Category: Entertainment
[música] hola chicos rtina y este año el nfl decidió hacer un juego en brasil es primera vez que pasa y estaban buscando como una una cantante o un cantante en general que represente a brasil no solamente o sea que sea como que super alto en brasil sino que en el mundo y obviamente obviamente eligieron... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey guys welcome back to my channel and if you're new here like and subscribe i know you want to so this video was subscriber requested i did not know but anita and the weekend have performed with each other recently i feel like anita is just she is grinding she's done the nfl she's now been performing... Read more
Category: Music
And hello hello once again welcome to my channel i'm alex you reaction videos of music and lately i've been reacting to vmas for the third year for the third year now i'm here with singer that i must be true to you i don't know i don't know the singer it will be my first time for sure reacting to this... Read more
Category: Music
E aí galera tudo bom com vocês prazer para quem não me conhece meu nome é rober pontes aqui o canal a gente fala tudo sobre música albs nov videoclipes apresentações e o que vocês quiserem mandar aqui embaixo nos comentários beleza e a gente tá trazendo quem quem quem quem anira com o show aí no primeiro... Read more
Category: Music
[music] and hello hello m this is my youtube channel i do reaction vide in music and it's sound for another video of the amaz reaction li sarapin i don't know if it's the right pronunciation of this it's a new band to me uh new stuff new material and i'm looking forward always looking forward to to... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey what's up you guys it is me shane grady and welcome back to my channel yes so apologies the sun is like moving clouds are blocking and unblocking so i seem to be going in and out of brightness right now i just wanted to do the original setup that i usually have for my videos because i know the past... Read more
Category: Music
It's your favorite youtube dealer i appreciate you guys for stopping in i was looking for some videos to get uploaded and i came across fat joe anita and dj khed is called paradise yo fat joe is that guy bro like i like some of his music my lifestyle is probably still one of my favorite beats ever and... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[música] e aí gente tudo bem com vocês sou a meu canal bom gente ho você da show que ela fez um show de intervalo l ansiosíssima quais músicas que ela escolheu e como que ela montou esse show de intervalo né então bora ver qual ser [música] minação já começou ai que diva cara lind [música] ela não precisa... Read more
Category: Music
[music] and hello hello ala this is my youtube channel and i'm here to react to some of the performance of the ma 2024 which were the ones that you like the most h i want to know i want to know one of the the the videos that i decided to uh react um it's about a singer that i was never a huge fan of... Read more
Category: Music
[music] hello guys i'm al this is my youtube channel ad reaction videos of music and it's time for another reaction video of the vmas vmas what a big party it is every year and it gives us so so so so so many many great performances like this one that we are going to hear here and react for me it'll... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hoje a gente vai assistir a performance danita na [música] nfl e aí seres humanos tudo beleza se você c de paraqueda seja muito mas muito bem-vindo o meu nome é roberto caldeira eu sou músico canal b mais diversos tipos de assuntos de cultura pop até comportamento humano no vídeo de hoje eu tô aqui... Read more
Category: Gaming
How's it going everyone welcome to jw pider spotlight hour i'm pretty sure i need this shiny so another good one we had wulu last week and that was a huge su sorry that i'm 2 to 3 minutes late to this i actually tried to start my scheduled stream and it just did my camera so my whole face was just covering... Read more