow it I mean this named Pretty Woman yeah I mean and I wouldn't just pick any romantic comedy that one I just feel like fits this category yep all right um in that case I will pick uh you picked legally or excuse me clueless I'm going to go with Legally Blonde now you took Reese Wither ston from me too I have that one on my list as well Pete okay I am going to take I'm gonna take Charlie's Angels um the movie or the show I'm GNA take the the movie uh I'll take the first one with Lucy Lou again oh yeah and Drew yeah I did I did enjoy that first one I remember I think I only maybe watched it once but I enjoyed it a lot well we had Bill Murray in there as well yeah we brought that up just recently right yep all right oh boy boy see there's a lot of good ones here which one is the best for me um all right I'm going to pick this one for my daughter but I also enjoy these movies Mama Mia that's actually on my list and I love that movie too and we saw a um a High School production of that just oh we did too burnfield did it oh nice and that while we saw that and then watched the next night we watched the movie while it was fresh and then like for a month straight I could not listen to anything other than ABA and I had him all the time love it so good pick Brad oh thanks I'm gonna pick A League of Their Own how's that very good a Legally Blonde of their own oh good show that would be a good movie there's a show okay well Brad picked pretty woman I'm going to take Wonder Woman oh yes I think uh with you know a whole uh Amazonian tribe there of women I think that's pretty well dominated and I think me and Pete both agreed we both thought that was a pretty great movie right Pete until until the end last a tough way to finish yeah and then the second one was a disaster that second one's God forget about it that was really tough but that the the majority of that so fun and I mean it is it was good yeah and even with the ending it's still a good movie but like I probably should show at this point I've seen it so probably shut it off at that point right all right um okay well I'm goingon to go then with Mean Girls y kind of surprised that hasn't getting nabbed yet I have never really seen that you part of it no oh wow that's insane You' love that movie are we in round four yeah we are there's couple of good ones I'm trying to decide um I'm gonna go with the Golden Girls a TV show see I didn't know TV was a thing so I don't even have any on my list two that I thought of right away after you mentioned that we could do TV shows and now that you that one that's an very obvious great pick that yeah I I I'm happy to get that deep in the draft like like we are sure oh yeah for sure all right I can't let it go any longer I'm going to go with frozen oh I didn't have that one on my list was on my list definitely on my list that one didn't didn't pop up on anything I looked at and didn't register with me when I was trying to good one thank you okay so I can pick any of these up here well the one oh God I'm between two that are kind of similar all right well I'll pick pitch perfect because there you go I mean what a fun movie yes it is are you picking the first one second one uh the third one the first one yes but Brad you're I like all of them I did I'm taking the series is what I'm doing is there more than three I think there's only three okay I think it's three Brad you're gonna love my last pick I guarantee it guarantee it the are you Tom Shane um it's probably the first TV show I actually remember watching regularly uh it's a sitcom I'm going with Alice it's Alice nice you're right I do love it see if I would have thought a TV shows that could have really expanded this so I feel like that's kind of you know we should have figured that earlier but but you did it Pete good picks thank you thank you yes that's that's the whole thing right think they were good all the way around well I got a few extra here I got several so I got oceans 8 um the second Charlie's Angels movie uh Steel Magnolia bring it on that was my other pick with Pitch Perfect at the end I almost picked it many times gotta love that movie sex in the city is a TV show show oh yeah there you go would be a big one uh the movie bombshell yes I have that down mhm Coyote Ugly uh and then hidden figures hidden figures was probably the next one on my list so I had um y so all all the ones that we picked and you mentioned but then I've got bad moms ah yep and also a bad mom's Christmas there was a Netflix movie like two years ago with Amy polar um but it's about a bunch of high school girls Moxy they make like a magazine in high school it's really good uh the help oh yeah I never saw never saw the help I think Courtney brought that one up um Jennifer Lopez in Hustlers me and my wife saw that that was that was a good movie okay you mentioned Magnolia Oh Aaron Brockovich another so that was my other Julia Roberts kind of more solo thing but again she dominates the movie and then you mentioned bombshell the only other one I have listed um is kind of up in the air because one of the main characters is such a is a guy but it's Heathers Heathers was on my list yes yeah I would totally hea Christian Slater has such a big role in it that I that's why I didn't put it high I would I would have given you credit for it yeah totally gave you credit for that I had nine to five was on my list um actually I think all the other ones that I have had was bridesmaids um yeah we we literally mentioned every other one that I had on my list so literally good we literally did it hey gford you know what else we've literally reached the end of uh for this month Pete oh we got to close the yearbook good thinking yeah awesome good catch there Brad we've literally reached the last page of the yearbook for 1992 wow we did it hey gford you know who you know what band is in A League of Their Own uh preacher row do you but even though it's not the end of the month though get for do you want to plug your great uh upcoming show though oh we do have a special coming up um so we've got five Mondays in this month so to fill in that fifth spot we are going to have uh some fun guests on and I have put together an initials game for all to play so I hope that you uh join us next week for that one and that should be a real good time gord's games are always topnotch top not top we break a record I think we released six episodes in one month that's we had our our Teo pengus one well I been through a lot this month so it fting that we would put out more episodes yes exactly that's that's right yeah all right here it is preacher row thanks for listening thank you bye bye don't cry now now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stand on my own no one here comfort me start for what I have done start is will be my on my turn up you I'm scared [Music] I you want my

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