Uncle Matt's Bedtime Story - Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Published: Apr 09, 2024 Duration: 00:06:03 Category: Film & Animation

Trending searches: matt landers
[Music] it's time once again for Uncle Matt's bedtime [Applause] story hello everybody it's Uncle Matt and I'm here to read you another bedtime story today is World Siblings Day yes happy world Siblings Day to your sibling your brother and sister and uh that's where I'm left out I actually don't have a sibling but my mom had some siblings and has some siblings my my dad has some siblings I have two daughters or those they're siblings to each other but uh I don't I don't have any siblings but I thought I'd read this special story about siblings it's called my little sister and me by Maple lamb and this story was copyright in 2016 are you ready here we go my little sister and me for the very first time mom asks me to take my little sister home from the bus stop all by myself she bounces and hops and sings a song she learned from school Take Me Home Country Roads I don't even know the song Maybe she's singing it wrong she picks up all sorts of trash on our way ew she misses her Teddy Bear did you bring Teddy with you to school this morning no can you wait until we get home she thinks about it okay she chases after a big dog five times her size but hides behind me when the baby squirrels squeal then she has to use the potty do you absolutely need to go right now um can you wait until we get home she thinks about it okay we play Medieval Nights with branches we found on the ground I am number one and I am really Brave yes you are what a raincloud let's get going come on Sigh No no no slow [Applause] down boom wait up wait up it's just a thunderstorm oh no here give me your hand be careful let's get out of the rain I clean her hand I did not cry I'm Really Brave yes you are Take Me Home Country Roads she teaches me the song while we wait for the raincloud to go away the sky clears and we head out once again when we get home mom hugs and kisses us she is so proud we have a very relaxing afternoon after dinner I receive a special present it says you are the best big brother and you are very brave yes I am the end good job it's great when siblings can get together and behave and get along well that's all the time we have for Uncle Matt's bedtime story I hope you enjoyed that story and I'll see you next time bye for [Applause] now

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