Minecraft (Bedrock) - Building An Underwater City - Member Realm - LIVE

[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] me so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey hey we are here gonna be alone folks gonna be live for a while uh what's going on everybody i literally just woke up in fact i didn't even like shave i just said you know what heck it i'm just gonna roll out and hop on and what is going on down there on the map i just noticed that it's looking like kind of dark down there it's kind of what i was going to see like it i don't remember seeing the darkness it's like it's being like overcome with like some sinister force anyway uh what's going on uh we got connor we got moomini we got carolyn we got fruit we got forgotten we got electro we got salamance we got uh dawn we have time jester we've got mick of rachel we've got mickey lozenges we've got zachary what's up everybody uh yeah i'm just gonna go ahead and investigate this real quick i think the audio and everything should be fine though actually yeah i've noticed one other thing that's very weird so like when i plugged in my card at least on the playstation it like crops it on my tv but it looks fine on the screen so that's good as long as it's fine for y'all that's that's that's what's important uh let's see i mean i probably need to look for a terracotta biome anyway he shouldn't be lagging i don't think anybody else is but what's up wiki what's up mt yeah what's up assassin what's up jack i'm just gonna say too like yeah one thing i don't like about oh that's interesting one thing oh man i bet a withers like out here in the middle of nowhere uh you guys got to chill with like the i wish i could join the realm but i'm poor guilt trip stuff it's not gonna work we have that uh member as a security precaution and we're not going to um we're not going to let that go so i know you mean well and i know you want to have fun and then you want to play and i appreciate that but yeah i know and even then it's not even about the money so it doesn't matter if you're pouring out it's more about just having a security precaution because like you know it'd be so easy to make it free for anybody to join and then people just hop in with ill intentions no intention of being a part of the channel the community and just trolling griefing and ruining stuff and uh that wouldn't be fair to me that wouldn't be fair to the community or anybody else uh it would make the experience a lot less enjoyable and so we we put that there for a reason because it's a lot less enticing to pay to be a jerk so um yeah but i get that every stream oh man i wish i could get in the room but i'm poor and you know it's not about that and you know it's it's don't do things you know don't sell yourself short you know i'm sure i'm sure you're doing well and if you're not hey it's all good man live life you know whether you're poor you're rich whatever but you know you shouldn't let that stop you from having fun um and i'm not saying i'm saying in general because there's more ways to have fun than just paying to be on a realm you can have fun by watching you can have fun by chatting uh if you already have the game you just get on and play you don't have to pay to have fun with minecraft so um so yeah the guild trip stuff i was born and raised in a guilt trip environment so i know how it goes and it's not gonna work so anyway we have that in place for a reason anyway what's up rob what's up missy how you doing what's up rob prickly there you go crocheting a mew sounds pretty cool also i would buy it it looks like it was a mushroom biome that was making it dark hey what's up baiden speaking of dark how you doing man well at this point since i'm here i'm kind of looking for a terracotta biome hey what's up mummy how you doing man what's up mcsilver well i found birchwood by him that's kind of nice get my boat but yeah just kind of chilling yeah we're gonna need uh meet some terracotta so i have no idea where i'm going actually i know i'm headed in igis's direction but that's not my intention she's a little bit more to the right i'm on the left side yeah circles would be kind of rough rachel well at least i'm heading into that direction kind of what's going on lucky what's going on rob i think you should name it whatever you want just not rob bennett well sometimes real names like that can work or aliases but it really depends but no no no yeah we haven't been streaming for 12 hours yet but how you doing lucky no this will be a long stream usually these uh minecraft streams are very very very very fun moomin if you need me to teleport you to someone i can yeah they're just gonna be calm chill environments so i'm not gonna be super wacky yet i'm just waking up we have a lot of projects to work on in fact today with a bit of luck um we should be able to start on the tunnels we're just about done with the station but there's yeah like like i said terra cotta has needed to wrap it up so i'm going ahead and get that now oh that's okay momenty just a heads up too i have potentially four series four new series coming to my channel i didn't realize just how busy i was there's the card opening there's a splatoon one there's the platinum nuzlocke and then there's super boomer bros but it really depends when i say it like that i might want to space it out but i know i do want to do the nuzlocke next saturday and then i do want to do this between one this tuesday and i want to try to get the card opening this wednesday but it really just depends i it's going to have a lot of editing like a lot of cuts in particular but i'm also going to try to add some fun effects well hackers can do stuff even without your real name so wait a minute i got turned around a little bit what the heck oh hey thanks for 47 likes as well too so how's everyone doing by the way and yeah this is a member room so if you want to join you do have to be a channel member sponsor tier or higher okay so here's another sand biome i think i need to be going in this direction a little bit why am i so turned around i don't understand how wait a minute okay there we go that's the direction i want to go okay cool that's weird this is not the direction i would have expected okay i got really turned around but i'm heading the right way now what's up chainsaw fan how you doing dude i'm going on a quest i'm out on the old open road connor no yeah i'm looking for terra cotta we needed to kind of finish the uh the station i've been meaning to get some cotta anyways so this is good i think it's gonna be over this hill oh crap you know what i just realized i didn't bring any food on this massive quest and i have no food hey what's up sentra yeah i don't i don't have anything i have flowers too but i can't eat the flowers lord why did i not bring food tarakana that's right rachel wow wow wow you know in real life at this point if you had traveled this far and realized you had enemy food you'd probably die like a starvation it literally crossed an ocean and like walked halfway across the world without food nah i'm just gonna deal with it that's right gotta love minecraft all right getting close getting close what's up mcdomb it's going to be over this hill i think like all from the horizon wait a minute now actually i need to go a little ways this way who ignored alyssa yeah we'll find it oh sea lanterns nice attempting to get them i ignore i'm sorry if it came across that way i must have not seen it but hello i am dumb i don't even know who your name is on their dating okay let's see let me look at these coordinates again sneeze just waking up okay 663. okay so we're really close hey what's up branson it's going to be right at the tip of this ocean hey 50 likes nice what's up jack thank you thank you it's weird when the ice glitches out like this like it makes me feel like someone with like you know the ice boots ability or whatever it's called is like here but it never is i think it's just the realm that glitches out what's up king of fast food all right now i've said this like two times but it really should be over top of this mountain unless lozenges is a liar which is possible okay also i am officially out of food something tells me it's not because this seems very narrow yeah i'm not seeing it hang on i think i have to go a little bit more to the left this isn't right oh negative okay glad you're doing well mcsilver it's gonna be so painful without food so i'm just gonna vote it i love the water song here very peaceful very calming [Music] yo mummy i'm right there with you man thank you for that two dollar holla yeah i know i love it especially the water songs the water songs and another songs are my two favorite which is kind of interesting the water one makes sense because when you think of water you think of like you know calm but the nether is kind of weird that i really like the music like dead voxel is one of my favorite favorite tunes now listen why do you keep bringing it up i don't understand like i said i just woke up a little bit groggy sometimes i miss comments don't take it personal [Music] yeah minecraft music is very great absolutely wait i'm getting a little bit off course here how did that happen oh man there we go this is the right way no i have not wicked or wiki i should say what is it like a video or something fan film yo what's up anthony how you been man mick anthony man this is going to take like 10 years there we go all right now we're heading in the right direction [Music] think a tour would take a while it's a pretty big area at least the main area what's up fry2 you could if you remember the memorandum is off stream open 24 7. go for it anthony man i mean that's very true very true wiki okay so this is the part where i wish i had food i need to start heading downward a bit i could kill a sheep and eat some raw lamb chops no i'll be all right the biome is gonna be like right what i thought it was what do you mean i'm going the wrong way man i hate this oh it's negative or whatever uh i think i'm back to where i started i got turned around in the ocean somehow hey what's up spartan what's going on splash because i just woke up my brain is literally not awake yet in fact i only rolled out of bed like five minutes before the stream this is the most uh last minute i've ever been on stream but it's minecraft so i don't have to do much it's already gonna be pretty chill that's nice but i have a backup right here but yeah what's going on splurnik hope you're doing well thank you again everybody for hanging out and watching today too appreciate that yeah big steps pretty good no it's looking like i'm just going to do this without food so i'm probably going to start losing health soon all right so with a bit of luck it'll finally be at the end of this ocean we can finally get to where we need to be 30 minutes into the stream a little bit delayed but well oh there it is right there um mt this isn't even the ps5 version it's the ps4 version on a ps5 they haven't released the ps5 app yet so potentially it will once they do it what is that up there is that a house in the middle flipping nowhere that's very weird why on earth is this here this is probably lozen is doing i bet no it's commie wow that's unexpected plot twist right here interesting also i'm dying okay well then here you know what what's up sasuke yep i'm resorted to eating rotten flesh times are dire just seems like something you do i was like oh man terra cotta this looks nice let me build a house here and start digging spider better leave me alone i swear to god i think he's coming over here that's true there could be food in the chest but that would be griefing [Music] it's weird that i didn't see the green bar but i think that is a new member so they must not be in the chat right now but thank you for for doing that i'll wait for you to type in the chat before i uh do anything no that was the unsponsored glitch so we actually lost someone that's why it didn't turn green okay either way thank you what's up moose milk how you doing also thank you for uh 60 likes appreciate that did you walk all the way over here i'm not taking your food got multiple terracotta variants here no dom i think that was the response or glitch because it would have shown a green bar in the chat no i'm not taking your one health watermelons hey what's going on vader uh the terracotta is going to be for the uh subway station which we're pretty much almost done with so no worries elements but just know that your tower before its uh construction is already at high risk of eviction so you better make it look good or it's going to be torn down because it is in a prime spot for new players what's going on carter how you doing man i forget which is which i think it's the yeah i think it's just the basic orange ones that i need and then i can dye them later what's going on slush whatever dumb as long as people have fun that's all i care about i'm glad you like it just a lot of terra cotta digging for now um no worries man donations aren't obligated uh just just vibe man you don't have to feel pressured or obligated or anything like that thank you for the thought though appreciate that what's up smart potato we'll keep you company how you doing today this looks interesting okay i thought it was a little bit more involved than that i really have no idea connor just as much as you can carry might be good to have for future reference anyway what's up stars gaming dang mcdonald what are you doing you don't have to be doing that nonsense save yourself save your moolah thank you for the 5 holiday in carter's honor appreciate that i hope you feel better uh one smart potato yeah thank you thank you thank you mcdonald good old mcdonald let me go ahead and update that but yeah once uh once we collect this stuff we can start wrapping up the tower at least and then uh then we can work on the tunnels and that's something that everyone can work on once we get the base template of it going all it is is just extending it so people will just need to follow the design and just extend it should be pretty simple pretty easy what's going on floater how you doing today man what's up negative i don't think so no i could be wrong though i might have to heat up some food here in a minute too uh oh phantoms what vader man all right i'll tell you what i'll heat up some food now for that yo but thank you so much vader i appreciate that i'll give her the five dollar holla technically i think yours is higher than dom because of conversions but we'll give it to dom for now no let's get some hearts in the chat for vader though what the heck i haven't seen these zombie villages before appreciate it man yo what's up michael i haven't seen you wow it's the same realm um so if you want to hop on your stuff is still intact we're actually really getting going on the city you should see all the improvements i'd love to have you in here michael what's up kiko and i think minus has been like expanding as well near your place yeah yeah man i'd love to have you back i hope you're doing well dude okay yeah no i promised i would eat some food or at least heat it up so give me like two minutes oh man do you like the sman heart missy it's it's a popular emoji all right you know what i'll tell you what this doesn't happen often we gotta immortalize this for a few minutes so we're gonna we're gonna do it we're gonna say five dollars and then vader there we go let me brb for like let's just say one minute because i gotta open up the fish and then i gotta heat it all right there you go but yeah no i'm not in a bad mood gamers i just woke up so i'm groggy what's up isaac but yeah no i remember you all right brb i hope i don't die conor you got to protect me connor protect me so okay should be ready in about 18 minutes what the heck oh man what's this fake news sign in front of my face hey what's up mick fox how you doing okay bunch up fake newsers oh hey vader oh man whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa mix over this is unnecessary uh this is bullying i haven't even ate yet give me a minute to like process it yo thank you so much mr silver for the 50 holla here you go it's been a while everyone in the chat they're amazing hey there's no it's been a while with donations if you get i don't worry about it it's over i always appreciate when you can make it whether you donate or not it's not what it's about so but thank you for that i do appreciate it let's get some hearts in the chat for mixing silver because she is awesome we always love having around here whether it's in the streams the chats or the vcs um you're really cool i appreciate that also i'm a psychic because i said let's immortalize vader for a few minutes and sure enough his donation spot has been evicted that's going to be the word of the day hey what's up zawari thank you mcsilver i appreciate that all right that's evict vader okay i'm gonna put mick silver there now but i appreciate it i appreciate the sign and the donation and the thoughts and all the kind stuff i'm gonna wake up in a minute once i eat for sure i'll perk up i'm evicted oh man at least i didn't die but we are going to have to die this terracotta wait who's this oh it's mobility hello and i appreciate that makes over and uh thank you everybody for being here as well too like i said groggy just woke up i mean if if me going in the wrong direction for like 20 minutes there should be it should be signing up that i'm like i'm not right in the head at the moment but that'll change why am i not picking this up i can't believe i'm full already what the heck there we go man that filled up quick easy on the emote span okay there we go okay i'm pretty much full all right so i'm gonna go back i'm gonna teleport the score just make it quick wait do i have the boat i do not where is my boat that's another question ah it's gonna be on the other side of this house i mean it also might be nice to take some of this orange sand you don't really see that that often i think we have one more open spot in the realm it fills up at 11 and i think we have 10 on right now just at a quick glance it's either 10 or 9. if my boat's not over here i'm just going to teleport you're going to have to deal with it mt i'm an anti-eater i'm on the keto diet in minecraft and in real life there it is there's my boat i'm still gonna teleport but at least i can take my boat with me all right oh it's this random potato that's filling up my stuff and i mean well i'm gonna pick it up again derp technically i can get rid of the flowers and get some of the sand but it's not that important wait look i don't know who's throwing these potatoes but you gotta stop get some help it's probably scorps probably invisible what's up light yep he's a no yeah yeah yeah okay well great now i'm gonna have to teleport to stinky mclozenges i don't want to do that all right here we go no no she's here too what the flip uh okay well then i guess i'll just go here all right now we're talking someone normal hey vader two two normal people and a bunch of weirdos in terra cotta land no okay i need to go this way check out the zen garden all right i have like no food intentionally that looks nice wow it's very cool got the bamboo grown got fish in there i thought it was a cat at first oh and you got like little cherry blossom type thing going on yeah i really like that cherry blossom is a nice touch i wish they did have cherry blossom trees that'd be really cool but alas mojing is uh not a japanese video game maker but i'm sure there's like mods and skins and patches you could patch it in looks cool i like it what's up terence if they had actual cherry blossoms i would fill the crap up of my uh my property with that because i love cherry blossoms they're not gonna do it smart potato speaking of potato let me throw away these potatoes there we go what up pokey alfie um hmm all right um i need a terracotta case don't i there we go oh it's already got random crap in it uh okay we're gonna have to fix this why do we have brick we i don't even know anybody that has any brick oh man okay okay i mean honestly i'm just gonna throw most of this stuff away we don't need it what up uh born to dream um throw it away okay wait what's that oh that's some sort of polished granite okay one second yo vader check your dms uh i'll be better when my food gets up it's too early for this all right um let's see all right let's see okay funny stuff vader funny stuff yeah movie just put it in uh the terracotta case we got a terracotta case now i can at least put this slab in the wood area what up josie all right and then um put this block of quartz in here everything's got a place it's all good vader all right quartz here okay all right i'm good um okay wait a second all right anyway food should be ready in just a minute okay uh okay so with the terra cotta i need to figure out do we need to dye this scorpio is it supposed to be like white or something i went the wrong way i'm derping i think we need to like dye it white or something terracotta's for the flooring actually this part's already done what up tsg okay so most of it's done what's up dynamic don't worry about me if you gotta go okay well then the flooring is done i didn't expect that um uh okay i wonder if we should make this class but that would mean a little bit more terraforming outside should probably eat something too like in real life and in game what's up noob now if we dig it down it's going to be it's going to be above the water one second run up cake all right anyway um let's see i think i have some fish in here just go ahead and cook it what i thought i had more cold than that here put the coal in there i'm gonna wait for it to cook my real fish should be done too i'm gonna go ahead and grab it uh okay it's full of terracotta that's cool all right looking good then there only eight fish what why is this going so slow i thought the whole thing of this was to be fast what's up sean uh also i forgot to get my pork no okay i'll just deal with it what's up king of dark arts how do you join i told you last week you have to be a member so you have to be a channel member to join uh just deal with it connor keep it i guess we don't really have room for uh spare terracotta thank you though that's crazy it's crazy how much terracotta we had appreciate the help appreciate the help nope i mean if you want since you really have that much uh just add a second chest there i guess if you can make it work i'm trying to eat my food it's gonna take a minute wow that's a lot of terracotta how could i possibly organize this yeah i mean we could just stack them like we did the glass ones i think i have some spare chests in my room so oh look it's joanna nice hey didn't even see you there hey what's up sibling how you been man yeah too umi uh built the valmetto up top yeah i don't know there's a lot of random colors in the chest but i don't know if you want to organize a lot since you like organizing it there's some two spare chests you can make yeah good to see you joanna yeah michael block's up in here as well too speaking rich i gotta get rid of this okay i'm hanging on to it okay do i have any glass i don't let me at least get one thing of glass just so we can try to make a template here um uh okay let me get a look at the side whoops well since i'm here i can put my boat up okay all right so on the side here looking good that's wrapping around that goes to here okay um i probably want to trim that down maybe it's kind of in the way of the view and it might even be in the way of the tunnel well there you go crimson what's up borah how you been man yeah i saw thanks for that i appreciate that wait why do we have this wasn't here before i don't remember i don't remember this coral here was this was this added later i think was added later i'm going to trim this down a bit but we're going to have to we're going to have to terraform this mountain area to make it look a little bit more natural because right now it's like a sharp cut off straight down so many of these drowned down here yeah aura good to see you you see everybody in the chat today mod appreciation shout out as well too if you're a mod and you're here i i really do appreciate that i don't deserve y'all thank you mick lozenges no i don't you gonna try to hop on or well you can make a pickaxe so what's up luke catch you later kiko what's up augustus or august is awesome i should say kirby's doing all right how about you not super riveting gameplay right now i'm just digging just kind of terraforming here oh yeah mcsilver we'll get some more that's the part of minecraft just constantly uh getting resources and using what you need well that's right there's a cave in here there's no real rhyme or reason to how i'm digging right now i just know that i want to stop like right there and then maybe try to flesh out that steep cliff to make it look a little bit more authentic and natural what's up michael you in the room yeah so uh what do you got in mind to do today on the realm welcome back desmond so oh yeah no this might lag the server if someone wants to grab those there's like a little lava incinerator right outside that you can throw it in no need to hang on to it thank yeah i can already sense the lag so what's going on blue park what's up adam i'm so bowed well i know i'm bald i didn't know i was bowed what's going on pastel what's up great yeah i don't get that comment because you said meathead but like technically we all have meat heads just some people have hair on top of the meat so in a way he's kind of making fun of himself i don't get that that's right vader oh man what's up isaac i mean actually that kind of looks cool it's kind of like a cavish nook we just gotta fix these blocky areas it's not not liking that but whatever i'll leave it there for now trying to make this look a little bit more natural that's looking better oops what's up ed mir hey thanks for 80 likes as well too i appreciate that hey catch you later mcsilver i didn't realize you were leaving yeah no i just woke up i haven't ate yet and i'm getting hit from all directions and chat and discord and hey what's up kid all right i think that looks a little bit better uh i'm still might need to dig over here though honestly and it still looks super blocky here um hey i appreciate that michael these dolphins really want to get inside hey scorp where were we thinking that the tunnel was going to start poking out it's kind of like where i need to figure out i was kind of thinking like you know maybe across the mid here but i mean we could make it poke out from the bottom here and just elevate it a bit like raise it up like make it look cliffy on the side you say so like right here it's a little bit close to this i mean i could i could push this back and flush it a little bit more well that's very low wait wait the bottom floor not the mid what's going on kyle yeah we're playing on bedrock because bedrock makes the most sense for the community since it's cross play with all consoles and pc java is uh better sure but it's pc only and that's very restrictive to the community especially given the fact that i'm primarily a nintendo channel so wouldn't make too much sense yeah tell you what uh scorp just map out where you think the entrance should be to it and then i'll start digging around and what i think i'm going to do too is maybe push this back as well because it's a little a little poked out there um genji i don't know i honestly can't say i do i've seen a lot of genji's in my time but hey if you've been here before welcome back to you are you a fan of minecraft yeah no i wouldn't be able to remember that if it's really been that long but hey welcome back well it also depends on the name because genji gamer no offense is a little bit generic so like i said i've probably seen like seven other genjis like between then probably more than that so i mean i could push this in a little bit more commit the wrong way to go down here i'm gonna adjust the elevators because they could be a lot better now that we've changed a lot since hey no worries michael block got your priorities there's also that as well that's a problem especially since i think that's the secret area it's not gonna be so secret if it's straight up poking out of the subway what's up pixelated hmm i'm trying to think if there's a way what is this 298 298 what's up captain ice cream how you doing man doing all right 298. okay so that's that's really close i don't know anything that's 298 in my house what's up gaming lion what's up eric depends on your tier you have to be sponsored to your higher shiny what's going on by the way i'm trying to think of an elevator situation here but that's that's definitely my secret area though that it's that's poking out into it hmm you know one thing i could do it's a little bit too far away from my house though maybe i can put something here what is this okay 308 906 906 308.6 that would work that would work um oh but that's going to go through there though no that wouldn't work yeah that's gonna go through my storage area so i'm sitting here trying to think of like some sort of elevator system to hide that uh but i don't know where it would go because that that's very far from my house i mean not very far it's literally right there but i mean i could just extend it let me let me mess around with that let me see what that does let me get some supplies here i'll give it a shot see if that can help hide things like tons of cobble got no room it's interesting that spider didn't attack me what's going on alice hey thanks vader okay just throwing it all the way throwing it all away i didn't realize i had flint there hey holly uh i tell you what gamers let's get some hearts in the chat for hollya she's uh not doing too well today i really do wish you the best salient how you holding up okay so i need to go at what's up carolyn i don't know what the center of that would be 9 20. let's just say 920. okay so oh god bless it that's not looking like i had hoped i'm gonna have to extend the steps out as well what's up goob uh stream's okay i could be better myself but okay so the problem there is i need to conserve these lights okay still not a fan of it but i'll make it work no it does need to go to 911 okay um well thank you alice i appreciate that what's up thomas got to be a channel member okay yeah i know there's there's a few people playing though it's not full there's plenty of room it was kind of full earlier for a little bit yeah you should uh hopefully you'll be able to get on at some point holly that'd be really cool hmm so i i appreciate ice pops on a cold day i'm sorry a hot day oops wrong button yeah my brain's not in the right place today so very derpy probably good for derpy clips now the question is is that going to look right yes it will okay actually hold on a minute that's not right 303 304 what's up mjx 303 304 oh man that's really not right no okay wait a minute how far does it have to poke out let's see i should have counted when i was here so if that's 298 i need to be 297 296 i need to be 297 296. what's up meme man dang so i gotta figure out how to extend that without looking weird well i'm trying to make it so that an elevator just goes straight down though from there how how where's the wall like can you give me like a coordinate marker for the wall where the wall of the room pops out what's up hex what's up cookie welcome raiders appreciate that yo [Music] will the gamer thank you so much you didn't have to do that thank you for the uh 10 donation dude yo awesome raid what's up serpent drake yo will what were you doing also try to go easy on the spam try to go using this band but what were you doing let me uh let me see thank you for that very generous donation it's looking like uh potentially dynamics adventures how did it go i hope i got that right is it dynamics adventures or were you uh were you doing something else hey what's up kenzie thank you so much though for that awesome donation didn't need to do that i really do appreciate that and for the raid delmise masuda yeah masuda is the best way to go for del mice because at least in sword and shield because it's got like a one percent spawn rate out in the wild super rare for a wild hunt i mean you could do it but it's going to be a pain since it doesn't spawn that often was it fun did you get it we already uh you already know the answer to that house i said i wasn't really doing well today but i appreciate the concern well yeah thank you will thank you thank you thank you um oh joltik nice selling pasimian you'll get it you'll get it you will get it just eating my food here it will it will this is a rough start to the day so just kind of just chill vibes or we play some minecraft sorry i'm talking my mouth full but so will what's your favorite pokemon so i think what scorp said was it's pretty much going to poke out right in front of it which would technically mean wall right here at 297 then the elevator would be 296 and 295. favorite is larvitar i like the anime cry liver liver we played minecraft on the channel as far back as two years ago nightmare just off and on you like that lord larvitar i know it's a good impression right live there it's got that like smug sound but yeah no i feel you man i love tyranitar it's probably my uh he's my top three pseudo legendaries um [Music] rooting gameplay i'm just staring down at this but i'm trying to figure out the measurements i think you got it right though so wall right here wait yeah wall here elevator these two spots so i gotta i gotta extend this i can do that all right you gotta go both of you gotta get out of here you're annoying me okay yo i appreciate that will hey man i appreciate it very much you're welcome here anytime and i'll try to swing by yours as well too i stream a lot so times are tough but if i ever find some spare moments in your life i will gladly drop on by and say hello i appreciate it man thank you very much i need to be at 9 20 so the coordinate is still right 9 20. i just need to push it up some so it's not going to be as bad as i thought [Music] i just need to bring this in [Music] there was a mushroom by room like 2 000 or so blocks out yeah the wall is 9 21. what's up lucas [Music] i hope that's right let's see how in the freak did a phantom get underwater what the heck [Music] i didn't even know that was possible that kind of freaked me out a bit all right anyway oh man all right uh 297 296 295 is where the wall meets the end okay so yeah 295 okay i think uh i need to make it one more wide now the only other problem is that's going to look weird on the ceiling unless i'm going to terraform this down here as well too but this this needed to change a little bit anyway so yeah okay so maybe i can bring it down to here and then have actual natural stone on the bottom and then as far as this goes i kind of i kind of want to push that back a bit but it would look weird here hang on a minute get a side view c choose okay now that would work out because i happen to have two on each side it's going to be a while and the rest isn't really my problem you you're the one that needs to get some rest hell yeah okay i don't like that the door is so close but i'm just gonna have to deal with it and make it work when would that be crap i need more yo that is very lucky wow insurance doing something right for once well that's good at least you got um some good insurance to help you out with that because that can very well be a pain low key if anything were to happen to me that was like super denture retro i'd be in trouble because i don't have insurance and i haven't paid for insurance and like for like a year and a half since i was uh laid off from my job that's part of the reason why i lived like a hermit kind of hard for me to get into trouble if i never go out wait a minute i'm not sure i like that but i'll figure it out a minute yep that's pretty much what i do i just stay inside oops actually how high up is that it's literally to there [ __ ] i don't know if i'm gonna light the glass like this yeah i don't i don't like that so much but i will deal with it because i'm not even sure this is gonna work i might be off by a measurement or two but we will find out honestly what i should do is put the doors side by side here that's gonna mess up my chest though and not i don't mean the inventory i mean if i did that i don't think i'll be able to have three chests there's me man with his wacky skins how you doing me man i might be able to actually might even look better let's see that could look better i don't need a door anymore the door was for when this was the bedroom but now it's the kitchen so that's not even really necessary welcome back carter it's all cooked okay i did not mean to put that there but that's gonna have to do okay just shift everything over one well now there are people that are doing some zelda things on the build or on the realm zelda builds on the realm i can't english but uh now that i'm not a part of that i'll appreciate it from a distance but i'm doing this wacky water thing so totally different but yeah we got some really talented people working on the zelda stuff i'm really excited for the uh the hyrule town hey what's up hexbox okay i'll at least take these out oh here we go all right so that that looks a little bit better i think to be honest except for this okay so now it's all like just flush the inventories flush a little bit more symmetrical which i am all about symmetry okay there we go so now it just goes down into here i gotta figure out how to light it up though it's pretty dark depends minecraft could be hard to play it really depends on your skill level there's a learning curve once you get used to it it is what it is i'm trying to figure out the lighting i could put some right there that helps that room gotta get some more prismarine i don't like that and i'll fix it later some of the walls are uncoordinated okay um that's off that's off i'm gonna have to raise it up one okay so i'm gonna need more prismarine i mean at this point whoops well the chat's quiet too so minecraft is just a time to show you don't have to talk or say anything no sense in saying a play by play because you can see what i'm doing so this thing is so powerful it's efficiency that it chops two blocks at the same time as one in a way it makes like double the work oh this looks kind of weird i don't know if i'm gonna like this let's see yeah could be worse uh okay um this okay i could probably put some right there yeah that looks nice hey what's going on alec how you been man how has life been treating you also yo um i just noticed thanks for 100 likes everybody appreciate that appreciate that how has uh life been treating you man okay so that's gonna curve down and then we're gonna have to dig down an elevator right here yeah just just kind of quiet it's particularly good because i'm not really in the best mood today so no real need to really talk too much kind of just take it easy hey that's good to hear good to hear that how am i gonna fix this well uh i hope i didn't mess this up i think it's gonna be fine the only thing is this block is gonna look weird above the glass the only thing i can honestly think of is making the mountain reach up go for it vader i'd love to have the archery game in here that'd be really cool i can at least fix that here we go um yeah i think i'm gonna have to get some natural stone because this is bugging me really this one block right here is bugging me if it weren't for the glass roof it wouldn't bother me but meanwhile i hope this doesn't flood down below is that right yes well minecraft is a relaxing game so i'm already doing it okay scorp there's going to be some water trickling down here i think that's a good spot for the water elevator though wow i'm surprised the torch survived i thought that was going to be a lot messier rip scorplan though what's with the cats okay that's kind of a cool water effect trickling down the stairs oops okay let's see let's just go what pillar blocks what are we talking about what's going on me man with the potatoes what are you what are you handsome gretel leaving a bread trail potato trail well i could but then this is just floating here and and that would arguably look just as weird it's just a floating thing [Music] what's up gabby and i mean either way this is going to have to be blocked i mean i could bring it in one what's up depresso but i mean it's gonna have to because you know we're gonna need to seal off the elevator but i'm gonna have to get rid of i'm gonna have to trim this whole midsection down just a little bit cut it off there that's fine anyway it might be easily more uh more manageable i suppose okay i'll just use glass on the sides just looks super goofy but i will live actually you know it's grown on me only thing that bugs me still is the window symmetry but i'll live with it okay um let's see well the symmetry and then me man trying to fish me out of the water and then whatever this is that's not freaky at all wow wow okay i'm gonna clip that what in the world is even happening okay so i have to box that off in a minute but that way we'll have a side entrance and an elevator entrance uh i need to clear up some of my inventory a bit i was about to throw that away i need that okay so coming through there it has look from the top that's weird and even though it still looks weird because dang it there we go um i could do that i could make a glass except that we need more glass so there is the sponge i wonder where that was i swear to god this thing is annoying is gonna mess up my lighting i could do i could deal with two what's going on jacob see what that looks like from up top could be better but make do let's get a bird's eye view at the end of the day this is just a temporary spot so i'm not gonna spend too much time on it the more important part is the city and the tunnels so not bad in a bad i mean it does make it a little bit i mean it's still boxy in the grand scheme of things but giving it that little l shape kind of makes it a little bit less boxy okay and it'll serve as a quick entrance to the subway down below okay hmm oh okay so this pokes out to there and i i was off center by the way all right catch you later alice thank you thank you thank you hmm yeah it's off by a bit what's up enjoy how's it going french fry doing all right today hey there amelia how you doing today what's going on rosebud oh lord hey what's up hudson what's up symbol what's up fizzy what's up rj we got lizzy we got small we got sullivan we got catch we got phineas we got mellow we got anthony we got fizzy we got uh hudson we got knight we got chris we got realms we got tk we got something we got random we got no one we got skull we got uh we got grievous holy heck we got rainbow we got matt we got roblo we got uh ppt we got luna we got mystical we got catch we got pumpkin we got alfoid we got uh renamin we got uh tr triviality oh i'm god i'm dying oh man get away from me zombie yo welcome raiders what's up sega we got a full-blown console in here we got uh we got person fan that's a great name we got hydrus we got uh dj we got daniella we got epic duck we got yahoo we got noah we got uh let's see i think we got everybody we got molly i may have missed a few people but welcome raiders from the flippin dog on failboat raid man that's that's awesome what's up human 50 what's up uh colin we got i do random stuff that makes two of us we got oslo we got um hot broth love saying that with the rolling the bee broth hot broth what's up fizzy octo welcome to you welcome to raiders how did the stream go what's up anime suki what's up mj what's up nugget god what's up silky what's up jasp appreciate it what's up scandalon thank you thank you thank you raiders remember try not to spam but yeah how did the stream go how did my man failboat uh what did he do today actually i don't think he was doing minecraft hey what's up bcf what's up uh i think i got it right hey h we got taco gamer we got rj moose i'm pretty sure i got everybody which i'm actually impressed to myself 3d world that's true that's what he did it was 3d world yes yo 3d world man such a good game did you all have fun at failboat's place i hope you did this is our uh little minecraft realm um i'm that ballgamer i'm baldwin like games uh i do a lot of pokemon and sometimes some splatoon but every once in a while i'll do a minecraft stream uh with my channel members and that's what we're doing today i can give you all a brief little tour if you'd like yo i'm glad y'all had fun pretty well with x yo x nice wow that sounds like a lot of fun actually kind of makes me mad that i wasn't there to see it oh man but yeah i don't know this is our little minecraft film uh it's survival by the way um we aren't in creative or anything so every all the materials you see here we kind of gathered and collected ourselves i really appreciate that raid though i'm gonna have to send him a message and tell him thank you i gotta send a message anyway because i got a series coming up i might wanna have him pop in for an episode or two but uh but yeah yeah we are uh we're in the process of building an underwater city so if you look on my map in the bottom left um you'll see there's a lot of ocean there and i chose it on purpose so uh pretty much in the middle of that ocean is where the city is gonna be and this is kind of like our base of operations but we're currently building a subway station an underwater subway station right here and we're going to have no joke like hundreds and hundreds of blocks worth of tunnels underwater with railing to and from the city so it's going to start like right here and just go all the way like 800 blocks or so to where the city is going to be yeah that was a really cool raid i really do appreciate that i'm definitely gonna have to send a fail but a thank you message for that that was really cool that helped uh that helped make my day what's up guy on the internet i appreciate that no obligation like i said i stream pretty much every day but it's uh mainly a lot of pokemon some splatoon especially with the announcement of splatoon 3. i'll try to do some zelda once uh the skyward sword comes out but um lots of shiny hunting lots of uh splatoon stuff and occasionally some minecraft which we're doing right now so semi variety i guess you could say with some focuses on pokemon and splatoon but um but yeah i don't know oh check this out so if you go over here ah crap i gotta eat oh man but who in the chat plays minecraft farewell is very awesome yeah no that was really fun what's up body by the way what's going on melo check out this awesome temple of time actually if you look up we have vametto in the sky any breath of the wild fans what's up ethan you got valmetto up there yo vader thank you for the five dollar holofail raid pog let's go thank you vader i appreciate that let's get some of those hearts and emojis over here you have the temple of time vader is it functional can i show uh hang on a minute get around here i appreciate that i appreciate the compliments folks yeah there it is right there hey what's up colin what's up jeffrey yeah it's gonna lag a little bit because this is bedrock we're not using java but um and we do have well actually it's a bit on the quiet side for once what's up matt normally we have a full realm but it's early in the day it'll be a long stream so check this out temple of time right here you again vader how in the heck did the phantom get in here well that's nice all right so listen to this watch this it's fully functional see and if you listen carefully the door is going to open up just watch carefully that phantom better not hit me here it comes oh you gotta love it you gotta love it and then it goes into like you know the master sword area right here very cool yeah it's very cool right right right very cool very cool and as as far as the code goes this is for channel members sponsor tearing up i don't normally do sponsor only streams in fact right now minecraft's the only way to do that it's more of a security precaution because if i were to make this realm for free like people would just pop in and destroy stuff and then leave or steal stuff and then leave you know by doing this i had a little security measure and it's a little bit less enticing to troll for five dollars and even if they do i'll just kick them and i get five dollars so but i do have to try to protect you know my community and make it a fun space for those that are involved but every other stream that i do on the channel pretty much is with viewers you don't have to be a member like when i do pokemon dynamax that's with anybody splatoon is with anybody uh but minecraft's really the only one that i do that with because i kind of have to oh let's see but yeah no no thank you all for for being here if you want to absolutely feel free to subscribe i can't wait to send fail about a message that made my day i'm gonna have to uh i'm gonna have to thank him um there's a lot of cool stuff right here we have a casino um i i never really do the gambling part but i can show you it is functional and we're actually building a much larger scale one in the underwater city so this is kind of like a demo of what it can do but you can straight up gamble in our minecraft realm if you wanted to uh like if you go in here you know it says two iron tokens for four casino tokens um you know two choker tokens for two rare tokens you know you just pop them in these little thingies here and you can potentially win a prize same with this right here you know place your tokens in the choker and press the button you can do it if you want to um up here is like you know more stuff but back in uh we're going to try to have some slot machines and maybe even some blackjack on the the larger casino so looking pretty cool yeah floating island concepts and then there's there's again valmetto which is another really cool build it's actually from someone who's unfortunately not on the realm anymore but um it's so cool that we decided to keep it hey what's up just the bill so yeah um and then if you go over here there is the the lighthouse build again um we're shooting for an underwater city vibe oh actually there's a couple more things i'm going to show you no worries no worries yeah look at this little uh missy invader working on this japanese style house before i show you the underwater part which is looking really cool and even has a zen garden with cherry blossoms right here there's the zen area and then you got like the padoga style house right over there man i need a better angle let me go like right here okay ah the cherry blossom's covering it here i'll show you from here it's very cool though it's a very cool build and there's actually another really cool build right next to it yeah there you go now you can see it like right there looking very cool and then if you go inside oh for a moment there i thought that was a floating lava i don't know i'm disoriented yeah it's looking very nice german speak i'm gonna attempt to say that and i don't even know what it means it probably means like you know if you steal my items i'm gonna kill you uh hobbit the item frames okay probably butchered it okay anyway and uh yeah yeah looking very nice very nice to go upstairs looking very cool we got the futons up there ah vader expanded i took uh german italian and french diction so i know how to enunciate fairly well i just don't know what i'm saying that was a class that was required for my music degree that way you can know you know how to sing in foreign languages you don't really have to know how to what it means but you can know how to say it oh yeah the seller but i don't know how to get down there it's been covered unless it's this no yeah i don't know oh right down here okay and there you go you got the hot springs here i think i thought there was a sauna somewhere might still be i don't know looking cool though yeah here's the sauna sauna right here very cool very cool yeah like a lot of a lot of cool builds in the realm now i don't know how to get out of here oh there it is you know what you're a cool rosebud thank you all for being here and again big shout out thank you to fail boat um there's a little hobbit hole right over here that's really cool check this out look at this this is really cool for something for something so snug and cozy that's really cool let me go inside and you can see it's very nice quaint and cozy got the sweets on the table there and the pumpkin right there and looking very nice snug efficient got the banners on the wall yeah where's gandalf exactly mine is like a big massive blocky mess but it's kind of like a hub it's basically a hub for the upcoming subway station which we're working on today today with if things go well we can start working on the tunnels what's up lizzy oh yeah it is oh well there you go what's the uh what's the channel yeah i saw ice elevator all right so if you go over here i mean there's lots of really cool builds um let's see i mean yeah i mean the the water's so vast i could cross the ocean there's a couple people scattered about i mean heck even crystal's house is really well done like i could show you real quick like she put a lot of time and effort into it i hope she can uh pop on the realm again yeah it's very neat very very organized very much love it [Music] then if you go through here but yeah no um again if you want i mean they was a good guy i know um he's popped up with me for some charity streams called squids for kids he's got a good heart so thank you again failboat for that raid and if anybody wants to definitely consider subscribing stream pretty much every day here's my little horse stable here's the lighthouse my room station in there if you look on the side here you'll see my house is just kind of like an underwater build like underwater demo for what's to come in the city it's going to look a lot better this is very blocky but again this is supposed to be just temporary like hub or what's to come and you can see like it all connects that's where the station's gonna be um everything's underwater um we even have like an underwater forest here which is looking really cool but again a demo just to to get a feel for how we want the actual city to be it's a lot of demo builds uh they're just not here anymore uh that one guy so i can show you real quick uh you know just goes down here got a massive storage area um you know we've got the villagers up in here you know they just sell you stuff we got some really good deals on mending books here's the library there's the the mending sellers right here hello his name is herbert don't ask why uh you know enchantment table there well i appreciate you being here noah if you come down here you can just see my another portal oh that's something i can show you too that's very cool hey what's up turtle yeah um real quick let me show you the bees we spend a lot of time on the bee area it's looking like a banjo-kazooie b level with the honeycomb walls and the and the dripping uh hives up top to make a dripping effect it's not quite dripping right now but it does it'll drip and it looks really cool so it's kind of like a little honey area oh man bees but yeah i know the the nether hub is really cool looking i'll give you uh a look at that some people put a lot of time and effort into it that's right matt i'm actually playing on the playstation 5 as well too although it's the ps4 app they haven't made an optimized ps5 version yet yeah the v from click clock woods from banjo so here's a little nether hub and it's kind of like a fast travel like everyone has a little portal so there's me you know you got photos right there um this is someone's don't know who you got me mans right there uh if you go up here you can see scorps scorp's house is really nice too this is corpse pen um and it just gets very well done we actually lucked out so believe it or not check this out okay so see how my portal is right here well if you walk out we're really close to the end and we didn't plan that so literally we're just a few steps away from the end portal which is uh right here this is where the importer was that's very close to our face yo what up chris what up nadine what's up blossie welcome to you raiders yo where's grindeth so yeah if you were to go into here it'd be right at the the end portal which is like insanely lucky uh placing yo grineth you were doing some minecraft weren't you how did it go but again man i gotta i gotta definitely message uh failboat because that that was very very cool let me uh pop back into my spot here did you have fun grinith thank you again for that awesome raid granite i hope you did enjoy your uh you didn't modded minecraft right so i guess that's java here we have our little ice foxes this is crap but like i'm really just storing them here for now and i'm gonna have a zoo in the the underwater city so this is just to keep them stored but they're going to be they're going to be a lot better off later on i see i see here's our uh little torture device we haven't got it working yet but you're supposed to be able to burn pigs and cows and chickens for food very quickly work in progress um we also have this is also work in progress just a little farm with the farmer right here who has a great deal al fester if you all know uh splatoon youtuber alpha star i joke and call him al fester with the western accent so i named the farmer after him but he has a good deal on emeralds one pumpkin for an emerald and 15 wheat from emerald one watermelon for emeralds so we keep him around for emeralds rj yeah no no we're gonna have a zoo for sure in the underwater city a torture chamber noah gotta have one right yeah the foxes are down below there's a spider right there also don't tell anyone for the you know 60 people in the chat right now but here's my secret area and it glitched out oh no wait i may have closed it yeah there we go it was already open whoops here's where i put some of my more valuable things that aren't in the under chest we don't have a town hall but we have a welcome center so um and it's very very simple i'll show you scorp's place next because that's also very nice actually i'll give you a bird's eye view of this because this looks kind of nice up from up top here's my room work in progress i gotta i messed up the steering there so i gotta eventually move it around um but yeah looking looking pretty cool from top and like you know you got the split waterfall down there again scorp and i both worked on this and uh all the materials you see we dug for ourselves so all that prismarine all that quartz all that glass that's another reason why i chose this location you'll see on the map we're sandwiched between deserts so glass is not going to be an issue which again is why we're going to build an underwater subway tunnel with just basically glass and stuff we'll graze by it dom oh man yeah here's dom's face but pretty good because you know he is new to the game he actually just bought the game for the first time ever like a week ago so it's done pretty good he's come a long way we have this bricky obstruction here uh and then over here is scorp's house and lozenges is invading it is rose see dominic you got a compliment how about that um so yeah scorps area is really cool it kind of houses a few people it's got scorplazenes and an alley well ali i guess counts as half a person because i guess he doesn't want to live there but pastel as well um so here's like i like their storage area here looking very cool very efficient very snug it's possible mj is possible like i it's very basic right now in terms of the zoo idea it's just something that i know hey i want to do it um or at least have a place to store like a variety of animals um let's see and you know you go up here see a lot of very very spacious very very roomy um where it gets really cool is this barn area there's a lot of storage oh that's actually not the castle that's the temple of time i think his storage area is over here yeah yeah yeah let's see yeah i think scorp's working on the the tunnel and i guess he just flooded some cats so yeah now here's this little farm area and it's really cool because you know it's got some storage it's got farms when you go down here though very committed because there is a section for every single color of sheep uh so like you know you got your food on the sides here but then when you get up here every curl of sheep so you have white you have black you have pink you have red you have blue you have uh fuchsia you have dark blue you have orange you have teal you have green you have yellow you have another green you have brown uh purple uh gray and dark gray and like you know that's that's very uh very dedicated oh man very dedicated storage area here so pretty cool pretty cool takes a hot minute to get over here yeah right mj sometimes you know sometimes you get some uh birth defect sheep all right go on on up but again thank you all for being here and again i'm gonna have to shoot fair but a message i may even do it like while i'm live just a quick thank you because that was really cool um let's see there's actually a lot more houses but they're scattered about that's why i'm trying to convince people to like kind of build near each other so that way it can be a more condensed community i'll show you the uh the welcome center since i asked earlier it's right over here and this is pretty much where people spawn basic gets the job done there's our walmart i guess so yeah the welcome center is over here there you go right there and you spawn it from right here so it says you know welcome center welcome center um don't leave any floating trees that's important take whatever the mcfrick you want so like you know whatever you see you can take it if you want it um be careful building underground oh man yeah oh so one thing to note um near the temple of time hey what's up weird welcome back rublo near the temple time what's gonna happen is we're actually vader is actually going to build hyrule town so all this gated off space this big massive field is going to be hyrule town in front of the temple of time so that's going to be really cool when it's all said and done well the realm has been around for since october but it's been off and on the cool thing is though um you know the realm was open 24 7 so even when i'm not streaming people can hop on and build so a few things i restricted to like a group project i restricted to just building on stream like the tunnels for example that we're doing today but you know anything else that's on their own property they can they're more than free to like just add on to and work on or you know gather resources off stream i'm gonna this is crap by the way i'm just gonna go to the block limit here so i can fly down to the von meadow and show y'all because i heard some people wanted to see the von meadow so the best way i know outside of teleporting which i'm trying not to do is to fly down from here from the block limit area but it's cool anyway because the vameno has a landing strip on its wing for people who do fly from up here so it's kind of funny okay so yeah there it is right there and you can see the landing strip see it uh hang on a minute all right i'm coming in hot here we go landing strip i'm gonna crash crash burp i totally failed that landing anyway um yeah here's the vometo which is very cool looking if i'm being brutally honest it is a nice build um let's see yeah you know it goes into here it's got like you know little side areas right there it's got a storage area on the wings and like a living room area in the wings very cool very cool yeehaw anyway very fun build it is kind of cool to like just glide around and just get a bird's eye view of everything um there's no pressure or obligation to become a member by the way um so just bear that in mind all you gotta do is hit the join button if you can't find it um i can give you a direct link here but uh it does have to be the sponsor tier or higher okay i'm gonna turn off the heat by the way i'm getting a little bit hot yeah there's me man acting goofy all right um i think that's pretty much the gist of it i mean there's a really cool area that is building but it's so far away i can't be bothered to show it off but it is really cool i mean she's got a really cool lighthouse um a really cool windmill it's very well put together but she decided to be a rebel and build it like a million blocks away so rip her but it is very good i'll give her at least give her a verbal compliment but anyway yeah that's pretty much the gist of it um so just this is what we're pretty much working on today is uh the station uh i mean you know we okay if you want to tp me you can that's fine i don't know uh hang on one second let me send something here oh that's right scorp you gotta get rid of that by the way um all right i just shot failed a message since it was on my mind so i didn't forget yeah okay so here is is uh spot so there you see we she's got a nice uh lighthouse right over here uh let's see right over there looking very good and homey what's up time jester yeah wow okay i'm gonna have to like go down for the bottom i have not noah there you go if you come down here she also has a really cool like fishing dock area i suppose she's gonna build a subway station here as well um we're gonna build tunnels and connect it but yeah she's like a thousand twelve hundred blocks away from where everyone else is but she wanted to find like a remote pre-existing village seed or area like right here and she wanted to build around it but it is very very very very cool um and then of course you can see it from a distance there but there's the windmill right over there so really cool impressive stuff just way away from everybody else i think that's still working progress on the inside let me see [Music] yeah it's still working products on the inside but i mean yeah that's pretty much the gist of like if i'm being brutally honest just some of the more impressive builds on the realm there's a few scattered here and there like you know up and comers that are still learning the ropes and uh stuff like that but yeah that's that's kind of the gist of it so what do you all think all right i need to teleport out here i am going to teleport for once don't don't judge me okay there's good old me man what's up marsh also thank you so much for 130 uh likes i really do appreciate that [Music] okay your house looks like a tuscan raiders hut well you even said it was a work of progress though so you got to get you got to get to work out of stars what's up darkness how are you doing today oh my gosh i gotta i gotta get this functioning yeah i like this yeah this is cool and then we can like if we wanted to we could build a step way down what up sloosh yeah i like that so again this is where the uh subway tunnels are gonna be i have not noah we're just kind of chilling darkness we are chilling just throwing this out here too we do have a discord if anybody wants to join it feel free here you go right here give me one second okay um okay so we're going for the glowstone vibe i like it i like it ooh wait a minute that's bugging me even then i'm wondering if i should scoot that over closer to the wood or just leave it as is it is kind of in the middle as is let me let me back up a bit yeah i mean that that that looks nice as is [Music] i'm gonna light this place up though hang on a minute um oh dog gone at all i thought i had more sea lanterns i had to get some i love the minecraft music especially this song the underwater soundtrack is like just very very calming okay i'm gonna get yeah let's just grab those that's enough uh actually maybe not be enough there now it's enough ten blocks is good okay yeah yeah yeah but like i said like the the underwater and the nether soundtracks are my two favorite for like just calming and relaxing vibes i need to count this okay one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. potentially at the nine [Music] one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven it's a little bit off center hang on a minute [Music] oops that should work what's going on monkey okay i mean that's that's a little better okay basic stuff right there but at least the lighting is good or is it i need to bring this in one oh my god no [Music] please don't slide please don't fly please don't slide ah okay cool cool cool all right now we're talking and honestly i should probably should probably do this this is so awkward no there we go okay i gotta get rid of that random block right there okay cool that might look a little bit better get away from me have at the okay uh yeah i think i like that a little bit better my only complaint is that it is kind of tucked away on this side that's not a huge deal okay there's lozenges okay so let me uh take a gander from up top but yeah thank you all for being here and i very much appreciate it very much uh hope that you all having a great day great night ratreen i mean it's wacky right now because there's no sails but she's actually building a schooner boat so it's unsailed at the moment um but that's actually starting to look really cool as well once it's done that would be a build i show off too okay what's up that reviewer guy all right wait a minute i don't know if i like that that makes a little more sense not too much sense but a little okay um okay i like that from the side i'm gonna have to really redo this midsection here though that's gonna suck when the time comes it'll suck in the grand scheme of things but it'll also make things a little bit more efficient so that's why it'll even be worth it that whole mid area kind of got like tossed aside when i started working on the lighthouse and uh or when scorpion i started working on it and then the uh the station kind of taken a back seat to things okay okay so let me go back down there i'm liking it this area could kind of use with maybe some decoration or something i'll figure it out i mean i could i could dig it in on the side just to maybe i can give it some furnaces or something i don't know um and then we'll go down here wait a minute oh okay that's right okay yeah i like this i like how this comes down to this midsection this can be kind of like a lounge waiting area i suppose and then we can build some stairs downward let's see okay cool i want to get one more little chug of g fuel here anybody in the chat trying some gp i'm gonna do the uh the blue flavor right now i'm gonna finish up my fish too that's nice nothing like a good old pro controller dropping on the floor at least uh folks got to stick around to see the tour now things are a little bit back to normal but again shout out to uh both sticking around and mod appreciation shout out as well okay yeah i'm like really hot so hopefully it cools down i kind of call them vibes by the way like i'm kind of like you know chill mellow not going hog wild and crazy okay [Music] it happens mj it happens okay so the wall is going to cover this which should be nice and then the elevator it's gonna cover that now the problem is three four five that should be big enough and then we can have potentially some railing here i was looking down wait how do you get down wait scorp what happened to the uh to the down area how do you get down there [Music] what's up minecraft vids uh you do have to be a channel member sponsor tier or higher um i think i'm gonna do that i think i'm gonna build some steps potentially potentially sorry about that hit the mic there because we can build some steps to go down from here oh that'd be kind of cool stars game if you make a sand castle um you have to uh hit the join button or you can follow the link right here but no pressure and again it does have to be the sponsor tier or higher that's just more of a security measure than anything because you know we don't want people just popping on in and breaking stuff so here you go right here what's up forgotten wow hang on a second okay hey catch you later noah or unless you're saying goodnight to vessel i'm observing scorp i think he's trying to balance out things my guess is he's gonna put the wood on the side it's okay it's okay minecraft face don't be sad maybe so he widened this up by three what's up chase so how did how did we get down here because this was a whole area like down below right or are we not doing that anymore or is it kind of just like covered up for now what we could do here is we can build some steps or steps i got to wake up steps in between these two like columns here maybe three wide i haven't come down i gotta get the wood but i could work on that oh here we go oh so what what do you have in mind for this spot is this oh is this where the actual um tunnels are are going to be i suppose i'm thinking that's where it is and then [Music] the only thing is the only thing is it needs to be let's see it's probably going to be seven blocks wide because it's got to be like you know here's the wall then boom and then here's a railway 2 and then a space and then here's a wear way back to and from and then space and then the wall so it's got to be pretty wide and that's going to be all like glass and all kinds of crap now we could trim it down a bit and put the rails to and from side by side but that could get kind of sloppy that's the way i see it though is maybe at the very least seven wide i don't know if you all have an opinion on that or not so it's gonna be it's gonna be some wide tunnels stretching for hundreds and hundreds of locks so let's say for example if we do make it seven wide if we make it seven wide good lord let's say if we make it seven wide and we decide to go to igisland just as an estimate i'm probably way off even seven times eighteen hundred is twelve thousand six hundred blocks and that's just one side we gotta do that times four we're gonna need 50 400 blocks of glass essentially good thing when you're deserts and jeez that's just the tunnel portion so when people think i'm joking when i say we need glass we need glass in fact that just gave me an idea what to do here i'm gonna make more glass storage hey what's going on echo way to go dude well when did you get a shiny then though if it wasn't a mainstream pokemon game i gotta get my treasure chest all of these we going out to diago i'm going after diago as well that's my current tapu leila and diagram like two current hunts we got enough for now and then you know what i'll make a sponge one as well too okay um let's see oh we got double noah action how you doing noah this guy's gonna be paying isn't he whoops i looked at the chat for one second okay all right and then it's a little bit off center but i'll make it work i should have got three what's up yeet what's up cameron i love them i can't wait for the the new pokemon games i like the charming design of the um gen 4 remake it's not meant to be like a direct sequel like gen 9 so it's trying to harken back to the old top-down view of the older gens so i don't have a problem with it um what i would have a problem with is i'm worried that because it does look like that and i hope this is not the case but because it does look cute i'm worried they're going to make the game easier and the one thing i like well there's many things i like about gen 4 but one of the main things i liked about it was the fact that it's the hardest one in my opinion especially pokemon platinum it's probably the hardest game in the pokemon franchise so what i would really hate to see is they do this cute style which i don't mind but then they make it super easy um and nerf like you know cynthia and stuff so i wouldn't be happy with that but no overall though i have no complaints and um especially legends arceus uh the only player i have about that is it's one player only which i guess is gonna be fine it's gonna be a new style of game and it's gonna be cool but um the fact about that though it just makes me curious if you'll be able to trade if there'll be some sort of trading system since it is one one player only or if you can even like transfer things in the home i'm sure they might let that be possible but we'll see okay so that's gonna be more glass and more glass so so a sponge box and then a bunch of extra spare glass boxes which will be nice think that's that's fair what do you think some more glass storage closer to the tunnels so honestly i can move some of that here okay let me get rid of some of these blocks oops yeah that's totally fair for those that aren't a fan of it that's completely fine i can i can see why people would be upset i can see why i'm not upset um and everybody is entitled to their own opinion for sure uh i guess i'll just throw the rest of this away don't need that don't need this don't need that i can blend that don't need this don't need that i'll at least save the fence i could definitely use that for later don't worry's electric web maybe i'll catch you later man oh i meant to get some more glass what's up uh sar okay i'll go ahead and transfer that [Music] okay i think that's good for now all right now on to the steps this is new ah wait a minute ah okay so you already built stuffs cool and then they go around to here which goes down to here let's see okay i like it i'm assuming that's symmetrical one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven yes perfect do we wanna keep this mountain side to give it like a natural blend yeah i do that sometimes two rows and i agree but i think well because i am a poke tuber i'll have to play it but like yeah i know exactly what you mean you know what joanna thank you and reminder that you are cool too and i'm gonna i'm gonna shoot crystal a message later tonight but just you know not going into the details but let her know that i i i love her to death and she's one of my favorite people so hey thank you for that two daughter donations you didn't have to do that and just just just give her my regards and you too what do you mean what do you mean you have no idea what you're doing well the thing is if we don't hey what's up bossy if we don't keep this natural it's going to get a little bit wacky with the water i think at the very least well wait it did oh that sucks it's showing it up on stream labs so i don't know why it didn't show up on the on the overlay that's weird because yeah i'm looking at it right now that did but hm vsa says please please please please please join and give her my regards yeah yeah it's showing up as that with the hyphen on the actual streamlabs feed so i don't know why i did that there oh you're talking about the event list yeah so it showed up on the alert but not on the side on the event list there i don't know i guess it doesn't know how to do hyphens um font settings is that gonna be better well actually i like that font better but it still doesn't do the hyphen i think this streamlabs can't really process hyphens what is this yeah no matter what phone i choose it's like it lacks the hyphens so that's definitely a streamlabs thing i like that font though that's cool font nice and bold i'm gonna keep it i'm glad i checked yeah i don't know it's weird okay oh let's see hello mr enderman yeah streamlabs needs to get over itself lighting's going to be an issue here i have to look into that is this going to be uh is this white terracotta where do you get the terracotta because i'm gonna try to patch up this wall because we gotta cover this another brick here as well too and then we can um we can make the water elevator function okay well i gotta say noah i appreciate that this is one of the more calm ones because we just i'm not getting like super hyper or anything like that it's just kind of mellow and relaxed oh okay so you made some actual white terracotta in there okay is it in the shulker box or is it a oh it must be this one no it is not is it in a box i'm not seeing i hear cats i think my village or my my area just spawned a cat if anybody needs one yeah lots of terracotta lots of i mean you think that's a lot yo rose check this out and there's a lot more to come this time is like 20 probably look at this look at all this glass boom boom hopefully that's empty boom boom boom boom hey what's up ian you know boom here's our automatic glass maker right there uh top next to the item frame one okay uh okay but then i guess you mean this and i guess it's in the shulker box unless it's this plain one is it this plain regular one that didn't look what doesn't look white to me take the plane i'm going to oh okay i'm going to annoy lozenges and like mess this up okay and then so is it just uh white dye is that all you need where are my bones oh they're down here i think i have bone meal do you make white dye from bone meal i've actually never made white dye before here let me just see okay welcome back carter hey catch you later noah ooh i just thought of another idea but scorp's gonna hate me just trying to make it like easier to access from different altitudes so i'm thinking scorp so i'm thinking you see that this is my secret area right here i'm thinking about like maybe on this side kind of parallel to the waterfall or the elevator make another right here but that's just going to be a tunnel from the mid-level so that way if you're in the mid you can just walk through there and if you're at the top you can just go down the elevator just multiple points of entry since a lot of people will be coming and going through here i guess i don't know i could i could i couldn't who cares oh man i think well technically waluigi is in smash but i know you mean playable character they could they could they could they could hello hello i'm gonna die a couple of times but that is a-okay oh no okay well i have to fix that later i i definitely don't want another pokemon rep and i'm actually a pokemon fan but i don't i don't know what the heck is happening here i don't uh i yeah i'd rather have other something else hat in time would be cool i don't think it's gonna happen maybe as a me outfit but i definitely really really really kind of hope we don't have another pokemon wrap okay wait a minute the stairs are a little bit off if i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do because i'm just trying to hide that secret area uh because it's kind of just poking out there no rome's not full by the way yeah yeah i was trying to hide it like so it wouldn't be covered or so it would be covered so people are like what's this no no no i'm definitely not making one another break i mean we could well we could if you want to make the back end another brick but i don't know well i mean i guess it would fit with the since the trim is another brick we could we could actually do that if you want i guess that makes sense we're just gonna have to be really careful with the lighting then because that's gonna be really dark oh lord hollya you need to be watching the video for minecraft and hop on in that's what you need to do what up bernie what up blue jay all right i could do that i can get some another rick [Music] it is peachy and you're more than welcome to hop on in i like a holly just ignores what i said she's an anti-minecrafter there's you know there's a simple solution to that alia if you don't have minecraft get minecraft yeah i love that peachy i'd love for you to hop on what's up uh beard it's a member only realm that was that was my impression of woody from toy story a movie buddy get one if you don't have one get one that's that's woody you don't have minecraft get minecraft [Music] that's a weird reference why am i talking about minecraft i don't know okay i mean are you patching it into a design or you want the whole thing to be another rick i appreciate that beard that's pretty cool dawn i think you're trying to make it to a design which actually kind of looks cool we'll just have to do something up top oh you got to be kidding me this one part is like awkward to build it there we go super dark on my on my screen but at least i know what i'm doing we're definitely going to light it up wait it's off center isn't it uh no it's not what's up mcmean mcmahons there we go if we wanted to we can make this whole single line trim just glowstones like a big pillar of glowstones that could help light it up sorry about that austie let me give it a try [Music] foreign yes one must stay hydrated i'm not gonna have enough glowstone i didn't realize i had such a glowstone shortage yeah it might be enough okay [Music] problem is i don't know if i'm gonna like it or not it seemed good on paper but gonna see what scorps up to first maybe he has something else in mind yo what up mcdomb so scorp what i was thinking was just this whole white trim on both sides would be glowstone like a pillar but i don't know how well i would like that i'm just observing at this point because it seems like he has something in mind don't want to harsh his gig what's going on colin so you got a new uh profile picture [Music] i like it with the exception of this only because well but you know what maybe this will be hidden once we get this functional yeah that's i mean yeah once we get the pillars up like the the glass yeah i'm thinking about making this glass and just the standard magma soul sand thing uh how far what's over yeah splatoon 3's gonna be a lot of fun well that's where it is unless you mean it needs to go over one to the left here like right here and the water stops here oh you mean the water stops here so it's fine where it is it's got to be pushed up is what you mean so that's so it needs to be at 290 i can do that all right i'll get to work on it nice elements hopefully we got some good stuff out of it yeah i finally filmed my first card unboxing i got to edit though it's going to take a hot minute because i'm gonna have to do a lot of cuts and i want it to look as good as it can it's gonna look better for the next one quality wise but for what i have to work with i'm gonna do my best so prismarine i was like why did i come down here prisoner i'm gonna take like this middle of the box it's gonna annoy lozenges got enough glass that's fair fine as is okay so i gotta go to 290. it's up drift i think it was 290. i forget if that's where the water needed me or if that's where the wall needed to be okay so the wall needs to be at 280 or 289 and the water is at 290. i think no um you're gonna have to send me a uh your your gamertag name and crap and i'll have to add you and then i gotta invite you i've been better drift king but how about you that's good to hear well we're building a model extension which i'm gonna have to figure out utilize this room a little bit maybe i'll turn it to like a mini storage and it's going to be in an elevator water elevator down below which goes to the underwater subway tunnels what's up maddie ice how you been man how you doing how you holding up today whoops weird mild lag spike yeah just just ask for help on the discord and uh on the remember the minecraft realm chat and then they'll tell you what you need to know is that right scored is that the proper coordinates okay what's up mr fire any worries uh drift king hey um it's good of you to do that keeping a good influence all right snoopy catch you later uh okay why not make flutter do no all right i'm too lazy to get my pickaxe out you mean there's literally a push of a button welcome back zach yes we are and it's coming along coming along coming along [Music] [Music] okay that's above the door okay i've got fidgety feet fidgety feet fidgety feet you've got fidgety feet fidgety feet fidgety feet it come and be my playmate how could anyone resist that rhythmical beat you can toddle a long time along title along if you follow along follow along follow along [Music] that was an old man i can't remember that i haven't seen that song in like since oh man junior year in high school that was one of my solos at the tap dance at show choir that song fidgety feet by george gershwin george and ira gershwin i guess [Music] okay you know what don't worry stars what's up agent what's up daniel okay so that's looking good i feel like i want to add some more storage like at least one here that could be something um i guess i can make this the uh the dark block just just to keep things consistent oh but that's going to mess up the floor down below don't go in at all that mid-level floor is it seemed like such a good idea at first but it's starting to pose to be quite the problem so is this now sealed up by the way yeah sealed up okay oh we got the lanterns here now that's cool [Music] i like it i like it feels good it just seems very orangey but that might be the coloring on my tv but i like it yeah that's very nice the only thing is we need to maybe put like another sort of design like above the middle pillar up top whether that's another brick or something else do okay um i need to eat [Laughter] oh right right right one thing i was gonna do but how would i do it this question i could go from the library because i was gonna make that another water tunnel but i'm gonna have to get some coordinates here so this is three this is 9 23 and 924 at 50. 923 924 at 50. that would work barely now the problem there is that's probably not going to look right down below let's see 923 924 hmm yeah they'd be right in the way of the steps and it would poke out right there which would mess up the symmetry hmmm i'm trying to think of like because what i'm trying to do scorp is potentially from the library that's but i don't know yet just the point of entry from each floor so we have this elevator that comes in from the top we've got this little side entrance that comes in from the bottom and then i was hoping to make one that comes in from the middle like you know the storage room area so that each floor has a point of entry for like you know multiple routes if someone's lazy and doesn't go one way they can go the other way i don't know i don't know well even even so this is it would be at 50. 50 is from here so that would be way off anyway unless i dug down i could dig down where is this located the side of the pillar i can put this from the side of the pillar i could have i could dig down five maybe but that would just look all right gonna i'm just gonna say heck it and and experiment with it and worst case i can just fill it in so let me try dropped out the nanny's coordinates so um let's just say 928 and 929 at 45. okay [Music] oh oh 928 929 it's possible mj it's very chill vibes i appreciate you still being here though that really does mean a lot to me and i do hope you'll come back we our pokemon streams and our uh splatoon streams are a lot more active the minecraft ones are just very calm chill vibes hmm i feel like i sound like a vigil villager hmm [Music] [Music] another possibility is i could start from there i could move over the rails it's funny that the rails are right where i needed to be that's actually you know what i think that's it i think that's the ticket because that won't invade with that and i need to move the rails anyway closer to the tunnels i think that would make more sense okay i really gotta clean up my inventory though i'm gonna go for it oh yes tons of progress we are progress mcgees here on that ball gamer so a little bit oh yo yeah feel better mcconnell what am i doing i'm doing the opposite way to be doing yo catch you later mcconnell we'll see we'll see if you feel uh if you feel better or whatnot um feel free to hop on if we're still alive which we probably will be so cheers man so so brayden okay cool sneeze okay okay mom's been fine and dandy happy early birthday to you danny may it be an awesome awesome one okay now here comes the fun part this is probably gonna throw squirt for a loop but we're gonna see what happens i just wanna like i said worst case you just fill it up in four blocks all right actually we're good to three on each side okay um lord help me so i need to go at 9 28 9 29 well this looks great riveting gameplay coming at you we did griffin we did here we've already uh knocked out the underdragon [Music] oh man but that is not where i wanted to be i wanted to be shifted over a little bit somewhere around there that needs to be i think yeah there's no lag oh one second um so yo score you just went by a quicker way to get there scorp where do you think this should go over here it's just an easy direct path to the middle and see and that's that's a much quicker route from the storage room to and from so there's a point of entry to the middle from the storage room there's a pouring entry to the bottom there's a portamento from the top so everywhere you can have a preferred route top mid or bottom it's kind of annoying for my viewers i'm not a torch guy uh kind of just kind of just deal with it seeing it's even symmetrical it's got three treasure boxes on the right and three on the left so i like it i think you know what i think i'll do another brick just because that's the theme in there so i'm gonna get some another brick and some lighting this is coal okay put the coal in here how we doing in the chat everybody i really hate gravel but that's like you know constant mood for any minecrafter all right i'm gonna light this up so good good what's up lily how are you doing what do you like this scorp or no i mean i'm kind of already building it now but it's never too late to ask i suppose let me see i mean you see what i'm getting at though like it's just a more efficient way of getting around things hey there me man wow age has nothing to do with it and no if i let you do it then everybody has to do it and then people start breaking the rules there's a reason why it's member only happy birthday though um surprisingly i'm gonna need more nether brick nah i'm not but thanks for understanding like i said it's more of a security thing it's not even about the money i wish i could get around that i could if i had java but then java doesn't make too much sense for our community since i'm primarily a nintendo tuber and bedrock has cross-play with nintendo and other consoles and java is just bc but so bedrock is lacking the security precautions i could use to get around that so instead i have to just limit it to a pay wall just so people are less motivated to hop on in and just break stuff and steal stuff and what's up bird pants hmm sweet we had some steps made um it's gonna be a little bit off unless i do this welcome back um what beep how did i mess that up you've got to be kidding me right now god i hate gravel [Music] hey thanks burger pants appreciate that oh man this works out just barely good wow i didn't realize how close were the beehives nice really utilizing the space here oh it's like jam-packed how the heck did that happen what do you think of this score i see there you go yeah pokemon's pretty cool uh probably doing some pokemon tomorrow okay hey so what's up review well at least they melted what's going on game boy trying to figure out what my pattern is here because i think i messed it up cutting it close i don't know if i like that so so hang on a second what's up playing ball i see the bee kind of not in the mood for shenanigans today okay that is close all right so we're gonna go the slab route i think that gets the job done can get down with that okay so we've got a port of entry from the bottom port of entry from the mid and a point of entry from the top so all bases are covered here i could widen this up a bit as well too doesn't need to be so narrow now yeah no you have to be a channel member in order to join uh um all right anyway hmm hey okay as far as this section over here yeah i need to fix the mid area see what it looks like from the side probably need to cut this off right here looking good though okay i like that just barely made it to where that didn't cover my uh my area here because it's literally like right behind this wall is when it goes down so that looks good looks good there on this side looks good here i kind of don't know what to do with this area though this this area kind of lost its purpose oh there's a villager in here though losing my hey what's up lypez how you doing today man what could i make this because that goes straight into the mid area which i really need to spice up it looks it's just a hodgepodge mess of crap which is my own fault because i kind of left things hanging hey thank you uh thank you minecraft royal for that dollar how i appreciate that nice uh dirt block avatar as well too man kind of cool i take it you're a minecraft fan i'm gonna light this up as well too initially i was gonna have a water over there to the library from here i don't know if i still want to do that or not here i need to repair my pickaxe before i do anything else how you doing today though lipez in minecraft wait oh i put that in the wrong chest welcome back stars gaming i have been caught red-handed in better moods but i'm just kind of just chilling i mean even if i wasn't streaming today i'd still be doing this so [Music] well thank you stars for renewing appreciate that but that's also the response glitch yikes i've lost nine members today but that's okay i'm gonna put the pickaxe first too expensive wait a minute wouldn't be too expensive uh-oh hey what's up patrin why would it do that that's new to me what's up potato huh i've never seen that before so oh yeah i've got music this same game i don't know that's very weird maybe because the animal is about to break let me try a different animal i just put it on there and it says too expensive like it doesn't give me a chance to do anything what about this yeah no matter what i put it says too expensive unless i thought it was the pickaxe first yeah this is very weird i don't know whatever i guess i can't heal my pickaxe day we're trained guys well what happens i guess you could say that's beginner's luck for train sorry he didn't get uh what he wanted though yeah i'd be i'd have a competitive uh bit of irkness as well here i'm gonna have to look that up preparing a pickaxe too expensive he said eventually you just can't repair so the only way i can really prepare it is if i is if i um do an xp farm or something hey what's up emery what's up speed inkling please try not to spam what's up max what's up krill what's up sai how you doing today welcome to you appreciate that rachel uh what were you doing who was the uh leader of that uh earlier raid the hyper tiger cephalo crew appreciate that though okay so i guess i'm just gonna have to go get some quartz that's the only way i'm going to heal my pickaxe at this point well it's a pretty cool read i appreciate that very much what's up justin what's up owen well thank you for that raid wait okay there you go now we're in the nether yeah and i'm gonna have to go get some quartz because i really need to heal my pickaxe we're going to need loads and loads and loads and loads of glass glass is a never-ending commodity you get ready to uh go to sleep speeding yeah thank you again for that raid i appreciate it very very very much hey welcome back jack it's 8 00 pm for me elevator set cool cool i hope i find some reports hey catch you later speed just following this block pattern yeah i got the snorlax in the back i know i can use a shovel but i don't give a crap there's no rush it's not like this is in a 12-hour stream okay what's up torrence [Music] later man that's all right owen hey i guess did you get done what you needed to get done that's good i need to get quartz anyways so i might as well make the most of it it's going man surprised they made that jump i'm surprised i made that one too all right still kind of looking for quartz i mean i know those courts right there but i'm looking for like a good area where like none of it's really been mine might be a little bit but once we find it we'll be in good good standing because i need to get some quartz anyway and then uh i'll heal up my pickaxe because i can't use netherride apparently which is funny because a couple nights ago i spent like hours and hours and hours getting ancient debris and i got my total up to like a stack of ingots and come to find out i can't even use them on pickaxe anymore so that's nice yeah i like the uh another music now they're in the underwater music my two favorites you're more than welcome to hop on i guess if you want i am uh i must apologize to everyone today i'm really really really not in a good mood and it actually happens to get worse and worse instead of better so um but the thing is even if i wasn't streaming i would be just doing this anyways so here i am but i am not not doing good hey what's up colt man that's a pretty big chunk of quartz i don't know i actually may take tomorrow if i still feel like this and maybe just try to be productive in other areas [Music] i'm just gonna shut up vader uh stop it you've already spent like 15 bucks on me man i appreciate it though thank you for that five save your moolah dude this is one of those things where i just i get like this i gotta just get over myself i'm not even sure if there's anything anybody can do or say but i do appreciate it [Music] all right come on now dom i'm in trouble here oh please don't shoot me off i appreciate that i mean like i said earlier honestly this would be a day where i would i would stop streaming i would stop the stream right now but it's minecraft and like i said i would be doing this anyway so the downside is y'all are getting like the down meat right now [Music] so what is happening right now yo retrain what the flip you're funny retreat and sloosh too what the heck guys come on stop it come on i'm not i'm really i'm honestly truly not looking for a pity party this is like it's it's it's me hey what's going on ellie i appreciate it appreciate the pick-me-up guys thank you thank you for treating lozenges no stop losing loudness that's not cool don't be don't be wasting your money on me but thank you laws this pig stop following me around what's up cj yeah that was very nice i'm proud of you guys too this is gonna sound really dumb and weird and i'm leaving myself open and vulnerable right now by saying this but like yeah i'm just in a really weird mood like i'm actually like low-key i'm like holding back tears right now i don't know i'm just like really out of it so just kind of chilling stop it loss but thank you at least my pickaxe is almost healed i appreciate it tom thanks man i should probably eat that's true that's that's thinking of the last half full later so yeah mod appreciation shout out and just uh thank you for everyone that's just here i am not being entertaining at all and i do apologize oh oh [Music] what my air didn't go off almost done though it does fill up very quickly though when you get quartz honestly i think it's like much faster than the ender farm but the problem there is you gotta find the quartz and it's so spaced out now because we've had so many people in here yo appreciate that gaming line but yeah just just a heads up it's really depends on how my mood progresses but i'll make an announcement if i do just a short one like community post but don't be surprised if i take tomorrow if i do though i'll just work on the card stuff maybe try to finish that i wouldn't say it's the greatest but i mean it was my first time and but i'm not personally happy with like the camera angles and the clarity and i was nervous and stuff but hopefully hopefully that doesn't turn off too many people and they'll come back again and you know the next one will be better everybody's got to start somewhere with that so yeah i'm just healing my pickaxe how am i already out of food i just ate like a minute ago oh man well the thing is so my webcam video is bright and clear as day and then my phone video which is better than the webcam one is actually blurry in some spots and i think it might just be because of the lighting so maybe next time i'll have a separate light behind me and then also maybe i'll try to point it it was awkward angle and then my hands were getting floaty and sometimes the cards went off screen but i i noticed and corrected them and showed them but still like a little bit wacky but i hope i hope people like it at the end of the day i think i'm going like in one big massive circle but i mean my pickaxe is almost healed anyway so i might just skedaddle out of here because i'm kind of lost yeah heck it yo so i guess and anybody just tuned in and wants to know like the major progress that's corp and i did today i'll show you here in a minute oh man you've got to be kidding me you have gotta be kidding me okay good i thought that was lost okay so actually the most recent thing we've done was um i tore this down to make it like a mid-level entryway into the station so every floor has an entrance the top floor the mid floor and the bottom floor so this goes into it right here this looks good score and then uh you know he's been chipping away at this and then we have this over here that goes to the top one what's going on will yo way to go for the rainbow shiny sparkles thank you for just putting up with me for two years man appreciate it appreciate it that's pretty cool let's get some hearts in the chat for will and then yeah i moved the rail and then the cart boxes here since it'll be a little closer so here's like an entrance from the top and you got more glass chests and a sponge chest and then also if you go from around here what am i doing i'm out of it if you go down here you can have an entrance here from the side like this so there's three points of entry mid bottom and top and it's coming along so what are you up to today mick wilbur i like this so good job okay let me take a gainer from the side like what i guess will you have minecraft right you should pop in let me see what ratreen's working on this is ratrin's about all underwater city properties must be authorized any and all unauthorized builds in the underwater city will be immediately destroyed and evicted i'm gonna die while i eat my fish i'm trying to get in there sorry i was taking a bite of my fish and i kind of like just drown but you can see through the windows though like it's pretty cool on the inside now yours is fiber training because it's off to the side they were talking about directly in the city all all builds directly in the city must be discussed and planned out and authorized by a small committee of scorp ramen vader and myself and maybe igus if she decides to get out of her reservoir out in the middle of nowhere i like it i like the boat i'm liking it wow wow i guess okay let me take one more bite of my fish here and then we'll go ahead and start building some more stuff okay that's good that's good that's good um okay i need to make another frame it's going to bug me uh oh more glass because we're going to need to be closer to the tunnels anyway sensors are going to be going back and forth to and from okay oops so one thing too i noticed actually you know what i was gonna do i was gonna balance out the terrain outside to make it look a little bit more natural level it out a bit too how's it looking from up top that's fine except for this oops dang it okay so over here i think this is where the tunnels are going to pop out so yeah especially right here unless we keep it going up you know that could be kind of cool if it like comes out of the ground and then pokes out and then goes from here what the heck the thing just exploded in my face okay this is very like picky meticulous landscaping that i'm doing right now what's up statue needs to go yeah i like this one this is a good song [Music] oh shoot that's the oh yeah that's the sides of the tunnel okay so this is the middle then i guess maybe one two three four five yeah so you have a two and you'll have a from so yeah then this is definitely what the heck silver i i refuse to believe that but i i that's just me uh you know thank you for believing in me thank you for for feeling that way about me i appreciate that donation let's get a ton of hearts in the chat for mixover with that 20. thank you appreciate it makes over you're awesome anybody's awesome with it's kind of you right here let me clear this up and you all are being way too nice to me honestly probably just get rid of the coal it just kind of throws off the vibe it's a big hole chunk okay it looks a little bit more natural on this side and so that's going to come out of the ground here i believe and it's going to make like a little bit of a lift and i say at 50 which actually this looks like that'll fit perfectly so i say level 50 is where the tunnel or at least where the rails start so then if i go from level 50 oh god i'm already gonna have to trim this down a bit unless we start at 53. that's being evicted can't wait for that so 53 let's just say 53. okay so unless we go over a little bit we'll go over to a little bit to the left that way we can avoid that because i don't want to i don't want to pitch away at that so we'll start at let's just say 238 chicken up in the water sometimes at least on the playstation it drifts all downward 53. i'm just checking the route it's going to take a little bit all right so so far there's no obstacles i do know once we get there's a bit of a coral reef that's going to appear fairly soon and i'm going to have to do some trimming there in fact this this is it right here actually yeah we're gonna have to trim down this it's just unavoidable so i'm gonna have to trim through the top layers of this shouldn't take too long no dog gone and off silver um you're trying to make me cry aren't you thank you thank you that's very kind silver very very very kind beyond beyond selfless and kind of you thank you and that's hey at least i'm doing one thing right i'm you know there's one constant i'm doing it's uh bringing people together so that's cool yeah we're gonna have to dig through that mountain too that's probably gonna be the biggest thing we have to get through so i have to dig through that mountain i'm going like slightly off oh no because yeah it was like 2 35 okay see i definitely have to dig through that mountain how did it get so off-center gonna be at 235. oh i know i was just kind of joking around good lord we're gonna have to go through this as well actually this might be where we start this might be uh where we start the city and that way potentially we can maybe use this as a little mini hub for some storage and stuff on land i like that hey what up will thank you for that two dollar donation man yeah no no no it's gonna be 12 hours i'm just kind of vibing i'm well i'm actually not in a good mood but like you know if i wasn't streaming i'd just be playing minecraft anyway so just making the most of it trying to just surround myself with people that give a crap so thanks and just kind of being here so yeah no i'll be live till like 3am probably okay so yeah i think that's good so we're gonna have to tear through a few areas but it'll be good when it's all said and done looking good so far scorpiort the heck what are you up to today well yeah man we're just kind of chilling i'm i'm big into minecraft for like a relaxing game it's pretty much for me there's something to be said like it kind of just mellows you out when you're just crafting or thinking or planning at least for me some people get frustrated with it or they just can't think of ideas but for me my adhd brain is always thinking about crap so this kind of gives it a way to like shut up and focus on something oh no mcsilver you have ramen for breakfast that's unique what's your favorite type it's leaking okay i need to throw away some loose objects first before i move on how did i get a mushroom i don't even know how that happened that's that's fine that's fine i mean i'm sure it's tasty yeah where did i get soul sand from i have no idea i'm actually confused about that one okay what the wawa this bone in my inventory dude cleaning is like also really good self-care my room is a mess it's kind of reflective of my mood we're welcome to hang here if you want i mean it's definitely a quieter chat today but who gives a crap we're all just kind of hanging all right i gotta you know what i'm gonna dispense this coal in the kitchen because it really needs it oh i do have a blast furnace i just realized that someone asked me if i had a blast and i said no but clearly there it is it's got coal in it right there i'll give it a little bit more whoops okay looking good over there to retrain it's like the sun it's like the sun is coming out of your boat what the heck that was weird kind of popped up and then shrunk that's trippy have you ever played minecraft before yeah it's it's not a sailboat it's a sun boat the sun's a little shy yeah yeah that was weird it like went back down wow man minecraft's really cool i'd highly recommend it actually i just realized something i don't think we ever got peachy in the realm hang on a minute okay we'll see if they respond welcome back mj okay i guess i forgot i got to help them out and i got so sidetracked with my own bull crap and i forgot hey what's up porn ampharos how you doing dude okay let me trim this up just a little bit can you use bone meal under water and it makes like seaweed stuff beetles what do you mean okay i'm gonna get rid of the yellow parts they're out of place maybe get some like gravel or something to replace that with hey what's up quinton i haven't seen you in a long time how you been man oh please don't flood okay won't good this is like super nitpicky adjustments oh no so was it too small for them to wear okay i like the coal here that looks out of place make this a little less blocky as well since i'm here cover that up somehow i have to go get some like gravel or something inside i just don't like how this is blocking in the middle here what the heck's going on here i have an idea though let me get some uh materials i've never really done like i've never spent this much time on like mountain landscaping before what's up am i like to see where i am i like to see where other people are so i can teleport okay yeah for once i actually went gravel how about that stone as well what's up scorpio yeah it's nice to know where everyone is like you know that way you know if i need to help someone they're like yeah i'm on the right side of the map i'll be like okay do you really genuinely get jump scared from me teleporting okay [Music] i need to curve this in okay oh hey it's ray how you doing today ray doing all right this is kind of funny because oh shoot i don't like that that messes things up ain't no worries well that's fine hey yeah focus on the priorities you know you got work you got to do you got to do it um a bit better ray but hopefully uh you know hopefully uh everybody just enjoys themselves i need to figure out how to trim out the side because i can't do what i was going to do because that uncovers the wall there i mean that might actually be good it looks certainly way better than it did before it doesn't look like just a solid drop down block i can maybe trim a little bit more here on this on this side like work my way up from this side rather than the left get away from me still very very very blocky well i'm slowly making it look like a mountain it's not even supposed to be a mountain it's like just a natural forming stony structure it's not just like a straight up block and this is very picky because it's not like anybody's going to come down here and see this that often but and just look nice when you come down through the tunnel since it's going to be made out of glass no worries retreat oh that sucks marsh i'm sorry to hear that man what's going on carl i'm wondering uh sand goes at the top of the little furnace area in the corner why is it doing this to me me oh you did let me see whoa majora's mask that looks pretty cool are you gonna try to uh yeah that's very cool you're gonna try to put that on the realm somewhere let me see if this works [Music] i don't know if it needs the number or not i can't even there it is that doesn't seem right to me but let's see yeah i don't think i need the number i don't know that doesn't seem right i don't know hang on let me try doing it for the computer yeah i don't know that's not working all right man really dislike that kind of just throws everything off hey thank you bio i appreciate that man a lot of people had their hands in it and got a lot of really cool talented and very kind people in the realm so thank you hey what's up ghost how you doing man all right that actually might work wait so [Music] no i mean that's it's not working so ah here it is okay so it's without the the ampersand or the hashtag thing okay and then when i go on here okay i sent you an invite peachy see if that works what's going on carson how you doing man all right and then plus i think that looks a little bit more natural except for this stupid water thing here here we go it's all good peachy yeah you should be able to just hop on in and join there that looks much more natural wouldn't you think i mean it still could use some work but it's better than the big block it was i mean it's still kind of blocky but that's true can you use bone meal on it or does it have to be like kelp and stuff oh no worries kyra no worries peachy here let me uh let me get you going here i'll try to use bone man once i give uh show peachy the ropes gotta check the rules i think you can also work on gravel i could be wrong though what the heck did you all see that that was certainly weird it's a death button oh man well i mean at least it took you to the welcome center but that's funny that like just pushing the button killed you and then you die into the real world wow wow wow okay so yeah so this is the welcome center yeah no it's not supposed to be like that on thank peach that's why i'm laughing like it's just a bad glitch okay um yeah yeah you can just pop in anything in the chest you see you can take one second all right anyway uh peachy where you at where'd you go i need to show you the ropes or at least uh guide you in the right direction for a plot of land here you are okay so honestly um oh okay so that's crystal's property um here's dominic's property i mean really you can build wherever it's honestly up to you what is this oh [Music] wow why is my screen glitching out that's kind of wacky welcome back ally um i mean this could be a good area if you wanted to um closer over here could be a good area if you wanted to you know you can chop down some of these trees and build here if you wanted to depending on how you know expansive you want to be there's some areas and then of course you know if you want to branch out even further like on the outskirts like some folks have you can like um you know we have some builds all the way over here if you want something like that carson yeah when you can be here in the outskirts if you want like a desert view or something you like that i guess uh are you talking about the cherry blossom that's vader and missy's it is very nice i like it um there's also um i mean you know i mean if you want to go in the desert you can you know silver and midnight are over there what's up cj yeah no problem pg i mean i guess if you've played it before you know the ropes in that regard just find a nice plotline just if you want to be on my good side try to build close by so that you know i don't know i just i just like the feeling of uh tight-knit community so if people need help people resources and people will be close by so if you want to venture off fine but like you know do so at your own risk i'm not going to help you if you're in agus land cause you know that's like 10 million miles away oh quentin it has to be sponsored here or higher by the way uh is there any special to go mine or is it free to do i mean you can go wherever but the problem is that's the one downside to being close everybody is you know resources are going to be very thin if not non-existent in that regard like unless you branch out a bit to mine at least anyway i gotta get back to what i was doing oh i was gonna get boat meal yeah i was gonna get the bone meal and i was gonna try to uh get some greenery in the water oh a villager style vacation home and i guess land why would you want to do that okay oh bone meal man i'm getting super sidetracked holy heck how you feeling though scorp hey what's up godzilla it's gonna be over here i'm liking the multiple entryways though i think it works on gravel let's see yeah it works on gravel but you're right it doesn't work on stone what's going on frankie gravel okay so uh scorp kind of has a community farm um quentin uh so just give me your xbox gamertag in the member realm chat on the discord that's too much so welcome to landscaping with that bold gamer what that didn't even do anything there we go hmm so what's up rotter craft how you been man why is that like oh you guys are kidding me oh come on i wasn't expecting that whatever yo looking good inside let me take a gander at that oh i still gotta get used to this path any context behind that name oh i'm liking the design up here that's fun okay and so these are gonna be the other tunnels i imagine actually where is that coming out of so i guess this could be the path that goes to kami's place and this will be the one that heads out to the city yeah go ahead and send me that okay so the tunnel is going to poke out from down here okay let me look at this image okay um the holes in the walls are gonna mark uh or to mark the tunnel's area also i messed up the wall so i'm just gonna need to pick the first okay um well all you got to do is uh sync up the youtube to your discord account and then you should be good to go so it's it is five wide so it's got um a two and a from flush against the walls and a middle with lights okay each step is one block hey no worries stars gaming you gotta do what you gotta do hope you have a good night and maybe i'll catch you later okay so you i think i'm going to need to poke out a little bit more okay yeah i think like right here yeah it's the exact size and everything and then at level 50 i think is where it needs to be so let me get some marker blocks although i don't know how high i want the rails to be let's see so that's pretty much gonna have to like wrap around from here that's where the tunnel pops out and it's going to have to have a lift to pretty much right about here wait okay let's say yeah and then so that's that's how it's gonna have to have a a rise from there to there and then it's going to start from here and just go straight just following that little silhouette here of stone has a template but i don't know if i want this to be the top or the bot it probably has to be the bottom yeah this is going to be the bottom so i don't know how tall i want the tunnels to be let's just say one two three four five to there then you have the tracks on this i should probably lift that up one dang retreating gotta gotta be pro yo i'm gonna lift it up one [Music] so okay so now the tracks are in 51 and the bottom's on 50. i think that's good we just gotta i gotta figure out this rise if that's even possible i think i don't know it's gonna be close and then we also gotta figure out the shape of it because i don't want it to be like totally blocky unless unless we do i mean if it's blocky it'll save a block or two and by a block or two i mean like 5 000 blocks yeah i guess your stupid freaking town i did the math and if we did it we would need something like thousand four hundred blocks of glass but i'm gonna do it and that doesn't even count for the actual city builds that's just the tunnels i like that though i think that's gonna look good when it's all said and done the only thing i see seeing a problem i'm circling around around to figure out what i'm gonna do uh the heck i know right ratreen what's up eli um we are building an underwater subway tunnel you can't put rails on glass can you hey what's up krishall you like it peachy i don't think you can put rails on glass one thing we could do i don't like that at all or wait a minute what's up uh toxic i still don't kind of like it but i'm kind of tinkering here i don't like that one like that well i guess the only way we find out is if i test it let me get a rail here no worries uh lexi something in my eye dang it ah whatever oh you can put rails on glass well then that changes everything this is actually all pretty much survival break that was the hardest piece of glass ever so yeah finding the underwater temples so hey moz can you go to the regular minecraft chat on the discord not the member one yeah yeah i don't know what their problem is but that's great they're talking about the prismarine we have a conduit over here so you can't drown see this right here this conduit makes it so that you uh can breathe underwater or anyway um it could probably be fleshed out on the sides but this could temp this could be if we wanted to keep it just a basic straight thing that could work [Music] [Music] okay so that could be a super basic template yeah i'm getting sidetracked by that gosh you guys are annoying just like glass all around except for the uh the four corners but that's just like as basic and blocky as you can get but that would save the most blocks by keeping it just straight like that if we want to get fancy and make it like octagonal we can but that would just mean we're talking like those two extra blocks would mean like thousands in the grand scheme of things so if you want to keep it as minimal as possible that can just straight up be the design right there since rails work on glass um all right anyway here's where things are getting interesting well i mean scorp i kind of don't but like i said by keeping it just a square it's going to save thousands of side blocks you know what i mean like we could make it fancy but at this you know for as long as we're hoping to make it that's literally thousands of extra blocks we could just keep it simple like that and save thousands of blocks yeah i mean i think that just gets the job done it's see-through on all angles and it will also save on prismarine the only thing we need to worry about is glass but we got plenty of that you know we're in the desert so that shouldn't be the problem we will probably need to get more underwater temples though but shouldn't be an issue all right i'm trying to figure out this and i swear to god if i get hit by one more drowned so wow that's actually going to work you got to be kidding me i actually didn't expect that to fit just perfectly it was made to be wow i'll take it yeah so we're gonna have to do a lift like that coming out of the ground there all right that's just the bottom though we gotta we gotta make it so that the top lifts as well too wow wow i don't know about that carson this is a basic shape but it really honestly needs to be this is the one time where i don't mind just to save on resources i don't want us to all like to have spent like five years mining glass and stuff i mean technically i can get started now perhaps actually hey what's up htms welcome back hands okay let me try to get them on there but quentin you gotta follow the rules dude all right give that time to process make sure you accept my friend request first and then i'll send you the invite how do i have so much like assorted random crap it's going it's going so trying to figure out where i know right i think it's just going to start from here no that's not right well it is right but start from here i don't know when it turns in though it's super blurry okay what level was that so that's on 30. i'm just counting again okay so this goes all the way down to 24. i think it turns there okay so i gotta i gotta make sure this lines up properly that's gonna be the tricky part oops listen [Music] you man get out of here okay speaking of which should be good to go now lord help me do oh yeah it's fine okay um [Music] stage it's still not there yet it's going to take a minute what's up triggered okay [Music] so [Music] okay so actually i can actually literally do the math here hey what's going on mccrystals how you doing so wait a minute so so that's literally so it's gonna be 12 blocks of glass times because it's three per side 12 let's just say one two three one two three one two three yes twelve around so twelve times 21 600 blocks of glass or more to get to august's place i think my math could be wrong but and then if we divide that by four that's how many prismarine we need which is five thousand four hundred blocks of prismarine and then pretty much pretty much 1800 rails so yeah what you laughing at i guess yeah how are you doing my crystals you should hop on your place is still intact and stuff oh i'm gonna do it speaking of doing stuff scorp what are you doing over there oh wait a minute you're right there's gonna need you're gonna need redstone aren't you for the power rails i forgot about that isn't it just one block though i mean it's just one block every now and then we can drop a red redstone block we can space it out we're trying to keep it a basic design to save on blocks because literally two blocks protruding could be thousands in the grand scheme of things yeah okay yeah we could just do we'll just do it like that then like every now and then we'll have like a redstone block instead of a glass that's not gonna mess it up too bad in fact it might even make it look cool and trippy yo score if you can like before i get really knee deep into it if you can help me like figure out the diagonal angle and we can start it from the entrance here then i can just go to town on this like right now i just want to make sure the the lift is right first oh no worries crystal oh no no i'm sorry i was reading um my chat but um no check this out my crystal yeah we it's uh looking really good here all underwater i mean that looks cool because the water is bright there's three pathways of entrance so you can get in from the side here which is the bottom floor of my house you can go up these steps and get into the second floor of my house to the storage room through here and then you can take this water elevator to get in from the top floor which i extended out here so there's three points of entrance one in the bottom one in the middle on the top so like if you're lazy and don't want to go all the way around for one route you can you can find a route that's close to you so and then um yeah it's looking really cool get a bird's eye view from the lighthouse here oh i can see it from here too nice oh yeah and i did some mild landscaping to make that mountain look less blocky and now we're about to start the tunnels i hate i do hate that it's so blocky and basic it's kind of got a charm to it but the thing it's just gonna save so many blocks if we keep it basic that's like the bare minimum it could be structure out in the water do you mean ratreen's boat over here or do you mean the the watchtower ratreen's been working on this boat i think you mean the watchtower but yeah yo me crystal actually check this out also why is there sugar fun oh man oh it's full of miscellaneous retreating things nice well thank you gaming with friends all right so check this out i don't know if you've seen this yet crystal but check out the temple of time that vader built uh i don't know what this is see that over there in the distance how the beep do i get up here oh my lord i like that there's a bee tethered and they're speaking of vader there is right there actually so he tour you'll like this crystal he leveled me man's house uh so that bit of nether brick is where me man lives now just underground and then he's gonna turn this into hyrule town in front of the temple everything that's fenced off around here is gonna be hyrule town from ocarina and then if you go in here um check this out what up commie no you're gonna like this crank up your volume crystal because listen to this it might be a little bit laggy though all right here we go well he's down there i don't know if it's functioning is it ready vader okay it's ready all right check this out crystal here we go watch it's gonna it's gonna do something cool and then it goes yeah and there's the master sword looking kind of cool isn't that pretty neat retrieve me like dude what the heck that's nice fader yes yes hey what's up team mac haven't seen you while man how you been dude yeah it's looking nice so yeah so he's gonna build hyrule town in front of it yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like link holding up uh medallion so yeah yeah so this is all gonna be hyrule town he's gonna do the the the target minigame i think i still think he should do la la and ranch and do the chicken game we'll see maybe down the road um but yeah pretty cool and then um speaking of well here's the catch since you brought it up crystal so it's a little bit of a blend with kakariko but basically he's going to build a well where me man was kind of like the well in kakariko village so mean man is like the haunted dungeon in kakariko you know so yeah so he's going to build a well over um you like that yeah me man's house is the haunted dungeon yeah yeah exactly me man is [ __ ] bongo that's perfect hey what's up grant good to see you i hope you're doing well lots of familiar faces in the chat i really hope folks are doing well today thank you for dropping by and being here you still making good music t-mac what the heck oh i was like where did this come thank you peachy although heck here we go thank you oh lord i guess join check this out uh crystal speaking of vader and missy a good friend missy so they both have worked on this house so this is missy and vader's house the german gang but it's in japanese style but it looks really cool i love the cherry blossom zen garden look at that and then it's got like you know the old padoga style house and you go inside and it's got like you know hot springs say hot springs right there got like a sauna somewhere around here sauna right here that's nice it's very cool it is clever now that igus is here i can i can show you i can teleport to her stinky plot of land here wow thanks for shutting the door on me okay so here is igus's windmill your non-functional windmill but it's still fun it's a good build and then um if you go a little bit over here she tried to find a village like an already pre-existing village on the outskirts and was building around it so if you go around here you like that coming hop on in kami get dude up in here it's getting crazy she's got a nice little fishing shack over here i need to eat yeah well you say that now vader but i'm gonna i'm gonna put a copper lightning rod on i guess windmill and burn it up it's gonna get struck by lightning like five million times all right and then um yeah there you go here's her lighthouse she has a lighthouse as well too so it's looking kind of cool and we go inside and it's all nice and cozy oh i forgot to show the dang hobbit hole dang it yeah look at looking kind of cool up here what the heck hit me no idea anyway um by the way i'm playing on the playstation 5. it's much better than the switch it runs very smooth if i go over here ah close enough hey vader what's up dom awesome chat challenge can we by chance get the 200 likes i don't know i don't know um i'm gonna try to show yeah no that was a guardian curse by the way someone uh pranks mcgee all right uh if we go over here next to the japanese style property you'll see another quaint cute cozy hobbit hole i can't believe i forgot to show it i haven't been in the best of moods so like my my brain is jumpy today oh yeah quitting so did you accept my friend request i'll try to get you in here okay so right over here on the outskirts of the zen garden is this look at this look at this crystals it's a nice little hobbit hole yo yes and then you go in here and it's all quaint and cozy and snug i love it yeah it's really cool and the cat name invader next to vader and this is a clever style for a bridge like campfires without the fire i actually kind of like it so anyway apparently there's also a remodel of top i should show you oh yeah it did and then you got the futons up here looking pretty nice kind of like a kotatsu book area oh yeah t-mac yeah i'd love to have you uh back on crystal but but even then like i did a tour today for some new folks because we got a failboat raid and a lot of people were curious so i i show them your house because it's still one of the better houses so you did a good job mine has been a vast improvement we've got a lighthouse now it's not like the big black blocky thing that it was hey commies in oh so crystal so my uh this one area here my storage area there's so many villagers in it that it spawns cats because the game thinks it's a village and cats spawn naturally in villages so we got igis stinky we got leroy we got sub to bold which is fake news we got um scum of the earth right down here and then we've got herbert the librarian uh so the game thinks since there's five villagers here that it's a village and it spawns cats and sometimes they burn alive in the lava so sometimes i'm derping around and i hear cats dying oh and then down here down here you know my good old buddy alpha star well i call him al fester and so we have a farmer here named alfester but he has good deals on emeralds you can get um just give him one pumpkin 15 wheat or one melon for emerald so that's that's pretty good dang it and then we've got this like donkey kong country banjo-kazooie b level uh it's like just a giant honeycomb it's pretty cool those drip honey when they're full so the ceiling's like dripping honey which is kind of cool it's going to get better because i i do want to make the flooring we'll have some flowers but i do want to make the flooring like honey so kind of like uh kind of like this and it gets sticky and you slow down and you can't jump high no it's cross plates bedrock so pc playstation switch xbox but yeah yeah yeah and like i said now this uh connects to the uh to the stationery that we're working on today oh good scorps working on it where'd he go i gotta go down a level yeah i mean once once we get this figured out um y'all can easily help me all we'll need to do is just follow the template with glass and prismarine no that's only with some games like rocket league although i think now you can even play rocket league on playstation cross play wait a minute is this going down or is that the top oh so that's coming up from the top bottom that's really cool actually i can show you this too because carson's working on i don't know if y'all have seen this carson's been working on a really cool lighthouse well he's in his top secret area right now i guess i'm gonna respond to commie sorry okay where's commy oh cool so you're turning into something nice i like that uh it's got a load here okay that's right carson i guess come back look there's carson's lighthouse which is looking kind of cool like a good old-fashioned main lighthouse i mean the state of maine ain't no worries tmac yeah definitely get some rest dude let me uh get them on here [Music] okay there you go all right i sent you an invite staged hey no worries i guess carson's lighthouse here's where you can get a bird's-eye view of carson and kami land there's kami's house looking very cool um i don't know why i'm climbing down because i was just going to teleport ye mcgingus i mean i'll be live for a while so hey thanks for 180 likes appreciate that appreciate that here's the cats looking very catty catch you later goob hey it's carson yeah i like kami's place as well too i like how you got like every single picture oh wow you got charcoal boxes for everything that's cool i like that i was like wait where where is the chest and then i was like oh it's sharper boxes take it let me down i'm looking very very very very cool there yo tiger cosmic pdp bumble kitten ferran nettie hire you snap snap this is deja vu what's up nathan what's up lighting what's up miguel what's up cherish yeah no no no problem what's up here cost we got uh tavian we got kink we got jeff how you doing king how are you doing friend we got um hey doing lighting hey you got brandy we got jeff we got nicholas we got boax how you doing man what's up raging thank you for the big big big minecraft raid how was uh how was the minecraft stream how'd it go where'd it go yo what up sean i'm gonna go back to uh let's see we'll go back to i guess peachy okay yeah yeah this is where i need to be yo thank you sailor thank you light welcome to you how was the uh snapstream was it a lot of fun i hope it was hey what's up smart man i like the name well dang i just did a tour but i kind of want to do another one oh man all right all right all right all right i'll show you quickly all right we got my lighthouse we're working on underwater crap right here i say crap but it's actually a really big project um my part is just all underwater underground here's the underwater subway station and we're about to start the tunnels and it's going to go like 1800 blocks basically like 20 000 blocks of glass this is survival by the way not creative but if you notice that we're surrounded by deserts so glass is not going to be a problem it's just going to take a while what's up lord galaxy so we're about to work on the tunnels here yeah thank you so much and again how you been kink man um so here's the station scorp's been working very hard on it so props to him what's up red uh red how you doing how are you and for rand doing uh so that's that's the main project of the day look at the sky we got vametto up there any breath of the wild fans that are here um and speaking of zelda let me show you the temple of time build yeah very cool so what so did you get a lot done today in minecraft snap thank you thank you this is deja vu because you did this last weekend but i appreciate it it's inspired heavily by rapture and atlantis for sure um we haven't started building it that's not even the underwater city the tunnels are going to the city oh absolutely but wait a minute for ran you might like this so check out this temple of time um so all this field right here is fenced off it's going to be hyrule town um but then you have the temple of time right there oh you killed the ender dragon was that your first time killing the ender dragon and it's got cool features okay yeah vader's got to reset it oh yeah wait a minute he's got to reset it but i mean you know like i said while he does that real quick there's valmetto in the sky which is a really cool build if you like zelda um we got some other things i'll show you over here real quick uh oh no crystal here or i don't i think you need a teleport i don't know let me know if you need to teleport hey what's up tedrick okay wait a minute he's fixing it you got to see that's really cool although it's going to be a little bit laggy since we have some people on yeah so um did you find the enderdragon tough or did you have a good group of people there with you to to tag you along and make it easy for you how you doing tedrick is it good it's good okay all right so check this out all you zelda fans out there if you turn up the volume a little bit it's a little bit laggy because of the people one but then if you watch carefully oh i bet it did die quick that's very laggy it's very cool though and then it lights up the triforce and then there is the master sword which is really doggone cool so oh well and then the stain glass up top is really cool too yeah so you got you got the stained glass up there which is like zelda or i'm sorry link holding a medallion very very very fancy yeah vader made it right here oh yeah yeah and then um like i said he's working on the uh hyrule town in front of it and we have some other pretty fancy builds too like the um the hobbit hole in the uh padoga style uh building over here hang on one second gotta venture through the little wilderness here hey what's up borah how you doing man okay is that really as fast as i can run i feel like i'm going slow okay yeah like this right here look at that that's a pretty fun build japanese style and then it's even got a nice little cherry blossom zen garden right back here looking very cool what's up or i like it i like it what's up carlatos and then you go down here and you can see it's got like a hot springs and a sauna yeah like here's the sauna what up kichi here's the hot springs very cool what's up vogel good to see you today oh you had thorns on your armor and it killed the dragon that's funny yeah so it's looking pretty cool when you got the the um futons man i was struggling to think of that word the futons right there pretty cool sorry i'm a little bit like super mellowed out and like loopy today so that's why i'm like super energetic but i gotta say though um snap if you're still here just thank you so much for that raid honestly that was really cool and i really do hope you had a fun stream with the ender dragon i'm glad you had people there to help you out with it 10 people is a lot so i'm glad it was quick hey there pg almost got a full realm again we got a lot of cool builds scattered around though yes snap one one of the greats super underrated youtuber super underrated i wonder how this is coming along this is what i was working on before i started doing tours scorp and i were trying to get this tunnel started he's making good progress on it though yeah and then it um pops back up out here because this is the subway station and we're gonna go uh pretty much 18 well pretty much like 900 blocks in the middle of the water there you see on the map it's a big body of ocean pretty much right in the middle where that little small island is that's where the city is going to be and it's going to just be pretty massive going to take a lot of time and blocks and resources but i think it'll be definitely worth it in the end when it's all said and done how far away was the end for you snap did you have to travel very far um okay i was checking out something on discord hey what up slush yeah yeah yeah i mean honestly if people want to help um just get glass or if someone wants to scout for an underwater temple um you know we'll need plenty of prismarine as well we'll need at least at least my math might be wrong but at least 5 400 blocks of prismarine and right now we have let's see yeah i know i'm telling you later i'm gonna play through uh the zelda games again i think i'm gonna wait till closer to skyward sword but then um yeah i think i just might do a thing where i just play them all in order because there's still a couple that i haven't played yet what am i doing oh i was gonna count the prismarine blocks okay man i'm telling you i'm loopy today okay so we have i mean i'm just gonna round up to 64. uh one two three four five six six times nine i'm just gonna round up so six times nine okay times 64. so each chest holds about 3 500. or okay well actually we might be good to go we actually might have enough which is weird i think we already have like give or take like maybe like 7 000 blocks of prismarine already i don't know how the heck we did that oh hang on a minute okay wait a minute i just got a collab confirmation i think uh we rated four or five or six temples something like that um everything doing good one second okay it's a lot it's a lot for sure let me contact i guess so okay i'll tell you what i'm going to do something real quick shouldn't take too long i'm gonna get a bird's eye view hey what's up austin how's it going midnight give me one second okay doing all right that's good that's good it's good okay give me one second here let's see let me go to splatoon open that up so what's everybody up to tonight chillin where is it there it is oh no crystal channel icons perfect it's going to take too long okay let me hop in the water so maybe it'll play the fun music or you know what i could just i forgot to have cds uh yeah oh don't worry scorp hey thanks for helping dude what am i gonna do here oh at least i can get rid of that that's good i hope your head feels better man no problem man i'll go around [Music] dang i guess [Music] [Music] [Music] that's so tiny i don't like that i'm working on something on the side at least there's nice music playing [Music] [Music] [Music] so twenty-two it's weird looking on uh well at least music's playing give me one second i kind of want to get this done hey what's up pete hope you're doing well um and i can drop in okay that works i think that's going to be really close to the edge yeah it's very close okay i'll lift that up okay now let's try it sorry like mega multitasking okay that's good almost done okay that's good there you're making some glass thank you thank you thank you yes we need glass i'm going to work on the tunnel as soon as i'm done with this i'm just going to start from the top i'll let scorp work on the bottom part so honestly if anybody wants to help they can just tag along with that i hope that looks good i don't know let's see let me try to do this okay yes i have played among us yes yes which by the way okay yo um quentin i don't know if you're still here but i did send you an invite so you should be good to go all right yo i guess give me an opinion on this real quick in the dm where the flippin flip did it go there it is how's that you're in the game oh you're you're wrecking it okay hey what up borah okay back to playing again although silly dog on inventory what's going on yo and thanks for tuning our likes gamers i can get rid of some of this extra stash in my inventory so did you read the rules quentin because if you break them when we catch you we're gonna ban you um okay let me incinerate some stuff and i'll go ahead and check in on quentin like i can hear like 10 songs going on at once okay i should probably raise a little bit more welcome back agent minecraft that's right 10 songs and a burning cat so you've opted to build in the sand i see i see best of luck to you i'd be interested to see what it looks like if it does end up being like a sand castle though all right look at this random tree in the water nah i don't know when or if i'll play among us again uh check in on aura this nice storage center feel free to build a house somewhere or to something for yourself nice and cozy okay um yeah i need to start building no worries aura i need to get some prismarine and glass okay i'm gonna do the prismarine first why do you like this song i mean they're all nice but what about this one in particular uh magic vibes okay here we go oh man what's up star stance or sans oh no we already have our first obstacle no that didn't last long hey what's up cinnamon i hope we don't get too much of that or we're going to have a problem too much uh obstacles dog on it all how bad is this oh my lord well at least it's out of the way of that mountain hey catch you later rachel hope you have a wonderful night man man man man yeah hit a hit 100 000 very cool very cool hopefully he had a lot of fun i didn't know you're a mother that's very cool i didn't expect to have to terraform too much and already i already like after five seconds i had to start terraforming this this guy's vibing i've honestly been better but i'm getting in a better mood but i'm kind of just feeling down today i might actually take tomorrow off to be honest but then i'll be back at it on tuesday yeah we'll see it's something i'll think about i honestly might though because i i got to work on editing the card stuff so okay so well for now i'm gonna have to tear four more later but for now this will do i like this song so if you're curious what we're doing i've finally officially started the underwater tunnel so i'm mapping out the outline oh god i forgot about breathing in the water did i dodge a bullet oh we did we don't have to worry about terraforming this nice oops i catch you later vader get some rest man thank you for earlier and just for being here i appreciate that i'll see you on the discord later dang carson [Music] oh no oh no i'm gonna have to get rid of all that [Music] i'm gonna go to conduit here it's all right okay let's get to the other side the only thing i know that's in my way for sure that i already knew is there's a coral reef up ahead that i'm gonna have to chip away at the bottom of it but the mountain is new [Music] okay let's see if we have better luck on this side [Music] what oh i was thinking there's another dead end [Music] man this is gonna rifle through so many stacks of blocks i think this is one will avoid the side of the mountain it's the left one that's gonna have problems oh absolutely that's the cool thing about minecraft really is like the water music vibes and stuff it'll definitely mellow you out how you doing otherwise put him in outside of modding doing good a lot of people in the room right now shoot both sides are affected by it good lord good lord it's just a stupid tiny protrusion it's not even a mega thing wow what a pain in the butt well i guess i'm gonna dig it away oh no hollya no don't don't donate to me save your money thank you for the 5 donation holly are you still are you still at the hospital i'm glad to have you here though i wouldn't say it's safe but whatever this is i'm glad you're here thank you there's some hearts in the chat for holly that's really cool cinnamon okay heck it i'm just gonna dig away oh my gosh hang on a minute you know what i don't feel like doing this right now so i'm just gonna dig where i need to dig and i'll chip away the mountain later good good grief you're home hey that's good and this is very steep i think that's where i need to be i hope go for it uh galaxy yeah no that's fine okay y'all aren't gonna be able to see until i uh get up here it's probably super dark for y'all okay i'll worry about the rest of that later oh no okay no never mind what's up nyan how you doing this is a long subway tunnel i am running out of breath how we doing in the chat y'all uh here comes the coral reef that i knew about i'm gonna have to trim down some of this as well yep good grief okay let's get some air okay we got the air bag is starting to hurt oh no hopefully it feels better is that a shovel or a sword or what in the heck do you use for coral an axe i guess it's a pixax man this is gonna suck all right i'm building a conduit out here okay hang on a minute okay what that sucks floor guys i'm glad they're okay okay i'm building a conduit oh my lord well mixo take that and multiply it by 500 and i'll take it no but thank you there's some chests near the um near the station that are labeled glass um um boom pretty much into that um there's three islands in the middle there the second one the one in the middle of the three and that's where the city is gonna be okay i'm going to build a conduit here shoot i forget the shape of it i think it's like in the middle i think i'm doing that wrong yeah it's in the middle okay hang on a minute yeah that's wrong i'm by the way dolphin i think that's right i don't know did i get it right yes cool sweet not too bad uh kendrick all right what's up shorya oh no crystal um okay what's up berber oh heck no definitely not my first time playing uh to join you have to be a channel member ain't no worries about crystal yes everything in person hype [Music] man this coral reef is in the way how bad is it let me see all right i gotta get rid of that i gotta get rid of that oh my god this coral reef is going to kill me it's not so bad right here but jeez also what's this this is gonna be interesting wow and then this whole freaking mountain right here is gonna have to go however once we get to right here yeah this is this is where we're gonna start right here pretty much and this this little middle island will be like a little tiny hub as we build that we can maybe add a million treasure chests for storage so if everybody's bored and wants to help me uh dig through some coral knock yourself out otherwise i don't blame you what's going on jamer how you been oh yeah mccrystal do you have any big things you want to do and you have in mind to create as well yes funky fish okay just following along [Music] [Music] oh yeah coming bill doesn't go away i'm thinking about building a conduit here too probably should oh no why'd you go to the wrong way uh or [Music] it's gonna look cool from above even even though it's basic like and especially if you can see people riding it from the water that's gonna look really cool oh good lord okay i'm gonna get the materials for another uh another conduit that could be good underwater [Music] you like it do you like we gotta get rid of all this [Music] [Music] okay i could just bring a choker box but i like popping by i mean i have a triple box but i like popping by the village from time to time because i feel desolate in the middle of the ocean it's nice to pop back into civilization to restock do it make crystals holly i get minecraft okay i'm gonna build another conduit oh my gosh it looks cool uh in my storage room you'll find uh some chests that say glass in it oh right wouldn't it suck if there were sharks in this game and just came out of nowhere dang it there we go that'll help with this spot be a little bit more efficient with my tool space this lets me breathe underwater and see better underwater so i built this and now i can't die and run out of air and i can see brighter and potentially dig faster too wait oh i did that all wrong i need to be over here i don't know what i was thinking this is fast well was okay here's someone not even halfway done in fact there might have been a fraction done oh no aura all right the coral reef should be coming up soon we'll have another conduit activated and the screen will be a little bit brighter what there's the reef okay man this part sucks okay hmm well this is uh quite the trek no worries are gonna have to heat up some food soon hmm okay what get away from me hey there aura one up qc if anything or if you're if you're looking for help like yeah i definitely need to help tearing down that coral mountain's about to be up ahead too okay good old efficiency five very dark screen right now uh who knows dom who knows how about you at least we're making progress on the tunnels so it's like the calm before the storm of the underwater city and even this calm is very crazy all right zoro i actually have played my contestants actually i forgot i had it until you just talked about it just now see do be dark you think so austin god holy heck wow uh i don't think there is a guardian farm no nah we have much better plans in mind qc oops oh i'm drowning well that's fine that's actually quicker wow very quiet realm tonight okay bear with me i'm gonna be right back real quick i'm gonna heat up some chicken or i'm sorry some fish probably gonna die but we'll see what happens all right what's up let's up grape juice all right yeah i'm heating up some fish for my food all right what's surprising is i think we actually have enough prismarine to actually get the job done at least to the city maybe not to igus hey mcsilver oh man two weeks that's i don't know if i can deal with that you sure you can't pop by and say hello for a little bit but no hey i appreciate you very much you're awesome i am gonna miss you if it really is two weeks so um this will be here for you if you want to pop on 24 7 if you just want to unwind and craft or something and um the discord will be there for you as well too so if you ever want to pop by and say hello feel free to do so and uh you're flipping heck and awesome mick silver thank you for being you hey aura oh man thank you for the five dollar donation yes yes good it's gonna be awesome to have you back as well too good old minecraft days backing at it you better you better make silver gonna be weird without you we'll be in touch see you later mix over have fun enjoy yourself relax and thank you again aura yo dom if you want to come on if you can could really use some help digging wait what i put the things back in the chest i'm not paying attention yes baldi's bay how's it going silver moon oh we're working on the underwater tunnel subway tunnel hey what's up uh silver what's up soul what's up bmc welcome to you what were you doing today what were you streaming what were you playing what were we uh how did it go bye mcsilver any worries mcdomb hey welcome back smart well i appreciate that uh grape juice wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute this is funny i'm actually going to be able to i think i'm going to be able to at least get the prismarine part done today maybe even some on the glass hey man how did the stream go thank you for the awesome raid welcome back mccrystals don't worry about it anthony hop on it man hey thank you popeye thank you for coming in on that raid appreciate it appreciate that okay i gotta get rid of this now just hop on in anthony you don't have to uh feel ashamed or anything like that yeah i'm starting to get cold it's really foggy outside i went to heat up chicken or i'm sorry fish and it was like super misty but yeah i might have started the heat myself as well plates of smash bros who's your main um i mean zero suit samus which you just reminded me they have that silly presentation on tuesday don't they it's tuesday or thursday actually it's thursday i think yeah it's thursday listen you gotta get away from me go away okay yeah it was really eerie what the heck that's a random drop off and that's gonna suck when the time comes i have to tear through that mountain what's up bum around oh absolutely yeah i'm very chilled out showed out a little bit on the downside but i'm all right i may have to take tomorrow yeah i mean we're uh planning an underwater city like city of rapture from bioshock or the city of atlantis if you are more familiar with that reference so currently um this is an underwater subway tunnel that i'm working on to the city in the middle of the ocean hey don't worry zora get some sleep dude get some rest and uh hop back on anytime remember it's 24 7 realm yeah it's almost midnight here and uh i didn't wake up until like right before stream started so i've only been awake for like eight hours yeah see it connects to this this is the station right here and this is the tunnel and there goes in this all this is an underwater build that connects to a lighthouse right there we got vomitto in the sky looking really cool tea and toast awesome okay so i think i just all i got to do now is just tear down that coral which is not going to be the most fun thing for me to do if i'm being honest but and then now we got to fill in the sides and the bottom and the top with glass it's a very basic just square tunnel but it really kind of needs to be because if we try to make it fancy or octagonal it would add thousands of blocks well thanks for helping midnight no worries austie hey man it's all good it's all good you got to start somewhere you man i'm glad you uh had fun with your smash stream though are you excited for the uh the new characters or were you indifferent about them honestly i should probably react to it i was on the fence about reacting to this one but i really probably should i'm overdue for a smash stream i am curious about the me fighters that's if i react to it it's literally just going to be for the main fighters i'm very curious what kind of indie surprise we'll get and watch watch it be like the worst one and then i'll be mad that i reacted watch it be like i don't know uh i'm trying to think like a bad like character why should be like wulu or something i don't know no it wouldn't be that you know why they're characters i don't know who they are but yeah yeah i mean you know it's i gotta admit though like when i did my uh direct reaction it was probably one of my worst ones like i wasn't negative at all i was i kept neutral ground but i was i didn't pop off or anything um but that's because i've never really played xenoblade so it didn't really have any pull on me but i am i would be curious to see you know what what they can do you know so you know it's new characters so whatever this doggone squid is in the way what's going on jackson so how often do you uh stream even is this the top or the bottom this is the top good lord i still have more to chip away at so do yeah it's about to be midnight here this is weird it almost felt like i wasn't even in water [Applause] that's really good man yeah it's pretty much what i do as well too although i'm about to branch out more into edited stuff once some of the new pokemon things come out that's good that you have fun with it though man go for it oh great this should be ready soon and then uh hopefully i'll be a little bit more energetic and talkative hey it's me man what's up epic i heard a pickaxe break so oh that's cool so you like the cup eh you need to try it i'd love to know your opinion on yo g fuel hey no worries emmanuel thank you so much again i do definitely appreciate that and just keep doing what you do man keep keep that passion alive and keep having fun with it because that's at the end of the day that's what it's all about um do it's not that bad yo midnight we gotta get this coral next to be honest this part's going to be the hardest part i think because nothing really digs through this fast it just is what it is um so so [Music] did my conduit really go out here that's okay i'm gonna have to build another one here anyway because this is where the mountain is almost i'm gonna have to build another one here dom there's literally gonna be a huge mountain right behind me well after i could dig through this yeah okay i'm gonna have to build a conduit here oops i'm just gonna wait to drown and die uh well this is nice okay oops all right um it's cool to actually get this started though because it's something easy that people can work on at their board like just chipping away at mountains or putting up the glass or digging up sand for glass that's going to be the thing we really need next is glass we might have enough for this first stretch but we're definitely going to need more not only for the city but especially if we're going to dig to uh to igis's yeah we're gonna need a lot more that's right mccrystals welcome back austie i could use a boat but i'm trying to like you know lose boats we have a lot of loose boats all over the place and it's kind of crazy so oh this would be a nightmare with keep inventory off or on or off i mean wow it's march can't believe it i gotta do my taxes dang it yeah i don't know what happened to february at all man that one that would just noomed on by this whole year is just zooming [Music] all right i'm gonna build it right here wait a minute here i'm just man i don't know where to frickin build this thing there okay well one more to for good measure okay there we go what's up uh aditya no we're playing on bedrock okay we got another conduit built this is gonna be fun oh my lord this mountain is so steep [Music] i think the conduit's out of range that's how steep it is yeah holy heck i'm gonna need a second conduit oh my word well thank you midnight oh man i messed up too okay hey there me man fish should be done soon too so i can eat okay we're out and about that's going to look pretty on the train seeing the seaweed like that okay this is our stopping point oh that's nice wow i put one block down and the whole mountain crumbles oh man okay what's up sure yeah it's gonna look nice yeah i'm gonna have to build a second conduit here so wow i've been through two controllers today uh i'd say gravel because saying at least you know when it's gonna be there gravel it's always there when you least expect it and don't want it so gravel's got my vote i'm gonna go to i don't know who's who i'm just swim over yonder um boom i'm gonna get my fish and like hope i die so i can spawn back so i know i can't believe it's march well i didn't die i just got some fish now so it's gotta cool down a bit how you holding up holly yeah i have some sockeye salmon and uh i never know how to pronounce that tilapia teleport whatever a little bit on the cheaper side but still keto friendly dang kami i didn't know you from the future is my channel stinky in the future too i came back here to get another conduit i didn't realize i was gonna have to build so many conduits man digging is fun i'm glad you feel that way it depends on what you're digging and why but if it has a purpose it can definitely be like relaxing as long as you know there's an end to it if it's just mindlessly digging it's like yeah where am i going i need to get my uh actually now i'm going to the right place oh my god do i have any sand i don't want nice sweet okay the rest of the second burn and then i can get another conduit what's up psycho man running out of conduits i put this like cajun seasoning on top of it which really really really helps hey what's going on missy how you doing missy yeah cause uh tilapia by itself is i mean it's not blood it just doesn't really have a taste it's got that mild fishiness to it but that's it salmon definitely has a lot more flavor naturally like natural flavor no missy stick around okay i think i may i think it might be too much uh prismarine i think we're really well off right now with prismarine you know what it might be the pinned message carson let me unpin it see if it's better now that's what i mean every time i use pin messages they don't they mess up the chats for some people apparently lately and apparently polls are even worse so i don't even do the polls anymore yeah it'll be dry on the inside hmm [Music] [Music] boom dang holly is getting angry boom yeah they're going to have rare tracks on them it's going to be like basically a underwater intercontinental railroad subway system okay wait this that's the squid party right there hang on a minute yeah there they're they're having a regular old party look at them go yeah huge platoon music okay squid squad yeah that'd be funny okay i gotta build another condiment around here no on the other side because this mountain we have to dig through so flipping big it needs two hecking conduits and or is missy appreciate you dropping by to say hello and check up on me and the group i hope you have a wonderful day and just know you're welcome to come back anytime oops i'm getting much i was just about to say i'm getting much better at building conduits and then i did that so i'm just gonna shut up here we go honestly we might have to i don't know uh it's like baldy's bae all over again okay wait uh doesn't look like what now austin thanks for helping quentin [Music] because everything's being like upgraded and changed like constantly yeah hey no worries casa it's pretty late gotta get that rest but thanks for saying hello and vibing with us for a little bit man i hope you come back and see us again lots of cool wacky things happening i guess i can say it's official um because i heard back from being today but so tuesday soar and i are starting a new weekly series called soar and bald plays and every week we're gonna bring in two guests and they don't even have to be creators so um so actually crystal one of these weeks i'd like for you to drop one by why can't i kill this guy there we go but like for the first one though it's gonna be like a mod creator mashup so you know we're gonna have vien and sora mods for vien and we're gonna have igis and i guess moz for me so it's like hodgepodge mod creator madness so that's gonna be tuesday and then wednesday i'm gonna i might take off tomorrow so i can work on it but i'm gonna try to get the card opening done i mean i already filmed it i just got to edit i filmed it yesterday um so i got to edit it together and maybe upload it um on wednesday if i can uh and then this saturday i'm doing a pokemon platinum nuzlocke so busy busy busy busy busy on top of the normal crap the shiny hunts and stuff dang it oh no how did that happen how did i get so far off oh because of this stupid coral it acts as a block okay let's try this again the packages this is actually way easier than i thought but that's just this part this is just to the city it's actually what what i'm doing now it's actually a lot longer and more difficult to get to igus's property and you can blame igus for that that's a huge hashtag blameys okay that's right make me mcmahons okay i think my fish should be cooled down a little bit let me take some bites out of it what's up jamari well yeah the city is going to be a long time before that that's done how in the heck is a zombie here okay yeah no it's gonna be huge come here oh my gosh this is one instance where sand is annoying but i still think gravel was more annoying that clay wow it's really deep for clay hey don't worry it's costing catch you later man see you my dude what's up blue what do you think of all the improvements and additions to the realm commie oh doggone at all i thought i was on the right level now i'm gonna have to deal with this drown i'm gonna try to ignore him something like that jamari oh i was wondering i was like why is that dead because i was beaten with my shovel i thought i had my sword do okay what oh because i picked up this aic [Music] i think respiration helps you breathe underwater longer i'm not sure [Music] because yeah i have it on mine and there's times where i don't die very quickly you know what that's what it is oh yeah coming i'm kind of close hey guys look how long i'm lasting austie my bubble just started going down and i've been down here for a while so that's what it does and i have uh restoration 3. i think it would come in handy for this i also have aqua affinity so i could walk on water or underwater what do you uh what do you have in mind with sandstone come in even though i'm i'm not exercising every day like i did i'm still losing weight like i'm almost down um i'm almost down to 25 pounds lost which is really good if i kept up with the daily workouts it'd be 30 by now probably but still got a long ways to go ah sandstone tower eh that's not amazing but you're amazing what's up kerbo i mean i could but if things go well splatoon 3 and i grow a lot which i'm actually unsure if i will or not i hope i do i have some things in mind i'd like to do to make it happen but if that does then um i wouldn't mind doing a series where i go back and visit splatoon 1. right now i don't think i have a big enough splatoon following for a splatoon 1 stream to really matter much that sucks uh jamari well thank you mcdonald is that a puffer fish yes i gotta i gotta edit it tomorrow i think i think i'm gonna take tomorrow so i can work on it if i can get it done i'll post it on wednesday when i also take off what is killing me oh i'm poisoned okay gonna turn that sand into glass yo what the peep i swear to god these drowned are really getting on my nerves gonna make me kill a dolphin yeah the pilot knows like will be nice and fun i'm gonna die i just realized shoot i was so distracted i didn't realize i was running out of air so i appreciate that mcdomb thank you man it's coral everywhere what oh it's like where did that vlog come from that was one of my mistake blocks tucked away hey catch you later jamari come back anytime so me okay i mean to be honest i'm actually impressed how much we're getting done with this tunnel i mean actually we might be able to be done with it tonight well no but a good chunk of it i mean at least to the city area certainly the prison ring but it'll take a bit for the glass what's up chef thank you quitting so oh we're trapped yeah that's why i surrounded um our little hub there with you know between two deserts i figured it would come in handy between new deserts and a major ocean biome what the heck how deep is this that's fun-filled sound effects that's right mccrystals okay i hope i didn't mess up here again do the wrong row probably did yo lauren it's insane i did no i didn't that'll work so lauren i've started the underwater tunnel um we're having to dig through coral and mountains right now but like look at this it's going to be it's going to be all underwater with glass railroads but watch how far it goes and then wait till you see where it connects to uh scorp's been working harder on the underwater subway station and if you can stick around for a bit mick lawrence i'll show you uh some stuff like the temple of time and other things that you may not have seen but look at this it just goes on and on and on the walls and the ceiling and the bottom are gonna be glass so it's gonna be all see-through you can put rails on glass so how's it going tc going on and on and on hey way to go on the uh shiny zapdos during the event i don't know what you mean kerbo he was going on and on swimming with the dolphins oh wow midnight you're really digging away at that mountain nice appreciate it man goes on and on and on oh the railroad never ends it goes on and on and on and on there you go commie and there it is there is where it goes into lauren um and that's the base template and when you come down here i mean look at this this is the this is the underwater train station right there looking really cool and uh it goes down here we haven't we got to work on this part but it's going to go down here uh and it's going to come down here oh wait a minute ah there we go come down here rise on up and here's where it starts this is where the railroad's gonna start um but yeah i mean it looks really cool if you go up here thank you great catch you later potato come back anytime man i appreciate you being here and thank you thank you for the compliment so there's three points of entry too lauren so my house has three stories two are underwater ones on top so you have this side entrance from the bottom floor you go up here and you have this mid entrance right here and then you have an elevator to the top right here so there's three points of entry in case you're lazy and don't know which way to go and then here's my place you pop out you see a lighthouse mclarens looking very nice and we've done some uh landscaping to it as well too to give it some quartz accents got the stable right there it brings back memories of a bird's eye view which you can get from right here there you go bird's eye view speak a bird's eye view there's vomitto up top for all the breath of the wild fans and then let me show you the temple of time and what's going on there the mild trek i gotta say i'm not 100 happy with this tower because it's blocking a potential route to the temple of time so i have to go around exactly kami so here's the temple of time right here i don't know if vader reset it he may have he did i think unless the wall is glitching out okay i think you did okay so lauren check this out if you have your volume up you can hear it it's gonna be a little bit laggy because the server is kind of well it might not be too bad here we go i don't know if you can hear the song of time oh and then watch up there yep then it opens up and it goes into the master sword area right there and then it's got the stained glass link holding up a medallion pretty cool way so you gotta you gotta hop on in and finish your wind waker outside island i'd love to see it we got a whole kind of zelda thing going on and check this out um lord so all this area in front of the temple he's going to turn it's fenced off he's going to turn it into hyrule town and that nether brick area is where me man was but we evicted him and now he's he's dug underground and his house is going to be in the kakariko well so he's going to be like the cursed dungeon his house [Music] but yeah pretty cool stuff going on around here we'd love to have you back in at it i know yeah zelda and bioshock and all kinds of stuff i mean here's some more fun builds you might like lauren that's okay that's okay yeah you got to take it easy you got this japanese-style padoga place and if you go back here you might really like this you have uh like a zen garden and complete with cherry blossom tree which is very well done if you can see it looking very cool and then over here to the corner so that's vader and missy's house this this place right here german crew living together and then here you have a nice cute and cozy hobbit hole which is very well done and put together i think nice and quaint and then you go inside and it's snug as a bug and a rug yeah i did i'm my brain's loopy today no you did and it's because i am but yeah yep me man is part of the evicted squad shut the door so very cool places got the hot springs and the spa right here there's a spa there's the hot springs yes yes yes how do i get out of here there we go up here very nice i guess has some cool uh places as well too but i mean she's decided to be the new lauren and she's like 1800 blocks out i can go into creative and show you i guess i'll just fly there it's so much faster than creative than it is on the switch i'm playing on the playstation 5. oh no kami yeah it's normally i just teleport to her but she's not on right now so i'm gonna have to slightly cheat and creative my way over there [Music] i don't know why she insists to be so far away well actually since we're here splurnik's been making progress on his farm as well too farm area uh right here which is looking really good kind of neat anyway yeah but that's not where she is no she's gotta go very far and i'm building a tunnel to it dang it it's somewhere around here i'm nowhere near that at the moment midnight i'm trying to get to igus's place good lord oh man yep and i'm building a tunnel straight to it i feel like it's this way this is it but i just forget which way it is it's somewhere around here might be a little bit to the left it might be over here maybe yes this is it yep through here i think wait a minute oh i'm going the wrong way it's it's this way through here yeah yeah because i remember that lighted torch area yeah here you go there it is okay so here's agus lighthouse so far freaking away all right looking pretty cool it absolutely doggone is i'll also because i'm not going to condone igus's anti-mingling behavior so i am building 50 000 blocks of glass over to this area there's a little fishing dock right there fishing house and then she has a nice little windmill right here just looking very cool as well that over there is eppy's house she said it makes her want to cry but yeah there you go there you go looking pretty cool but she wanted to find like a natural village and build around it to make it look like things were meant to be a part of it city's gonna be in the middle of things much the city's gonna be right above lauren's island okay yeah so lawrence island is going to survive but that's about it yeah yeah i could just teleport but so get on when you can lauren because i'm definitely want to see that especially now that we already have some existing zelda themes i'd love to see you complete outset and then yeah reno would be cool we were looking to uh to move vametto so maybe if you build that we can put it above it here's your island right here yeah i will still intact but yeah pretty much like right above it is where the city is going to be yay yeah this is the this is where it's gonna we're gonna start this this little island as you can see i think yes this little island is where the tunnel ends so we're going to use this little island as like a hub for like storage for glass and all kinds of crap but eventually we're going to tear it down when we're done with it but this is where the city is going to start and where the the first tunnel ends and then we'll have another station that leads to igus's oh man so anyway there you go that looks so cool though i wonder if i'm going as fast as the the cart goes because man that's gonna be cool wait a minute what coming yeah all right i'm gonna go back to where we were tearing down and i'll turn off creative it's just so cool like i imagine this is the speed of the car maybe a little bit slower super cool okay no that's still good ah here here is where we need to be wait where did the bottom ah okay oops i'm gonna turn off create there we go [Music] okay oops no pretty soon enough to tear down more of this coral no worries quentin okay super dark i may need to put one more conduit here potentially now we're right next to the other conduit welcome back carter dang it where'd you come from [Music] what's up tommy very nice music oh yeah carter thanks for uh helping quinton appreciate that appreciate that this dolphins kind of trap there you go he got out wait a minute wait a minute oh dad i haven't seen you in a long time man what the heck can you come out of nowhere with the 50 dollar hollow thank you so much man holy holy heck how you been dude how's the life been treating you thank you for the uh 50 let's get those hearts and emojis the late night dono spicing up the place how's life been treating you like he said hi though been pretty good we started you know we still do the whole pokemon thing and yeah we still got a lot of people that show up to those but i've been switching it up to to be a little bit more relaxing and do some uh some minecraft from time to time so not quite as active but still a lot of fun and very calming it is a memorable too so when you come back if you want to join you can if you have it that's pretty cool though thank you for your service and i definitely appreciate that donation did you catch the uh directs also mclarens i'm with you on the chibi style i like it i don't have a problem with it oh gosh yeah minecraft does take you back oops thank you again so much uber i bet you thought i wasn't gonna remember you oddly enough i remember the oo daddy because i remember you said you forgot that was your name what the heck is this thing doing there we go well just know you're you're more than welcome to come back any time like i said i stream every day i'm i'm starting to mix it up a little bit more however um you know i'll be covering splatoon 3 for sure i'm starting a new splatoon 2 series on tuesdays um this saturday i'm doing a pokemon platinum nuzlocke very excited for that and um i'm doing my first ever pokemon card unboxing i'm going to try to get that uploaded on wednesday i filmed it yesterday but it's going to take a lot of cuts because i spent a lot of time derping around because it was my first time opening card packs so it was kind of derpy but lots of cool things coming and still doing the shiny hunts uh yeah no i liked it too lauren the only thing that i'm concerned about is the fact that i hope they don't try to tie in the fact that it's cute into making it easy i hope they don't nerf it because one of my favorite things about platinum and why it's my favorite gen well gen 2 is my favorite but gen 4 is next is because it was the hardest one and i like that but if they nerf it because it's cute i'm not going to be happy but we'll see that's right mr grape all right cool cool cool we're building an underwater like train tunnel like an international intercontinental railroad or subway if you will so that's what i'm working right now but there's a lot of like digging through coral reefs and mountains and stuff at the depth that we're at whoops what okay here we go let me try to get into the light here because it's very dark there we go um yeah i've heard that too about the platinum i don't know about the mega the rumors about the mega that i saw is just merchandise which i don't think you know necessarily confirms that it has megan's but that would be cool because that would prove that they're kind of listening to fans i guess they they knew that they wanted megas back and megas weren't initially in gen 4. dang man wow what do you need that for glad you found it because that's that sounds like a doozy building the underwater subway tunnel i'm about to have to go back and get some more uh prismarine what the heck the heck are you heckling wow wow wow who's lying hey thank you lingy appreciate that appreciate that i was actually thinking about you today i was going to message you after the stream how you been hi lingy you're new if you want to become a member all i got to do is hit the join button wow wow wow thank you lingy lauren i did i did i was going to send you a message i'd be like yo bling what up what up lucky yeah you're getting there i got a failboat raid today and that did push me into 20 900. let's hope it sticks okay i got to teleport oops oops oops okay i thought i threw away my uh pickaxe [Music] i'm going to assume austie is not where i want to be so never mind okay uh me man is where i need to be well it'll do well just know carter no obligation it does cost um but if you would like to uh let's see let me get that link for you but thank you again lindy it really does mean a lot to me there you go hang on like i'm going to damn you real quick lack let me get it for you dangling well yeah man getting new cards sucks i know how that goes i think i had to get new cards like maybe seven times in my life it's never fun yeah no um it's not gonna have any gym battles or anything like that lauren and it's also confirmed to only be single player which i don't mind per se but i am curious it makes me wonder if one they'll be shiny hunting in two if you can put them if you could trade them at least trade or if there is a way to at least transfer them into home i don't know i'm very curious how that all pans out [Music] okay i need to get some prismarine wow wow yeah you have to like update everything and it's a pain the worst is when you lose your wallet because then you lose your license again so then you got to go all the way to the dmv and you got to take the stupid picture and wait to get in the line and then get it developed and then you know what am i doing oh prismarine that's right nah mr great uh are you talking to me comey i've only had to do that once fortunately when i lose stuff or i'm not even that like i just usually my number gets stolen or something but i did lose my wallet once and that was a pain i mean you know it'll be open world and exploring but it honestly might be all you have to do or maybe just uncover secrets i would love if you could shiny hat arceus that would be really neat okay let me go ahead and get some more prismarine it actually might be time to get some glass yo lingy i'm down 25 pounds yo i don't need that much prismarine i think that's enough perfect got a backup controller yeah a cat killed itself okay still got to lose like 30 more though i just hope that it's fun and that it something that i can grow with on my channel uh i'm looking forward to it what's up mercy i am bold yes that bone gamer yo catch you later carter [Music] okay let's get to the end of this it's gonna take a minute hey minus how you been the thought had occurred to me that i was bold yes hey what's up togitogi you don't believe me all i can do is pat my head and rub it off there's no bald cap that's all i can do that's true though minus i also i don't think there's going to be any um pearl and diamond dlc but i do think there might be arceus dlc it also makes me think that there's going to be more legends games too because it's weird that arceus is a footnote to it it's legends arceus so maybe do legends you know genesect or legends you know mew or something you know you never know the possibilities are endless you know what he has the right idea going in a boat is much smarter but then here's me swimming well good morning to you togi i hope you're having a good day well that's cool luna but i hope everyone's having a good night i want to say thank you again everybody for being here hanging out okay tunnel's coming along what's blocking me okay nothing i guess this is weird almost ready to put on the glass you know what honestly call me i forgot about it that's how loopy i am tonight if you want to be in charge of that minus i'd love to see it hey look it's comey how you doing coming but absolutely nice minus get on here make minus make little blueprints what do you think of this underwater tunnel lingy a lot togi a lot hey it's the end okay i'm gonna tp to derpy meme man sneeze excuse me and always count on me man just derping around hey i'll give you a tour because i had to go back anyway what's up chrissy what's up dang it okay thank you thank you thank you yo so check out what um well okay since i'm here look here's the temple of time i can't reset it though but yeah i know it does it has a cool feature that it can play the song of time and show the master sword and stuff but it needs to be reset and vader built it so i'd rather not touch it and let him do it you got vom meadow in the sky up there speaking of zelda stuff i'll tell you what um hang on a second i hope this doesn't kill me watch this kill me here yep look at this it's got a landing strip isn't that cool yeah it's the time i'm going to sing and then um yeah it's got like a little garden on the wings wow then you go inside and it's got like you know little living room area in here and a storage room in there dang thingy and then come down here oh yeah what do you think about this lady got a oriental build look at that missy and vader built it and here's the cherry blossom zen garden looking very cool yeah anime and then you know you go inside and you got the futons right here and you got the hot springs and the sauna here's the sauna and there's the hot springs kind of fun why is there a random con why are there random conduits around this that's interesting huh um oh i hear a witch yeah there's all kinds of really cool builds let me show you what scorpio and i are working on because i know you like to mess around with scorp with derpy lad he just got off earlier than usual because he said he had a headache but oh the witch is that igus yes escort so him and i basically worked on this he did the most of it at least this part i did some of the upper and landscaping of the mountain to make it look more natural and got the tunnels going but yeah here's the underwater train station right here very impressive very impressive and there's three points of entry you have my my house is three stories you got the first second and third so here's the entrance from the first floor i guess the third well i guess it depends what's first and what's third um when you go in here um you'll see that this is the entrance from the top dangling but yeah yeah yeah look at this i mean look at him go look at scorp go lingy and then here's the entrance from the mid floor hey what's up angus which leads to the storage area right here doing pretty good jack how about you wow wow what's up ramen dangling what do you think about this villager's name lenny i guess stinky dang me man but yeah no it's coming along and then um so then what i've been working on for the past like three hours actually more like three and a half hours is the tunnel which uh is down here i can't believe it's almost been 12 hours dang dang dang yeah so here's where the tunnel comes in we're gonna dig here it goes it scoops down for just a second i'm glad to hear that jack and then it lifts up oh man i made a man there you go and then i've been uh just working on this part so that's right link i'm gonna do the train part so the midsection so fortunately you can put train tracks on glass otherwise this wouldn't work every now and then we're gonna have to use redstone blocks but that should be fine that's right underwater train it's gonna be cool whereas the youngins say lit if you want you can uh just yeah get some glass from my storage place and fill in the gaps also again um i finally opened my first box of cards courtesy of dom i filmed it yesterday so i actually might take tomorrow off so i can edit it and really try to get that out on wednesday and then tuesday is going to be the new series with sora bald and sore play splatoon featuring vientastic and igus they're gonna be our first two guests we're gonna be doing some league maybe even some private battles who knows that's right mcmean mcmahon's i'd love to see you there for that little i mean heckling we could maybe even have you as a guest one day if you want like this is a series where it doesn't have to be fancy people like just friends sure we'll have some big names here and there but wow yo so ling what'd you think of the uh the pokemon direct i'm gonna get you gen 4 for your birthday unless you get it first in which case i'll just pay for it that's right toby man this just goes on and on and on and on doesn't it yeah crystals we got a ling sighting up in here there was um friday it was on friday and they announced gen 4 remakes and um they talked a little bit about snap and they also have a new gen 4 game called pokemon legends arceus well which one are you more excited for like the arceus one what the heck just hit me this guy's straight up vibing no oh lord leave me the beep alone yeah i'm looking forward to the arctis one what the heck how many of these dudes are there it's going to lead to the underwater city which we have not started yet but potentially we could uh diamond and pearl so the names are brilliant diamond and shining pearl i prefer shining pearl it's shorter variant diamond has two times the syllables you know six versus three also pearl is a splatoon character and diamonds represent stinky marriage so i'm just gonna go for pearl here we go [Music] well the other cool thing too is currently i'm hunting dialga and dynamics adventures so what i can do is i can just hold off on palkia until pearl comes out and then that'll be like just a new shiny hunt that i can do there you go lingy so you're going for pearl as well too and i'm really excited for snap that's gonna be fun i swear to gosh do you uh like the chibi art style man this is like an army of these dudes oh man i'm gonna die because he's flopping around no we don't know yet i'm starting to think they won't which if i will say it's gonna be really lazy a really lazy missed opportunity to add replay value because you know i'm no code or anything but from what little i know it doesn't cost that much or take that much you know labor to just do a color palette swap and maybe add an odds generator so they could easily add shinings for replay value so if they don't i'm going to be mad because that's like a full price game and it's probably going to be really short yeah i heard about the new perfect dark thing that's gonna be really cool absolutely did you see the uh the sony state of play they got the the final fantasy uh seven uh playstation five version with like new crap in it it's gonna be cool awesome midnight i need it i need it i mean it'd be very easy to do but i'm almost thinking about just pre-recording a bunch of videos so that i can have them to release like when all the new crap comes out but that's another reason why i'm doing the pokemon platinum nuzlocke this weekend this saturday so i could really use you all to cheer me on if you can tune into that um and that's going to let me refresh my my brain on gen 4 because platinum is gen 4 and it'll give me a refresher course on what to expect and then i might actually just start pre-recording videos and just dish them out like hardcore when the new crap comes out you're a halo fan eh yeah that would be cool crystal i hope you could shiny hunt anything in it because they very well could be shiny locked as well too hey catch you later mick lawrence come back any time i appreciate you try to tune in for the source series this tuesday soren vien and igus and me obviously [Music] i used to play halo 2 a bunch in college because that was the thing to do you know we'd gather up in the dorms and play but i never actually owned the game itself or anything what's your favorite thing about it and thank you all for being here it's really cool to see some night owls in the chat uh-oh i'm almost out of glass [Music] actually maybe y'all can help me out in fact i was i'm late i was supposed to message her already um i don't know what the heck to do for my platinum nuzlocke caricature like i want to have me wearing the gen 4 outfit for dudes and i want to have pikachu on my shoulder again maybe i'll make pikachu look nervous because nuzlocke's supposed to be tough and platinum's the toughest one but i don't know what the heck to do with my hands i don't know if i should be holding the ds or maybe i should just not put the ds in there and just be doing something i don't know i don't know what to do with my character's hands what the heck all right but i was supposed to message her tonight tell her what the flip i wanted well i've already have a red suit thing but like i think i should just wear the gen 4 clothes ah peace signs too calm nuzlockes are stressful when i think of garchomp and cynthia and gen 4 i don't think of peace especially in a nuzlocke i get ptsd and think of nothing but peace or not peace is what i meant to say oh man i'm excited for it that's gonna be my first like genuine nuzlocke like i've done the sleep vlog but that was easy because it's it's gen two i know what i'm doing with gen two this one's gonna be the real deal and i can really use some some folks cheering me on yeah i thought about that i thought about like at least sweating but i still don't know what to do with my hands like what what the heck is my what am i gonna do with my hands it's gonna be to the side i'm sweating you know what what the flip it off i mean maybe i could just do a shrug or something i don't know maybe that could be uh i don't know i really don't know um the soundtrack there's no i mean this is just the minecraft ost holy heck this is fast holding myself up with this thing that's funny or maybe oh maybe i could be like like no like looking up like ah like stressed out and pikachu's on my shoulder like you know i don't know losing your mind thumbnail yeah trust me it's gonna be probably the hardest pokemon thing i've ever done you don't even know ling like cynthia is a nuzlocke killer from seasoned veterans wait what holding do this while uh ferociously staring at a at it swearing fruity oh maybe pictures on my shoulders trying to calm me down ooh maybe maybe maybe my future's like relax [Music] um that was a pretty uh cool gift from your grandmother just wait a minute and then you punch pikachu and range around me man all right i need to message her while this is on my brain before i forget it there's no way this is real huh all right anyway um let's see give me a moment because i gotta type this okay so that's not gen 4 i typed in gen 4 protagonist clothes and it gave me gen 7. come on google anyway what's everyone up to right now i gotta get a sample image that's why i'm looking that up the clothing yo can you all right so hey what's up geode how you doing uh hey no worries kami yo let's get some hearts in the chat for comedy i hope you have a wonderful wonderful night can y'all look into member mingle on the discord and let me know which outfit you think is better apparently they both are used in gen 4 but i don't know which one is more like acceptable or better remember mingle i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die yep i'm dead get some water [Music] man i was thirsty [Music] so people are saying they like the second one i think okay oh okay okay well then that makes more sense then because i'm gonna be playing platinum so i guess it's gotta be a second thank you mcchrystal yeah i didn't know that well there you go okay so i'm gonna give her that image hey what's up torox how are you doing today [Music] oops wrong button one second okay i said the references perfect now that's another thing about my bucket list i also hired a font artist and the same person that did my uh my birthday logo is gonna do a platinum nuzlocke logo but with cynthia and guard chop on it so that's gonna be on the left and then me and pikachu are gonna be on the right so hopefully it'll look very cool i was thinking about putting giratina because it's platinum but for nuzlocke when you think of platinum you really do think it just cynthia and garchomp so i thought that was appropriate so it's gonna look neat i think i hope okay crystal doggone oh you're awesome that's one less thing to worry about oh lord slush is on the realm also ramen what are you up to do do do [Music] that's right crystal is awesome hey michael block's on nice good old mcmanus mcblue prince wow this is gonna be ten times better when there's a train because it takes forever just naturally swimming through it wow i'm swimming with the dolphins yo look at him go [Music] i swear that dolphins following me there's no way i got to the glass there's no way i did it at the end i thought i still had a lot more to go yep never mind you know what while i was over there i should have got some glass but i wasn't thinking and you know what i appreciate you being here mick crystals so you've been working hard lingy dang it i should i definitely should have got some some glass wow and working naps are important man all right i'm gonna teleport to me man or i can teleport to ramen yes ramen is in a more acceptable place i actually haven't been resting well what's up uh shamania's it's actually for channel members only dang mcdonald by the time you come on the stream's gonna be over or how about you come to me and put the glass in the storage because i got to go to my incinerator which is in the storage anyway ling you gonna get minecraft dang it [Music] holly's gonna get it next friday i should hold on to the sand oh no you don't have to apologize man i'm just messing i'm just messing with you when did i get clay [Music] [Music] [Music] bum [Music] boom [Music] [Music] throwing it all away i don't know why i have 80s genesis song stuck in my head yes you can that's how scorp does it he uses kelp soul sand magma cubes and or magma blocks and kelp uh okay i actually need to start from here [Music] i actually like phil collins music better when he was with genesis so that's a hot take and i know i'm in the minority he still did some good stuff after but i just i don't know i just love the 80s genesis vibes dang it well that looks like crap down there not to fix that that's gonna annoy me [Music] m um what the heck is going on there oh man i'm gonna have to fix that underneath it's doing some wacky suction things oh man yo quinn if you're still here if you can like fill those in and try to fix it fill in those holes it's causing the suction thank you quentin it's nick do oh interesting that's you can see the pink on some of them ah yeah i was worried about that so what's up pairs so how are you in the chat everybody that sucks i miss uh miss hit there what are you what are you uh looking for on taji dangly but it is is got a vibe to it you know very peaceful yeah it's a relaxing game oh my gosh why do you say that but yeah no it's not very stressful oh my lord this is a deep stretch of coral so i didn't know you played stardew valley why'd you stop this time dang man well that would do it welcome to super dark gameplay with that ball gamer okay finally man that was a doozy right there well thank you michael for helping i don't know if you can hear me but that's really cool yeah i'm playing on the playstation 5 right now but um it's a it's still the ps4 version of the game but run on ps5 they haven't made an optimized ps5 version yet but it still runs much better than the switch hey catch you later quentin thanks for joining thanks for helping and i hope you have a wonderful night remember this is open 24 7 but but do follow the rules oh i don't hear anything the mic might be picking up stuff louder than it should be though i don't know i didn't hear it though has it stopped now because i don't hear anything at all right now hmm i mean it very well could because i said the mic is pretty close to it i'm actually considering getting a newer better mic which i never thought i would do for a while but [Music] oh yeah though we're going to need tons of more glass especially for igus's area oh oh yeah man michael's being super helpful i like it it's a long road ooh someone did the uh third row nice i'm not gonna have enough glass though oh my gosh look at all the squid stuff it's a squid party i've got efficiency five but coral for whatever reason gives me trouble thank you again for the help michael i appreciate that man do you see what we're doing is the underwater tunnel um it's gonna have a railroad obviously so it'll be a lot quicker but for now it's kind of a pain but and pretty much where that little island is where it stops at the end that's gonna be uh the base of operations where we start building the city and we'll be able to put some like storage chests on that island but eventually it'll be destroyed and that's where the city's going to be hey it's a dolphin not yet dominic glow squids are coming out later in the summer update which actually that's technically another thing i could do which could you know get some cool views or play my cards right yeah squids that glow underwater and also they're coming out with lightning rods so that you know you can put put one on the top of your building and lightning will strike it intentionally and stuff okay i need to get more glass the only thing i remember from the cave update is like monsters or something in the caves crystals and then the copper for the lightning rod and of course the glow squid i know there's a bunch of other stuff that come with it but those only other things that i remember them remember the amethyst purple crystals better not be lingy yeah purple mccrystals wow lingy why you gotta be like that is it sandstone or sand that's sand okay glass glass you know the song shots shot shot shot shot well this is glass glass glass glass glass glass glass glass glass glass and the cow right on cue glass glass glass mew perfect wow crystal i actually have aquafinity but i don't have like the uh the other one okay i'm gonna i'm gonna start from the top i'm pretty sure ling is seeing the mooshrooms so oh we're almost at the 12 hour mark by the way [Music] daddy i don't know maybe i mean this this this is something like stuff i just do on my own [Music] but i will probably take tomorrow off so i can work on the card stuff and just kind of chill out for a bit [Music] boomer time what are you doing awake dang it man this just goes on and on and on and on in it oh hey there aim i see a ceiling actually some of our eu friends should be waking up again soon hopping on in new in fact most what i do is pokemon and splatoon what the beep surrounded oh i need to finish this side too love it can't wait to play it gonna do it hey yeah no worries get some sleep uh grape i appreciate that come back anytime funny grape juice definitely have to touch up the bottom parts eventually yeah definitely thanks for clearing out the sides and stuff michael i appreciate it what's up tyrus it is for channel members only oh man [Music] [Music] i could potentially keep the mountain here and then just not put glass on the sides through this mountain and keep this part prismarine which would give it a brief moment of like enclosure uh [Music] thank you mccrystals you know worries yeah i hope you feel better too man take care of yourself dude we'll be on the discord whether i stream or not i made i really do think i should work on the card video so i'll probably just end up doing that um hmm [Music] i wonder if you can do a minecart underwater i don't think so i don't think it would run [Music] i mean we gotta seal this off before we actually work no i mean like just later on and stuff will be around hmm you think so because at least this one rail is over here but that's just one rail like it might be worse if i start to connect them um man that water just hit the spot see look at this crystals just hanging out [Music] i know right like wow it's just staying there but that's how i learned that they can be on glass at least which will definitely save us from making it a wider you know size okay yes magic i need to put some lighting up in there too but i don't i don't know how in the heck i would do that like maybe every 10 or so blocks i don't know that's true crystal i didn't think about that [Music] but yeah no glass is gonna be the easier one especially what's up jorge especially the igus route you realize we start at negative 800. she's at 1800 something so that's like more than twice as long as this is gonna be so um boom boom boom boom hey uh thank you chris my appreciation shout out let's get some hearts in the chat for the crystals folks do be leaving though okay yeah i think i'll do the top let me correct you there lingy crystal because she's the only one here so i appreciate it wait okay yeah no i can start for the bit i was like how am i gonna start for the men that's right lingy i got carried away and drifted off it's up to you austin but that would certainly help like i said i would use shulkers i have some but i just it's nice to go back and forth and empty out my inventory so yeah i can do the middle one there that last one didn't even make any sense because uh hmm how am i gonna make it make sense don't worry's midnight i'll catch you next time hey thank you samuel what exactly how are they saying it by the way okay time to filter that out there we go they're giving me lots of creative ways to filter this out love it i don't like is the drown they are way more annoying oh it's me drowning i'm actually literally drowning there we go what's up for training what's up pistol okay gotta turn around no worries we're actually approaching the 12 hour mark boom yeah that's okay though it's going us though i'm doing the top middle so i can potentially put lighting up but i got to figure out how i want to balance out the lighting but lighting will look really cool in this underwater tunnel here when the time comes all right it's riling what's up time jester [Music] i think in about 30 minutes is the 12-hour mark given the antics recently i think i'll just uh play off stream when the time comes i'll still be i'll still be playing though hello there hmm we have nick yes we have uh taking care of the ender dragon yes i think we did that like in the first like 15 hours or so we got very lucky and the uh the end was like really close to our spawn what's up mega oh crap you got to get the switch version or the bedrock edition not the java oh no sand well that's great yep it's all recorded now i gotta do is just edit it and i think i'm gonna take tomorrow off to do just that [Music] yeah you need you need the bedrock edition what yeah sand and gravel are the most annoying blocks usually it's it's gravel for me but today's been a sand day okay so [Music] yeah they're kind of cool um okay so the one on the switch is just basic basically bedrock do tell you what though it's long as heck but it's going to be sweet when it's done and honestly um now that i think about it the lights would probably coincide with better wherever we put the red blocks thanks for watching thanks for being here and hanging out okay [Music] what what the flippin hex man oh my lawn zombie apocalypse wow what's up dipsy fun name i was hoping i could have got this done tonight well we got a good chunk of it done though we're got probably about probably like 40 or 50 percent done when it's all said and done because i'm gonna do like well actually austin's already started on that so that's good so yeah we're about 50 of the way done maybe a little bit more oh my lord dominic finally got on also thanks for 225 likes y'all [Music] this part though lingy mclingerton and folks in the chat is probably the dullest part of minecraft however it's satisfying when it's done but it's like oh my lord blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah [Music] but you gotta do what you gotta do yo oh my lord i mean this is ribbon and gameplay right i know pretty much thing it's been like this for about the last four hours i've been working on this low key shout out to like you know the folks at health i actually lowkey kind of expected more people to help me but that was not the case so it's been interesting no don't worry it's crystal you're fine we'll finish it off stream i'm sure i'm not gonna do another minecraft stream for a couple weeks at least this wasn't supposed to be an every week thing but i just i'm glad i did today because the way i was feeling today i wouldn't have i would have ended the stream or just not streamed at all which you know i'm gonna do tomorrow but that's to try to at least be productive and because i'm not feeling well but certainly you know the other day or today if i had done something else other than minecraft it would have been bad yeah the bedrock edition on the switch wow so what the heck lingy man i need to hurry up and seal this off you like that crystal michael soft what's up slippery yeah not too bad not too bad just wrapping up this underwater tunnel here where'd he come up with these things lingy did you just make that up i had to tell the retirement store the other day on on the voice chat the age-old question ling did youtube came up i forgot who asked and i was like oh yeah she retired when i asked her to uh to collab um that's right crystal 1am brain mccells oh man all right the roof and the floor no oh i thought the roof was done i forgot about this side one woozy eh yeah same it's almost at the three hour mark i started at 305 pm so got about like 20 minutes or so whoops drifted downward um [Music] [Music] okay you know what i'm just gonna teleport mcdomb you're gonna need tons of glass man i'll be able to finish the the ceiling for sure before the end time i wish you could take your jukebox with you and just like play music on the go like a portable sound station that would be kind kind of cool i beg to differ crystals [Music] mama's really liking that button i know right yeah that mom was just like oh man that's looking so cool how the beep do i get in there we go okay um well i mean it's as little as 299 but the minecraft realm tier is basically five dollars but the three one gets you the emojis and also movie nights on the discord wait dom you can just hold the button down and go a lot quicker see how i'm doing just hold it down wow dom b be slow look at him go i'm like john henry all right see ya john henry what up wiki oh man we are micah yes building an underwater uh train tunnel or subway tunnel if you will boomer race law thingy [Laughter] uh this is gonna look cool when it has some freaking lighting but i gotta figure out where to put the redstone for the rails and line that up with the lighting [Music] i didn't realize it was dark for this long i thought we had more conduits than that [Music] there we go [Music] d [Music] [Music] oh you know what song i'm saying these dreams go on when i close my eyes every moment of the night [Music] these dreams [Music] [Music] there's something out there i can't resist no i wasn't trying my voice is shot too because i'm actually i'm like really groggy and droopy and tired what the beep i'm gonna die [Music] could it be spring or fall bring it exactly exactly i'm probably gonna die that's okay i can just teleport to mcdomb he's still he's still racing behind me good old mcdome he might catch up to me because of this part though no i still won't see him dang dom i was kind of hoping for a tortoise in the hair scenario where i was slowed down to fix the roof and then you came out on top and won but alas if you're to become a member five dollar tier you can hop on the realm and get access to the movie night on the discord all right so the roof and the floor is done so we are officially 50 down in that regard but technically probably about 60 done because you do have some of the sides done and maybe like 55 beep beep beep beep but that's only on this side of it if we're talking about the whole thing like going to igis's and everything we're probably about like 20 done not even that maybe like 10 or 15 percent no worries wiki it's all good [Music] it's crazy right ling there's a lot it's gonna be a long tunnel hashtag blame igus for living in the middle of nowhere boom i wonder if we build underwater if it'll show up as dots on the map that's something i should have i'm curious about what's up five chicks that's all her mickeling you hanging in there rush we've lost a lot we've actually lost nine members tonight which is kind of ironic considering i did a member stream but that's just timing so what something we did a month ago caused people to join like a month ago to this day but yeah kind of kind of ironic and discouraging but that's all right you cannot fight chicks it is a member only stream it's all right honestly things are going to go down for a little bit until at least pokemon snap comes out and then maybe uh gen 4 and splatoon 3 and stuff what's up solomax unfortunately you may not must be a channel member sponsored tier or higher okay i gotta throw this stuff away oh yeah [Music] and that llama really likes that bell he's addicted so whatever you want you can keep doing it or you can just do one month and cancel any time what's up bj draws but there's no obligation but it has to be the five dollars here for the realms three dollar tier for member movie nights on the discord nice austin i you know what i'm gonna kill the llama watch i'm just going to do it and this is going to be the end of the archive too me killing the llama because we're at the 12-hour mark there we go he's dead you're dead too yeah you better run there you go i appreciate that still thank you very much dangling well i gotta say this to fight chicks we're actually about to end soonish but if you wanted to you could join you can hit the join button or uh or just click on this

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