Category: Sports
Alors une une canadienne au lanc du [applaudissements] [applaudissements] julia alors bon vous voyez le le le [applaudissements] pointier nous sommes dans la catégorie f34 en chaise en chaise bien sûr position assise julia haynes ancien record paralympique était de 14 188 elle qui a lancé 15 m 36 cette... Read more
Category: Sports
Bienvenue à cette 2e session de paraathlétisme alors 2è vague de qualification du 400 m chez les dames t47 amanda roumerie 27 ans du canada qui avait terminé 4e au championnat du monde à paris c'est parti ah bon départ pour andrad qui cherche à réduire l'écart entre les deux très rapide andrade qui... Read more
Category: Sports
Katy ccri bronze medalist at your first par olympic games um i'm not thrilled with the time but obviously i'm thrilled with the position and i'm really happy with how i raced it and i'm just i don't have a i don't have a lot of words i'm just really excited you were third at the wall fourth pretty much... Read more
Category: Sports
Place maintenant au 50 m style libre s6 chez les femmes dans le corridor numéro 6 la canadienne originaire de saskatoun âgé de 28 ans shelby newirk 4e temps le plus rapide ce matin lors des qualifications pour newkirk c'est sa deè finale paralympique malheureusement avait terminé 9e à cette épreuve... Read more
Category: Sports
Aurélie on a vu ce qui s'est passé ici avec léon marchand est-ce qu'une foule peut faire marger plus vite je pense que oui en est surtout après avoir l'expérience ai vide à toko de voir un aussi plein je pensais pasevre ça depuis ça fait depu je pense que ça pas été aussi enlevant c'est tellement motivant... Read more
Category: Sports
Celle que l'on attend aurélie rivard la plus rapide lors des qualifications ce matin si bien qu'on la retrouve dans le couloir numéro 4 elle est double championne paralympique en titre donc médaille d'or à rio et à tokyo dans cette épreuve et triple championne du monde en titre 2019 2022 2023 elle détient... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] that is your chance to be hey kid don't ever let them get inside your head they'll tell you what to do in like instead of everything you know that you could get don't let them guide your life towards your gret i'll fight for what i love is every breath my past is filled with things i won't forget... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] that is your chance to be hey kid don't ever let them get inside your head they'll tell you what to do in like instead of everything you know that you could get don't let them guide your life towards your gret i'll fight for what i love is every breath my past is filled with things i won't forget... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] that is your chance to be hey kid don't ever let them get inside your head they'll tell you what to do in like instead of everything you know that you could get don't let them guide your life towards your gr i'll fight for what i love with every breath my past is filled with things i won't forget... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] that is your chance to be hey kid don't ever let them get inside your head they'll tell you what to do in like instead of everything you know that you could get don't let them guide your life towards your gret i'll fight for what i love is every breath my past is filled with things i won't forget... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] that is your chance to be hey kid don't ever let them get inside your head they'll tell you what to do in like instead of everything you know that you could get don't let them guide your life towards your gret i'll fight for what i love is every breath my past is filled with things i won't forget... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] that your chance to be hey kid don't ever let them get inside your head they'll tell you what to do in life instead of everything you know that you could get don't let them guide your life towards your gret i'll fight for what i love with every breath my past is fill with things i won't forget... Read more