yo what's going on guys this Houston Sports Talk Back another video today and to the Houston Astros come back to beat the Pittsburgh Pirates 5 to four and this win honestly wouldn't happen if it wasn't for the errors that the Pittsburgh Pirates made in this game uh O'Neal Cruz had three of them they had four errors in the game O'Neal Cruz had three of them I mean you couldn't I mean honestly uh you couldn't wish for a a a worse game than O'Neal Cruz it's three errors you goes 0 for four uh with three strikeouts I mean that's just brutal uh he's look I'm not I'm not hating on anal Cruz I think he's a great young player he's killed the Astros in the first two games of the series looked really good in the first two games of the series but that is a brutal game three errors and 0 for four at the plate with three strikeouts that is brutal but great win for the Astros five to four but those errors really helped the Astros out in the third in well the yeah the second and third inning because the Astros in the second inning were able to get a runner on uh Jeremy Peña reached base um and was a there was a pass ball um or or over overthrown ball by O'Neal Cruz that got Jeremy pin to second base um so P pin reached second base on an err overthrown ball by O'Neal Cruz John Singleton was then able to move Jeremy to third base on a ground out and Jeremy Opa was able to score on a Woodford wild pitch to make it 4 to one and that was the first that was the first run that was scored off of an error uh by O'Neal Cruz and that that was a that was an unbal play by Jeremy p as well when he scored off of the wild pitch it was that was crazy um and I've seen him do some crazy things with his speed I've seen him you know score on plays from first base was like how the hell did he do that I mean the speed he has shown this year has actually been really incredible but this I don't even know how he scored on on this on this wild pitch it wasn't that wild of a pitch it was I mean a couple feet away from the catcher it wasn't that bad of a wild pitch but Jeremy still scored on it uh and it was like I think one of the bigger reasons why he was able to score from third base was because he had the anticipation that it was going to be a wild pitch great call by Jeremy right there uh and he was able to score as well so that that was a gutsy move by Pena but uh yeah great win for the asers 5 to four but they were able to score that first run off of errors and then O'Neal Cruz made a another error uh where McCormack scored on throwing eror by shortstop Cruz Alvarez Alvarez safe at first on Fielding eror by shortstop Cruz so it was a double error Alvarez was safe at third on air it was and then and then yanner Diaz drived him in right after that so the Astros scored three straight runs off of off of the errors um and the Astros lose this game by two runs if it wasn't for the O'Neal Cru with it being the end of the month I do want to do something special it's the last day of ju this was the last game of July it's already it's past 12:00 so it's it's it's officially August but with this being the Astros last game of August uh I want to go over some players who had a dominant a dominant month of July uh now look I'm not saying that these are the only players that uh had a good month of July but I'm going to go over I'm going to go over some of the players I picked out that had good performances in this outing uh or yeah in this game for the Astros so I'm not this is not me saying that there there aren't other players on this roster that had a great month of July cuz there are uh but I picked four different players that I wanted to talk about what they did in the month of July and the impact they made and how good they were um just because they had a good outing today uh but let's go over it I'm gonna start off with janner Diaz that's that is very important janner Diaz in my opinion has he has felt like he is he you could you know make the argument that he is the best offensive catcher in baseball in the last two months not just July but July and June his batting average is 348 let's go over his July numbers so in the month of July um 101 out bats 34 hits he ALS also had six doubles one triple three home runs 18 RBI four walks only struck out 18 times his batting average was 337 his on base percentage was 355 um so he had some great numbers in the month of July now let's go over to some of the pitchers I wanted to talk about let's go over the Astro starter for today for omra Valdez it wasn't a clean outing today against the Pittsburgh Pirates he pitched six Innings he six hits four runs 10 strikeouts walks look I I I view it as a if you ask me a a good outing for fber I know it started off rough with giving up four runs uh but at the same time he still got the win uh he pitched six Innings he did give up four runs and gave up six hits but he still got 10 strikeouts so uh it wasn't the best outing by fber sure but it was a good outing if you ask me because he got the win uh which is his 10th one of the year he got 10 strikeouts back toback outings with uh double k and um also went six Innings and only gave up six hits and also didn't give up a walk in this game in six Innings but I want to go over his month I want to go over his month of July because he was fantastic in July he had five starts in the month of July he got a win in four out of those five starts the only start he did not get a win was July 20th against the Seattle Mariners in Seattle um and I I think I'm I think the Astros if I think they won that game but I'm not sure on not no no I don't think they didn't win that game against the Mariners on July 20th that's my bad uh but four and his record was 4 and z in the month of July Zer was 2.90 in the month of July five games five stars pitching 31 Innings gave it 28 Hits 10 runs 10 earned runs two home runs nine walks which is pretty good um and he had 40 strikeouts that's good for fber 40 strikeouts and five starts it's eight strike outs per outing uh we've seen 20 in the last two for a guy who gets a lot of ground balls and doesn't get I mean I'm not saying he doesn't get a lot of strikeouts but uh strikeouts not a very you know not not very high with strikeouts 40 is pretty good for him in five starts which is eight strikeouts a start uh now let's go to two Bullpen guys who who pitch good in this game uh and that is Brian Abu and Ryan Presley um both of those guys pitch the seventh and eighth inning didn't give up a run I'm going to go over what they did in the month of July starting off with Ryan Presley Presley was great in the month of July uh Presley pitched nine games his erra in the month of July was 1.0 he only gave up one run in the month of July his ER from the start of from the start of July till the end of July at the start of July his erra started at 4.01 his erra at the end of July is 3.46 he pitched nine games in July he pitched nine innings giving up seven hits one earned run one one run um he gave up only three walks which is pretty good for him and six strikeouts uh so not a lot of strikeouts but same time Presley did great in the month of July uh probably I mean you can look at guys like Taylor Scott and Ryan Presley probably the two best pitches to come off the bullpen for the Astros in the month of July now the final one Brian Abu was fantastic in the month of July as well um in the month of July Brian Abu pitched four pitch a lot of games 14 games in the month of July and he had a 1.93 erra in the start of July his ER was 2.90 uh his ER now is 2.70 so it didn't go down a lot like they didn't take a jump like Presley's ra but still took a jump uh 14 games 14 Innings pitch giving up 12 hits three runs three earned runs also one hit batter six walks with 20 strikeouts strikeout machine so those are the four players I wanted to go over with their months of July because those four guys right there absolutely fantastic in the month of July let's get into this game five to four final score nine hits for the Pirates four for the Astros this offense wasn't that very good in this game like I said the errors helped the Astros get this win with three runs runs in the second and third inning off of Errors nine to four uh sorry N9 to four hits is like I already mentioned four errors for the Pirates two errors for the Astros neither one of these teams in this series were clean defensively at all a bunch of errors in this in this series The as got to work on that going into the next series against Tampa Bay uh and you know they're they're going to have usay Kikuchi on the mound making his asers debut and why why I mention that is because with him on the m on uh with him on the mound on Friday against Tampa Bay series opener you say kikuchi's a guy just like with fber Valdez on the mound today is a guy who gets a bunch of ground balls I think his ground ball rates like it's like in area of 36 to 41 so just like fromer he gets a he gets a lot of ground balls I think you're going to see the same thing so I need to see these you need to see the infield a little bit more clean uh cuz there were a couple errors today um which which the which at the same time the Pirates had four loss goes to Holderman he's three and2 on the year now uh he pitched one out and he gave up a home run uh to mosio dubon um and so one hit one run zero strikeout zero walks when goes to fber Valdez he's 10 five on the year now he pitched six Innings he six hits four runs 10 strikeout zero walks I know some people might be upset about fber giving up four runs but I still use I still think it as a positive start he gets the win it's his 10th of the year he goes six Innings uh he doesn't give up a single walk he gets 10 strikeouts uh sure he does give up four runs but I think that's overshadowed by the team still getting the win and him getting the win as the pitcher him not giving up a single walk him getting 10 strikeouts and him going six Innings so I'm fine with fromer uh but it was a little bit rough for a second uh save goes to Josh hater his 21st save of the Season he gave up one hit but had a strike out so pretty POS for Josh haer scor with the scoring summary Joey Bart with a home run to left Center 47 ft D La Cruz scored former Astro Brian De La Cruz the Astros traded him to the Marlins for yimy Garcia um yimy Garcia actually was just traded to the Mariners funny enough but uh and they actually brought up I think they actually brought up yimy Garcia in the broadcast either today or yesterday or something like that but um I about Joey he's he's been he's been doing pretty solid this year with the uh with the Pirates and had a three hit game today going three for four uh you know don't like players having success against the Astros but Joey Bart's a guy I like I mean he's a he was he was a top prospect for the Giants and didn't work out in in San Francisco and I always wanted to see him succeed outside of San Francisco he was a guy I really liked when he you know when he was coming up uh but he he's really turned his season around this year and and in Pittsburgh and that's that was his seventh home of the year but two to Zer after that then uh Trio uh doubled to Center Hayes scored it's three to zero in the second inning McCutchen single to right Trio scored it's four to zero went over the wild pitch where JP scored in the in the seconds four to one then went over the the third inning um you know McCormick scored on throwing era by shortstop Cruz Alvarez was safe at third uh was safe at first and then was able to get safe at at third on the Errors By Cruz and it's four to2 then yander Diaz in the third inning hit a double to Center Alvarez scored four to3 if you ask me I think right now he's the best offensive catcher in baseball like I said in the last two months has a batting average of 348 it's been spectacular 4 to three after that and how about Mor to dubon I can't believe I haven't brought it up yet but two- run shot for dubon in a in the in the sixth inning home to left Center 399 ft yanner Diaz scores it's 5 to four gamewinner for the Astros obviously they had to play you know the other Innings but that was the game winner for them in this game to you know cap off the 4-0 comeback that has to feel great for duban because you know looking over guys stats in the month of July uh and I checked this after duban hit the Home Run duban had a ter well I knew this already but I just didn't know the exact number duban had a terrible month of July it was terrible for Mauricio um before that at bat before that home run batting average was like 144 or 148 in the month of July batting average in the month of July with that home run goes up to 160 we're talking about about a guy who his batting average still this season is 270 so uh he's had a great season but this was his worst month of the whole season so I'm hoping that the home run for duban in that sixth inning that helps the Astros get this win I'm hoping that that builds some confidence for him to have a good month of August Astros definitely need it after losing an outfielder enjoy pero um and so that that could lead to more playing time for dubon and uh I think that I think that was huge for him and I'm excited to see what he does in the month of August uh because he was terrible in July absolutely terrible but uh home run to left Center gets the Astros to win five to four let SC the Astros hitting I mean the hitters you know it wasn't it wasn't a lot of noise uh four it was a four hit day Altuve went 0 for four uh he is struggling right now um bregman went for 4 he had single to Center in the first uh yordon Alvarez went 0 for four he had it he almost he almost had a deep fly in the first inning fly out to Center and Michael a Taylor Made A you know spectacular catch in center field absolutely amazing catch and I don't I don't I'm not 100% sure if it would have been a home run if if Michael a Taylor doesn't make that catch but it was it was definitely G to be a you know RBI double to score bregman or a home run which funny enough uron Alvarez did not have a extra base hit at all in the month of July at minutemaid Park all of his extra or not not extra no not extra base hit I mean you know he had I think he had a home run or two at minimade Park but he didn't have you know he didn't have any uh double he didn't have any doubles at all uh in the month of July at minem Park so yeah that's little bit of an interesting fact but Alvarez was able to score a run in this game but still went 0 for four he got on base because of the error in the third inning yard Diaz went two for four uh he was two he had half of the Astros hits he's like the whole offense right now one run scored One RBI he had a double to score Alvarez in the third he had a single to left in the sixth great day for janard Diaz JP uh did go out for four but he was able to get safe at first on throwing eror by shortstop Cruz safe at second on air um and that led him to score run so unbelievable play by Jeremy pth scoring on the wild pitch that wasn't really that it wasn't that far of a wild pitch so unbel unbelievable play by JP and then John Singleton went 0 for two but he was replaced by dubon great decision by Joe as spata because dubon would hit a two-run shot in the sixth inning Jake Myers went 0 for three today uh Victor cartini first time playing DH for the bers this season went 0 for two with a walk in the seventh Dre cage would replac him as a pinch Runner but did not have an bat CH McCormack went 0 for one today uh even though he had you know he had he had a couple unofficial bats he was hit by pitch in the third inning he struck out looking in the fifth and the seventh he sacrificed to 30 cabbage to second base and he scored a run not a bad day for chass I mean obviously he didn't have a hit but he was he got on base in the third inning uh he did strike out in the fifth inning but but he sacrificed to third to get cabbage in scoring position in the seventh to try to build the Astros one-run lead pitching I went over to fber Valdez and Josh hater but let's go over Bru and Presley Bru pitched the seventh inning didn't give up a hit a run or a walk didn't have a strikeout but impressive got the inning done in nine pitches Ryan Presley did Pitch in the eighth unfortunately he does give up two hits and takes him 20 pitches to get out of the inning but he doesn't give up a run a walk um and he didn't have a strikeout but still uh you know did give it some damage with two hits but you know there weren't any runs out of it so all good and then I already went over Josh haer let your thoughts on the Astros win in the comment section Astros are back at number one in the division with a Mariners series loss to the Rain sorry Mariners season series loss to the Red Sox so that's great for the shos Astros have the day off tomorrow and then we will see the Astros debut of us Kikuchi that's the video hope you guys enjoyed and if you like what you see push push the Subscribe Buton button that's the video hope you guys enjoyed and peace out go Astros