YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 105

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what time is it what time is it what time is it yeah he's back from zad put it on Z map SAS right next to New York York yeah what show yeah your show what time is it your show yeah time to talk some [ __ ] yeah show scary you've tuned in yeah f Maggie Park Park W want a treat you keep listening welcome to the Thursday edition of your show sorry i' got to do a Gary impression you know I had to um even though Gary says it's your show and meaning my show for those of you who are a little more perceptive you've probably noticed things look a little bit different today uh Gary is away um I don't what where's he at he said some draft golf tournament he was saying it's like some sports draft but then like they play golf and if they do better in the golf they get more money for the draft I don't know it's something that you know sounds like something Gary would be interested in but not something I would be interested in too much anyway it uh I was he was looking at this before the show Gary has done 104 episodes of your show without without stopping uh that is insane um when you when you think about 104 episodes uh 5 days a week pretty much except for stat holidays um that's impressive uh 104 episodes so this is episode 105 of your show and we have to kick it off as we always do around here with the Maggie cam uh took quite a bit of work for me to get her here uh she doesn't want to listen to me the same way she wants to listen to Gary uh but for our friends over at pet planet on 8th Street uh what are their names I I listen to this you know every day and yet I still can't remember what their names are cuz I don't have a pet unfortunately so I uh don't have much need to go there but if I did have a pet I would be going to pet planet on 8th Street uh your pet's natural grer so uh business things uh the Elmwood fall Feast is happening September 19th prair Land Park you can uh find out more at mwood yxe I know that one is very important to us over here at The Duffer Avenue media Network um we like to support the community and it's it's uh these These are the kind of things that make uh doing a show like this um make it have a good impact on the community around us so you can see the banner right down there Elmwood fall Feast you can check them out Elwood yxe doca for your tickets um and um yeah it's a great thing um so I had a guy stop by earlier today and uh you've heard him before here on your show and he stops by every Thursday and uh is Matt Young from uh CTV and he is very knowledgeable when it comes to uh gaming and that kind of stuff and uh for the last couple weeks they've been running a series where he's showing people how upkeep and maintenance for their older consoles and uh it sounds like they're going to be moving into some newer consoles as the weeks progress um but like uh this week we was uh the Super Nintendo uh controller and had to take it apart and all and clean it it which um it's awesome thing to uh to know so we're going to go ahead and uh run that pre tape previously recorded segment now all right I am here with Matt Young ctv's Matt Young there you go all right in the house this is kind of a first uh first time you're doing this with someone other than Gary first time we're doing any of this without Gary so hey that's okay that's okay Gary's somewhere in this room here you just can't see previously recorded segment so I'm told that we're doing a video game controller cleaning and upkeep uh segment let's that's exactly right yeah we we got her do you play video games I do a lot do do you have old video game systems I do have some yes yes oh cool my dad my dad has a lot so oh nice I would say I have them but the family uh has access to them well you and your dad are going to enjoy this because this is great we've been doing um for the last number of weeks we've been doing a series on how to how to preserve and maintain your old video game system so a number of weeks ago we talked about uh a Genesis how to take apart the controller because usually it's the controllers that start to go on these systems right so um have you played a Nintendo 64 before right so you know that joystick always starts to fail after a little while we we sort of worked out a way and showed people how you can make your your joystick in your Nintendo 64 Controller last a long time well now we're going to look do that work for for for newer ones like you know like my Xbox controller dri well it's a little bit different for Nintendo 64 versus XBox and and we'll do an Xbox one one day too um but today we're gonna look at Super Nintendo do you remember Super Nintendo I I mean I've used it but it it's not from my time say that way well it's from mine and and Super Nintendo I mean that was that's when you started seeing the stuff like Madden and the NHL series started on that so um and one thing about Super Nintendo the systems work pretty well but the controllers they can always you know get get a little sticky and dirty and that sort of thing so we're going to show you how to maintain your Super Nintendo controllers and it's actually quite easy you don't need to inste of somebody who's a rocket scientist or a professional electrician to do this it's real simple so I have a Nintendo or I have a a Super Nintendo controller right here okay and um and and and we're going to show you exactly how to take it apart and how to what what to do what parts are in there and how to clean it right uh because we want these things to last well especially since they don't make them anymore well that's exactly right they're very hard to get you you you you go to game stores and and and the price of them is starting to go up because there's and especially if you can find one that works that's even better right but a lot of them yeah they're a little bit wonky so what we're gonna do is this is a this is a Super Nintendo controller uh right here you can see it okay and um and it's your basic Super Nintendo controller and uh right here I got a little bit of water I got a little cloth here and um and there's some other tools that you can get that you know you buy a local Shoppers Drug Mart that will help you do this so this is a Super Nintendo controller and on the back okay there are one two three four five screws you can just take those screws out okay and the back plating here I'm just going to this one I might have to loosen a little bit more there we go okay the back plating here um just comes right off okay so you already had the screws out before yeah yeah I've pre- loosened some of these screws here and you just use use use a normal screwdriver to do you take the screws out and your back comes off and here is what you have for your Super Nintendo controller okay so now if we were to look at it this board this printed circuit board right here okay the buttons are on the other side okay and and what we also have is is we have your your L button and R button that sit kind of right in this little this little pocket here okay we can take those out so those that's your l&r button we'll put those right there okay and then if we lift this wire out okay and it just lifts out it's not really attached it's sort of sort of stuffed in there you'll see that this little board just comes out like so okay and you have the printed circuit board for your controller okay now what happens is is as you and I both know when you play video games you often got you got the pizza sometimes or you got the nachos right or what have you and and grease gets in the controller and it gets on this printed circuit board okay well typically what you want to do is is if you ever feel your buttons are getting sticky or they're not responsive on a Super Nintendo controller what you want to do Adam is you you basically just want to try and clean this and there's a product you can get called isopropyl you can buy it at at Shoppers Drug Mart or any place like that for like I think it's six or eight dollars and and what you can do is you you just take a little toothbrush and spray some isopropyl on it and then you'll take it and just kind of gently clean the surface of this okay it really doesn't take much okay because you want to get some of the maybe grease or powder or anything like that that can get in there um uh cleaned off that printed circuit board so that when you press the buttons you're get good contact and um and everything like that so so that's the first thing that you'll want to do make sure it's a soft toothbrush yeah make sure it's a soft toothbrush you don't want to press down too hard um that's a good point right there you don't want to use any like a wire bristle brush I usually want to use something small like a toothbrush and you just be quite gentle now here's the other part of the controller right here and um you can see that right here this sort of maroon colored rubber pad is pressed up against your d-pad this right here you can see the black uh rubber pad there that's your start and select button and right here is your axy button this is the green thing and if you to take this off okay what you'll see is you have these little rubber pads here that's what's actually making contact with the printed circuit board when you press a button on your controller okay and so what I do is I take these off and what you want to do is I just use a little bit of isopropyl but sometimes I just dip them and let them soak in there for a little while in some water lukewarm water because you want to get these clean because what happens is grease gets on this part right here these little black notches okay and when you press the button those black notches may not make good contact with the printed circuit board that you also just cleaned you want to clean everything so so what you do is I use some isopropyl spray it on get a toothbrush clean it and then I clean it in water and that cleans kind of the whole thing cuz you get again grease and powder in there and everything like that right now you can let those sit in there and and I usually let them sit in there for five or 10 minutes and then you grab them take the toothbrush and then just slowly clean it off right and then what you'll do is once you do all of them and I'm gonna I got to find that other one is there another one oh no that's it I think oh yeah I have the start and select button right here okay put that in there and and once you have them all cleaned up off okay and I've kind of pre-done these just a little bit you know take them and I just usually take a cloth and I just dry them off right that's all you got to do you want to make sure that they're nice and dry you definitely don't want any water getting in your Super Nintendo controller because if you have that happen that's a problem water and electricity as we know Adam they do not mix right so what you want to do is you want to dry these off nice and well okay so what you've done is you've used isopropyl to kind of kind of clean off the black little notches here right and and to clean off clean off these uh these rubber pads you've used the isopropyl to clean off um the printed circuit board and then the last thing you have is the actual buttons themselves right and these are the plastic buttons okay that that if if I'm on the back side I would obviously be pressing them right and this is your d-pad right here this little gray one you can see it's kind of moving there okay you also want to take these and just see if there's any like you know again grease or kind of crud that gets in there right you want to clean those off gaming Gunk that's what we'll call it from now good good word I like the terminology gaming Gunk right so and then once you're you're done cleaning those off you can just put them right back and they only fit in one way yeah okay they only fit in one way so you can't do it wrong you can't really do it wrong no no eventually you'll figure it out right and same thing with the d-pad here this is your d-pad your your up down left right pad again if that's dirty you want to clean that off and then you put it right in there and we can just soak those in the water and and you can just soak these in water right you soak them in water you can and again you just clean them with a toothbrush right and things like that and you want to keep everything clean so now that you've cleaned it well how do you put it back together what's it's pretty simple okay so you got your black your your rubber pads here that kind of kind of go underneath and you just put it there's only one way it can go there's a little Notch it's going to be I'll grab my screwdriver so you can point it out this little Notch right here okay it just kind of sits on a little Peg there then you have your your start and select button well that's only going to fit in one way okay so you put that in there and then you have your XY and ab cover pad okay and that just sits in there just like this okay and again there's two little see you can pick them up on camera I think you can a notch here and a notch there that you're going to want to set this in and then it's pretty much ready to go right right then you have your l&r button okay and the l&r buttons you know they basically sit in a little they sit in a little I want to say a little holder like this you put a pin in and then this would be oh that'd be the L button I can put that I want to make sure we have it on the right side and by the way there's actually a little r and an L engraved on the controller you can't really see it so you know which way to put the R button in there and the L button in there so this one's the R so it's going to go in just like that and uh there's a little clasp that it kind of hangs on Boom okay so we have the R button in there then we take the L button we put the L button in there and then again there's a little clasp here it sticks in this hole right and then the L button with its little hinge slides right onto that right so your L and R and then you put the printed circuit board back in you want want to touch it too much obviously with the uh with the um the uh the isopropyl or anything on there and and the way how I usually do this is you try to it's a little tricky but you got to there's you got to try to line it up with and I'm hoping I'm catching this on camera pretty good here because the wire kind of has to stick in there too let's see if I can get that there it's going to be a little too might be little to there you go I'm G to slide this right on here isn't it upside down oh whoops no it's got to go this way H there you go see even the pros can make a mistake so you want to take this and you slide it in just like there and it because it'll only kind of go in one way that's the nice thing about these things there just like that yeah so if it's not going easily then back up and there you go there you go and what you do is you you line it up there's these little screw holes right one two three four five those little screw holes there right you want those to be lined up perfectly okay right and then once we have your backing done I got a little bit of water and by the way it's not a bad thing to clean out these as well okay it's not a bad thing to clean out those because you can also get like like powder or dust or anything like that um inside the backing plate as well these little wires just kind of wrap around these little posts here I'm going to do that for for you right now okay so do you see that the wire kind of goes and it wraps around right so that takes the tension off the actual that's exactly right that's exactly right and then you just take this and take your backing plate and put it right on and now you have a nice clean Super Nintendo with like you can hear the click of those you can hear that's already better right right so so so you have a nice clean Super Nintendo controller with an l&r button an AP and XY buttons that will last you a lot longer and it'll also be better playing right because so then you don't have that as an excuse for why you're not playing I mean you know what I I lost in bomber man because you know my Nintendo controller wasn't as good well guess what can't can't use that excuse anymore then you just put the screws back in there and um and you're and you're ready to go so so again you know you can do this usually in about an hour it doesn't take much and I always say you know an hour of Maintenance a day keeps you away from having to try and find another controller right yeah I mean you know how often would you say you would have to do this I would say you'd probably do this every I would say every couple years okay right I mean just I mean because stuff can lie around and collect dust but usually every couple years and and you'll find that that really um you know the maintenance isn't too difficult and and and you'll find that um if you ever decide at some point to sell your system if you have good controllers people will buy it right because that's that's the whole thing like the the biggest thing about gaming system is the controllers they wear out yeah right do you know what I mean so um so what you want is is you want to make sure that your controllers are good and uh and so now you know with with a little you know some basic tools right this is a screwdriver you can get some water isopropyl I didn't bring it with me but you can get it at a lot of drugstores for for real cheap um and a little toothbrush and just just be careful and gently clean your Super Nintendo controller you will find that it lasts a lot longer and there's a lot more gaming right yeah so there you go all done in in a bit of a snap yeah and um we're going to continue doing this with other video game systems and and other other other controllers and and we'll look at Xbox and PlayStation 5 I think we'll we'll work our way from the old old to the new old to the new exactly exactly so um so yeah so there you have it and um you know what these tips hey I mean they're they're little things that you can do and um and uh also you know I've had you know even the odd person can I'll give you 10 bucks can you fix my controller for me see maybe make a little money on the side there as well so so happy gaming to everybody and um next week we're going to bring in another system another controller and and I and I've said also um older gaming systems you'll find that they turn yellow after a while there is a way to actually make them go back to that nice gray color that everybody likes um and we're going to show you that in a couple of weeks as well yes I'm definitely going to be watching there you go there you go go there you go yeah I appreciate you uh showing us how to do this it's it's awesome I think it's super useful for you know everybody who has a system I think like you say just uh a little bit of Maintenance and it's going to increase the value it's going to increase the playability and uh yeah this is awesome U my first time doing a pre-tape with you so it's great to meet you and great great to be here with you this is fantastic it's great and and and I love the fact that you're a gamer and whether by the way it doesn't have to be old games whether it's old games or new games you want to maintain your stuff because it's nothing going to last forever right and and you want to maintain your stuff and that's why you know we thought this would be a great series and and we're going to get into games and cartridges you know there's a way that you can make it so you don't have to blow on the cartridge every single time we've all had to do that have you had to do that I I used to I remember one of my my cousins uh used to play Playstation he gave me his PlayStation 2 um or some of his games for it actually but he when it when we' play it at his house and the disc wouldn't work he would just set it in the toilet and flush the toilet go CU it's a disc but don't don't do that that's not the method we recommend but uh no that's this is probably see I'm sure you probably have some methods for cleaning a CD there's there's there's there there's stuff like that and um and maybe we'll take AP part of PS5 one day we can show you what's in it and and and and it's all about just keeping the dust out of there and that sort of thing and you'll be gaming longer gaming smarter and having a lot more fun at the same time yeah all right Matt Young everybody you know one of the things is is great about uh being uh here by myself meaning Gary isn't here um I can talk about a certain two topics in particular that Gary probably wouldn't approve of um that's politics and religion so you know now that I've sufficiently given Gary a heart attack if he's watching um uh I think I'm going to talk about uh two new shows dropping to well not new shows two new episodes of existing shows dropping today uh so we got the angle of attack angle of angle of attack oh my pilot brain is uh is coming out here a AOA on my on my sheet here I got my I got my notes AOA does not stand for angle of attack in this case AOA stands for all at angs podcast it is an audio only podcast um with Matt Young from all the band no Matt not Matt Young was who we had the pre-tape with Matt Cuthbertson boy Gary's never going to let me do this again Matt Cuthbertson from all the bands Uncle Mike from all his natural products and of course Gary um they uh I was was listening in on the the last recording session and uh it is a fantastic show uh if you want to just hear him talking about punk rock and you know I've always been interested in that kind of music and I've always enjoyed listening to it but I've never really heard all the stories and you know they've been in that scene for a lot longer than I have have um and it's awesome to hear all the stories and just the little knowledge and things that they remember so check out the allot angs podcast on Spotify Apple podcast wherever get your uh audio podcasts and the other show is the dude podcast um this one's a little bit newer um but it is a it's kind of a quick uh edited together with so just all the jokes just kind of run really quick together so if you're in the mood for some coach Amer comedy um is kind of toned down kind of Comedy style um but you don't have a lot of time then this is the perfect show so that is uh dropping today as well and um there's a there's a guy around here we got uh dragon on the ones and twos and um he and I have a show called the viewing room that drops on Tuesday so you can check that out on the duff Avenue media Network and all of our platforms it's this audio only as well as uh video podcasts here on YouTube um and we just review movies and whatnot um but he's here with me today so I'm going to have him come up and uh we're going to talk about some current events what I'll say current events yeah come on get up here and uh this is why I said we could talk about politics and religion walk up music uh no I can't sing you walk up music [Music] na I don't know how it goes by that point I faded it out usually yeah how are you doing good how are you did you turn that mic on I did yeah sure we'll uh check it out in the recording well if you didn't then yeah I don't know what we're going to do here it's quiet here we got the place to ourselves I feel like there's cobwebs in the corner I'm used to having people and you know and and Gary's Lively presence you know yeah exactly and uh one thing Gary has a presence you know and it's missing when he's not here um it's okay we make our own presentence now yeah we do on our own and I guess we want to talk about the viewing room for a bit well Gary I will say that now we're going to be the only presents around here I uh I changed all the locks while you were gone so yeah we have the only ke now you can't you can't get in yeah your show our show why you kept telling me like it's your show you can do whatever you want on this show so I did what I wanted uh so yeah we stole Maggie and we stole Studio we outsourced the show too this is at my house right now we rebuil the studio my we just moved everything in the space of an afternoon yeah that's perfect yeah so you want to you want to talk what was what's what's new in coming up with viewing room okay well we just released Happy Gilmore yes yes great episode that I haven't watched yet but I'm planning on watching I was going to watch it yesterday and then I got home and I saw the uh the roast of Tom Brady on my Netflix recommended and I said sorry Adam I'm going to have to watch this instead so I finished that today it's a great thing about YouTube you can watch it anytime yeah exactly so I haven't seen it yet but I know it's good because I was there it's a great episode and your lovely dad produced it for us yes yes Big B Big B um yeah I don't know that was a good experience we got Wayne's World coming up Coliseum presents Friday night y That's tomorrow night tomorrow Friday oh man it's I know I did the same thing earlier right man Coliseum has a bunch of stuff coming up um I got to I got to talk to Aaron about these um we got Wayne's World tomorrow at the Roxy at 7 we got Mullen Rouge uh September 18th at Broadway 7 P.M all of their shows at 7 p.m. I'm just going to say that and then we have Batman I want you to guess which Batman which Batman do you think Mich ke Batman yes I knew it that would be the only one you scared Maggie oh I'm sorry Maggie oh oh hi aome can you see the head yeah is that's hilarious she can spell the truth um we just finished recording another episode was that yesterday two days yes that was yesterday we recorded an episode yesterday we talked about disp whatever was was in the last couple days we went and that'll be coming out in a few weeks uh so yeah it's got the 1989 they've got the 19 1989 Batman at the Roxy September 25th uh and then October 5th at the Roxy we've got Ghostbusters the original that's good I'm G like that that's huge yeah that's awesome and then uh October 15th October 5th I think yeah October 15th is uh the Labyrinth okay um at Broadway I haven't seen that one before I haven't either um and then lastly We Got The Shining October oh that's good yeah yeah Roxy that's a bit of a longer one to play actually at the theat I'm surprised that they're going to do that one as a theater but yeah um we will be at most of those events I'm I'm assuming I got to check my schedule but I'm planning to be at most of those we will probably be there we will see you at Wayne's World tomorrow night tomorrow night and so you'll also then hear our uh our or see our reviews afterwards um yep which I think is a great segue into if you want to see our reviews early we now have a patreon we're not really seeing them early on there not releasing them early on the patreon but you can a good idea though support but you can support we have um we have the the damn patreon as a whole if you it doesn't say damn it says your show so if you buy the the your show patreon then that's um uh that's all supports all of dam so that's one of the ways that you can support us because I know we've had lots of like particularly family members but other people reach out and say I want to support you guys I like what you're doing but you know I'm not an Advertiser but speaking of which if you are an Advertiser er um if you weren't up here with me then we'd have the thingy Miggy right yeah it would be like right here you know it' be like somewhere in here yeah anyways somewhere like that we got a website you can go check out the advertising and stuff yes um or if you want to be a if you want to be a show you want to host a show you have an idea for a show um check us out yeah and we've talked about this before but the best way to join our Network and communicate with us and just have a good time is just keep watching the shows keep commenting keep keep telling us what you like and and the patreon is obviously something we welcome but if you if you can't make that work or it just doesn't suit you just having your support and and you watching this right now is exactly what makes Vie honestly viewing is the easiest thing that you can do watching the content um and enjoying it yeah and tell your friends right um but yeah so no pressure with that but we do have that as an option now and you'll find the link in the description um current movies that's this what I want to talk to you about movies you know me I'm G to get fired off this one what are you uh what are you looking at okay well F yeah first of all this movie this month for movies is going to be pretty good I think uh like speak no evil that movie is going to be crazy yeah it looks very interesting uh Transformers one I wasn't super interested in it and then I saw the cast and I was like got more interested in it like you know Chris hamsworth Scarlett Johansson Steve bami you know I was was like ke and Michael key right great cast so I was like you know I think my buddies want to go see it so I'll go see that one um wolves rad uh Brad Pit and George Clooney that movie looks like it's going to be pretty good although critics not really liking it so much I think I had like a 60% from what I saw so well if you watch the meeing room you know we talk a lot about how the critics don't mean everything yeah I've been looking forward to that movie for a bit but I think it's it's playing downtown I think is the only theater right now playing that um and then there is the Reagan documentary I'm really interested in watching that one we we talked about I I don't about Quaid plays rean in that one yeah and uh from what I've seen uh he does a good job and I I watched him on a podcast or interview or something and he was talking about taking on that role and I think he did a really good job about of like you know researching it yeah well I know nothing about it so I'm maybe go in that talk about politics here yeah well what do you think of re policies yeah we'll go to the next one um maybe we get into our own little bit of politics though because I know we just talked about maybe 30 minutes ago like the Minecraft movie yes and I told you we got to save this for the show man I think you and I are pretty much on the same page on this one okay well I'll maybe give a bit of a backstory so Minecraft uh as a video game one of the most probably what number two most selling video game of all time pretty close up there yeah um fantastic game I've been playing it since I think I was 10 or 11 um playing it since I was like yeah five maybe it has not been out I don't know I've been playing it since I could play it I don't know I had it on an old PC yeah it uh yeah fantastic game one of my favorite games of all time uh and it's getting a movie starring Jack Black Jason Mamoa other people but this is like my favorite game of all time and Warner Bros is making it and they released a trailer yesterday morning and man I I hate taking this cynical approach to things but yeah I don't know it doesn't look fantastic like and I'm really hoping that it comes through and C parts of it look fantastic you and I were both you were commenting and I was thinking the world they managed to build looks amazing the world looks fantastic it looks like when you're you know testing out a high-end computer and you put fancy shaders on they literally just put rage racing on yeah like I I don't know it looks it looks great except from they put real people into this animated and like it just do blend and so it's really T to stay focused and then they gave it the plot of jumi in the trailer yeah I know which is unfortunate because they just they you reused a Trope and then Jack Black's played Stephen gosh I love Jack Black and he'll probably save the whole thing but they just put Jack Black in a T-shirt and called him the main character of the video game and I just like yeah I don't know I really hope it turns out great and you know what it's a teaser trailer there's going to be more trailers it comes out next year and they'll probably do tweeks and stuff so I'm not I'm not going to be too critical of it but yeah I was like I was so excited for this movie since like 2014 I remember like being a little kid and um like 10 years ago and and I I heard this thing about about the Minecraft movie and and I saw like a teaser on YouTube it was obviously fake and I was like oh this is so hyped this is awesome but turns out yeah they've been working on it for a number of years and they're finally kind of ready to show us what it's about but yeah I don't know I think a lot of that excitement kind of turned into a little bit of critic uh criticism for me yesterday and you know I I hated to admit that right but hopefully you push back kind of like change some things and you know what like I'm not going to actually judge it until I sit down at the theater and watch the movie you got remember a trailer is not the movie so you might not like the trailer but the movie could be great I mean right so you're right but there's just a lot of things that there's a lot of things though that are also indicative of the movie I mean they're not going to all of a sudden have cartoon characters in the movie unless something goes right well I think the common example is the Sonic movie if you ever seen the Sonic movie you remember the original picture they had of Sonic and the weird eyes and stuff and then so many the studio got so many hate comments was it Warner Bros that did that movie too I I don't know one of the stud and they actually went in and redid All the CGI on Sonic and then re-released the movie and everyone loved it and it was like oh my gosh and now Sonic movies is getting a third movie people were like let's boycott the Sonic movie we're not going to see it they went back in changed the animation pumped out and now the third movie is on the way starting like Jim Carrey yeah right like crazy and and I I I don't know like will they do that this time and now they'll make it fully animated then you're like okay but are we wasting some of that star power cuz we've thrown in Jack Black Jason mimo you know we have massive star power we have Aquaman and Bowser right the same you know I'm from Bowser well I just like I'm just using Jack I could say like School of Rock but I don't think other people would appreciate that as much but you know I just think yeah I don't know we'll see what happens I don't know if they're going to you know double down on this decision or if you know maybe some tweaks are made but you know we'll see what happens when we get there but that's kind of what I've been seeing right now in terms of movies coming out and obviously the wicked movie coming out that honestly looks great I have mixed feelings on that you have mixed feelings I honestly not a huge Disney like whatever wizard was fan not like not huge that mov movie actually I think looks pretty good yeah but it's completely mixing up the storyline well was a it's it's the area it's the era of Multiverse is what we'll call it I gu but like I mean I'm not I don't know the story of wicked like at all I think I've watched it once maybe or read the book or something I don't remember but like I don't like it when they when they create an alternate reality like that I find that like I mean in my opinion if you if you can't come up with uh or if you if you need to come up with uh an an original story but using pre-created characters or pre-existing characters then it's not and like that that's not a smart move I think that you need to I'd say they're at least trying to make an original story so that gives it some it is that's my point though but like they're using an original story but it's new care it's the same characters sure and and I and I don't like that because those you already have thoughts about those characters and all a sudden you have to like I mean wicked witch is the Witch she's she's she's a witch she know you know right she's framed as evil she's the evil witch when you watch this movie it looks like they're trying to make her exactly a good guy that you sympathize with right but then you know subvert your expectations and then you feel you almost feel like an an ass for not liking her in the first place cuz you weren't given all the information so it's like shame on you but it's like the studio didn't provide me with that information to begin with exactly right so maybe we'll see how it turns out I guess I can see where you're coming from that's where I I just would like if you want an original story create original characters you if you can creating a good original story you can create Good original characters uh so that's that's where where I'm I'm figuring uh the wild Robots coming up yeah I I've not heard of that series before but I have to say that trailer makes me want to watch the first one yeah and read the books and then go watch that one it looks really really good yeah I think that one's good too I'm kind of trying to blank on what other stuff is happening but I feel like there's a lot coming out and like I said September is just a good month this whole year has been has been a great year for movies you know twister and Deadpool you know leading up uh June there or July sorry and uh yeah I don't know I feel like you know they're still playing in the theaters and stuff and we saw thecable me 4 me obviously that one maybe wasn't as crazy but it had some issues but overall it's we did just talk about how it did profit over $800 million so you know it's been you know inside out too also ending that did really well I haven't seen over the billion Mark right like one of the highest grossed in animated films of all time so it's like it's been a good year for movies people are going back to the theater and seeing things and I think I think that's a really good sign that you know things are things are happening right now and yeah I I'm super excited I know Venom's coming out I guess too sometime October remember I I have liked the Venom movies and I'm excited about that but yeah yeah Venom's good Venom's a good character yeah Tom Hardy does a pretty damn good job I'd say yeah y speaking of superhero uh I was looking at the news before this sure and wae Phoenix anounced Joker would be what that's insane Oscar winning actor probably he said probably Pro you know that's not happening cuz then Joker 3 comes out in two years don't I feel like Lady Gaga wants to do it again don't I feel like with him I feel like with him I mean look at his method acting you know the guy's freaking insane he can't keep that up well then he can go play Steve in in the Minecraft movie you know what I mean I don't know yeah but with his method act he's going to get surgery to can make his face a square oh man that's terrifying but I don't know I that's shocking when did he say that and where I I didn't look it it was in the last oh yeah like the onion posted it it probably was being honest I V my news source yeah I don't know I feel like that's that's crazy I yeah I know right apparently got like a 12 minute standing ovation at the at the one Film Festival which I think is like kind of crazy it's a little cheesy it is yeah 12 minutes standing standing and clapping like I don't like a standing ovation is good and like obviously you deserve it but like like I don't know I don't know why we have as like a society clapping competitions like the longer we clap so weird about like and like like when you're performing you know like like the way it was always taught to me when you're performing is that you you know capping is a way of saying thank you you know like you know thank you you did well right but like and then as as a performer you you your your bow is like your way of saying thank you to the audience thank you for coming and but like sure you know I think that when you when you what am I trying to say here I mean from an audience perspective it's annoying or a performer perspective it's really annoying when people just keep on clapping right and and so yeah I don't know what I'm trying to say no no it's it's fair like we talk we talk all the time too about like you know if you screen a film and you show it and you have a round of applause and people are standing up and clapping that's an incredible feeling right yes now does it take take away if it's a three minute standing ovation compared to a 12 minute like I I like I just don't I the standing o is the important thing you know and if you at a certain point you get more like it's like yeah why right but I mean hey congratulations good to them I uh I'm excited to see it and I think it's going to be a great film were they just clapping because they had nothing better to do they were all really excited to go home cuz that was going home that was the last one yeah yeah yeah but we'll we'll see um anyways I'm excited for it I can't believe yeah walking Phoenix is is saying uh saying goodbye to acting then I guess is that I I don't know wow well we better fact check that cuz that's going to be let me let me let me do yeah that that would be shocking I uh wow how do you spell his name that's what's taking so long is it walking with a j walk the yeah well actually I think something like the Joker is the only superhero character to win two Oscars or something like that or three or something like that there you Keith Ledger walking Phoenix Oscars Jar's movie career last for walking Phoenix who says that's it for me 49-year-old I probably shouldn't do this again why is your phone such a high frame rate that's insane CU it's a new phone cuz my old one was not working properly wow he lost 52 lbs for the first movie that's insane see that's what I mean like with his he is he is he is I mean he's a great actor fantastic but but like I can see why when he's that into a character and at a certain point that's dangerous really well yeah it does I think does promote this kind of like toxic mental health kind of area to be in because you know you're so invested in playing this role of someone role of someone who's just messed up like I I I heard the story of him like just punching a clock off a wall like just unscripted and stuff cuz he wanted to right like yeah it's just things like that right and you hear your stories of like someone like Leonardo DiCaprio right in uh Django Unchained when he like smashed his hand on the table and His Hands bleeding right cuz he hit the glass and they left that in and he acted he acted he acted through that right a real thing right so I don't know I feel like when you when you commit to a role that hard that's that taxing on your mind there is a little bit of a Breaking Point and it's it's very easy for that to to be an issue and and I can see how it's hard to slip out of that you know area but yeah I uh I hope it's not the full end for him you know what I mean yeah I mean I hope he still does something but like like probably good for him to to end it yeah exactly well I mean or like do some more roles that aren't you know so focused on on like more mental health and and and ones that maybe aren't quite as much method acting but just more like yeah exactly a little more yourself jump in the voice acting booth for a bit you know try something like that or voice a cartoon right do do a fun character that's not like why so serious you know what I mean uh but yeah I don't know that's crazy news now there is something to be said for being into the character and playing through things like Leo did there with that Dango scene or like you know I'm I'm going to put on my lord of the ring nerd and anytime going every K helmet break his toe so that scream was actually real I can feel your spin on my hand yeah no but like you know it has some good moments but like yeah I don't think it should be rewarded to quite the extreme that that walk in takes it right well I do think it's commendable as an actor right when you when you get into a character you you achieve that role and you're and you're so invested interested in it that you're like you're part of the character and the character is part of you in a way and you know it's it's definitely commendable and it deserves it deserves praise and it deserves accolades and stuff and it's you know I just yeah it's a dangerous place to be in if you're there too long because you start to lose sight of what's actually kind of you know your your job and your regular process because you're so focused and like just Tunnel Vision on what you should be doing but yeah strength and weakness is for sure um good for him and I hope he enjoys retirement if this is truly the end uh y I I don't know you know I feel like you know Joker 3 comes around there might there might be a bill you could be right anyway thank you my friend it was great to have you on here on this first episode of your show without Gary um 105 105 episode 105 can you imagine can you believe that that man did 104 episodes straight right we should do sickness in health till death do us part we should do the next 104 by ourselves yeah we should and and like just well we can I mean we move the studio and we right we're in my basement right now exactly right yeah all right well thanks for having me uh I'll go back in there and press buttons for you yeah I appreciate it appreciate you and we did talk about movies we entire time we talked about movies the entire time that's just a bit of a preview what you can expect uh if you check out the viewing room on all the different avenue media Network platforms um so uh once again the Elmwood fall Feast you can check that out September 19th at prair Land Park it's a great fundraiser for the folks over there at Elmwood um I believe they focus on like transportation and stuff like that I'm not exactly sure um what all they do over there but it's a great cause um and Elwood YX to get your tickets um so that's the Thursday edition of the of your show and uh we're going to be finishing it up here shortly but the last thing the Riders you know me um for my rider debriefs on here um uh so the banjo bowl is Saturday September 7th that's this Saturday at 2m it's an early game um which is rare for the Riders so we'll be watching that you'll uh hear me here on Monday with the debrief um it's looking like it'll be a a good game I'm hoping we'll see it's the Riders so you never know and it's a road game so it'll be tough but um let's get some Frankie fingers going I can't hear it because I to put in your piece in so you give me a thumbs up when it's going Frankie fingers Frankie fingers Frankie's fingers draging on the ones and twos he's didn't give enough give him enough time all right sounds like we got it rolling so again uh the Riders play September 7th check out the Elmwood fall Feast new uh all angs podcast and dude podcast dropping today um thank you Dragon for uh coming on here with me and we're talking about movies and all the that good kind of good stuff um again a little preview of what you can see on the viewing room uh check out Coliseum presents um Coliseum [Music] uh after that um on the viewing room uh I've got to try and end this here as Gary does karma is very real and we'll uh see you all later [Music]

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