Published: Sep 07, 2024 Duration: 01:38:53 Category: News & Politics

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[Applause] ah thank you very much everybody this is an honor what a crowd this is look where that Crowd Goes this is a big crowd a very special hello to Wisconsin we really appreciate it we've had great success here we've had tremendous success and I'm thrilled to be back in this incredible state with the thousands of proud hardworking American Patriots which is what you are and if you can believe it 59 days from now we are going to win Wisconsin we are going to defeat comrade Camala Harris and we are going to win the White House that gorgeous beautiful white house we're going to win it and we're to turn this country around because this country is a failing Nation right now it's a laughing stock all over the world over the past four years our country has seen the sickness and Corruption of the Washington swamp exposed like never before you've seen it you've been watching it you watch those millions and millions of people pour into our country we have no idea from where who they are we know nothing about them and I'll tell you many of them are bad many of them are among the worst in the world under the Harris Biden regime your government imported murderers child predators and serial rapists from all over the [Applause] planet while weaponizing law enforcement to jail political opponents here at home they do that and they think it's wonderful it's like third world country only they loot the economy they give trillions and trillions of dollars to their left-wing cronies while you pay the cost of rampant inflation which is what's happened rampant inflation bad energy policy and just pouring out money like it was water they run your country for their own power and profit while erasing your borders assaulting your freedom indoctrinating your children and selling your jobs to China Mexico and all of these other foreign lands but with your vote this election they're lying cheating thieving hoaxing and plotting will come to an end it's going to come to an end we're going to cast out the corrupt political class we're going to restore our Republic and we are going to drain the swamp and we're going to do it once and for all we're going to get it [Applause] [Applause] done thank you very much here are nine steps I'll take very quickly to break the grip of this Rogue regime this is the worst president and vice president in the history of our country there's never been anybody that's done the damage of these people you know I used to say and I haven't said in a while if you took the 10 worst Presidents in the history of the country and let's include vice president because she's worse than he is because she's actually a Believer he wasn't but if you took the 10 wor they haven't done the damage that this one Administration has done to our country first I will end forever the weaponization of government and the abuse of law enforcement against political opponents under comrade Camala Christians and pro-life activists are rotting in prison for the crime of praying in public how about the people that arresting because they were praying in public these people are sick people people like Steve Bannon and Peter Navaro good people were locked up for following the advice of their lawyers and as everyone knows the Harris Biden doj is trying to throw me in jail they want me in [Applause] jail for the crime of exposing their corruption we expose their corruption they go after the people that expose not the people that do the corruption the big news this week was that the Manhattan da Witch Hunt against me had has been postponed because everyone realizes that there's no case because I did nothing wrong did nothing wrong political witch on it's a political attack against Me by comrade Camala Harris and sleepy Joe and other radical left opponents for the purpose of election interference this is all it is my whole life I never had anything now all of a sudden I got so many cases who's who's inditing me today does anybody have any well sir you challenged the election we think you should be under indictment we challenged the corrupt election we were right about that and it's a case that should never have been brought and they postponed it and nothing like this has ever happened in the United States before it's strictly third world Banana Republic stuff that's what it is but importantly the public understands this that's why we have such a crowd today this is a big crowd you know you know they were uh trying to say that she gets big CR number one she doesn't number two she buses the people in you see the buses all there's nobody bus in I'm sorry to tell you we bust in nobody we have some people from North Carolina I think it's number what is it those beautiful ladies from North Carolina are here again without their husbands never have their husbands those poor husbands this is what is this 2249 or something 249 and we love them and we're doing well in North Carolina we left yesterday we just got the endorsement of the biggest police group in the country and at 300 38,000 police I said how many police does our country have but it's 380,000 endorsed me yesterday in North Carolina your home state and I just want to thank them this is like number 250 and I never see their husbands they're all happily married but I never see their husbands so I don't know what the hell is going on they're beautiful and they're always perfectly quaffed that means they have money thank you very much thank you very much we appreciate it it's great and we always have front row Joe's over here look at these people whoa It's a lot of front row Joe's they've been here for four days thank you very much thank you the spirit we have is greater than ever before you know we did great in 2016 we did better in 2020 but you're not allowed to say that because if you say that they go after you we did better by millions and millions of votes but neither one of them compared to what's happening now we've never seen the enthusiasm and the the love that we have now this is uh really been incredible and if I didn't think we did well last time I wouldn't have done this because you know it's a little tough life it's not the easiest you get shot at other things happen happen other routine events happen but uh we're going to do it for one reason I wouldn't have changed as asked me just a little while ago a reporter said sir if you had to do it again would you do it again I said absolutely because we're going to make America great again and that's better than my life right these guys know he knows they know thank you thank you very much [Applause] us us what an incredible crowd what an incred nobody's ever had crowds like this nobody ever and the fake news knows it that's a lot of fake news back there that's a lot of fake news the public understands this and so does every legal scholar expert luminary including people like Andy McCarthy Jonathan Turley Alan dtz Mark lvin Steven calibrii David riffkin Greg Jarrett Katie and Andrew chowski Eli honik of CNN even knows it they really uh you know they've said very powerfully that this is a case that should have never been brought it's an embarrassment every legal scholar of note has said this stuff shouldn't be happening it's a weaponization of government I greatly appreciate the words if necessary they also said the decision will be postponed if necessary first of all there is no if necessary we did nothing wrong we're never going to let them do this somebody else wouldn't have taken it I was thinking how many people I was with some people in the plane and they said how many people would have taken this most of them would have left they would have said I'm getting out of this business but not me I don't know I don't know not [Music] me we're up against very bad evil people it's an evil force you know we have people on the outside and we have people on the inside you have people you know countries China Russia Kim Jong-un we have lots of people they're tough and they're smart and by the way a lot smarter than what we have now we have we have a bunch of dumb people we have the dumbest leaders in the history of our country and the history of the world but you know what they look at us and they say uh what the hell is going on did you see three days ago it started again the justice department said Russia may be involved in our elections again you see that Mr Congressman great congressman from Texas you see that Russia it's Russia and you know the whole world left out of this time two and a half years not a phone call made to Russia not anything to do with Russia except stopping their Pipeline and lots of other things that these people approved and they said just the other day the Attorney General uh we are looking at Russia and I said oh no it's Russia Russia Russia all over again but they don't look at China and they don't look at Iran they look at Russia I don't know what it is with poor Russia that's very but that you know what Russia would have never happened if I were president president attacking Ukraine would have never happened I knew Putin I knew him well and you know he endorsed I don't know if you saw the other day he endorsed Camala he endorsed Camala I was very uh offended by that I wonder why he endorsed Cala no he's a chess player he endorsed Camala should I be Congressman should I be uh upset about that no huh was it done with a smile was it done with a smile I think it was done maybe with a smile I don't know who the hell knows nobody's going to figure it out they're about 19 steps ahead of us but this whole Russia thing nobody was tougher on Russia in history than Trump and the person that knows that better than anyone is President Vladimir Putin he knows it better than anyone and I'll tell you what I will have that war finished and done and settled before I get to the White White House as president-elect I will get that done we'll get it done it's a horrible horrible War and the deaths are far greater than you hear you don't hear what's happening over there they're being decimated you don't hear what's really happening over there we're going to get it done very quickly I know both of them I know zalinski and I know Putin I'm going to get it done very quickly do you ever notice I don't even think we try we just give billions and billions of dollars does anyone ever like talk to Russia about like get this thing finished nobody talks we don't have any communication nothing we're run by stupid people stupid stupid people and we found that out at the debate with Joe how did that work out and we're going to find it out again on Tuesday night is anybody going to be watching you know she's a threat to democracy they always say Donald Trump is a threat to democracy I'm not a threat I'm the opposite I'm going to I'm keeping democracy what they are she's a defund of police you know when somebody on the far left is in charge of defund the police for 12 years and then they switched you know three weeks ago or something oh we love our police they don't love the police they're radical left Marxist and that's what she is and she's got to be you could it's it's not even believable the whole thing is it's not believable defund the police no fracking no we're not going to Frack you go back couple of years we will never Frack there will be no fracking in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania will never frack and now you say oh yes uh we will Frack the whole thing is a con job she got in she was last they had 22 people or something running how Biden won I will never know to me it's one of the greatest miracles to me it's a great miracle but how the hell that guy won but he won and he got in this one he got 14 million votes she got no votes and then they put her in anyway the bosses put her in because she's controlled by them but she will be the worst president he is the worst president in history she will be worse than him she will be worse than him and Trump is never wrong I am never ever wrong but just to finish off on the uh weaponization you know uh probably most of the people have heard just yesterday the top spokesman one of the top people in the US attorney's office in Manhattan that's a very respected southern district very very highly respected Was Heard saying and was quoted exactly quote honestly I think this case is nonsense now this is the boss of the whole thing every real real estate person in New York does what Trump did nobody's ever been charged with this before it's a perversion of Justice he said that the DA's office was quote stacking charges against Trump and rearranging things just to make them fit the case think it is this is the boss I don't know why they don't do something they ought to drop it they shouldn't delay it they should drop it drop all of it drop all of it I've been indicted more than alons Capone I say it all the time he's sort of the ultimate you know he's the ultimate criminal I got indicted more than him my parents are up there they're great people they're looking down on me right now I can't believe this has happened to my son he's been indicted more than Al Capone he would take that tough man sitting right in the front row stand up look at him he's tough as hell he would take him out to dinner if he didn't like him you were gone you would never be found again you'd be in the foundation of a building you you would form the foundation of a building someplace in Wisconsin now alons Capone led a very vicious violent life but according to the statistics I am a much worse person than alons Capone I don't think so but he also said this gentleman said in New York justice system is quote like the wild west they're like idiots they don't care they're all political and he said that the persecution in Georgia by fonnie Willis you know about fonnie Willis right has anybody fonny it's pronounced f f a n i that's Fanny but she likes it fny when she became the whatever she became da she became the da she said my name is fonnie fonnie wellis and her boyfriend right Wade lover boy Wade remember remember lover boy we hired him we gave him almost a million dollars because of his tremendous Talent at this particular section of the law he never never even heard of it he was never involved in it she gave him a million dollars and she's got no problem I don't know maybe she does have problems but it's a persecution of very good people forget me I don't care about me I care about like 20s something people and she wanted to take down Senators because a couple of senators called said what the hell is going on over there what's happening in Georgia What's going they they wanted to indict Senators to find out what the hell is going on great innocent people great Patriots have been indicted by fawny and her boyfriend and it's a disgrace you had people that are in their 80s would you sign here you know Thomas Jefferson did the same kind of things Alexander Hamilton lots of people all throughout the ages Hillary Clinton wouldn't acknowledge the election all of these Senators like Shifty Schiff can you imagine Shifty Adam shiff all of them they disputed the 2016 election it's okay for them to do it but if we do it it's a serious serious crime these people are sick we got to get them the hell out of there we have to win this election have to win this election right he knows that guy knows that guy knows and he said just in ending this that the person I just so good I have to say the whole thing because it's so good I mean this is the one of the top people in Justice in the country and the boss and he said the persecution in Georgia by fonny Willis is a mockery of Justice it's a joke the whole thing is disgusting they're just out to get him meaning Trump they're just out to get me I think that's true I don't think that's true I know that's true but they couldn't have picked a worse Target because it's made me more popular can you believe me I think I'm the only person in the history of government that got indicted and my poll numbers went up you know why because you know that it's fake it's corrupt just like Russia Russia Russia was corrupt just like their job numbers last week were corrupt did you see they added 88,000 fake jobs on to try and make their numbers look better and they got caught by a whistleblower thank you whistleblower thank you very much that's incredible right that's incredible 818 JBS and they were going to announce it chis you know usually you cheat for 5,000 6,000 them they cheat they cheat for 5,000 6,000 I've heard never has anybody seen 88,000 and they were going to announce a correction right after the election but fortunately a whistleblower came in and leaked it out and uh that was a great thing and should be if that were a republican instead of a Democrat they'd be out of office now for what they did that was a fraud 88,000 job that's a fraud if comrade Camala Harris gets four more years you will be living a full-blown Banana Republic ruled by an anarchy and a tyranny you're going to have something and it's not her it's the people that's around her they're scum they're scum and they want to take down our country they are absolute garbage they want to take hey how about the j6 committee so the j6 committee of political Thugs and losers gets together together and they investigate j6 for years destroyed the lives of many people and now it was revealed fairly recently that they destroyed and deleted all documents all evidence all proof they don't have anything you know why because a lot of it pointed to Nancy Pelosi it was her fault because she's supposed to be in charge of security and she turned down thousands of soldiers when guard she turned them down and it was so obvious and all of the stories many of those stories were fake stories they were all made up and we caught them because the Secret Service frankly said that stuff wasn't true they deleted and destroyed documents now I think that's a criminal act isn't it a criminal act what the hell happened when is something going to happen how come it always happens to a republican but doesn't happen to them they deleted and destroyed every ounce of documents and evidence that they did over a year and a half because it came out badly for them and they should pay a big price for that they should pay a big price the moment we win we will rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner unjustly victimized by the Harris regime and I will sign their pardons on day one I will sign it on day one right they won we will completely overhaul kamala's corrupt Department of Injustice and turn the Injustice Department back into the best law enforcement agency on the planet instead of persecuting Republicans they will focus on taking down bloodthirsty cartels transnational gangs and radical Islamic terrorists which words they won't even say they won't even say any of those words second I will bring back free speech in America because it's been taken away they've taken away your free speech and the fake news is a threat is a threat to to this country they are just horrible these are horrible people not everyone I mean I know most of them up there some are good hello Brian know some are good and most of them are just absolutely terrible human beings they know what's going on you know what they'll write today look at this crowd it goes from corner to corner it's a I flew over it I said that's a lot of people down there and you know what they'll say today or tomorrow when they write Donald Trump spoke today at Wisconsin before a small crowd of people small a small gathering a small gathering of people they are just so bad I don't know it's uh you know it's really hard to turn it back around unless they used to be like the police force that write the truth but they're no longer the police force they're the police force for opposite they're a police force for bad they're bad they're bad people and they're very dishonest and a lot of people don't understand when you're a politician like these people like me like others and you happen to be a Republican or somewhat conservative uh they write just the opposite of what the facts are and if you're driving a cab if you're an accountant if you're a lawyer if you're something you know other than that you don't know the details when we know the facts and then the story gets written the exact opposite of what it is you start to lose faith in the Press I will tell you but I will sign an executive order Banning any federal employee from Kuda to limit speech and we will fire every Federal bureaucrat who is engaged in domestic censorship under the Harris regime we will do that and third is I will expel warmongers we have these people they want to go to war all the time you know why missiles are $2 million a piece that's why they love to drop missiles all over the place you know I had no Wars you remember crooked Hillary used to say look at him look at him he's going to cause Wars no know my personality stopped Wars she said look at his personality he's going to cause Wars my personality stopped Wars we had no Wars other than I finished Wars that they couldn't finish I defeated 100% of the Isis caliphate Etc and did it quickly we did it in four weeks it took them they said it was going to take 5 years we did it in four weeks we have the greatest military I got to tell you they're not woke don't worry about when you hear they're woke uh guys like Millie and somebody these guys that were on the top he's gone now which is a great thing he's the one that said leave all the equipment in Afghanistan it's cheaper he told me that too that's when I didn't listen to him anymore he said it's cheaper to leave an airplane that cost $150 million brand new than it is to fly it out with the tank of fuel jet fuel uh it's cheaper to leave it behind I said this guy is really bad he's really bad you know it's amazing though not one person from that horrible tragedy of Afghanistan not one general not one leader in any way got fired not one person B you know Biden never fired anybody CU they have the goods on them so I fired people like crazy I love to fire people I love to fire people that didn't do their job I fired a lot of people that didn't do I fire them you didn't do your job I'm sorry say hello to your family you're fired get out we got to get some I will expel the war mongers from our National Security State and carry out a much needed clean up of the military industrial complex to stop the war profiteering and to put always America first we put America First and we're going to end these endless Wars endless Wars they never St you ever see these War they're going for 14 years 20 years they're fighting Isis for 21 years these people are something we knocked them out in two months month one month actually we had a good General there General rais Kane General raisin Kane we have great generals we have great leaders we have great military and they're not going woke you could put them in a room for two years and scream woke crap to them and they'd walk out and they wouldn't be they wouldn't be changed they're not going woke don't worry about our military fourth to Cil the power of federal bureaucrats and save your thousands of dollars we will cut 10 old regulations for every one new [Music] regulation and at the suggestion of a great guy Elon Musk has anyone ever heard of him huh no Elon oh there's a rocket oh there look a Rocket's flying it's Elon now he's very good at what he does he's going to have to save them they have two people up there Boeing had a little I shouldn't say there's a beautiful Boeing plane there but Boeing uh had a little hard time as you heard so they're going to save Leon's going to send up a ET he looks forward to it that's all he thinks about is things like that I said Elon what's taking so long let's get going but he you watch he'll get that problem solved what a terrible problem it's embarrassing that's what's happening with our country everything's embarrassing you know we don't win anymore we don't win anymore we used to win all the time we won with me we won everything with me we won everything remember I came to office and they told me they greeted me with the following statement sir we we have no ammunition I said wait a minute we have no ammunition no sir we've given it all away to our allies allies by the way they're allies but not when we need them they're only allies when they need something if we were ever attacked none of these countries or very few of them that we talk about all the time none of them would come uh we were just attacked by such and such a country listen we need your help they wouldn't take your phone call but we give away billions and billions of dollars now I was greeted with a statement that sir we have no ammunition and I built and rebuilt the greatest military in the world and the first thing I did was ammunition I got ammunition from everywhere as fast as you could and I said to him Mr Congressman what the hell are you saying we have no ammunition even if it's true you don't talk about it can you imagine president she thank goodness he was in a good mood he's listening that we have no ammunition do you think he likes that sound that's a beautiful sound to him I said why would you say it okay medic please doctor thank you thank you very much take your time thank you Doctor we get the greatest service here it's amazing the way they they just are right on it amazing and some people are out here for 3 days three days so it's really incredible that things like this don't happen more often actually but they always turn out to be good they're excited they're excited by what we're doing because we're taking our country back from these lunatics take your time doctor love you thank you very much thank you thank you very much [Music] thank you all very much thank [Music] you I I don't want to say too many thank yous because you saw Camala at the convention when she got up thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank thank you thank you thank thank thank thank thank thank you thank I said what's wrong with her what the so I don't want to say too much is that right H I just I got just every once in a while I'll say thank you and I mean it thank you but my thank you is Meaningful I will tell you TR thank you very much thank you very everything good everything good everything everybody happy we have a good strong person back there is getting up yes okay you tell me when you tell me when you in the red shirt with those big muscles in your arms those big beautiful beautiful person let me go should we go you tell me when get far back these are the greatest people that will do this because they love the country is that okay is that what the okay sign is she's okay say a prayer yeah say a prayer we need more prayers in this nation I can tell you right now that's the other they want to shut down your religion and they've done a pretty good job of it to be honest with you thank you Doctor good doctors in these crowds we have a lot of doctors in these crowds there's always plenty of doctors they're good ones too you know in Butler two of the doctors they saved two people's lives that they thought were gone and we had Corey the great firefighter Corey and he was gone but the doctor saved the other two and they thought they were gone they were amazing amazing doctors [Applause] [Applause] am [Music] take your time doctor we have time right right we have time that's right we're getting a good sign I think is that a good sign we're getting a lot of good signs that's great good got some good news back there Ron huh good job I watch your speech today beautiful thank you [Applause] yes good thank you very much thank you and just make some room for them so they can get out and hopefully come back before we finish because we can stay here all day as far as I'm concerned we'll stay here all day thank you very much doctors thank you very much we appreciate it anything happens let us know but at the suggestion of Elon Musk I will create a government efficiency Comm mission to conduct a complete financial and performance audit for the entire federal government and we will cut the fat out of our government for the first time meaningfully in 60 years we're going to cut the fat there is so much fat you won't even know it's gone fifth we will drain the government education swamp and stop the abuse of your taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America's youth with all sorts of things that you don't want to have our youth hearing ultimately we'll limit and you know what we're doing here I've say it all the time I'm dying to get back to do this we will ultimately eliminate the Federal Department of Education and send education back to Wisconsin and back to the States they'll send it back to the States so that Ron Johnson can run it okay we'll send it back here Mr Tiffany we'll get our Congressman Tiffany involved he was he made a good speech too we're at the bottom of every single list in education you know that we're at the bottom of every single list and yet we're number one in terms of cost per pupil so you know the expression I used once twice three times before and it was very effective actually what the hell do we have to lose right we'll send our educ back to the States and you know some states will do a fantastic job some won't and it's the same ones that are laggards right now I don't want to name them because why would we want to embarrass Gavin nsam and some of these people Gavin nsam why would we want to embarrass him but that's by the way speaking of California she destroyed as you know Camala destroyed the greatest city in America San Francisco she destroyed it totally destroyed it then she became attorney general the the state she destroyed the state of California now she's running for president we're not going to let that happen six we will not tolerate so-called Equity policies that punish Americans based on race or agenda America will return to the Merit principle which has just been approved by the Supreme Court of the United States you work hard and you will be very successful we're back to the Merit the Merit system nobody thought that was ever even possible we need Merit there's so many people that are left out in the cold and that's not going to happen anymore you work hard you work diligently you go to school you do what you have to do but it's based on Merit again you haven't heard that in many many years and seventh working with Robert F Kennedy Junior you know you know Bobby RFK Jr that was a meaningful endorsement that was a great endorsement we'll take on the corruption at the FDA the CDC World Health Organization and other institutions of Public Health that have dominated and really are dominated by corporate power and dominated really by China you know the World Health Organization they called Co totally wrong and I looked into it we were paying them $500 million a year China was paying them for 1.4 billion we have we don't really know what we have because so many people have come into our country we have no idea what we have but let's let's assume we have 350 million including 20 or 25 million criminal migrants in many cases criminals we have the worst some of the worst people in the world coming into our country some of the worst criminals in the world are coming into our country but we have 350 million people let's say they have 1.4 billion they pay 39 million we pay 500 million do you think that's a good deal so I pulled out of it and they came to me and they wanted me to go back in they wanted us to go back in and I kept saying no no no I don't want to do it and it became actually a very popular thing I don't I hate to say this but politically it was it like people really liked it because they knew how we were abused by them it's run by China it's not run by us it's run we pay 500 and it's run by China who pays 39 million so they wanted to come back and I said well how come China is paying 39 million they have 1.4 billion people and we're paying for a much smaller number of people we're paying 500 we will make the same deal as we made with China well I said that would mean we'd be paying about 8 million right they said no we will make the same we'll let you come in for 39 million and you know what I turned them down not for that I turned them down for other reasons and because they weren't good and they were dominated by China but Biden came in this stupid person came in and he approved $590 million now he knew what was going on he knew that well he probably didn't teach really do you think he know I don't think he know do you think somebody said sir we can do it for 39 you know it's not the biggest number when you're talking trillions all the time but it's indicative of stupidity and she's worse than him he is a smarter person than she is oh they're waiting for the debate you know if I destroy her in the debate they'll say Trump suffered a humiliating defeat tonight no matter what although they did you know with Biden one of the CNN people said that about my they said the Donald Trump performance tonight was the single greatest debate performance I've ever seen two days later two days later all they did is talk about how bad he was they didn't talk about me they didn't talk about me anymore but uh no it's uh it's a crooked system but we're going to make it a very legitimate system again we can do that and I think we could do it pretty easily with people like you have over here I think we can actually do it pretty easily we will establish a panel of top experts to investigate what is causing the decades long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases including the autoimmune disorders autism obesity infertility and much more and Bobby's going to be very much involved in that we're going to get him involved because that's that's what he likes that's what he's great at isn't it great to have a Kennedy with us isn't that nice and this is really I mean I don't want to disrespect the rest of the family but this has been the dominant Kennedy for the last 25 years you know we have a he's a great guy I've known him a long time he's a great guy and he really wants what's good for the country and to have his endorsement is a very important thing and tulsey endorsed us too almost simultaneously and we love tulsey she's been fantastic she's a woman of great Common Sense actually I've watched her for a long time she has great common sense I will ask Congress to pass sweeping reforms to prevent foreign influence pedling bribery and corruption like we have seen with a certain family in the United States the Biden crime family that's the family what the hell is happening with that family R what's going on with that family you know the night he spoke at the convention uh Congress found out that he stole $27 million nothing happened nothing happens with these people he stole 20 $7 million and he was speaking at the convention they was saying what a wonderful president he was the worst ever in history you know uh he made a state of the union speech the last one it was so bad and I turned to CNN and msdnc I wanted to see how bad they'd report on it because you know they it had to be bad and I turned and one of them said not since Franklin delanor Roosevelt has a speech been made so brilliantly or Del delivered so well he was coughing in his hand all the time he's coughing then he walks out and shakes everybody's hand some people actually didn't want they went hello sir hello sir it's wonderful to have you up there sir so can you imagine you know Franklin Roosevelt was a great speaker in a certain way very elegant person came from a very elegant neighborhood so to speak very very uh rich and entitled but different from these people you have today but very uh beautiful speaker and they compared him to Franklin not since Franklin Roosevelt Franklin delanor Roosevelt has anybody made a state of the union like that and I said this is really terrible this is really terrible and finally I will support modifying the 25th Amendment to make clear that if a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the president of the United States if you do that with a cover up of the president of the United States its grounds for impeachment immediately and removal from office because that's what they did that's what they did you know think of it if he didn't go to that debate he'd still be running' still be running to every citizen who's sick and tired of the parasitic political class in Washington that sucks our country of its blood and treasure November 5th will be your Liberation Day November 5th this year will be the most important day in the history of our country because we're not going to have a country anymore if we don't win it will be the most important day in the history of our country you know I used to say that about 2016 because the Border was bad but the Border was bad it was like 5% of what's going on now it was fine and I fixed it very quickly and and then I couldn't talk about it I kept saying I want to talk for the next election well we got millions more votes I couldn't talk about it they said sir people don't want to hear about the Border it's in great shape you fixed it I said I want to talk about the BHA they said sir I'm telling you nobody cares and it's true I used to talk about the Border they didn't care because I fixed it but this border is so much worse this border is at a level that there's never been a border in the history of the world that's been where 20 or 25 million people have poured in and nobody has any idea where they're coming from here in Wisconsin you also need to defeat a radical left Senator named Tammy Baldwin who's bad [Applause] news Baldwin voted with Biden Almost 100% of the time giving you open borders horrific inflation the Afghanistan disaster that's the most embarrassing day I think in the history of our country right he's nodding I agree and everything else all of these problems that we have all of the the open borders and the people pouring in you know all of it like the energy we can solve quickly the everything we can solve but we have to do something we have millions of people coming I mean they they've poured in they're here they're here you know the Border has been a little bit tougher lately because there's an election that's the only reason so the numbers are a little bit better than they were three months ago but that's only for purposes of the fact is these people these 20 25 million people are already in our country what they've done to us it's suicidal it is suicidal what they've done to this country nothing like that is ever it's an invasion of our country but running against Tammy Baldwin is a true American Patriot he really is he's an incredible guy I don't know nothing nothing is easy you know you you beat these people that are in Washington for so long and many of them are no good but they are hard to beat they're hard to beat she's no good I I mean I was President for four years I I don't know I'm not even sure if I ever met her she doesn't do anything she just votes the party line and then she gets the Party Support she doesn't do anything for Wisconsin when I gave you the big boat contract I gave you the biggest boat contract in years and a lot of people didn't want it to go here they wanted it everybody wanted it I gave it she never called me she was the person she was the one person that should have been calling me she never called me I gave it to you for other reasons but we have somebody that's running number one he's Central Casting you have to say this guy is Central Casting and he's smart and he's tough and he's a hero and he's a success and he'll make an incredible senator for you and your wonderful people who I know so well in Wisconsin Eric Hy is great come on up Eric come on up thank you Mr President let's give president Trump a big Wisconsin hello you know all of us are here for one reason and it's the reason why this man is going through all that he gone through he's been put through hell attack after attack why I'm going through this why you're showing up here we love our country we love America and what the Democratic party has become today are a bunch of progressive socialists that are destroying our wonderful country they have turned our country upside down what was right has become wrong and what what was wrong has become right they're damaging our country economically under President Trump your wages increase 7.7% one of the highest growth rates ever under Joe Biden and kamla Harris they've declined by 2.2% because of all their inflation and Reckless spending under President Trump the Border was almost closed and he would have gotten the job done under them who knows how many people flooding our country with criminal elements and fentol killing our young people and then they push these crazy ideas like boys playing in girls Sports men going into women's bathrooms or transgendering our kids that's right now what they are experts at is lying Camala Harris and tamy Baldwin are expert Liars you know president Trump Tammy Baldwin runs ads acting like she worked with you and getting things done in this state I mean it's Priceless Camala Harris is now trying to steal your ideas no tax on tips they're trying to act like they are pushing a back against the invasion of our Southern border we're going to be tough on the border right where have you been they've pushed to defund the police they never stood with the police now they're trying to act like they're tough on law enforcement everything they've said has been a lie and on top of it they're corrupt they are corrupt Tammy Baldwin rails against Wall Street and yet she lives on Wall Street with her Wall Street executive partner and taking money hand over fist so that's what we're up again now folks as president Trump said we have 59 days this is the time we can't go another four years what they're going to put us through I'm going to tell every one of you you have to walk away from here today you have to grab every neighbor you know who's in the middle every family member that you know that's in the middle every friend you got to sit down you got to talk to them and you got to get them to come over to our side for president Trump and me to bring this country back so are you ready are you ready to fight for your country are you ready to save the American dream let's go get him thank you everyone [Applause] thank you thank you very much [Applause] Eric great speech Eric thank you very much that was great he'd be a great Senator he'll be with another great Senator a friend of mine for a long time Ron Johnson who here and made a wonderful speech thank you Ron Ron made a Wonder wonderful wonderful speech and you have uh a congressman from Texas that's here he's very special he's been with me from day one he would be with me even if I did a lousy job perhaps but he likes the job I've done he literally is camped out in Wisconsin his name is Troy Nells and he brought his brother I believe they're twins you certainly look like twins huh he's better looking than you actually but Troy is uh amazing his brother's Trevor and uh what Troy has done is incredible he's literally very popular in Texas he's a very powerful wonderful Congressman in Texas and he's come here and he's staying here and he's working so hard and I said what are you doing he says we got to get you elected if you win Wisconsin you're going to win the whole thing this is a big deal Wisconsin's a big deal so I remember that Troy I know it I've been hearing all about Troy's doing meetings and speeches and everything and and you know it's uh amazing he's back in Texas they love him even more for what you're doing because they know exactly we're doing very nicely in Texas to put it mildly we're winning by about 16 points or something but uh this is a big one so thank you very much I appreciate you both very much thank you and uh a man who I watched his speech he did a very very good job Tom Tiffany where's Tom Tom great job great speech thank you I watched it from the plane Tom great thank you very popular guy very good guy very great Congressman Wisconsin GOP chairman Brian where is Brian Brian shiming Brian thank you very much he's doing are we winning Brian I think so right you've been fantastic thank you Brian right from day one Door County GOP chair Stephanie susek Stephanie thank you thank you Stephanie great great job Pierce County GOP chair Stephanie poton thank you thank you Stephanie two Stephanies and Marathon County geopier where are you Kevin where are you Kevin thank you very much thank you very much Kevin also with us is famed country singer and she wrote some songs that have been topof the line and a winner of awards all over the place Gretchen Wilson where's Gretchen Gretchen thank you very much great job great job do you want to come up gret okay come up come up come up what the hell it's a Saturday we have all day right come on thank you thank you it's a great honor thank you yes hello again Wisconsin [Applause] my name again is Gretchen Wilson I'm a midwesterner I come from a very small town in Southern Illinois I grew up very much like Senator JD Vance I had to work hard and fight my way out of poverty just like many other Americans have done but this is what I was taught to do to earn my way since then I've done the impossible I am now a Grammy award-winning country music artist a producer a songwriter and most importantly a mom now back in the day my family were all Kennedy Democrats but that's when the Democrats were on the side of the people once I started paying attention to what was really going on I realized the Democratic party left us as a songwriter I pay close attention to words the words that are being used and the words that are not being used I urge all Americans to pay close attention to what you are hearing and not hearing from the media because the issues that are most important for our survival are what we're voting on I'm here today to entertain you but I'm also here today to show my support for the only team in this race that is telling you the truth my story isn't really that rare but the American dream that I have been fortunate enough to find will most certainly be lost forever if we do not show up and vote for freedom in November it is on us let's make sure we the people do all we can to save our country by voting for president Trump and JD Vance thank you very much for your time thank you gr thank you gretched great that's great thank you very much appreciate it gretchie as borders are Camala Harris l in over 20 million they're now saying the number could be 25 million illegal aliens from 168 different countries most people don't even know that you have that many countries coming from prisons and jails insane asylums and mental institutions and terrorists at a level that we've never seen before you know I told this a few times uh we were during the border patrol is fantastic and ice and our whole thing with the police officers they're all these are people that are brave and great and they really want to do their job but they came out with the border patrol a study on terrorism and they said in 2019 my year they said not one terrorist came into the country now I don't really believe that it can't be that good it can't be because now we have thousands coming in but the fact that they even say that and they didn't do it for me they just did a report they said not one terrorist 2019 check it out they said not one terrorists came into the country now we have thousands and thousands and thousands of terrorists pouring into our country at record levels and it's going to end very badly it's going to end very badly we got to get them the hell out of here we got to get them out of here fast what they've done in allowing maybe 25 million people into our country it should be illegal they're destroying it should be illegal maybe it is illegal they're destroying our country they're ruining our country in Aurora Colorado entire apartment complexes are being taken over by armed Venezuela gangs with weapons the likes of which even the military doesn't see they're terrorizing residents and Men they're just menacing the whole state but they are menacing that community and the people are petrified even the sheriff he's trying his best but he's got a small Force by comparison this is like a military force and they're vicious violent people by the way venz well at crime is down 72% crime is down all over the world because they're sending their criminals not just South America from all over the world they're sending their criminals they're sending people in jail for murder and drugs and everything else they're sending them into our country they're getting rid of them crimes down all over the world our crime is through the roof and you haven't seen the migrant crime yet it's started and it's vicious but you haven't seen the extent of it yet they're just getting settled in Colorado is a total mess with a governor that has no idea what to do he has no idea he's confused he's afraid of the migrants but he doesn't want to say it because that's a bad thing to say if you're a Democrat you know they put you right out of business he fears the policies of Kamala but doesn't want to lose his base or his job he's afraid to say anything about it Colorado began the threat to democracy against me where they tried to unconstitutionally remove me from the ballot I was the leading person in the whole country leading Everybody by a lot and they said let's remove him from the ballot and then they say I'm a threat to democracy think about that but Colorado was the one one that did it at the behest of the governor probably many people in Colorado were absolutely angry at it they didn't like it even Democrats and liberals they said that's terrible you can't re you can't do that Democrats did it the concept of taking the number one person in the Republican Party by far and taking them off the ballot so that the Republicans don't even have a ninee because this was very far down the line the case for me was one at the United States Supreme Court quickly and unanimously and the governor Jared apus had no idea what to do or say never apologized never did anything they are radicals headed up by a radical governor in Colorado that has no clue how to solve this influx of crime into his State and by the way Colorado is one state it's much worse in other states but in Colorado they've taken over I mean in Colorado they're so brazing they taken over sections of the state and you know getting them out will be a bloody story should have never been allowed to come into our country nobody checked them nobody checked were they criminals were they from jails we have them pouring out from jails we have the worst criminals in all of these countries 168 so far are registered 168 countries they're in our country and they said if you come back you will be executed you will be killed immediately not going to be easy but we'll do it but they have no clue how to solve their influx of crime in Colorado or anywhere else but far more importantly heading this Governor's way are numbers of bad people that nobody will ever believe that's just a little small group of people that are taking over these people are tough I always say they make our criminals look like nice people at the time it happened people said I would win Colorado Colorado's tradition not a Republican state but I was actually tied and leading in polls in Colorado because people were so incensed at what this governor and his cronies had done by trying to strip the Republican party of their candidate so if I don't win Colorado it will be taken over by migrants and the governor will be sent fleeing because the people of Colorado should really do something that would be a classic they should do a major protest vote in favor of trump to reject the threat to democracy that they caused by an attempt at ballot removal and Illinois is really the same thing and Maine another one I mean I don't understand you know I did very well in Maine but they did that the governors did that Illinois is one of the worst run states in the country headed by a governor JB pritsker whose family threw him out of the family business so he became Governor instead and his state is going to hell it's horrible what's happening so if you live in in Chicago and your state is going to hell vote for Donald Trump just vote we'll do a good job we'll clean it up we'll get rid of that horrible crime do you know in uh Labor Day weekend Chicago had 117 people shot 17 died this is worse than Afghanistan this is worse than any place it's a war zone other states should also vote for Trump and protest because their way of life has been changed in America protested go back to the Democrats in 4 years but you won't because we'll clean up this mess and you'll say we're never voting for a Democrat we like Trump and his friends migrants in crime are here in our country at levels never thought possible before never even thought possible You're Not Safe even sitting here to be honest with you I'm the only one that's going to get it done everybody saying that I'm starting to leave it myself but they're saying the only one that's going to get it done and I will tell you I going to get it done and so go out and do that protest if you're Maine if you if if you're in Illinois if you're in any state because you're being overrun by criminals you're being overrun by people they're not being checked they're not being vetted they're taking over our country they're forming armies in our country and Aurora is just one example of many locations other places are probably even in worse shape we just just haven't heard about him yet and a lot of Governors don't like talking about it like this guy polus he said no no don't talk about it we don't want the world to find out the world has found out the world has found out they have all the pictures they have all the the tape that you want I've never seen anything like it they walk in they throw people out of their Apartments they take over the whole building now they take over another building they're in the real estate business isn't that nice they were in jail two months ago now they're in the real estate business in Colorado just two days ago right here in small town Wisconsin what a beautiful place however a member of a Savage Venezuela gang was arrested for sexually assaulting a woman and attacking viciously a child he's charged with Suffocation child abuse sexual assault and many other things bad guy shouldn't be in the country came out of jail came out of jail in his country I will get these monster criminals out of Wisconsin I will get them out of our country we're going to get them out fast we're going to get them out fast very fast they'll soon be back on the streets and Jails of Caracus Venezuela and other places from where they came think of it though Venezuela crime is down 72% people are saying oh isn't it wonderful Venezuela in fact if they win we're never going to lose touch with each other if they win but we won't come here it'll be too dangerous we will have a meeting we will have a rally in Caracus Venezuela because it will be safe by comparison to Wisconsin okay so we'll all hop on a flight we'll go over to karacus Venezuela or one of hundreds of other countries that are safer than the us because our country is a very unsafe country now and we're really we're really subject to what these people want to do and these are violent people these are people that were criminals at the worst level in their cities all over the world 22 people out of the Congo in Africa it's not just South America people think it's Honduras and Guatemala El Salvador Mexico it's not it's countries all over the world they're coming in 22 people from the Congo in Africa where are you from from the Congo oh that's nice where where did you live uh jail oh what did you do it's none of your business that's what they told the people it's none of your business you can imagine what it is but from Africa from the Middle East from Europe from Asia they're coming in from everywhere they're getting rid of their criminals they're bringing them into the United States of America our beautiful country our now failing country it's a failing country under these lunatics and they br they're bringing them in at levels that nobody's ever seen before Ron Johnson sees it he sees it all the time to get sick over it but we're going to do something about it Ron we're going to get it done we have to we have no choice it's not like we have a choice not like we can say oh well we'll live with it you can't live with it because you're going to be killed you're going to these are killers but from all over the world you take a look at the crime statistics you take a look at the jail statistics the jails are being emptied out the mental institutions are being emptied out and insane asylums and then the Press when I say Dr Hannibal Lecter the Press says oh why did he mention that they're Wise Guys back there just Wise Guys they say he rambled and started talking about Hannibal Lector what does that have to do that's a representative of people that are coming into our country Dr Hannibal Lecter he will have you for dinner you know that he will have you for no but this is what's happened this is what's happening at levels that nobody can even imagine millions and millions JD Vance is doing a phenomenal job today he said 25 million he's doing a great job uh you know I picked the best athlete I had great people and great people we have so many wonderful people Marco was incredible and Tim Scott was incredible and you have a governor in a certain place that has a lot of oil you know who I'm talking about how good was he and you have uh just great place places and great people and I got to know so many I picked JD JD and I could have picked anyone they would have been great right but JD had an incredible life he had a mother who was very addicted to prescription drugs and not a lot of help from the father and he went to he was a great student however very smart he went to Ohio State graduated at the top of his class in two years I said two years that's pretty good I never heard of that then he went into the military then he came out got accepted to Yale law school which is very hard to do without a father without a father that has connections very hard to do almost impossible the reason he was accepted was that he was really smart he was smart as hell and then he worked I guess essentially on Wall Street or Wall Street alternative or equivalent and did very well and then he ran for office I endorsed him and he became a senator from the great state of Ohio and he's doing amazingly well but he's a brilliant guy and the Press went after him for about the first week and then they gave up because he has the answers he's really uh he's he's conservative but he really is like all of us we're all sort of conservative but what we really are is we have common sense right we have common sense common sense is more important Ron than anything else we need Common Sense we'd like to have borders we don't want crime we want good schools we want nice housing we want low interest rates you know it's called we don't want Wars ideally we don't want Wars everyone thought I'd be a warmonger I was the opposite but I did Scare people away from having Wars and you know what I did I used tariffs I heard two countries were going to have a war I called them both I said here's the story you have a war you're going to have to pay a 200% tariff to do business in the United States and they'd both say the leaders would say to me almost simultaneously we've decided to make peace I stopped so many wars they went to Victor Orban the fake news they went to Victor Orban and they said why is the world such a mess right now it's cling up in the Middle East and Israel and what's happened with Russia Ukraine why is it they said you need Trump back in he said nobody understood Trump China was afraid of him Russia was afraid of him you know I stopped the nordstream pipeline nordstream 2 and then they say I was very friendly with Russia I got along good with sort of everybody but everybody paid up they had to pay up we changed so many trade deals that were so bad usmca we made that one that was a great one from the worst trade deal we ever had NAFTA the worst trade deal any country probably has ever had but we did a really good job but JD were very proud of him and uh he made a speech this morning and I heard it was great and uh I think you will agree Ron he's doing a fantastic job his vice president Harris cast the tiebreaking votes that caused the worst inflation in American history costing a typical family $228,000 think of that yesterday it was announced that we lost $438,000 full-time jobs in August we lost 400 almost half a million jobs in August we lost 24,000 manufacturing jobs nearly 6,000 auto manufacturing jobs and if I'm Not Elected you will not have an auto industry at all Volvo today announced they're getting away from the electric other companies announced we have paid trillions of dollars in subsidy for making these cars and the Market's not there that's not there it's a shame and I'm a big fan of electric cars I think it's great but it's got a market but I also want gasoline powered cars and I want hybrids I want everything hydrogen is maybe coming we want everything the real unemployment rate Rose to 7.9% in August did you know that 7.9% our country's going down last month alone American Born workers lost 1.3 million jobs and migrants gained 63 5,000 jobs in a single month every job that we've gained has been replaced not by American citizens but by illegal migrants did you know that every job that was created over the last fairly short period of time was taken by illegal migrants and I will tell you this the black population and the Hispanic population are being decimated by these people coming in unchecked unbalanced they're coming in and they're taking the black population and the Hispanic population jobs and next is going to be unions you watch the union suffer the aut workers are not going to exist in a year and a half or two years because of what that fool did who's the head of the Auto Workers he's a fool since the start of this year nearly 1 million Americans joined the unemployment roles nobody knows that and now Camala is pushing the largest individual small business tax in American history and she said 70 to 80% tax is probably a good idea a bold idea that should be discussed 80% good luck with you small business she and sleepy Joe Biden waged war in American Energy opened up the Russian Pipeline nordstream 2 after I had closed it it was done it was closed as soon as he came in he approved it but he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline Keystone he shut it down 48,000 jobs and it was a very important pipeline actually but we'll get it open but think of it I shut down the biggest pipeline in the world the Russian Pipeline going to Germany and all over Europe I shut it down it was done he gets in he approved it he approved it but he shuts down the pipeline in this country the XL Pipeline she re-entered the horribly unfair to the United States Paris climate Accord it sounds so nice the Paris climate Accord such a nice name oh isn't that beautiful we want the Wisconsin Accord we want the people of Wisconsin not the people of Paris that Paris Accord was going to cost us $1 trillion doll and other countries like China it was considered third world China it's a developing Nation they didn't have to pay anything India didn't have to pay anything Russia didn't have to pay anything France didn't have to pay anything nobody had to pay only the stupid United States we paid $1 trillion and I closed it down and as soon as he got back up he opened it at even worse terms Camala Harris and the Communist left have Unleashed a brutal plague of Bloodshed crime chaos misery and death upon our land and it's only going to get worse Harris has presided over a 43% increase in violent crime including a 58% increase in rape she supports the fun the police and during the 2020 riots she encouraged the followers to donate to bail criminals looters arsonist and murderers she was trying to get the murderers out of jail right you're shaking right everybody now knows it and this is a person that wants to be president of the United States and she didn't get a vote as California attorney general she redefined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person at as totally nonviolent crimes oh that's nice comma support States being able to take minor children and perform sex change operation take them away from their parents perform sex change operation and send them back home can you imagine you're a parent and your son leaves the house and you say Jimmy I love you so much go have a good day in school and your son comes back with a brutal operation can you can you even imagine this what the hell is wrong with our country her running mate tampon the tampon Tim did you see he signed a bill where tampons will be in every boy's bathroom isn't that [Music] nice and he's a whack job you know he they have a standard phrase that JD who's very solid and I happen to be very I have other problems perhaps but I'm a very solid person but JD's solid I'm solid they said this was just a sound bite they gave it to all the fake news the fake news they're weird no he's weird he is really weird this guy can you imagine I'm weird it's just you know they do sound bites and they give them they gave one the other day a manufactured the vote was manufactured it's not a term that's used politically every Network headed up something about the vote was manufactured they follow the lead of these people but we've got the lead you know what we've got the people we got to stop the cheating if we stop that cheating if we don't let them cheat I don't even have to campaign anymore we're going to win by so much in the meantime too big to Rick too big to Rick but he even signed tampon Tim even signed a law that allows abortion in the ninth month and babies to be ex executed after birth in other words a baby is born and what do you do the mother decides she doesn't want the baby you execute that's not an abortion that's an execution and nobody wants that there are six radical left states that allow that too that nobody wants it to happen nobody wants to see it happen where they're allowed to execute the baby after birth and nobody talks about it and you know we did a great thing when we got Ro V weade out of the federal government got it back to the state and now the states are all voting and uh like Ronald Reagan I happen to go with the exceptions I think it's important but other people you have to go with your heart but most I'd say most people 85% Republicans they go with exceptions for rape incest life of the mother but the three exceptions but uh nobody wants to happen 8th month seventh month ninth month but after birth and you have after birth and more people more more states are even planning on doing that nobody wants that and now what we're doing is because of what we've done we've got they wanted all the great legal Scholars wanted it out of the federal government Democrats Republicans liberals conservative everybody wanted it out because it didn't belong there they wanted it to go back to the States and now the states are all voting and frankly some of those votes are coming out very liberal if you look at Ohio if you look at Kansas if you look at some of the states but the people are voting and they are voting we put it in the hands of the people and they're voting and that's the way people have wanted it for many many years and I'm just uh happy that we had Supreme Court Justices that had the courage to do that because that has torn our country apart for 52 years and now the people are voting from the moment we take back the White House from comrade Kamala Harris I believe we are going to have the four greatest years in the history of our country we're going to turn it around fast starting on day one I will seal the border and stop the migrant invasion of our country we will carry out the largest deportation operation of criminals in the history of America we will defeat inflation and we will make America affordable again we will make America the dominant energy producer in the world by far that's called drill baby drill drill right drill baby drill and remember we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country in 12 months I will cut your energy costs in half that means Wisconsin we will cut it in half and that includes your heating air conditioning electricity gasoline for the cars we'll cut it in half and we'll do it easily it won't even be I think we'll do better than that 12 months you can hold me to it hold me to it I want you to hold me to it we're going to cut it in half I will turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower more than it has ever been and other countries other countries that make us pay a heavy tax to do business with them will be charged the same tax when they send their product into the United States and we did it to a pretty strong extent when I was president and we were going all the way that we had to solve the covid problem but we will uh we will be doing that it will be called the reciprocal trade act it's reciprocal so if China or any other country charges us a 100 or 200% tariff or tax then we will likewise charge them a 100 or 200% tariff or tax in return and my message is simple make your product here in America and only in America so we're going to charge tariffs to all these foreign countries that are coming in and ripping us off and taking our jobs and destroy destroying our manufacturing and it's what they do we're going to do the same as they do and you know some of these people that are making decisions in Washington they're very suspect I can tell you not this group this group that's why they're here they hate what they see happening we're not going to be taken advantage of anymore just as we made great inroads and progress four years ago nobody ever made such progress as we we had the greatest four years we rebuilt the milit we had the largest tax cut in history the largest regulation cut in history we had no Wars we had no Wars we didn't get into any wars who would think here I am we didn't you know why because they were afraid of us and they respected us they know not to mess with Wars and as I said and I say it over and over again Ukraine and Russia would have never happened Israel would have never been attacked on October 7th Iran was broke they were broke now you know they're after me so I should say oh I love Iran very much I don't care I got to do the right thing Iran was broke they had no money for Hamas they had no money for Hezbollah they had no money for Terror any of the many 28 different Terror organizations they had no money they had no money whatsoever they wouldn't have ever even thought about doing Israel all of the things that have happened and you know what else wouldn't have happened inflation you wouldn't have had any inflation inflation was caused by energy going through the roof because these people were so stupid stupid when they took over my energy policies and energy was going through the roof and then they went immediately back to my energy policies run they went immediately back but what they don't understand is by now I would have had energy at four times the amount that we had four years ago and we were four years ago energy independent who would believe that now we get our energy from Venezuela did you see they took his plane the other day they took maduro's planee Maduro is the dictator in charge they took his plane I said oh that's so serious now we can get a nicer plane because we buy our energy so we give them billions and billions of dollars and they take back his stupid old plane this is the thinking we have in our country we shouldn't be buying oil from Venezuela it's unbelievable but we're not going to watch our wealth and our jobs get ripped away from us and sent to foreign countries and Wisconsin will be one of the biggest beneficiaries just like I gave you the Marinette ship building contract that everybody in the country wanted every state wanted it I'll probably lose a couple of States because I gave it to Wisconsin I'll probably lose some states because I gave it to Wisconsin but my plan is that if you open your factory in Wisconson or Pennsylvania or Michigan or Minnesota or anywhere else in the United States you don't pay a tariff or a tax but if you move your production outside of the United States and send it back here you have to pay a very substantial tariff we're going to supercharge our country we will charge other countries when their product is sent into our country and why shouldn't we that's exactly what they do that's what that's what made China strong when Elon goes and wants to send his cars into China that are made in the US they say we don't want you have to build your factory in China then we'll accept you well we're saying to China you want to build cars you want to send cars here you're going to build your factories in the United States you're not going to send them through take our jobs take everything else got to build them in the United States you can open up a beautiful brand new Factory with American labor the result will be that everybody in the world will want to produce right here in the good old USA we will be able to build ships again we will be able to build planes again we'll be able to build our military again all from within all from within our country do you know when we build a plane the F-35 fighter jet I bought a lot of them for countries all over the world actually but I bought a lot of them we have Parts made in all different countries and then they're assembled here we want to make the parts here what would happen in case of a war and two of those countries were fighting and we say by the way you can't get the wings anymore the wings are made in Turkey and other parts are made in other countries it's so crazy what they've done and they did that to help out other countries it's now time for us to help out our country in the words of a very great but highly underrated President William McKinley I am a tariff man standing on a tariff platform and he said that throwing open our Market without protection was quote it destroys the dignity and Independence of American labor diminishes its pay and employment decreases its capacity to buy products of farm and commodities of the merchant it will bring widespread discontent it will revolutionize values it will take away more than half of our earning capacity of brain and Brawn worse than that it will take away from the people of this country who work for a living and a majority of them live by the sweat on their faces it will take from their heart and from their home and it'll take from their hope their final thing is their hope it will be total self-destruction this is the man that wanted tariffs he wanted tariffs to be taken from foreign countries and you listen to some of our stupid people and some of the very stupid people in Washington DC we don't want to charge tariffs that's not it's going to uh increase inflation China paid us hundreds of billions of dollars and we had almost no inflation this group that came in they had the highest inflation in the history of our country we took in billions and billions of dollars from foreign countries in the form of tariffs that I hadn't even gotten started yet we'll be a rich Nation again we'll be able to do what we want to do we have to do the tariffs we we have been treated so badly mostly by allies if you want to know the truth our allies treat us actually worse than our so-called enemies but we have been treated so badly on trade and other things on Military we protect them and then they screw us on trade we're not going to let it happen anymore we're going to be a tariff Nation it's not going to be a course to you it's going to be a course to another country I heard Camala the other day comrade Cala she said oh if you do that he's raising your taxes no no no I'm not raising your taxes I'm raising China and all of these countries in Asia and all over the world including the European Union by the way which is one of the most egregious they don't take our cars they don't take our farm product and we have a $300 billion trade deficit with them and they're going to have to pay a price now because we've been supporting them for a long time and it's no longer sustainable so I'm a tariff president I'm not a tax increase president because we're going to lower your taxes when I'm back in the white house we will pass large tax cuts for workers and also no tax on tip no tax on tips I will fight for you and fight for the ability we are going to protect Social Security we are going to protect Medicare and we're not going to have any Cuts we're not going to have age increases she's going to have to in you know a lot of these migrants that are coming in are going on to Social Security and Medicare your programs are going to be destroyed you're not going to be able to get in your hospitals you see the lines of people you can no longer get in your hospitals you feel sick you want to go to your hospital you have hundreds and even thousands of people trying to get into hospitals they're ruining your life they're ruining your lifestyle they're ruining your way of life I will have no tax on Social Security benefits for our seniors because you've destroyed our seniors with your inflation inflation has destroyed our seniors and their social security we will terminate the green news scam and spend that money on Road Road Bridges real infrastructure and paying down debt not fake infrastructure that has caused massive inflation and has been of no benefit to our country and I will settle the war in Ukraine I will end the chaos in the Middle East and I will prevent World War III and I'm the only one that can do it I will prevent World War I and if I don't win this election Israel with comrade Cala Harris at the Helm of the United States is doomed Israel is doomed that's a tough statement Israel will be gone one year two years Israel will no longer exist I better win I better win or you're going to have problems like like we've never had we may have no country left it may be our last election you want to know the truth people have said that this may be our last election you got to get out and vote this could be our last election it'll all be over and uh you got to remember I don't want to say this because they say it's braggadocious but if you look at the record it's true Trump is always right I hate to be right I hate to be right I'm always right I hate to be right I don't want to be right about the things that I predicted but I predicted what was going to happen at the border I predicted all of the inflation I predicted everything that's happened to our country I predicted Israel Putin would have never gone in but I said if I'm out he's going to attack Ukraine but he would never have done it if I were there we will rebuild our cities including Washington DC our cities are a mess and they're very dangerous places we're going to make them safe clean and beautiful again and we will keep the US dollar as the world's Reserve currency and is currently under major Siege many countries are leaving the dollar they're not going to leave the dollar with me I'll say you leave the dollar you're not doing business with the United States cuz we're going to put 100% tariff on your goods sir we would like very much to get back to the dollar immediately thank you very much it's so easy I don't know so sad because nobody Biden doesn't know he's alive and she's worse this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Kamala and crooked Joe and unleash safety prosperity and peace for Americans of every race religion color and Creed together we will deliver low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car and a home we will stop The Invasion end migrant crime support our great police strengthen our wonderful military build a missile defense shield around our country keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our schools and we will keep men out of women's sports did you see the Olympics you had two boxers that transitioned from men to women I wish them well they transitioned and they were fighting it was boxing for the gold medal and the first match was a beautiful young Italian boxer who was very talented very good said to be a real threat for the medal and she met a transitioned person boom he gave her a little jab boom she backed up oh what was that she said I've never been hit that hard in my life a jab is like the light one before you hit the right then boom Another jab she said I I can't I give up then there was a second box of the same thing happened congratulations they both won gold medals how about that they both won Gold congratulations to them it's so demeaning to women I don't understand who would who would want men to be able to play the volleyball player got hit the other day recently with a smash from a transition person she said I've never seen anything like it the ball Camp members she was knocked unconscious probably won't play again the weightlifting records tell for years they held up they couldn't a quarter of an ounce here a quarter of an ounce there they couldn't do it the record is broken by hundreds of pounds we got to get back to sanity in this country we have to get back to sity we will defend the Second Amendment restore free speech and we will secure our elections once and for all everyone will prosper every family will Thrive and every day will be filled with joy opportunity and hope but for that to happen we must defeat comrade Camala Harris and we will stop the country destroying liberal agenda once and for all we're going to do it we have to stop it we we're going to save our country our country if it does it win this election I believe is finished I believe it we cannot come back much they will have a hundred million of these people in here with another four years a 100 million people if you think you have a nice house have a migrant enjoy your house because a migrant will take it over a migrant will take it over it will be Venezuela on steroids so get everyone you know and vote we want a landslide that's too big to rig on November 5th we will save our economy we will rescue our middle class we will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders we will put America First and we will take back our country together we will make America powerful again we will make America Amica wealthy again we will make America healthy again thank you Bobby thank you Bobby we will make America strong again we will make America proud again we will make America safe again we will make America free again and we will make America great again thank you very much Wisconsin

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