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and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate America it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal will I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the borders are you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like they really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala says she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 20124 even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with Iran you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than crook Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook show we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it the opposite by comparison there against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all Chang your impression of people's access no I didn't uh look if you take away gun she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions ions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your fin ances in your country will never recover you're never going to recover now comma is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was was a con job they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that that progress in their daily liveses costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to complete it in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the bordar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedom hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with a you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a r but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than CR Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under CA Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing invest M and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be a so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away gun she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive All For You beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have theves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high aot a loaf of bread cost 50 % more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compar care what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back not going after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud ha itage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open B and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye can see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's has been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Cala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's simple we would have gotten along with the R I was looking forward to it I I was fine with the r you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris and CR Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IV F treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR-15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they work that go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels s so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal will I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the buddh isar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the buddh isar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceas fire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just based basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jew and they would vote for Cala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no randale the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with Iran you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under KLA Harris than crook Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crookell we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for star UPS to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all Chang your impression of people's no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy comma Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conab they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calcul how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the P pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially as our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create and earn Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border our whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the bordar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedom hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I respond with a you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than crook Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crooked showell we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of Who We Are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning they you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all changed your impression of people's access no I didn't uh look if you take away a gun she want wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under Comm Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchild will'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dram rically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal will I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to complete it in 3 weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Kamala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victims she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choices is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own own body and not have her government tell her what to do he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a full-on assault on other hard poot hard one fundamental freedom hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Cala over me they should have their head examp if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of is of Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with a you know we hit them a couple of times pre hard but we would have been fine with a but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under KLA Harris and crook Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook Joo we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a con job they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chain have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back not after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the B border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan bard of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in 3 weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Kamal gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has that the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a full-on assault on other hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a Seas fire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel of Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Randal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done with him one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with the rent I was looking forward to it I I was fine with the r you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under KLA Harris than crook Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook show we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentlemen with four more years of Harish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby we'll be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her e economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily life lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of a America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down cost and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high yes a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan bard of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border our whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the buddh isar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the buddh isar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the buddh isar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the Vic she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open voters and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into La proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no irandal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with a r you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a r but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than crookie than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crooked showe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for this same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're profan family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all Chang your impression of people's access no I didn't uh look if you take away gun she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchild will have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a fail economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now comma is reportedly proposing communist price controls she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allly in Congress to kill the deal will I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border our whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the bordar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals so hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Kamala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe I don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with a you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than CR Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expens ensive under kamla Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treat because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun all change your impression of people's access no I didn't look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't want they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got a improved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down cost and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are Crea creting jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is INE affect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on over the counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to complet it in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala say she wants to talk about the Future No these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with ir you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here F richer under KLA Harris than CR Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crookell we had infl infation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you Canna do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world Frank very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous mendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating creting opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to create creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday product and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she she was the buddh isar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the buddh isar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the buddhis are you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those billions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open voters and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress pass passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and Ro hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no irand deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with Iran you know we hit them a couple of times breathe hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under KLA Harris than crook Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook showe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they never going to recover for all of those who are or no of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of Who We Are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $5,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for this same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attemp yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away gun she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe B the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been Run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation they're in inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophy in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their economic secur security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have aund million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the bordar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imag imine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Kamala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even and built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with a you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under KLA Harris than CR Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under Kamala Harris and crooked showe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $55,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away gun she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooker Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their INF reduction Act was a con job they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophy for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in 3 weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the IE can see you look at the other direction as far as the IE could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we buil much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention mention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Cala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broken we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with the rent I was looking forward to it I I was fine with the r you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here richer under comma Harris than CR Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while all also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those Millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a national abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no irand deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with Iran you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a r but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than crookie Joe than you were do during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook show we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attemp yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla harrris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price control and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastroph in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to complet it in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have aund million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to them families Camala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court report recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with the you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under KLA Harris than crookie Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under Kamala Harris and crooked Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump do you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business own owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all ch pression of people's access no I didn't uh look if you take away gun she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances in your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a con job they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that on unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of safety and security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan bard of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voice is heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with ir you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than CR Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of Who We Are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treat because we want more baby to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all Chang your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing h dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have theves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necess ities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to complete it in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore your reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Goan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no irandal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with the R I was looking forward to it I I was fine with the r you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accord does anyone here feel richer under kamla Harris than crook Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook show we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentlemen with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of Who We Are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $55,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren will have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years is we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal will I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the borders are you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Cala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with Iran you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than crookie Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook show we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's ass no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your fin finances in your country will never recover you're never going to recover now comma is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about everyone of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to complete it in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the bordar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victims she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedom hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United stat Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Kamala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with a r you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under Comm har than crook Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under CA Harris and crook Joo we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing in investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share INX in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be man mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all Chang your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away a gun she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the o of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive All For You beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now comma is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a con job they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and two protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down cost and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50 % more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now comp sh what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going there we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud her her itage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to complet it in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choic is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's has been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon as very simple we would have gotten along with the rent I was looking forward to it I I was fine with the r you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris and crook Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big Cor corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the I F treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun that all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren will'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they work that' go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a con job they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like the really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Kamala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala said she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just based basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no irandal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with ir you know hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham of course does anyone here feel richer under KLA Harris than crook Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook show we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentl nice gentlemen with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for star startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR-15 gun at all Chang your impression of people no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy comma Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calcul how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal will I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a 100 million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the bordar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the I can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the SA passed we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I'm I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with ir you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than CR Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under Kamala Harris and crooked showe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had in infation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic lead leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of Who We Are isn't that the best we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price control and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastroph in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to complete it in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border their whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have aund million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the bordar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into love proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a full-on assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 20124 even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court rept recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to I I was fine with the rent you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under kamla Harris than crookie Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under Kala Harris and crooked showe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or no of small business own owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treat because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all ch pression of people's access no I didn't uh look if you take away gun she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances in your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact OPP opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these theves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of safety and security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan bard of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye can see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard on fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voes heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United State Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going for forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Kamal over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with ir you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris and CR Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook show we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of Who We Are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share intax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more baby B to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead is a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances in your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necess ities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol indorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because it's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people said oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore your reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Cala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them gool Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no randel the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with the I was looking forward to it I I was fine with the you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham there's anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than BR Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentlemen with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of Who We Are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns k doing because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years is we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy KLA Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they work thatd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opp opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down cost and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate America Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal will I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the borders are you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like they really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and r hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Cala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Goan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with Iran you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under kamla Harris than Brookie Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the GL glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR-15 gun at all changed your impression of people's no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances in your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a con job they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announced is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call all an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create and earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the bordar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victims she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedom hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Kamala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easy I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with a you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris and crook Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under CA Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing in investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share intact in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will'll be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun'll change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away gun she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive All For You your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now comma is reported proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have G thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a Trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel she has been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel of Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with the rent I was looking forward to it I I was fine with the r you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under kamla Harris and crook Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crookell we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you GNA do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American Dre will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they work I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was is a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world or that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to imp OS what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like they really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye can see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Cala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceas fire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no irandal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with ir we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under kamla Harris than crookie Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crookell we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentlemen with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about to is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes and the fact that somebody used an AR-15 gun at all change your impression of access no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy KLA Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an ear Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border our whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have aund million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst Vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the B you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Kamala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hardfought hard one fundamental freedom and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for camalo over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with a you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under KLA Harris than crook Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of Who We Are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treat because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access no I didn't uh look if you take away gun wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just is not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal will I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Kamala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victims she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe I don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around Around the Clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no irand deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with a you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under kamla Harris and crook Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current TX tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all Chang your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the BHA and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we not going after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refused to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she hasn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as AA gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a seat fire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Randal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with the rent I was looking forward to it I I was fine with the rent you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under KLA Harris than crook Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook show we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentlemen with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will'll be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR-15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that weapon no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a con job they actually admitt that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an oper opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high yes a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a con job they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophy in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call and an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border of Patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into La I know I no we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to complet it in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border our whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have 100 million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the borders are you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mentioned the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will we go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with a you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under KLA Harris than crook Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under Kamala Harris and crooked showe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meetings space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $55,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're Pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all Chang your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away gun she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances in your country will never recover you're never going to recover now comma is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a con job they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastroph for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans at president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a na of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are Criminal crial are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye can see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will do not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have got along with the rent I was looking forward to it I I was fine with the r you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than P Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crooked Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are are or no of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatment expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite my comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren will'll have the American dream will be back with let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it the two but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a St and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most business businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the bdar you know why she says that because there never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like baby I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open bers and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other their hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no irand deal the problem is they didn't do anything with Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with ir you know we hit them a couple pretty hard but we would have been fine with a rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under kamla Harris than CR Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crookell we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's access to thaton no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy KLA Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the World frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but at least leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser fol focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on every every day products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to complete it in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals hardened criminals they make our criminals look like they really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Camala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when con Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 20124 even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for camalo over me they should have their head EX and if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with Iran you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than crookie Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook show we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are community Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $55,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in I as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all change your impression of people's no I didn't uh look if you take away a gun she wants to take away every gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and at Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances in your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a con job they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the Foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chain shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan a security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put up they could have had it completed in 3 weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Kamala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victims she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple come mala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Iran deal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with a you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris and CR Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with the person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of Harris your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are are know small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct m your newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite my comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it who about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all Chang your impression of people's access to that no I didn't uh look if you take away a gun she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now KLA is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela of the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol in endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had it completed in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border her whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because it's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye could see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women will we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceasefire done now the stakes in 2024 are even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Cala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Randal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with the ren I was looking forward to it I I was fine with the r you know we hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with the rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham Accords does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than CR Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gent nice gentlemen with four more years of Harish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds community ities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun that all change your impression of people's access to that weon no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive prices down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a door nail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're going to have the American Dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren will have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go often times the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she wants price controls and if they worked thatd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but uh they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress still we know that many Americans don't yet feel that progress in their daily lives costs are still too high and on a deeper level for too many people no matter how much they work it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity econ economy an opportunity economy and key key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class it is essential the middle class is one of America's greatest strengths and to protect it then we must defend basic principles such as your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life when I am elected president I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans as president I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans like the cost of food we all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high a lot a loaf of bread cost 50% more today than it did before the pandemic look I know most businesses are creating jobs contributing to our economy and playing by the rules but some are not and that's just not right and we need to take action when that is the case at now compare what Donald Trump plans to do he wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries that will devastate Americans it will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs a trump tax on gas a trump tax on food a trump tax on clothing a trump tax on overthe counter medication at this moment when everyday prices are too high he will make them even higher and we're not going back we're not going back after decades in law enforcement I know the importance of Safety and Security especially at our border last year Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades the border patrol endorsed it but Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal well I refuse to play politics with our security and here is my pledge to you as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law I know I know we can live up to our proud Heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border all they had to do is put it up they could have had to complet it in three weeks but they said let's have open borders now she said I want she came out and she said last night oh we have to have a border our whole life is about open borders and if they win there's no border we'll have a hundred million people come in from the rest of the world she doesn't know what she's doing she's the worst vice president SL Bazar she was the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying she's not I don't want to get you in trouble but she's the Bazar all of a sudden she's saying I'm not the Bazar you know why she says that because there's never been a border in the whole world that's leaked like this border with all those millions and millions of criminals coming through many of them are criminals are hardened criminals they make our criminals look like they really look like babies I built hundreds of miles of this by the way as far as the eye can see you look at the other direction as far as the eye can see and then I'd hear people say oh he didn't build the wall we built the wall we built much more than I was anticipated to build as Camala gives her convention speech tonight she will not mention the victim she won't even talk about them although now that she sees us maybe she will she'll not say their names or Express remorse to their families Cala say she wants to talk about the future no these people want to go back to the safe past we don't have a future with open borders and all of the other problems this country has the choice is simple kamala's Mass amnesty of criminals or president Trump's Mass deportation of criminals I think that's pretty easy ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom like the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do if he wins Donald Trump will go further he will sign a National Abortion ban you best believe why don't they trust women well we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law proudly and across our nation in addition to that we are witnessing a fullon assault on other hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and right hold up for a second let me let me just say something let me just say something we are fighting for a democracy everyone has a right and should have their voices heard I am speaking now but on the subject I will say this the president and I are working around the clock we've got to get a hostage deal done and get a ceas fire done now the stakes in 2024 even higher because consider that the United States Supreme Court recently just basically told the former president that going forward he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the White House understand what it now means and imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails she's been very very bad to Israel and she's been very bad to Jewish people and I say it if anybody I know is Jewish and they would vote for Camala over me they should have their head exam if you think about it I gave them Golan Heights I gave them the capital of Israel Jerusalem I built the I even built the embassy I gave them no Randal the problem is they didn't do anything with it Iran was broke we could have made a deal so easily I would have had a deal done within one week after the election with Iran Iran can't have a nuclear weapon it's very simple we would have gotten along with Iran I was looking forward to it I I was fine with Iran you know we' hit them a couple of times pretty hard but we would have been fine with a rent but I got them I terminated that deal I got them the Abraham ACC cours does anyone here feel richer under comma Harris than crookie Joe than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crook show we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harrison Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentl nice gentlemen with four more years of harrish your finances will will never recover they're never going to recover for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we are and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you can do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it about the assassination attempt yes did the fact that somebody used an AR15 gun at all changed your impression of people's no I didn't uh look if you take away guns she wants to take away everyone's gun if you take away guns can't do it because people need the guns for protection starting the day I take the oath of office I will rapidly Drive price is down and we will make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream was dead and it is dead it's dead as a doornail they'll never bring it back unless we win if we win we're gonna have the American dream alive all for your beautiful children your grandchildren we'll have the American dream will be back with us let's go over some big facts and some very substantial truths about where we stand as a country because we're a failing Nation because of the way it's been run for the last three and a half years we're a failing Nation people are coming into our country by the millions and millions and millions we have no idea who they are where they come from but we're also a failing economy kamla Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy broke the border and broke the world frankly very destructive to the entire world because as we go oftentimes the world goes she destroys everything she touches and if she wins your finances and your country will never recover you're never going to recover now kamla is reportedly proposing communist price control she want price controls and if they worked I'd go along with it too but they don't work they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect but it leads to food shortages rationing hunger dramatically more inflation their inflation reduction act by the way was a disaster it's what caused the inflation their inflation reduction Act was a conob they actually admitted that it wasn't really for inflation that they did it they don't know why they did it but they named it the inflation reduction act which was a very nice name got approved based on that unfortunately people didn't understand it I understood it I said that's going to cause tremendous inflation and it did among other things like energy she's running on the Maduro plan we call it the Maduro plan like something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country and be on that a catastrophe in the world heard of that you can rob a store and you have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is and as president of the United States it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress

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