national dog daynational dog day 2024

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:01:13 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: national dog day petsmart
dogs are awesome but finding the right one is like dating you got to find the perfect match with 65.1 million Americans owning dogs it's safe to say We're a nation of dog lovers but choosing the right dog that's where things get tricky experts agree it's all about matching your lifestyle with the dog's personality teamed up with ancestry to survey 1,000 pet parents and found the most popular breeds we've got mixed breeds Labradors golden retrievers and even those trendy golden doodles but don't let the breed hype fool you every dog is unique think of it like this a labrador might be energetic and playful but if you're a couch potato that might not be the best fit spend time with a dog before deciding check their energy levels temperament and how they gel with your lifestyle remember the best dog isn't necessarily the trendiest breed but the one that brings you Joy and fits seamlessly into your life so this national dog day take the time to meet your potential new best friend after all a Happy pup makes for a happy home woof

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