The Iranian Civil War || The New Order USA Lets Play - Part 71

[Music] what's up it's time for another episode of Let's Play 4 new orderers America let's continue on from where we last left off so we are currently uh watching The Watchmen we're going to get our way down to the end of our tree down here and I'm wondering what we want to do uh regarding Uche and regarding um Italy and her Colony hard it's hard to say a monetary embolism Lum disaster has been avoided for now and oil flows again freely through America's veins thanks to our oil rationing and price setting and the expansion of our domestic petroleum industry now the citizens can once again drive up their uh drive to their dead end jobs and heat up their TV diners without fear of impediment and thank goodness for that because without oil America would come apart like a house of cars and a tropical typhoon nevertheless we can't let ourselves become complacent the turmoil in the Middle East doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon and although the brunt of the crisis has been inverted for the time being if the violent escalates we can't expect a similar chaotic impact on Americans Market our oil supplies have already stretched pretty far and going and the worst uh it gets the more Draconian our response will have to be to just keep the window wheel spinning frankly the reports are coming in from our men in the Middle East are gathering a bleer by the day oil distribution is still far uh from secure and it appears that if none of the player uh players have the power to end this conflict quickly we've already won I don't know if you know this or not more worryingly we have just received a report from the CIA about several U Nations joining into a single political entity but who say if that's accurate all report all kinds of rumors are pouring in and and getting more and more difficult to separate the truth from the basic gossip right now there's no way to tell which way the wind is blowing and what kind of uncertainty isn't going to be good for anybody we'll have to wait to see but at least it seems like the worst has been avoided for now which is good we are building presumably I think an old [Music] plane new Prime Minister of Australia you are jet strategic bombers better tactical bombers as well where are the Tactical bombers there you guys are get those guys going and we want to keep on just breaking Germany let's disrupt the Borman regime we need the money to do it so I I see no reason not to right at least that's uh how I see it for now I mean Iran at some point they also should break out into Civil War right because that's again that happened with when we play Germany so presumably we that should happen with Iran as well but I mean there's also maybe the possibility because we won the war in the Middle East so fast they're not going to explode but that doesn't seem [Music] likely but I don't remember what year um Iran exploded now having said that I expect it to happen immediately cuz that that seems to happen all the time Global conflict's active is it time for another round of another round of you yes it is we need better we need better reputation okay let's go for g a positive press run a positive campaign we're going to appeal to Independence do I want to do any of you uh I don't know let's leak the the appeal is just who they're appealing to which I don't care about let's let's leak the tone negative well if that's the case I mean again we have to go negative for negative right if I'm remembering information uh Tone If you positive uh they go negative we'll not be able to defend ourselves goes both ways um both sides run negative attack very little problem we made in that cycle if run too many negative attack reputation will be severely hindered so but it see it seems like we need to go if they go negative like we have to go negative it's it's uh we got to drag ourselves down to their their level change tone Oh yeah cuz reputation that's that's making I think we need to do this I you know we you keep it at positive [ __ ] it man just for the time being I know we have a lot of political power we could do it but I don't have to I mean I guess we could have like cuz this makes it less effective you know I have so much political power [ __ ] it okay change tone we want to go negative to the independence and foreign policy let's just like bug Japan a little bit now AR resistance does Germany have anything they can do against us I don't feel like we've ever had any popups being like Germany's intervening um by providing more support for the Nationalist or something like that I don't I don't feel like we've seen something similar so many radar stations huh um what what do we want we could build AA guns in France no we can't I lied to you I tricked you I'm sorry for that missile silos builds and stores uh this building stores and launch XMS which we already have a ton of I guess we can go for what's what what's what military base actually give us recruit population Factor organization 7.6 mobilization speed prisons more stability more compliance growth using prison in poor more populated states such as I Ohio will improve stability by .5% but I mean it's already maxed out research speed production efficiency cap and offices are for political power gain you know what let's build some offices more political power game we build those up here here and here just kind of get those guys all going I think someone did say there's like a map mode that you can look at that'll be like what's most [Music] effective it seems like everything is going to be in uh Illinois so if actually this is the case okay wait one second one second construction administrating offices cancel all of [Music] you so offices our best in Michigan Ohio and Illinois so I guess we'll get them building there I know you're probably thinking it's probably like a little late to be looking at this one but that's fine Schools Michigan and New York which I guess I probably shouldn't be looking at this the whole time huh that's okay hospitals in Ohio and it seems like California could also benefit a little bit hospitals Barracks is in uh these provinces as well and by provinces I mean States and then prisons illino Ohio a little bit of New Jersey as well okay so I guess we'll kind of build it up like so I mean that seems good again I mean why do we wait this long okay well there we go there is the uh the Iranian war is going to be getting any second now and of course we're going to be funding the antisha Coalition which is made up of the Communists the Liberals the the islamist not everybody a little bit of everybody's going to be involved in there I got a feel I got a like a sinking feeling we're going to lose Iceland by the way did we actually get any points for um for winning in the Middle East oil chice Victory 120 so I'm assuming that you guys have lost points tur was African crisis oil crisis minus 90 and then you guys probably also negative 150 total defeat this just just a shame honestly just like really bad like what what was our what what are what are our defeats the Philippines okay I mean we we got like a half Victory there Madagascar I mean it's not German that's something the invasion of dein yeah I'll agree with that Colombia Haiti can't win them all okay cuz you're still socialist right you are you send volunteers to The Republic no to the sand front how are they how are you guys actually doing again like it's just stalemates it's because they have no divisions at all because they have no divisions they can't uh they don't want to attack I mean I guess we could theoretic I was going to say we can send weapons some of them that we can't that is not uh that's been locked out of the mod I should have known that that that's my bad entirely okay actually they' they've collapsed we're going to run up another positive message we are going to appeal to the independence do I need to do any of you a 27 leak negative info harm the reputation among Independence I'm going to take it destroy evidence of leaking right now the pro ofn independent Coalition is likely to form yes yes yes yes the 280 there's destroying it like can you get if you fail does this make it more likely to leak ah we have points anyway do it sure so I'm guessing SF is probably Pro no we're liberal conservative I'm assuming the AF are the The Independents liberal conservatives Pro us and probably the SF is pro Germany Irani in Civil War I guess they're not even necessarily Pro Germany there's really anti-n which is kind of the same thing the Iranian Civil War in recent years we have seen Persia become a white reading ground of oppos of Oppression and Ruth's authoritarianism during the rule of the pavi pressers from Berlin and Tokyo have caused a cave in for the fragile political structure of the once proud Nation for the people are starting to speak against out against tyranny and our shining opportunity uh is developing itself right before our eyes the national front formerly outlawed under the Shaw's one party Dynasty has made a Resurgence in the local population and every class seems to show its support Farmers soldiers and noblemen alike in a surprising referendum directed The Parliament the people Demand free elections freedom of speech Freedom religion among others the result over 200 Freedom Fighters dead over a th wounded angered at this sight Democratic politicians um speak to continue uh speak out against the Sha all while building up a competent Army in the southern half of the country along the zago's mountains and the Persian Coast a constitution was a signed and in the new Republic of Iran succeeded only a few hours ago Persia is the Gate of through which the Caucasus India Central Asia and the Middle East can be accessed we also don't want the barbaric German eagle spreading its talents over the O Reser in Iran with a friendly government any chance of Germany that the Germans have at filling up their panzers with Persian oil is Slim it's the Liberals win this conflict we could um they could be our experiment with democracy in the region a Beacon of Hope for all the people in the Middle East we have we must be Hasty the fail democracy is already on the defensive so we need to make sure that the Revolutionary Irani Liberation Front wins as quickly as possible if you remember from the Germany campaign I have spoilers if you want to go back and watch Germany which you should do you should go back and watch Germany we were able to hold out as Iran long enough that the Coalition split and that all these smaller factions began fighting one fighting amongst themselves which allowed us as Germany to actually uh conquer everything so with that in mind we need to first crush the Imperial State as quickly as we possibly can uh let's denounce Japanese imperialism because that's always a fun time oh you know we can do uh war on passes as well we we have we have the points we have the points so what do we want to do foreign policies send you as volunteers I mean okay why are you already like halfway done we can send one more volunteer unit to the Democratic Republic of Iran let's send those gu oh we can actually do again hey let's go uh once one of the few allies belong to Germany in the Middle East Iran has recently imploded into the Civil War following the death of it sha Mohammad reja pavi a largely unpopular figure following that is overthrowing of prime minister Muhammad de and the establishment of the proj regime as the instability of the region has become a threatening to boil over since the beginning of the old crisis it seems only natural that the death of its leader the partisans of Iran have made their move for power okay so Democratic Republic of Iran which is kind of a bit of a mismatch here we can send looks like three units so let's send what what's the train here desert mountains and more deserts okay okay so which of our divisions is best suited to deal with mountain [Music] combat there's so many train types okay mountain is marshes forest mountain 20% attack and 50% defense for our basic infantry okay and they're at 384 240 1,11 pretty good you guys are going to take a massive penalty for being in mountains 34% so we do not send you for sure tanks 38% 53 on movement reasonable what about the Marines 25% attack 25% attack 50% uh movement no defensive bonuses that mean they seem 535 268 versus I mean they they just seem better their breakthrough better as well 5.56 I mean they pretty good why why are our Marines so strong I get maras have like better stats uh infantry yeah they they just they're just better than infantry are normally okay that's fine then actually before we do this um can I make my Marines better like right now you have to attack helicopters can I send anything else to bolster your attack even more from 550 678 for the air assault [Music] company we have you we have you we have you we have you we have you we have you okay that's [ __ ] what if I throw in more um [Music] Marines that's an anti-tank unit like what if we get you up to like a 24 26 combat width what are you at right now right now you're at 22 wait does it increase combat width it does [Music] huh if I remove them with that no that wouldn't shrink it h whatever throw in the airsa company save those bad boys up let's get three Marine divisions we will throw you underneath General Charles bone steal the third absolutely okay once again you've broken if I click you enough though you will fix yourself can I send you air volunteers I can as well excellent and what do we want to send what do we have in the region right now fighter Wings bomber Wings strategic fighters let's send you guys we might as well do more Crown grus to uh bolster our efficiency also I want to make sure we do a quick little save so I can get a thumbnail and again when is Iceland's election June of 71 and does it actually say 17 days for another media cycle did they change their tone no no we we didn't we didn't spy all one this time okay this is fine National Focus we've watched The Watchmen let's beat back the southern bullies little dangerous Progressive huh I don't know what else can do honestly genuinely I have no idea no no no clue when are volunteers going to get there they will be there on the 12th so tomorrow the president sent out a long note this afternoon to all the state police directors regarding procedures and routines for handling cases where police officers get reported for un inappropriate conduct both illegal actions and behavior contrary to police code for too many years have police officers been allowed to take a break for 6 months while recovering and then come back to the force as if nothing ever happened for even more serious cases early retirement has been the norm this is not and never was okay it is a custom path that systematically gives police officers the fom to exercise their power beyond their their mandate it pardons police officers who accidentally shoot innocent people and even worse crimes ceny sent a clear message to the police in our nation that such an action will no longer be tolerated a note was leaked to the press and progresses across the country celebrate the president's clear voice in the matter robing Democrat voters are more skeptical conservatives and the Republicans argue that the President should not interfere with the judicial branch that the President should keep his powers limited to the executive domain Democrats on the other hand are more concerned that this might uh limit police efficiency the results of Candy's routines are of course yet to be seen they may be good despite any criticism going to spend might uh bit more money we'll progressively Whittle away racism we're still seen as a danger Progressive do please like don't get assassinated are you on the Iranian Aid bill just as morning Congress passed the Iranian Aid bill with the exceptable majority giving us the power to send volunteers and Military advisers to the National front forces until our equipment can't reach the Persian Coast we've invested $100 million to keep the Liberals fighting furthermore this bill will ensure our lasting cooperation with the Republic of Iran and we have now committed to keeping the Cradle lit for as long as possible already as the money flows into the newly established Nation the locals have been praising us for our Swift efforts we've also been given positive reports from the population here and it seems people are more eager to combat depression Iran than in any other war in the past decade cannot fail the public now War goes up get 25 political power we spend .1 billion and we're going to give the Democratic Republic a lot of uh a lot of nice things so does that allow me to do more stuff with you I can send you equipment and I can give you some money well let's send you equipment I will say we're kind of getting now a little bit lower for the political power front but we should be okay mil oh yeah the austerity the austerity is not great how long until the a is over uh economy macro does it say it probably says in here somewhere right you last until the 23rd of August okay so it's still quite a while Bring Our Truth towards aan I mean towards tan and I would say with that I think this going be a good time for to end of this episode so if you enjoy thumbs up not enjoy always thumb down you want to see more subscribe and goodbye

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