Chrissy Teigen Cries Tears of Joy Over Abortion | Ep 1025

Introduction Chrissy tan joined kamla Harris at the White House to promote abortion ahead of the election and offered their fair share of abortion propaganda we are going to refute their absolutely demonic nonsense on today's episode of relatable it's brought to you by our friends at good Ranchers go to use C aliia check out that's code Ali [Music] hey guys welcome to relatable happy Tuesday hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far we've got a lot to Nigerian Christians praise Jesus get into today but I wanted to start with this incredible clip that I've seen circulating on X and we did our best to research the full context of what's going on here but even if we don't know every detail of this story what happened before and after this clip it shows us the hope that we have in Christ and the common cause the common joy that we share with Believers all over the world this video is of Nigerian Christians singing in the midst of rubble after radical islamists burned down their Church in Nigeria it resulted in five deaths the Christians that attend this Church responded in the aftermath by gathering together praising and worshiping God in the midst of what looks like destitution this is s four [Music] [Music] we press your name you are Jesus to prot and you can see they're holding hands I'm trying not to tear up they're holding hands and then there's the cross behind them so somehow even after being the victims of a terrorist attack after being burned down by these Islamic terrorists uh this part of the church with the cross is still standing and man now I'm thinking how many stories I've seen like that over the years after a church burned down was attacked in some way or even was just in the middle of a tornado some kind of storm it seems like the only part of the church still standing was this cross and so I just I just loved this I was so encouraged by this and also just a reminder to pray for the persecuted Christians around the world yes we love our communities we love our neighbors we love our families we love our churches we love our states and our country but at the end of the day those that we are truly related to in this profound spiritual sense the people whose side we are really ultimately on whose team we're on is the fellow believer the fellow believer in Yemen in China in North and South Korea wherever they are whatever language they speak whatever is their ethnicity their nationality whatever their skin color is their socioeconomic status their gender that is our team that is our brother or our sister we have more in common with those Nigerian Christians then we do the secular person here who shares our skin color our nationality our general cultural norms because we are going to spend eternity with that person we share the most important thing with that person and that is the gospel that is the hope that we have in Christ and we are to care for through our prayers through our encouragement through our edification through our resources we are to support the persecuted Christian yes we do endure a form of persecution even here in western civilization in the United States I don't think that we can or should just uh brush past the real exclusion and punishment that Christians in the United States sometimes endure for standing up for What God Says is good and right and true I think of for example Lorie Smith or Jack Phillips who have stood firm on the word of God and have been punished for years because of that there are many of you who have endured loss of relationships loss of opportunities loss of finances because you have stood firm on the word of God and even though you are not enduring the same kind of persecution that say Christians in China or Nigeria are enduring it still counts as a trial of many kinds and what does James 1 say about Trials of many kinds that we are to rejoice in them because it is the testing of our faith and the testing of our faith produces steadfastness and steadfastness has its full effect making us Sanctified lacking in nothing and all of our trials be they small or big are outweighed by an eternal weight of Glory that we will share with the people in this video These Nigerian Christians one day on the other side of Eternity um and so this is just great perspective it's a great reminder of what is being endured by our brothers and sisters around the world that if they can rejoice in their suffering if they can rejoice in this amount of destitution then we can rejoice in our inconveniences our discomfort our even real feelings of Despair and hopelessness and depression and anxiety all of the things that weigh us down here if they can rejoice and praise God in that we can rejoice and praise God in our circumstances too and that is what Jesus gives us that is the gospel of hope that he gives us so praise God for that and praise God for social media praise God for technology that something like this can be circulated around the world and people can see the celebration of God's people it's also just a reminder of what just a vessel of evil uh Islamic terrorism is the greatest force of terrorism in the world if you look at uh the the top 100 terrorist organizations in the world the vast vast vast majority of them will be Islamic and that is not uh that's not a coincidence and unfortunately Christians so often have to bear the brunt of that terrorism so be praying for them but also thank you Lord for sustaining your people uh he will do that he will do that until the end um all right now we're going to get into some uh some of the stories that I've been wanting to talk about Chrissy Teegan being Chrissy Teegan talking about abortion and we're going to give our response to her as well as vice president kamla Harris who are doing what they often do and that is spreading lies about abortion so let me pause and tell you uh about our first sponsor for the day it's weart nutrition y'all I love this supplement company they make amazing supplements for women in every stage of life so whether you are pre-pregnancy you're pregnant your postpartum or your param menopausal they have a supplement for you right now I still consider myself in the postpartum period so I take their postnatal vitamin I also take their iron supplement I take their uh DHA their Omega-3s uh let's see what else do I take I think they oh their magnesium supplement I take everything from weart nutrition all of their ingredients come in the most bioavailable form I even love their packaging they come in glass bottles and so it's just super high quality and that's because it's run by a couple of Christian couple who really care about every product they make prayer and intentionality and so much care goes into everything that they are offering at weart nutrition and they are so sure that you are going to love your experience with them that they actually have a 60-day happy heart guarantee so if after 2 months it doesn't work for you you will actually get your money back which is amazing go to weheart take their 20 second quiz you can get personalized recommendations use code Aly for 20% off your order weart code [Music] alley all right Chrissy Teegan my Chrissy Teigen’s new abortion comments goodness you'll remember that Chrissy Tegan a couple years ago she went through through this horrifying um loss of her pregnancy she had very serious pregnancy complications and she shared about that uh online and the pictures that she posted after losing her precious baby she was obviously and rightfully so very emotional so was her husband John Legend and I remember there was a lot of Cruelty towards her during this time even from people who profess to be pro-lifers just bringing up all these things about Chrissy T that they didn't like or that they don't agree with some actually legitimately horrible things that she said in the past and I just thought it lacked so much compassion especially for people who call themselves Christians and pro-life if you didn't have anything nice and supportive to say to her at the time I think the better option would have been just not to say anything but at that moment I think the right and Godly thing to do would have been to offer prayers and offer encouragement and offer you know love and kindness in that moment and I actually appreciated when she shared those vulnerable photos of herself crying in the hospital some people thought oh that's just a show it's just narcissistic I really didn't see it that way I genuinely saw it as this could be really helpful for someone who is going through uh the same kind of situation now she has later said that it it wasn't a miscarriage so I'm a little bit confused about the whole situation I wouldn't be speculating if she hadn't made this whole thing public but she later said that it wasn't a miscarriage but that it actually was an abortion now I don't know if she is saying that for the purpose of activism because you see a lot of pro-abortion activists saying oh miscarriage is abortion too which is actually insane obviously those things are different in a miscarriage the baby is dying naturally tragically but naturally uh but when it comes to an abortion you are inducing their death it is the purposeful killing of a child so I don't know exactly what happened there I still have a lot of compassion for the feelings of loss and sadness that she felt during that time obviously that was a very wanted baby um but it does seem like after that she has now doubled down on her abortion advocacy and her abortion activism I don't know if it was because of that experience if she feels like she needs to justify or if it's just some kind of like genuine increase in passion uh about this issue but now she is so outwardly pro-abortion that she is actually going to the White House sitting down with kamla Harris and talking about how great abortion is and how important abortion clinics are and how actually there this great and hopeful place and so I'll play you that clip in a second of her talking about how awesome abortion clinics are and we'll respond to it but let me back up and let me tell you why this whole thing is happening like why is there this partnership between Christy tan and commala Harris so Christy tan um was invited by vice president Kamala Harris to the White House to be a part of this event on socalled abortion rights now there is no right in the Constitution to kill your child uh roie Wade was decided in 197 three um and of course there were subsequent uh Supreme Court decisions after that that all relied on the same reasoning and that reasoning was not that we actually see in the Constitution a right to an abortion but somewhere in the hidden nooks and crannies of the Constitution the right to privacy somehow also encompasses your right to killing an unborn child but when these cases were decided when these decisions were made uh we didn't know most of what we know now we knew a lot still then it was still unjustified and still just constitutionally stupid um but we didn't have the technology then that we have now um and it's just absolutely unmistakable this is not just a part of your body this is not just bodily autonomy this is a distinct human being with his or her own DNA and abortion is purposely killing an innocent child which by Def is murder there is no right to that it might be legal in some states that does not mean you have a constitutional right to it and it should not be legal because killing an innocent person is always wrong especially killing an innocent child it's always wrong and because it's always wrong it should not um be legal because these children have a right to not be killed they have the most fundamental right which is the right to life so when you hear all these you isms that you're about to hear just keep that in mind so vice president Harris had to explain to everyone out there on social media what exactly roie Wade does and or roie Wade was and what the dobs decision did and in her classic style she is going to talk to you as if you were in a a classroom for uh kindergarteners here's that one hey everyone so two years ago today the highest court in our land the United States Supreme Court took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the people of America from the women of America and thereafter in state after state laws have been proposed and passed that will criminalize Health Care Providers sometimes prison for life for health care providers that punish women that make no exception even for rape or incest that are threatening the availability of IVF that are attempting to threaten the availability of contraception and understand that what the court took Congress has the power to put back in place and when Congress passes a law that puts back in place the protections of Ro versus Wade Joe Biden will sign it into law let's all agree we have to trust women just a reminder that Kay Harris was the most radical pro-abortion member of the Senate when she was a Senator she was radically pro-abortion when she was the Attorney General of California she was the Attorney General when she had Authority go after David delen you remember David delen he was the undercover reporter that revealed inarguably this was not an opinion he revealed that plan Parenthood was trafficking baby body parts from babies that had been aborted in their clinics in the state so instead of Comm Harris saying wow that's illegal you're not supposed to be able to sell body parts this is awful let's keep playing Parenthood in check she actually sent authorities to David deighton's house to make sure that he didn't have any evidence of that and tied him up in court in uh litigation for years and years he has been punished for his undercover journalism she doesn't care about the First Amendment she doesn't care about the truth she doesn't care about dignity and Justice she is radically pro-abortion not pro-choice whatever that even means if you believe in the legality of killing an unborn child you are effectively pro-abortion by the way but she is unapologetically pro-abortion she voted against at every turn the born alive in infant survivors act when she was in the Senate that was an act that simply said I think it was introduced by Ben SAS at the time in 2019 I believe it was and the legislation just said look if a baby survives an abortion you have to give that child the same medical care that you would give any other child that was struggling to live after birth it didn't say that we're restricting abortion it didn't limit any kind of Freedom so-called of abortion and still she said no that we should not protect those children who are born alive after an abortion she is bloodthirsty radically pro-abortion so this legislation that she's talking about that the ardently Catholic President would sign if Congress passed it is a radically pro-abortion law that would basically make it impossible for any state including the most conservative state to protect unborn children from Death in any or induced death murder in any state of pregnancy she supports abortion through all n months for any reason funded by the taxpayer without apology 40we abortion she would say trust women that's her answer to that that is the platform of the democratic party um last Thursday she hosted this conversation with Chrissy Teegan along with other abortion rights activists at the White House to discuss the so-call reproductive freedoms ahead of the 2-year anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning roie Wade now you heard her say they took away this right remember that's not what the do's decision did the do's decision simply said look this is decision that should be made by the states uh they said this is uh if a state wants to ban abortion they should be free to do that and so many states passed laws that then heavily restricted abortion and the Supreme Court did not weigh in on whether abortion was right the Supreme Court did not weigh in on whether or not a state should ban abortion but simply said look this is up to the states to decide it didn't ban anything it didn't take any rights away it rightly interpreted the Constitution now you could argue that it didn't go far enough that we shouldn't leave it up to the States because this is a fundamental human right and Congress should pass a law protecting the lives of all unborn children which would yes have an effect on IVF but you cannot argue that the Supreme Court took any so-called right away because this right didn't exist in the first place so comma sat down with Chrissy Tegan who like I said she says now that she had an abortion here's the exact tweet she says I told you all we had a miscarriage because I thought that's what it was but it was an abortion we were heartbroken and grateful all at once it just took me over a year to realize it I just don't believe that I I don't believe that I think that she had the baby the baby died after birth and she's calling it abortion because she is either confused or she again is coming from a place of activism but she uh in this conversation she is describing with k Harris visiting this abortion clinic and she says that actually it was this awesome like super happy place it's not a scary place like people say here's out five hearing stories from your clinic hearing that so many women come in there and it's not a place of sadness all the time it's not a place where people are feeling at their darkest points or anything like the world wants you to think some people go in there with so much hope and so much sorry and so much excitement because they know that they have a future you know what I thought about she was talking I thought about Jeremiah 29:11 When God Says for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future God is the one who gives us a hope and a future and it is so like Satan to take the word of God and then to pervert it to give it the exact opposite meaning here she is talking about the slaughter of innocent children as she is saying that that murder gives these women a hope and a future first of all what about the hope and the future of the babies that are about to be poisoned or dismembered and then let us think about what it actually means to have a hope and a future can you really have a hope-filled future if that future is dependent upon killing the innocent human being inside your womb not really feeling hopeful and excited before an abortion it's not a flex that is actually a sign of a callous heart of selfishness that you have been so deluded by your own wants that you think that you can lay a another human life on the altar of your own desires that is the definition of self-centeredness and narcissism and let me just acknowledge something that it is true that your life will be easier if you do not have a baby because babies are hard and having responsibility for someone else is really difficult it does require a lot of sacrifice it's inconvenient it's uncomfortable and many ways that all is true you will be able to do more of what you want more quickly if you abort this child but none of that is worth it none of that is worth it I'll get to more of my response in a second I have a very fitting sponsor as we take a pause and that's pre-born so the exact opposite of these murder Mills also called abortion clinics is pre-born pre-born has a network of clinics across the country where they are offering women a real choice they are showing women life they are telling women the truth plan Parenthood abortion clinics they lie to women they say this is just a clump of cells you can't do this your hope your future is actually dependent upon you killing your child well pre-born steps in and says no you can do this you're not alone and this life inside of you matters this is a human being with its own DNA with half of your DNA and they show women this baby on this autogram screen they let the women listen to their Beating Heart they provide them with free resources so that woman knows the truth about the Life in Her womb she realizes that through God she can parent this child or maybe she chooses adoption but she knows that death and murder is not the answer it's not the solution so support pre-born help save a life go to pre-born docomo makeyou best donation preborn doc [Music] /all you know when someone has an abortion because they are in poverty or because they are in an abusive relationship or because they are young and at the start of their life after the abortion they are still in all of those situations after the abortion you are Obstacles post-abortion still poor after the abortion you are still in an abusive relationship after the abortion you are still single after the abortion you are still alone after the abortion you are facing all of these obstacles still abortion didn't heal those things it's just now that you now you have to face all of those obstacles knowing that CH killed your child now you have to face all of those obstacles with possible guilt and depression and the anxiety that so often comes after an abortion Chrissy Tegan wants you to believe that the women who enter that abortion clinic and exit that abortion clinic are just happy gol lucky that they're feeling good and that afterward they don't think about it anymore they're just thinking yeah that was the best choice for me no big deal I can tell you uh as someone who has talked to women who have chosen abortion who told themselves at the time who swore up and down that they were happy it was the right choice for them they don't regret it it might have been 5 10 20 30 years later that it hits them what they actually did and they are filled with regret and then they look back over their lives and they realize oh when I was struggling with alcoholism when I was struggling with drug addiction or sex ad addiction or I was going from relationship to relationship when I realized that I could never really get close when I couldn't hold a job all of those were actually symptoms of the guilt and regret and the Damage that was done to them and that they inflicted upon themselves by choosing an abortion yeah of course we're not supposed to talk about that because the the abortion Lobby Chrissy Teegan included wants you to think that abortion is a viable option it's nothing more than just getting a tooth pulled it's just a pulled it's just a procedure that you go through it's health care it's reproductive Freedom it's exercising your bodily autonomy it's feminism Liberation all of these wonderful things this is what progressivism does this is how their propaganda is so effective they use these universally innocuous and positive terms in order to make you think that their bloodthirst that their brutality is a good thing that it's a compassionate empathetic thing but you got to see past that propaganda for what it actually is and the truth of of the matter is even if a woman is happy even if she never regrets it even if she thinks that is the best thing that ever happened to her and she was able to go on and have Su a successful life and relationships and all of that because of her abortion that doesn't make what she did right there are people in prison who don't regret murdering their grand grandmother there are rapists in prison who don't regret assaulting 25 women does that mean that what they did was right how someone feels about what they did does not dictate the morality of what they did and that's why it's so important to actually have a basis for Morality an objective perspective of what right and wrong is which really can only be found in the word of God and really can only be given to us by the creator of us of our hearts of our bodies of truth of uh of morality and that is why of course we are seeing in this age of godlessness in the worship of the god of self the justification of things like abortion and really the most brutal atrocities in the name of while that person just wanted to do it it was what was best for them yeah murders and rapists and terrorists all think that they're doing what is best for them that's not a good justification for it and it just makes me shudder seeing her choke up and get emotional crying tears of joy and talking about uh and talking about how beautiful abortion apparently is uh she has more to say about this here is that too when these places have to shut down where are people going to go and the travesty of it is that it will result in all kinds of other healthare consequences and harm um in addition to the obvious yeah the right loves to call it an abortion clinic right because then it makes it seem so targeted and so evil it is an abortion clinic what are you talking about what else are you supposed to call it it's an abortion clinic and by the way why does abortion clinic sound evil if abortion is Healthcare why is abortion abortion clinic um scary sounding if an abortion is fine if it is a totally normal and healthy choice for a woman to to make why is it wrong to call it an abortion clinic is that not the accurate term what would you like to call it a reproductive Health Center I think it they typically call it a Women's Health What happens during an abortion Center what other form of Health Care intentionally kills one of the people involved in the procedure I just want to remind you and they will deny what an abortion is but you can go to the Planned Parenthood website you can read what an abortion procedure entails you'll have to kind of get past some of the euphemisms like terminate a pregnancy or pregnancy tissue but if you can read between the lines and understand what they're talking about you can see you can read what an abortion procedure is and I know it may be really disturbing to hear about what an abortion is and what an abortion does but if the children if the babies have to endure this then I think we can stand talking about it and listening to it in the first trimester I'll just give a very general overview I'm not even going to get graphic but it's incredible some people don't know what an abortion is actually the right and pro-lifers are so much more knowledgeable when it comes to what medically an abortion procedure entails and the left is the left literally doesn't believe that it is a brutal violent procedure I don't know what they think happens if you just sprinkle some fairy dust and all of a sudden the baby goes back to heaven but it's not that it is extremely brutal extremely violent and the first trimester you're taking an abortion pill usually and there are some nuances to all of this and some exceptions to what I'm going to say but this in general is true that in the first trimester you're taking an uh abortion p you're taking a combination you're taking a couple pills that will basically poison the baby and then it will expel the baby from your uterus and so there are awful stories of women Bleeding Out bleeding profusely on the toilet after they have passed what plan uh plann Parenthood refers to as pregnancy tissue um but there are also stories of the women who have seen their little babies and the little baby even at 10 weeks gestation it's really small but that baby has already started to form arms and legs that baby has uh fingers and toes and eyes it looks like a small child like I'll never forget at 11 and a half weeks the first time I uh got a sonogram when I was in my uh first pregnancy that baby looked like a fully formed baby small but arms and legs kicking fingers and toes flipping around and I just remember just spontaneously bursting into tears because I didn't realize she would look like that I kind of thought that she would still just be looking like a little Jelly Bean with a beating heart it was like oh my gosh she was this fully formed baby that the first trimester 11 and a half weeks is the first trimester and can you imagine that moving kicking feeling baby at that point being not only poisoned but then expelled by these abortion pills abortion pills are violent both for the woman and for the child and then later on as the baby gets bigger you can't just expel the baby by yourself and so you're still poisoning that child starving that child of the nutrients that it needs but then in an aspiration abortion they're the doctor is literally not even a doctor but just the abortion provider is literally taking like a suction and inserting it into the woman through the cervix into the uterus and then sucking that baby out sometimes that baby has already died many times that baby has it sucking the baby out in an aspiration abortion that happens sometimes at the end of the first trimester and through the second trimester then when the baby is bigger than that we are still talking in the second trimester not even technically so-called late term abortion that baby is too big to be suctioned out of the uterus and so the skull has to be crushed the baby has to be dismembered inside the womb using forceps and so the abortion Prov lier will go into the uterus again sometimes the baby is still alive will crush the skull of the baby with the forceps pull the skull out and then grab onto different limbs twist pull them off the Torso pull the baby out through the cervix and out of the woman and discard the baby like medical waste that is not an exaggeration that is not an exception that kind of an abortion happens every single day in several States across the country these living moving squirming image bearers of God are being violently poisoned and dismembered there are even more brutal forms of abortion because even third trimester abortion after the woman has been able to feel this baby kick is legal in the United States and yes it happens I know RFK Jr said oh it's so rare no woman wants that if a woman doesn't want to abort her child after that point of viability which is 24 weeks then she shouldn't no one is forcing her to do that at that point the baby can survive outside of the womb if something is wrong with the mother if something is wrong with the child you deliver that baby you deliver the baby either way the baby is coming out there is no point in killing the baby before she is removed from the womb so I don't want to hear about the S stories of um all of these different situations in which it is apparently Justified to kill a child before the child is removed from from the womb there is never any justification for that if the mother's life is in danger I want to save the mother's life you remove the child you induce delivery you do everything you can to save both the life of the mother and the child tragically sometimes the child will die especially if it is early on in the pregnancy but the doctor should do everything possible to save both the life of the mother and the child it is never necessary to purposely intentionally kill a child before or after delivery yet it is The Stance of the current Democratic Party of the current Administration that that baby does not have a right to life through 40 plus weeks of pregnancy and if you can somehow find it in your heart and mind to justify that I just want you to know that your mind and heart has become so diluted and so callous that you are on the wrong side period wrong side of History however you want to think of it in your mind I hear that a lot from the left the wrong side of History yeah that's you that's you I need you to have a moment of self-reflection that if you think it is okay to kill a child for any reason then you are on the side of the human rights atrocity that you are on the side of the Nazis that you are on the side of the slaveholders that you are on the side of dehumanization because you are following the same logic that everyone who has committed human rights atrocities uh has held to you have the same mentality which is that some human beings are not worthy of life that some human beings do not have rights that some human beings based on some kind of arbitrary set of characteristics that they are not worth protecting and that they can be murdered that they can be subjugated that they can be mistreated in some way that's what you think of some people either because they're small because of their location because of their dependence because of their strength that is your mentality about babies inside the womb maybe you don't realize that's your mentality but it is and if you believe that well you're against abortion but you are for the legal choice of abortion it's the same mentality because you don't think that those human beings should be protected under the law but you think you should why should you be protected against murder but that baby shouldn't why do you think that you're worth more is it because you're bigger you're stronger do you see where that mentality leads that the weaker someone is the more dependent they are the smaller they are um the their wantedness as a human being that that justifies killing them okay if those are the justifications for killing babies outside of the womb then apply that to people outside of the womb do you see how heartless you are then there are plenty of people outside of the womb who are poor who are abused who are sick who are dependent who are small who are weak who are not wanted do you believe in murdering them too is that compassionate is that empathetic then there are children who are a drain on their parents who are a burden to those who take care of them who are making it really hard for their parents to achieve their dreams or whatever should that three-year-old be murdered should that 10-year-old be murdered if not why not what is so magical about the vaginal Canal that all the sudden a person is given rights a baby is given wres that is a magical mystical superstitious mentality that I as someone who cares about science morality logic and theology I just can't latch on to such a honestly foolish belief um and so be on the right side be against abortion there's no good reason for it there's no good justification for it except for that it is the popular position popularized by people like Chrissy tan Kay Harris all of the celebrities but these people are on the side of Darkness they don't know truth so I'm mostly speaking to that Christian woman right now who thinks that well maybe I'm pro- life but I'm for these exceptions or maybe I'm pro-life but I'm also pro-choice when it comes to the law or well I just think that it's the more empathetic position to take to be for women to be able to have that choice you're on the wrong side you're on the the side of brutality and you don't have to be on that side because abortion is murder and thou shalt not murder is part of the Big 10 so the Bible speaks very clearly uh to that all right we got a couple other examples of this propaganda in just a second let me tell you about our next sponsor it's Jase medical all right we don't know what's going to happen this year uh we've already got Rumblings of a new pandemic which is apparently the bird flu and since it's an election year we can imagine that there's going to be some kind of twist and turn in the coming months to try to get people to vote for the incumbent Administration and so you just need to be prepared we don't know what the government's going to throw at us you want to make sure that your family is prepared when it comes to your medical supplies when it comes to the medicine that you either rely on on a daily basis or you might need to rely on like antibiotics uh Jace medical provides for you a Jace case it is antibiotics for the most common infections you can also add things like Ivermectin or an epip pin and if for whatever reason you can't get to the pharmacy and you can't get the medication that you need you've got this case of antibiotics which can be life- saving and then they've also got jce daily you can get a year-long supply of the medications that you and your family rely on on a daily basis it's so much better to be safe than sorry there go through their tele medicine process at JM use code Ali at checkout for a discount JM code alley [Music] White House conflates miscarriage & abortion um all right we've got some more propaganda that we are seeing from kamla Harris and this is really how they're trying to get women they are not only tricking you into thinking that abortion is compassionate but they're also trying to conflate miscarriage in abortion and they're trying to say that if we restrict abortion in any way women who have miscarriages who suffer miscarriages are also going to die and to they're not going to be able to get the treatment that they need at hospitals this has been their propaganda since 2022 and they are still trotting this stuff out so here's an example of that S 3 like a lot of families we experienced a couple miscarriages I saw firsthand the treatment I received when I had my miscarriages before and after Ro was overturned and it is infuriating going through a miscarriage without access to any type of reproductive Health Care is so scary the pain was unbearable I was losing so much blood and doctors were afraid to give me the care that I needed this was standard medical care for over 50 years and overnight it just vanished okay that's a lie I I'm sorry that's a lie I feel for her I believe in her sincere pain that she endured when she suffered a miscarriage and we can have a lot of compassion for that and uh I got a lot of questions for the doctors too if it is true that they didn't give her the treatment that she needed in a timely manner and that she almost died I think the doctors were in the wrong there and maybe the lawyers that work with the hospital they are not doing their part in informing the doctors of what the law actually is maybe the hospital isn't doing its part in informing the doctors of what the law actually is maybe these are activist doctors maybe these are activist lawyers maybe this is an activist hospital and they are wanting women to suffer for political gain I hope that that is not the case uh but I certainly wouldn't put it past abortion activists who think that abortion is sacrif s they would of course be willing to sacrifice Women's Health and lives in order to make their point that we need abortion in order to treat women for miscarriages it's just not true that we had standards of practice for miscarriages for 50 years that was somehow protected by casy V plann Parenthood or Ro v Wade and then overnight all of those disappeared that's not true I know many of you have suffered a miscarriage over the past couple of years and you have received wonderful care and so this is not true across the board it may be true of some doctors who are either purposely doing this or they are accidentally doing this because they are scared and they just don't know every single state that has passed any laws having to do with abortion protect women who have gone through miscarriages they protect care for women who are going through miscarriages a DNC for a woman who goes through a miscarriage is not an abortion abortion activist seem to not understand this or they're blatantly lying about this we saw this remember um I think it was a couple years ago or was last year Jessa Dugger that's not her last name anymore she um had to get a DNC after she had had uh miscarriage and she shared about this publicly and how awful this was and then you had abortion activist saying oh uh so Jessa got to have an abortion uh she had an abortion in the state of Arkansas because she's wealthy and she's privileged and she's got connections but she doesn't believe that other people should be able to have an abortion they were trying to say that the DNC that she had after she had a miscarriage was the same thing as a DNC that someone has when they um are trying to have an abortion when they are aborting their child of course those are not the same things and there's no prolifer who is against a DNC for a woman after she has a miscarriage after the baby no longer has a heartbeat has naturally died of course a DNC is a medical procedure is Healthcare in that case a DNC that is being used as part of the process to purposely kill a child yes that is part of the abortion process those are two different things you're being purposely OB in order to be evil and I would just recommend that you not do that like get a better argument that's also how you know that you're on the wrong side if you have to rely on deceit if you have to lie if you have to rely on propaganda if you have to use euphemisms to obscure what an abortion actually is then maybe it's just because the truth is awful and you should try not being that um and so this is the message that they are trying to convey they're trying to conflate a miscarriage with an abortion and maybe some doctors have been tricked by this and so they are not providing the care that is necessary to women which is wrong and maybe Republican legislators need to do Confusion about abortion laws an even better job of just being so clear that this is not what's being restricted in abortion legislation I am on board with that I want these laws to be as clear as possible I want women to actually be provided with real health care I want babies to be cared for I want women to be cared for I don't want there to be any confusion about that but the fact is all of these laws do Define abortion they do Define unborn life they are pretty clear maybe not every law is as clear as it could be but these laws are restricting a abortion not miscarriage care and by the way doctors have always had to navigate they've always had to navigate the different laws surrounding abortion they haven't ever just been able to enjoy some kind of free-for-all there have always been abortion restrictions in place in most of these states that the doctors have had to be knowledgeable about and navigate and be able to come up to the boundaries of what they're able to do and to have discernment based on those parameters and so now all of a sudden because those parameters have shifted and become more strict they have no idea what to do and they don't know how to treat a miscarriage I'm just not buying it I am absolutely not buying it but this is what they are trying to do to you because they know you Christian woman are against abortion which you're Abortion in elections not against is miscarriage care and so what they want you to think is that you have to vote Democrat in order to protect miscarriage care and that is a lie that is an absolute lie they are trying to trick you because they think that you're stupid but you're not you're smarter than that um there is no reason ever for a Christian to vote Democrat there's just not unless you in your area you've got a prolife Democrat that is also um anti-me that is also pr- strict borders that is also against basically all of the tenets of progressivism and is pro traditional biblical marriage and family uh unless you can find that kind of democrat there's just no reason for Christians to ever vote Democrat I'm not saying Republicans are perfect by any means but their imperfection well I would say not even just their imperfection like their deficits their ineffectiveness all the bad parts of republicanism is not because they are too conservative it's because they're actually not conservative enough they actually need to move further to the right and further into life the problems with Democrats is because they are way too far left and so if you vote Republican you can at least try to shift your legislators um over to the right and if you vote Democrat you are just affirming um you are just affirming their radicalism and they're anti-god anti-biblical positions on everything you're going to see a lot of moral relativism this election season with people saying oh both you know both sides are just equally bad and so at least vote Democrat because at least they're pro- social justice at least they care about the poor at least they're helping the Immigrant none of those things are true about the Democrat Party there's no justification for you to vote Democrat they are not equivalent they are not equal they are not even on the same plane every current position of the democratic party of the democratic platform is anti-biblical in every sense and I will take anyone to task on that who tries to say that both sides are uh equal Christian cannot should not be voting Democrat especially not this current Administration and by the way I do also want to say abortion um is a good one issue if you are a single issue voter people will try to tell you don't be a single- issue voter abortion is just one of the issues it's true that abortion is just one of the issues there are also some other very serious very important issues but it's okay if that's your single issue I saw a lot of articles in the New York Times And The Washington Post in the last election cycle of women saying oh I can't believe I used to only vote based on my abortion stance and now I vote Democrat because of blah blah blah no it is okay to vote based on abortion like this is the only issue that is a literal and imminent matter of life and death there's one side that believes that killing babies should be a right and one side that doesn't it's really not that hard like we can work on the other stuff but that it's so blatantly unbiblical to support uh the party that believes in the unfettered access to killing babies um at least with Donald Trump like I wish he were more pro-life so much I do at least I know that the people that he is going to put in place are going to be far more pro-life than the people that Joe Biden has in place and as we're looking at this conversation between KLA Harris and Chrissy Tegan I think that that is just emphasized really disturbingly well all right got one final thing to say and that is that you 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I'm so so excited for it and come by yourself don't be afraid to do that there's going to be so many of us there uh ready to befriend you and to create these really lifelong friendships as we're sharing the arrows together share thee all right see you guys back here tomorrow [Music]

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