Athletes parade through Paris in spectacular Paralympics opening ceremony • FRANCE 24 English

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:01:38 Category: News & Politics

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even before the opening ceremony of the Paralympics began the celebration had already begun as those carrying the Olympic flame converged in Paris among them disabled athletes and their supporters this moment means a lot to me these are values that I want to defend and so I was really proud to carry this paralympic flame as with the Olympics the opening ceremony of the Paro Olympics happened outdoors in the heart of Paris but this time under clear WEA complete with the flyover of jets painting the sky red white and blue at plasta Concord which will host events of the par Olympics dancers jumped on posan and the French pop group Christine and the Queens performed the Parade of Nations happened down the Shan with The Arc to Triumph looming in the background athletes and fans have once again come to Paris filled with the Olympic SP Spirit organizers say almost 2 million tickets have been sold having an event like the par Olympics it definitely highlights and puts you know people's what sometimes is perceived as a disability it puts their abilities on on stage on the worldwide stage and so it's nice to see um people with differences you know celebrated in such a broad way the ceremony culminated with the lighting of the Olympic cauldron which had already become a point of Interest since it's day debut at the Olympics the flame will fly over the City of Lights until the paralympic games conclude on September 8th

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