September 10, 2024: Cotton Joins ABC

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:01:54 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: tom cotton
we are joined on behalf of the Trump campaign by Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton Senator cotton thanks a lot for being we only have a couple minutes this debate's about to get underway but I wanted to ask you which Donald Trump do you think is going to show up tonight you know him well uh is it going to be the Donald Trump that is going to be making personal attacks insulting KLA Harris or is it going to be the Donald Trump that's going to focus on his issues John I think you're going to see that Donald Trump who's president for four years who has a clear record this campaign is usual we don't have a candidate running for office for the first time the American people remember what it was like under President Trump we had stable prices rising wages a secure border and peaceful stable relations around the world under KLA Harris and Joe Biden we've had record high inflation we've had a wide open border we've had War breaking out everywhere the American people are going to remember after tonight that times are good under Donald Trump and they won another four years of President Trump back in the white house and we noticed he was spending a lot of time looking at the angles studying the uh the debate stage he does know the television of this as well well he does but I think the style and the debate stage and the lighting and all that is going to be secondary in the minds of most voters especially those trying to make up their minds to what they hear from the two candidates about their record people remember that with Donald Trump they had good times they had Rising wages they had stable prices we had peace and stability and with kamla Harris a dangerous San Francisco liberal and Joe Biden in the White House we've had none of that so I think it's going to be a clear contrast between President Trump and KLA Harris tonight and the American people starting tonight and over the next eight weeks are going to make the decision that they want president Trump back in the White House all right there's Senator cotton with one side of this debate very sharply worded Mary the other

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