Part 6: Baywatch Sniffing: 8/29/24

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:24:05 Category: Comedy

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with them it's a week from Monday that is September the 9th out at Blossom has all the details on the show of this pair for you to for Cage the Elephant little over a week good luck call 10 216 57817 or 800 34817 the Allen Cox Show they're planning to use the crumble morals of America is this rotten filthy dirty LW lascivious junk on 100.7 [Music] WM 35192 and to send a text you can watch the live stream at the Guardians start up again tomorrow night the weekend Series against the visiting Pittsburgh Pirates their home field will be getting used on Sunday night for the Green Day smashing pump show pirates will be at Progressive Field tomorrow night 710 is the first pitch there first of three and all of it here on MMS and on the iHeart Radio app you can listen did you hear the breaking sports news in the break show exclusive news uh Jim Donovan has said that he is calling it a career oh I did see that he stepped away from the Browns radio network right on the eve of the regular season beginning that is uh he's called his last Browns game yes so he's not doing this season nope he shared a letter with the fans saying that uh his cancer has returned and very aggressively he's been uh fighting leukemia for many years now and um dude's the best that's such a bummer that it has to end this way but he had the bone marrow transplant a decade ago and then he kind of stepped down for a bit then he came back and he left uh left television and then he was going to be the Browns the Browns radio stuff yep and he has announced that uh he will not be returning who's the number two over there on the Browns broadcast so when he was not able to do it they would get guys like National guys would come in I think uh Chris Rose would come in uh what's the the one guy uh he's got giant ears Andrew ciciliano okay has done some games for the Browns so there's there's a bench for it but there National guys that would come in for it I don't know if they are gonna bump somebody there's no air apparent to Jim Donovan not that I know of huh I wonder why they wouldn't have a local guy ready to I mean especially since Jim Donovan got sick a decade ago you think that they would um I mean those are just the the ones that I can think of off the top of my head they might have somebody ready to go I don't know so uh it was just February of this year that um everybody was happy because he said he had ended his radiation treatment and and all that kind of stuff he was named the radio voice of the Cleveland Browns in 1999 completing his 25th season last season but he has said uh I will no longer be calling Browns games because obviously he wants to devote all of his time and resources uh to beating cancer so uh Jim Donovan done over there well thank you for all the great memories Jim we are we are spoiled with J spe one person just it's it's job Jim uh we've been really blessed with great radio playby playay in basketball baseball and football Jim Donovan's incredible uh all the years with uh uh Joe Tate and hamilt you know Tom Hamilton is second and noney yeah yep and then even some of the guys that have moved in after I'm like uh who's the guy that does it now for the Cavs what's his name oh John Michael no John Michael does the he he was doing radio and then he got bumped up because uh um the other guy passed away Jo Tade no Joe Tate Joe T Tate retired and then passed away yeah but the Fred uh oh yeah yeah Fred uh um oh God he was on Fox for a while and feel terrible yeah hot wife yeah um no was um Fred um camon I can't either I'm sorry but he passed away and so then John Michael moved up and now it's who's chos I really enjoy the guy Fred McLoud Fred McLoud yeah play but see we've got a guy named Jeff johniac who has been the voice of the Chicago Bears since like the mid 90s been doing a long time so it's like these longtime guys when you hear them and you associate their voice you know with those teams a big deal um but anyway good luck to Jim Donovan and his family maybe Tim alorn is the guy that doesn't Tim alorn he's great too okay what about Nick Camino he was on he was here at Tam for a number of years before he he was on TV I don't think he was really a play-by-play guy though but oh okay just just a commentator yeah yeah and a journalist and but a good broadcaster what about would this be an opportunity we should try to get him on the phone to get poundcake back in Cleveland's best sports talker Cody poundcake Brown make it happen I think they on to something I mean [Music] um this might be an opportunity for him to get back in the I was going to say good graces he was never in their bad Graces because um they didn't know who he was but uh it's hard for someone to be mad at you right it might be worth uh placing a call to him and maybe trying to connect him with the Browns organization he goes back with Bridget Linton yeah right they both went to the University of akan got an in both former Zips and he knows so much about sports his last name's Brown yes play byplay for the Browns oh my God can you imagine that match made in heaven ideal no skeletons in his closet that's always good for the vetting hey I molest children all right well okay but listen it's you know one small skeleton Les's not be judg maybe four year-old skeleton there you go um okay hey speaking of speaking of pervy stuff did you read the story about the kid from Baywatch no okay so if you watched Baywatch back in the day there was an actor he was a kid at the time he played Hobie I'm talking the OG bayat right Nicole leer Anderson the actor was named Jeremy Jackson he was a child star I don't know if he still acts but he played Hobie he was David Hasselhoff's son on the show and um he was on the show for like eight seasons so you saw him go from like a cute kid to like a gangly teenager right and I guess there's a documentary series called after Baywatch and he was talking about literally growing up on that show and uh he uh said that he sniffed all of the bathing suits of course he did H sniffed all of the I mean you're a kid going through puberty and you're on a show with some of the most beautiful women and men and Alexandra Paul yeah I always felt bad for that actress that Alexandra Paul She was like the skinny brunette like the with the short hair yeah you're surround she was still good compared to Pamela Anderson and everybody else wasn't Carmen Electra on the show uh no I think it was who was the one Yas mean ble Yas mean blee there you go and uh who else what's her name was on there too there was another blonde that was on there was Stacy kamano who I thought was kind of Foxy she was a brunette it was another blonde on that show maybe was later Seasons I don't know but yeah hobie's like I mean this dude went his whole life so far without throwing that information out there and then he's like yeah I S all all the yeah but people are like I mean yeah are they is he coming under Fire like are people like you well no because I think that because the dude had a hard time after Baywatch I mean I think by the time he was like 20 he was like a drug addict and all this kind so he had a tough time but could it be you know obviously the headlines on this sounds lascivious could it be that he just sniffed the shoulder strap parts of the bathing suits highly doubt that oh really would you sniff the shoulder strap part is that the first part you'd smell I wouldn't sniff someone's bathing suit you're asking the wrong guy um but you were a horny teenage boy once I was a very I'm a horny man now and shoulder strap is where your mind goes no but I'm I'm playing Devil's Advocate no you're not could it be that that's what he was sniffing maybe he was a shoulder freak you ever think about that Mary I never thought of that maybe he was into traps and uh traps and straps and he's like everybody just assumes he's out there sniffing crotches like the Texas Woman's great but boy you're going to be part of a documentary and you go yeah sniffing all the sniffing all of the swimsuits on the show yeah because it would be it got to be terrible be the opposite of being in a boy band you know you're coming up in a boy band and all of your fans are too young you're surrounded by screaming girls but they're all illegal they're all too young for you to do anything if you're smart this is the opposite of that you're too young to do anything and the girls are all kind of walking by you patting you on the head and they had a bit of a revolving door on that show so by the time you kind of get your Moxy and you're 18 or whatever you know this poor dude's doing meth and uh by that time you know the girls don't want to do anything with them hey man meth ain't that bad what's that smell like says you meth what does that meth smell like hey man meth ain't that bad did he mention if the suits were on or off the women at the time off oh okay yeah one would be more problematic I was going to say if he was walking up to them CU how do you pull that off let's say pretend like you're tying your shoe and you bend down and I see you tripped you trip on the sand you know sand is very uneven it's very difficult to get your footing sometimes and the girls are just standing around between cut and action and here comes Hobie there's a lot of sniffing going on maybe sniffing is coming back I was watching this I'm not much of a sniffer I'm not either like I'll I'll um you know your sense of smell obviously is your most sensitive and so if somebody smells good you can pick up on that but the whole sniffing thing wait what what where does that come from that sense of smell is the most sensitive isn't it it's the no it's the closest tied to memory it's not necessarily the most sensitive but it's the one that's the most I thought they said your old factory senses can pick up like hundreds of thousands of cents I don't know about that all I've ever heard is that your sense of smell is the one that is tied to I've heard that I I've never heard it's the most sensitive because I think that's also varies from person to person okay and I feel like I see more than I smell okay do you see more than you smell yes I do all right that's just me well I thought um I thought that they had said that the old factory nerves or senses or whatever were the most anyway um okay but it is it is very sensitive right you can pick up uh things and and you're right when connected to sense memory you can smell something and immediately be transported to like you know a a cologne that your high school boyfriend wore or whatever of course my high school boyfriend Mary he was always changing up his colognes like pick one literally throwing you off the scent one week it's Polo sport next week it's yope next week it's ck1 next week it's drar I mean we're in the 80s yeah it's a pretty good lineup it's pretty good lineup no but I was watching this clip of this woman and only fans girl goes to Spain on vacation and finds a guy who works for the hotel she had called for something and then she went to go lay out and the dude came up into the room to put something there and um she comes back and goes hey I'm missing underwear or something something so she pointed her iPad one time when she went down she pointed her iPad towards the hotel door and she sees the guy sniffing her underwear on the camera Tak taking him with him yeah she didn't smell the guy sniffing her underwear with her she was down on the beach sensitive see that's why I would say that seeing more sensitive than smelling but it wasn't her eyesight that was sensitive she had her iPad pointed at the door like she had a camera on her app on her phone yeah and she caught him but she can't SM you can't smell anything from the beach in your room that's what I'm saying is that what you're saying even if she had some sort of smell detector like oh it smells like someone's in my room seeing it it's better than smelling it I see yeah he's got my knickers he's sniffing them by the way um nickers he's got my knickers right she wasn't hurling slur is at anything and oh he's got my knickers he's sniffing them oh he's actually taking my knickers he's sniffing them oh my god oh he's put them in his pocket oh God that voice you know there are so many different uh uh lils that British dialect I don't know what that is I don't know if that's Cockney or what it is you know British people can tell you immediately based on someone's accent they one of their countrymen or women like what part of the country they're from and that part is fascinating to me but uh yeah guy walks in he's like oh I was just I don't know what he told her or if she uh complained I'm sure she did but she's an only fans Lady traveling with her son son's 11 and um she's of course a content creator and she's on holiday and um yeah the dude standing there right at the door sniffing her skibbies she said she felt violated yeah I mean listen you're watching and the guy what's one more pair of underwear I mean aren't you flattered is there any flattery involved no you got to buy that huh you got to pay for that pay for what stealing yeah someone's stealing from you no I get that part of it but it's like you know you you ladies going to the store there you going to Victoria Secret or whatever it is have been there like four pairs of panties for seven bucks all right uh Mary the question I think he's asking is how much of the sexual harassment that women receive on a regular basis is somewhat flattering like what percentage but he wasn't harassing her he was stealing and sniffing her underwear he wasn't sexually harassing her it is uh I'm not saying don't make it sound like if a guy cat calls you you're like aren't you flattered this guy was in her room stealing yes not shouldn't be doing any of it but stealing and sniffing her underwear that's not sexual assault it's not sexual assault but it is sexual in nature for him yeah so like how much of that and and so if you're saying oh are you flattered that this guy wants to steal your used panties imagine if he had sniffed it and then made a face and thrown it on the floor she would have flipped out no she wouldn't yes she would cuz then you know that guy's not coming back men that's not what I'm that's not what I'm talking about if you saw a guy if you saw a guy on camera here are two scenarios tell you how you feel about no no no I'm not I'm asking I'm asking okay not asking I am asking you see a guy on camera he's in your room it's all gross but I'm just say you know for the sake of argument he grabs a PA of your panties puts them up to his face closes his eyes right puts him in his pocket all right guy number two he goes oh God makes a face throws it on the floor runs out of the room CU Bill throwing up into garbage can right you'd feel some kind of way if you saw those two scenarios you would feel safe you guys think men don't have to worry about safety in any situation so no you don't in a different way everybody's Mary everybody's armed now that doesn't matter it does matter no it doesn't okay you don't have to worry about safety in the same way that we do not in the same way he but everybody's got to worry about safety if you if somebody smelled your boxers it's nothing but a cool scenario for you no no it is not no it's a very funny scenario for whoever did it because no one's getting a boner from that and there you go my whole point is if someone sniff my panties and threw them on the ground I'd be like thank God that guy's probably not going to come back he wasn't pleased yeah if I saw someone in my room the the level of uncomfortability with that because regardless of if they like it or don't you're viol that's my stuff and my personal items but people but PE when you're at a hotel there's people in your room all the time there's housekeeping there's guys coming in making the towel out of into a swan I mean you know but you trust them to only be doing their job yeah no I understand so my point is that how many times have you been staying in a hotel alone and felt unsafe probably very very few I don't mean a crappy little roadside Motel you're traveling you're in a Holiday Inn in a normal place very rarely is a single man going to feel unsafe in a situation even if someone was going through your stuff understood but if you're in your room if the scenario is you're in your room everybody's got the B the dead bolt and the thing on their the latch right but women are more likely to be targeted and I get it out of your room someone can go into your room and hide and kill you you never thought about that of course I have you have of course why wouldn't I anybody can get into a hotel hotel room that's why they sell all manner I'm not saying the same thing I'm just saying to say that if you're not a woman you've never considered your own safety is ludicrous I'm saying it's AB on its face no you don't have to worry about safety in the same way that we do right cuz we also have to worry about guns just like everybody else in this country does but you don't have to worry about some crazy person hiding in your closet and raping and killing you because you're just because you're a cute lady that is true yeah you have to worry about I've never considered myself a cute lady I've never once I've been on a lot of job interviews back in the day they go how would you describe yourself never occurred of me to say a cute lady well you should give yourself more credit I won't Erica aliac was the one watch thinking she's the one that jumped out of the cake and Under Siege yeah I remember that oh my God let me have pause that as a child boy okay so I'm going to go to break here well those VHS tape was always disappointing too you're like ah this is you get the vertical lines yeah horizontal lines whatever tracking but Mary I want to make sure you're on record sniffing panties not flattering no okay not if they're sneaking in and stealing them I want to have you on record if someone is purchasing my panties and then doing what they will with them that's different but if you're having privacy Val validated yeah and what's the word I'm looking for you're viol priv violated I think I said validated mhm mhm all right want to make sure I know where everybody stands are you selling panties yet no I haven't sold a pair they're too expensive nobody's bought them what do you mean too expensive you or for them for sale for them I tell them the price and everybody's been like who absolutely not I'm like then you don't want them I'm not selling them for 20 bucks you already want you got to want them bad enough exactly they got to they got to they got to be willing to risk a little pinka are you comfortable revealing the price or is that like a no Reach Out you can email me at santor santor to@ Santoro and panties all right it's still santor to@ M how many pair up for sale I mean that's not like that it's not like I wear them and put them in a separate place she got to shop online oh you don't you don't seal them up in ziplocks no it's you don't vacuum seal them no cuz I run out of underwear keeps in the freshness I thought you bought this is what I'm talking about you buy them in bulk then you wear them sell them no she's not she's not trying to sell she if someone inquires hey I'd like to buy a pair of your used panties I say it is this much money and then we go from there I see every time so far it has been like sorry I can't afford that but they but they also tell you what they want you to right they want you to work out in them I want you right it's never really gotten that far right no oh you haven't even gotten one conversation before somebody bails no because it's a ludicrous number I don't really I don't really want to sell you my underwear I see so if you really want them that bad you make it prohibitively expensive I didn't get into selling pictures of my feet to also be giving away articles of clothing kind of weirds me out it's called diversifying your portfolio Mary and for a certain price I will do that uhhuh see that's what somebody says when they won $10,000 at a casino this has been the rule the whole time I got to I got to break ah hey send me a text 35192 if you want I'm going to have $50 to Blue Heron Brewery for you later on and another $1,000 along with the trip to Vegas that's 530 for this year's iHeart Radio Music Festival the Allen Cox Show on 100.7 W and e

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