I drank a 25 year old Dale Earnhardt Jr. Coke. Did it still have fizz? Will I get sick?

all right everybody here we are sitting in a 1960 Sunliner convertible with a 1999 Dale herart Jr cocacola full of soda so what's that mean that means we're going to have to drink this thing I mean what better way to celebrate sitting in this cool old car than to be drinking a cool old bottle of soda so you're going to wish you knew what this tasted like and I'm going to know what this tastes like oh yeah check it out there it is it's dusty got some kind of lettering here very dusty that cap looks like some bug diet on it all right all right so here we go I had to find this contraption to open this because yeah you I don't think you need to do this nowadays um I'm going to drink this thing all right see if this will work oh almost grabbed it I take if this isn't the right Contraption I think we'll get it though maybe not might have to stop and get a real bottle opener oh I heard a [Music] Sizzle okay there we go Dale nhart Jr [Music] oh smell that you know what that smells like smells like Coca-Cola classic yeah straight from the '90s do you remember 1999 I do some of you weren't even born in 1999 well this soda [Music] was some good stuff does it have any Fizz I don't hear [Music] any no little bit of bite though still Pricks at your tongue a little bit but no Fizz I guess that's just the Coca-Cola classic in it all right all right so Dale Earnhart Jr 1999 cocacola in 1999 besides making this soda here they had some kind of Mars rover that was launched yeah maybe this one to Mars and back tastes like it Bill Clinton did something yeah 99 um Y2K yeah some of you might know what Y2K is I so do the makers of this soda so there we are I drank it you didn't Dale nhart Jr cocacola bottle from 1999 you wish I got it 8 oz I thought I was drinking 12 oz here yeah it tastes like 12 [Music] oz I see some bubbles yeah there's some Fizz in there still yeah you still watching huh I'm still drinking wonder what Bill Clinton did yeah maybe he went to Marsh on that Rover get away from Y2K I think I ate a burrito once at Taco Bell 1999 that back when burit were affordable chili cheese burrito Chilito I think that's what they would call it Chilito

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