Published: Jul 18, 2022 Duration: 00:40:33 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: oracle class action lawsuit
what's up you guys my name is marion with high priestess intuition welcome my current subscribers and welcome welcome welcome newbies if you guys are new to my channel birds and you enjoy my content you can smash the sub button to be notified for future readings this is free general collective reading for all signs capsule size everybody in between go for the basics time is fluid energy is fluid if it doesn't apply that fly everyone has free will only take the messages resonate leave the rest pre-general collective reading for sign of virgo thanks everybody for all the love and support to the channel um the subscriber count is going to remain private now from now on um if you'd like to donate it's high priestess profile the links in the description box below paypal only no cash at moving modes very private confidential way to donate if you choose to donate thanks everybody for all the recent donations and all the donations of the past i truly appreciate it um and it was something else oh i had a breakfast oh yeah thanks for all the recent new newbies new subscribers thanks so much yeah that was it just seemed to say okay so this is for the sign of virgo this is a bonus for july of 2022 um this could resonate if you have virgo in any aspect to your charts um i encourage everybody to check out your sun moon rising and north node signs for additional message or messages if they do apply for you um just ain't just saying love and appreciate each and every one of you guys okay so i did receive some channel messages too and that's another reason why i decided to do virgos next so um i'm going to deliver them um the first one i heard at virgo feminine um 35 and below is about to get a promotion at work soon that was the first one so congratulations to whoever that's for uh your virgo film you can have virgo in any aspects your charts and you're 35 or below um i heard 35 or below specifically i heard you're about to get a promotion at work so um whatever work field career field that is for you if that applies for you you're a younger virgo theme i'd pull up as the older woman but you are younger 35 or below and i heard you're about to get a promotion at work so kudos to you ma'am if that resonates for you the second one i heard um a virgo femme reader is secretly competing with a leo feminine reader um both online social media platforms but that's about to backfire in her face in a huge way so i don't know i don't know i'm a leo son i don't have virgo in any aspects of my chart so whoever that's for um your virgo femme reader if that resonates for you for uh situation two message two uh you i heard you're secretly competing with the leo feminine reader so whatever leo them reader if that message applies for you you are competing with i don't know only you know your story not anybody else younger virgo film tarot reader um i feel you use cards like tarot cards or oracle cards or what have you what have you whatever you use but um i heard you're secretly competing with a leo femme online public platform reader too i heard that's about to seriously backfire on you so you've got situation one a younger 35 and below uh virgo femme in the workforce in the 3d workforce that's about to get a promotion and a younger virgo femme 35 or below reader um on an online public platform and she's secretly competing with a leo femme reader and i heard that's about to backfire on her so you have to plug the message or messages in your own life how they resonate heavy younger virgo feminine energy you plug it in how it resonates you guys i hope everybody's doing well you should never secretly compete with anybody if you might need to hear that spirit messages you have reflected not good that's that's bad karma just ain't just saying you're gonna compete you might as well do it uh you know be honest about it just ain't just saying healthy competition spirit messages you have reflective a virgo's relationship with the scorpio is about to tank into the ground through many series chain events for some it's a virgo feminine for some it's a virgo masculine okay so um virgo and scorpionic energy um scorpionic scorpionic energy scorpio masculine okay so scorpio masculine so heavy scorpio energy if that resonates for you virgo for some you're a virgo femme for some your virgo masculine you have to plug yourself in where you resonate but it's a scorpio masculine you're dealing with here um you have to plug yourself in where you fit but however that resonates you i heard your uh you have some kind of relationship with the scorpio masculine whether you're a virgo femme or you're a virgo masculine but i heard the relationship with the scorpio masculine is about to take you to the ground now whoever this ver scorpio masculine is to you it could be a family member a friend a neighbor a friend of me a co-worker a manager boss supervisor ceo how that resonates but whoever this person is to you i heard the relationship with this person is about to basically just take you to the ground you could be a virgo femme or a virgo masculine if that resonates for you birds okay these are psychic intuitive prophetic messages so one message may apply two may apply two plus may apply none may apply only you know your situation story not anybody else you have to plug it in how it resonates virgo we have dragon and horse for some of you guys you'd be dealing with another fire sign or earth sign if you are they could have aries leo sage or toys capricorn virgo in their sun moon rising venus ortho manhattan jupiter charts if you are virgo and for one you're dealing with um a leo fan so there's your leo fem energy with the dragon yeah secret competition is never good it's never good man and that's just the truth if you're going to compete with somebody do it one do it helpfully it helpfully and one be honest about it and that's just the truth experiments to distribute spare messages you have for reflective a younger virgo feminine is about to start realizing that people in her community know way more than she has told them things she's only been doing in private it's about to freak this virgo feminine out younger virgo film through many series of team events she's going to search for a hidden camera for one they will find it for one they will not oh my god hidden camera energy there you go so you plug it in how it resonates well there's at least two of you guys and you're both younger virgo themes if this resonates for you um i feel you could have virgo in any aspects of your charts i feel you could be 36 or 35 or below you have to plug yourself in where you fit there's at least two of you um in the universe and um it sounds like you have jobs out in the 3d or you do business out the 3d like everyday world we live in um you either pro you either do business out in 3d or you work out in the workforce out the 3d how that resonates but you go out in the 3d a lot if this resonates for you but however that resonates i heard you're about to realize people out in the 3d so in the workforce of business world or people out in your like maybe a walmart or in a restaurant or what have you what have you they're gonna they know a lot more about you than what you tell them meaning when you conversate with them they're gonna say things that's going to clue you in to maybe conversations you're having with somebody in your private home or on the phone privately or things you're doing privately in your home and you're not telling anybody but yet they know how else would they know if they would they wouldn't know those things unless they were spying on you through some kind of hidden device i.e avoid your camera um i heard from one of you guys through many series of chat events it sounds like both of you guys are going to search for hidden cameras at this point so when this point comes on both of you younger younger virgo films are going to search for hidden cameras in your home it sounds like i heard one you're gonna find find the hidden camera and one you're not so you have to plug the situation into your own life however it resonates for gopher um that [ __ ] has happened to me in 3d before i just want to say this it has happened to me in the world before um in the workforce because i really don't go anywhere except for raising my kids and work and work when i did work out in 3d it happened heavy in my work workspace energy very heavy people would try to would say things to me and i never said anything to them to them or to anybody else about something i was doing in private and they would they would come to me and talk about it but yet i didn't tell them that how else were they known that they weren't spied on me in my house and that's just the truth so it's happened to me that's happened to me but i heard through many series of same events both of you guys are going to go searching for hidden cameras one of you guys you're going to find the hidden camera when you're not so you plug it in hot resonates there is hidden camera detector on ios and android they are on the uh play store now they wasn't they didn't have them on the play store years ago but they do now and they're free so hopefully you download one of those or you already have it and you start scanning good luck to whoever that's for if that if that message or messages apply for you experiment suggest you have reflections an older virgo fan that has been performing dark arts for a very very very very very long time she works in the healthcare profession 40 and above a very severe illness is about to take her out of the workforce very soon okay an older virgo femme 40 and above i heard 40 or above um i heard she uh has been practicing dark arts for a long time and she works in the 3d and the public as um in the healthcare profession so you know she could work there's many aspects to healthcare profession it could be assisted living it could be skilled nursing it could be dallas's it could be um community health i mean there's many aspects to health care so whatever aspect she works in the healthcare community um she's 40 or above she at virgo femme her she's been practicing dark arts a long time but it sounds like it's about to energetically boomerang back upon her into the universe in the form of um a severe medical condition uh it sounds like so bad she will not be able to work it's about to completely take her out it's about to completely take her out that's what i heard completely take her out so um i mean that's i don't know i don't know if this is like i don't know i that's all i heard completely take her out so i don't my god i have no idea it's gonna be so bad she's not gonna be able to perform her work duties or so bad she won't be on light duty or i mean i'm not sure um you have to plug it in how it resonates but how that resonates um it sounds like she's going out of the workforce whether she wants to go out of the workforce or um or she's forced to go out of the workforce however that resonates number 27 can be very significant number one's life number 27. it could be a possible age of you or somebody you're connected to or any other significant number in one's life number 27. and a virgo feminine older virgo feminine that sold disability benefits and was in collaboration with the older libra feminine to do it through many seriously change events she's about to get sued it's about to shock the hell out of her oh my god and that older virgo film that stole disability benefits from a feminine energy from my family energy so it's an older virgo femme that stole this stole disability benefits from a femme energy so whoever this person is i heard she collaborated with the older leaper femme to do it so it's an older virgo femme that collaborated with the older libra femme to steal disability benefits from um a femme energy i heard um through many series of team events uh they're about to get sued both of them in a huge way both of them in a huge way so they're about to their eyes about to get sued in a huge way holy crap you're stealing somebody's disability benefits what the hell man i mean disability is supposed to help somebody not um and yet what that just that's whoa man that's that's some sick [ __ ] is what that is that's some sick oh [ __ ] that's what that is wow that sick that's sick that's sick i do not feel sorry for that older virgo fam or the older libra fam and that's just the truth spirit messages you have for the collective that's sick stick in the head is what that is all right chair empty someone is leaving your life spirit messages you have reflected a doctor is about to become very significant in a virgo's life and a pregnancy and a pair of nikes a doctor a pregnancy and a pair of nikes is about very significant in virgo's life okay so um you have to plug this doctor uh pregnancy and nikes into your own life how they resonate their verbs for some um for some i feel maybe you work in the medical community and you know you work around doctors because you know i y'all know i'm a nurse been nurse for a hot ass minute um and i've worked in two hospital settings before and i dealt with doctors uh quite a few um quite a good bit um working um you know in the hospital setting uh you don't really deal with them as much in long-term care unless you're certain positions spirit spirit messages you have requested um so for some of you you can work in the health care profession is what i'm saying um or you could be making an appointment to go to a doctor or maybe a there's a doctor in your family or a friend group or something like that or any other significant way you deal with the doctor for some you may be a doctor you have to plug it in how it resonates um and a pair of nikes and a pair of nikes so uh maybe you are about to buy yourself a pair of nikes or are going to buy somebody else a pair of nikes or you're gifted a pair of nikes however that resonates virgo all right coins money will be coming to you december chair empty someone is leaving your life dragon and horse the fire of an ex-wife is about to come very significant in a virgo masculine fast masculine's life she's not going to mess around has become very high vibrational now okay that's all it hurts you plug it in how it resonates the fire of an ex-wife is about become very significant in a virgo masculine's life she's not going to mess around she's high vibrational now so she so she treats people honestly trust respect morals ethics integrity and value and values now virgo sounds like she might not have been the past but she does now and whoever you are you're virgo masculine and it is your ex-wife so legally legally divorced ex-wife she's high-vibrational now something has happened i think to y'all's child or children or a child or children i'm presuming uh because there's some reason why the fire of her is about significant to you so i'm presuming it's about kids why else would she be communicating with you and she's high vibrational so she's not trying to get in your pants she's not trying to drain you for money i mean so i'm thinking it's about kid or kids but you plug it in how it resonates but the fire of her is about very significant to you the fire like her fire her anger is what i'm saying her anger is about to become very very very significant to you i think so for kid her kids why she's high vibrational she's she's not trying to drain you for money she's not trying to get drugs from you she's not trying to um sleep with you so it has to be over killer kids if this resonates for you and know that a very high vibrational judge is watching the leo femme's readings okay okay well i don't know why you would care about a leo femme's readings well one of you guys do because you're a low vibrational virgo karmic fan of your low vibrational karmic virgo femme reader secretly competing with the leo bim so i think that's who this is for but you plug it in how it resonates i heard no a very high vibrational judge is watching a um leo femme's readings so whoever that that message is uh apply for message or messages apply for i think that that message is for the low vibrational um karmic leo virgo film reader secretly competing with the leo fem reader but if you guys you take the messages that apply so however that resonates there is a high vibrational judge watching a leo femme's readings so know that if that resonates for whoever that's for um whoever in the world that's for so i think this is the judge keeping the eye on the readings really really um focusing on these readings um and about um watching this leo femme readers readings now whether this high vibrational judge likes the readings or not i'm not sure they they really really really really really like them it's going to go really well for one of you and really bad for one of you oh okay i heard they really really really really like them and it's going to go really well for one of you guys and really bad for one of you guys so you plug it in how it resonates virgo um there's a reason this high vibrational judge so the judge that treats people honestly trust respect morals ethics integrity and values there's a reason they're watching this leo feminine's reader i mean sorry this leo finn's reading there's a reason they're watching the leo femme's readings um i think it's because somebody told this judge about um her reader her readings but they told the judge about her readings for a reason um now for a lot of us readers people try to make us out like we're crazy so i think they probably told this judge about her readings to try to make her out to look like she's mentally incompetent but i heard um he or she whoever i don't know if it's a masculine judge he or she really really really really likes the readings a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot that's what i heard so he or she likes the readings a lot a lot a lot so um i heard it's gonna go really well for one of you guys and really bad for one of you guys so whatever side of karma you're on it wasn't overside a karmic wheel you're on there you have to plug yourself in where you fit fourth a horse race has become very significant of virgo's life and a group of horses running in an open pasture okay a horse race and a group of horses running in an open pasture is about becoming very significant virgo's life so i feel for some you like you like horses um so much so that one of you guys is about to go to um a horse race i feel like kentucky derby energy here um if they are doing the kentucky derby right now i don't know i've never been to the kentucky derby but i've always wanted to go and dress up and wear one of those crazy hats um and i'm just being for real that's always been one of my dreams um i feel kentucky kentucky derby energy here i didn't hear that but i kind of feel it with the horse race energy but it could be any kind of horse race you you plug it in how it resonates and one of you guys there's some kind of it sounds like upcoming in the universe there's gonna be some kind of group of horses uh and i think there's a specific name for a group of horses that um run together but i don't know it off the top of my head but anyways it sounds like upcoming there's about to be a group of horses running in a open field um freely um like you know in the in nature and wild in their right wadon free self um and it's about because significant to your life virgo so horse physical horse energy here and a virgo feminine that has separated from the sagittarius masculine is about to get their fire back and a virgo feminine younger virgo femme younger size masculine and a younger virgo femme that has separated from a younger side sagittarius masculine is about to get her fire back so you're about to get your beauty back your zest back your boom back is what i'm feeling uh your fire back baby your fire virgo film um it sounds like y'all have broke up or you just um either broke up or ended the third party or the situation ship or the sneaky link or whatever you called it i don't know or the committed relationship or the marriage or what have you what have you there's so many names for things like that these days i'm just saying praying mantis eeoc energy is left become very significant in a virgo's life eeoc energy is about become very significant in virgo's life okay so eeoc energy so um i know what that is but i'm going to look it up to give you the exact definition here is he okay yeah he just kind of went off okay eeoc is basically for employment discrimination basically um i have been to the eo eeoc before i have personally um i have now did i file a complaint no but i have been i have visited there before and that's just the truth equal employment opportunity commission is the eeoc it's for the employment discrimination is what the eeoc is for i heard the eeoc has become very significant in virgo's life so i don't know if um you could be an investigator for the eeoc or you could um be visiting the eeoc or you can know somebody that's about to visit the eeoc you plug that in however that resonates virgo um but you have the praying mantis with that message so um i think whoever this is is not going to play around because praying menaces don't play around um they don't play around um how are their resonates and applause let's see if i hear anything else i didn't okay i feel either you're about to visit the eeoc or you're about to get a call from an eeoc investigator or you are an eeoc investigator or something of that nature like i said eeoc is for employment discrimination i have been actually to the eeoc building here in birmingham oh not here in birmingham here in alabama which is located in birmingham alabama um after i quit in compass health rehabilitation hospital back when i started getting first gang stalked and bullied and harassed in my community i told my family they told me i was crazy but it was the truth um but i did go down there i did go down there and visit walking away ours is located in birmingham alabama i'm the one in alabama alberto is getting a huge wake-up call huge a virgo is getting a huge wake-up call huge so one of you guys is getting a huge wake-up call over something hidden camera energy of the past has about become very significant in an older virgo's life and a class-action lawsuit is about become very significant a younger virgo's life hidden camera energy in the past has become very significant in an older virgo's life and a class-action lawsuit is about very significant in a younger virgo's life so you plug it in how it resonates virgo how do you plug into that situation for the older virgos it sounds like hitting camera energy in the past is about very significant in your life for some younger virgos um class action lawsuit energy so i don't know if you're placing this class action lawsuit or you're participating in it or you're going to tell somebody about it or you're about to get a settlement from it however that resonates some kind of class action lawsuit energy for the younger virgos walking away a virgo is about to quit their job one's about to move states one's about to move cities a virgo is about to quit their job one of you guys is about to move states one of you guys is about to move cities so you're about to walk away from your current um it doesn't sound like you're gonna transfer in your company it sounds like you're actually gonna just quit quit the company and you're about to just move and uproot and go find new employment um in another city or state whether it's the same company or a different company but uprooting energy walking away uprooting to a different state or city how that resonates and applies for you virgo chair empty someone is leaving your life an older sagittarius masculine is about to get arrested for drug smuggling and drug smuggling for one and a pisces fam is about to get arrested for drug diversion it's about to shock the hell out of you oh my god so arrest energy if this resonates for you one of you guys an older sagittarius masculine is about to get arrested for drug smuggling and uh pisces femme she could be older or younger she could have pisces in any aspects of her charts but i heard she's about to get arrested for um drug diversion so i feel for some of you guys hold on one second i've got some water leaking in there hold on one second i apologize it was my dishwasher that's why i was like what is going on very nice dishwasher just saying just saying um so i apologize so yeah so you've got a older sagittarius masculine he could be 40 or above he could have seized any aspects his charts i heard he's about to get arrested for drug smuggling so i think him and the pisces femme and maybe you verbs you work in a long-term care facility a hospital or a warehouse or somewhere where um drug smuggling and drug diversion could occur is what i'm saying maybe it's a behavioral health unit or behavioral health facility it's i think you know this place is feminine and this older sagittarius masculine through workspace energy where uh uh there's an area to where they can drug smuggle and drug divert is what i'm trying to say someone is leaving your life it's this pisces feminine that's about to get arrested for drug diversion and the uh older sagittarius masculine that's about to get arrested for drug um smuggling but i think you know these people for some for some you could be their family member or their neighbor or their community member but for some i feel you work with them and i'm just being for real someone is living your life is the um um arresting energy the arresting energy is exactly what i feel coins money will be coming to you class action lawsuit energy for one settlement class action lawsuit for one um settlement is what i heard and for one you withheld information from a leo feminine about about this it's about to backfire on your ass in a huge way okay i heard class action lawsuit settlement energy for one of you guys virgos and for one of you guys you've strategically withheld it sounds like this information on this class action lawsuit from a leo femme uh whoever this leo fem is to you virgo but i heard it's about to backfire on you in a huge way a huge ass way a huge ass way so it's going to backfire on you in a huge ass way so you withheld the information on the class action lawsuit from um from a leo feminine but i heard it's going to backfire on your ass in a huge way so money will be coming to you is the class action loss of energy but for one you strategically withheld information from a leo feminine probably out of maliciousness in spite and um jealousy but um i heard about the backfire on you so you plug it in how it resonates december christmas of 2021 the happenings that happened is about to come back in a huge way know this christmas in 2021 the happenings that happened in christmas time of 2021 whatever the happenings that happened for christmas time of 2021 for you virgo if that message applies for you i heard it's about they're about to come back in some shape form or fashion now to me that could be positive or negative did you have a good christmas or was it drama filled or did something significant happen either positively or negatively in christmas of 2021 only you know your story not anybody else but somehow for at least one of you guys some kind of events that happened in christmas of 2021 whether they were positive or negative for you virgo they're about to come back to you in some shape form or fashion either in a positive or negative way you plug it in how it resonates okay i didn't hear anything else all right let me see if i hear anything else okay didn't all right well i hope this helped i love you guys so much everybody have a wonderful day uh a virgo masculine reader is about to be shocked they are about to get legal action fought against them they are about to be shocked as hell and a divorce between a virgo masculine and a pisces femme has become very significant okay a virgo masculine reader is about to get legal action fall against him soon i heard i heard he's about to be shocked as hell so if this message applies for you your virgo masculine reader so you're virgo tara carr reader masculine tarot card reader i heard you're about to get legal action filed against you i heard you're about to be shocked as hell if that resonates for you sir um some kind of negative legal action filed against you now i don't know what happened i don't know the details only you know what has happened in your past not anybody else virgo masculine reader but you are terrical reader online public social media platform you have an online public social media platform your virgo masculine tarot reader i heard you're about to get a um negative legal paperwork filed against you i heard it's going to shock shock the hell out of you and for one of you guys you're virgo masculine and you're currently married in the energetic space to a pisces femme and i heard that divorce is about to become very significant um so it sounds like you virgo masculine that's married to a pisces fam y'all are about to get divorced um i think you guys might be heavily in the public eye and that's why it's about become significant is what i'm feeling um either one of you in the public eye or both of you in the public eye but there's a reason y'all's divorce is about to come significant but i think it's because y'all are either both in the public eye or you or one of you are um that's that's my thoughts on this but you plug it in how it resonates only you know you're storing out anybody else you have to plug it in how it resonates okay um another virgo is getting a huge wake-up call another virgo is getting a huge wake-up call so another virgo is getting a huge wake-up call okay well i love you guys i hope i hope this helped and namaste

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Category: Sports

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RIP Sven | Germany 1-5 England | Sven-Goran Eriksson’s Greatest Moment #shorts #youtubeshorts thumbnail
RIP Sven | Germany 1-5 England | Sven-Goran Eriksson’s Greatest Moment #shorts #youtubeshorts

Category: Sports

A goal for germany and it's caron yank campell getting in first now it's come all the way back to nev are they offside no they're not there's a chance of an equalizer here and they've done it michael owen yet again for england it's the germans turn to stand like [applause] statues gerard oh it's yes... Read more

08/28/24 | Cerebras' New AI Wafer, A Game-Changer in AI Hardware | Daily AI News by GAI Insights thumbnail
08/28/24 | Cerebras' New AI Wafer, A Game-Changer in AI Hardware | Daily AI News by GAI Insights

Category: News & Politics

[music] morning everybody john spiy here for g insights with our gen news briefing on the essential important or optional news today we're going to go through a number of things anthropic publishing some new system prompts we have some fantastic new stuff from nim and um at nvidia in terms of building... Read more

Let’s Remove the AI Hype - Pixel 9 Pro XL Review thumbnail
Let’s Remove the AI Hype - Pixel 9 Pro XL Review

Category: Science & Technology

Intro this is going to be a weird kind of video cuz yes i know i'm supposed to be a tech youtuber and yes i know i'm supposed to be excited by every little improvement every little software feature but what i should be and what i end up being are at times two very different things now self-replication... Read more