Alvin Kamara on the new offense, selling his house and more

Published: Sep 01, 2024 Duration: 00:08:00 Category: Sports

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how you feeling about everything facts all good everything yeah everything cool great I feel great um yeah ready yep now oh just now that you've been in this office for a little bit now initial Impressions or other impression of that I feel good about it um you know I think I think I mean we all running the same plays in this league right it's just terminology um some guys have different philosophies so just I think just learning and I you ask Clint I was annoying him during the preseason cuz I was I was hovering around him cuz I'm I'm trying to ask him like what you thinking what you doing what you do and he was like man get away from me I'm trying to call the play like you know so but you know I I kind of that's kind of what I'm used to I did it with Drew kind of did it with Sean just trying to be ahead and and and you know just kind of get into the mind of the play caller he's play he's calling to play so want to kind of try to be on the same page and and you know that way then I can kind of piggyback and you know catch his rhythm and then you know I might I might be seeing something that you know I think he might thinking about or about to think about it then I could beat them to it so so you like them on the sideline then yeah I like them I asked him too I was like what you think he was like I ain't never leaving the sideline so hopefully he's on the sideline uh this game it's always hard to project until you actually do it Al but do you I guess foresee a spike or increase in production with this offense I mean man um yeah I mean I I would hope so that's what I think that's what they're here for I think that's what Clint is here for I think that's what the the rest of those guys are here for uh for everybody across the board I mean even Shahid and and Chris and even our tight ends um I think that's what's expected increase in production you know how promising is it to have seen that production in other places and kind of projecting you know yourselves in those roles yeah um I mean when you when you look at what they've been able to to uh produce um it's exciting so you know I think that's the best tell of what's to come in the future you know you see some some that um some seeing what they've been able to do at other places and then you know it kind of it stood it stood true so hopefully we do the same here how soon do you I know you've talked to us in the past about knowing what it's supposed to look like and feel like and maybe it just didn't feel that way how soon does this team need to feel that have that success have something tangible kind of hold on to to know that it is real um I mean we the season here now so it's it's kind of like we going to find out on Sunday you know we going that's going to be our first real I guess feeling of you know is it are we where we need to be are we where we we think we are or do we do we still got a lot more work to do or I mean you know it's early it's game one but you know I feel like you you you you got to kind of come out hot and and kind of establish who you going to be so we'll see everything still the same with the contract but uh like what I guess in terms of just like you know it not being done right now I mean you just push out to sign out for the seasons here oh yeah I mean it it's it's too late for contract talk I'm kind of like I told y'all when I got to uh la like I mean if it get done cool if it don't cool so I mean I'm kind of at the point where I'm like I'm not I'm not even talking about it till after the season like I don't want to talk about it and a lot of people on like social media notice your houses for sale anything you want you looking for a house a much much cheaper discount everybody pull some money together y selling y'all can make it the media the media house exactly yeah no yeah I'm selling my house I'm I'm a um I would like to call myself a um a Serial entrepreneur I dabble in many things in real estate being one of them um so yeah and then I talked to Matt Bowers and he told me I can live with him so I think it was a good um financial decision to list my house I guess like just because people are curious like and I'm curious is it is it more related because like you're not necessarily under contract for next year or is it just because like you're looking I'm just Matt Bowers told me I can live with him so I I I figured that you know why spend my money when I can spend Matt's money that's how yeah you know what I'm saying Nick know Nick know what I'm talking about so no yeah so I'm just uh you know I I and my my brother's a real estate agent also so you know we we kind of we we I wouldn't say that it was I I had a exact plan but I had I had plans of you know I I I'm pretty intentional when it comes to like those moves that I made with real estate like I I got other properties around the city too so I mean if I I sell that if I sell it today I'll have somewhere to be so I'm good big picture just eth year in the league how excited you just start another season man it's it's another year man it it goes by fast I I mean everybody wasn't here but I know all y'all remember rookie rookie Alvin and you know and now it's year eight and I'm like dang it flies you know Mark and Adrien Peterson and Tay again they all told me that and I'm 2017 I wouldn't think I'll be sitting here like I'm I'm like the old dude now like damn and I'm telling everybody else like man this flies it goes quick so I mean it's it's a blessing you know and especially to be in the same place for so long um man you know you you I was thinking about it last night you just put in a a lot of work a lot of sacrifice and to be able to still be doing it um it's just it's it's amazing profit you said what you said getting rid of oh no I'm still I'm still on her I'm still on her I was going to ask you about that I don't want to lump you in with Cam Jordan and de Mario Davis just yet you're still in your 20s but they've been pretty open about being aware of their career mortality and and I mean I guess especially year eight I mean do you feel the same way like we don't have time to waste after you missed the play offs three years in a row and you're like for sure I I don't I I still I feel like like you just said like it's there's no there is no time to waste because I mean okay let's just say half I'm at a halfway point if I were to play 16 years or whatever 10 years or I'm on the back end of my career right so I mean that's just an assumption but um I don't go I don't want I don't want to waste no time I don't want to sit here and and and say oh well I got time I got time it ain't no time so I'm trying to run it up like I'm trying to do what what I can to to have the most success you know and then in this league we measur success by a Super Bowl who playing in February so that's what I'm trying to get to is there any way that like having that institutional knowledge all across this locker room being like hey this you know there's no next year this is this year like is there any way that can help um yes and no because I think there everybody's not old like me so you know you got rookies that are you they still don't understand that there like there's no time to waste they'll get it later when they're sitting in year eight like me and I'm like damn this flew but um I think I think guys I think guys understand and I think from top down from the from the captains from uh you know from Derek and and de Mario and Cam and those guys I think they do a good job of you know communicating that you know time is now so you know we just follow you just mentioned sorry mik you mentioned 2017 maybe I'm kind of drawing a parallel here it seemed like you kind of came out of nowhere third round draft pick people like what is he third down back like what is he do you think this team can kind of come out of nowhere this year and potentially surprise some people who aren't high on him right now yeah um I ain't going to lie look I don't really I don't watch ESPN I don't watch a lot of that stuff I just hear what people talk about in here and they're like you know well ESPN ranked us whatever ever or wherever and these people are saying this and that I don't really look at it I hear some of it from Just overhearing things in the locker room but I don't really care about where you know I think I've pretty I've been pretty consistent in in that throughout my career like I don't care what nobody else say I'm just worried about what's going on in this building so whatever we have to do in this building to succeed every Sunday um that's what we'll do so I mean whatever everybody else is saying then good for them everybody's entitled to to their opinion I don't take any offense to it keep it moving hope all right cool

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