in our last episode of History Hunters we explored the town of Genoa Nevada which was founded in 1851 now we're off to explore the graves of those who help build the town and gained Regional notoriety so we've made our way to the Genoa Cemetery there's a couple of famous people that are buried here including Snowshoe Thompson he was the famous Norwegian who would run Mill back and forth between Placerville and Virginia City way back and there's also a number of people that were very important to the history of chanoa Nevada here the first thing that you're greeted by is this stone monument and a smaller piece of what I think might be World War I artillery as well as the flag pole so this is one of the graves I was helping to find it's the 1901 grave of William cradle ball the marker indicates he served in the Mexican War of 1846 and you can see was a member of the Ohio infantry Mr cradle ball was known as the guy who made this elaborate water wheel not too far from here and it was said that George Ferris saw that idea and he created the ferris wheel based on cradle B's invention George Ferris came to Carson Valley when he was about five and he was later educ UC at in Oakland and New York City and became a civil engineer he started out Building Bridges but he remembered cradle balls wheel on a creek near here and he decided to build Ferris wheel after it for the 1893 world's Colombian Exposition in Chicago it cost $400,000 and it was a smashing success so you might say that cradle ball was the co-inventor of the ferris wheel but I guess feris wheel sounds better than saying hey let's go get on the Cradle ball wheel it's been till depart she aced 79 years aged aged that's a looks like a sea my story sounds better she aced 79 years that doesn't look like a g they made it wrong no oh it is a g but look look the C is different you still think she aced it she must have aced it she got it 79 years and when she died in 1881 so living 79 years back then was a long time wasn't it yeah so she aced it I don't even think it's a a dog buried here it's not a dog it's usually it would be the man's best friend that's mourning haven't you ever seen those there's like a the dog owner will die and then they'll go and they'll sleep on their grave or stay on their grave this is a very interesting grave a hat but it looks like a little girl hat yeah yeah well she was 12 years old K Rand Katy Rolland you got the little KY Rin Smith girl boots and the little girl hat that is really unique sometimes it's neat to see creative headstones and gravestones that really show a lot of creativity there's the grave of Ezra Jarvis he was the company D of The 100 42nd New York infantry he's said to be the only civil war grave here there's a pig on that grave if not for this Ed Stone we probably wouldn't know anything about Frederick frit who was born in Germany in 1810 and died in Markleeville in Alpine County in 1876 when we found nothing about him elsewhere here's an interesting grave it's that of Bill zern and were looking at his cause of death it said that the stone etched only with his first name is actually from the mine caveen that killed him he was a minor who was attempting to remove this rock at the entrance of his mine and it fell and it crushed him to death a friend tried to help him but it was in vain it looks like it's quartz rock and over here you can see the drill marks into the stone which was a way of cutting into it to break it Loose we found on the grave of Thomas B audin he died September 16th 1888 at the age of 62 he isn't pretty interesting past he was a native of St Joseph Missouri and after he came out west he built a was station at Echo Summit just south of Lake Tahoe in 1860 and when he heard that Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated in 1865 he had remarked something like hooray they've killed Lincoln the dirty blank should have been shot long ago well that did not sit well with the Union supporters in town so they threatened to kill him but they had a better idea I guess they burned his way station down and told them if you ever came back that they'd hang him from the highest tree look at how that stone has been cut from the larger block interesting thing is that there's a lake near Eko Summit that is named after Thomas audrin we found the 1875 grave of David Wall-E if David Wall's Hot Springs rings the bell it's because there's a resort in Genoa we just passed by it a little while ago it was founded in 1862 he and his wife haret built a resort there at the natural hot springs and it cost him $100,000 and attracted such famous people as Mark Twain I've read [Music] and this plot by members of the dangberg family this is ha dangberg who died in 1884 his wife Han died in 1913 at age 79 I couldn't find any information on ha dangberg but he could be the brother of Henry dangberg of local dangberg Ranch Fame as an interesting note Henry dangberg married Margaret Ferris the sister of Ferris wheel inventor George Ferris but both Henry and Margaret are buried in Carson City we're trying to find the grave of snower Thompson who was buried here somewhere this is the grave of Edgar Simone he was a deputy sheriff here and I understand that he died at the age of 30 years old of a pentis so he lived a very short life so we did find the grave of Snowshoe Thompson the grave is plainly marked here and he's buried right over here within this plot in memory of John A Thompson I understand that's a misspelled name native of Norway departed this life May 15th 1876 aged 49 years 16 days gone but not forgotten this marker reads as a tribute to a great compatriot from telemar this plaque was presented by the Norwegian Olympic ski team competing at Valley in February 1960 and the second plaque reads dedicated to John a snowshoe Thompson born April 30th 1827 in 10 now atra telmark Norway died May 15th 1876 near woodford's California a man made Immortal for his unbelievable TRS through the most severe storms of this era to bring the mail to pioneers of Western Nevada he was never paid for this Hazard service wow that's hard to believe and back here is another marker it talks about how on homemade snowshoes he carried mail and supplies over the snowy sieras for 20 winners as he traveled he saved the lives of seven people who were snowbound in Mountain Cabins in 1866 after this tall Norwegian became an American citizen he homesteaded on a 160 acre ranch in Diamond Valley respected by all who knew him John was elected to the Alpine County Board of Supervisors he was baptized into the Christian faith and it mentions that he was a part of two Wisconsin churches before he made it out to Nevada and California though he found no gold he became legendary as the mailman of the sieras who brought skiing to the West in the middle is the son of Snowshoe Thompson Arthur who was just 11 years old when he died two years after his daddy 1878 and over here is Agnes's grave and understand she remarried a man named John scosa and he too is buried in the cemetery and there you see a set of skis similar to the ones worn by John ited right out to his grave marker back in 1876 I've heard about snow Sho Thompson for many years and when I found out that he was buried here in Genoa I just had to get over here and take a look at his grave even though John Thompson was a manly man a man of great strength and physical endurance it was a simple case of appendicitis that took him out in 1876 the community really mourned over his loss because he was such a wonderful human being and he really lived out as Christian faith saving the lives of seven people in their snowbound cabins wow I got to show you something actually five somethings hopefully when I turn around they're still there come around here right at the trees oh see there's three lay down to your right under that tree okay and then there's two in the brush right there how close do you get to them oh wait there's six now I don't I try not to look at them and I don't get too close cuz they'll go away there's six of them now see them they're all just hanging out see if they can take off I don't want to make them run what if we walk close don't walk close you don't need to Henry Van Sickle he live from 1822 to 18 1994 he owned the Van Sickle station approximately 2 and 1 half miles south of Genoa he was born in New Jersey he followed his brother out here to Douglas County Nevada he arrived in Carson Valley in 1852 and he took up a claim in 1855 his claim to fame around here was the fact that he shot and killed a really bad guy by the name of Sam Brown who was also buried in the cemetery in an unmarked grave I understand Ben sickle just had enough of this bad guy and he decided he was going to chase him down and kill him and he did Ben sickle kind of became a local folk hero because Sam Brown was such a jerk terrorized the entire community that it kind of reminds me of the story of Aurora Nevada and William Carter how he was killed it was reported in the newspaper that the double barreled blast at Brown on July 6th 1861 blew everything off Brown's head just above his eyes two days later a Corner's inquest determined that brown had come to his death from a dispensation from an all-wise Providence on our return trip to the cemetery the next morning we saw a young man named Jonathan who was caring for the vanle graves he was a descendant of Old Henry and said that the tree at the site was an offsho of a tree planted by Henry himself I can't say for sure but this block of stone here could possibly have been a stone that was here in place so the people could stuff off their buggies way back you'll see these Stones occasionally so that people could instead of making that long drop down to the ground from their buggy they would just step on a stone like this so we found the grave of Daniel Webster virgin he was a judge here in Genoa he was also a judge in Sacramento he died at the age of 92 this is his grave over here DW virgin born in 1835 and died in 1928 marry his wife over here died December 1st 1918 she's buried right here I wonder if she was a victim of the Spanish Flu their daughter lilan is the one who invented the famous Candy dance over here in Genoa the pink house that's in Genoa is the site where the Candy dance originated that tradition is going on even to this day a very cool grave marker there with the planet like orb on top of it understand that those fears actually represent eternal life or a soul awaiting res Resurrection look at the fencing that uh we always admire in these old cemeteries placed there a long time ago still here John James oppent England 1827 died in 1895 so amid even the historic Graves here is this very unusual little picture of euse Valley for Alfred Weir fairly recent grave but uh you see on top there it looks like some mountains chiseled out there you can see somebody Valley right over there is a wooden Angel this wooden Angel is standing guard at the grave of Gera kova who died in 2005 she was born in Austria and both of her parents were killed during World War II looks like this grave of William Carter 1888 did not fair very well split right in the middle it's not the same William Carter as in Aurora Nevada c a r d e r I found the grave of William D Gray lived from 1828 to 1910 and that of his wife Annie I understand he was a blacksmith here in Genoa early resident I read that his blacksmith shop was located right about where the restrooms of the Mormon station are today I wonder how he'd feel about that here's the grave of ruus Adams he was 22 when he and his family headed by their father Elias made the track across the Great Plain to the Salt Lake Valley in Utah and then they headed out here to Nevada Rufus actually went over to the Sierra Nevada but he eventually settled here in the Carson Valley his brother was John Quincy Adams who would later settle in the Genoa Valley with his family and Rufus during the 1860s and 1870s the Adams brothers owned 400 Acres at Genoa and built a second home there the Adams boy used clay from their Genoa Farm to manufacture bricks that used in the US Mint in Carson City as well as the state capital I want to thank you so much for joining us on this episode of History Hunters where we explored the Genoa Cemetery dating back to the 1850s we'd always love to have a comment and also a like and if you could subscribe to our Channel you would always catch the latest episodes where we feature history throughout the United States thanks so much oh [Music]