NFL Yahoo Fantasy Football draft double flex ppr league
Published: Aug 31, 2024
Duration: 01:15:30
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: yahoo fantasy football
I should be live now Ricky my life I don't know would to click on my video it doesn't work let's see if it works on the computer uh yeah it works on the computer so I am live hopefully hello yep so just signed contract getting paid so he's not going to 49ers and he's not going to I mean he is staying with the 49ers he's not going to the Steelers Browns Broncos declined to trade I wouldn't send him to Pittsburgh so I'm draft in the 11th overall out of 12 teams here under Yahoo team double Flex League I did one last year I'm not sure if I did the Yahoo one last year I did the ESPN uh keeper League which that draft is tomor I'll probably but it's a n 8:00 p.m. tomorrow 900 p.m. tonight for this I got Cowboys jersey on 18 Kar I'm a brown fan so when he went to Dallas I picked it up I think I have I might have threw out the Smith or I don't know did I have MX I'm not sure old stuff I just throw away I don't wear cowboy stuff that often week NBA 2k comes out I'll be picking that up I got it pre-ordered on PS5 supposed PlayStation the PS 5 Pro is going to be rumored around $700 that's crazy I'm just stick PS5 I don't need to upgrade PS unless it's like light years is better than what's they already have I see no reason to upgrade I'll wait for the ps6 I'm not sure I I'll be playing a lot I I don't know I still want to do breachers on Friday night we'll see what happens and tomorrow night no tomorrow during the day I'm going to be playing gt7 with Zim racing hey tribe what's going on I'm I'm good man over here drinking Coke this fanty Football League Draft to start 10 minutes countdown we're on a photo shoot so I can't talk long okay well have fun are you out of Beach right now for the photo shoot I see most your photo shoots are at the beach so plan picking 11th overall I'm not sure if anybody is watching that's doing the draft with me I know two other people in it a perk oh yeah you know who likes a good perk tribe whenever you want to do Family Feud we can do that I'll go in 11th overall I may take the best player that's there be slim pickings from the I usually like getting the be John breitz some top running gun by the 11th pick so I'm not tribe have you played that Batman game the new VR for meta Batman comes out in like a month or less I know you probably played it already I think it's going to get bundled with the quest 3 light or S whatever they're going to call it all right try peace out well do seven and a half half minutes countdown better make sure nobody else got shot tonight I don't want to be draft in players that are dead here a man oh oh wow okay I can't say what they're saying now one guy back oh okay that was probably the friendliest thing that was said there that I can say made it so sweaty oh did play Batman that's awesome that is a much all right people joining and leaving the chat or the draft whatever sorry yeah so I know two people in this draft so I don't know if they're watching so I'm not picking probably they're in both of them but let's see here so Thursday night will be the first night for NFL games I know Baltimore is playing the Chiefs somebody I think wasn't going to play Hollywood Brown he used to be a Baltimore Raven now he's a sheep and he's GNA be out just picked Juju Smith back up from the Patriots he did really good for the Steelers that went to the Chiefs won a Super Bowl with Patriots and now they cut so the Chiefs and this year I think Pat Mah will targets five good wide receivers there and uh R right off the field issues he's eligible to play this a few days but looks like would have done something if you play now they say they're follow and we'll see what happen NFL does things on their own time table so four minutes and 15 seconds left I just picked this up like two weeks ago it's PlayStation portal maybe like 3 weeks ago I don't know but it's people say well you can't play games unless you're in your house or whatever because has no ship in it to play Standalone games like the steam deck but I like uh consoles and I've playing GTA on it and NBA I'll be playing that when it comes out on it my play up and my microphone I'm on Bluetooth and it just did connected for no reason so I had to restart it so that's going to be a pain but it seemed to last what like 30 minutes almost oh here we go hey look pick 11 that's no layup uh this requires some pretty serious fantasy Acumen and here at Yahoo you know we don't give this pick to just anybody we identified you personally as someone who has the skill the experience a chess Master's Vision you might say deal with the challenges for you it really wouldn't be any challenge to beat the rest of the goofballs in this league if we gave you the first overall pick or the third or the turn but 11 is a challenge that is truly worthy of your abilities uh now obviously a manager of your caliber doesn't need advice but I'll give you one important reminder when you pick this late you're probably out on the tier one running backs and receivers and that's fine um because no team gets to have the best of everything right but I always want my teams to have a clear Edge somewhere at some position so when you pick as late as 11 it's very easy to start reacting to other people's decisions along the way I want you to make sure that you give yourself a positional Edge at some spot maybe that means a pair of elite receivers go at the top maybe it means that you're the first team to take a tight end let's be sure to initiate some of the action in this draft instead of trailing other people's choices all right all right let's see here oh all right so here we go uh I wonder if or if it's just Yahoo or I mean YouTube oh did work nice all right so I wonder if oh there I my moded beab would have worked on Twitter I was they were waiting to verify me yesterday God damn all right all right all right [Music] so has anybody picked oh here we go people picking M Tyreek 12 right let me get Comfort over here people [ __ ] crap right maybe better oh we not we'll see on the way back I add who I picked uh eighth position like two weeks ago three weeks ago last d so one two three four five drag results the pick oh yep now get my back so running backs sa on there think I'm going Garrett Wilson by week 12 [Music] up PO I'm going another receiver it looks like get two Elite wide [Music] receivers PP get double double up on them wide receivers the one tomorrow is $20 I don't know I think top three get paid one third place gets their money back maybe and then the top two 60 40 maybe I don't know something like that 60 40% 10% for third I don't know oh what are you going to do this saying crazy stuff in I may agree with it but I'm not going to say it dude picked a punt returner in the second round he's also but coach is being weird Derek Henry I watched uh Derek Henry's highlights in high school where he he was 6' two or 6' 3 240 lb and no one can tackle him and his head coach give it to him like 57 at Point if I'm at level so Christian MRE you Cowboys cup J Jacobs who's going to be there result Shan here we go all right so who's on the boat I'm going to kill this fly that's flying around it's like tin I don't know what it is whatever oh maybe maybe I'm getting the bird flu or something I don't know bird flu some kind of mosquitoes all right um upet I think Hertz is GNA have a really good year H yeah hurts I got Pat my and my other want to take board now I'm really happy about that pick whoy div day and Pitman I'm dying on the hill I guess for i' white [Music] go I'm waiting long on running back pretty sure I should have took a running back there but we'll see how this plays out for he was fourth quarterback he went before I'm glad I got M am I missing the m i don't see him on my hopefully you guys can see the screen uh no one's pick man quter right there I bet you take on the way back k n t i I'm surpris I definitely tight I should have got shot right there on that T Higgins can't remember who was the sweaty guy I was looking at that was a platinum in here Kelsey was the only pick that I'm not sure about I like year Kel gets older and now if he all right T hiin in the fit do they I usually pick picking in the fit maybe what are my running back's looking like looking like trash probably all right [Music] got my first ront and back a mirror white who's he taking moner for all right taking George pickings I don't normally draft Browns I'm a Browns fan and I don't want to be biased I will take Steelers players though and then I regret it because they always suck then I get to complain about the teams how they have suck so my lineup looking like HTS Wilson Harrison Whitey pick I got running back and a flex spot open to for for GNA pick one let's see here about half the teams have tight ends now he just picked a tight end so have the teams do there you go c yeah his I can't remember the last time I took a brown Brown I just let other people draft them everybody Hometown players my game coming all right oh another tight op the r a d s get it back to me all right now I gotta do all right looks like I'm waiting on running back all right need other than running backs double Flex PPR league so I think I'm going to take my fourth wide receiver and play him as a flex be good all right taking a fit [Music] receiver Coleman in the eth Jun in the seventh George piggins in the sixth so if one of them Elite wide receivers go down I got a guy on the bench we had didn't have very many preseason games this year so a lot of we don't know what they can do what they can't do but at this point is slim pickings should be good getting his leg even so he have hring problem Ander always gets injured he just went right now if you can't stay on the field legs are good to go right now I don't know whether to be hopeful or not I just stay away from him take people who can stay on the field see here oh my head dying and then I turn it back on every 30 minutes automatically for some reason it's Bluetooth so stop talking that's why let's see here oh people are taking five WI receiv so I'm probably need let's see left okay I don't think I need to drop two tight end there around in the ninth I think right y I don't think there's a starting running back left is there what do you do in that there's no starting running back that's live figure it out oh jonath and Burks that's what I should have done he's not going to be there the first four weeks so no matter when it gets to me I definitely don't have that our St yeah that's so his name disappear jayen Daniels I'll get my back [Music] back I don't know what I'm doing at running back what round are we at 10th round [Music] I just won't have a running back I mean got one I got some mirr oh they both got damn it let's F running backs without by weeks ATT 10 I think those were the only two with by weeks ATT 10 too oh I see one other one what are other people doing what should be elite WI my RB is going to be slacking [Music] find a backup eventually back second running back go down one of these guys might not be set are we somebody guy who took oh still out how do you guys like my draft so for I think in a double double Flex PPR League I'm in the ninth position right you're Ryan's big ball of bread I already know who I'm picking better not get [Music] sniped haven't got sniped few were picking defenses really two out the board was his first quarterback anybody quarterbacks he was the last one to take a quarterback wow not bad you got two with the last player to pick a quarterback all right right this guy better not snipe me see my kick [Music] got my Kicker all right I can find a running back wide [Music] who could have went defense there let's see here let me look at my notes where are my notes I don't have notes but oh okay I think I know hm this is what I wanted hopefully I find what I'm looking for it's to my turn Trevor Lawrence off the board for the page looking for I'm not going to worry about the other page I'm just going to Hope Oh no uh just please but now I got to go look at defenses pcks until my turn for one two three four five six six defenses off the board maybe three four five six somebody guy [Music] wednes there by week damn it did he just draft damn it he did [Music] took definitely needed another run back we'll see how this players I never need to play more than two the leite oh I see a running back right there for and then we're done I like that my defenses at least don't have the same by we else been talking crap for [Music] all right taking players we'll see who's I got NFC East quarterbacks I only have backs that's tough I got three running backs and only one of them starts oh on o still there all right so running back where is he right there [Music] any other running back that could be a thrown in the dark guess I'll take kre Miller and is he done for the year hopefully not I'll put him in the IR [Music] spot so I Ed one two three four five I got five running backs now one's going on the IR spot oh ke to Mitchell I think he's on IRS too I'm another draft tomorrow I'm playing Grand Turismo Zim racing2 p7 PS5 100 p.m. I'll pass stream on uh YouTube and then tomorrow night 8:00 p.m. is my next so I'll be I don't have a lot going on I'm just waiting on Tuesday I think maybe Wednesday NBA 2K 25 if you pre-order it you get it two days early two or 3 days early and so I'll be checking that out Tuesday or Wednesday whenever it lets me play it starts off hey how many do I have three four five I only have five wide receivers maybe I'll pick one up when I all right so the clock all right does it for tonight have a good night everybody peace buron