THE PERFECT SHOT | Working w/ MERYL STREEP | #FILMdirector @sighlus| #actor #podcast #director #go
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:01:00
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: meryl streep
you don't have to take forever to get the perfect thing sometimes it does happen quick and I mean I guess the easiest way for me to say that um would be like for an actor for instance they may do something and I'm like okay that was great let's go and then like they're like what that was only one take and I'm like well let's keep going right well my thing is it was exactly what I was looking for there doesn't need to be any criticism if there was I would say something check playback if it's there let go and so that threw that's one thing as a director that's thrown off Talent is like not giving them feedback and the thing is I try to get talent that is good that's going to bring something to the table so if they have that then I don't have to do too much well Merill Streep hates doing things twice so okay so maybe I need to get her you get with Merl and you guys are going to be moving through pretty quick I think right yeah we'll see this movie in three days it'll happen fast and it'll be really good right [Music]