Moms Roundtable with Amaryllis Kennedy and Nicole Shanahan

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 01:09:52 Category: Education

Trending searches: nicole shanahan
so again welcome I am Reverend Wendy Silvers and it is a joy and an honor to be here with you let's see if Amarilis is present yes she is okay so amarillis hello Reverend Wendy hello there amarillis it is such a joy to have you here it's a pleasure to be here what a nice pause and what a profound appeal for that prayer um gosh if only and and also it is becoming we are that Congress of women here today and every day on this campaign I feel that it really strikes me on this campaign every day how many women are at its core and how many of those women are mothers either to their own children or um to to the work that we're doing to others that they that they nurture and and care for every day of this campaign and people say to me how do you do this with kids I by the way have a 2-year-old a 5-year-old and a 15-year-old a little bit of Developmental stages going on there yeah um they're all very busy and you know every time I get asked that to me the question is as a mom how could I not you know this is the world they're GNA inherit and I look at them and wonder if they'll you know know the freedom that I knew as a child whether they'll be able to speak their truth or risk you know having their passport reclaimed and and their bank account turned off um and what does that mean for for human freedom on Earth for nuclear security for Humanity's fairing in in as we walk into the breach with artificial intelligence so many crucial issues that when I look at my 2-year-old and 5-year-old who have no idea about any of this my 15-year-old is pretty aware of it but um how could we not and that is why we all show up every day you know because um there the the tomorrow that our our kids deserve is not written you know we we are more powerful than we know and ultimately it is it is on each of us and I see it every day out there in the field on this campaign how Central um mothers and fathers but you know people who care for their Community for their family for their country um we've we've settled recently on people over politics um people before politics and Country before party as as um a kind of guiding principle for the campaign and I think it is also a guiding principle for for Parenthood um you know I was doing my my 5-year-old has extremely curly hair for anyone who has not met her her name is Bobcat she's actually Bobby the fourth the first girl Bobby and she's a firecracker and um and so I'd been up and I'd watched the the sun begin to creep over the hills and heard the kind of the the birds and then the insects and then my 5-year-old all sleepy emerges from her room and she'd gotten something stuck in her hair and it was this shift from solving the the 25 weeks ahead of us to change our country and protect freedom for my children forever to that's not the right hairbrush mom you know I'm gonna be late for school and and it is that ability to shift back and forth that is what leaves me in awe of mothers every day just the the the balance between being there in spiritual connection with your children and going out into the world and and working on their behalf so that you know what what they have to inherit is is worthy of them well said well said so so it's so rich there's so much that you you said in there I I've been working with mom's parents for 24 years and it is probably the highest and the holiest walk to be in the daytoday to be in that that moment of how do you change the world one child at a time being so present with them and the moments are so sacred so it and it is it is that huge adjustment of going from I'm GNA do this for the world oh I'm doing this for this little world and and it reminds me of the saying that to the world you are just a mother but to your child you are the world it's so beautiful and so crucial that we create a world where mothers and fathers can be that present can can have the security um physical security health security finan Cal security um spiritual space and and Community Connection to to be able to be present in that way and I think it's one of the great challenges that we face today is just um such such a struggle sometimes to make ends meet that time together is is more and more rare grandparents are you know still working when they might otherwise be helping to take care of the kids and have those those bonds parents are are taking on multiple jobs and that sacred time is is scarcer and scarcer and meanwhile the funds that we could be spending to support all of that um you know we're we're using to buy weapons that we blow up over foreign Skies that's why I I I use this word that's why I love RFK Jr and I love what you're doing and who you are because like I shared with you in the email the depth of your Consciousness just burst through your book I mean when I read that and I could feel the depth of compassion that you hold and your commitment to peace through nonviolence and something I'm curious about is how did you hold on to and how do you hold on to your faith or spirituality in the midst of when you go behind the curtain and you learn what's really going on that the outside world doesn't know about it's a whole different layer so how do you navigate that it's so present with me every day of this campaign I I feel this extremely palpable sense of protection around all of us um a as we as we walk a really righteous path and and do something that I think is is a part of the calling and and and reason that many of us are here um and the the level of corruption and attack that we face um in many ways for me it only draws a Starker contrast you know why why it is that we are here why we're doing what we're doing and that ultimately you know light and life will win and uh you know this is I've wrote about this on Easter but my my daughter has an Easter name Zoe Victoria which means life is Victorious and I've seen every step with small challenges and the much larger challenges um of this campaign is that when we tell the truth when we do the right thing even if it's not strategically you know sound at least in the immediate practical sense it it turns out to uh to be a greater gift than if we had done the cynical thing and that is a is a daily church for me yes to witness um I I haven't been to church as often as I I used to I've my entire life gone gone every Sunday I I shared with you Reverend one day that um I always thought I would go to Seminary one day and and maybe I will still go to Seminary one day um but my undergraduate degree was was in theology ol and I I had hoped to um to go straight into to service after that um and and 911 shifted my course but increasingly I'm aware of how many Ministries there are in the world yes and how how many of us are sent to serve one another outside of the Four Walls of a place of worship um you know where wherever many are gathered or even two uh and here we are many so I I sense it every day I think there is um there has been a disconnect for a long time for a lot of people where you go I think it was Garrison Keeler who used to say you're uh you are no more a Christian because you go to church on Sunday then I am a car because I sleep in my garage um and you know there for a long time I think many people have felt uh more and more of a kind of separ ation between their their daily life in in uh this country especially with lockdowns and other others and their spiritual life and this journey in every way the the connections with others who who have set all material gain aside many you know gave up advancement in their career you know put everything on hold to come and and um give of their time o on this campaign um those connections and then also watching the world um listen to what Bobby has to say I think there is a there's a vibration you know with my kids I I sometimes I play with tuning Forks you know where you hit the tuning fork and you can hold it to their chest or and I think when Bobby speaks and this is a quality that Nicole shares there is a a a vibrational quality to truth speaking that so many in this country have forgotten and forgotten for so long that they don't even remember that there was something to forget until they hear it and then it's just an automatic Awakening it's there's something really Primal about it and seeing that Awakening to Spirit to connection to to Healing to seeing ourselves in one another you know restoring health to our country to our um to our bodies and to our spirits to our communities that that has really been a spiritual journey and it it feels like kind of a homecoming to a to a spiritual uh to a spiritual study or or career even without going to Seminary uh so as you are Reverend Wendy you know I just I think we we're each called to serve in different ways and I know many many have been called to serve in this campaign oh absolutely yes yes and and and I think that there are very many Ministries and it is the opportunity to be of service and what it what what what propels you and I and I know what propels you and many of us most of us on this campaign is the opportunity for a for peace and love and truth in the way that RFK Jr holds that and each of the people that are engaged yourself and the others that are engaged in the campaign I I think of them as emissaries of emissaries of Light emissaries Of Peace emissaries of truth that have just shown you know this devoted to this and I and I've said on the Sunday prayer circle I've often said that that this is it's almost more than a than a presidential campaign it feels like a movement that there's something I mean for sure it is a presidential campaign and it feels like there's something that is seeking expression through this that is more than a campaign so it's really profound really profound I I sense that EV every day out there and I I much of it is around the nurturing the healing the bringing through of of Health for our children which has been such a a leading principle for us and what that means you know when we when we seow violence abroad of course we've then seow violence at home um and even internally uh in our communities and and increasingly we're losing even years of life expectancy to these to these chronic illnesses and even deaths of Despair from fenol and suicide and so much isolation in our country and as women as mothers as uh as um leaders in this campaign that's one of the things that is most crucial for us to to step up and name and invite people to share their experiences about because um the the the shift away from um valuing our our own time with family our own um spiritual fulfillment our own connection to community as much or or more than um you know the the material things that we've had maybe it began to fade in in the 80s uh greed is good ERA but it truly reached pitch uh and and has sort of metastasized into such divisiveness uh that that it's actually outward facing now and um we we hear the yearning to come back together and I think as you say something is seeking expression and we are we are propelled forward by it absolutely amen amen amen I I have I'm inspired and invigorated by this campaign and by RFK Jr because what he is speaking about and Nicole Are Family Values but not family values that come from a have to or you should but from this very organic place of my language who am I why am I here what am I here to share and when so these these questions are it's like a deep inquiry and I know that nocole is here with us and I would love to add her to our round table because there's some questions I would love to ask both of you so I'm going to just add her to to our um to our round Table Right Here hi hi Nicole hi Nicole it's an honor to to be here with you both thank you for for I know you were flying in and your arms must be tired just really bad joke but welcome I'm going to just share with everybody um a little bit about you and they can go to the bio um they can go to the website and read your bio but uh it's so funny you're sitting here and I'm talking about you the third person right like I did with amarilla so bear with me uh Nicole Shanahan is an attorney and Tech entrepreneur in the San Francisco Bay Area her work on behalf of honest governance Racial equality regenerative agriculture and children's and maternal Health has put her at the Forefront of many of the country's most urgent needs healthy planet healthy humans is how Nicole describes the through line of her career which has long been centered around people health and the environment she is the founder and president of Bia Echo Foundation have I said that right is it beia or baia beia okay a private Foundation that invests in Innovative change makers who are tackling some of the world's greatest challenges reproductive equality and Longevity Criminal Justice Reform a healthy and livable planet and more early in her career Nicole founded and was CEO of clear access IP a patent management company utilizing AI an automation to support the Innovation economy she is a fellow at Stanford law school's codex where she launched a multidisciplinary Criminal Justice Reform effort with the San Francisco District Attorney office that inspired a powerful partnership with the Stanford computation policy lab now at Harvard her work herly building Innovative algor algorithmic tools to guide high stakes decisions leverages advancements in data science that allows for policy impact to be studied at un unprecedented scale among other achievements Nicole is the recipient of the Cali Excellence for the future award and Santa Clara law school's young alumni Rising Star Award she's been recognized as the top 50 fem Tech healthc care influencer and Longevity leader and a San Francisco business times 40 under 40 leader for her work as a Trailblazer running organizations at the Forefront of Ethics in Ai and access for justice to Justice she has long been committed to issues at the intersection of Tech Law And Justice and regularly helps facilitate highlevel forums with global leaders including Stanford laws future law conference and she's a mama and I heard you on the interview with Sage Steel yeah and I felt like you were speaking my heart about the power of the mama in more positions of of power and elected placements and how you feel that if moms are in these positions will have more peace in the world yeah well first thank you so much uh Reverend for having me and omis I just love getting a chance to hear you speak it's um you know it's it's been an opportunity to make a new friend um joining this campaign and you know you've been working so hard with such incredible laser focus talent and execution and your leadership has made everyone who core in this um feel confident and unafraid um and so I'm so grateful to be here today with all of you um wonderful wonderful people I've been reading the comments they're so nice I'm so used to reading you know threads sometimes full of anger and hate and and to be here I my whole system is relaxed so thank you for inviting me and having me absolutely oh love you so much I I just have to say I know we I I want to hear everything that you're going to say Nicole but I have to say to everybody here it has been such a blessing of this campaign to come to know Nicole and to build our friendship to also Envision this country with the leadership of Bobby and Nicole these two authentic deeply grounded healers and Truth speakers who have made decisions out of authenticity never with the calculation that any of it would lead to this calling and that of course is why they are they are the the leaders that we need not the leaders who seek power but but those who whose followers seek to put them there and um I'm just I'm so grateful to you Nicole from our very first Zoom conversation H I've been blown away and uh we're very very lucky to have you absolutely I heard your speech in Oakland and I was moved to tears when your announcement was made and your mom was literally like I would say like two people away from me and I wanted to hug her watching her watch you and I i' the like I have the Goosebump just your your humility and your uh accessibility and your genuine like I just I just kept I walked away I like oh my God what a perfect choice just to you know to take on the mantle of vice president and every Sunday at 5:00 pm Pacific time I lead a prayer circle for RFK Jr and you and the campaign and and so to just watch you know the love that just you know in all the comment boxes is this unbelievable it's like a love best that just keeps happening do you feel that and this is a question for both of you do you feel that your mother influenced you in terms of how you mother and your spiritual practice Yeah I'm a realiz oh please I feel like I've talked a lot here um but yes I mean so much that sometimes I go oh I'm becoming my mother um all have that experience I have a little bit of that um but in my case I'm I that I'm very blessed and lucky if that should ever be the case and I ever should get to become my mother um you know she's she's English and a a a poet and a classicist and um the one thing that I will say for here is that she read us so many Greek myths and legends when I was little and um one of the lessons from from all of those stories is that the obstacle is always put in the path of the hero to give them something they need to succeed in the end to teach them the lessons they need to to accomplish the mission that the gods have put before them and you know whether it's the Practical challenges of ballot access or it's the the spiritual challenges of you know even as Nicole described sometimes reading comment threads is rough um certainly reading media that is is so you know intentionally calculated as as a tax but each and every one of those obstacles what I've found is that as as Bobby and Nicole lead our responding to these things with such Grace and the campaign follows suit and doesn't get down in the mud and holds this gracious space with the country and with one another and even with those who Who attack us um you know I think those obstacles do turn into um you know they open the gates and and allow allow others to see the potential here the way that we do um so that that's the lesson that I draw from my mom today but also just utter devot she was is such an incredible mom just complete presence and devotion um and while I'm it's hard until November I wish I could put bricks on my kids heads they're getting so big so quickly but um but but um yeah I I certainly aspire to her example my mom it's really funny my mom um would always say she wasn't you know always the warmest physically because um of how she was raised she was raised during the Communist Revolution ution in China and as a result of that that really impacted her in many ways um but she showed her love through food and she would always say you know the three pillars of success are health happiness and then being in control of oneself I don't know where she got that from but it's uh it's always how she would prioritize Wellness is it's your physical health first which was typically food and then um happiness joy and and then you know if and then you can be in control of oneself and then you can function in the world and it's it's funny that that food was her way of showing love because um putting regenerative agriculture I I found myself in regenerative agriculture and it has transcended into every other field of work that I've undertaken um so I look at climate and I look at it and and ecosystems and sustainability and regenerative agriculture was the only category that fit all the boxes and human health and then women's reproductive Health it goes back to the food we're eating and the water we're consuming and then even Criminal Justice Reform I realize it comes back to the sense of abundance and connection to the land and nourishment of one's communities and those are the building blocks of getting out of poverty and once you solve for poverty you cut off you know this this life that is desperate that leads to a life of crime yes and um so my mom is fully responsible for that and and to to show love through food is is what she taught me and and that's a huge part of what Bobby believes into this whole team and the work as well yes yes well said both isn't it amazing how our our mothers influence us you know there's an there's an old say people that do family constellation work I I I spoke with somebody and your your in your grandmother are your eggs for your CH like it's just so remarkable and when you do healing work I know Nicole you talked about the Hoffman Institute when you do healing work I believe you heal Seven Generations in front of you and seven generations behind wow you get to be that Citadel that changes things it's like you're that person that changes the Legacy so it's remarkable what you both are doing and thank you for the regenerative farming thank you I mean I think about how like the soil the seeds and it's so distressing to think about what um has happened to our soil and the seeds and the GMO and and and all of all of that and what our children inherit we create the world our children inherit so how amazing that you are doing what you are doing that we get to step forward in a different way yeah yeah and fertility has been a huge theme of of my work as well and um an un intended you know women's reproductive health and thinking about fertility and soil is about the fertility of our mama Earth yes and uh and making sure that capacity isn't lost because of misguided um greed and desires to control and that's been a theme that has come up a lot in my life is um seeing how how there's this tendency towards this mechanistic control over nature and control over fertility I I realize this is nothing new control over women's fertility has been you know around for I mean as as long as human history likely it's such a powerful force and um and and something someone said something to me at a farmers market in Hawaii a few month months ago she said to me just this was within the first three sentences of having an exchange she said they're taking away our fertility to sell it back to us and I felt um I was kind of Blown Away I mean this was a a vendor at at the farmers market and it was such a powerful statement that I keep hearing over and over again and and that unfortunately I've seen over and over again um and it's it's it's very troubling and I think that it represents a larger theme that we see in in what has been called science um and the thing is is I love science but there's two categories of science there's the control and Engineering of Nature and then there's the working with forces of nature and the science of Nature and so the this differentiation is something that I also see embodied very deeply in this campaign that this is a force on behalf of of working in partnership with nature um and and recognition that control of nature will often times make us sick if if we put that control that need to possess first um and and to um dominate have dominion over nature it will always lead us um into catastrophe wow that's so well said I and I I feel like we have uh everybody's responding to they take away our fertility so they can sell it back to us and uh I received a question um last night about the eons of patriarchy and and dismantling I think reforming and transforming it and certainly when you talk about um what you experienced in the CIA and the wars and then Nicole what you're talking about in terms of regenerative farming and fertility um what is your approach how do you bring your awareness to that and hold it in a in a holy place he that's a that's a big question I you have a answer well I mean the I too responded so strongly to to what you just said Nicole taking fertility to sell it back to us because you know one of the themes that we come across in so many ways in the camp in this campaign is the tension between the the abundance and self-sufficiency that nature and spirit has gifted each of us that is our birth right here as earthlings as beings um that we are provided for that we have self- knowledge that when we listen quietly you know our purpose and and so much guidance is clear a and the same is true of health and healing and sunshine and so exercise you know these these things that are free um that that are gifted from Spirit and from one another um that are so core to our self-sufficiency and our empowerment and and one of the the challenges that that we face is with corporate capture is that self-sufficiency you know Health gifted through through the free freely available Gifts of of Nature and spirit it do does not a business model make my friends and so there is a there is a taking away of a a a forgetting a forgetting of the power we have to heal one another to uh to grow our own food um to capture you know Bobby talks a lot about um the the Shifting the rights to be able to have solar panels that you know where you're selling energy back to the grid this idea that that you know power to the people we were joking but that everything does not need to be pulled away and then sold back to us fertility is you know such a dramatic example but I to me that is a very holy Endeavor to come back to your question Reverend Wendy is is this sense of honoring the sacred gifts that were given by recognizing them it's it's a kind of remembering um that I'm I'm seeing happen Bobby Nicole all of us this movement is is a part of it but and it's a broader remembrance I think that through through the kind of sudden um exponential explosion of industrialization and uh chemical additives and Plastics and you know the we can do anything better by making it synthetic um you know over over many decades that that kind of that breathlessness is subsiding and the the the the long-term costs to all of us um in terms of health and Community Connection and resilience and self-reliance and and the true sense of empowerment that makes us good parents makes us good citizens um once you yield that power you know that then the government or or the corporations or any power that be you know once you've yielded your power it's it's a long walk back and um it's really beautiful to see people standing up and reclaiming it oh yes yes like the common ground that film so much bringing so much awareness I I believe that when we have awareness we can make different choices yes and then with what your your with your platform Nicole being able to it's it's you know what it reminds me of you know as a parent we want to allow we want to it's almost like that very ancient saying about do I teach do I teach uh somebody to fish or do I give them fish it's like with the that Jesus said that you know and ago but it's it's really a universal teaching and as Mom do we do we give this to our children or do we help them help them develop cultivate something within them that allows them to activate that do you do that with your children yeah yeah I mean so my my daughter is five and a half and she's been delayed in many ways um and while she has an Autism diagnosis I kind of find that irr and I focus on the chronic diseases that we're working on overcoming yes so for us overcoming stuff is like a momentto moment experience um and and for her you know for her it's really a sense of regulating within her space and she is regulated she can climb a tree she can jump you know five feet in the air on her trampoline she taught herself how to swim two and a half years of age um and in spite of not being able to communicate with language and um she has a almost mermaid like curiosity with the world um where you know water makes sense to her but people don't and yeah I can relate to that you know I think she's oned something I went to someone say to me well yeah no wonder she's like not wanting to put all that effort into speaking and communicating when she can just go swim like a fish um because you know an intelligent mind in this day and age would say you know spend your time doing the thing that brings you Joy um and and I and she is an intelligent mind and she's taught me um you know how to redefine intelligence in my own life because I had a very different perception of intelligence before she taught me that intelligence sometimes States you know go do the thing that brings you Joy um over you know the other thing that you think you should be doing follow the thing that releases your spirit um beautiful moment of just ease and um dance with the senses um she has sensory integration issues but I see her dancing with her senses and playing with her senses and so allowing her to be herself has been like I don't even like using the word allow like I I think giving her that space and um restraining myself from behaving in a way that I think mothers are supposed to behave but just you know stand standing back and and not intruding in her process that's beautiful it's really remarkable isn't it the things that sometimes may bring us to our knees and end up holding within them some of the most incredible um nuggets of compassion and wisdom and expansion it's it's uh remarkable that's so very beautiful thank you yeah yeah amarillis you know my 15-year-old Zoe um her her dad stayed in the service a a a lot longer than I I did um and so he went back to combat zones um when she was two and I left and started the company that you described and and and had kind of a little healing Cottage with her um by by the the seaside in Carpenteria which is a kind of viby old cool Beach town in California and just really healed and Cur curled into her and and and her me and we we were just the two of us peas in a pod for you know 10 10 years and um and she takes on she she has an incredibly deep feeling Soul um and when she she came to be close to her dad again when he finally came back he'd been through a few uh two two IEDs and and some other physical trauma and was okay but had a a TBI a traumatic brain injury um and it has slowly grown into more and more um PTSD paranoia psychosis um that is incredibly scary uh for her and to me you know I talk with her about it a lot there are two million just over two two and a 2.15 million American children who had um a parent deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan and it is a it is this silent war that all of these children are still going through day after day in their home so they don't tell their teachers about it and they don't tell their friends about watching the aftermath of trauma play out and in fact you know Dean Zoe's dad uh his dad when he was a child had been in Vietnam and there there was a kind of a a multigenerational passage of that you know he tells a story of there being a a bat in in the house and his mom was his mom was screaming because there was a bat in the house and his dad went and got a tennis racket and a screwdriver and held the bat down to the wall with the tennis racket and stabbed it with the screwdriver and then there was you know and that and and kind of referen that that that you know kind of th this is what I learned out there son kind of a thing and to me it is this the horrors of or are self-evident certainly to anyone who's ever spent a day in one but I think to most of us the the aftermath and this deep deep um multigenerational but certainly rest of your life you know Dean was a National Geographic photographer tall willowy quiet poet you know and these things these things change you and they change the society that you come home to and they change the way that you parent and the way that you you you trust and the way that you communicate with the world and all of those things you know as RFK senior talks about the ripples of hope that spread and combine to sweep down the mightiest walls of Oppression and the same is true of the of the valleys you know and and they those two emanate out from us when we're wounded wounded and when we bring that kind of trauma and division home and so many of children are on the front lines of it and and nobody really even knows and so as we think about you know another activation somewhere else in the world some other pursuit of of a an agenda where we are imposing our will um through violence I Zoe is such a a a pole star for me in watching her carry on sweet 15-year-old shoulders all of of the caretaking around her dad bringing him groceries because it's hard for him to to kind of be out and about um a and how many children are are coping with that and God if I am here for any reason it's to stop another kid having a parent come home and and have to have a parent go in the first place yeah wow that is so moving what each of you shared it's just about taking a breath and taking that in this this particular Gathering is about Mom's prayer and politics and the power of the mother that energy to create a better world for our children how each and all of us are called or compelled by different different influences but yet meeting at that same place to wanting a better world wanting more opportunity it's it's it's so beautiful is that your daughter yeah oh Zoe oh this is Bobcat oh Bobcat hi Bobcat hi bobat so good to see [Music] C just came home from school we're talking about being mamas yeah yes Valentine come Nicole I I love how you were so specific about the sacred time that you spend with Ekko your daughter's name is Ekko correct yes yeah and and and just making that like having Bobcat come in while we're talking about this very topic and then thinking and reflecting upon how you made a declaration that your time with Echo is sacred is that translates you know you don't have to to speak the words like one of the one of my increas was um how can we keep the tradition of A Mother's Prayer alive at this time especially when you're working on a campaign right and you're you're you're both articulating exactly the way that you do that and if there's anything else you would like to add about your prayer for your children and I believe a mother's heart unless unless she's mentally incapable or emotionally incapable not only cares for the children in front of her but all the children okay you can show them your stuff this is Bobcat this is another Bobcat I love that I love Bobcat oh oh um yeah the kids that I've been meeting on the campaign Trail have been a constant reminder for why we can't give up and we can't let any of the hate or the harassment impact us I mean we can feel it we can understand it we can be hurt by it but then we got to put it together and keep going um the prayer that I have for this campaign is the prayer of a a mother who is so I see the children of this nation and I want them to have every resource to clean water I want to have every resource to full bellies that feel good you know that feeling when you just eat really really good food yes Bobcat you know that feeling when you eat something yummy that was great um so it really is the this you know thinking about the sensory experience of Health I want our children to have all of their senses to experience all of life that is my prayer for this nation amen a yeah I mean they they are so present and such teachers and I think we um we're talking about you and other kids me know I think we've we we've started to think of of them as you know beings to to be warehoused in school while parents go to work so everybody can grow the GDP and they can just be kind of taken care of until they get out to do their own business when they're old enough to to bring in the bacon and you know it just there's there's such um there's there's such Majestic learnings to to to share with one another and I the the education system as a kind of um I mean Day daycare or kind of a a housing of kids while while we work is is so sympatic so many are it's your turn you're yeah um of the same thing we do with you know with the industrialized prison system in this country oh yeah the disposability of of plastics but also of people and um and I think seeing one another as our children not just our own children but everyone will solve that hi there's coffee on this table yeah um but it I I'm gonna I'm going to to um having said that go and spend some time with these little ones cuz they just got over school cas inside absolutely thank you thank you for being here am thank you Bobcat it's been a joy to see you again my prayer is to be with all of you every step of this journey including on January 20th where we will gather in DC to move into this next chapter yes they know you say hi yes all right send bye bye thank you so much bye that is so sweet I know that it just makes my heart so happy to see the children and to see I I know you shared something recently and I think it Ekko was there I think you were playing with her doing something and it's just like this is this is life this is what it looks like to be um a vice president this is what it looks like to be um mom who who is so devoted to her calling because clearly you're answering a calling yeah it it very much is that I was just at a maternal home in uh where were we in Houston where these were moms and children who are really really suffering in our country and there is this little boy running around his name is jce and he was 1 years old and he had a shine and a light to him and you know I couldn't help but just want to play and he just wanted to play and we're running around the maternity house and he's you know I was wearing a dress and he's like hiding around the dress and it was just it was this moment of realizing that um I don't have to be a plastic politician and that what the nation needs right now is absolutely no more plastic politicians or we don't need to ask our women to sacrifice their motherhood um to be a caricature or to be a um cold version of something to show that they're somehow more competent at the work um um that's been I I believe just an unfortunate outcome of us um separating our who we are in order to do these jobs and I you know we' have these now politicians like Diane Feinstein they're not enjoying being grandmothers because they get stuck in these political parties that keep pushing them through to literally their final breath um what country thinks that's how we should be living and um that's the country that we're in at this moment but we are changing that and we're leading by example every single day um it's uh it it is it is long overdue and um and I think that we will by doing this you know amaris does it so gracefully you know you come in you come out and your your Force as a motherhood is the force that you bring to your job and the patience that you learn as a as a mother and the understanding that you learn as a mother is what you bring to this job because um that's the relationship we have to to progress in order to um overcome this great division oh beautiful thank oh absolutely absolutely that is what a wonderful uh scaffolding you just presented for a way of being to transform Politics as Usual to transform an outdated structure yeah and and the elders are you know wisdom Keepers this is how Society had been for many many many generations yeah and matriarchs were viewed as incredibly powerful and wise in our society for their ability to lead um their community and prioritize um all of the foundations the the the elemental features that allow for their communities to have abundance um and our country right now has that abundance it's just not finding that matriarchal um Direction um and and PRI prioriti PRI prioritizing of of that you know you said scaffolding but of the scaffolding of abundance yes it's Mis directed in pieces of it right now and and um the coherence that is possible again I don't think it's that far out of reach at all no and and I I often think that when when we start to hear certain things it's like this it's it's like so I'm G to just widen the lens to get a little woo here but like the it's like the trees communicate to you know across the land they they they reveal and communicate how you know how we're doing how the how the Earth is doing and how how everything is going and when you when you when I hear what you're saying it's this through line that I believe that's why the people that are drawn to you and RFK Jr are part of I don't know if you were online when I was saying to amarilla said I feel like this is a presidential campaign and more I feel like it's it's an a movement of Awakening where people want what you're talking about moms want to most moms want to be with their children and do something that fulfills them not have to choose and dads too I don't think that dads want to be away from their families all the time and so you and RFK Jr are offering to people the opportunity to reclaim themselves and to have families that feel nurtured and loved and to have opportunities I mean the basics that you're talking about to have clean soil I mean it's so fascinating right because RFK Jr feels the same way and he talks about clean water clean soil clean seeds the the reproduction you know the reproductive system and fertil in the I mean all of these these I think of them as spokes on the wheel but in the center what you're speaking about is the wholeness that's available people yeah Amen to that yeah thank you well thank you and um I you know I really appreciate this I I hadn't been um on one of these before and I hope you do it more often maybe we you know there's five and a half more months uh left of the campaign and um you know I every time I get on stage sometimes I wonder if I should open with a prayer invocation um and it's it's a very powerful thing Bobby does it naturally he really does invoke Spirit when he's out there on stage and I and we all we all feel it he's tapping into something that inspires us so it's a but but if you want to do this again I'd be more than happy to join I want you talk oh I'm yes it is a yes A whole soul yes absolutely yes thank you thank you for being here and um would you would you like me to close out with a prayer or would you like to speak a word of Prayer um I I would love to hear from you Reverend Wendy this is my first time and i' I'd love to hear okay okay well thank you for being here thank you for all you shared thank you for your yes thank you for bringing um I feel emotional when I I hear it because you are you have such a beautiful heart I really am getting emotional and that is what was communicated when when when Bobby announced you as the VP pick I felt your heart I don't think I've been with somebody who was so genuine and so heartfelt and so brilliant and beautiful I was like this is woman's amazing and so committed to Motherhood so and to all of the all of God's creatures so thank you thank you and I'll I'll say a prayer thanks as well um to to everyone who's given me a chance um who was able to see past some of the media stuff out there and um understand that I've gone through a personal transformation as well to arrive to this moment um your grace as a community has been overwhelming and um kindness uh and then everyone 's courage for giving also politics another chance for everyone that's given up on politics it's uh you know we're all taking a step out there and and re Wendy thank you for this oh yeah it's my really my joy my honor truly and I'll just uh I'll say a a a quick I'll close it out with u my the way that that I hold space and so I just invite you to close your eyes and bring your awareness into your heart and that's my dog who is who's going to join us in prayer because he wants to eat my heart is just overflowing with gratitude and thankfulness for the opportunity to be here this day this moment with Nicole Shan an and Amarilis Kennedy how grateful I am for the way in which God shows up this generating organizing divine presence that is called by so many names in so many different languages and answers to them all so I I honor in the name of all that is Holy I bless Nicole I bless her for her willingness I bless her for her yes I bless her for her motherhood for her Womanhood I bless her for her Sisterhood I bless her As She Goes Forth as a representative taking on the mantle of Vice President answering the call on her soul to be this representative in this way to bring heart and Consciousness into politics I bless her beloved Jacob I bless her daughter Ekko I bless each and every experience that she has with every single person with whom she interacts I bless her business and I bless her business of living I bless her mom I bless her siblings I bless every single aspect of her life just calling forth peace and peace of mind calling forth Beauty and love and wisdom and generosity I call forth the absolute surrounding of Nicole and her family knowing she is divinely guided LED protected directed sustained maintained by this infinite love intelligence that so loved itself that it recreated itself and calls itself by her name so I know that Nicole walks in the direction of her Bliss that she is guided from on high absolutely held in the Embrace of this divine presence and as I know this for Nicole I know this for Bobby that right where Bob lby is God is good is peace is love is that is he continues to walk this walk as they both continue to walk this walk toward being sworn in toward the Oval Office toward terms of presidency and vice presidency that Bobby is also held in the Embrace of this divine presence that he too is divinely guided guarded protected directed sustained and maintained by God by this presence and that as each and both of them Nicole and Bobby walk forward through all of their rallies and independent things and all of the things all of the details that they handle in their personal lives and professional lives and political lives that there is a Synergy there's a seamlessness to all that they do and that they that they dwell in the secret sacred place of the most high good the most high God the most high love that whether or not secret services available sacred services available and they are held so I I bless Gavin de Becker and for all the service that he provides I bless Cheryl I bless all of their families I bless the team every single detail and aspect that this team handles is just absolutely precise and beautiful and wondrous and held held so high there is a frequency of love I and life so I know that and vice pres and beautiful and every person that is here today and person that shows up donate to volunteer I know that in great grand and glorious through this Camp And It Goes Forth is made manifest and knowing that this is so I allow that to be saying and so it is amen [Music] amen thank you thank you thank you for being here

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