2024's Standard Ban Announced Has Me FUMING! + State of the Game Address From Me

Published: Jun 24, 2024 Duration: 00:17:59 Category: News & Politics

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hey guys Des SL magic here and I am absolutely pissed while also not being all that surprised so apparently today was the bad announcement for standard and I mean the ban announcement they have limited themselves unless they go back on it which they absolutely could to Banning cards in standard once per year the rotation is August 2nd so I actually thought that the ban announcement was supposed to be in August but I I guess they moved it or I just gave them more credit for having a functioning brain than they do I don't know but first of quick announcement about something that people actually care about my gaming channel I'm now converting it into a gaming channel uh if you're have my Discord which uh you know Buck a month minimum on patreon you can get on my Discord uh you might have noticed I put some links I'm converting it into a gambling gaming channel now I'm not like Pro gambling you guys know how I play in casinos it's tilted heavily in my favor or I don't touch it I'm very against gambling so I think somebody to make a channel like that and promote responsibility and stuff like that yeah like there's a new channel really popping off called gambling smart and they're just absolutely blown up because people want to know how to not get completely wrecked in the casino and I'm a professional download dirty AP player so uh that's a match made in heaven but uh right now we're just doing educational stuff how to play games how to play them properly that kind of stuff I think by 2026 I might be the number one uh gambling Channel because these low effort dumb Boomers who don't have editors their audio is trash and they're always out of focus I think I can do better than that so go check it out was just desolator gaming uh if you are interested in that kind of content and it is going to be very comedy oriented by the way we've already got some skits it it's going to be outrageous I just got to find a casino that'll let me film there so I'm working on it but hey back to the wonderful news that I'm so delighted and excited about so let me just summarize the reasoning for not Banning anything in standard cuz you know spoiler alert that's what they did well we don't know what's going to happen in August after a third of the cards rotate out so we can't ban anything because we don't know what standard will look like see you next year do you see a logical fallacy in that you absolute morons holy crap so right now standard is at least competitive standard you can play casual with your friends which I would recommend nobody is touching this at F&M despite the fact that waty says and I quote we're seeing more diversity and strategy across the standard metag game and more players are playing the format in their local gaming stores I guarantee that is a boldface lie they're not just exaggerating or counting wrong they are literally lying about that or the stores are lying about their statistics I don't know which and I don't care that is not true nobody nobody plays standard constructed anymore because if you play the number one most unbeatable deck right now against me I'm going to punch you in the damn face all board wipes three color control with scry and all you do is dump man lands onto the field and then attack me on your turn and then they hide behind the I'm not a creature anymore during my turn how the hell am I supposed to blow that up without land destruction or instant speed attack stopping and the whole time I don't get to play my damn deck because they'll just counter spell anything or board wipe it that wow I Wonder has this ever happened before oh yeah that last time that it happened is the last time it happened and they learned from that either and then we've got the number one card that needs to be banned Above All Else herras Forge they didn't feel like taking action against it does it rotate out in August I have no [ __ ] idea and I don't care huh unlimited tokens that get bigger while you do nothing pay nothing and trade nothing that also have trample in red hm what could be the problem with that I wonder so you need to run enchantment destruction and land destruction or you lose to those two decks wow what a fun and diverse format oh boy and I love deck building when the complexity and list of cards I have to consider for my deck went up by over a thousand that's like my favorite thing to do ever is consider a thousand new cards and take even longer to build a deck and then not be allowed to play it because somebody just board wipes every third turn wow fun I'm having fun are you having fun thumbs up on the video if you're having fun so here's what these idiots wrote it has been one year since we changed standards rotation time from 2 years to three okay they did it because they wanted not everybody to leave Arena at once because the game's dying in case you're wondering cuz everybody would have been like oh wow all 10 of my decks just got invalidated okay I'm just going to give up I I'm not going to get out my credit card give you 100 bucks screw you uh this time around they're sticking to it so their Arena player count is about to go down the toilet I think they'll be bankrupt within about two years they're going to run out of things that people give a crap about to to tie in as far as as IPS and uh yeah then that's the end for them but people play Commander wow buying one copy of a card instead of four copies of it that that sounds like a great business model very durable and you have to power creep past 31 years of cards instead of just three years of cards tops realistically too fantastic business model keep it up good job so anyway these morons go on to say that change was the first step in our renewed gold to revitalize tabletop standard uhhuh this ch es produced many of the desired results we're seeing more diversity and strategy across the standard metag game well not in the top Yar and more players are playing the format in their local gaming stores 100% false statement there in my opinion uh in last year's article we outlined that the time before the release of the Sommerset Bloom burrow would be when we uh look to make changes to the standard format and everybody told them you're a bunch of morons oh [ __ ] the Oilers just scored let's go I got a lot of money on this game five bucks but I bet it in April so pay is 11 to1 damn it I want my 65 bucks anyway Commander players here's how it works okay you self- police what you think is an appropriate level of fun and competitiveness you know if you want to win on turn two with a bunch of like ridiculous glass Cannon combo trash then that's on you you want to just tutor the same combo every single time when it's a 99 plus one Singleton format the point of which is that the deck plays differently every single time good luck y'all got to get bored after about a month okay that that's not a friends grou group that's that's a group of idiots who tolerate each other you aren't going to play that for 5 years okay and once you're already winning on turn two it what the hell what's the point so even in highly competitive multiplayer you're only going to power ramp so far before you think okay this just isn't Fun and then you say guys let's just rebuild our decks or you just break up and stop playing you go play something else so the whole highly competitive oh look at this new card this is the new card that everybody needs this is the new card that's super high powerered this is the new must have card in Commander that doesn't work it's not a durable strategy because people who subscribed to that instead of just playing the same damn deck they've been running for 10 years and buy one card every 3 months for it maybe that doesn't result in your company being able to survive by the way they banned nothing in Commander because who even gives a [ __ ] you police it your damn self so the whole point of playing Commander is that we don't have to buy all the stupid [ __ ] that watsy keeps releasing so them saying Oh Commander is doing better than ever we got so many active players what is your definition of an active player in fact forget that term what's your definition of an active customer is it somebody who walks in the door and gives you money for your product because if so you don't have any of those they left they're all gone they're all playing Elden ring hell I'm playing Pokemon whatever the hell third gen is Emerald I got a copy of Witcher three like three years ago I haven't pulled that [ __ ] open yeah I think I want to play that over MTG hell yeah I do it's a better design game you know what I did today instead of playing Magic the Gathering I took day off work to go to the dentist okay that that's more enjoyable than playing Magic the Gathering also we ceramic cated my car and it's like 81° out and I'm not supposed to sweat so uh yeah it it was a pleasant day overall very enjoyable still better than playing up against board wipe Exile board wipe with a fian card on top of it I beat you again you're not allowed to play your deck oh why are you roping me that's not fair I'm going to spam OT I'd rather tase myself in the balls than play standard Constructor right now except for the fact that my candy cane deck just tears people apart on turn three and that is funny as [ __ ] to me that will never stop being entertaining damn it magic is in the worst state it has ever been by far and those of you who played around I want to say 0809 might differ on that but look at like why people are leaving what they're having to do to just maintain the status quo and look like 3% growth and tell me that that's better than a perfectly recoverable situ situation yeah I know hindsight is 2020 uh but that they had before with like what was it like C blade or whatever n no no no we're in the slump th this is not recoverable there's nobody working there smart enough or willing enough to do something about this to fix it the people running it if they could make it so that your cards disintegrated after being out in the open air for 30 days they would do it while also shaming you for being white and a male and straight let me just remind you that's the [ __ ] currently running the game right now okay so jumping back into this gas light in garbage uh in last year's article we outlined that the time before the release of the somerset Bloom burrow which is coming out of what most people consider to be fall uh would be when we'd look to make changes to the standard format we talked about B how Banning events are an easy exit point from the format what if somebody quits over their stupid overpowered net deck not being able to be played anymore Gooding riddance you are not a positive thing for the community get the hell out no I just want free overpowered wins I only want to run overpowered crap and then also I want nobody else to be able to run it I hate mirror matches I should just be able to win wow what a valuable member of the community that we can't afford to lose yep mhm today we are choosing not to ban any cards leading up to this year's rotation the format looks very healthy as a whole it absolutely does not and many of those cards that we would cons be worried about post rotation lose considerable strength I know we're losing arcade bombardment I don't even want to check if we're losing aras's Forge or not because I'm pretty sure we're not and I'm pretty sure that pisses me off well maybe August 2025 they'll finally get rid of the card H can't wait so their goal is to have a more consistent stable management of the format by not doing anything to it okay yeah cool great that that is management 101 just ignore the problem and maybe it'll go away uh-huh we consider Banning a few cards with ATT tracks a grand unifier oh that's a funny way to spell that stupid fing seven cost red dinosaur that free casts both players decks wow that that's a funny way to spell it and night errant of EOS what the hell is even that card I have literally never seen anybody play that card ever you've got to be kidding me night erant of EOS better be a internal working nickname for herras Forge you absolute morons so those two were the leading candidates I'll be honest with you traxa I don't have trouble beating that card just blow it away dies to removal haha wink wink it's really flipp and annoying but I I don't care those two cards are not the problem and if you can't see that the other two are then you're morons maybe they both rotate I don't know why don't you wait till rotation see what people are playing and then ban cards wouldn't that make more sense you morons here's the line that everybody is roasting on social media it is difficult to predict what exactly will happen after each rotation we may see the card break out in other decks and strategies but we are happy as long as the metag game continues to evolve so they're going to keep power creeping it undercut the decks the rotation doesn't mean anything cuz you going to have to replace your deck every 3 months anyway Yep they're they're being pretty transparent they're they're tilting their hand a little bit on this one continues to evolve you tell me what you think that means if you think I'm wrong come on so atraxa has been a constant presence in the meta game as the headliner card and domain ramp strategies yeah and sometimes it can be too much to overcome after its result olved it dies to removal or I just like trample past it with double strike whatever I just got to settle on the fact that I'm smarter than most players I've been at this a long time I actually build decks and my deck is the number one in the world right now as far as win rate I don't care if anybody's playing it but me that's their problem not mine I know my win rate I know my place in The Meta I know that I can beat tier one and I know that the deck's virtually Unstoppable I also know that most of it's rotating so if I can't find one viable deck and it's just going to be a bunch of man land board wi [ __ ] I'm done playing standard so with rotation get this those strategies lose the tril lands from streets of New capena they really think the Mana base is going to clean that up really Oh They'll have a difficult time getting domain who gives a [ __ ] not one card in the damn deck says domain on it it's land dump cast overpowered [ __ ] it has nothing to do with the land types not one card in it so that will reain in the deck's overall power level and if they're we get to have standard unplayable for Year oops boros convoke has always been a solid choice in the metag game yeah sure if you don't know how to play my deck that wins on turn three consistently sure uh-huh so on MTG Arena it's high frequency I I think I've literally never seen it but okay uh we are happy with the existence of a tokens Agro deck but uh sometimes its opening draws can be too difficult to beat too early into the game have you seen my deck with rotation loses volder and Epicure that actually is huge with which is a crucial card in its ability to play that night that I've never seen anybody play on the second turn holy [ __ ] uh turn of the game after casting gleeful demolition not one time ever have I seen this and I'm in Diamond one at the moment I assume somebody's playing it but no more General safe balanced white red Rush is what people are playing and anybody with half a brain is playing my candy cane deck go look it up in the deck list playlist that that deck is literally unbeatable there is nothing you can do other than build a pure assassin deck that will take it out specifically so that's it that's the end of the statement then they say uh Pioneer we seeing a flood of results in deckless stream in from Pioneer Regional Championship qualifiers and it's a mixed bag blah blah blah blah blah whatever who cares so um they're keeping a close eye on Amalia the stupid w three life gain a life get to 20 and blow the whole game up or whatever card but nobody cares because nobody plays uh Pioneer uh modern nobody plays Modern so who cares oh and then they they said yeah hey mh3 came out so uh talk to you later on that one there has never been a horizon set that didn't result in I want to say multiple bands for sure one each for sure I want to say multiple each so they're they're they want to let you know they're just waiting on that one but uh yeah Ruby Medallion Ral Nadu uh a Johnny saurin yeah a lot a lot of them are on the chopping block so if you play those why are you even playing Modern what's wrong with you Legacy who cares vintage who cares vintage is literally one sent so I'll just paraphrase it as who cares they clearly don't Alchemy nobody plays it according to their own numbers I'm not even going to read it brawl here we go braw players picked up many new Tools in modern Horizon 3 but it doesn't matter because matchmaking is rigged there you go all right fantastic uh historic I actually forgot what that is whatever who cares um timeless this is hilarious I've been warned about this one I didn't read this ahead of time but I saw some comments about this if historic picked up some new toys with modern Horizon 3 Timeless got a whole Toy Box dumped on it yeah cuz he wanted to sell the set even though you can't even play mh3 on Arena really they added it anyway I guess it's legal and brawl whatever and and Timeless which is their [ __ ] attempt at like an eternal format nobody plays it so uh we're seeing big shakeups to the forat including both the expected surge of ratos decks sure to inspire Fury and grief on their opponents ha really funny yeah people hate that deck but also a host of new decks older formats like show Intel and domain are still around but in lower numbers so in other words we're aware that we're power ramping it we're not going to hit the brakes anytime soon so why ban stuff when everything's still up in the air there's logic to it but my God is that some dark humor on their part uh there's a lot going on in Timeless right now none of it is remotely fair I am not not kidding they wrote that sentence let let me reread that for you there's a lot going on in Timeless right now none of it is remotely fair but so far it all seems fairly balanced how did that get past the editors because that's exactly how I feel about everything right now it's all so utterly broken and out of control on a power level holy [ __ ] what's even going on fine like why why rock the boat in the middle of a hurricane what does that even going to do you won't even notice wait till you guys see Bloom Barrow what that's going to do to the power level that's actually going to be a really low powerered set from what I heard but anyway uh there is a very high bar for restriction in Timeless that's right they don't ban and nothing is threatening in that way so it's the new Legacy it's anything goes and you play it if you're a [ __ ] oh vintage I meant to say and then Explorer MTG Arena continues to match Explorer card bands with Pioneer end of statement thanks Andrew Brown and Dave fth two people I have never heard of holy [ __ ] who even works there right now did somebody have the day off I have literally never heard of either of these people in my entire life well anyway this whole announcement is completely get ready for standard to be a pile of steaming [ __ ] for the rest of the year and well into 2025 because they have assured us in possibly a legally enforcable way that they will not do anything about it no matter how bad it gets so um awesome see you guys next time

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