Harbaugh again a liar and maybe passes torch to coach Prime
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:04:19
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: jim harbaugh
hello everybody it's been a while been pretty busy had a lot of stuff going on but it's time to get back to things so I'm going to do a short one here and then get into some stuff that's a little bigger uh the short one here is going to be I hate to say it man but it's going to be of our good old buddy Harbaugh I mean he just he got me going again right so that's the reason why I'm back doing this again I mean I I see now that he says that he is uh no he's going to concentrate on the team he's not going to go to the uh opening of the season and be their special guest and come on we all know that's a lie nothing would make Harbaugh happier for his narcissism than to stand up there and be me me me everybody look at me that's what he lives for that's especially for the football right I mean so this is a lie I mean it's on a weekend that he doesn't even have a game it's on the by- weekend he can fly there and fly back the whole process could take probably a what 10 hours if he wanted it to um it it's a lie the reason why he is not going to be there is because he's once again being found for more violations as they dig in more into this guy they figure out that this douchebag did more stuff and more stuff and of course he's saying he didn't do anything and he's left his poor other coach there kind of taking the blunt of things and he might even now face some suspensions which is too bad because you know he follow the cult leader you know and that's Harbaugh Harbaugh is basically a Jim Jones you know David rushh um that's what he does to people he like gives you this feeling he gives into you he sells you so much I love you love you love you love but the second that you're not needed anymore you're worth nothing to him if you're hurt or if you get traded you're suddenly oh you weren't that good of a player or you weren't that important or you know he's gone whatever you know so just remember this people that are playing for him now cuz I just saw a player on his team saying oh Coach Harbaugh is All In All In Harbaugh yeah you'll see how all in he is you'll see what he does I mean you got to remember I mean he was cheating against Western Michigan I mean his team was going to beat them by 40 points no matter what I mean and he still had a cheat against Western Michigan I mean the guy is sick beyond belief um there there's so many other issues with him you know it's just once again he's really just not worth too much more of the time to get into um it's it's just good that he's out of college football now and that is the most important thing um let's see the other thing though we have to watch out for though in college football now is coach slime yep coach slime coach I guess you want to call him Coach Prime he was a great player he was a lot of fun um but he's got some ethics issues as well and um you know he's he's going to do some bad things he's already ruining some kids I mean he's kicking kids out you know he just he just just has no respect for anything only what he believes is what you got to believe once again he is another cult leader sort of a person uh he'll build you up like you can't believe you'll think that you're in this greatest world that you can't believe until he turns on you then you it just comes crashing down and it's sad for these kids so just be aware of that um and he's you know he's he's just torn teams apart already and just sent kids into disarray and he doesn't care you know he's he can act like he cares about the kids he doesn't he doesn't he cares about him and his kids and his family I I do believe that yes but um once again we just got to go back to Let's hopefully he's not as bad as I think he's so far shown to be and let's go back once again though to Hara and Hara hopefully you're not going to be at uh the Chargers very long I'm sure you know poor Herbert is having issues with you being on the team I mean he knows that you're a douchebag from the beginning so you're probably trying doing everything to win his heart over and telling him every lie to pump him up and tell him how great great great great and you you and me me and everything like that but you know hey once again keep on drinking the juice and follow the Harbaugh all the way down have yourself a good day and let's get into some funner stuff yeah I guess