Jordan Richards vs Darlington | Reaction | Vanarama National League North

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:04:05 Category: Sports

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[Applause] yes so Jordan go draw today most importantly how do you feel as a player especially from the result 48 hours ago going into today I think obviously everyone was disappointed from Saturday's result um we needed to give some some kind of reaction um we would have liked to have gone and got three points today and took three points over the bank all day weekend but we've come away with clean sheet and and a point um against you know not a bad side Darlington it's you know we didn't expect to just get the three points um I think it was a massive improvement from Saturday um like I say unfortunately we could get all three but it is a reaction that was needed and a more positive result like you said there it was more of a positive bit more momentum going into even more during the season especially when sometimes it can be a little bit of a disappointment but it's how you develop that disappointment and then build that momentum once again and any sort of positive moment can help create and develop you even more as a character even as a player yeah exactly I think sometimes it sounds D but sometimes in football the loss isn't such a bad thing obviously we want to win every game but sometimes it does you know bring you back down to to reality a little bit and you you hold that feeling of what everyone had on Saturday of disappointment and you think right well we're we're going to put this right and not have that happen again and the group that we've got you know there's not many times in a season where you can go out um and say we were miles off it as such um you know nine times out of 10 we are bang at it as a as a squad and if you've got nine nine players 10 players pretty much at it every week you more more than often are not get positive results in this league now touching on a lmat moment for you 125 appearances for K and Ashton a proud moment for yourself and quite a few moments for yourself one thing that thinks the back of my head is your hatrick of assist against Bamber United last season the free kick against Warrington Town how have you felt from starting your C Aon career and how you've developed now yeah obviously it is a a proud moment to to reach any Milestone you know about 125 games I didn't actually know that till now but yeah I I love playing for for the club I I love the squad that we've got and I think it's gone from strength to to strength the club and the squad not just on the pitch I think off the pitch there's been massive improvements even just little things that you know they provide for for the team and I think on the pitch the squad that we've gradually built I think now this season is is better than ever to be completely honest and now looking forward into Saturday Rush all Olympic a difficult place to go to how do you feel going into that and is there any specific goals that you want going throughout this season um it is a tough place to go I mean everyone will say the same every game's a tough game but I remember there last year I think we nicked a very late winner Alex Kenyan if I if I'm right um it's it's a 4G pitch which I think you can ask majority of players they don't like to play on but there's no EX uses we've got to go there and if we go there and win um which we'll aim to do we're we're backing up you know an even a positive result today with an even better one and personally I I just want to keep playing I want to keep enjoying my football I want to keep racking Up Appearances for the club and if I can chip in with goals and assists or clean sheets or just anything I just want to enjoy and and you know give the best that I can for the team and and the club John thank for your time thank you [Applause]

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