NOOO YAILIN!! 6ix9ine - La Baby Ft. La Perversa (Official Music Video)

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:06:08 Category: Sports

Trending searches: video de yailin y 6ix9ine
watch for the devil whenever I wake up and get it you know I walk straight through the fire mama told me if I want to do better then I got to fill my heart up with desire look at my father whenever I'm getting that money cuz started bu Empire yo I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of excited we got another Spanish chick that I don't know nothing about but that's good me more I'm getting to know all the Spanish artists man oh we got 69ine on the track so you know there's about to be something going on uh what's her name la oh Le baby the baby okay okay girl I see you got the jet blackhe negro come on up in the uh let's let's run it up the name of this song is uh L Versa L Versa listen I'mma put the close catering on I don't really need it CU I'm like uh 20% Spanish but this is for all the people that don't talk to Spanish all right let's run it [ __ ] wait I got a candle too you're not the only oh the eyes is crazy the eyes is crazy on the street and she's out in the market with that little body I fell in love with her little ass the big oh she got a small ass okay cooler cool smoke cool poito no cool Grande got the Grande I love music but I can't take him seriously with his haircut this haircut is killing me killing me that's his new girl he she's pregnant wait she was pregnant in a bathtub twering like that she got skills oh he got a new girl what what happened to my girl y forra he said don't forget about me huh what kind of oh that's a rose bikini that's fire she's pregnant for real this is crazy yo I'm I'm sorry I'm team Yen and I I don't know how I feel about this how do y'all feel about I don't know how feel man he really popped out with a new Shorty house arrest take wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me see what the comment section is saying right now I need to translate we supporting the yeah he's good at English SP I agree with that I love it despite her pregnancy She haven't stopped working yes come on you deserve the Applause baby who's this right here Yi what yeah gotta get the support let's go for those 2 point million stop yo shout out to meico man shout out to everybody shout out to all my my Spanish people y'all gotta let me know if this is his real girl for real what that move is impressive all right people I gotta go man I'm about to go fry me up some hamburgers man let me know in the comment section what the hell is going on are they really not together anymore it's insane it's insane oh no got too many people watching me bye

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