$400M plus LA Rams & Olympic partnership for Archer Aviation Naked Shorters concerned SEC DOJ FBI?
Published: Aug 13, 2024
Duration: 00:04:28
Category: News & Politics
Trending searches: archer aviation
this is not Financial advice not legal advice for entertainment educational purposes only anything I say is my opinion please don't make any financial decision based on anything I say in these videos listen arer Aviation just got more great news it's just great news on top of great news on top of great news they just got another 400 million from Stanis okay they they they have take off in landing facilities being built at LAX and you know this is going to be moved to other metropolitan areas they have an agreement with the Los Angeles Rams so you know those Archer vehicles or Archer air taxis are going to have Los Angeles Rams logos on them pretty soon and you know by 2028 when the Olympics come through they will be fing the international athletes all over LAX in order to get them to their locations in time I mean it's just absolutely crazy what's going on with archer they're going to complete their 400,000 s ft manufacturing facility in Georgia by the end of the year and at that facility they're going to be able to produce 650 Archer midnight Vehicles the bottom line is this and I'm not telling you to buy hold or sell Archer I'm just telling you that you should put Archer on your radar take a look take a look at it do your own DD and come to your own conclusion but I believe Archer is severely undervalued I believe the naked shorters are attacking it like crazy but they're going to end up getting burned because Archer is like 50% owned by the institutions so the institutions are not going to put up with that nonsense now if it was 90% or 95% retail owned we know that you could Rob and steal from us without any real consequences but because institutions own like 50% of Archer maybe the SEC the doj and the FBI might step in if the naked Shan gets too out of control we know that if Archer was 95% owned by retail investors then the Bad actors could naked short us to death with no consequences whatsoever and they'd be naked shorting Archer till the Olympics came out and nothing would happen but because Archer is 50% owned by institutions there is hope hope that the SEC the doj the FBI I step in and protect the market but I'm going to tell you this I believe Arch is undervalued I believe the air taxi company has so much potential for the future I think it cuts traveling cost I think it's more convenient I think it's more eventful to ride in a air taxi than to take a traditional four wheeel taxi and it might be a little more expensive but it's definitely going to be a more enjoyable ride with great views on top of that with great views on top of that and once again I'm not telling you to buy hold or sell arer I'm just telling you that based on everything I'm seeing Archer really has the potential for some real growth and they're making real good strategic Partnerships with lax with the Rams and I believe they're going to have an agreement with the Olympics coming very very soon anyway please leave some comments tell me what you think do you think arer being that is owned 50% by institutions that if the naked shs get too crazy the SEC the doj and the FBI is going to step in and enforce the rules of the market anyway have a great day God bless and I appreciate y'all on his journey with me