Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:05:26 Category: Autos & Vehicles

Trending searches: 1992
guys we are here at Old School Harley-Davidson for the FXR show and Ash has bought some real Heavy Hitters here Brian tell us a little bit about Ash's background guys this is Ash gettings he goes by unit 6 Customs he is one of the world premier FXR Builders which is the hottest chop right now this is his uh this is his show bike that just came back from fuel up in Cleveland he had flake to do the paint work so both the guys were here flaky did us a solid and painted one of our bikes you got to check that out later but Ash has a handful of bikes here and uh some of the stuff he's doing he's on The Cutting Edge of innovation when it comes to FXR chops right now so he's definitely one to check out thank you Brian Ash thank you for coming and putting the show on today here just incredible the turnout you got here and i' I've heard a lot about your bikes and your builds this one well I think it kind of speaks for itself but I'd like to hear tell us the story of this bike uh 92 fxrs um I built it back home in the UK about about four or five years ago and then ran it around in a black state for a little while and then my friend flaky painted it it's got a snsv 11 makeer sixspeed um it's got fxdx front end it's just a nice riding bike it's probably uh one of my favorites to be honest um yeah the PM radal Mount calipers all the way around it's just a nice bike who did the paint job on this it's cool eh it's beautiful you did the paint J no I didn't do the paint so my friend uh flaky from Wales it is absolutely stunning I mean it's pure artwork is what I'm looking at the pain is the frame uh been it's frame up yes it's powder coated yeah stri every every n and Bolt's been touched on this yeah you know it's funny said you took the words out of my mouth cuz when I walked up and looked at it that's what I said I was like every nut and bolt on this bike has been plated polish replaced or improved somehow um it's just stunning saddleman seat yeah my boys at saddan sorted me out Chris Chris sorted me out with that and uh Kevin also does my suspension for me always so from Big Bear Big Bear yeah I just interviewed him after me for a long time I just interviewed him at Sturgis and sadly the mic's messed up and I'm trying to get the clip fixed cuz I had a 15minute interview with him and the products he's turning out are just Next Level man just unbelievable you got the PM rear brakes uh now these shocks are these extended a little longer than got inch extension so that's Kevin's extension block there on the bottom put them up to about 14 and a qu did he do the the the front end too yeah so it's got his uh um is it an ol insert that he modified yeah yeah when I when I I'm an olens dealer and when I called olens to get some custom stuff they said you got to go to Big Bear Choppers Kevin's like the he's like the skunk works for uh for um like he's he's the one who does all the custom stuff for olens this thing must handle like a dream he uh he doesn't just slap them together you know he does them for your weight and whatever height you want what sort of ride you want so the is it primary uh what's it just goop on the primary so the primary is just got a Primo Primo clutch in there yeah um pretty stock stock compensator this thing is absolutely freaking stunning how long have you owned it Ash so I think I got this one like back in 2018 yeah so I've had it a little while now it's been various at various stages um but this is like his final stage the motor Gadget uh Speedo inside so when when you uh you built this overseas and then how long have you been here I've been here two years yeah so just two years as well so I came August of uh 22 are you building these for the public too yeah so I actually work here at Old School in the service department um I built a bike last year for the FXR tour which is the one behind you um this one right here this one deserves its own own video on its own this thing is absolutely ridiculous I build this in my garage on the side of my house unbelievable unbelievable just kidding that's [Music] outstanding I didn't see you standing here how you doing Larry what's going on good to see you good good to see you standing here my boy Larry just got hit by a car um I mean what was it three weeks ago broke all his ribs almost killed him but but he's here did you pick out your new bike yet you already got it I R oh it's awesome I got to go check it out be over to see in a minute this thing's insane yes this was built for the uh fxr2 or something Jay Hudson and uh Justin my machinist puts on um it's going again this year so this one I was there with uh benle pool from let's finish this one we get this back to this one is there anything else you want to tell us about this one 111 sixspeed it's just a just a nice riding bike what's it do you have a name for the bike so it's my Halloween bike the Halloween bike I love it so my my UK registration without any any choice or anything was boo so Bo so Bo and uh flaky painted it I didn't give him the only thing I said to him is it's got to go with chrome and it's got to go with brown seat and he came up with this orange and then when it got shipped over from the UK it turned up on Halloween so the nickname of the bike is Boo and it's a Halloween bike that's freaking awesome what a cool story hey thanks for sharing that with us Ash keep up the you're keeping the dream alive here for us FXR FXR old school guys man I love it man fantastic bike thanks for watching if you didn't make it this year come down to the FXR show at Old School Harley-Davidson next year thanks thanks for uh hit the like And subscribe and God bless America

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