Chennedy Carter Thuggery Continues and Cathy Engelbert Needs to Kick her Out of the WNBA!
Published: Aug 23, 2024
Duration: 00:20:07
Category: Sports
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hello everybody and welcome to our Channel I'm Mark and I'm Rob today we're going to talk about Kennedy Carter's assault on Marina mayy and the Connecticut Suns 82 to 80 victory over the Chicago [Music] sky and hey if you haven't subscribed to our Channel yet please do so and hit that notification Bell when you're do so for background information Marina Mar used to play for Chicago Sky she got traded a few games ago uh because she didn't like the environment there she never gave exact details but she wanted out of Chicago sky and she got traded she's a good all-around player and she can hit the three-point shot so this this is the first game since she got traded playing against Chicago Sky old team and Kennedy Carter everybody knows who she is she's the one that gave the hip check to Caitlyn Clark and she in this particular game in the first quarter she assaulted mabery what happened was maber was going up for a shot the ball was still at her waist and she got karate chopped right in her head which apparently hit her nose to me it looks like it hit the side of her head but it hit her nose too she hit on her nose so you could tell that and a flagrant one was called which I disagree with completely I thought it should have been a flagrant 2 and she should have been thrown out of the game what do you think Rob well you were being polite about it Mark that was just a regular like punkish thuggish move by her seems like a revenge for whatever they had Grievous on the team and it seems like she was going to do that her first chance it was like it was like a cry chop had no basketball it's not shouldn't be anything but like connected basketball she should have been thrown out of the game and the coach should have like said something to her and not played the rest of the game this is really annoys the hell out of me Mark right well we know that Teresa Weatherspoon does not handle situations like this properly because last time when Carter did it against Caitlyn Clark and she didn't even get a flagrant one she just got her off the- ball foul which was bizarre she been fragrant too she didn't do anything she didn't say anything and then she didn't say anything after the game she didn't say anything till two days later so we know she handles these things poorly and also Angel re jumped up and cheered and she didn't discourage her from doing that so she's not a good coach we'll talk about that in another video and she shouldn't be coaching in this league you know and you know I'm sorry Mark interrupt but with the with the way Carter she's been known to do that I mean if I was a coach maybe you know it's gonna be an emotional game and maybe since you know how the way she is mentally she could have gone to her and said uh you know hey I know this is emotion the game for you but you know keep it on the on the low on the on the low right well Rob there is video of them huddling around while they're reviewing this in the tape and the coach had a smile in her face so that's I don't know what to say all I know is this is an easy flagrant to the league needs to upgrade this which they have the authority to do and they need to spend Carter for two games they made a mistake Last Time by not upgrading to a flagrant 2 they should have suspended her for a game for that one too she should have been thrown out that particular game exactly they made a mistake they didn't do it and now she only has one flagrant one and one flagrant one again and she should have two flagrant twos and Rob is I think you look this up if you get four flagrants total because two plus two is four uh at doesn't it be four flagrant fouls but four points you get it then when you get a a flagrant one you get a suspension automatically as opposed to no automatic suspension with the flagrant one right so she should be in danger of that but honestly she should be thrown out of the league I mean I mean this I mean this would drives me nuts she's a fantastic talented ball player why does she have to resort to something like that what what has that proofed for her or I mean she's very it's a very selfish act also because you're hurting the team so like so they they lost by two points so those foul shots could have determined the winning of the game right there it's it's on her right well I I think maybery left because of her and that's what this beefs about but May's never said I'm leaving because I hate Kennedy Carter I think she went I I don't I don't know if she's a big fan of Angel Reese or not I know she threw the ball to her to try to keep the double double streak going mayy so it's unclear to me why she why she left but I think this kind of tells you why she left I think I think the atmosphere there is unfortunately it's totally on Angel ree getting her her walking double doubles and not winning ball games right she I mean this is they lost she got her 20 points but she was three for 12 and meanwhile she gets more shots than cardoo and cardoo is a much better shooter percentage wise although cardoo did get her 37 minutes at the same time as angre who didn't get played this game before it looks like she gets played few a minutes so Angel ree can get her her rebounds and her Miss but this is unfortunate I mean just so you know Carter was in the league a few years back she got thrown out for wanting to fight her teammate over something and then she got thrown off another team for problems with other team with teammates she went over to Europe and I understand she got suspended there for something and then she came back here and you think she'd be on her best behavior because she got thrown off two teams but she's already done two thuggies so far and she needs to be thrown out of the league Rob this is this is not basketball and you can't have this the the fans don't want to see this so I mean I do blame her and and what what she the way she acts but then if this person needs help she definitely needs mental help so I think the league should get into a where players like this have anger control and maybe get into some therapy which would help out Rob that's that's what should have happened last time not because that wasn't one incident they like twice she showed that she's emotionally immature and when she did that to Caitlyn Clark that's when they they should have started the therapy for her they said hey look it we're giving you a chance we thought you were okay you came back we thought you'd be on your best behavior and you're not you're out of control So you you're suspended for a game flagrant 2 this is the last time this is what I would have done flagrant 2 upgrade susp spend her for a game and said get some therapy for your anger management and stuff like that they didn't do that and now they should really do it Rob and they should suspend her for two games and I would throw her out of the league actually but they they didn't set it up properly by giving her flagen 2 last time for for me I'll think the two game suspension is is going to change her attitude it's not gonna change she's not gonna change overnight just because of two games I'm not sure she's ever gonna change but that's another story you know I Draymond Green didn't really change did he no you know draym Green never changed no with his thuggery you know finally stopped kicking people in the nuts yeah but that was after he got suspended in a Finals playoff game it finally woke him up he did like that's I'm saying that's that's what I'm saying these these the these people that do this it's a total selfish act you know you don't care about the team I mean so like for me as a teammate I'd be like I don't want you on my team you obviously don't care about us you just care about getting off on your little tantrum that you want to have against a player what do that what does that to do with me we're basketball is a team sport so you're hurting us you know people saying oh I'm glad to have them on this typ this this type of player on the team no I'm not glad to have this type of player on the team because it hurts us right and maybery got a Revenge Rob because she was the star of the game yeah she wasn't the only one that played well but she came off the bench and played 25 minutes was 9 for 13 five for seven in threes and added three rebounds and assists and a steal and only one turnover and and she scored 24 points and she was a plus 10 and for the game the team was only a plus two so she was the key to them winning Carter didn't have a bad game but she should have been thrown out in the first quarter she was seven for 18 and 19 points and had six rebounds and four assists right but she eventually fouled out and uh turns out that later in the game she kind of like grabbed Alyssa Thomas and that was her sixth foul but she wasn't called for flagrant one on that one either Rob because these refs are terrible and it's it's unbelievable that these refs can't figure out that in order to control the players's behavior you have to be stricter with their calls right as a referee example right that's what I'm was telling you as a referee especially like with rival games or intense games you knew this was going to be an intense game you got to set set the standard early and say you're not going to put up with this and let the players know so that that first flavorant one should have been flagrant two should have been right there that should said Okay She's Out of the game anybody else know we're not going to have this you know I mean because referees the same thing like I tell you it's it's a reflection on you so if you're not calling this so you're not you know taking control of the game you know that reflects on you as a as a as a referee Rob here's the definition for sake of completeness a flagrant one is unnecessary contact committed by a player against an opponent and flagrant too is the same thing but the word excessive before contact so it's unnecessary an excessive contact committed by a player against an opponent how is this not excessive she didn't play the ball at all and she just whacked her in the head on purpose that's excessive that's this is an easy flagrant to in the NBA it would have got a flagrant to Rob so that tells you that this league is poorly officiated and has no desire to keep take out the physicality of the league which is crazy because for the LA for two-thirds of a season now all the new fans which is the only way this League's ever going to make money is the new fans is saying we don't like all this physicality please take it out we want to see players who have athletic ability shine because it's more exciting and they're not doing it because the commissioner is incompetent and we're g to talk about that in another video but that's that's what this is all about this is about the refs not taking control and not taking the physicality of the game and the commission not telling the refs to do that because the commissioner controls the refs this is ridiculous yeah I mean a lot of factors Mark the player coach and uh commissioner those things those factors go into how the WNBA should be run and they're running it poorly I mean you can see not just one this we talk about Clark with advertising but now they're running it poorly even in showing what their product should be this whole league is assess pool the commissioner is incompetent the refs are incompetent about a third of the coaches are bad attitude and they they're a bunch of crybabies in this league and they're self self-entitled and I don't I'm what I don't know if I can say anything positive about the league Chief marketing officer doesn't know what he's doing give me one positive thing about this league Rob yeah there was I seriously what what else is what else is there commissioner marketing office the refs the coaches the players there's nothing left the only positive thing I that I could think of Mark was the All-Star game when they played against the Olympic team that was was the only thing I liked but besides that you know even that was but did the league have anything to do with that other than the fact that it was a cool concept having the yeah the the Olympic team play the allstars that's about it yeah and they have Cheryl Miller coach the the NBA Allstars against them that was that was it that's what I'm saying that's about it this league is not getting any better it's getting worse this shows you you would you would think that the refs learn their lesson when they improperly called the Kennedy Carter one off the ball foul and got upgraded afterwards because when it gets upgraded afterwards the League's saying hey you did a poor job on this call so you would the other ref should be on notice okay we got to call it tougher well they didn't learn their lesson on this one that that is such an easy flagrant 2 call I what what more do you have to do besides punch the person in the mouth to get a flagrant 2 I I'm I'm flabbergasted I'm surprised Clark didn't get a flagrant too for punching the yeah she should got she she should have got a flavor the way she marked she she she wound up and really gave that thing A A Punch Mark ston didn't complain so I guess that's why they didn't throw her out it was L it looked pretty violent though Mark you know I know oh yeah if if Clark had done this oh flagrant three and it doesn't even exist right right just make it up as three and you're thrown out of the league which would bankrupt the league of course because I think they be the league would be less popular you know if if that happened think about that if Clark got thrown out of the league or or just left to go to Europe and said the heck with this league the only thing you know they don't need her they don't need Caitlyn Clark first off they didn't know that this was going to happen that this phenomenon of her coming in was going to happen so what's the difference if she wasn't in the league because their league is already topnotch so they didn't really need K Clark to to build up all this excitement and fan view they didn't need her well that's the thing Rob if let's say something happens to to Caitlyn Clark and it's a cheap shot and she just says oh F this league I'm not going to H my career and I want to be the best player in the WNBA history and that's the only reason she wants to stay in this league besides she's got all these endorsements that are us-based companies and she goes leaves for Europe like the best league in Europe whatever it is French league and don't you think the WNBA is going to be less popular than before she entered yeah they built up a little but people are going to be so ticked off even the ones who started following people other than Kiton Clark they're gonna say my God this league couldn't protect the star player and and it's not just her it's like you got to protect the whole league there was a game where Asia Wilson got hit three times in the face and she was bleeding and only one of them was called a foul you know yeah this is not like I said this is not just you know CL Clark it's it's for the other players you they're not protecting their players at all and Alyssa Thomas strangled Chokehold and Angel Reon threw her to the ground and she got thrown out of the game she should have been suspended for another game in addition to that that's another example of them not cracking down and the excessive physicality of the league which they're proud of and physicality is not a good word they think it is and I don't think it is a good word and I don't think the fans think it's a good word and until they understand that physicality is not a badge of honor but a negative negative word they should get out of their league they're always goingon to struggle Rob that League's always going to struggle the cess is they're just dumb dumb business people yeah well I would yeah exactly I don't know what they're thinking but it's not working they got to change and like I said Mark this is this year I keep on saying this is the year to change it because you got new products of players coming in soon about two three years if you still producing or promoting this type of product if I'm a young player I'm like I don't want to go to WNBA I'm not gonna go in there get my myself beat up I'm g go over and play over in Europe and make more money no I I thought of that Rob when I saw how they treated Caitlyn Clark especially for the first first 10 games where she's just getting mugged and everything and not no foul calls and you're a mother of little girl who idolizes Caitlyn Clark I don't even know if I'd encourage you to play basketball because they'd have to go over to Europe to do it I'd encourage you to play volleyball or something like that or play Beach you know if you got if you're gonna be if you have a tall daughter who could jump and good athlete i' I'd encourage you to play volleyball you can make a lot of money in beach volleyball or the US and the US team you get a salary I wouldn't even encourage who want you want that's that's a shame Rob that you've got these girls that want to be basketball players and you got mothers and fathers over there that girls and these girls I I don't want to encourage them to play in this cess pool of a league yeah exactly I I turn him towards another sport turn yes I would definitely toer them do or like just say after college that's it you know do something else but they really are discouraging girls to play basketball high school and grade school girls who play basketball because they don't want to end up in this league where it's just physical and it's the example yeah the example they're setting so if you see like all I mean if you see a a grade school game seven eth grade school game when the girl goes up and hammers one of the players she's go well that's that's what I saw Kennedy do that's what I saw Carter do that's what I saw inel Reese do and Rob i' I've heard this from another woman who played D1 college basketball she said that she was straight and the lesbians gave her a hard time and got out of the environment because she didn't like it she and then we know Candace wigin said she retired two years earlier than she was originally going to because they gave her such a hard time for being straight so there's other things going on in this league and it needs to stop you know they need to control the behavior of the women and you know you've got all sorts of Mafia connections for Connecticut South Carolina LSU Tennessee they seem to control the league again that's a turnoff to anyone who didn't go to those schools right so and it's a turn off to fans of other universities like you got the Iowa fans who were upset because Yukon University of Connecticut basically kept K Clark off the Olympic team because they have control of the league so that's turning off fans everything about this league is turning off fans I don't know how much stronger I could say it yeah oh yeah oh well let us know what you think this is Saturday we're taping this on Saturday and we have a game tonight with the links and you know another example of a very unlikable coach the delightful coach Cheryl Reed she's delightful mark She's a delightful coach and but it's a big game for Caitlyn Clark and the fever and I want you to join us it's going to be from8 o'clock at NBA TV and our normal live show is every Monday from 6: to8 Eastern and we'll talk about this and we'll talk about about football and you can call in for that we don't do it on major holidays so we won't do that next a week from Monday which is Labor Day we won't be there for that one if you haven't subscribed to this channel yet please do so we're we're two subscribers away from 3500 we're going for 4,000 it's a real goal right now 4,000 so right near 3500 and make sure you hit the notification Bell when you do so you get notified of our next videos and if you like this video hit the like button and feel free to make intelligent non- 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